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Dear Dr. Damberger,
I was hoping that you could help me produce properly formatted chemical shift data that can be used as input for the MATCH automatic assignment program in UNIO_10.
In particular, MATCH requires gss or cara_ss formatted files as input (a list of linked spins with a spin system ID)
- g. (gss format) spinsysid CA CA-1 CB CB-1 etc 1 54 55 23 18 2 55 52 40 23 3 58 53 32 33 .. ..
Is there a .lua script I can use to convert linked shift data into gss format?
I've succesfully used your WriteInputForMars.lua script to create a file that can be used by MATCH (gss format). However, this script only works for spin systems that have already been assigned to specific residues.
Thanks for you help.
Best regards,
3 months and 8 days old
I assigned sidechain i-1 13C & 1H resonances in (H)CCCONH and H(CCCO)NH TOCSY spectra but when I export a prot file the assignments do not appear. For example, in Polyscope when I import the peak list the CA & CB assignments for Arg5 appear on the Leu6 peak list labeled "CA R5" & "CB R5". So far so good. But when I make the CG assignment for Arg5 in the HN strip of Leu6 I only have the option of the i-1 assignments. The label then appears with "CG-1 L6" instead of being CG R5. These sequential assignments do not appear in list of assignments for Arg5 and are subsequently not exported to the prot file. How can I do this?
3 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
When you make assignments like CG-1
a spin is created in the system you picked them in. These are called projected spins
because they have a nonzero offset
(in this case -1). When you write out the assignments to an external file only spins in their own system are written (spins with zero offset). This is in order to avoid redundancy between projected spins (e.g. CG-1
in system i+1) and origin system spins (e.g. CG
in system i).
CA and CB probably appear in your assignments because you assigned them directly as CA and CB in their own spin-system using experiments like HNCA and HNCACB that include intraresidue correlations.
In the CARA wiki section "Tutorials" there is a link to "Heteronuclear Sidechain assignment". There you will find the relevant section "Working with HCCONH-type spectra":
Best Regards,
I am very new to CARA and I gone through it's website and I found it is having more features than any other prog like sparky or Top spin. I have downloaded the template given over the website which is Start1.3v8.cara, but now I am unable to setup new project for my 2D-Tocsy spectrum. I can open my spectrum in monoscope but am not able to set up repository so that I can use Homoscope for the assignment. Here are some basic problems which I have faced firstly, after adding sequence, I am not able to put atomlist and spin system for each residue. Second I am not able to add spectrum as there is no such option when I put right click over the spectra nod.
I know it is a very basic thing and I am sorry for such a silly querry but I am very much helpless. I hope I am not bothering you much and it will be greatful if you help me in setting up my repository so that I can use such a wonderful tool for my simple experiment 2D-tocsy and Noesy.
Thank you
3 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Hi Himanshu, welcome to CARA. It sounds like you may not have loaded the template before setting up your project. Without a template loaded, there are no ResidueTypes or SpectrumTypes defined.
See here for help with loading the template:
Are you starting from a new protein with no assignments available? In that case, next you load the sequence to create a new project:
Alternatively, if you have assignments available from a BMRB deposit, you don't need to load the sequence. You can create a project from the BMRB .str file. See the bottom part of
Next you can load the spectra into your newly created project:
Both 2D NOESY and 2D TOCSY should be available since they are included in the template file Start1.3v8.cara.
If you started a fresh project without BMRB assignments then there are initially no spin-systems associated with the residues and no atomlist. These you build up gradually during the assignment process.
As you recognized, you will work mostly with HomoScope since you only have homonuclear 2D spectra available. PolyScope is an alternative which has the same functions as HomoScope but includes the ability to work with 3D spectra. MonoScope will not help you during assignment. It is intended for work with Peaklists which are not needed for the assignment process. Hints on this process can be found here:
It may be helpful if you also had a 2D COSY or DQF-COSY available to support assignment of the sidechains.
If you find questions you posed in this issue are unanswered, please add a follow up to this issue. If you have other questions that you cannot find answers to in the CARA documentation then please start a new issue.
Dear Fred,
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply and I really appreciate your help. I will try all these things and I have one more doubt if you don't mind. I am working on small peptides of 20 amino acid long and all tocsy and noesy spectra are recorded in bruker 600 MHz and I have all the raw files in rr format. I will try to make my project in CARA using these files but is it possible to make BMRB file from these rr files. If possible please let me know the way and second thing can you tell me is it possible by CARA to prediction of assignment after selecting the peaks? Or If you don't mind can you tell me the step wise assignment process in homoscope or polyscope?
Thanks a lot and I really appreciate the work you people are doing.
Best Regards, Himanshu
BMRB .str files
By "BMRB .str file" I mean depositions at the Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank located here:
I mentioned this in my first followup to your issue because there are two ways to set up a project in CARA. If someone else already worked on your protein or peptide and made a deposition to the BMRB then you can download this file as a .str file. It contains the sequence and chemical shifts of the molecule. This file can be opened with CARA to create a project.
See the bottom of this page:
This can also be useful if you intend to assign a molecule very similar to one that is deposited at BMRB.
If you are working with a molecule that has not been assigned yet then you will have to start from scratch.
See the top of this page:
Spectra types
In either case you will want to load spectra into your project. CARA recognizes many standard spectrum formats including brukers 2rr files.
Automated assignment
CARA does not offer automated assignment of 2D spectra. However, a 20 residue peptide can be assigned manually in a reasonable time.
Manual assignment
Follow the instructions here under Homonuclear assignment but skip step 1 which is no longer needed:
Hi Fred and Rochus,
I could not find a detailed description of the Lorentz/Gauss peak model in CARA. I assume it is some kind of Voigt profile approximation. It would be nice if you could provide the formula used and a description for the parameters balance
, weight
and gain
in its context.
6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Hi Alex, Have a look at and the equations in §4.5.1, eg. Eq. 12. Best regards Rochus
For presentation/publication purpose, I always obtain a PDF format spectrum from Cara PrintPreview. However, when a few spectra are overlaid, it is quite inconvenient to adjust contour level of each spectrum to get the best presentation of the overlay picture. Cara provides "Auto contour level" and "Set auto gain" functions, but the results have not been satisfactory for me. Topspin does it much better.
Will it be difficult to program PrintPreview, so that the contour level of individual spectrum in the overlay can be adjusted separately?
10 months and 8 days old
I just realized that I "complained" about this function before. Sorry..., if no new solution yet, please ignore this track.
Could you provide a link to the original issue as follow-up to this issue describing this feature request?
I agree that it would be useful to have the same type of control over print preview (set contour levels ) as available for Monoscope. For the test case I used, autocontour worked pretty well. It behaves best if you exclude intense signals (solvent, diagonal) from the zoomed region since autocontour sets the lowest level based on the AVERAGE intensity in the selected region. Ofcourse this is not always an option and therefore I can see the need to control the contours of individual spectra separately using "set contour levels".
I mentioned in 2008 with title "Print preview improvement ". However, I think that I explained more clear here. It would give users much better control if contour level of each spectrum can be adjusted separately in a spectral overlay situation.
To me, sometimes the signal intensity of top spectrum (HSQC) appears too strong and completely covered the underneath spectrum/spectra. If I use "set contour levels", there is no popup window asking me which spectrum to adjust, and it would change all spectra, not just the one I wanted.
To demonstrate what I meant, I attached two 1h-15N HSQC spectra to be overlapped for your testing, spectrum 1 on top, 2 on bottom. The goal is to have signals from spectrum 1 relatively small, so we can still see signals from spectrum 2 for comparison, while keeping the noise invisible. Thank you,
Hi Fred-
I have a quick question. How can I generate error bar after integrating and exporting the peaks from PRE or heteronucler NOE data?
I have only one set of data in each experiment.
Appreciate your time.
8 months and 6 days old
I tried to open HCCH-TOCSyali with Synchscope, which alwasy show me the error message" Empty key sets: at least two dimension with a final label required". Also, I can not open HCCHTocsy in Systemscope, but I can open HCCCONH with systemscope. Any ideas to fix this problem.
Use the right scopes for the right spectra:
Backbone assignment PolyScope or StripScope: triple-resonance spectra anchored on H-N like HNCA, HNCO, HNCACB, HcccoNH, CccoNH etc
Sidechain assignment SystemScope: HCCH-TOCSYali, HCCH-COSYali, etc you must load them into the project in the right orientation and also open them using SystemScope(rotated) in the right orientation.
For additional advice see the Tutorials on backbone and sidechain assignment on the cara wiki
I don't understand that when I pick an unknown correlation peak in stripscope, CARA adds many peaks that don't match with anything on the spectrum apparently. The result of that is a peak list with over than 18000 peaks that CARA refuses to integrate. What can I do to solve this problem ? Thank you for your help.
Chrystel Beaufils
I am a new user of CARA and new to the field of NMR.
I am using Systemscope (rotated) as indicated in a CARA wiki protocol: - HCCH-TOCSY: Hinept dimension Z, Ctocsy Y, and Cinept X - HCCH-TOCSY: Hinept dimension Y, Ctocsy X, and Cinept Y
I use it to assign the H's and further C's of the sidechains based on the Ca, Cb assignments I get from the backbone.
As indicated in the protocol I use different set of anchors for different assignments (Ca-Cb=Ha, Cb-Ca=Hb, etc). However the peak for the specific H I want to assign always returns in different anchor sets, but with different intensity.
Now my (maybe naive) question is: -What do these anchors specifically indicate? -Why do I need to use specific sets of anchors depending on what I want to assign?
These questions I could unfortunately not get answered until now.
Thanks, Peter
1 year and 13 days old
Hi Peter, welcome to CARA! An anchor is a pair of spins which define the X and Z dimension of a strip. Usually they are connected through a single bond in the structure. When you pick a new shift in the strip of SystemScope you create a new spin in the spin-system of the anchor pair. This new spin is used to predict additional correlations in any strip that they are expected to occur in. Depending on which strip you look at, the intensity of peaks involving this spin may be stronger or weaker (because TOCSY transfer efficiency depends on the network of intervening spin couplings involved in TOCSY mixing).
The anchors are used for defining the regions of the 3D spectrum displayed in the strips. They are generated dynamically by CARA and are not fixed objects you need to construct. What matters in the end is the spin-systems which you build up (your assignments) and whether CARA displays crosspeak symbols (generated with peak inference) which conincide with real peak maxima.
It's a pity that CARA is not developed for a long time because it is an excellent software! I just suggest that the author make CARA to be an open source software, so other peoples could make further development and bug-fix.
1 year and 2 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Can CARA read NMRView spectra in future?
I used NMRView in the past, and I want to immigrate to CARA. But I have a lots of spectra of NMRView format(*.nv) which CARA can not read them now. Since the nv files are generated by nmrPipe, while CARA can read nmrPipe files, so maybe it is not very difficult to make CARA read nmrview files. If CARA can read nmrview files, it will save much time for re-processing and disk spaces.
7 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Do you have a specification of the .nv file format? I will then check how much work it would be to write an adapter. In positive case it would then also be necessary to have confirmed 2D and 3D spectrum pairs in .nv and an already supported format (e.g. Bruker or Xeasy). Cheers Rochus
I found only a simple description of the *.nv format on the page 10-11 of the book
The NMRView file contain a 2048 bytes header, and following submatrix of data. However, the detail description of the header is not found.
Of course I can provide the sample spectra in nv and pipe format. Here is a 2D HSQC spectrum. Where can I put the 3D spectrum?
Thanks for the information. I will try to get more information about the header and to develop an adapter. Cheers, Rochus
Did this ever lead to an adaptor for NmrView spectra?
I would also be interested in such an adaptor. I am currently converting my lab over from NMRViewJ to Cara. I have already re-processed my spectra so for me there is no big rush. Although it would be convenient if I ever have to go back to a previous group memeber's work.
In Olivia there is a converter which can convert spectra from nmrview to nmrPipe, and it is open source.
ht tp://
I hope this may help CARA to write the adptor:-)
Can anyone please tell me How to convert .nv (NMRView) file format to CARA format? I am new in NMR and I dont know much/anything and I have all spectrum files in .nv format
Please inform
From reading the followups preceeding your question there are a couple of options:
- Reprocess from NmrPipe to NmrPip format. 2. Use the converter in Olivia described by Yingang Feng.
I realized that the abovementioned script shifts specified shifts twice the Delta value provided by the user. Workaround: use Delta half as desired shift. A correction of the scipt would be nice.
1 year and 4 months and 2 weeks old
Try commenting out the line:
Project:setShift( Spin, Spin:getShift() + Delta )
A few lines later, you loop through all spectrum IDs to shift the aliases, but it includes specID 0, which is the unaliased spin. Without commenting the line out, you shift aliases once, but unaliased spins twice.
Thank you, now everything works fine. It would be nice, if the script on the download page could also be corrected. I checked this today, but it is still the old version.
Dear Cara Users,
have you folks encountered problems in integrating peaks in cara.. where you have substantial population of peaks having negative volumes. (though they have a positive amplitude)This happens when you have an overlap of two or more peaks.. (not sure if it is the only time it happens).. Is there a fix for this..
6 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
This is a known problem with high priority to fix it.
- You can make the linewidths of the peak model very small so there is no interaction between peaks or
- Run the script CopyPeakAmpToVol.lua from the CARA wiki CALUA page which copies the amplitudes to Volumes (i.e. raw intensities are stored in peaklist)
Here are two issue reports which describe the same problem.
Issue 0639 includes a repository with an example based on the Demo project
Issue 0652 is a short description of the same problem
Please find included a repository which demonstrates the problem. You can open it in the directory containing the Demo project and select the HSQC15N.nmr spectrum. Look at the comments in the Description Memo of the repository.
This bug is still present in cara_1.5.5 and cara_1.7.0a7.
This continues to be an issue for 1.8.1 (using the provided test repository in the followup). E.g. Peaks 4 and 141 have negative volumes even though the intensity at the peak position is positive. As long as Integrator behaves this way, it cannot reliably be used.
I tried this using 1.8.4a5. I still get the negative volumes which do not correspond to what is seen in the spectrum. I once proposed generating additional grid points to include in the matrix in order to make Integrator more robust to this error. Shouldn't we try this solution? The people I know are all using Workaround 1 and 2 which basically avoid the integrator algorithm altogether.
intergration in CARA ...negative peaks
I am a new user of CARA, but I have the same problem... I will try to use the Workarounds 1 and 2 reported, but maybe nowadays the problem is solved in another way... Any help and suggestions are welcome.
Thank you very much!
I have been comparing several NMR visualization programs, and I found a discrepancy in how CARA references its spectrum. Briefly, it appears that the algorithm used to calculate a ppm value from a spectrum matrix point is off by one.
To demonstrate this, I opened the exact same HNCO spectrum in NMRDraw, NMRView, Sparky, and CARA. The spectrum was in UCSF format, and I've included the output from UCSF data at the end of the email. Using the built-in peak picking algorithms for each program, I identified the ppm values for the same peak. CARA doesn't have a built-in peak picker, but I used the SynchroScope to identify the same peak and pick it, just as I would normally pick a spin system. I have attached a zip file containing screen shots for each program as well as the ppm values of the identified peak. Those ppm values are summarized below.
15N (ppm) 13C (ppm) 1H (ppm)
NMRDraw 127.657 175.694 7.933
Sparky 127.657 175.694 7.933
NMRView 127.670 175.690 7.930
Average 127.661 175.693 7.932
CARA 127.559 175.643 7.926
Difference 0.102 0.050 0.006
ppm/pt 0.064 0.047 0.007
In addition to the ppms, I've calculated the average for the non-CARA programs, and I've also listed the difference between CARA and the average from the other programs. Finally, I've shown the ppm per matrix element as a point of comparison.
Given the difference when compared to ppm/pt, it appears that CARA is off by one data point (upfield) when calculating its PPM values. Something may have been mixed up given that Lua indexes tables starting from 1 (instead of 0), but given that CARA is in the minority, I'm more suspicious of its referencing than the referencing of the other programs.
A final image (mismatch) shows the effect of the referencing mismatch. Although the difference is not large (and it would get better with more zero filling), the peak position is definitely inaccurate.
If desired, I can attach the spectrum, but since it's a large file I will wait to see if you need it.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this,
Nick Fitzkee
Postdoctoral Fellow
Bax Lab, NIH
Output from ucsfdata:
[fitzkeen@pensive g140s-hnco]$ ucsfdata hnco.ucsf
axis w1 w2 w3
nucleus 15N 13C 1H
matrix size 512 256 731
block size 16 8 22
upfield ppm 101.106 170.007 5.990
downfield ppm 133.991 182.053 10.997
spectrum width Hz 2000.000 1818.182 3004.491
transmitter MHz 60.818 150.929 600.133
1 year and 8 months and 12 days old
Hi Nick Thanks for your investigation; unfortunately there is no generally accepted standard on how to relate the points of the spectrum matrix with the ppm values (e.g. left, center or right). I attached a document how it is done in CARA; I also attached Scale.h, where all mappings from ppm to index and vice versa are done; please have a look at it. Cheers Rochus
Hi Rochus,
After looking at your code, I took a look at some of the documentation for FFTW as well as general stuff about the discrete Fourier transform itself. I still think it would be prudent to adjust your setup. Here's why:
If there are N points in the transformed spectrum, the zero-frequency point (i.e. the carrier) is defined (by the FFT) to be at sample position N/2+1. This position is the only position that's guaranteed to be invariant after multiple zero-fills. If one were to look at a Fourier transform of a zero frequency (DC) signal, that contour plot should be centered around the carrier frequency (regardless of the number of points).
You're right in that there's no specific convention for how to contour, but I think that the definition from the FFT indirectly requires that the middle of the sample be used. That is, if I have a DC spectrum with X points, I expect the contours of my DC spectrum to be centered at the carrier. If I have a DC spectrum of 100*X points, the contours should be centered at the same frequency. The contours should always be centered around the middle of the N/2+1 "box."
If it's helpful, I've attached an NMR Pipe script to generate a 2-D DC spectrum. When transformed, the spectrum will be non-zero only at the N/2+1 point. You can then confirm whether CARA displays this spectrum as being centered on the carrier frequency.
The script also generates a spectrum with a series of diagonal peaks which can be used to test the values near the edges.
I spoke to Frank about this, and he said that the biggest disadvantage is that the spectrum is now "off-center" by a single point - the number of points to the right isn't equal to the number on the left. Unfortunately, handling this inconvenience is the only way to ensure that the N/2+1 point is indeed invariant.
Regards, Nick
Hi Nick, I compared NEASY and CARA. They represent the contour maxima in the same place. I recall that we made some effort to insure that CARA and NEASY agree. At the time we did not have access to other programs. NEASYs referencing therefore suffers from the same shift in the maxima when zero-filling is changed. I note that spectra displayed within Bruker's Topspin also show this effect.
I ran your nmrPipe script and had to make two modifications to get it to run:
add a space between the flag -aq and option 2D in:
simTimeND -nots -in -ndim 2 -aq 2D Complex \
added the option -real throughout for -fn FT
(see attachment).
I then read center.ucsf and diag.ucsf into CARA. center.ucsf is empty. diag.ucsf contains an array of "diagonal" peaks (see screenshot). The central one is located at 4.940,4.863.
When I open diag.ft2 in nmrDraw the middle "diagonal" peak is located at 4.940,4.980 (screenshot in attachment of the next Followup to this issue). center.ft2 is also empty in nmrDraw.
The difference between the x and y coordinate in nmrDraw is small but real. Before I continue - what needs changing to obtain the center.ucsf spectrum with signal in the center? Is there still something wrong with the speccal.csh script which could explain the difference between x and y coordinate in nmrDraw? Shouldn't the central peak be located at 5.00,5.00?
Attached: the screenshot of the central peak of diag.ft2 displayed in nmrDraw.
Hi Fred,
Yes, I think the culprit is the csh script... Would you please let me know what the error in the simTimeND command was; "-aq2D Complex" should be a valid option, and I'm not sure why it would have given you a problem. Sometimes it's a little unclear what Frank does when the command line arguments don't parse completely, so I'm hesitant to suggest what adding the space will do to the simulated time output.
- The diagonal spectrum should be 15 peaks, and so even though you can get data by adding the -real flag, the spectrum you're using still doesn't match what I started with (it only has 7.5 peaks, so the spectrum is cut in half). Similarly, adding -real to the center.ft2 spectrum is trying to do a real transform of what should be complex data. When I do it, center.ucsf isn't strictly empty
- the farthest downfield point has a non-zero value.
Anyway, let me know what the simTimeND error is and I'll see what I can come up with. It may be helpful for me to know your nmrDraw version (at the top of the NMRDraw window), too. At the same time, I've attached the UCSF spectra that I get when run the script.
Thanks for looking in to this, Nick
I am either going crazy, or the strip matcher connects strips in the wrong direction in the 1.9.0b2 beta version. I am using the linux distribution.
2 years and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Dmitry, there is a problem with forwarding the issues from the CARA IssueTracker and so that I only now noticed you entered an issue. I cannot reproduce the bug in the linux version 1.9.0b3 so you might be going crazy. ;-) Can you reproduce the problem in cara 1.9.0b3 for linux? I was working in StripScope and used the context menu "Link to reference".
Hi Fred,
Yes i can still reproduce the issue using 1.9.0b3 version that I downloaded back in October 2010, the problem appears to be in the automatic strip matcher. The suggestions that come out of the strip matcher are reversed. I did it from the main cara window. Go to Strips, run automatic strip matcher. suggestions are reversed: best successors are offered as best predecessors and vice versa. Thanks for looking into it.
Hi Fred,
I have same problem. After running automatic strip match, possible candidates are listed. However, the "icon" which shows relationship (pred or succ) are wrong. And when I tried to connect one of candidate, linking action followed type of the "icon". Although they have score of successor and listed in successor panel, they will be linked as predecessor.
By the way, I appreciate your great work!
Dear Fred, sometimes I need to add large number of similar spectra into the project. Method Project:addSpecrum() in Lua is very useful for it. But I can't find any possibility to change the name of spectrum by means Lua scripts. In case of Bruker all spectra have the same names by default. May be there are any "back doors" for automaticaly renaming of spectra in project? (exept direct repository editing)
Additionaly, in the support site in list of available scripts the script DefineInfo.lua is present. It has very useful for me functions (from description). But unfortunaly the link to this script is not working.
Thanks for help, Alexander
4 years and 11 days old
Unfortunately, there is no way to do this within LUA right now. You can write a script in python or awk to search and replace the corresponding sections of the CARA repository file. I realize this is not ideal but currently it seems the most efficient approach if you have many files. Alternatively rename them externally using a system script and then import them into CARA.
I have uploaded DefineInfo.lua to the wiki.
I would indeed like this. I have scripts that load in large groups of spectra (like 50) and they are all named "2rr" which makes it impossible to distinguish them in the Scopes. Manually setting all the names is very tedious and time-consuming.
When overlaying several spectra in Print Preview (for export PDF purpose), it seems to me that the only setting to adjust intensity is "auto contour gain". Many times it is very difficult to get a nice presentation of all spectra in overlay if they have various intensities.
Can I adjust the intensity of each individual spectrum as in mono and homoscope? I believe this will greatly improve the usability of print preview if implemented.
3 years and 9 months and 1 day old
I agree that this would improve useability. For some reason this was overlooked in PrintPreview. In the meantime my workaround when autocontour is not satisfactory is to store the .set file from PrintPreview and then export the PDF once for each set of contours in a different color (using the .set file to make sure each PDF displays the same region) and then combine them using an external program such as PhotoShop or Inkscape.
One could treat this like Overlay layers with an "active spectrum" whose parameters could be set. Ofcourse more convenient would be a way to look at parameters for all the displayed spectra together.
ID SpectrumName contour_level level_spacing number_of_levels color_of_positive_contours color_of_negative_contours
But that would be a luxury...
This is an interesting hard CRASH.
How to cause crash:
1) open PolyScopeRotated with HSQC15N with Ndim along X-axis
2) select a 3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY in the strip
if a spinlink exists in the project, CARA will crash hard.
The crash does not occur if one of the following things is done:
1) a 3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-TOCSY is displayed (hops = 3,repeat)
2) the HSQC15N is left unrotated (Hdim along X)
3) there is no spinlink in the project.
Error message to console:
cara: SpinSpace.cpp:399: void Spec::SpecSpinSpace::adjustParams(Spec::SpinSpace::Element&) const: Assertion `l' failed.
Abort (core dumped)
F.Damberger & V.Galius
7 years and 9 months and 10 days old
Done in 1.2.4. It doesn't crash anymore, but I'm not completely convinced yet whether everything is visible as it should.
However, it does not display ANY spinlinks.
The spinlinks are visible in PolyScope(unrotated) and in PolyScope(rotated) where the HSQC15N is displayed in the normal orientation.
Maybe this is related to the way the peak inference handles spinlinks?
After the anchor is found, possibly CARA is starting on N and then there is no spinlink found to H spins.
CARA should do the following:
Determine anchors in plane by inference.
Determine the peaks in the strip by:
1) starting with the anchor pair ONLY.
2) start the pathway simulation on this pair (HN-N)
3) determine that in the first step of the experimentProcedure, these two spins are connected N->HN.
4) determine that in the next step (which generates the strip peaks) HOPS = -1. Therefore determine the set of all spins which share a spinlink with the starting spin HN and display their peaks in the strip.
This should guarantee the correct display of peaks in the strips in both normal PolyScope and PolyScopeRotated with the 90deg rotated HSQC15N.
This same procedure should be used for StripScope. I.e. the Pathway simulation should always start ONLY on the anchor pair.
opened this again, since there is still a problem with the display of spinlinks in PolyScopeRotated.
I made some tests with rotated N15-Noesy and could see the correct spin links. There was also no crash anymore.
Possibly you are not setting up the test in the same way as we are. I still do not see the spinlinks from HN to HN.
Here a step-by-step for reproducing the problem:
Start with a project containing both HSQC15N & 3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY. At least two spin systems and one spin link from the HN of system 1 to the HN of system 2.
1) Open HSQC15N wit PolyScopeRotated (X=N,Y=HN)
2) Select 3D NOESY in the Strip window.
3) Turn off show inferred in strips.
4) Select System 1 in the plane
The strip does NOT display the spinlink from HN of system 1 to the HN of system 2.
Try the same thing with PolyScope and the standard orientation of HSQC15N. The spinlink is visible.
Opening this up again. For me the Spinlinks are not visible and this is reproducible also in 1.3.
Still an issue in 1.9.0b3!
If the method for generating the observed crosspeaks depends on the fact that the X axis has the same AtomType as the Y axis in the strip, then this would explain the missing NOE.
The set of expected peaks (3D coordinates) should not depend on the orientation of the spectrum. Perhaps the algorithm needs to be made more general for NOESYs.
I'm using version 1.8.2 on linux, and it consistently crashes when I try to print spectra from polyscope, homoscope, or synchroscope.
5 years and 10 months and 4 days old
I find that this crash occurs on my Linux laptop running Ubuntu 6.06 with cara versions 1.7.1 to 1.8.2. After Print, I select a printer and then click OK. At this point the crash occurs.
On my Linux Desktop running Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with CARA 1.5.5-1.8.2, PrintPreview lists NO printers in the printer window. If I click "print to file" and print then I observe the following behaviors:
- CARA 1.5.5 to 1.8.1: Prints file and PrintPreview closes normally.
- CARA 1.8.2: Prints file, When I close PrintPreview window, CARA crashes with message to console: cara_1.8.2_linux: Subject.cpp:86: void Root::Subject::removeObserver(Root::Messenger*): Assertion `next && next->d_observer == o' failed. Abort
Perhaps this is unrelated, but the resulting file that CARA 1.8.2 prints has a frame that covers only about 1/4 of the page, even though I tell it to fit frame to page.
Thats quite strange. But as - I understand it - "Print to file" works? There was an issue with removeObserver, which I (hopefully) resolved in 1.8.3. Maybe your print crash has also gone with it. Anyway printing is still the weak part of Qt some features (scaling, printer selection, etc.) don't work properly. R.K
Yes, Print to File works, but closing PrintPreview AFTER that causes a crash (only true for 1.8.2 - haven't tested 1.8.3 yet).
CARA 1.8.2 PrintPreview:
Shows two catagories of crashes involving PrintPreview
- selecting File-Print and then clicking OK in the dialog box causes and immediate crash.
- If the "print to file" checkbox is activated before clicking OK, then no crash occurs immediately. However after closing the PrintPreview CARA does crash (with the messagesto terminal described in my second feedback). This second type of crash only occurs when the PrintPreview was opened with HomoScope or PolyScope! If you opened PrintPreview with MonoScope or StripScope, no crash occurs upon closing PrintPreview.
CARA 1.8.3 PrintPreview.
I cannot reproduce the second catagory of crash, but the first catagory still occurs. I note that my Print menu does not display any choices for printer on my desktop linux (Redhat).
The catogory 1 crash (print directly) sends the text "broken pipe" to the parent terminal of the Cara instance just before the crash occurs.
It still crash on Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS (32bit), print to file works, when cara crashes i have errno set to 141 (EAOVLP), i have also noted that when i start cara, it fails on locking assertion on libxcb-xlib, I have tried to set the enviroment variable LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=1, but the result is the same
cara 1.8.4 also crashes on Redhat enterprise after clicking on [Print] in the Print Dialog which appears in PrintPreview after File-Print.
Using cara 1.9.0b3 on Redhat enterprise, no crash occurs after clicking [Print] in Print Dialog. However, the printer does not print anything either.
The workaround for this bug therefore continues to be:
- Export to PDF
- Print PDF with external program
When I define multiple PeakModels in a PeakList using CARA/LUA API command PeakList:setModel( N )
and the related commands as described in the release notes then two errors occur using Integrator:
1) after Integrate All, the volumes displayed in the PeakList are nan
instead of a number.
2) If I "Show Backcalculation" CARA crashes with the following message sent to the terminal where it was started:
../SpecView/ContourView.cpp:121: void Spec::ContourView::createLevelsMinMax(Spec::Amplitude, Spec::Amplitude): Assertion `peakMin > 0.0
This crash occurs in both CARA versions 1.8.4 and 1.9.0b3 and prevents me from using integrator with multiple PeakModels defined.
1 year and 9 months and 8 days old
There are problems with the display of the canvas for versions after cara 1.5.5.
In cara 1.7.0 - cara 1.8.4a3, (see attatched screenshots) the edges of the border box are cut off.
In cara 1.8.4a4 - cara 1.8.4 (see attached screenshots) only a black box is displayed.
I tested this using the attatched script DisplaySlice1D.lua together with the Demo project and selected the HNCA residue 3.
4 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
and finally the screenshot from Cara 1.8.4 (1.8.4a4 looks the same)
Sorry, maybe I should have said that I am refering to the canvas function in LUA scripts.
1D SliceScope menu is grey when selecting a 1D spectrum and right-clicking on it in the following versions 1.7.0a5-1.8.4. It is available in 1.5.5 and earlier versions.
4 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
1D SliceScope is also unavailable in the Spectrum-Explorer of cara 1.9.0b3 for linux
The color codes given to spin links via "Link params" is not reflected by colored peaks in spectra though the "Use link color code" option is switched on.
This is true for Homoscope as well as Polyscope in releases 1.8.4 & 1.7.1 for Linux and 1.8.3 for solaris. The latest version I could find that displays different peak colors is 1.5.5 for Linux.
4 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Yes, this is a known problem. I too will be happy when it is fixed. It is probably related to this issue:
Link color codes are working in PolyScope of release 1.9.0b3. However, it is still not working for the other scopes.
See related issue:
Is there a possibility of creating asymmetric spin links? For instance, in 3D 13CNOESY-HSQC I would like to integrate peaks only in well resolved areas, so I want to have peaks from methyl to HA, but not from HA to methyl. How can I manage this?
3 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
There are no asymmetric spinlinks (although interestingly spinlinks do have a left and a right spin) but always both peaks are shown in PolyScope,SyncroScope,HomoScope,StripScope & SystemScope.
You will perform the integration using a peaklist in MonoScope. Therefore you could generate the peaklist as usual (export to peaklist from PolyScope) and then use a script to delete the peaks that you don't want. Alternatively you could manually remove them using shift-click drag. If you need help with the script let me know. It should not be too difficult.
when you have several thousands of peaks in 13CNOESY-HSQC, this approach is quite consuming, because You will need to manually type this peaks into the script. So You do the double work, first find peak, assign it, then understand that it is overlapped in another region, go to the script and type it in. Maybe asymmetric spin links could be introduced into Cara? For example, propose spin will generate two different spin links, which can be treated separately. Or visibility property of spin link could be made more flexible, like "visible for the right anchor and ivisible for the left".
The idea behind spinlinks is to simulate the expected NOESY peak positions.These usually occur in both complementary positions of the NOESYs. It is actually thought of as an help during the assignment part of the project.
We usually use automated NOE assignment routines like ATNOS/CANDID and this eliminates the need to manually assign NOEs. Moreover the algorithm compensates for errors in peak intensities that are expected due to overlap.
However, if you want to objectively eliminate peaks where overlap could falsify the integrated peak intensity, perhaps the easiest way is to define a minimum distance between two peaks in each dimension of the NOESYs and then use a script to remove all peaks that are below these minimum distances.
Thank you for advise, I think, I'll implement it next time I'll calculate structure. By the way, we also use CANDID, but It makes mistakes, and if you want to accurately define the local structure, you need some manual assignment after automated procedure. And that is the time, when the problem comes. So I still thing that asymmetric properties of links could be useful.
I have added 2D carbon detected CACO, CBCACO spectra in CARA and also have added the labels. But how do I link them to the already assigned C-1 from the standard HNCO spectra? Do I have to assign the systems for the peaks to be displayed?
3 years and 7 months and 11 days old
In the HNCO you pick systems that link H,N to the neighbour C-1, (H,N,C-1) systems where as the 2D CACO and 3D CBCACO spectra show only intraresidue connectivity CA,C and CB,C (CB,CA,C) systems. The only overlap of the spins picked by these two types of systems is the C-1 and C. If you find a match then you could link the (CB,CA,C)->(H,N,C-1) as i,i+1 neighbours. However there is no way to continue because you have no additional sequential connectivity. In other words, how do you figure out what the CB,CA or C resonances of a (H,N-C-1) system are?
I do have HNCA and HNCACB experiments. My concern is if you do not assign the backbone is there a way to display the C-1 peaks or the CA/CB peaks in the 2D CACO or CACBCO spectra?
This should be possible if you define the Experiment Procedure of the SpectrumType right. You should always end in a destination System which will not have spin labels with offsets (i.e. it should not be the system with the C-1).
For the CACO this would mean that your Experiment Procedure would follow this order:
and for the CBCACO
CO ->CA -> CA & CB
I wanted to use cara for calculating CSP for analysing shift caused due to chemical shift perturbation. As there are are shift upon binding to protein. And their peak postion is changed relative to those in the repository of the pure protein.
I needed to shift each peak to its center in the protein +ligand spectra and then compare the shift toits original.
But the problem arises when dealing with large number of spectra. And there is always chances of error when placing the peak to its center.
Is there any way to make those peak to their peak center in the new spectra automatically.
As there are being done in sparky, but i am not well equiped with sparky and find cara to be an easy alternative
3 years and 5 months and 1 week old
Slow and intermediate exchange regime:
The best approach is to assign the two conditions independently. If you are in slow or intermediate exchange then you must do this. The peaks with the largest shifts are not assignable by moving them to the closest position at the new conditions. Then use the script ShiftDiffBetweenTwoProjects.lua to generate a file with the results suitable for plotting.
Fast exchange regime:
If your system is in fast exchange, you can measure a series of spectra where the condition is gradually changed (in your case this means adding the ligand in small steps until you reach the 1 to 1 stoichiometry of the binding site and then follow the peak positions during the titration. Ofcourse it is still safer to assign the shifts independently at the new conditions (1:1 ligand:binding site ratio).
If you are comparing HSQC15N spectra you may have to move 100 to 200 peaks which is some work. However, this way you looked at each one and checked its surroundings. With automatic methods, you have the danger that the peak will be shifted onto the wrong position esp. when there is overlap. Then your chemical shift mapping will give erroneous results. Particularly for the peaks with larger shifts the automated approach can be prone to errors and these are the most important for the chemical shift mapping!
In Cara, you can make the manual work more efficient with some scripts and shortcuts.
- Load all the spectra into one project which contains the chemical shifts corresponding to the starting conditions. Name them so that they appear in the order of the titration. Example:
HSQC15N ratio 0.0
,HSQC15N ratio 0.2
,HSQC15N ratio 0.4
, etc... - Open the first spectrum in the series using HomoScope (
HSQC ratio 0.0
). The signals should all be at their correct location already. Now type ''ns'' to see the next spectrum. Here the positions are slightly shifted and need to be adapted. Work as follows: - zoom into a region and click on a peak to select it. Shift-right-click at the correct cursor positon where the signal actually appears. This will move the cursor without deselecting the peak.
- Hit the ''a'' key on the keyboard and immediately afterwards right-click. This will create alias shifts for this spectrum and the peak will appear at the new position in only this spectrum.
- repeat this for all the peaks in the region.
- move to the next region of the spectrum and do the same until all peaks are adjusted.
- Sometimes it can be helpful to type ''ns'' ''ns'' ''ns'' or ''ps'' ''ps'' ''ps'' a few times to see the trend of the peaks in a crowded region before adjusting their positions.
- Now use the script CopyAliases.lua to copy the aliases from the second spectrum to the third spectrum in your titration. In your case from
hsqc15N ratio 0.2
tohsqc15N ratio 0.4
. This will adjust the peak positions in spectrum 3 so that they are at the position of your signals in spectrum 2 which is helpful since they are closer to the actual positions. - repeat steps 3 to 7 for the remaining spectra always copying the aliases from the current spectrum to the next spectrum before starting on that spectrum.
- When you are done you can write out the titration curve or obtain the chemical shift mapping using the script WriteTitrationCurveDataToFile.lua. The shift mapping is just the column with the shifts from the final condition
hsqc15N ratio 1.0
minus the shifts from initial conditionhsqc15N ratio 0.0
If you want to combine shifts you can write out one table for H
and one for N
, load them into a spreadsheet and then calculate the combination there. Or you can use the script ShiftDiffBetweenTwoProjects.lua which calculates the combined shifts optionally using aliases. In this case set the two project names to be the same.
Thank you very much, i hope this will solve my problem. It is true that automatic methods leads to erroneous results in case of large perturbartions and in case where there is noise in spectra and real shift is missing. i will try the method as described above. thank you very much.
We tried to use the 3D peak picking lua and it picks too many peaks, for eg, 3 peaks for a single C-1 peak in the 3D HNCO spectrum. How do you set the resolution? Also most of the peaks above the threshold were not picked in the spectrum. Any reasons for that?
3 years and 3 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
The 3D peak-picker looks for local maxima. You should not use .nmr spectra for peak-picking. These often have flat maxima due to the amplitude compression scheme in cara spectra and the 3D peak-picker picks multiple peaks on the maximum. If the strips are not centered then 3D peak-picker may not pick the maximum because it only makes a one dimensional search along the strip center.
I do not use the 3D peak-picker to pick triple resonance spectra. These can be picked very quickly and accurately manually using polyscope. In addition you can use multiple triple resonance spectra like HNCO and HN(CA)CO together to distinguish sequential from intraresidue peaks. Switch back and forth between the spectra using pt
and nt
How to display the peaks in any spectrum in Hz rather than in ppm?
When you work with two peaklists (say in HSQC spectrum) in the same project, how to make an active peaklist ?
3 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 1 day old
You can see the distance between two peaks in Hz by click-dragging the mouse and looking at the number in parenthesis on the status line (one for each dimension). Note that there is a bug in the indirect dimension so that the value in Hz is wrong. (It assumes the same spectrometer frequency as in the direct dimension).
How to deal with related peak positions in a set of spectra (e.g. for titrations or for IPAP-type experiments to measure splittings):
You should work with peak aliases.
- Generate a peaklist from your assignments using the script
- Open the reference spectrum with MonoScope and then open the peaklist and
Add to repository
Spectrum-Setup BatchList
and select additional spectra belonging to the set. - Now you can switch between the spectra in the batchlist using
Spectrum-Select Spectrum
or with the keyboard shortcutsns
. - Show the peaklist using
. Double-click on the peak entries in the list to navigate the cursor to a peak and zoom in. - Adjust the peak position by moving the cursor to the contour maximum and then shift-click on the crosspeak symbol.
- Right-click and select
Move peak alias
or use the shortcutma
. - Double-click on the next peak in the peaklist and repeat.
There is a very detailed description of how to integrate series of spectra which is relevant to this in the CARA wiki.
When you have all the peaks adjusted you can write out a peaklist of the two spectra (in ppm) and use an external program to determine the difference in Herz.
Alternatively, you can use a CARA/LUA script to analyse the peaklists and write out a file in appropriate format. If you need help with this (it is not very complicated) just ask.
Hi, I dont see anything changing when I click drag. Is there any special keys/commands involved ?
After writing the peak list, I cannot see that in the monoscope open peaklist option, though I see that file in the directory. Do I miss something?
Sorry, I mean ctrl-shift-click-drag. Open Peaklist is for peaklists that are already in the project. You need to import the peaklist first.
Hey, I'm trying to import a specific BMRB file and I keep experiencing the error message "Unexpected token 'Value'". I have imported other BMRB file without any problems before. Can you tell me what could possible be the problem with these file?
Thank You.
2 years and 10 months and 12 days old
this is not a complete bmrb file. several infors are missing. Have a look into a standard .str file and edit it, it should work afterwards.
If you used 13C detected spectra like CBCaCON, CbCaNCO (for Proline residues especially) you have in your assignment N+1 spins in residue i. In the attachment, the LuaScript from Rochus Keller for creating N spin in residue i+1 from N+1 spin in residue i is available!
2 years and 3 months and 13 days old
If you use the convention to name the signals in the strips CA-1 CB-1 then you will have to copy these projected spins to the origin system (i-1 position in sequence).
There are a number of scripts to do this and some documentation about it in the wiki too.
Hi dear; I've just finish assigning a protein which contains prolines. The problem is they are not included in the peak list (bmrb). In addition, I have information about the prolines I need for data analysis. Can you help me? Thanks very much.
2 years and 10 months and 1 week old
Mi Maria, sorry there was such a delay in responding. The Cara issue tracker is not forwarding messages correctly. I hope you could solve your problem.
For completeness I answer your question:
describes how to deal with proline assignments obtained with experiments like HCCCONH.
I found this quickly by entering "PROLINE" in the search window on the top right of the CARA wiki.
How to load the peaks picked by pick 3D.lua or the pick2D.lua on the spectra 13-Cnoesy and 15N noesy
2 years and 7 months and 12 days old
I found that the peaks picked by pick2D.lua or pick3D.lua appear only when we show up the unlabeled peaks. It takes many peaks but many times it do not picks the peaks that are present in a strip above the given thresh hold. Another question is how can i use these unlabeled peaks for automated NOE assignments and subsequent automated structure calculation.
regards prem
The peak-pickers only pick peaks that are aligned on the line in the center of the strips (i.e. where your 2D peaks were picked by the 2D picker). If they are off-center it will not pick them. This is intentional to avoid picking peaks that do not belong to the spin system. You can pick additional peaks manually.
To export peaklists to external programs for automated assignment see the following documentation.
An alternative to working with these peak-pickers is to use Atnos/Candid within the free (for academics) package Unio.
I am working with 13N-HSQC-NOESY and 15C-HSQC-NOESY in PolyScope. And it is often necessary to use spin move alias in the strips, where the Hnoe chemical shift is presented. But with this command it is possible only to move spin in vertical direction. And sometimes it is necessary to move all spins in the strips in horizontal direction, to adjust the N and HN shifts. So it would be good to add a function to do this. Am I right? Or is there any way to adjust N and HN shifts in PolyScope or somewhere else?
2 years and 6 months and 13 days old
I have already founded. There are no any problems. Thank you!
Does any one have experience in using CARA to analyze spectra of 13C,15N-2H-ILV-Ch3 proteins? My protein is u-13C,15N-2H-labeled, and only the methyl groups of ILV are protonated(ILV-CH3).
I am done with the backbone resonance assignments using the routine TROSY-triple resonance experiments (HNCA, HNCACB.....).
My next step is to assign the CH3 group of ILV, and then NOEs in the 13C-NOESY. I can not assign the CH3 groups of Ile and Leu using 15N-NOESY-HSQC (NH-CH3 NOEs are not expected for Ile and Leu, nor 3D (H)CCH-COSY/TOCSY.
What I have are 2D 13C-HSQC, 3D 13C-NOESY-HSQC, 3D IL-(HM)CM(CGCBCA)NH, IL-HMCMCGCBCA, Val-HMCMCBCA, where HM stands for a methyl proton; CM for a methyl carbon.
The reference of the U-2H,13C,15N-ILV-CH3 approach by Prof. Vitali Tugarinov and Prof. Lewis E. Kay: J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2003, 125, 13868-13878
Any advice is highly appreciated.
Winston Wu
2 years and 2 months and 1 day old
Hi Winston, I haven't measured any of these experiments. Here are a couple of thoughts:
You can control which signals appear in the through-space transfer experiments by defining the labeling schemes and samples for the spectra using the specifically labeled samples. Unfortunately, this does not work in the NOE dimension of NOESYs.
You can adjust for deuterium isotope shifts with the script IsotopeShiftAliases.lua.
Does any one have experience in using CARA to analyze 2D 15N-IPAP HSQC to extract dipolar coupling constants?
If so, any advice on the HOW-TO/procedure is appreciated.
Winston Wu
2 years and 2 months and 1 day old
You could proceed in one of two ways:
- Create alias shifts for the H/N signals in the two IPAP experiments and then use a script to write out the difference in the position of the signals in the two spectra in Hertz.
- Create a PeakList (e.g. with PeaksNumberedByResidue.lua) and define a BatchList for it containing the two IPAP experiments. Then adjust the alias position of the peaks and write out the two peaklists. Or modify the script HetNOE.lua to calculate and write out the difference in position of corresponding signals in Hertz (instead of the HetNOE values).
- s. I wouldn't call this a bug report. ;-)
any CARA template for HNN experiment (Hosur RV JBNMR 2001 20, 135)?
thanks a lot.
2 years and 2 months and 2 days old
I'm trying to run CARA on a mac, and I'm having some trouble with some of the commands in strip scope. In 1.90b2, when I try to propose spin in strip scope, it often refuses, saying that the spins are already linked, though they are not. I would go back to, but the command-right-arrow and command-left-arrow method for navigating among the strips works only sporadically.
2 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 4 days old
I think the first problem I was having is simply that the screen doesn't refresh properly when spins are added or removed, so that I can't see the effects of the changes I make.
The second problem seems to be consistent in both versions. For a while, going backwards or forwards strip by strip using the keyboard only worked immediately after selecting that option from the menu, which made it really cumbersome to use. This problem doesn't seem to be so predictable, though.
This sounds reminiscent of a problem which used to occur for key board shortcuts which I thought we had eliminated.
These keyboard shortcuts would only work in a given scope instance after the corresponding command had been used once with the conventional menu item.
After trying so hard, I still have troubles using Pick_3D_peaks.lua for 3D 13C-NOESY-HSQC dataset. It works great for 15N-NOESY-HSQC but did not pick any spins in 13C-NOESY-HSQC. It is greatly appreciated if you can guide me through it. Thanks a lot.
2 years and 4 months and 6 days old
Dear Mei-I Su, I'm sorry you waited so long for a reply. There has been a problem with the forwarding of issues from the CARA issue tracker.
Since you give so few details it is hard to guess what the problem could be.
Here are some hints:
- The script will pick peaks only for strips of the NOESY with anchor chemical shifts defined by the selected HSQC.
- The selected HSQC must have a SpectrumType with labels defined in both dimensions.*
- The selected 3D must have a SpectrumType with the SAME labels defined in the two INEPT (non-NOE) dimensions.*
- The script picks local maxima along the NOE dimension of strips only if they are above the entered threshhold.
- The peaks must be in the center of the strip. I.e. the strips of the NOESY must be properly centered or peaks will not be picked.
The points with * are referred to in a NOTE included on the download page from the script which reads:
"You must define labels in the SpectrumTypes? so that the script can match the corresponding dimensions of the 2D and 3D. See the script header for details."
At the top of the script there are additional instructions which explain how to use the script.
The script is not really helpful in the process of assignment and is not a necessary component of CARA analysis. I do not use the script in my projects.
If you are trying to generate NOESY peaklists for structure calculations, an alternative to this script is to use the Atnos/Candid peak-picker in the UNIO package:
Hi Fred,
I wanted to know how to run hetNOE.lua, its not clear for me how to create batch-list using NOE and reference spectra.
Could you please help me in running hetNOE.lua? your help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance
2 years and 10 months and 3 weeks old
Hi Muru, very sorry for the long delay in replying. The CARA issue tracker has a problem forwarding new issues.
Regarding the HetNOE.lua script. In addition to the instructions at the top of the script you may want to look at this page of the CARA wiki
see section 4 on setting up a BatchList. You need to open your peaklist with MonoScope and then make a BatchList with only two spectra (the reference and the NOE spectrum).
Dear fred,
I was wondering if there is a Lua script to generate a NMR-STAR (2.1 or even 3.1) file for deposition of DNA chemical shifts. I had run the script WriteAssignments.lua and the output is the flowing:
"Warning: Function GreekToRoman: Did not find "..Char.."in the GreekTable."
This is probably related with the definition of the alphabet:
" DefineGreekAndRomanAlphabet() GreekAlphabet = "ABGDEZH" RomanAlphabet = "ABCDEFG" " that do not account for H1' H2' H2''etc.
Kind regards
2 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Tiago, sorry about the long delay in replying to your CARA issue. There is some problem with notification of when new issues appear.
Regarding writing out DNA assignments, you are probably right. There are other problems related to the use of the prime symbol within the repository. I am working on a template which uses "p" in the place of the prime symbol. But there may be additional issues in getting CARA to actually write out the prime symbol. I will let you know when I have something working via the tracker.
Hello, I'm just using Cara since a few time, and I have a problem to hadle the peak lists. I assigned most part of the spins and inferent peaks appeared during this process. I can not remove them with Delete Peak, probably because this is not a real peak list. I thus used "Export peaks to Monoscope", in which case I can remove peaks... and I can also pick new peaks but I can not assign them anymore !? It's like a snake biting it's tail. Can anyone help me not to become crazy ??? Thank a lot.
1 year and 12 months and 3 days old
Hi Carine, sorry that you waited so long for a reply. There is a problem with the forwarding of issues from the CARA IssueTracker and I only now noticed that you entered this question.
When you pick a "peak" in the planar spectral region of HomoScope, SynchroScope or PolyScope, you are actually creating a new SpinSystem which contains two spins. This is why the menu item is called "Pick New System". E.g. if you pick a signal in an HSQC15N, you create a new system containing two spins of AtomType "H" and "N" with labels "H" and "N" and these spins have the chemical shifts of the x and y cursor positions respectively. If you type sl
in these scopes you can see the SystemList where these new SpinSystems appear. These SpinSystems are used in an algorithm called "Peak inference" to dynamically predict the positions of signals in any Spectrum you view. Peak inference makes use of the SpinSystem together with SpectrumTypes and ResidueTypes to predict the signal positions. You cannot delete individual "peaks" of this type because what you observe is generated by the algorithm and the contents of the SpinSystems. When you click on such a signal in HomoScope and select "Delete Peak" you are actually deleting the two spins that generate this peak. The menu item should really be renamed "Delete Spins" to avoid confusion.
This sounds complicated, but in practice it can save a lot of time and hassle because you work with a single database containing spin-systems rather than one peaklist for each spectrum which need to be manually coordinated with one another.
CARA does provide "real peaklists" but these are not used during the process of assignment. They are used for the following tasks which usually occur after assignments are completed:
- integration of peaklists.
- generation of peaklists for external programs.
I advise you to follow the tutorials for assignment which lead you through the steps:
Here are some resources in the CARA wiki FAQ that may help clarify how peak inference works and what the different objects Spin
, SpinSystem
, Peak
and SpinLink
Peak inference:
Peaks, Spins & Systems:
based on two experiments: hNcaNH and the hnCA-tocsy-ca-NH more matching possibilities exist.
Can the automatic strip matcher use this data ?
If so, the input will be N+1, N-1 from HNN type of experiment and Ca+1, Ca-1 and Ca-2 from HNC based experiments.
2 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Hi Maayan, sorry that there was such a long delay before you received a reply. There is a problem with forwarding new issues entried into the CARA IssueTracker. I only now noticed your question.
The short answer is yes. If you have spins in some systems with labels like X+1 or X-1 (called projected spins) and other systems with labels like X (called origin spins), then CARA will match them up as long as they are within a specified cutoff of one another in ppm. All the matches are considered in a weighting function to determine the top matches which are displayed when you use StripScopes functions like "All Best Successors".
Hello Fred!
I would like to make the structure prediction using TALOS+. I could find the script for writing the chemical shifts "WriteTalosFile.lua". I importerd the script into my CARA terminal, I edited the required imputs and executed it. But it didn't work. The following message was written:
"attempt to compare two userdata values". What does it mean, please?
My second question is, is the lua script "WriteTalosFile.lua" in the CARA Tutorial also suitable for TALOS+ or only for TALOS?
Thank yuo very much in advance!!!
Best regards, Michaela.
2 years and 4 months and 12 days old
From Rochus Keller:
Concerning the TALOS script from Andrew Severin: original script could not handle unassigned residues. Rochus modified it and now it is running also for not completely assigned proteins!! The modified TALOS file - see attachment.
I tried using cara 1.9.0b3 on linux, partly because I was interested in using colors for peaks and spinlinks. The new look is very nice.
I was disappointed to find that the spin links which have color=2 in my noesy spectrum still show up as white and not magenta in strip scope.
I was also disappointed that the Select Spin Tuple window in polyscope is always too small. Life is too short to spend time resizing it every time I want to go to another strip.
So I saved my work and tried to go back to version 1.8.4. Now when I try to open my repository, I find an error in the message log:
Kind: ERROR Source: Repository Message: Cannot set id
Perhaps I have missed the method for making my spin links show up in the intended color in strip scope, and if so could you let me know. Also, if you have an idea of how I can resolve the problem of not being able to open my repository again in version 1.8.4 after working with it in 1.9.0b3, that would be great. Otherwise, I think I will have to stay permanently with 1.8.4.
1 year and 10 months and 2 weeks old
It would indeed be nice to include colors for SpinLink symbols in the SystemList (as in PolyScope - see attached image) for the other Scopes.
There is a general useability issue with the Dialogs and Tables generated by the new QT Toolkit. The headings of the tables have a minimum width which is much to large (compared to the data contained in the column). This results in very wide tables and a scroller bar. Often the data of interest are off screen and the user must scroll them everytime he uses a dialog. See the screen image. I have expanded the tables so all the data are visible. They cover more than half the screen and the spectrum is crowded into the corner.
I would say this issue is high or critical to solve for useability.
Calling setBatchList
in a LUA script crashes cara 1.9.0b3 where as it works for cara 1.8.4.
Here is a simple test script:
1 year and 9 months and 11 days old
In cara 1.9.0b3 (linux) when
Project:addSpectrum( Spectrum, SpectrumType )
is executed in a lua script and then corresponding Spectrum file is missing. The terminal window reports the error
"unknown error"
This is not a convenient error message for debugging scripts.
In cara 1.8.4 (linux) the same script returns the error:
[string "AddSpectrumSeriesToProjectAndIntegrate7"]:202: Error calling addSpectrum: Cannot open file /home/user/projects/Relax/R1relax/1009/pdata/1/2rr
Which gives a clear indication of where the problem lies.
1 year and 9 months and 11 days old
I'm currently trying to overlay a set of hsqcs (.ft2 file format) in CARA. I set the positive and negative colours for the spectra, I set the layer using the overlay tab, however whenever I try to add a layer or count layers CARA closes down and in the terminal I get an error message Bus error
. Probably something really simple that I'm not doing. I'd really appreciate any help anyone can give me!
2 years and 4 months and 10 days old
Hello! I have a question to the assignment with CARA.
I have the following NMR Spectra for the H assignment:
HbHa(CbCaCO)NH and Hc(cc0)NH. With these spectra I become the information about the H`s from the predecesor.
I would like to use also my TOCSY and COSY spectra for the assignment but I need for that the H chemical shifts of the own amino acid.
What I can do, please? In my previous assignment I have only H-1 shifts. For Example following sequence A2-R3:
By residue R3 I have the H chemical shifts of A2 but the CARA doesn´t distinguish these H´s like H. I mean these H´s aren´t in the list from A2. There are only H-1 for the predecesor of A2.
Is it necessary to have also the other spectra (HbHaNH, HcNH) or can I make it only with my spectra? Can you help me please? Thank you very much in advance!
2 years and 7 months and 4 weeks old
I have the answer! I need the the following lua script for that:
download of the cara template is currently not possible. Maybe the file has been moved.
2 years and 4 months and 2 weeks old
Please use this page for downloading the templates:
Hi Fred,
I have picked and assigned all the peaks in 15N-HSQC, now how can I assign the side chain peaks in 15N-HSQC.
Do I need to pick them ?, otherwise I cannot use propose spin
in 3D 15N-NOESY strip.
Thanks in advance.
3 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
I assume that you mean that you have assigned the crosspeaks in the 15N-HSQC to residues in the sequence using StripScope as described in the tutorial on backbone assignment.
In order to assign side chain resonances you will need spectra like 15N-resolved TOCSY, H(C)H-COSY, HC(C)H-TOCSY, H(CCCO)NH and (H)C(CCO)NH. You can also use 3D 15N- and 13C-resolved NOESY spectra.
After loading these into the project using the correct SpectrumType, you can use SystemScope and PolyScope to perform side chain assignments.
I have already finished side-chain assignment using the above mentioned procedure. I was asking about how to assign, Aspargine (ASN) and Glutamime (GLN) side-chains from 15N-HSQC.
oh, that was not clear to me from how you stated the question initially.
I assign NH2 groups of ASN and GLN using the 3D NOESY spectra. First you have to assign the NH2 groups.
Open the HSQC15N with PolyScope and select the 3D 15N NOESY in the strip and then pick all the NH2 signals as follows:
- pick a new system after clicking an NH2 signal in the HSQC15N and select SystemType
at the top of thepick system
dialog. Then select labels HD21/ND2 - use Shift-arrow to move the cursor to the HD22/ND2 of the same system and
extend horizontally
. Check that there are strong NOEs between HD21 and HD22 in the 3D 15N NOESY strip. Otherwise try another position for HD22. - look for NOEs to HB2 and HB3 of the ASN in the 3D 15N NOESY strip. Right-click on NOEs in the HD21/ND2 and HD22/ND2 strips with appropriate chemical shift for a HB2/HB3 and
propose spin
to tentatively assign the NOEs. Then try confirming them by looking in the HB2/CB and HB3/CB strips of the 3D 13Cali NOESY (see below).
Open the 3D 13Cali NOESY with StripScope.
- navigate to a ASN backbone system by using
goto residue
and then entering the residue number. - in the downfield region of the NOEs strips of HA/CA, HB2/CB and HB3/CB look for potential NOEs to HD21 or HD22. If you already used
proposed spin
to assign a NOE to a HD21 or HD22 in the 3D 15N NOESY (see above) then this NOE should appear in the corresponding strip of the 3D 13Cali NOESY. If it does not you canundo
the last action and try anotherpropose spin
assignment. - in the 3D 13Cali NOESY strips from the ASN you should see NOEs in the downfield region to HD21 and HD22. Right-click on these and use
propose spin
to try to assign them. Good candidates appear on multiple strips and show NOEs to both HD21 and HD22. - if you didnt do it already, check whether the NOEs you found in the 3D 13Cali NOESY are present in the strips of the 3D 15N NOESY (see above). Otherwise
and try another assignment.
Once you have found a convincing assignment of a NH2 system to a backbone ASN system, you will want to incorporate the spins from the NH2 system into the backbone system.
- Determine the SystemId of the NH2 system. If you click on the HD21/ND2 crosspeak in the HSQC15N, the SystemId appears in the status line. You can also use
show horizontal
to expand the System in the SystemList. Then check the SystemId of the expanded System. - Next scroll up or down in the SystemList to the backbone system of the ASN. Right-click the puzzle icon of the System and select
eat system
. Enter the SystemId of the sidechain system (no undo for this!). This transfers the spins in the sidechain system into the backbone system. - if the backbone system is a GLN, you will have to relabel HD21 -> HE21, HD22 -> HE22, ND2 -> NE2. Expand the backbone system of the GLN in SystemList. Right-click on the HD21, HD22 and ND2 spins and select
label spin
relabeling them appropriately.
Note that similar strategies can be applied to the assignment of aromatic side chains.
Hi, When we identified the side chain amide's of ASN/GLN and then want to transport them to 15N-HSQC spectrum using EAT SYSTEM command, I get this error message "One of the spins in the Source system is not acceptable by the target system", though I see all the spins are reasonable. Any suggestions on the error and how to rectify? Thanks!
I can think of two reasons:
- The target system already has a spin with the same label in it as in the source system. Erase one of the spins or change the label of either spin.
- One of the spins in the source system has a label which does not occur in the amino acid residue of the target system. Change the label of the spin or erase it.
An easy way to avoid problems. Change the labels in the source system to have a ? at the front.
Hi Fred,
I came up with a similar problem and hence tried to follow your protocol. However I got stuck at his:
pick a new system after clicking an NH2 signal in the HSQC15N and select SystemType ASN at the top of the pick system dialog. Then select labels HD21/ND2
Because I don't have ASN as a possible system type. The closest thing I have is AMX, but it's not enough because it doesn't have ND2 and HD2s for Asn. In the same way, I can't go with Glns.
Do you know why that is? I looked up in the repository and, accordingly, ASN is not defined as a systemtype. Hope you can help me,
For automated backbone assignments in UNIO_8 it requires that peak list should be in the apsy format.
I wanted to know how to get the apsy peak format using cara-1.8.4
2 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Hi, I've used MARS program for automated backbone assignment and really liked the result. But at that time I was not able to make CARA save assignment table that could be converted to MARS input.
for a spin system say P1 there should be atoms labeled as N CO-1 H CA-1 CA (and some more in the same key)
I think this is what CARA does internally - but is there a way so it could be used by mars directly?
example MARS input table is quoted here: N CO-1 H CA-1 CA PR_2 123.220 170.540 8.900 54.450 55.080 PR_3? 115.340 175.920 8.320 55.080 - PR_4? 118.110 172.450 8.610 59.570 55.210 PR_5GLY 121.000 175.320 9.300 55.210 60.620 PR_6GLY 127.520 - 8.820 60.620 54.520 PR_7 115.400 177.140 8.730 54.520 60.470 PR_8 121.330 176.910 9.100 60.470 57.580 PR_9 105.590 178.800 7.630 57.580 61.400 PR_10?? 108.890 175.520 7.810 61.400 45.460
Thanks. Evgeny.
4 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Yes, this should be quite straightforward. You can use the script "ExportToPaces.lua" as a guideline for how to write out assignment data for external programs. It is included in the script collection at the cara wiki. See the section "Scripts to Export Files to Program".
When you have something that works we can post it to the wiki.
Did you ever get a script working to write out CARA assignments in a format suitable for MARS input?
Here is a functioning script for generating input for MARS.
It is nolonger possible to change the generic spin system in the ResidueType browser starting with Cara 1.5. After clicking the checkbox for a different system, cara ignores the change and keeps the old system as generic system.
5 years and 5 months and 13 days old
Yes, we have noticed this problem as well, while using CARA version 1.8.4. We also tried opening the CARA repository created in 1.8.4 in version 1.4.2 as a work around to change the generic residue type from BB to SSS, but we were still unable to change this. This is a problem when looking at any other atoms (outside the backbone). For example, looking at a CCONH or HCCONH spectrum, we are unable to pick CG-1, CD-1, HD-1, etc. Even when forcing a label, these selected peaks cannot be viewed in any of the Scopes that we tried. This will become a further problem when analyzing other non-backbone spectra.
Is there another work around so that we can select these peaks (CG-1, CD-1, etc) as a default selection when peak picking in PolyScope or StripScope?
Changing GenericResidueType
It is not really intended that the GenericResidueType is frequently changed. This is the default ResideType used to determine labels when no other information is available. None-the-less this is an annoying bug. You can also change the GenericResidueType by directly editing the repository. It is a global variable near the top of the file. Don't forget to backup your repository before editing it.
Assigning sidechain resonances after the backbone is assigned
When you link a SpinSystem to an assigned residue than all the labels become available and the picked peaks are visible. Normally you first assign the backbone and link up spin systems, then assign the fragments in the sequence. At this point the sidechain labels become available because the ResidueTypes are known.
Assigning sidechains when the system is not assigned to a residue in the sequence
Sometimes you want to make a guess about a SpinSystems ResidueType before it is assigned in the sequence and tentatively assign the sidechain. In this case use "set SpinSystemType" to select the appropriate ResidueType. Then the labels of that ResidueType will become available. In case that your desired ResidueType is not available in the list, then add it to the list of SpinSystemTypes in the SpinSystem explorer.
Assiging side chains of the predecessor system when the predecessor has not been assigned to a residue in the sequence yet
If you are trying to assign the predecessors spins I suggest using a GenericResidueType with a long sidechain like LYS. This way you will be able to pick HA-1,HB-1,HB2-1,HB3-1,HG,HG2-1,HG3-1,HD,HD2-1,HD3-1 which includes many of the expected labels. Alternatively you can create the predecessor SpinSystem using the script CreateOriginSystemsFromProjectedSpins and assign the predecessor System to the expected ResidueType.
Assigning SpinSystems that are not connected to the backbone
Some SpinSystems like aromatic side chains, NH2 groups, and methionine methyls cannot be linked to the backbone using scalar couplings. These systems may be assigned independently and later linked to the backbone using NOEs. The strategy here is to pick the resonance from the sidechain and then define the appropriate SpinSystemType. This makes all the expected labels available. For example you might pick an HD/CD peak in the aromatic 13C-HSQC and then define the newly created SpinSystem to have SpinSystemType PHE. This would make it possible to add HE/CE and HZ/CZ peaks to the sidechain system. Later when you identify NOEs from HD/CD to the backbone HA,HB2,HB3 and/or H signals you will want to move these sidechain spins into the correct backbone system. Right-Click on the backbone system and select eat system
and then type in the system number of the sidechain PHE system.
Done in upcoming 1.9. The concept works like this: 1) if the Residue Type of interest (RTOI) has an assigned System Type, the Generic Neighbor of the System Type is used (if available); otherwise 2) if a Generic Residue Type is defined, this one is used; otherwise 3) the RTOI itself is also used as Generic Neighbor.
Hi Fred and Rochus,
I can't get the spec.createExperiment() method to work in v1.8.4 - it returns nil all the time. Even worse, calling it with too few arguments causes CARA to crash with a segmentation fault. Same thing happens in older v1.5.5. Please see the attached LUA test script.
According to release notes this method was modified in v1.4.2: "CARA/Lua: Spec.createExperiment() has changed parameters SpecType, ResidueType mid, ResidueType left, ResidueType right, NTerm and CTerm."
The original method works in v1.3.2 (where it takes fewer arguments).
Regards, Alex.
3 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
I get the crash only in 1.8.4 but not in 1.5.5. However, in 1.5.5 it returns nil. I tried all SpectrumTypes in the standard template.
My code is attatched.
Upcoming 1.9 with experiment_test.lua gives following output: HB H ..N ....CA ....CA-1 HA
Test-spec.createExperiment.lua assumes that spec.createExeriment returns a table; this is not the case; instead createExperiment returns an Experiment object, which offers methods like toString or getPath
Hi Fred and Rochus,
The AssigGuess:getAssig() method shows a strange behavior. For peaklists of 2 and 3 dimensions it always returns 4 values, with the extra values as zeroes.
I am not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but such behavior contradicts that of the related Peak:getAssig() method. Obviously, it is easy to come up with workarounds that read only the first 2 or 3 values, if necessary.
Please see the demonstrator script attached.
3 years and 3 months and 9 days old
When Monoscope is used with a 4D spectrum (Xeasy format), four 1D slices through the cursor position are shown (three on the right-hand side of the screen, one at the bottom). These slices are essential to analyze the spectrum correctly.
Unfortunately, only two of the slices are correct, but two of them show nonsense random noise. So the user never knows, wether (s)he is really at the maximum of the peak in all four dimensions.
Please fix this bug.
This issue is particularly critical, since Monoscope is the only way to handle 4D spectra in Cara.
4 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
When you load a 3D with MonoScope, there is one horizontal slice (the acquisition dimension) and two vertical slices: the left one is the vertical dimension of the current plane view, and the right one is the "depth dimension" which determines which plane you are looking at. In order to navigate to a different plane, you need to click at a new cursor position in this right vertical slice. Before you do this, CARA may indeed show some noise because you are at the starting position of the cursor is at the edge of the spectrum.
However the navigation in 3D spectra looks like it is working.
I don't have a decent 4D spectrum to test this with. But the tests I have done with the one I do have seem to show problems with the slices in the two indirect dimensions (the two left slices). Is this what you are seeing? Can you provide a test spectrum with limited size?
This is absolutely correct. The 3D is working fine.
However, the issue is about the 4D, which is not working fine. As we both now found out, there are problems with the slices of the two indirect dimensions. Since you also found this bug with your 4D spectrum, I do not need to send you another 4D spectrum.
I really hope this bug can be fixed - Thanks.
Using command require
in cara always returns registry.plugindir must be a string
.Neither setting registry.plugindir
manually,nor using require
in a way before cara-release 1.8.3 did help.
Another issue is the restriction of require
to lua-files.
It will be useful to load dll-files. I want to implement a Levenberg-Marquardt-algorithm for peak-fitting.
3 years and 7 months and 10 days old
my name is Alex and I am a Postdoc in Gerhard Wagner's Lab. I wonder whether the bug in Cara when you look at 4D spectra in MonoScope and 2 out of 4 slices are wrong was fixed? Best
3 years and 2 months old
Hi Alex,
That issue is not yet resolved. I have forwarded your inquiry (and another one about the same issue which was also added to the tracker today) to the author.
Please see this issue for progress on the issue:
You can search for issues in the search field of the IssueTracker and add your constructive comments regarding issues there or you can contact me via email to get status info about particular issues.
Dear Rochus and Fred,
A number of people contacted me regarding analysis of 4D spectra. I posted an issue in 2005 regarding 4Ds and monoscope (with slices in Z and D4 being off). I was wondering if any solution has been found in the mean time. Also you mentioned at the time that users will be able to design their own scopes, which would enable to design scopes for ND and allow to benefit from the huge advantages of peak inference. Is this tool now available?
I am a great advocate of CARA and would love to be able to use 4Ds with it.
3 years and 2 months old
Bug with 4D display in Monoscope resolved in upcoming 1.9. There are also new CARA/Lua features in 1.9, but the full dynamic scope building features are still a lot of pending work.
We have noted that the overall "fitness", when doing a fragment alignment, is deteriorated when we assign methyl groups in a given fragment. In one project, the situation is the following: Before methyl assignment: score is 66% for the stretch, all residues have a "high" green "level". After methyl assignment: the same stretch has a score of only 42%. The residue which has now additional CDs and HDs has the same level as before. The other residues have now a much lower level. For a different project, the stretch was initially correctly predicted (before methyl assignment) and could not be predicted at all after methyls were assigned. This case is much more of a problem. We only assign methyls. No other side-chains (H,N,CA,CB and CO are assigned, though).
Is this because of the Start file that I am using or is there another problem?
Many thanks for your help,
3 years and 2 months old
Hi Melissa,
I don't know what start file you used. The one based on Start1.2.cara can be updated with the script LoadBmrbStats.lua. See the header for details on how to do this. However, I doubt that this is the problem since the stats only change slightly from one bmrb update to the next.
My guess is that the problem is related to calibration. I suppose that you calibrate your methyls in a separate dimension from the amide H signals. If you had an offset there you would systematically penalize the methyls. Do the "random coil" methyls of your protein (from your spectra) have the expected average chemical shifts (the ones in the ResidueType)?
There are a number of scripts available on the CARA wiki that can help to recalibrate spin shifts and spectra.
I have found a bug in 1.8.4. (Linux version): I created 3 own residue types (branched amino acids) and added them to my existing amino acid repository. Thereby, atoms in groups where I have not specified a mean resonance value and deviation, can not be saved correctly in the repository file. Each time I save my work, CARA removes the space character between the y variable and the group variable (see attachment), so I have to edit the repository file every time before I can open the project again.
Regards, Zarko
As a workaround you could do one of the following:
- try using CARA 1.5.5 to do the editing
- define ave and dev values which are very permissive (since presumeably you do not know what shifts to expect for these unnatural amino acids). You could make a reasonable guess for the average shift by measuring 1D spectra of the amino acid (as part of a short peptide) or by using an on-line predictor of chemical shifts.
Hi Fred and Rochus,
Attempts to load a module with require "modname"
in CARA on a PC running MS Windows XP return the following error:
registry.plugindir must be a string
Module loading works fine on machines running RedHat Linux. Is there something I am missing here?
Btw, it appears that when module code is changed or a new module is added then CARA has to be restarted for changes to take effect.
Regards, Alex.
3 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I imported a chemical shift list from a BMRB file to my TROSY spectrum. However I am unable to shift all peaks by a common factor (45Hz) between the TROSY/HSQC dpeaks.
Any idea? Any help is very much appriciated.
3 years and 1 week old
Sorry, this is possible in synchroscope!
The width of the terminal panel for LUA script names is too narrow for the names of the scripts.
I have to use the scroll bar to read the names.
Can you make the width of this window adjustable?
Or make it adapt to the width of the longest script name...
8 years and 5 months and 4 weeks old
Include a command line for lua commands at the bottom of the Cara-explorer (in every pane).
This way lua commands and functions can be executed while observing their effect on the relevant Explorer information.
I can execute Lua commands in all the scopes with "Lua [Command]" but I cannot do this in the Explorer. Here I am forced to switch to the Terminal-Pane so I am "blind" to the effects of the command.
e.g. I want to rename a series of spectra and see the effect in the explorer-Spectra pane. I have to switch to the Terminal-pane, execute the lua command, and then switch back.
e.g.2. I want to execute a command to copy aliases from one spectrum to another. I need to see the SpectrumIds. To do this I switch to Spectra-pane, but now I can't execute the Lua function so I have to write them down and switch back to the terminal pane
8 years and 4 months and 5 days old
I cannot offer a command line as in the Scopes, but I can implement a command which opens a dialog box where you can enter the Lua expression.
Will this dialog box "freeze" other actions such as switching between explorer windows or expanding explorer nodes? In this case it would not address the "use case" i describe.
Still waiting for this feature. Why is it not possible to have the same command line available at the bottom of the right window in the other panes of Cara-explorer?
After renaming the repository file name in the open file dialogue the file is not opened if yo don't higlight it once again with the cursor. Although the file is not opened your previously defined spectra type definitions are erased. Not critical itself, this is rather a cosmetics issue.
8 years and 10 months and 1 day old
Dear Fred,
I'm using CARA in Mac. I have observed a problem that I didn't have before when I was working in Windows. The problem is that CARA crashes when I'm trying to delete a spin link in NOESY spectrum.
Do you have an idea of what's happening?
2 years and 12 months and 2 days old
Hi, i am working with protein using nmr. I am done with assigning most of the backbone/sidechains and heading towards structure calculation. I have some points to ask, (1) i started with 15N-NOESYhsqc (i have already assigned all aliphatic Carbons and protons), and started picking the self peaks (self-NOEs, "i"th) and also the unassigned one as (?i) from stripscope...and i want to export this peak list as XEASY format for CYANA-calculation....So, is there a way to do it. i tried but unsuccessful. I tried to use the script for 3D-peak-picking but in vein.
One can always put a link on top of cara (in stripscope) to integrate all picked peaks (for 3D) and a link to export peak lists for specific format (as CYANA based format, XEASY kind). This will solve a major problem considering one has >90% backbone/Sc assignments. Once this issue is solved for me, i can do same thing for 13C-NOESYhsqc. Looking forward to hear from you.
3 years and 7 months and 5 days old
Picking peaks as ?i will cause ambiguity in the peaklist generation stage. CARA puts these spins in the spinsystem and they will generate intraresidue peaks in all the NOESY spectra even if these are not wanted. The label ?i tells CARA nothing about what the spin is connected to.
If you have already assigned all aliphatic protons then you can use propose spin
in either StripScope or PolyScope to assign NOEs. This will create spinlinks between the associated 1H spins. You can then export the peaklist from StripScope or PolyScope to MonoScope (or directly) to a XEASY format peaklist) using File-Export-Strip Peaklist
An alternative is to use a program to perform automated peakpicking and assignment of NOEs. In this case you do not need to pick NOEs at all. You write out your chemical shift list and let the program do the rest. This is much faster than the manual approach.
You can find descriptions of both approaches in the CARA wiki:
Thanks for the suggestion. Let me ask some more issues. I wanted to make peak-lists manually using 15n or 13c noesy-hsqc (by picking it using stripscope or polyscope for all strips) and export to xeasy-format peak-list using cara. This peak-list (.peaks) along with .prot (chemical list table from cara) can be used for CYANA calculation. I want to pick all peaks for an amino acids (X) in 15N-hsqc and so on. Similarly, this trick can be done for 13C case as Cyana calculation takes .seq/.prot/.aco and .peaks file. Is there a way to do so?
i feel, it is better to do the peak-picking manually (specially in case of overlap). Hope to hear from you.
The usual manual approach in CARA is to pick spinlinks in the scopes PolyScope or StripScope and then convert these to a peaklist as described in the link included in my last reply. This will create a XEASY format peaklist which shows peaks at all the expected positions derived from the spinlinks.
I am not sure what you mean by "I want to pick all peaks for an amino acids (X) in 15N-hsqc and so on". In CARA you pick spinsystems consisting of spins in the HSQC15N. You cannot generate peaklists until you have completed the assignments as described in the wiki.
Using spinlinks option is always good but if we have several match for the same Hs, it would be difficult. Rather, i wanted to pick all peaks from one strip and export. Similarly, i would like to do for all strips. This way, i create a peak-list (corresponding to all N,H pairs) and along with chemical-shift table, cyana could do the structure-calculation in automated-fashion. This will take lots of burden of a user (like me).
I used to run the 2D script and 3D script for peak-picking. Pick_2D_Peaks.lua works fine for 15N hsqc but Pick_3D_Peaks.lua doesnot give any peaks for 3D 15N noesy-hsqc, it shows like this
spin_system: 2 picked spins: 0
spin_system: 3 picked spins:0
. . . .
What could be reason behind this. i am held up here, just before structure calculation. Let me have suggestion (probably solution).
It could be that you set the theshhold too high for peakpicking in the 3D.
We use automated peak-picking and assignment using the program Atnos/Candid together with CYANA. Atnos/Candid uses the assignments and the structure (which is generated after the first round) to pick and assign NOEs. It is quite robust and we have used it for many structure determinations. You can ofcourse work with manually picked peaklists but it is a lot of work and much slower. What about a hybrid approach? First automatically pick and assign and then modify the peaklists generated to do a final refinement of the input?
i tried using above mentioned reply on 30th april and 1st may. I also looked into "Some Special Topics-Including unassigned peaks in the peaklist" from "manual structural calculation note". I was thinking to make a peak-list using this method and use it for candid-cyana. But, when i exported the peaklist using "strip peaks to monoscope", i am getting negative volumes whereas these unassigned peaks are positive in NOESY-hsqc.
Any guess or idea how to do it!
There are some problems encountered with the peak-integrator when peaks are very close together. Be sure to exclude the inferred peaks in Polyscope (turn off the option) when you generate the peaklist for MonoScope. The following issue describes the problem with negative peaks in more details and strategies to avoid it.
Note that the CARA has migrated to a new site (since Nov. 2009) and this address is on the new wiki.
What I meant to say is that the CARA wiki has migrated to a new site.
I am trying to convert a 13CHSQC spectra from a bruker file (.rr) to CARA but when i open it i cannot see anything (noise/black). Could you please tell me how can i convert to cara the 13CHSQC,since the TOCSY spectra worked. Thank you in advance.
3 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 3 days old
To convert from bruker to cara format,
in the main CARA menu select Tools-Convert to CARA spectrum
Then select the 2rr file
then select 16 bit uncompressed.
This creates a .nmr file.
Load this into a project or open it Tools-Open Spectrum
Assuming that you did that, here are some ideas for why you see a blank spectrum:
- The intensity scale is very low and your lowest contour level is above the most intense peak intensity. Try to either lower the contour level with
or use autocontour withac
. - Perhaps it is related to the referencing? You could be looking outside the spectral region (though this is not normally how CARA functions). What happens when you "View-Show-Folded"? (or use the shortcut
to turn this on). - Third possibility: there is something wrong with the input spectrum. For example, you moved the 2rr file somewhere other than the usual location inside the pdata subdirectory. (pdata should also be inside the spectrum subdirectory. CARA needs the parameter files in order to get information about referencing etc..
Did you try to open the 2rr file directly? You can open this file also with either Tools-Open Spectrum
or by loading it into a project and then opening the spectrum with the appropriate scope.
I have 50% of the spectra with noise and the other 50% black. I tried to lower the contour level and in the back part i managed to see the water signal (I suppose). I did not move the rr file so CARA has all the files available, and i cannot open the 13CHSQC spectrum directly too. Also it does not happen anything when i put "View-show-folded". If the problem is referencing, do you know any way to solve it? I was able to convert and open a TOCSY spectrum without any problem.
I don't think that referencing is the problem since you saw no change when you turned on show folding
It sounds like the spectrum is corrupted. Try to reprocess the data in bruker software and then load it into CARA.
Thanks very much! I reprocessed the data and it worked!
PeakList:rotate() function does not rotate assignments of "guesses". Please see the attached Lua script demonstrating this behavior.
A related issue is that both PeakList:setHome(Spectrum) and the Set PeakList Owner command in Monoscope require strict matching between dimension atom types of PeakList and Spectrum. However, in order to get a peaklist diplayed properly in PolyScope, it may be necessary to have a different rotation for the peaklist. For example, if a 3D 13C-resolved NOESY has HHC dimensions, then the corresponding peaklist should have HCH. Is it possible to relax the matching requirement to allow permutations? Also, as has been discussed before, a PeakList:getHome() would be a useful complement.
3 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Fred and Rochus,
Forgot to mention that I'm using v1.8.4 for Linux.
Yes, you are right. Apparently this was overlooked. Perhaps you can write a script that uses PeakList:setGuess( Peak, AssigGuess, probability [0.0..1.0], dim1, dim2, ... ) as a workaround. The pl:getHome() was also overlooked. Unfortunately, I can think of no workaround for this missing feature. You will need to determine the owner spectrum manually and edit your scripts accordingly.
I tried testing your script (after a little modification) on the Demo project using the 15N-resolved-[1H,1H] TOCSY. At least for me, after pl:rotate( 1,3,2 ), the N and H dimensions were swapped and the peaklist was correctly displayed in the 3D TOCSY.
See the attatched script and screenshot.
Hi Fred,
Thanks for a prompt response. I have to admit that using "Map to Spectrum..." does help to get a peaklist show properly.
Anyway, the requirements of the pl:setHome(spectrum) method seem too stringent to me. For comparison, one can call "Export -> Strip Peaks to MonoScope..." from PolyScope, then rotate the peaklist in MonoScope and add it to repository. In this case, the spectrum owner is set irrespective of peaklist orientation.
Another nice feature besides getHome() would be for the setHome() method to return, for example, nil on failure and non-nil on success. As implemented now, setHome() crashes the whole LUA script if peaklist orientation does not match the spectrum.
I have a problem with the exportation of my Peaklist. I have already read this articles:
WorkingWithOtherPrograms, ImportExport, IntroToIntegration, BatchIntegration, ManualStructureCalculation,
But I didn't find any solution.
All works well except that my peaklist have an hyphen in the integration method column. So my structure calculation doesn't work. I have to manually replace this hyphen by the single letter of the integration method (i.e. " m " or " e ").
Is there an another method to do this ?
4 years and 5 months old
There is no object to store the integration method of a peak in the CARA object model (but possibly it is just not described in the CALUA manual). In any case I don't think you can change the value of the integration method.
One strategy:
Create an attribute in either PeakList object or the individual Peaks which stores the integration method using createAttr("IntMethod"). Then you could write a script which writes out Peaklists similar to the one which writes out ProtonLists WriteProtonList.lua
. You can access the Peaks IntMethod attribute with setAttr() and getAttr().
Then you would have full control of the output format.
Or you could simply use an awk script or similar to replace "-" by "m" or "e" in the PeakList after exporting it normally.
How do I set my reference peak at 0.0 , 0.0
My shifts are all off because the spectrum is not referenced?
3 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Reference the 1D containing the reference compound so the compound is at 0 ppm within the software of the NMR instrument. Then measure the position in ppm of a resolved signal that belongs to your protein. Reference your spectra so that this signal has the measured chemical shift.
The 1D display tool of cara is very rudimentary. You cannot pick peaks or reference spectra using the graphic interface. What you could do is measure the distance from the reference peak to a peak from your protein using shift-click drag. Then recalibrate the 1D by adding this number to cal in the "calibrate spectrum" dialog window of the 1D in the Spectra Explorer.
If you have already worked with a project and assigned spins, and want to be able to write out referenced shifts, then you will need to shift the spin positions by an amount determined from your calibration. Use the scripts ShiftSpinsAndAliases.lua
or ShiftSpinsInCatagory.lua
to do this. Then use RecalibrateSpectra.lua
to adjust the spectrum calibrations to the new shift positions of the spins.
hello to everyone, I have a problem when I add a spectrum 1D. The program CARA answer with the following error message "invalid spectrometer frequency <=0.0". This problem I've ever seen with the spectra 2d. Thanks for your attention
3 years and 10 months and 13 days old
It must be related to the processing parameters of the input spectrum. I am able to read in both xeasy *.param & bruker 1D 1r spectra without any error message using both cara 1.5.5 and cara 1.8.4. Note that only 1.5.5 allows you to visualize the 1D spectrum using SliceScope.
I can reproduce your error message using bruker 1D data if I edit the procs file in the pdata/1 directory so that the line defining the spectrometer frequency gives 0 as the frequency: ##$SF= 0
Originally the line looked like ##$SF= 600.13
If you are using XEASY spectrum format then the line you want to change looks like
Spectrometer frequency in w1 .. 600.1300
You should edit it so that the correct spectrometer frequency is given in MHz
thanks for your quick response,but I have not solved the problem. I send the attached the folder containing all the necessary files, including the specterum.
Thanks , Roby
It is because your data are in varian format which are not supported. You will need to convert it to one of the supported formats such as xeasy or bruker.
his observation is correct, but I have transformed the spectrum in format .ft1 with nmrPipe. When I transform the spectra 2D in format .ft2 with nmrPipe they are recognized by CARA. Can you give me some advice on how to transform one-dimensional spectrum in a correct format? many thanks
There is not much support for 1D spectra in CARA. There is a rather basic 1D scope SliceScope. I am not sure whether you can load .ft1 spectra. Perhaps the best way to work with 1D spectra in CARA is to load several of them into a pseudo 2D.
I am a newbie to CARA. Please donot blame me if I ask a stupid question. ^_^
I try to use Pick_2D_Peaks to auto-peak-picking a N15-HSQC map. However Pick_2D_Peaks only pick the spin system, but not the peak list. When I open the spectrum by MonoScope, no peak list can be found.
Thank you very much!
3 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Assignment in CARA is done using spin systems. The peak positions in spectra which you load into the project will be automatically determined by CARA. For example if you load the HNCA now and open it using StripScope, you will see all the strips from the spin systems you just picked using Pick_2D_Peaks.lua. You can now pick CA and CA-1 spins which are added to the spin systems.
CARA only uses peaklists for specialized tasks not related to assignment. Here are some examples:
- Integration of peaks
- displaying peaklists from external programs on spectra.
Please see the online tutorials for details:
If you want to generate a peaklist from your picked systems you can do one of the following:
- Open the HSQC using HomoScope or PolyScope and select the menu item File-Export PeakList to Monoscope.
- Execute the script PeakListNumberedByResidue and then open MonoScope and import the peaklist.
Hi Fred,
I have CA-1,CB-1, HA-1 and HB-1 assignment for proline. how do I assign Proline in CARA? I am bit confused.
Thanks in advance.
3 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Morgan, you can follow the instructions from the tutorial on sidechain assignment. You will need to use the script CreateOriginSystemsFromProjectedSpins.lua. See the following page of the CARA wiki for details.
Is it possible to create upl
file just by using 3D N15-NOESY only? I don't want to use 3D C13-NOESY.
It will be great help.
3 years and 9 months and 2 weeks old
In this case open your 3D 15N-NOESY with StripScope or PolyScope and use Propose Spin
to pick the NOEs. If you export the SpinLinks to UPLs you will then have only UPLs from the 3D 15N-NOESY. Ofcourse if you already picked the 3D 13C-NOESY with Propose spin
then you created spinlinks for this NOESY and when you write out the UPLs the ones you picked from NOEs observed in the 3D 13C-NOESY will be included. If you want to control which spinlinks are visible in which NOESY spectra you can use the link parameter visible
to turn them on or off. You could use the visibility
to control which UPLs are written out (see below).
Setting the visibility of a SpinLink in a given NOESY
Open the HSQC15N with PolyScope. In the strip select the 15N-NOESY. Click on a system (or type goto residue
and the residue number like gr 2
). Click on an NOE and select Propose Spin. This will create a SpinLink. Now execute show horizontal spin
.Expand the spin by clicking on it to display the spinlink symbol o-o. Right-click on it and select set link parameters
. You can click on the CheckBox visible
to change the visibility of the SpinLink in the currently displayed NOESY spectrum. You could use the same strategy for the HSQC13Cali & 3D 13C-NOESY.
To write out the UPLs from only one NOESY, you would need to modify the script ExportSpinLinksToUpls.lua so that you could select one NOESY spectrum and so that the script checks whether each spinlink is visible in the selected spectrum before writing out a UPL.
The relevant lua function is named isVisible
and returns the visibility (true or false) of a SpinLink for a spectrum which is given as a parameter. It is documented in the class SpinLink
in the CARA/LUA programmers manual.
Hi Fred,
sorry to bother you again, I have done pick peaking manually from 3D N15-NOESY and 3D C13-NOESY. I have labeled them as ?
. Now, how can I create peaklist (.peaks) from this pick peaking (?), so that I can run automated calculations in cyana.
Thanks again.
3 years and 9 months and 13 days old
This approach will not work. When you pick a spin in CARA and label it "?", CARA does not know how it is connected to the remaining spins in the system. When you use File-Export-Strip peaklist in PolyScope, you will generate a peaklist containing some nonsense peaks. If you picked only ? peaks in the 3D N15 NOESY we could recover your work by writing a script that creates a file with peaks like f1:H, f2:N, f3:? but since you also picked ? spins in the 3D C13-NOESY, you have mixed up the information from the two NOESYs.
There are two ways to generate constraints with NOESY spectra:
1) Use "Propose spin" in the strip menu of PolyScope to create spin-links. These represent NOE constraints. You can then either generate a constraint list with the script ExportSpinLinksToUpls.lua
or generate a peaklist using File-Export-Strip peaklist in PolyScope.
2) Write out the assignments using WriteAssignments.lua
and use the automated peak-picking and NOE assignment of Unio
(free for academics)
together with structure calculation with cyana
. In this case you do not need to pick the peaks in the NOESYs at all.
There is online documentation for structure calculations at the wiki:
The only significant change is that Unio has now replaced Atnos/Candid for automated structure calculation.
Dear Fred, I am new to CARA but found it very interesting. Currently I am facing a problem regarding BMRB string files. I have downloaded assignment from BMRB as *.str files. I created a new project in CARA. I can see sequence, spins and system for this project. I am unable to generate spectra and hence unable to open in scopes. Kindly help me out!
3 years and 8 months and 1 day old
HI Abhay, thanks for your interest in CARA. As I understand it you have loaded a BMRB str file to generate a new project. Everything has functioned correctly. CARA creates the sequence, spin-systems and spins which are assigned to the atoms given in the BMRB file. You need to provide the spectra of the molecule yourself. These are loaded into the "Spectra" part of the project as described in the CARA wiki:
See step 6 of the instructions for "Importing an XEASY project".
I realize that we should include the step for loading spectra also in the instructions for users who are not starting from an XEASY project. I will update this in the wiki. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.
Dear Fred, Thanks for your prompt reply. As I figured out from your post, I have to add a spectrum manually. Incidentally I dont find any spectra in BMRB string file. So even if I think of adding any spectra, I cannot do it due to this limitation. Nevertheless, I found other way round after several hours of posting my problem. Let me explain my problem first. I have taken HSQC of my sample and now I want to compare it to the available HSQC in BMRB of same sample for quick assignment. Later I realize that I am not able to overlay HSQC spectra of my sample over that of provided by BMRB string files in CARA. During this time I mailed you for help. Now I think I have got a lengthy but workable process to do the same. I opened a project for BMRB string file. Then I exported it in mapper format. This helps me in getting my desired assignment combination (like C vs N or N vs H). This mapper file is then changed to .peaks file using MS Excel and notepad and by changing its header. After this I open my sample HSQC, then go to import peaklist and import .peaks (originated from BMRB string files). Now I can overlay and compare and assign peaks (if they are matching!!!). This way I am able to overlay any BMRB string files over my measured spectra. Am I making any sense??? Kindly correct me or show me the shortcut of this process. Abhay
Hi Abhay,
It seems that you have overlooked a crucial aspect of how CARA functions which is peak inference
. CARA uses the assigned chemical shifts of the project to predict the position of peaks in the spectra you display.
If you load a BMRB file with assignments into a project, then CARA will display the expected peaks on any spectra that you open with the following scopes: HomoScope, PolyScope, StripScope, SystemScope.
There is no need for the elaborate technique that you describe. Possibly there was some confusion because you attempted to display the peaklists using MonoScope? This is a special tool used specifically for working with peaklists that are used by other programs and can also be used for performing integrations. However for your stated purpose of comparing BRMB assignments to a spectrum that you have measured you should use the other scopes. In this case open the HSQC15N using either HomoScope or PolyScope.
Hi Fred,
I am unable to run ProposeAndshow.lua
script. I am getting an error message '352: attempt to index local dlg
(a nil value)'.
Let me know if it can be fixed.
Thank you.
3 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Hi Morgan, sorry for the long delay in my reply. I did not write this script (although parts of the code were borrowed from a script that I have helped to write). After looking into it, I conclude that you need to edit three lines near the top of the script which define the SpectrumId of the 3 NOESY spectra that are used for the analysis in your project.
-- NN is the SpecId of the 3D 13C aromatic NOESY
-- NN is the SpecId of the 3D 13C aliphatic NOESY
-- NN is the SpecId of the 3D 15N NOESY
And then you need to use it within PolyScope (do not execute it from the Terminal window.
- Open the HSQC15N with PolyScope.
- Select the 3D 15N NOESY
- Click on a H-N system of interest in the HSQC15N.
- In the 3D 15N NOESY strip click on an NOE to an aliphatic proton and then right-click
propose spin
. - The propose spin dialog will open with a list of potential assignments for the aliphatic proton. You will see an empty selector box at the top of the dialog window (see the region highlighted with a red oval in the ScreenshotBefore). Click this and select the script ProposeAndShow.lua. (Should look like ScreenshotAfter)
Now the behaviour of Propose spin
has been changed so that after you select one of the proposed spins, it shows an expanded view of the region corresponding to the complementary NOESY spectrum (the 3D 13C aliphatic NOESY in my example). This is to help you to decide what the correct NOESY assignment is. If you see a signal which aligns with the crosspeak at the displayed location then it means that the complementary NOESY has a peak which supports the assignment.
This is an experimental script written by A. Severin and currently you need to manually close the windows after you are done with viewing each proposed spin assignment. Also you need to delete the spinlink to the proposed spin if you were not convinced that the assignment is correct. This is done most easily using the undo feature (ctrl-z).
If you want Propose spin
to return to the old behaviour of just showing a list of spins with matching shifts then use the selector to again select an empty entry (no selected script). Note that if you select a different script you may get unwanted effects since the selected script is selected everytime you use Propose spin
so be careful what script you select!
The last sentence of my last Issue followup should read
Note that if you select a different script you may get unwanted effects since the selected script is executed everytime you use Propose spin
so be careful what script you select!
Hi Fred,
I want to load folded 3D cNOESY in CARA, I mean SW=64 and center was 38 before, and I run folded cNOESY SW=36, center is 24. How I can load this folded cNOESY in CARA?
It will be great help.
Thank you
3 years and 9 months and 2 days old
You need to use the "show folded" feature. If you type sf
the regions outside of the spectral width SW=36 will be displayed. See the following wiki documentation for details.
Perhaps I didnt answer your question. You can load the folded 13C-resolved NOESY just the same as you would load one that is not folded.
Hi, Is there a way to replace an amino acid in the sequence by another one?
My second question is how do you display only the peaks of a a specific system, say Leu54 or Ala59, especially in any spectrum?
3 years and 7 months and 1 week old
Regarding the replacement of residues: You must do it manually in the repository file. Please see this issue:
Regarding the display of systems. There is no way to display only one system unless you are using SystemScope. You can navigate to the system using the following approaches:
Goto sYstem (enter system number:gy 13
Goto Residue (enter residue number:gr 10
Show List (double click on puzzle piece of system/residue)
If you are having problems with overlap you will need to zoom in (but ofcourse you will not see all resonances of a system this way).
Hi, Is there a way to draw lines through a cross peak in CARA similar to draw frequency command in XEASY?
3 years and 7 months and 6 days old
In SystemScope the frequency lines are displayed automatically.
In the other scopes, you can turn on View-synch to global cursor
in different scopes so that the cursor position corresponds along the equivalent axes.
I have a text file I created with my protein sequence, and I saved this file as a .seq file. Unfortunately when I tried to create a new project and it asks if I want to import a sequence file it cannot see the file. I am looking the correct directory, it just can't seem to recognize it. What am I doing wrong?
3 years and 7 months and 4 days old
The filename must have the suffix .seq
For example mysequence.seq
There is also a lua script which converts a file containing single-letter aminoacid code to a .seq file. This file must have the name ending in .aa
. The script is called OneLetterFileToSeqFile.lua
Hi Fred,
I want to know, is it possible to add 2.5 PPM to all my carbon shifts? because our data is out by 2.5 PPM. I have already finished all assignment (backbone and side-chain). How can I do this before structure calculation?
Thanks in advance.
3 years and 6 months and 1 week old
You can shift a set of spins by a fixed amount using the either of the scripts
The new script:
allows the spectral dimensions to be recalibrated to reflect the changed spin positions.
I am trying to use the scripts "AssignmentReport" and "BmrBDeposit" on assignments that I've generated using Autoassign, and am getting the errors:
Lua> [executing "AssignmentReport"] [string "AssignmentReport"]:157: No projects found in repository
Lua> [executing "BmrBDeposit"] [string "BmrBDeposit"]:201: No projects found in Repository
The main (left) window shows the projects that are in the repository and I can see the contents of the spins, links, etc files in the Explorer window. This problem occurs with CARA 1.5.5 & 1.8.4 on a PC and 1.8.4 on a Mac; it seems to be associated with the repository. Any ideas?
- Chris Lepre
3 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
This is an old bug in the script included with the template repository. You can obtain the latest version of AssignmentReport.lua at the cara wiki calua page. You can write out a deposit file for BMRB using the latest version of WriteAssignments.lua.
Hallo Fred and Rochus! I have a problem with the creating of a spectrum. I know, in the tutorial I can find a chapter describes creating of new spectra. But I am helpless with my spectrum unfourtunately. It is a 3D IPAP 13C-detected spectrum-CbCaNCO. The dimensions are: D1-13C’(CO), D2-15N and D3-13Ca/b. The coherence is transferred from: A)13Cb(i)-->13Ca(i)-->15N(i)-->13C’(CO)i-1 and B)13Cb(i-1)-->13Ca(i-1)-->15N(i)-->13C’(CO)i-1
In the way A) there is 1J coupling between 13Ca(i)-15N(i)and in the way B) there is 2J coupling between 13Ca(i-1)-15N(i).
I created a 3D IPAP CbCaCON spectrum yet. It was no problem and it is correct. But I am really helpless with the CbCaNCO spectrum. My problem is the coherence transfer, which starts from two different points and goes to the same point (in this case 15N(i)-->13C’(CO)i-1). Coherence transfer of the common experiments starts on 1 point and goes two ways. Can you help me please with the “Edit experiment procedure” at the CbCaNCO experiment? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, Michaela.
3 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I tried many variations but there is no way to do this using ExperimentProcedures. The ExperimentProcedure simulation of possible correlations is done within CARA by branching into the predecessor residue i-1 at the END of the ExperimentProcedure (see HNCACB for example). Furthermore once in the predecessor residue, it is no longer possible to return to the original residue i.
You can simulate the effect of different ExperimentProcedures by using the menu item SpectrumType-Show Experiment Path
In order to properly simulate any experiment using two linked residues with an ExperimentProcedure, the code of CARA would have to be rewritten to simulate always on the dipeptide rather than treating the two residues separately.
However, there is a workaround!
CARA still provides a more primitive method to define correlations that are observed in an experiment. This is through the use of Labels in the dimensions of the SpectrumType. You need to select two dimensions of the 3D that have a single label each. In this case I recommend N for Dim1 and C-1 for Dim3 since all crosspeaks in your NCOCACB spectrum include these two nuclei. The remaining Dim2 can contain the multiple labels CA,CA-1,CB,CB-1.
See the first screenshot for how to do this (right-click on the dimension and select Add label
to add the shown labels).
Next you need to create a 2D spectrum which has just these two dimensions: an N/CO-1 correlation spectrum. You could make this spectrum simply by using the Tools-project spectrum
Then create a new SpectrumType NCO which correlates N with C-1. Define Dim1 with a single label N
and Dim2 with a single label C-1
. These are KEY labels and will help CARA to match up these two dimensions to the two dimensions Dim1 and Dim3 respectively of the 3D NCOCACB experiment.
See the second screenshot for how to define the SpectrumType NCO.
Now import the two spectra NCO and NCOCACB into your project making sure that they are oriented properly (check the ppm ranges against the Dim number in the Spectra viewer).
Open the 2D NCO using SynchroScope (SynchroScope is an old scope that determines the possible correlations using the old Labels format in SpectrumTypes).
Select the 3D NCOCACB in the strips menu. Pick system
in the 2D NCO plane. Click on one of the resonances in the strip and pick spin
Next label spin
. You should have available all the labels CA,CA-1,CB,CB-1
from Dim2 of the SpectrumType definition from the NCOCACB.
See third screenshot for an example of how this looks.
This setup will allow you to pick the peaks in the NCOCACB experiment using SynchroScope. However, you will not see the labels for CA
and CB
in StripScope because this Scope simulates peaks with the ExperimentProcedure. You can none-the-less use the functions Find Best Predecessor
and Find Best Successor
to link up the strips.
Hope this helps get ahead with your project.
Here is the third screenshot demonstrating how SynchroScope looks after opening the NCO, selecting the NCOCACB in the strips, picking a system in the NCO, picking a spin in the strip and then labeling the spin.
Hallo Fred! Thank you very very much for your great help!!! It is working and I think I will come forward. I have one more small guestion. When I open the 2D_CON spectrum in SynchroScope I can see only the peaks without picking and labels. But when I open the spectrum in PolyScope or HomoScope the peaks are already picked and labeled. Can you tell me please why is it so? Thank you very much in advance! Best regards, Michaela.
This is because SynchroScope is an older scope with not so many options. It only shows the system number of the picked systems, not the spin labels. You could open HomoScope or PolyScope in addition to SynchroScope and turn on View Synch Zoom
and View Synch Cursor
in both scopes. Then if you are not sure about the labels in SynchroScope just switch quickly to HomoScope or PolyScope and the cursor will be on the same system (and the label will be visible).
Hallo Fred! You made a replay to my question yesterday and it was clear. I have a new question. It is a matter of the 2D_CON spectrum opened in SynchroScope. The peaks are not picked. I must pick them. When I make it, the peak is labelled with a new system number. Concretely: I pick one peak in CON spectrum, CO and N+1 become a new spin number. Then I select 3D CbCaCON spectrum and pick Ca and Cb which also become new spin number. But the CO, N+1, Ca, Cb have already a spin number from the assignment with other spectra. Now they have two spin numbers. I dont understand, why? And I can't assign the two system numbers to the same amino acid but they are the same amino acid. It is maybe quite simple and you are maybe laughing about this but can you explain it please? Thank you very much in advance!!! Michaela.
I don't have this problem. I see all the C-1/N correlations that I expect based on the assignments in my project. There must be a difference in your SpectrumType definition or perhaps the spins have different labels in your project or possibly they are not yet linked up into systems. When you simulate your SpectrumType on ALA do you get N .. C-1
? Do you have a spin with label C-1
defined in the systems which are not linked to a predecessor? If the predecessor is linked, does that predecessor system have a spin with label C
Hmm, I think I didn't understand you correctly a few days ago. My systems are linked and wenn I open the CON spectrum in Homoscope or polyscope the peaks are labeled due to previous assignment. But in Synchroscope not. You wrote me, that Synchroscope an older Scope is. Shall I understand it so, that it isn't possible to do pick peaking in CON spectrum-Synchroscope mode when I already made assignment? I use the C detected spectra especially for Proline assignment and adittionaly I make a check of the assignment. Many thak's!!!
Hallo Fred, I have an another question...I picked a new system in CON spectrum which is a Proline. The predecessor and successor are already assigned with other experiment types. How can I link the Proline with the two amino acids from the previously assignment, please? Many thank´s.
Hallo Fred, it is really funny! I don't know what I done but my peaks in the CON spectrum synchroscope are labelled with the right system numbers and a I can also link the Prolines with the predecessors and successors. I have no trouble in the moment. Thank you very much for your great help until now!!!! It was very helpfull!!!! Best regards, Michaela.
Hi Fred and Rochus,
Found a small inconsistency in the default template. Of all methyl-like "atoms" only ALA HB has magnitude set to 3, others have it set to 1. It would make sense to sense to change the rest - ILE HG2/HD1, LEU HD1/HD2, LYS HZ, MET HE, THR HG2, VAL HG1/HG2 to 3.
3 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Here is a script to automatically do this. (I thought I had uploaded this a long time ago, but apparently not).
I evaluated hetero-NOE spectra for the flexibility of proteins. Is there, for the integration, a recommendation for processing with qsine2 or em in the direct dimension? Is there a more detailed explation of the different parameters of the integrator in MonoScope?
4 years and 7 months and 2 days old
It should not matter, as long as you process both the heteronuclear NOE and reference experiment the same. I have expanded the discussion of the Integrator PeakModel somewhat in the wiki.
Dear Fred,
We started our side-chain assignment using HCCCONH type experiment, and later on copied every projected spin (eg. HA-1) to their origin system. However, problems arise when we started to work on 3D NOESY in polyscope. When we selected "propose system", cara provided several candidates. Among them are, for example, HA-1 of L84 with a fit of 0.95 and HA of L83 with a fit of 0.27. Why are the values of fit differ when they are basically the same thing. Is there a script to correct this problem? Thank you very much.
4 years and 1 month and 4 weeks and 1 day old
I don't know. The fit should really just reflect the distance from the cursor ppm value to the spins ppm value. I will look into it. But in any case I suggest that you always use the origin spin. Once you have copied the projected spin to the origin system you have committed to that assignment. Then the projected spin is just a place-holder.
I checked this using the demo project and I don't see what you describe. The fit values for HA-1 A15 and HA L14 are identical and all other examples I check work properly. Could it be that you have alias shifts defined for one of the spins? This is the only way I can create the situation you describe. But then the ppm values for HA-1 A15 and HA L14 are also different.
I think alias shifts could be the reason, but I did try to use the script "Removeallalias" before working on the spectrum. I will double check on my project. Thank you very much for your help!!
I think there was an error in the script RemoveAllAliases.lua released with template Start1.2.cara which causes it to fail to remove aliases. The updated version on the CARA wiki works. However, there is a new version of RemoveAliases.lua which has an option allowing ALL aliases to be removed and it uses a menu interface so that it is not necessary to edit the script when using it.
I cannot load spectrum with size 1GB or more ? when I process HCCH-COSY or HCCH-TOCSY with TOPSPIN I usually end up like more than 1GB.
Please let me know if there is way to upload bigger files in CARA.
Thanks in advance
4 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 2 days old
In Topspin, you can probably use STSR and STSI parameters in F3 dim to reduce by factor of 2 or more the size of file in direct dim. Possibly other dimensions can also be zerofilled less (smaller SI). Then use compression in CARA tools "convert to CARA spectrum".
See also this issue which I found by searching for "file size" using the Issue Trackers search window.
Hi, I have a 1J-IPAP-HNCA spectrum which I processed using the IPAP command in Topspin so that this results in two spectra. These spectra, I want to overlay in Cara to measure the coupling constant. Is these a possibility to overlay two 3D spectra in Cara?
Thanks for help, Christina
4 years and 12 days old
There is no way to overlay 3D spectra. You have to switch back and forth for example using the commands nt
and pt
in Polyscope.
You can currently overlay only 2D spectra using the overlay menu of PolyScope.
To analyse your 1J-IPAP-HNCA spectra, I would peak pick one of the HNCA spectra in Polyscope or Stripscope and then switch to the other one and use "move alias" to create alias positions for that one. Then you could write a simple script to extract the difference in position by comparing spin shift to alias shift.
Hi Fred,
in HCCHCOSY and HCCHTOCSY, still I can see CA-1 CB-1 assignment (i-1). How I can move these i-1 values ?
Thank you
3 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
This should not be possible if your Spectrum types are properly defined in the Experiment Procedure. For C to C transfer steps: hops=1 and mean=40, deviation=35. Use the SpectrumType from the standard template.
I want to pick the peaks in my 13C-NOESY with the Lua script Pick_3D_Peaks
. For the 15N-NOESY it worked perfectly, but for the 13C-NOESY I always get this message:
spectrum> ID: 30 name: 13C-HSQC-900MHz final dimension: 1 range: 10.657<--> -1.303 (ppm) labels: dimension: 2 range: 77.354<--> 7.472 (ppm) labels:
spectrum> ID: 51 name: 13C_NOESY_HSQC_foldet dimension: 1 range: 11.680<--> -2.340 (ppm) labels: dimension: 2 range: 6.470<--> -0.005 (ppm) labels: dimension: 3 range: 47.409<--> 5.575 (ppm) labels:
- 3 3 Total number of spins picked: 0
Before I start picking the 3D I picked the 2D 13C-HSQC and it was not a problem at all. But the labels shown are ?/? ...does it has something to do with the wrong labeling in the 2D? I can´t change the labelling in the 2D picking.
greetings Tanja
3 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
You need to define labels for the dimensions of the SpectrumType appropriately
HSQC13Cali. Dim 1: ?HA
, Dim2: ?CA
3D C13ali-NOESY Dim 1: ?HA
, Dim 3: ?CA
, Dim 2: none needed
The labels are assigned to spins that are created during peak-picking of the 2D. They are also used to match up the corresponding dimensions of the 2D and 3D experiments.
I modified the Pick_3D_Peaks.lua script (ver. 4) so that it complains if matching labels are not found in the 3D. It also is modified so that it can pick negative intensity peaks. So you should download ver. 4 from the wiki.
Hi Fred,
I would like to know what does mean peaklist contains degenerate peaks from given spectrum
. I get this message when I use the command integrate all
C13-NOESY and N15-NOESY in monoscope.
Thanks in advance
3 years and 10 months and 1 week old
It means you probably have some peaks that are so close together that CARA considers them unresolved. CARA in this case will split the local intensity equally between them. There are a number of Issues discussed in the Tracker regarding integration. I suggest you do a search on integration
or integrator
to find them.
I have encountered a problem while doing heteronuclear backbone assignment. Spins were picked with Synchroscope using a 2D-fHMQC and and a 3D HNCACB and for each individual Spin system CA, CA-1, CB and CB-1 were labeled (if possible). While linking individual strips into fragments using Stripscope I realized two pehnomenons: 1) Either two CA and two CB are present in one strip, so the information for the originally picked CA-1 and CB-1 got lost 2) CA-1 and CB-1 are defined as CA and CB respecively, but the correct CA and CB peaks are no longer picked. This occurs only with strips which have been linked into fragments but not with all already linked strips. Somehow the information about the picked spins seems to get lost although it was saved in the repository. Even new picking and saving didn´t help since the same phenomenons appeared again. I guess this will have an impact on finding possible Successors or Predecessors in the fragment-linking procedure. I couldn´t find a desciptions of this problem in the Issues but I hope you´ll have a solution to that problem.
4 years and 1 month and 2 days old
In CARA when you pick a sequential peak in the CBCAcoNH strip from a system A, you should give it a label like CA-1
or CB-1
. This indicates that the picked resonance actually correspond to the CA
or CB
of a predecessor system. However the spins are stored in the current system A. When you use show best predecessors
, CARA matches these spins shifts to the shifts of spins labeled CA
and CB
in other systems and ranks the systems according to how close the fit is.
As soon as the matching spins are assigned, (i.e. the predecessor system B which has spins CB
& CA
is linked to system A with spins CB-1
and CA-1
AND the fragment that these two systems are within is assigned to the sequence),
CARA displays the position of the CB
and CA
spins from system B in the strip of system A with the full assignment label. The spins CB-1
and CA-1
are not lost. They are still stored in system A.
The display of the shift CB
from the assigned predecessor system in place of the CB-1
of a system is called resolving projected spins
. You can turn this effect off using the menu View-resolve projected spins
The point is that this effect is intended. CARA is showing you where your signals SHOULD appear if your assignment is correct. This is help the user to avoid making inconsistent assignments. The CB-1
of system A should anyway be very close to the CB
of system B. If they are not, then something is wrong with the assignment.
Dear Fred, thanks for your answer, but I guess I didn´t describe the problem properly. Of course if linking two systems together, the labeling changes. Lets say there is a spin system 1 which has been identified as the predecessor for spin system 2 (which means that CA-1 and CB-1 spin shifts from System 2 are matching with CA and CB spin shifts from System 1). When I link them together with the function "Link to Reference", the CA-1 spin from System 2 will get the labeling "CA 1" and the CB-1 spin from system 2 will get the labeling "CB 1", whereas CA and CB from system 2 are still labeled "CA 2" and "CB 2", respectively.
After a more detailed reinvestiagtion I could pin down the following observations: In SynchroScope (the already descibed phenomenons): 1)Either two CA and two CB are present in the strip pane, so the information for the originally picked CA-1 and CB-1 got lost. 2) CA-1 and CB-1 are defined as CA and CB respecively, but the correct CA and CB peaks are no longer picked. For most of the spin systems SynchroScope and StripScope show the same pattern, but in some cases StripScope showed the Spin System properly whereas SynchroScope had the fault. In StripScope: 1) For Spin Systems which are at the Start of a fragment: CA-1 and CB-1 are still present but the picked CA and CB spins are lost. Neither unlinking the spin system from the fragment didn´t restore the picked CA and CB shifts nor did relinking into the fragment. 2) For Spin Systems which are inside a fragment: 2a) CA-1 & CB-1 are still present and labeled correctly with the predecessor spin system (e.g. labeled with "CA 1" and "CB 1" in system 2 corresponding to the example above), but the picked CA and CB spins got lost. 2b) CA and CB spins are still present and CA-1 and CB-1 as well, but CA-1 is not labeled with the predecessor spin system whereas CB-1 is labeled with the predecessor spin system.(e.g. CA-1 from system 2 ist labeled "CA 1" but CB-1 from system 2 is still labeled "CB-1 2") 2c) CA, CB, CA-1, CB-1 are all present but CA-1 and CB-1 are not labeled with the predecessor spin system (e.g. CA-1 and CB-1 for spin system 2 are still labeled "CA-1 2" and "CB-1 2", respectively). The function "resolving project spins" is always active, so as soon as a predeccessor is defined it should appear in the labeling of the CA-1 and CB-1 spins of a corresponding system.
Somehow the picked spin information gets lost after recombining some systems into fragments. This doesn´t apply for all spin systems in fragments but it occurs for some. New spin picking, labeling and linking into fragments doesn`t help in all cases. Often this phenomenons happen again when opening the cara file on a different day, but sometimes also with different spin systems.
Dear Fred, we would like to analyse the HcCH tocsy but we have some problems to understand which scope we have to use. Indeed, If we open the spectra with system-scope rotated, as we do with hCCH tocsy, we obtain a good spectra but a wrong orientation of the peaks (cross).
Thank you Best Regards Rebecca
6 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
HcCH tocsy should be opened with SystemScope (not SystemScopeRotated). The HCcHtocsy should be oriented so that:
1) the x-axis of the strip is the Hinept (attached to the C from the C dimension)
2) the y-axis of the strip is the Htocsy (not attatched to C)
3) the z axis of the strip (depth) is the Cinept (attached to the Hinept shown along x axis). This axis is shown along the x axis of the plane shown to the right of the strip in SystemScope.
In the HCcHtocsy experiment, as originally described in the literature, the Htocsy axis is the directly detected dimension. In CARA this dimension should be along the strip axis (since it contains the TOCSY towers). It may be necessary to rotate the spectrum relative to the SpectrumType to achieve this. This is accomplished by opening the HCcHtocsy in MonoScope and applying "Spectrum-Map to Type". You can then swap the two H axes.
You should now see the TOCSY towers along the y axis in MonoScope. If you store the repository, the HCcHtocsy will always be shown in the correct orientation in all scopes.
You should now be able to use SystemScope to walk through the sidechain.
Example for Val:
1) Select a Val spin system from the SpinSystemSelector (for example if spin system 6 is assigned to Val 4: 006 -> Val 4 4 )
2) If HA and CA are assigned, the HA-CA anchor will appear in the anchor list. You can double-click on the anchor to display the strip containing the Htocsy tower at the HA-CA anchor position.
3) You can now click on the HB signal in the strip and right-click "Pick Label" and select the "HB" label.
4) Now the HB-CB will appear in the list (assuming the CB is already assigned) Double-click on the HB-CB anchor to display the tocsy tower at the HB-CB position.
5) Click on the HG signal and "Pick Label" selecting "HG".
6) Click on the HG to select the "+".
7) Right-Click and select "Show Orthogonal". This will display the C vs Htocsy plane at the Hinept position of the HG. Somewhere in this plane, you should see the Htocsy tower of the HG-CG anchor.
8) Click on it so that the vertical cursor is lined up on it. Right-Click and "Pick Orthogonal Label" selecting the "CG" label.
You can use the strategy of steps 4-8 to pick the HD1-CD1 and HD2-CD2 anchors.
HCcHtocsy should be opened with SystemScope. If you apply "Show orthogonal" to a HB in the strip, the plane will show the Cinept-Htocsy x-y plane. You can click on the tocsy tower at the Cinept position of the CB and use "pick orthogonal label".
hCCHtocsy can be opened with SystemScope(rotated) swap the Hinept and Cinept dimensions so that x-axis of strip is Cinept. If you apply "Show orthogonal" to a CB in the strip, the plane will show the Hinept-Ctocsy x-y plane. You can click on the tocsy tower at the Hinept position of the HB and use "pick orthogonal label".
Hello Fred, if only CA/CB are assigned (backbone assignment is over) but not the aliphatics are over. Can We still use HCcHtocsy for assigning all Cs and Hs? if Yes, let me know the procedure.
i mean to say that Ca/Cb are assigned but not Ha and Hbs...
Some different strategies are sketched out at the CARA wiki:
Here are some additional thoughts.
There is no straightforward way with a HCcHtocsy and only Ca/Cb assignments. You do not have any H shifts to start with. To use only the HCcHtocsy and Ca/Cb assignments, see method 4 below.
Here are my recommendations in their order of preference.
Method 1: Measure a 3D hCCHcosy (overnight). This experiment gives you two C dimensions so you can fix those two dimensions with your Ca/Cb coordinates and look along the Hinept dimension to get the Ha and Hb assignments. E.g. you open the hCCHcosy so that Cinept is along X-axis of strip, Hinept is along Y-axis of strip and Ccosy is along Z-axis (depth dimension). Then you will get Ca-Cb and Cb-Ca anchors listed in the anchor list which you can double click on to display strips along Hdim which will contain the Ha and Hb spins respectively.
Method 2: Use the 3D 13C-resolved NOESY measured in H2O and look at strips using SystemScope(rotated) with 1H NOE dim along X-axis, 1H acquisition dim along Y-axis, and 13C along Z-axis. You will obtain HN-Ca anchors in the anchor list. Double-clicking on them will give strips which can show NOEs to the Ha spins.
Method 3: pick likely candidate HA peaks in the HN-N strips of a 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY displayed with PolyScope or StripScope and then confirm them with method 2.
Method 4: This is the most tedious approach which uses only the 3D HCcHtocsy. You must compare the Hinept-Htocsy planes for the CA and Cb shifts. Look for a TOCSY tower which is typical of the spin-system you are searching for and which occurs in both Ca and Cb planes. E.g. if you have assigned the Ca and Cb shifts of a VAL. Look for a TOCSY tower which correlates Ha,Hb,Hg1&Hg2 at exactly the same position in both the Ca and Cb plane of the HCcHtocsy. To facilitate the search, you can create spins at the average chemical shift expected for the H spins in the SpinSystem of interest. These will allow you to navigate to the appropriate place in the spectrum using PolyScope. Once you find the correct TOCSY tower, you can move the H spins to their correct positions.
hello fred, i for ca/ha and cb/hb, now can we use HcCH TOCSY for all other aliphatic protons and aliphatic carbon assignment....please let me know the protocol for the same.
i tried to export all assigned chemical shift using WriteAssignments.lua script and selected all in select class of resonances to write. But, it does not write CO (Carbonyl) chemical shift. I am wondering what is wrong with me...
4 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Possibly you used only the HNCO to assign the CO shifts. Then you created projected spins with labels like C-1.
Did you copy your C-1 projected spins to the origin system? There is a script to do this. WriteAssignments only writes out the spins without any offset like -1. are right. i used only hnco. Is there a way to do this in writeassignments.lua?
As I said, you will need to copy the projected spins "C-1" to their origin system. Each "C-1" is currently in the i+1 system. You need to assign the CO resonance in it's own system i.
Run the script:
Select your project
Enter the label C
Select the offset -1
and execute.
Thereafter you will have the C spins assigned to their origin system and WriteAssignments.lua will include them in the output file. worked for me. Can put this as completed.
Cara 1.3
PolyScope crashes after I open a peaklist while displaying a 3D 15N 3D NOESY. After about 5-10sec Cara crashes hard.
link to cara1.3
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The crash is reproducible and occurs for only one of several peaklists, the only obvious difference is that the list is quite large.
I can send you the repository to investigate the problem.
7 years and 7 months and 6 days old
I spent some time debugging. I see the place where it crashes but still don't find the reason. Takes a while.
I have the impression this problem doesn't occur with 1.8.4. I loaded a peaklist with 4401 peaks and could not recreate the crash.
Is it possible to use propose spin option for HSQC-NOE-HSQC experiment? I made a new NOESY-like spectrum type with HSQC, H-H NOE transfer(Hops=-1) and following HSQC. Path calculation is ok, but I can't use propose spin option. Is there any way to process such data?
4 years and 9 months and 1 week old
Possibly you are referring to this issue?
If you are referring to a 3D linking 15N along strip axis (D2) to another 15N which determines the position of the strip along a second 15N dimension (D3) then I think it only works if you orient the 3D so that the direct dimension of the strip has the same atom type as the strip dimension. E.g. in StripScope the horizontal axis of the strips is one 15N-dimension and the vertical axis of the strip is the second 15N dimension.
Were you able to solve the issue in the manner described in the follow-up?
The problem is that i have 3 different dimensions: 1H, 15N and 13C. 13C dimension is a result of proton-proton NOE transfer with subsequent HSQC. So I just need to point 13C peak and say: Propose spin to get variants.
Okay, I could get this to work. I defined a spectrum type with
Name=3D HNnoeC
D1=H, D2=C, D3=N
and ExperimentProcedure
Step1: H(hops=0) Dim=D1
Step2: N(hops=1) Dim=D3
Step3: C(hops=-1) ave=40,dev=35 Dim=D2
When I propose spin, I see a list of 13C shifts. If I select one then a peak appears in the strip and a spinlink is generated between N and C. If you wanted to generate a spinlink between H and C then you would have to change the ExperimentProcedure as follows:
Step1: N(hops=0) Dim=D3
Step2: H(hops=1) Dim=D1
Step3: C(hopes=-1) ave=40,dev=35 Dim=D2
What this will NOT do is show you the corresponding NOEs in other types of spectra. I.e. if you pick an NOE from HN to CA in your 3D HNnoeC spectrum, this will not lead to the appearance of a HN-HA NOE in either the 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY or the 13C-resolved-[1H,1H]-NOESY. To do this you would need to simultaneously create the spinlink HN-HA using a _Filter.lua
script in the PolyScope Propose Spin
dialog. When you open the dialog you see an empty pull down menu at the top of the window. You can select a LUA script which generates the list of spins displayed in the Propose Spins list and also creates the necessary spinlinks. But first you have to write the script!
I include a couple of scripts to show how it is done. The first script _Filter.lua
reproduces the standard behaviour of "Propose Spin". The second one _PickNNnoesy.lua
can be used to synchronize spinlinks created in an N->NH-NOESY with the spinlinks in the standard H->HN NOESY.
This is actually a very useful feature in disguise. When choose "Extend Horizontally/Vertically" in homoscope, there is a blank area at the top of the pop-up window, clicking it brings up the list of available lua scripts, which are entirely functional after clicking "Cancel" of the original pop-up window! This could be modified and used in all spectrum scope windows to run the lua scripts directly outside the Explore terminal. I will like this feature very much!
4 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
The blank area is a pull-down menu for scripts and it is intended (not a bug). The purpose is to allow the user to select a script whose purpose is to generate the list of spins available in the Extend Vertically
, Extend Horizontally
dialog of HomoScope and in the Propose Spin
dialog of PolyScope. This could be useful to restrict the available choices based on some criteria such as Isotope-labeling or belonging to a specific range of residues or similar.
If you select a script and click OK instead of CANCEL then it is executed everytime you use the menu items Extend horizontally
, Extend vertically
or Propose Spin
so be careful what you select! Best to leave it blank when you close one of these three dialogs unless you really need a script to be executed everytime.
However you can ofcourse use it to exploit the access to LUA scripts as Jim described.
I agree that it would be nice to have a separate button or menu item "execute script". In fact eventually it is intended that the user can modify the Scopes to include custom menu items which execute user defined scripts - but this is still in the pipeline.
Hi, I assigned signals on HcccoNH with SynchroScope / PolyScope, however when I open 2D TOCSY with Homoscope I don't have any side chain assignment, I don't see any n-1 protons assignment. The only assignment that I have is diagonal assignment. Moreover, when I run AssigmentReport script, the output information is that I don't have any proton side chain assignment despite the fact that I made it and see it in PolyScope for HcccoNH. When I run ‘CreateOriginSystemsFromProjectedSpins_v3’ script the only change that I have is creating systems for Prolines. When I open 3D NOESY with PolyScope I have side chain assignment as n-1 and normal ‘n’ assignment for Proline.
I am beginning CARA user (Cara 1.8.4, under Windows XP, Template: Start1.2
), maybe I am missing something?
4 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Try turning off the Prolines only option in 'CreateOriginSystemsFromProjectedSpins_v3’
Could you resolve this issue with the suggested approach?
Dear Fred, I'm trying to set up NCACX and NCOCX experiments. Even if the experiment path shown seems to be correct, when I open my spectra I can't see the whole spin system. In the attachment I'm sending you all the information I think you need to understand the problem.
Thanks a lot
Hi Daniela, sorry you had to wait so long for a reply! I hope you could solve the problem. But for the sake of completeness I will try to answer your question here.
In CARA the orientation of strips is as follows:
D1 is the horizontal axis of the strip. D2 is the vertical axis. D3 is the depth.
It follows that you should define your Experiment so that D1 = N D2 = CX D3 = CA
This is not the case in the ExperimentProcedure you show in your attatched file. There you have defined D2=CA & D3=CX.
Most scopes will display spectra with the correct orientation. However PolyScope has a problem when two indirect dimensions are the same NucleusType (in this case CA and CX are both C13). If you open PolyScope with a 2D NCA experiment, and then select the 3D NCACX in the strips, most probably the CA axis will be displayed along the Y-axis of the strip which is wrong. You will need to use a trick to obtain the correct orientation. Open the 3D NCACX with PolyScope(rotated) and ensure that the axes are rotated so that D2 is assigned to CX. Now in the Plane menu select the NCA.
For the NCOCX I suggest that you use the path N -> CO -> CX-1 Therefore you should put N in step one (D1), CO in step two (D3), and CX (repeat) in step three (D2).
Note that generally CARA uses a particular ResidueType to simulate the labels that are available along the CX dimension. Which ResidueType is used depends on the information available. If you have not yet assigned the system, then it will assume the GenericResidueType. It is the ResidueType where the GenericResidueType check box is checked. For the template Start1.2.cara this is the ResidueType BB which contains only backbone atoms + the Cbeta-H2 group. You will therefore only have CA and CB available for a freshly picked system. If you want more choices you will have to set a ResidueType as Generic ResidueType which has a long sidechain (for example LYS). To do this you will need to edit the repository. Unfortunately at some point the ability to do this directly within CARA using the checkbox broke and was never fixed.
To change the GenericResidueType, Back up your repository and then open it with your favorite editor. Search for gensys
. You will find a line that looks like:
<library nterm=N
Replace BB
with your desired ResidueType such as LYS. Save the repository.
This will make it possible to pick spins with labels CA-1, CB-1, CG-1, CD-1 and CE-1.
Once you link the System to a predecessor system, the ResidueType of that System will determine which labels are available. Ofcourse the Predecessors ResidueType is only known if the fragment it is a part of is assigned in the sequence. Otherwise, CARA will default to the GenericResidueTypes labels.
Hi, I noticed that NOE peaks picked in synchroscope are not shown in polyscope, and vise versa. For example in synchroscope, first I select the assigned residue in HMQC window, then in the side-panel 3D-N15-edited NOESY spectrum use "pick spin" to select the NOE peak, then I save the cara file. When I open this 3D-NOESY in polyscope mode, I can not see the peak I just picked.
We actually picked all the NOE peaks using polyscope mode. However, when we wanted to check all the assignments in synchroscope, we could not see many picked peaks.
Am I missing some steps?
4 years and 3 months and 10 days old
When you use the "pick spin" function in PolyScope, you create a SpinLink linking the anchor spin of the Strip (along dimension x) with the spin along the vertical axis of the strip (dimension z). This SpinLink which represents an NOE will be visible in all NOESY spectra where it is expected when you view them in the scopes PolyScope, StripScope, SystemScope.
SynchroScope is an older Scope and does not have the capability to work with Spinlinks. PolyScope is an advanced version of SynchroScope.
You don't need to use SynchroScope. Just use PolyScope instead.
Thanks for your explanation. I actually liked Synchroscope interface. Well, I will stick to PolyScope then.
It's okay to use SynchroScope for triple resonance assignment but PolyScope is the right one for NOESYs. What do you like better about the SynchroScope interface?
You can easily move from residue to residue in Synchromscope, which is a great feature. For 3D-NOESY, by selecting "show 3D plane" you can go to a plane and see all the candidates for a specific NOE peak, and you can check whether some peaks on this plane are assigned or not as well.
On the other hand, Polyscope has "propose system", which includes all the candidates assigned in the same plane.
As far as I know it is also easy to move from residue to residue in PolyScope. You can use the shortcut gr
for goto residue
and enter the residue number. You can also use the shortcut sl
to display the system list. Double-click on any system in the list to go to that system. show 3D plane
is also available in PolyScope under the Plane menu heading. There is also a short for this 3D
which toggles on/off the 3D plane view.
An important capability of PolyScope is that you can set the peak width and peak depth. This controls the depth of crosspeaks that are displayed. If you set these parameters correctly in all three dimensions then it is easier to see which peaks have already been accounted for and where there is potential overlap.
If you still feel there are features missing in PolyScope that are implemented in SynchroScope, please let us know so that we can improve it.
I want to export my peaklist in XEasy format, after the integration in MonoScope. At the moment I have made it by "export peaklist" which have resulted in a .peaks file. I have used this file and converted it to a .xml file in order to use it in Aria. However, during the conversion some NOEs are lost. It seems the problem is that a # is missing in the .peaks list after for example HB in Ala. Is there another way of making the peaklist so the # is included and thereby all NOEs converted in the .xml file?
4 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Could you be more specific about what you mean by #? Do you mean that the peaklist includes labels for the peaks which start with #?
The assignment numbers included with each peak in the peaklist are the same as the spin-numbers in your CARA project. These assignment numbers in the peaklist together with the protonlist contain all the information needed to assign each dimension of a peak to an atom.
Possibly the problem is with nomenclature. The CARA template Start1.2.cara uses BMRB/IUPAC nomenclature NOT XEasy nomenclature. This means that when you write out the protonlist, the names of atoms follow IUPAC and are not compatible with XEasy. If you want to write out the protonlist in XEasy nomenclature you can try the script WriteAssignments.lua.
Yes, it seems the problem is nomenclature. In CARA the methylgroup in Ala is named HB. In XEasy, if I have understood it correctly, it should be named HB#. Therefore when using a conversionscript from XEasy to xml NOEs including HB is excluded. However when changing it to HB# it is included. Is there a simple way of making the peaklist to ensure easy conversion to xml? Does the script you suggested also work for the peaklists?
I don't understand how your conversion script to xml works. An XEASY peaklist by itself generally does not have sufficient information to derive the assignments of the peaks. These are given as atom numbers in the rightmost columns of the peaklist file (excluding the very last column):
1 110.218 7.040 1 ? 8.146e+03 0.00e+00 m 0 217 218 0
2 110.218 6.778 1 ? 1.104e+04 0.00e+00 m 0 217 219 0
3 119.666 8.190 1 ? 9.800e-01 0.00e+00 - 0 303 304 0
The first peak has the atom numbers 217 and 219 in dimensions 1 and 2 respectively.
The information about which atoms these are (e.g. ALA HB) is in the protonlist file.
Example: the protonlist looks like:
217 112.303 0.080 N 2
218 4.250 0.007 HA 2
219 7.463 0.008 H 2
So the first peak in the list is a crosspeak involving the N and H of residue 2.
Therefore I expect that the formatting issue you refer to is associated with the protonlist, not the peaklist.
We assigned all of the TOCSY peaks using a H_CCCONH spectrum. If we open 3D-NOESY using Polyscope, the TOCSY assignments can be seen only when we choose "Show infered peaks". If we turn off "Show infered peaks" in 3D-NOESY spectrum and export the peaklist, we do not see TOCSY assignments in the output 3D-NOESY peaklist.
Did we do something wrong? I thought the TOCSY assignments should have been automatically added to NOESY, and we don't have to re-assign them. Thank you,
4 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Please do not worry about this issue. I have found the solution. It can be done in Monoscope using Import Spin Links.
When you export the peaklist for structure calculation, you only want peaks to be displayed where real peaks are located. In NOESY spectra, "show inferred peaks" displays all resonances corresponding to the TOCSY tower and even some which are not observed in TOCSY. It actually displays ALL 1H spins that are in the residue. This is to help you in the assignment stage. Later during NOESY assignment and the generation of peaklists for structure calculation you will want to turn these off.
For example: what if you don't see an NOE from your TRP HN to it's own HZ2? If "Show inferred" is on, CARA will display this peak. With "show inferred" turned off, you will need to use "propose spin" to manually assign the intraresidue NOEs. An alternative is to use an external program like Atnos/Candid to generate the "covalent peaklist". That is a peaklist containing all peaks that should be visible independent of the proteins structure. Then use Import Spinlinks function of MonoScope to import this peaklist and create spinlinks for these peaks. Then go through the strips of the NOESY spectra with "Show inferred" turned off and use "Delete Links" to delete those NOEs which are not visible in the NOESY.
Note that there is still an issue because CARA will display a spinlink in all NOESY spectra where it is expected, so if you see an NOE from HN to HA in the H-N strip of a residue in the 15N-NOESY-HSQC, CARA will also display the spinlink in the HA-CA strip of the 13C-NOESY-HSQC.
In order to prevent this spinlink from being displayed in only one NOESY spectrum you will have to hide
the spinlink.
Unfortunately there is no context menu for this. You need to locate the spinlink in the SystemList browser.
Turn on the SystemList browser with sl
. Click on the system in the Plane and then type gh
to goto horizontal spin in the SystemList. Then expand the selected Spin and right-click on the appropriate SpinLink symbol o-o and select "Set Link Parameters". By turning off the "show" checkbox in the resulting menu window you hide the spinlink in the displayed NOESY spectrum.
Now when you export the peaklist from this NOESY with "Show inferred" turned off the corresponding peak will not be included.
I am using Autolink for backbone assignment(Autolink_II_0.84_forcara_1.8).What I have noticed is the Pick spin system
tab (in Spectrum Controls) sometimes does not work properly.Often the program hangs.
Will you please look in to this?
Regards, Lalit
4 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Lalit, The CARA wiki site is not involved in development or maintainance of autolink.
Please contact the developer at
hi, i want automated picking in noesy and export the peak list sothat i can use it in cyana.i tried for atnoscandid but due to some problem it was not running properly. regards manoj
4 years and 3 months and 2 days old
Regarding Atnoscandid peak-picking. It is important that the input chemical shift list (the .prot file) matches to the NOESY experiment and that all NOESY spectra are calibrated to match each other. You must adjust all the chemical shifts in your CARA project so that the towers of peak positions are centered on the towers of NOESY peaks. If there are slight differences in the chemical shifts between the different NOESY spectra, use alias positions to define the shifts and write out a separate chemical shift list for each NOESY.
It is also very important to write out the chemical shift calibrations obtained in CARA to the spectrum files. This can be done by right-clicking on the NOESY spectrum in the Spectra-explorer and selecting the "Write calibration" option. If you do not do this, Atnoscandid will not know what the correct calibration of your spectrum is and will be looking at the wrong chemical shifts for NOE peaks.
Note that the "Write calibration" menu item is only available for XEASY format spectra (*.3D.param). So if your spectra are in another format (e.g. bruker 3rrr) you will first have to convert them with the CARA's "Tools-Convert to EASY spectrum" menu command.
See the CARA wiki for a summary of StructureCalculation
If you want to use an automated peak-picker within CARA to generate the peaklist you can try the LUA scripts Pick_2D_Peaks and Pick_3D_Peaks. However this approach is untested.
If you want to peak-pick and assign the NOEs manually and make iterative structure calculation with cyana then see the section on manual structure calculation from the above link.
Reading in NMRPipe 2D spectra on LINUX results in spectra with inverted intensities.
7 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Do you observe this behaviour with all of your spectra? Also with the 3D? Do you use special configurations when transforming the spectra? We only had this effect once with a 3D, but couldn't find the cause yet. Probably a misinterpreted flag in the quite misterious file format.
I also see the same problem with all 2D spectra (3D seem fine) that I process using the standard template macros that are available through the NMRPipe macro editor (i.e., no fancy processing flags or strange options). My 2D spectra are also rotated (which is not a big problem to fix).
Possibly there is a parameter present in each dimension and for a 3D the two negative signs cancel out where as in a 2D they don't. It will help to have file specifications for NMRPipe to correct this.
Done in 1.2.3. I didn't find out the exact reason for the inversion. This must be an attribute of the Pipe spectrum which I do not know yet. I implemented a word around which you can use after importing spectra into a repository. Do the following:
1) Save the repository and close CARA
2) Open the *.cara file using a text editor.
3) Search for "factor" attributes. Change the ones belonging to the inverted spectra from 1.0 to -1.0.
4) Save the file and reopen it in CARA. Your spectra should now look correct.
Hi, I have a problem with the intensity inversion in the F2 (direct) dimension, and the F1(indirect) dimension is fine. I used the generic template from your site, and could not find the "factor" attributes in the template file to change it from 1.0 to -1.0 as suggested.
Thanks for your help
Here is the corresponding section of a CARA repository generated by CARA 1.8.4 opened with a text-editor:
<spectrum type=hsqc15N
<level pmax=2898049.750000
<cal dim=0
<cal dim=1
Note that there is an attribute factor
associated with each spectrum. In the example it is set to 1.000000. If you are not seeing this, possibly your CARA version is VERY old.
Hello, I couldn't find any solution to the following problem:
CARA provides a very ueful environment to assign large proteins. However, there is no feature to fully exploit selectively labeled molecules. The first feature needed is that, only residues and spin systems that exist in a given spectrum should be displayed. An easy way to do this would be to be able to specify the residue types in addition to the labels when creating a spectrum type. Thus, the user would create his own spectrum type to match his molecule labeling scheme. A better solution would be to enable the selection of spins (displayed) according to labels, residues etc. This would correspond to the "sp" command in Xeasy. I think this is a very important feature, during the assignment process, and when generating peak lists. This would avoid noise integration and artificial overlaps (when one of the two peaks overlaping is actualy absent from the spectrum, yet displayed). My current solutions are 1) to go through Xeasy and modify my peak list there; then I can import the links in CARA. The problem is that when adding a link, this link will either be in all spectra (when hidden links is on) or only in the active one (when hiden link is off in the other spectra). In addition one has to delete all links before importing them from the edited peak list. Another solution I used was to make a script where I delete all non existing spins. This is clearly very bad since it requires creating a new project everytime you have a given spectrum. Clearly both solutions contradict the CARA philosophy, where every action occurs within a single project.
Best regards
5 years and 10 months and 2 days old
Your contribution addresses two issues. Selective labeling and selective display. To me they are two distinct issues. Selective labeling is a permanent feature of any spectrum that was measured with a selectively labeled sample. Selective display is a temporary filtering of the set of expected peaks for the purpose of inspecting a subset of signals.
Here I follow-up on "selective labeling":
This is a timely issue to submit, since there is currently a discussion under way about how to represent isotope-labeled samples. I am advocating the representation of isotope-labeling by a new object in the CARA model "sample". A short summary is given in an older issue:
Associating the labeling scheme with the SpectrumType, as you suggest means that for every labeling scheme a new SpectrumType would be needed, multiplying the number of SpectrumTypes by the number of labeling schemes.
Because LabelingSchemes are actually independent of SpectrumType, I prefer to represent it directly as a new object. The SpectrumTypes would remain abstractions of the pulse-sequence (e.g. there is only ONE 3D 15N NOESY not one for each different sample) and the appearance of signals would continue to be defined by pathway simulation. However the isotope-labeling pattern of the sample would be used in the simulation. This is easy to achieve by replacing the Catagory "AtomType" by a subcatagory of AtomType "Isotope".
For each "sample" with different isotope-labeling, the user would have to specify the labeling pattern. This could be done by expanding the ResidueTypes to include different Labeling patterns and then selecting the labeling pattern at each Residue position in the sequence. When a Spectrum is read in the user would specify the SpectrumType and the "Sample".
Essentially, I suggest Introducing a subcatagory to ResidueType called "LabelingScheme". Each LabelingScheme specifies which "Isotope" is used at each Atom in the Residue.
SpectrumType would require only minor adjustment: the AtomType at each "experiment step" would be replaced by the "Isotope". With this expansion of the model it becomes possible to write experiments with pathways like:
C12 -> H1 -> NOE -> H1 -> C13.
All the typically used LabelingSchemes can be represented:
- samples in D2O (amide H1 -> H2)
- perdeuterated proteins with protonated methyl groups
- site-specific 15N-labeled residues
- complexes between labeled and unlabeled components
- segmental labeling
The most recent alpha release: 1.8.4a5 includes new capabilities to handle isotope-labeled samples.
Cara-explorer now includes the new subpage "Labeling Schemes". You can define new Labeling Schemes and give them a unique ID and name.
Example: Enter 1 and "unlabeled". A labeling scheme gives a unique identifier to a set of ResidueType LabelingSchemes. For example LabelingScheme 1 indicates that all ResidueTypes have N14 and C12 isotopes.
Atoms of ResidueTypes have the new menu item "Add Isotope". Here you can define what isotope a given atom has for each "Labeling Scheme".
Example: Click on ResidueType Alanine to expand it and right-click on atom N selecting "Add Isotope". In the resulting dialog select the "Labeling Scheme" "unlabeled" and the "Isotope" "N14".
In each "Project" subpage of CARA-explorer, click on "Samples" to specify the labeling pattern of different samples. Right-click in the window and select "Add Sample". Give it a name like "unlabeled protein".
Right-click on the sample and select menu item "Add range" to specify the labeling pattern of a range of residues.
Example: Click on sample 1, right-click "Add range", Select LabelingScheme "unlabeled" and the range from residue S1 to residue V67 to define residues 1 to 67 as unlabeled in Sample 1.
Each Spectrum can be associated with a sample.
Example: Right-click in Spectrum 1 (a 3D 15N-resolved NOESY) and select "Assign sample". If you assign sample 1, all the signals from residues 1-67 will be missing since these residues are unlabeled (N14) in these residues of sample 1.
I am trying to do the segmental labeling. I have followed your directions here and went through every residue type, added the isotope, and specified the range. My protein is partially n15 labeled and partially unlabeled. However, the spin links were only removed for the alanine residues in the unlabeled part, but not any of the other amino acids, even though I went through and did the exact same thing for all of the residues.
I did some testing. It looks like there is a bug. When you change the labeling of a ResidueType for a given LabelingScheme this is ignored until you save the repository and reopen it. (Beware that there is also a crash bug which occurs if you have a spectrum open, reload the repository and then open that spectrum again!) The LabelingSchemes are apparently defined only once when you load the repository.
It may be slightly more complicated. Perhaps it only works the first time you define a Isotope and afterwards it is ignored. Rochus will have to look into it and fix it. However for now the workaround is to define everything as you like it and then save and reload to repository.
I was able to N14-label all residues in the unlabeled LabelingScheme by the same procedure that I described for ALA and after saving and reloading the repository I could see only those residues which were not in the range of residues defined as "unlabeled".
hi fred, i am using the latest version of cara ( for windows. when i print preview any spectra, it displays black background as default and thus one is not able to see positive black peaks. how to make background white, as it is there in earlier versions. another problem is, when I export it to pdf file, the spectra does not cover the full pdf space and is restricted to a part of the upper left corner. please resolve these two issues. thanks, jeet.
4 years and 4 months and 4 weeks old
I am afraid you will have to use an earlier version of CARA for PrintPreview until this issue is resolved.
PolyScope can display peaks and it is possible to pick new peaks with "Pick Peaks" menu.
However, all other menu items related to peaks are unavailable (grey):
move peak move peak alias label peak delete peak
4 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
cara 1.8.4a5:
None of the commands for delete peak work
"dp" click on peak and right-click "Delete peak" Menu "Peaks-Delete Peaks"
5 years and 6 months and 3 weeks old
I cannot reproduce this with 1.8.4 (i.e. not a5). I tried both dp and the context command in MonoScope.
It is occuring in a currently open instance of CARA 1.8.4a5 linux. However, when I open the same repository with a new instance of CARA 1.8.4a5 linux, the problem dissapears.
The repository contains 8 projects each with dozens of spectra, and the three peaklists in each project each contain 1000-4000 peaks. Could there be a memory limit problem?
Strange. Memory should not be an issue in general. Did you run top? How much memory is allocated by cara and how much free vm is available?
It seems to be an intermittant problem. I have not found a reproducible way to demonstrate it, but it has occured on different CARA sessions.
I also notice that the shortcut "dp" is not implemented for delete peak in HomoScope and PolyScope although the context menu "delete peaks" exists.
I tried this again using 1.8.4:
- the shortcut
works. - the menu item
peaks-delete peaks
works. - the context menu
delete peaks
is available in MonoScope, but it is grey (not available) in PolyScope.
I am trying to open a .mat (size of 700MB generated from FELIX) file of Ccconhgp3d spectra in cara. But, it is showing an error " Not enough memory available for mapping file" during loading.
So, please help me resolving the problem.
--regards ashok
4 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
I am working with 13C-resolved NOESY spectra that have dimensions 512(1H) x 256(13C) x 1024(1H) 268M.
For a CcccoNH I expect a spectrum of about 25% this size. 256(13C) x 128(15N) x 1024(1H) 67M
Possibly you overdid it with zerofilling? Did you throw away the upfield region?
Even if you get CARA to read this, it will slow things down because the memory required is large. Try to reduce the points size with processing and then you can use the compression available in "Tools-Convert to CARA Spectrum" to further reduce the size.
You may improve performance by changing "Setup-Set Mapping Threshhold".
Where you able to resolve the problem with the large Ccconhgp3d spectrum?
I wanted to do 3D auto peak picking in CARA. I selected a particular ppm range for all the 3 dimensions, with in which it should pick the peaks. BUT it did not do that, instead selected the whole spectral ppm range.
Hope you could solve this for me...
Thanking you, Sridhar
5 years and 5 months and 1 week old
cara 1.3.2
If I select a 3D in the strip of PolyScope which has both indirect dimensions (D2 and D3) with same AtomType, then Cara always displays the wrong orientation.
Demo project.
open PolyScope with HSQC13C.
Select hCCH in Strips.
Click in the strip.
The z axis (strip vertical axis) displays the Cinept dimension of the hCCH.
This is the D3 axis of the hCCH experiment.
It should be used to define the anchor position.
This means that PolyScope cannot be used to work with these spectrum types.
7 years and 6 months and 5 days old
Does this also apply to 1.2? I'm not aware that we changed this since then. As far as I remember in earlier versions CARA automatically rotated the spectra to have the higher resolution along the strip, but later we changed it to keep the original rotation order given by the spectrum type. How could I automatically infer, which dimension should be displayed along the strip? R.K.
Usually, the two non-strip axes have the same ExperimentProcedure steps as the 2D displayed in the plane.
e.g. Plane displays HSQC15N with H(D1)-(hops=1)->N(D2)
Strip anchor has steps from 3D H(D1)-(hops=1)->N(D3)
the remaining dimension is the strip dimension.
However, even now it should be possible to get the orientation right using the labels for the dimensions.
e.g. In Xeasy parameter file we have:
Identifier for dimension w1 ... Cinept
Identifier for dimension w2 ... Ccosy
Identifier for dimension w3 ... Hinept
for the hCCH (3D). Dim w2 is the strip axis.
In the SpectrumType we have:
Dim D1 (X):H (Hinept)
Dim D2 (Y):C (Ccosy)
Dim D3 (Z):C (Cinept)
Therefore the mapping from SpectrumType to Spectrum ID is absolutely clear.
In fact this is working in CARA already.
The problem is that the spectrum is not displayed with this orientation in PolyScope.
I.e. Strip axis should be = Dim D2 (Y):C (Ccosy)
but instead, Cara uses Strip axis = Dim D3 (Z):C (Cinept)
I thought the strip axis is always D2?
This is already the case in cara_1.1.5 and cara_1.2.
important points:
1) In StripScope the orientation is correct for the hCCH
I.e. The vertical axis of the strip is Dim D2(Y):C (Ccosy)
2) In PolyScope the orientation is correct for the HNCA
I.e. the vertical axis of the strip is Dim D2(Y):C (Ca)
It is only in PolyScope when the 3D selected in the strip has two axes with the same AtomType where the vertical axis of the strip displays the wrong axis.
If PolyScope is opened with a 2D like an HSQC13C, and then an hCCH experiment is selected in the Strip panel:
The same procedure that is used to decide the anchor-axes in StripScope could be used to decide the anchors in PolyScope (the two dimensions that occur in the plane panel, and the two horizontal axes of the left and right strip panels). This should give the correct vertical (Ccosy) axis in the strips.
The workaround for this annoying behaviour is to first open the 3D using PolyScope(rotated) and then correctly set the orientation. I.e. X=Hinept, Y=Cinept, Z depth=Ccosy. Then when PolyScope is open, use Plane-Select Spectrum
to select the HSQC13C.
I was using CARA 1.2 before, because I can't run autolink on it. I have downloaded 1.8.4, but I am unable to load HNCACB I am getting error'file too short' what does it mean?
Please help me.
4 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Are you able to open the same file using Cara 1.2? I have not seen this error before. Did you try 1.5.5?
yes I can open same file in Cara 1.2. I havent tried in Cara 1.5.5.
Please contact me directly so we can work out what the problem is.
I tried to use a labeling scheme for a spectrum acquired with a sample in d2o. I acquired a 2D NOESY, COSY and TOCSY, and wanted not to display the HN's. I followed the instructions in the Issue tracker 0792 and 0854 starting with a number and a name for the labeling scheme (1, d2o). then under the point ResidueTypes Add Isotopes (labeling scheme d2o, 2H for each HN). Then under "Samples" Add Sample (d2o protein), Add range for the hole sequence from amino acid 1 to 100. And finally Assign sample to the 3 spectra. Then I tried every Scope for each spectrum, but the labels for the HN's are still in the spectrum. I use cara 1.8.4. Where is the error?
Thank you for any help! Christina Drees
4 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
I tried this in 1.8.4 and it works for me. A few caveats:
- If you add a H2 to the labeling scheme of a ResidueType after opening a spectrum, CARA seems to ignore this until you store the repository and reload it. (Refresh issue)
- NOESY spectra will still show NOEs to amide protons "H", because the implementation of pathway simulation for NOESY steps just displays all possible H atoms in the residue. I.e. in the NOE dimension (step with hops=-1 in the SpectrumType) all H atoms are displayed. The Isotope of the Atom arrived at in the NOESY step should really be considered, so I consider this a bug.
The second item mentioned in the follow-up to this issue has been reported in a previous issue:
Dear sir,
what should be the minimum value for peak depth value so as to avoid picking the same peak in different plane?
What should be the minimum value of peak width, so as to peak the pick at the center?
regards prem
4 years and 9 months and 2 days old
- Start PolyScope with an HSQC or similar and select the 3D in the strips menu.
- In PolyScope navigate to a peak in the plane and then set the contour level of the 3D to a reasonable value.
- In the left strip shift-click at the left edge of the diagonal peak (the lowest intensity contour) and drag to the right edge. You will see the width in ppm displayed next to "w" in the status line at the bottom of the PolyScope window. It should be about 0.1 for 1H dimensions. If you don't see the left edge, try increasing the "width factor". This can be changed by typing "wf". Typical values range from 1-4.
- Right-click in the same strip and select "Set Peak Width". This sets the peakwidth for the dimension D1. Enter the value you determined in the previous step.
- Now repeat the same procedure in the right strip to set the peak width in D3. Typical values for 13C or 15N dimensions are 1.0.
- Finally measure the peak depth by click-dragging vertically in either strip to determine the width along the vertical dimension of the strip.
- Type "3D" to switch to the 3D spectrum in the plane view. Right-click in the plane and select "Set peak depth" to set the peak width in the dimension D2.
You are done. Now if you store the repository, the peak dimensions are permanently stored for this 3D spectrum. Peak dimensions determine whether the crosspeak appears in a given strip or plane. When the peak coordinate is within one peak width of the two-dimensional section along the dimension that is "depth", the crosspeak symbol is displayed. These settings are used for the same spectrum in all the scopes. In addition, the peak width along dimension D1 times the width factor determines the width of the strips. So a width factor of 2 means that the cross peaks should be half as wide as the strips.
There is documentation in the wiki at
Does CARA allow automated jumping to NOE symmetry peaks? i.e for NOE CaHa->Hx find location in spectrum CxHx->Ha
4 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
You can do this in the following way:
Open the HSQC13C with PolyScope and then select the 13C NOESY in the Strip panel. Turn on the SystemList display with sl
. Now click on a system in the 2D panel (e.g. HA/CA of residue1). Cara will display the NOESY strip at this position. Type sh
to show the horizontal spin in the SystemList. Right-click in the SystemList and select use 3D navigation
. You are all set:
Now right-click on an NOE in the strip to another residue2 and select Propose Spin
. Select one of the choices you want to investigate, HX. A spinlink will be created from HA to HX and this will appear in the SystemList as a box with a plus on it. Click on the box to expand the SpinLinks to HA.
To jump to the symmetric peak in the 3D 13C NOESY, double-click on the spin-link which looks like o-o and in the dialog window that appears select the symmetric partner of the spinlink by double-clicking on it.
There was also a script submitted to the IssueTracker related to the search for syymetry-related NOEs but I couldn't find it so far.
I would like to ask if it is possible with CARA to overlay two or more 1D spectra
Thanks a lot Francesca Cantini
4 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
The tool SliceScope is intended for the display of 1D spectra.
SliceScope is unfortunately still very rudimentary. You can synch the cursor, you can display several spectra in a stack, and you can "save". You cannot overlay spectra. I guess you will have to rely on your spectrometer software for this for the time being. Another option is to use NEASY in cara 1.5.5 which includes the slice window.
Note that due to a bug, SliceScope is not available in the current cara executable (the corresponding option remains grey) when you right-click on a 1D in the Spectra-explorer.
When I integrated a NOESY peaklist using the Integrate all functionality by the Model based linear equation system method of integration, some of the volumes of the peaks are negative!!
I need to use these volumes for the NOE build up curves. Could you please explain why the volumes are negative and could you suggest any alternative way of getting the volumes for constructing the NOE build up curves.
Thanks in advance.
4 years and 8 months and 1 day old
This is a known problem with the deconvolution procedure used in peak integration. It typically occurs when two peaks are picked which are close together. I have made some suggestions to Rochus on how to fix this but so far there has been no progress.
There are two ways to deal with it:
- You can prevent deconvolution by reducing the widths of the peak model to very small values. This should be identical to taking the intensity at the peak position except for peaks which are VERY close. In this case the intensity is divided up equally among all peaks within a very small tolerance range.
- After "Integrator-Update Amplitudes", you can write the amplitudes into the peak volumes with the script CopyPeakAmpToVol.lua available at the CARA wiki. This is equivalent to taking the intensity value at the peak positions.
- You can use the alternative integration method "Integrator-Integration Method-Base Rectangle Intensity Sum". This is real integration. I.e. you actually add up the intensities of all the pixels lying within the region defined by the "base width". Display this with "Integrator-Show Base Width".
Because you are evaluating build-up curves, you will probably be using a batchlist to speed things up. In this case, I suggest you use either method 1 or 3, since method 2 will only store the intensities for the owner spectrum of the peaklist (the script is not written to do it for batchlists...)
Another situation where unexpected effects can occur:
If you have peaks outside the spectral region, they will have intensity zero assigned UNLESS "show folded" is turned on. In this case, they will have the intensity of the folded peak position in the original spectral region. However, deconvolution will occur as if the peak is outside the spectral region - i.e. only peaks which are nearby at the actual position of the peak are considered.
I have done complete assignment of WT protein. How I can use the same assignment for the 2 mutants? I have changed 2 amino acids in each. Do I need to reassign the mutants? or just change the two amino acid in the sequence file? if yes ..please tell me how? there is not much difference in the two spectra.
Many thanks in advance.
4 years and 8 months and 10 days old
Unfortunately there is no way to directly edit the sequence within cara. You will need to edit the repository with an external editor. It is not as bad as it sounds because the repository is xml format and the sequence part is easy to recognize. But do make a backup file of your repository before you try this. Also, make sure that you are editing in the right project.
Duplicate the project from within CARA by right-clicking on the project and selecting "Duplicate project" and give it an appropriate name. Save the repository. Then edit the sequence in the project as described in the following wiki page:
You can then replace spectra with the spectra from the mutant.
Running the newest CARA MacOS X Aqua version under MacOS X Leopard on a MacBook Pro (Intel architecture) with 2G RAM.
Crash trace excerpt:
Process: CARA [6340] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: CARA Version: ??? (???) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [124]
Date/Time: 2008-02-19 16:18:53.104 +0800 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C31) Report Version: 6
Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000042 Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed: 0 CARA 0x0075851f std::_Rb_tree<int, std::pair<int const, float>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<int const, float> >, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, float> > >::find(int const&) const + 11 1 CARA 0x0023cb26 Spec::Spin::getShift(Spec::Spectrum) const + 60 2 CARA 0x002629a5 Spec::SpinPointView::damage(Spec::SpinPoint const&) + 69 3 CARA 0x00265443 Spec::SpinPointView::handle(Root::Message&) + 193 4 CARA 0x00136594 Lexi::Glyph::traverse(Root::Message&) + 26 5 CARA 0x001a4434 Root::Subject::notifyObservers(Root::UpdateMessage&, bool) + 62 6 CARA 0x00239460 Spec::SpecSpinSpace::handle(Root::Message&) + 536 7 CARA 0x001a4434 Root::Subject::notifyObservers(Root::UpdateMessage&, bool) + 62 8 CARA 0x0022c2f9 Spec::SpecPeakSpace::updateRemovePeak(Spec::Spin) + 431 9 CARA 0x0022d28f Spec::SpecPeakSpace::handle(Root::Message&) + 503 10 CARA 0x001a4434 Root::Subject::notifyObservers(Root::UpdateMessage&, bool) + 62 11 CARA 0x0023ec2d Spec::SpinBase::unassingSpin(Spec::Spin) + 359 12 CARA 0x0023ecc6 Spec::DeleteSystemCmd::execute() + 88 13 CARA 0x001a1675 Root::Command::handle(Root::Agent, Root::Command, bool) + 23 14 CARA 0x001a174e Root::Command::handle(Root::Agent) + 32 15 CARA 0x000dd377 Spec::StripListGadget::handleDelete(Root::Action&) + 517 16 CARA 0x006a98fd Root::ActionHandler<Spec::StripListGadget>::handle(Spec::StripListGadget, Root::Action&) const + 137 17 CARA 0x000d9cee Spec::StripListGadget::handle(Root::Message&) + 84 18 CARA 0x00139c44 Lexi::Interactor::traverse(Root::Message&) + 26 19 CARA 0x001a357c Root::MenuAction::execute() + 42 20 CARA 0x0012ebd0 Gui::MenuItem::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void) + 68 21 CARA 0x00379faa QMetaObject::activate(QObject, int, int, void*) + 1228 22 CARA 0x003d6ef7 QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) + 221 23 CARA 0x0035eff9 QMenuPrivate::activateAction(QAction, QAction::ActionEvent) + 519 24 CARA 0x00362628 QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent) + 298 25 CARA 0x0036a5e9 QWidget::event(QEvent) + 849 26 CARA 0x0035da3d QMenu::event(QEvent) + 45 27 CARA 0x0034da5a QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject, QEvent) + 478 28 CARA 0x003531ec QApplication::notify(QObject, QEvent) + 2388 29 CARA 0x001a0419 Root::Application::notify(QObject, QEvent) + 179 30 CARA 0x0034b903 QApplicationPrivate::globalEventProcessor(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 8401 31 0x91a14fc3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 1181 32 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 33 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 34 CARA 0x00384f1c QWidgetPrivate::qt_window_event(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 748 35 0x91a14fc3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 1181 36 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 37 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 38 0x91a43874 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 1208 39 0x91a1537c DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 2134 40 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 41 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 42 CARA 0x0034418e qt_mac_send_event(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>, OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueWindowPtr) + 122 43 CARA 0x004f87d6 QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 594 44 CARA 0x004c670e QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 54 45 CARA 0x004c67e8 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 132 46 CARA 0x0035ec29 QMenu::exec(QPoint const&, QAction) + 109 47 CARA 0x0013545d Lexi::ContextMenu::show(QPoint const&) + 35 48 CARA 0x0013acee Lexi::_ListViewImp::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void) + 188 49 CARA 0x00379faa QMetaObject::activate(QObject, int, int, void*) + 1228 50 CARA 0x00314c45 Q3ListView::rightButtonClicked(Q3ListViewItem, QPoint const&, int) + 73 51 CARA 0x00296e74 Q3ListView::contentsMouseReleaseEventEx(QMouseEvent) + 2472 52 CARA 0x002a5ad7 Q3ScrollView::viewportMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent) + 113 53 CARA 0x002a85fa Q3ScrollView::eventFilter(QObject, QEvent) + 496 54 CARA 0x00293b06 Q3ListView::eventFilter(QObject, QEvent) + 206 55 CARA 0x0034da0e QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject, QEvent) + 402 56 CARA 0x003531ec QApplication::notify(QObject, QEvent) + 2388 57 CARA 0x001a0419 Root::Application::notify(QObject, QEvent) + 179 58 CARA 0x0034b903 QApplicationPrivate::globalEventProcessor(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 8401 59 0x91a14fc3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 1181 60 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 61 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 62 CARA 0x00384f1c QWidgetPrivate::qt_window_event(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 748 63 0x91a14fc3 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 1181 64 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 65 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 66 0x91a43874 ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef, OpaqueEventRef, void) + 1208 67 0x91a1537c DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec, OpaqueEventRef, HandlerCallRec) + 2134 68 0x91a143fd SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueEventTargetRef, HandlerCallRec) + 405 69 0x91a30e0e SendEventToEventTarget + 52 70 CARA 0x0034418e qt_mac_send_event(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>, OpaqueEventRef, OpaqueWindowPtr*) + 122 71 CARA 0x004f87d6 QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 594 72 CARA 0x004c670e QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 54 73 CARA 0x004c67e8 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 132 74 CARA 0x0032d163 QCoreApplication::exec() + 179 75 CARA 0x0003639b main + 1561 76 CARA 0x000042ae _start + 216 77 CARA 0x000041d5 start + 41
Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit): eax: 0x0000003a ebx: 0x0023caf8 ecx: 0xbfffc11c edx: 0x012f7b20 edi: 0x0000003a esi: 0xbfffc23c ebp: 0xbfffc058 esp: 0xbfffc030 ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010286 eip: 0x0075851f cs: 0x00000017 ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037 cr2: 0x00000042
Binary Images: 0x1000 - 0xa2ce87 +CARA ??? (???) /Applications/ 0x116e000 - 0x1180fff libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib ??? (???) <89ec94121ef50601dc538548caae57fc> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib 0x1527000 - 0x1535feb libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib ??? (???) <548d5a699dbe2bb8fcc8275321fdc0d4> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib 0x169c000 - 0x178afef 2.0.2 (2.0.2) /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera 0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe2da53 dyld 96.2 (???) <7af47d3b00b2268947563c7fa8c59a07> /usr/lib/dyld 0x90033000 - 0x9003dfeb 3.9.2 (3.9.2) <0f2ba6e891d3761212cf5a5e6134d683> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Versions/A/CarbonSound 0x9003e000 - 0x9004cffd libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <5ddd8539ae2ebfd8e7cc1c57525385c7> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib 0x9004e000 - 0x90076ff7 1 (1.0) <057783867138902b52bc0941fedb74d1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Shortcut.framework/Versions/A/Shortcut 0x90077000 - 0x9007dfff 218.0.2 (220.1) <8bf7ef71216376d12fcd5ec17e43742c> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framework/Versions/A/Print 0x9007e000 - 0x900bcff7 libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <090de775838db03ddc710f57abbf6218> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dylib 0x900bd000 - 0x900fffef 3.5.1 (161) <cc6bd78eabf1e2e7166914e9f12f5850> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices 0x9010e000 - 0x905e1fde libGLProgrammability.dylib ??? (???) <a3d68f17f37ff55a3e61aca1e3aee522> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgrammability.dylib 0x90706000 - 0x9078dff7 libsqlite3.0.dylib ??? (???) <6978bbcca4277d6ae9f042beff643f7d> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib 0x9078e000 - 0x9078effa 32 (32) <2fcc8f3bd5bbfc000b476cad8e6a3dd2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices 0x9078f000 - 0x90f8cfef 6.5.2 (949.26) <bc4593edd8a224409fb6953a354505a0> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit 0x90f8d000 - 0x90f90fff 1.1 (36) <b507b08e484cb89033e9cf23062d77de> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framework/Versions/A/Help 0x910c9000 - 0x91228ff3 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <4899376234e55593b22fc370935f8cdf> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 0x91229000 - 0x91639fef libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib 0x9163a000 - 0x9167bfe7 libRIP.A.dylib ??? (???) <9d42e83d860433f9126c4871d1fe0ce8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib 0x9167c000 - 0x9170ffff 101.3 (86) <bf3fa8927b4b8baae92381a976fd2079> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework/Versions/A/Ink 0x91761000 - 0x91769fff 2.2.1 (2.2.1) <75b0c8d8940a8a27816961dddcac8e0f> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration 0x9176a000 - 0x9185eff4 libiconv.2.dylib ??? (???) <c508c60fafca17824c0017b2e4369802> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib 0x9195c000 - 0x91a0cfff 6.0.12 (6.0.12) <9e98dfb4cde8b0510fdd972dc9fa1dc9> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos 0x91a0d000 - 0x91d15fff 1.5.2 (???) <7449d6f2da33ded6936243a92e307459> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox 0x91d16000 - 0x91d45fe3 402.2 (402.2) <e01596187e91af5d48653920017b8c8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.framework/Versions/A/AE 0x91d46000 - 0x91d4dffe libbsm.dylib ??? (???) <d25c63378a5029648ffd4b4669be31bf> /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib 0x91d4e000 - 0x91d4efff 136 (136) <98a5e3bc0c4fa44bbb09713bb88707fe> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon 0x91d4f000 - 0x91dabff7 68 (1.1.3) <fe87a9dede38db00e6c8949942c6bd4f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering.framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering 0x91dac000 - 0x91f77ff7 5.0.2 (33001) <0788969ffe7961153219be10786da436> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security 0x91f78000 - 0x91f97ffa libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <0cfb80109d624beb9ceb3c43b6c5ec10> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib 0x91f98000 - 0x9232eff7 1.5.1 (1.5.1) <665c80f6e28555b303020c8007c36b8b> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore 0x9232f000 - 0x9238cffb libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib 0x9238d000 - 0x92472ff3 100.1 (186) <8e28162ef2288692615b52acc01f8b54> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData 0x9298a000 - 0x929a0fff 1.0.0 (1.0.0) <ad0aa0252e3323d182e17f50defe56fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices 0x929a1000 - 0x929c7fff libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <85ce204da14d62d6a3a5a9adfba01455> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib 0x92b00000 - 0x92b09fff 3.7.24 (3.7.24) <d3180f9edbd9a5e6f283d6156aa3c602> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecognition.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition 0x92b3b000 - 0x92b56ffb libPng.dylib ??? (???) <b6abcac36ec7654ff3e1cfa786b0117b> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib 0x92b89000 - 0x92b89ffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib 0x92b8a000 - 0x92c3cffb libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <330b0e48e67faffc8c22dfc069ca7a47> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib 0x92c3d000 - 0x92c41fff libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib 0x92c42000 - 0x92c52ffc 1.6.4 (1.6.4) <cbeb17ab39f28351fe2ab5b82bf465bc> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis 0x92c8a000 - 0x92dc2ff7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <afcea652ff2ec36885b2c81c57d06d4c> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib 0x92dc9000 - 0x92e5cff3 3.2 (???) <cdf31bd0ac7de54a35ee2d27cf86b6be> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS 0x93ec5000 - 0x941d9fe2 7.4.1 (14) <1a4838d29e0804a2a102f03c053600f0> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime 0x941da000 - 0x941faff2 libGL.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib 0x941fb000 - 0x9420fff3 4.0 (5.0.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture.framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture 0x94218000 - 0x94272ff7 2.0.1 (???) <07494945ad1e3f5395599f42748457cc> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText 0x94273000 - 0x9431afeb 3.11.52 (???) <c72bd7bd2ce12694c3640a731d1ad878> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QD.framework/Versions/A/QD 0x9431b000 - 0x943fcff7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <450ec38b57fb46013847cce851001a2f> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib 0x9440f000 - 0x9442dfff libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <0629b6dcd71f4aac6a891cbe26253e85> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib 0x9442e000 - 0x9442effd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib 0x94698000 - 0x94763fff 4.5.0 (4.5.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync 0x94764000 - 0x94896fef 6.5.1 (476.10) <d5bed2688a5eea11a6dc3a3c5c17030e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x94897000 - 0x948c2fe7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <42d8422dc23a18071869fdf7b5d8fab5> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib 0x948c3000 - 0x948c4ffc libffi.dylib ??? (???) <a3b573eb950ca583290f7b2b4c486d09> /usr/lib/libffi.dylib 0x948c5000 - 0x948cafff 1.2.4 (85) <ea0665f57cd267609466ed8b2b20e893> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels.framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels 0x9493e000 - 0x94940ff5 libRadiance.dylib ??? (???) <20eadb285da83df96c795c2c5fa20590> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib 0x9494d000 - 0x94959fe7 1.5.6 (1.5.6) <d599b1bb0f8a8da6fd125e2587b27776> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL 0x94999000 - 0x949b1fff 1.2.6 (???) <b8e553df643f2aec68fa968b3b459b2b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting.framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting 0x949b2000 - 0x949c8fe7 1.5.0 (1.5.0) <7e010557527a0e6d49147c297d16850a> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo 0x94b98000 - 0x94b98ffb 1.0 (8) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InstallServer.framework/Versions/A/InstallServer 0x94bcc000 - 0x94ea5ff3 785.8 (785.8) <827c228e7d717b397cdb4941eba69553> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore 0x94ea6000 - 0x94f32ff7 286.5 (286.5) <33c3ae54abb276b61a99d4c764d883e2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices 0x94f68000 - 0x94f68ffc 1.5 (1.5) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit 0x94f69000 - 0x94fa8fef libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <6d0f80e9d4d81f3f64c876aca005bd53> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib 0x94fa9000 - 0x95070ff2 3.0 (3.0) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Versions/A/vImage 0x95071000 - 0x95195fe3 1.5.1 (1.5.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox 0x95298000 - 0x95352fe3 224.4 (224.4) <ff5007ab220908ac54b6c661e447d593> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServices.framework/Versions/A/OSServices 0x95372000 - 0x953a9fff 1.9.1 (1.9.1) <8a76e429301afe4eba1330bfeaabd9f2> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfiguration 0x953aa000 - 0x953b5fe7 libCSync.A.dylib ??? (???) <df82fc093e498a9eb5490761cb292218> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib 0x95597000 - 0x95c30fff 1.351.21 (???) <6c93fd21149f389129fe47fa6ef71880> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics 0x95d8a000 - 0x95d8efff libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <d4234e6f5e5f530bdafb969157f1f17b> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib 0x95d8f000 - 0x95dd4fef 10.5.2 (398.7) <73a6424c06effc474e699cde6883de99> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Metadata 0x95dd5000 - 0x9604ffe7 6.5.4 (677.15) <6216196287f98a65ddb654d04d773e7b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x96050000 - 0x96074fff libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <4933ddc7f6618743197aadc85b33b5ab> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib 0x96075000 - 0x96080ff9 1.0 (14) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/HelpData 0x96087000 - 0x96166fff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <a53206274b6c2d42691f677863f379ae> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib 0x96167000 - 0x96167ffd 1.4.2 (Accelerate 1.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate 0x96168000 - 0x9616ffe9 libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib 0x961b7000 - 0x961e4feb libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <b232c018ddd040ec4e2c2af632dd497f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib 0x96262000 - 0x96264fff 3.0 (30817) <2b2854123fed609d1820d2779e2e0963> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SecurityHI.framework/Versions/A/SecurityHI 0x96265000 - 0x962eefe3 1.4.5 (1.4.5) <8b264cd6abbbd750928c637e1247269d> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/DesktopServicesPriv 0x9633a000 - 0x963b1fe3 221.5 (221.5) <5474cdd7d2a8b2e8059de249c702df9e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork 0x96484000 - 0x96494fff 3.6.59 (3.6.59) <4ffef145fad3d4d787e0c33eab26b336> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis 0x96495000 - 0x964cffff 1.1 (61) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI 0x9651f000 - 0x96664ff7 2.0.1 (2.0.1) <68ba11e689a9ca30f8310935cd1e02d6> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO 0x96665000 - 0x966beff7 libGLU.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib 0x9677b000 - 0x967cbff7 1.7.0 (???) <f7e78891a6d08265c83dca8e378be1ea> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices 0x967cc000 - 0x967d3ff7 libCGATS.A.dylib ??? (???) <9b29a5500efe01cc3adea67bbc42568e> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib 0x967d4000 - 0x96850feb 3.1.0 (3.1) <70bb7c657061631491029a61babe0b26> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio 0x968fb000 - 0x96975ff8 5.5.2 (245.1) <3c9de512e95fbd838694ee5008d56a28> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore 0x96979000 - 0x96a04fff 1.5.1 (???) <a17f9f5ea7e8016a467e67349f4d3d03> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit 0x96a09000 - 0x96a86fef libvMisc.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib 0x96a87000 - 0x96e45fea libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib 0x96e84000 - 0x96f03ff5 1.2.0 (1.2.0) <277b460da86bc222785159fe77e2e2ed> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit 0x96f04000 - 0x96f04ff8 34 (34) <8f910fa65f01d401ad8d04cc933cf887> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices 0xba900000 - 0xba916fff libJapaneseConverter.dylib ??? (???) <7b0248c392848338f5d6ed093313eeef> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libJapaneseConverter.dylib 0xbab00000 - 0xbab21fe2 libKoreanConverter.dylib ??? (???) <51586b8d9ef39123fbe6918f12d8285f> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libKoreanConverter.dylib 0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
4 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Please give more details on the crash. Is it reproducible? Can you make the crash happen everytime? Exactly what steps do you take to make the crash occur?
In future, please attatch crash trace as separate file only if asked by a member of the Cara definition team. Thanks!
Steps to cause crash:
1. Read NMRPipe-processed spectra (*.pipe).
2. Pick systems using 15N-edited HSQC + any 3D backbone experiment (e.g. HNCA) in Synchroscope.
3. Save project.
4. Try to delete any of the spin systems or just a single spin. The program will crash. This behavior is seen under the main window, Synchroscope and Stripscope (I haven't tried on the other 'scopes).
Reproducibility: Yes
I confirm this on an Intel mac running OSX 10.5.2. In PolyScope clicking on a system and executing "Delete Peaks" from the Context menu causes a hard crash.
I have done some testing.
It looks like the crash occurs when the spin that one is deleting is simultaneously selected in the plane (spectrum) of PolyScope, SynchroScope, or HomoScope.
Four ways to cause the crash:
Open spectrum with PolyScope
- Click on the system in the Plane and then select "Delete Peaks" in context menu. Crash occurs.
- Click on the system in the Plane and then select "Delete Horizontal Spin" or "Delete Vertical Spin". Crash occurs.
- Show List, Click on the system in the Plane and then type "sh" or "sv". Cara highlights the spin in the SystemList. If you right-click on the selected spin and "Delete" the crash occurs. Interesting: if you click on any other spins in the SystemList you can "Delete" them without a crash, but even after deleting other spins in the list, when you click on the original spin (the one selected by "sh" or "sv") and "Delete", the crash STILL occurs. This last observation suggests that the problem only occurs when the spin is selected in the plane (spectrum).
You can delete spins successfully directly from the SystemList (either the System-Explorer or the list which is displayed by PolyScope when "sl" is typed). However if you find the spins using the Plane and the shortcut "sv" or "sh", be sure to deselect them in the Spectrum (click in an place where there is no peak) before deleting them in the SystemList.
Is there any rescaling of peak amplitudes done by Cara when importing Bruker spectra? If yes, how does it work and what does scaling factor depend on?
4 years and 9 months and 13 days old
If you examine Bruker spectra in CARA they should have the same intensities as when you inspect them with Bruker software. The intensities can vary by very small amounts if you convert them to the Cara format .nmr and by larger amounts if you convert them to XEASY format. When you convert to XEASY format, CARA allows you to rescale the spectral intensities if you wish.
The .nmr spectrum format is described in Rochus Kellers PhD thesis available at the Cara website.
The problem is that when I watch Bruker spectra in Cara I see intensities 6.2 times less in magnitude than in Topspin 2.1 and I don't understand why. I do not convert spectra with external software, just load 2rr files in Cara.
There is a scaling occuring. It is dependent on the processing parameter nc_proc.
- g. I observe the following ratio of peak intensity in cara / peak intensity in topspin2.0:
nc_proc -8 2.56 -7 1.28 -6 0.64 -5 0.32
apparently topspin rescales the data internally depending on the nc_proc parameter but then multiplies them by 2^(nc_proc-N) where as CARA scales the intensities to the actual stored value in the 2rr file.
I made an additional comparison between the same bruker data inspected with xwinnmr3.5, topspin2.0 and cara. I processed the data using different nc_proc values.
The peak I inpsected has the following intensities:
Therefore the ratio of cara/xwinnmr = 0.01
The ratio of cara/topspin = 0.01 * 2^(-NC_proc)
You can process bruker data with different NC_proc values using the command: xfb nc_proc -N where N is an integer like 6.
Hope this helps clarify things.
Hi. I am having trouble opening the H,C-HSQC (aliphatic) using the SychroScope. The pop-up contains the following error massage: "Empty key set: at least two dimensions with a unique final label each required". Even though the two dimensions are properly labeled in the overview window. Any comment or suggestion is deeply appreciated.
4 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
This is because you do not have unique keys (one unique label in at least two dimension of the SpectrumType).
You have two options:
- Work with PolyScope which does not require unique keys. (This is preferred since SynchroScope is really an outdated version of PolyScope)
- Work with SynchroScope: Define unique labels along two dimensions of the SpectrumType in question. For HSQC13C you could define the label HA on D1 and CA in D2. Note that you will need to define unique labels for all the spectra that you view with SynchroScope. For example if you open a 3D 13C-resolved NOESY, you would need to define the labels HA and CA for the Hinept and Cinept dimensions respectively.
Note that I find four pages which discuss unique keys in the CARA wiki by typing "unique key" in the search window in the top right corner of the wiki.
Dear Sir, I'm trying to run the WriteAssignments script but I get an error which I can't solve:
Warning: Function GreekToRoman: Did not find QDin the GreekTable.
[string "WriteAssignments"]:356: attempt to concatenate global Char2
(a nil value)
The strangest thing is that this error just occurs when I choose as output format CYANA, the WriteAssignments strip runs with the output format BMRB.
Hope you could help me find what is wrong.
With regards, Ana Mónica
4 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Which version of WriteAssignments are you using? (Check in the header of the script). Did you try downloading the latest version of the script (ver. 10) from the cara website?
It looks like you are using an OLD template (derived from Start1.1.cara or even earlier which was made to be compatible with DYANA and XEASY). WriteAssignments.lua is not intended to be compatible with this template. You should be able to write out the assignments directly using the context menu "Export-AtomList" which is available by right-clicking on the Project.
For CYANA format you will need to modify the protonlist written out in this way: Rename HN->H and GLY HA1 -> HA3 (See the CYANA manual for details)
Write out the sequence file with "Export-Sequence" Modify the sequence file by removing the charges (+ and -)
All of this is NOT necessary if you work with a cara template starting with Start1.2.cara which use IUPAC nomenclature followed by BMRB. In this case you can simply run WriteAssignments.lua and select CYANA format.
Dear Dr. Damberger, thank you for your fast reply. I tried the "Export-Atom list" and "Export-Sequence" and it works. Once more, thank you. Best regards.
Cara 1.3.2 MonoScope/PolyScope/HomoScope
currently the only way to edit a peak assignment is by entering the SpinId numbers. Since SpinIds are not so friendly for the user, it would be useful to be able to enter assignments based on the assigned Atom.
e.g. 3 HA (HA of residue 3)
To me it seems logical to assign peaks based on the SpinId but to allow entry based on Res/Atom.
This way the user can enter the easier-to-remember names based on AtomicStructure, but if he changes the assignment of a spin all the relevant peaks will automatically change their assignments as well.
7 years and 6 months old
In 1.4.1 Labels/Systems are displayed in the peak list instead of spin numbers. The entry of labels instead of numbers is not yet possible. How should this look? Selecting the labels from a list or entering this information in plain text (which seems quite tedious)?
If you did this from a list, how would it look?
One list containing the ResidueNumber & ResidueType "R32,A33,N34"
and another displaying the available Atoms for the current Residue "H,HA,HB2,HB3"? Analogous to PolyScopes "Pick New System" dialog?
If you implement it like in PolyScope "Pick System" dialog (first select the residue, then select the atoms it would be okay.
But it would also be nice if you could just enter the text (like force label) since this is much faster.
There are three possible situations here:
- The atom is assigned.
- The atom is unassigned. (Warning: This atom is unassigned in the selected residue. Click OK to add the new chemical shift to the Spinlist and assign it to the selected residue.)
- The atom label does not exist in the selected residue. (Warning: This atom does not exist in the selected residue. Click OK to add the shift to this residue using this label anyway.
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope strips are not in order of Residues
When I select HNCA and then open StripScope,
the strips are displayed in the order of Systems.
I find no option to change the order to follow assending residue number.
My ExperimentProcedure has no explicit labels defined.
This is true for other spectrumTypes as well.
8 years and 7 months and 1 week old
I also find no way to control which anchors are used.
If I define HN, N in D1,D3 of SpectrumType
I still see the Anchors from the sidechains.
Since this excludes the unassigned systems from the set of displayed strips (they also are unavailable for searches!)
Please include an option to "Order by Residue" when "Show All" is executed.
The unassigned systems would in this case be at the end of the list after the last residue.
The "Show assigned" is still useful for the "StripShow".
Still waiting for this (not available in 1.2.5).
Still no option to display all assigned systems in the order of the sequence and the unassigned systems at the end of the strip window. They are listed in the order of the System ID numbers which are arbitrary.
The problem is when there are assignment gaps in the sequence (systems which are missing). The assigned fragments occur in an arbitrary order.
#0002 #0003 #0004 G22 A23 F24 #0007 #0008 W10 V11 P12 #0016 #0017 #0018
(#N = unassigned Systems ID number)
(F24 = assigned systems ResidueType and number)
note that the fragment G22-F24 occurs BEFORE W10-P12
and then in between there are runs of Systems.
More logical to the user would be:
W10 V11 P12 G22 A23 F24#2 #0003 #0004 #0007 #0008 #0016 #0017 #0018
this allows a clean review of the existing ordering of the strips into the sequence.
This is an easy one to implement and would cut down on a lot of extra steps to navigate in the Strips.
Include an option at the top of "select strips" menu "Order by assignments"
This would sort the strips and display them in the order of assignments in the sequence. The unassigned systems would occur at the end of the assigned strips and be ordered by system id. PrintPreview
Sometimes when AutoContour is off, PrintPreview appears to take the contour parameters for all overlay spectra from the first overlay spectrum (layer 0) instead of taking the contour parameters for each layer from the corresponding spectrum.
8 years and 3 months old
This is always true in 1.2.5. There appears to be only one contour level available within PrintPreview. I.e. "Set contour parameters" gives access to one set of parameters which are taken from layer 0.
Set contour parameters should behave the same as set positive color: a dialog comes up where the spectrum (or layer) is first selected, and then the color is chosen.
Set contour parameters in PrintPreview:
A dialog comes up. Position 0: all spectra Position 1: Layer 1 spectrum Position 2: Layer 2 spectrum etc...
This way the user can set the contour parameters for all spectra to have the same values (position 0) or adjust the contour parameters for a single spectrum.
This continues to be a problem in 1.8.4. There is no way to set up a set of layers with different contour parameters in PrintPreview. If this would work like "ag" in PolyScope when there are several layers defined that would be okay.
When "ag 2" is entered on the commandline of Polyscope, A "select layers" popup dialog asks whether the change should be applied to "all" or to layer 0, layer 1, layer 2 ... etc. This same approach should be extended to all the other menu items which affect the display of spectrum contours.
cara 1.3.2 MonoScope/HomoScope/PolyScope
peaklist lable format "Assignment" shows only the Spin numbers.
Please add an option to display Res+Atom Label format:
S22 HA/A23 HN
Since you have the spin numbers from the spinlist, you can also display the corresponding assignments when they are available.
When they are unassigned you can simply display "?".
7 years and 6 months and 3 days old
This yet needs another redesing of peaklists to make this efficient. It could also be a space problem to print the labels along all dimensions. At the moment this information is available in the peak list and you can navigate to the corresponding line using the SP command.
In version 1.8.4 it is possible to select different options in View-Show Labels" including "Assignment". However, when "Assignment" is selected, "0" is shown. This is true even if the peak has assignments in both dimensions.
So there is still a bug here.
A question arises: when there are several assignments, what should cara display?
- Cara could display the first assignment. 2 Cara could display all assignments as a table.
Since the second option could be rather unwieldy except when the user displays only a small region with a few peaks, it would be better to offer both options:
"First Assignment" "All Assignments"
Another point is that the user may want to display only assignments for one or two dimensions.
(S)he may therefore want to select a subset of dimensions to display the assignments for. Due to this complexity, I'd prefer to see a checkbox screen for the labels where the user can select or deselect different items that are to be displayed.
For example to display the assignment in Dim 2 and the peak number the user would click checkboxes next to these two items. MonoScope
Save PeakList in MonoScope
Exit MonoScope
"Unsaved Peaklists" message.
Although there are no unsaved peaklists.
Exit MonoScope without saving peaklist (assuming that its "really" already saved)
8 years and 5 months and 1 week old
I will redesign the peaklist module anyway to have the same flexibility as the spin concept and to incorporate more information which can be displayed. Takes some time.
This is still a problem in version 1.2.3.
F.Damberger & V.Galius
This problem is fixed. However, i'd like to suggest that th dialog text be changed. Currently the text reads "Do you want to save the peaklist to the repository before closing [Save][Don't Save][Cancel]
However, if [Save] is clicked, the peaklist is not saved, it is ADDED to the repository.
Therefore the text should read: "Do you want to add the peaklist to the repository before closing [ADd][Don't Add][Cancel]
RC1.1.2 MonoScope
A crosspeak near the edge of a spectrum shows inconsistency in sign (and probably also intensity value)
I open a 3D 13C NOESY with MonoScope with the 13C axis oriented along Y-axis (1Hnoe axis along Z-axis).
I find a peak just outside of the end of the 13C range in a 3D 13C NOESY.
1) The contours inside the spectrum region are green (negative)
2) The contours change to red BEFORE the grey line indicating the end of the spectrum. (this is inconsistent).
3) The slice along Y-axis changes from negative to positive at the same place as the contours change color and BEFORE the grey line (the grey line also disagrees with contours here)
4) The sign of the intensity displayed on the status line changes sign BEFORE the contours change color (this intensity data disagrees BOTH with contours and with the Yaxis slice.
5) The sign of the slice along Z-axis changes sign at the same place where the intensity on the status line changes sign (the Z-axis slice also disagrees with both contours and with Y-axis slice).
6) The sign of the intensity measured by Update Amplitude Command changes sign at the same place as where the status line changes sign. However the intensity values displayed by the status line do not agree with those determined by the Update Amplitude command.
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
Probably a round off problem at the edge. I will check it with your spectra when I'm at the institute next time.
I checked this in another 3D spectrum (NOESY-_HHN) using linux_1.2.3 and get the same inconsistencies. The place where the Y slice (15N) (and the intensity values measured on the status line) changes sign is 0.2 ppm AFTER the grey line which indicates edge of spectrum. This is quite interesting since the difference corresponds closely to the digital resolution of the 15N dimension (delta=0.210). It seems that the grey line is placed one sample point too early. There does not seem to be any other problem present!
I need a function to access the threshhold and Calibration information from the spectra.
e.g. of a spectrum entry from a project below:
<spectrum type='hsqc15N' id='1' name='6.5' path='/home/user/CARA/PROTEIN1/HSQC15N/2rr'>
<level pmax='3178087.250000' pnoise='36294.457031' nmax='-395311.250000' nnoise='-21536.189453' thres='36294.457031'/>
<cal dim='0' off='0.108007' width='0.000000'/>
<cal dim='1' off='0.516434' width='0.000000'/>
Proposed functions:
returns threshhold value of spectrum
sets threshhold value of spectrum
gets Calibration value of spectrum in Dim 1
sets calibration value of spectrum in Dim 1
pmax, pnoise, nmax, nnoise, thresh
8 years and 5 months and 4 weeks old
Note. Using the template object "Spectrum" and the table iterator, I found out there is a function:
"Spectrum:getLevels()" which returns the level values: pmax, pnoise, nmax, nnoise.
However, there is no function to get the values of "thres" & "cal".
These commands are now available:
Starting with 1.8.4: getThreshhold() setThreshhold()
Starting with 1.8.1: Project:getCalibration( specId, dimension ), Project:setCalibration( specId, dimension, offset )
The Hz value shown in brackets in the status bar is wrong, when moving the cursor is the vertical slice window in rectangle mode (Shift+Drag). This makes the measurement of linewidth in Hz imposible in the indirect dimension.
4 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
What do you mean by wrong? Numerically wrong? There should be two values given for X and Y with Herz values given in brackets next to each ppm value. As a workaround you could use the rotated scopes. Does this work?
Okay, I have access to a machine with CARA running now. I see the problem. CARA calculates the Herz values shown in brackets in all dimension by multiplying with the RfFreq(1) of the direct dimension. This is wrong. It should use the RfFreq(N) where N is the dimension corresponding to the cursor separation in question. This should be fixed.
In the meantime please write out the frequency separations in ppm and convert them externally.
This errror is made only in the 1D slice window, not in the 2D plane. However since one commonly measures the linewidth in the slice window (distance between 50% height of left and right edge of peak), this is a important bug to fix.
It would ofcourse be even nicer if it were possible to turn on a view option which reads the 50% width of the peak where the cursor is currently placed.
This would be nothing more than a line drawn at 50% height which determines the next intersection with the 1D trace to the left and right of the cursor position and writes the difference between these intersection points in ppm and (in Hz).
Hi Guys, I'm the proud owner of a new MacBook (Mac OS X, leopard) and I have already installed cara on it. The program is working fine on that system, except that the usual Mac-"right click" for a single button mouse (<control>+mouse click) doesn't work for the CARA-Explorer. Therefore, commands like "add spectrum" do not work for me. However, right clicking does work in other X-windows, including homoscope.
4 years and 10 months and 3 weeks old
Hi Reto, did you try cara 1.8.4? There is a similar issue which was fixed by upgrading to 1.8.4:
An ugly workaround: Do your Cara-explorer work on another computer. Are relative paths preserved in the repository? Then you could pass the repositories back and forth.
Since this was working before, I hope Rochus can find a quick fix.
Hi Fred, thanks for your fast response. Yes, I'm "loading" the depository on a LINUX-Box and copy it to my MacBook. The paths are preserved. I think I can live with that until Rochus has a fix.
Hi Fred, I have realized that I can't live with this workaround, because I can't launch any scope-windows, i.e. polyscope, stripscope etc., from the CARA-explorer; they all require a right click in the explorer window.
However, I would like to point out again that the right click feature is available in the MonoScope window (I still can open monoscope via the menu bar). Therefore, I believe that this is a CARA-explorer-bug.
I'm confused. If the right-click feature isn't working in Cara-explorer then how did you open HomoScope (as described in your initial issue report) or MonoScope (described in your last follow-up)?
As you say yourself, you can only open these scopes if right-click is available.
Maybe you got MonoScope open by using the Main menu "Tools-Open Spectrum" but then how did you open HomoScope as described in your first report of the issue "However, right clicking does work in other X-windows, including homoscope."?
Just to clarify: I am able to open MonoScope in the "Tools-Open Spectrum" (which doesn't need a right klick). I haven't been able to open HomoScope, that was a typo in my initial report (it was already late ;-) ). Anyway, right clicking is working inside Monoscope but not inside the CARA-Explorer...
You can now download a native OSX Aqua version of CARA, which might solve the issue. Unfortunately I cannot test because I have no Leopard yet. The Aqua version is work in progress which I started some month ago; actually I got stuck because OSX eats some of the common shortcuts; the current version therefore uses the command and switch keys instead of CTRL and ALT on Windows. I hope it works on your machine.
I assume the new X server of Leopard is the problem; it seems to swallow certain shortcuts; maybe Apple will fix it. But if the native Aqua version works, I can flush the darwin X versions. btw the Aqua version is a universal binary, i.e. it should work on both ppc and x86.
Thanks, Can you give me a link to the new OSX AQUA version? I don't think it is already on the download page, is it?
Yes! The right click works in the OSX AQUA version. Thanks a lot guys.
I will let you know if I have any other problems with this version on leopard.
We are two persons who are working on the same protein. One did the assignment and the other did NOESY peak picking by picking at the maxima of the NOESY peaks. For NOESY peak picking using move spin alias
in the HSQC dimension was neccessary. Now we want to transfer the Alias Peak position to the same spectrum in another repository. We therefore exported the prot-file from the NOESY spectrum with the Alias position. Then, we wanted to import this prot-file in the spectrum in the other repository, but we found no possibility.
Thank you for any help! Christina Drees
4 years and 10 months and 6 days old
This is not the way to do it (but see the bottom of this reply).
You want to define the aliases for one spectrum (e.g. the HSQC15N). To transfer from one repository to another it is necessary that the spin ID values correspond to the same assigned atoms in both repositories!
In this case you can do the following:
- Display the HSQC15N with alias spin positions in the first repository in HomoScope and "export peaklist".
- Open the HSQC15N in the second repository with MonoScope and "Peaks-Import Peaklist" selecting the peaklist you just wrote out.
- To define alias positions for the spins of this spectrum apply "Peaks-Import Alias Shifts". You can now close MonoScope without saving the peaklist (the alias spin positions well be kept).
- If you want to transfer these alias shifts to another spectrum, use the script: "CopyAliases.lua". Note that this is an old style script. You need to edit the Spectrum ID s at the top to point to your source and target spectrum in the second repository.
If you are creating a NEW project with ONLY the NOESY spectra then you could simply read in the Protonlist derived from the alias positions of the first repository (as you described). You would end up with a project that has the default (non-alias) shifts for the NOESY. This might be sufficient if you are doing structure refinement and don't plan to return to the assignment phase.
After excuting "renumber from here" in Sequence-explorer to renumber residues, I generated .seq file and .prot files using the script WriteAssignments.lua. But the .seq and .prot file still use the old residue number. Does WriteAssignments.lua excute based on system number, not residue number? Thanks
4 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I have updated the script to add this function. Please download it again from the website. Note: If you use Chain Nr when exporting assignment files, these files will nolonger be compatible with the CARA project which assumes the residue numbers = residue Id. But perhaps this function is useful when submitting assignments to Databases like BMRB.
What I am doing is to refine spectra in CARA print preview window for presentation purpose. I realize that it can be pretty time consuming and kind of inconvenient if I need to readjust parameters (repeatedly).
It would help a lot if there is an "apply" button available in the pop-up windows, so we can immediately see the change we made, and avoid starting from menu and searching for the right options again.
4 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
I don't understand this issue. PrintPreview is a "what you see is what you get" editor. When you change an option you should immediately see the result in the PrintPreview window and this should be reflected when you print or export to pdf.
Possibly the problem is that you have to repeatedly set up all the parameters as you like them when you open a new instance of PrintPreview? In that case the option to "Save Settings" and "Load Settings" in the files menu of PrintPreview may be helpful.
Let me give an example: Set ruler resolution.
After you set the numbers, you will click on OK to see the result, and the "set ruler resolution" window will disappear. If you are not satified with the change, you have to reopen the "set ruler resolution" window.
My suggestion is why not have an "apply" button in the "set ruler resolution" window, and click on "apply" will allow you see the result immediately without closing the "set ruler resolution" window. Therefore, you can do further adjustment right away.
Is there any patch available for using NEASY in 1.8.4 version ?????
4 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
No, NEASY is available using 1.5.5. There have been no changes to NEASY since then.
When "Hold Reference Strip" is on and a single strip is selected using the "Select strips manually" dialogue, the strip is not shown. When two strips are selected manually, both are shown. Workaround: e.g. if you want to show strip no. 10 and strip 5 is held as reference strip, enter "5 10" into the "select strips manually" dialogue and only strip 10 will be shown next to the reference strip no 5.
4 years and 12 months and 2 days old
When looking at strips in StripScope, a problem exists in using the rs command to replace a strip. You must enter the system number, which is not often familiar and must be found by scrolling through the list. In a recent issue posted here (see "Replaced strips disappear in Stripscope"), Fred mentioned that by defining the strips manually, you can enter either system numbers or residue numbers....i.e. 150 vs r150 for system 150 vs residue 150.
Maybe one could be allowed use "rs" to replace a strip by entering "r150" to get that residue instead of the system. This might also relieve some of the hassle of having to repeatedly replace strips after they disappear upon changing spectra....since you would not have to also keep looking up what the system number of the desired residue is.
5 years and 5 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
It would be nice to be able to hide a spinlink within a particular strip rather than globally. This would be useful when the peak is well resolved in one strip but overlapped in another strip in the same spectrum. Could this be implemented by allowing the user to hide the link for the left or right hand spin of the spin link?
5 years and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Spinlinks were originally developed to show where NOEs are EXPECTED to occur (to help with assignment). That's why they appear globally. Because an NOE is symmetric. If you see an NOE from A to B you should see the NOE from B to A. It is difficult to use them to represent what is actually seen in the spectrum. Possibly working with peaklists is better in this case?
Keep in mind that strips are generated dynamically. You can't store something associated with a strip.
How would this work? Click on the spinlink in the strip. Select "Hide half spinlink" This would determine the current spin along the direct dimension and find out if it is left or right spin of the spinlink. Say it is the left spin. Then whenever this spinlink appears in a strip where the spin along the direct dimension is the left spin then it is suppressed. Presumeably you would want this "hidden half spinlink" to be associated with only the current spectrum otherwise it would also dissapear in other spectra where there might not be any overlap problem.
Sorry, I think hiding within a strip wasn't the best way to phrase it, but the description you give is what I had in mind. The issue I've had with working with peaklists is assigning newly picked peaks. Is there a good way to do this from Polyscope/Stripscope?
If the resonance assignments are more or less complete and you are assigning NOEs then you can use "propose spin" to find candidate spins with shifts close to the current cursor position. A spin-link is created from the anchor spin of the strip to the selected candidate.
If you are talking about NOEs to spins with no candidates (because the corresponding spin has not been assigned yet), then I am not sure why you want to pick it. It cannot give a constraint anyway. But you can use the following trick if you insist: First create a new spin in the strips spin system at the cursor position. Then without moving the cursor, "propose spin" and select the newly created spin.
I recently duplicated a project, saved the repository, and then was unable to open the repository. The error referred to an unknown sample, and when I looked at the xml file, I found that the duplicated project did not contain the samples from the original project. Copying and pasting the xml about the samples into the appropriate place in the new project solved the problem.
5 years and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Felix spectrum is read in with spectral widths
1H 11.05..4.72
15N 134.07..116.65
Actual spectral width of Felix spectrum:
1H: -1.614 to 11.051
15N : 99.210 to 134.0681
It seems that the value reported to the parent console:
Are the ppm values AT THE CENTER of the spectrum for Felix.
It looks like CARA is assuming that this is the ppm value at the TOP LEFT corner of the spectrum.
Possibly this is the source of error (factor of 2) in spectral width and incorrect ppmmax values.
7 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
The correct spectral widths are:
1H: 12.66ppm (7600 Hz)
15N:35.55 ppm (2120 Hz)
Done in 1.2.3. I assume at least. The hint was very useful and the ppm area of my test spectrum looks reasonable. But there is still an offset to the provided XEASY spectrum, but this could be due to the fact that it was re-processed using time domain data. I would appreciate if you could do some tests with your Felix spectra comparing them in CARA and your original spectrum viewer.
The calibration is now exactly correct and matches the calibration from the original Felix spectrum!
It seems that problem still exist when I open the hsqc spectrum attached. The hsqc spectrum is half (6.5ppm sw) of the full spectrum (13ppm sw) since the right half have no signal. But Cara still open as full spectrum. Felix and Nmrview can open this spectrum correctly. I use Cara 1.8.4 on windows.
Yes, it seems to be a problem in cara 1.2.3 where the problem was supposed to be solved. Can you convert this file to another cara-readable format such as xeasy? If you have information on how the referencing information is indicated in the .mat format that would also be useful.
Felix .mat header have the reference information: The first 4-bytes is the number of dimension (Dim); From 80+46Dim is the observe freguency(MHz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+47Dim is the spectral width(Hz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+48Dim is the reference point(Index, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+49Dim is the reference shift(Hz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension). From 880 is the label for each dimension(8 4-bytes characters per dimension). (I got these from source code of sparky, not the official document.)
Please note the index number is a float number, and unit of reference shift is Hz. Also note the index number may be larger than the number of spectral point(In my HSQC, the first dim have 512 point, but ref point is the 513rd point).
It seems currently Cara (1.8.4) always use the center point as reference point, which is not suitable for my HSQC.
Hope these information helpful, and look forward a better Cara version:-)
(I paste this again because the star character is lost. I use x instead the star) Felix .mat header have the reference information: The first 4-bytes is the number of dimension (Dim); From 80+4x6xDim is the observe freguency(MHz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+4x7xDim is the spectral width(Hz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+4x8xDim is the reference point(Index, a 4-bytes float number per dimension); From 80+4x9xDim is the reference shift(Hz, a 4-bytes float number per dimension). From 880 is the label for each dimension(8 4-bytes characters per dimension). (I got these from source code of sparky, not the official document.)
Please note the index number is a float number, and unit of reference shift is Hz. Also note the index number may be larger than the number of spectral point(In my HSQC, the first dim have 512 point, but ref point is the 513rd point).
It seems currently Cara (1.8.4) always use the center point as reference point, which is not suitable for my HSQC.
Hope these information helpful, and look forward a better Cara version:-)
Dear Mr. Damberger!
I want to use a HACAHB-COSY spectrum. I loaded it as a HcCH-TOCSY but then I have all labels of the amino acids not only HA,CA and HB which would be very helpful for integration. Then I tried to create a new Spectrum Type but this didn't work properly.
How to get along with this spectrum?
Thank you very much for any help! Christina Drees
5 years and 1 month and 3 days old
I am not familiar with this experiment. What is the magnetization transfer pathway? Why do you want to integrate it?
Okay, thanks for the reference: Grseziek S. et al., J. Amer. Chem. Soc. U.S.A., 117, 5312-5315, 1995
It appears to generate the same correlations as a HCcH-COSY so you could simply work with a SpectrumType from that experiment. However, this will not display correlations from HA to HN which is possible if you measure it in H2O. In this case, you can also create a specialized SpectrumType just for the HACAHB-COSY. I have included screenshots for both options. In the HACAHB-COSY SpectrumType I added mean and dev values in step 2 to restrict transfer to CA but you could eliminate these numbers if you want to see all the COSY correlations.
Dear Sir,
I am willing to use CARA for solid-State Spectra assignment. Could you please let me know how can I add spectra like NCACX, CHHC or simple PDSD spectra in the repository and work with it? Is there any other dedicated for this kind of assignment?
Thanking you in anticipation,
5 years and 1 month and 13 days old
You will need to create a new spectrum type. Please see the following page for documentation.
If this does not clear things up, write back in the follow-up to this issue.
Dear Fred,
Things are not clear to me. I have tried to create this new spectrum type but things are not working in proper way. I the attachment i am sending you the set up in a way describing the magnetization transfer pathway and the pictorial presentation of a trial of the set up. Could you be so kind to help me to understand the errors.
thanking you in anticipation
I don't see any problems in your setup for the NCACX for intraresidue correlations. When I select the NCACX in SpectrumTypes and right-click on "Show Experiment Path" (selecting GLU), I get the attached result.
Are you starting for the standard template Start1.2.cara?
With regard to sequential correlations at long mixing times, you will need to describe what the experiment does to me in more detail. Does it e.g. extend from the N to both CA & CA-1 in step 2?
If so, you could create a second SpectrumType with hops=3 in step 2. If the experiment specifically transfers from N to CA using selective excitation on Carbon, you will need to restrict the range of shifts for this step using "mean=54" and "Deviation=12".
I defined the NCOCX and simulated it with "Show Experiment Path" and it also appears to work. Note that I modified the "Generic Residue Type" in the ResidueType library to be "GLU" for this test. The generic residue is the default residue taken to be the i-1 neighbour during the simulation. The choice of starting residue is irrelevant for simulation of the NCOCX since only N and CO of the starting residue are used.
Note that D1(CO) and D3(N) in the Add New Spectrum Type determines the standard orientation of the Spectrum. I.e. the horizontal dimension of the strips will be D1 where as the depth dimension is D3.
In the last followup I mistakenly stated that D1(CO) & D3(N), however I actually have them swapped, but it would probably be logical to set up both NCACX & NCOCX with the D3(N) since the nuclei types would match in all dimensions, but really the only important thing is that D2 is the long axis of the strips.
Note that in the NCOCX I used hops=1 and repeat=true in step 3 to simulate a mixing step which reaches all carbons attached to eachother by one bond steps. Another option would be to set hops=3 and repeat=false. This would reach all carbons that are maximally three bonds away from the carbonyl in step 2.
Dear Fred,
Thanks for your messages. Its being more clear to me the things but let me know how you deal with cases where magnetization transfer happens through spin diffusion mechanism hence not confined within the C-atoms seperated by one or two bonds but can be spacial too and just depends on the proximity of its source atom. To me I would describe NCACX as a kind of 3D Noesy experiments and in that case I saw the hops in step 3 in experiment procedure is -1. What exactly this mean? Could you send me the pix of the experimental procedure of NCACX and NCOCX set up of yours.
Thanks in advance
When you define hops=-1, this simulates a NOESY step. However, at the sequential assignment stage I think you are better off using the approach described above since you will only be interested in intramolecular (i) and sequential (i-1) correlations.
If you want to represent through-space transfer (e.g. so that you can also analyse medium and long-range contacts) then hops=-1 is the right choice. When you define such a step, it should be the last one in the ExperimentProcedure. In this case CARA will allow you to define and display SpinLinks.
some documentation
Hi Fred,
we talked already about a cara solid-state NMR template. It would be basically the same as your template but replacing the liquid-state spectrum types by solid-state NMR spectrum types. Are you still interested in something like this? If yes, I could give it a try.
Truely speaking I want to use CARA to do some NCACX cross corelation assignments for short or longrange contacts. The Magnetization transfer from C-alpha follows a NOESY step depending on the proximity of other any carbon.
here are three attachment of my setup
1. general setup view
2. Experiment Procedure
3. Experiment path
I don t know if this is a correct set up or not? do you think I can use a normal 3D NOESY spectrum type in this case.I am really a new user of CARA and I hope I am able to explain my difficulties in a proper way.
If you are trying to analyse contacts between residues for structure determination then using hops=-1 is the right approach. It will be most useful if you have a large percentage of the contacting atoms assigned since you can then use "propose spin" to obtain suggested assignments.
If you are trying to do sequential assignment, then I think it is better to use hops=3 strategy since this will include the spins CA-1 in the pick label window. However, you can also pick label "CA-1" with an ExperimentProcedure using hops=-1. It just won't display the label in the window, you have to type it in manually.
After opening a related peaklist in the scopes, by switching to "Assignment" type of labels shows only duples of Spin-IDs, rather than the names of the connecting spins. The feature is useful for inspection of many violated SpinLinks after structure calculation.
5 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
When you import a peaklist into monoscope, CARA finds the spins that have the same Ids as the atoms from the peaklist. These are the numbers that are shown when you select "View-Show Labels-Assignment". This is not a very useful way to display the information. Preferable would be to replace the SpinId with the spin label and residue number.
A potential workaround:
Write a LUA script which defines the Peak Labels of a peaklist using the SpinIds of the peak to determine the spin labels and residue numbers. The same script could also color code the peaklist by the "support" or violations.
I am working on manually eliminating poorly chosen NOEs from a spectrum and wanted to add notes to spins as I did this. Such as "Overlap resonance appeared to have NOEs to Residue X"
I thought I could do this with Attributes but I am having trouble doing so.
How difficult would it be to create a Notes text box that can be assigned to every object. Spin, spin system, spin-link etc?
So if I wanted to add a note for someone else after I leave they can read them and it will be specifically organized to the object level.
5 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Turns out I didn't know how to add an attribute. I added a NOTES attribute as a String in the main Cara window and now I can add comments as I desired.
I decided to leave this issue up for others to search for in case someone else has similar questions.
The attributes panel in Cara explorer allows you to define new attributes for any object class: you assign a name and type to the attribute. After doing this you can access the attributes using
- Edit Attribute (available in PeakList and SystemList of the scopes)
- Edit Attribute in the various panels of CARA-explorer.
- Open Object Table in the various panels of CARA-explorer.
- Define an attribute using the LUA API (e.g. LUA script) using the command object:setAttr("NameOfAttribute") = value
Note that the Attributes-panel actually only controls which attributes are displayed using these three options.
A project can have "invisible attributes" which might be created for example from a Lua script. These only become visible if you define them in the CARA-explorer "define attributes" panel. Empty attributes are NOT stored in the repository. Only if an attribute has a value is it stored in the repository.
I loaded a HNHB spectrum in my repository and opened it with PolyScope (rotated). Then, only labels for HB and HA are visible but no label for HN like in the HNHA spectrum. Is there a possibility to get also a HN label?
Thank you for help! Christina Drees
5 years and 1 month and 10 days old
The current HNHB experiment procedure uses a trick to avoid both HN and HA-1 resonances appearing in the simulated peaks (see "Edit Attributes" of the HNHB SpectrumType for details).
The attached screenshot shows an alternative ExperimentProcedure definition for the HNHB SpectrumType. This should display HN,HA & HB labels while avoiding HA-1.
Woops, I forgot to eliminate Step 5. Remove the target and hops for this step so that things function properly.
Ok, I forgot a number of things. Here is the correct version.
I used the renumber function in the CARA explorer to number my sequence according to the full length protein, but the go to residue function does not reflect this. I can use the original residue number and it works fine, but this isn't helpful for renumbered residues. It appears to be going to a residue ID, not residue number. Is there a way to renumber the residue ID as well as the residue number, or can a function be created to go to a residue number that reflects renumbering?
5 years and 1 month and 3 weeks old
Yes, I agree. "gr" should refer to to the chain number. Basically chain number is an alias for the residue Id.
As far as I know there is no way to change the Residue Id of a residue. It is one of the fixed Id numbers like those for spins or for systems which uniquely identifies the object.
You could create a new project and read in a seq file that is numbered according to your desired format. Then read in the protonlist. However, you will have to first change the residue numbers in the protonlists. You could write a list to write out the protonlist with the desired format. But you still have to import all the spectra again and redefine any aliases. It actually turns into a lot of work.
Much better would be if "gr" took the chain number by default. This is also consistent with CARA philosophy. You shouldn't have to create new projects and renumber fundamental Ids. This is after all helping to document your work.
Some of my projects are starting to look unwieldy, and I think it would help to be able to group the spectra into different subfolders- titrations, backbone experiments, noesy, RDC, etc. I like this better than trying to maintain separate projects so that there is no trouble keeping them consistent.
5 years and 2 months and 9 days old
I agree! I hope that Rochus sees the importance of this. It has been requested already before. See:
For example, when one is working on closely-related proteins, and wishes to import an existing atom list to replace the current one. When I try to import atom list in CARA explorer, a message returned: "The project already contains spins. Do you really wand to continue (cannot be undone)?" Yes, there's a typo wand
in cara_1.8.4 for windows., then: "The atom list contains 123 spins which are already defined in project. Continue anyway?" Click. Then, I found that the systems were not replaced at all. Perhaps this is not a very important feature for many people. But since the program allows one to do so, it is supposed to execute the intended action.
5 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Why don't you delete the existing spins from the project first? Use RemoveSelectedSystems.lua to remove all the systems.
"gs" goto spins
"gy" goto system
after entering a valid system number, I get the reply "not available in this state".
use PolyScope. Here the shortcuts work.
7 years and 3 weeks and 3 days old
In HomoScope, "gy" returns "goto spins" on the command line. So it looks like the short "gy" is pointing to the wrong command in HomoScope. If I type "gy" in PolyScope, the command line returns "goto system".
HomoScope "gs" should work and just use "goto system".
User recently again reported this old bug. Can we fix this?
I tried to create different samples with different labelling schemes by choosing Add sample in the point samples in the repository according to the IssueTracker 0792. But when executing Add Range there are no labelling schemes to choose and by clicking OK Cara crashes every time. How to get along with this bug?
Christina Drees
5 years and 2 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Woops. a nasty bug. This will need to be fixed by Rochus. A hard crash occurs and CARA reports the following to the terminal:
cara_1.8.4_linux: SampleView.cpp:306: void SampleView::handleAddRange(Root::Action&): Assertion `i != -1' failed.
You need to define LabelingSchemes globally in the Cara-Explorer "LabelingSchemes". Click on "LabelingSchemes" in the Main Cara-explorer.
Right-click in the right window and select "new".
- Enter a unique ID number
- Enter a name for the LabelingScheme such as "MethylOnly"
Now you can define the pattern of isotope-labeling for this scheme in the ResidueType explorer.
- Click on a ResidueType such as ALA to expand it displaying the Atoms.
- Now Right-Click on an Atom such as HA and select "Add Isotope". You will see the LabelingSchemes that you defined.
- You can select one such as "MethylOnly" and then define the Isotope for this Atom in the LabelingScheme such as "H2". Note that the default labels for the AtomTypes H,C & N are H="H1", C="C13", N="N15". You don't need to define these. Only if the Isotope for the selected Atom is different from the default Isotope do you need to define an Isotope.
CARA cannot read peaklists with dimensionality higher than 4D. Please extend the range either arbitrarirly high or to 10D. This is necessary for work with lists obtained with projected spectroscopy.
5 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
I can only calibrate a peaklist once. Also, I cannot see the value of the calibration anywhere in the CARA explorer. It would be nice if I could adjust the calibration in the same way as for spectra. The cal values for the peaklist should appear in the Peaklist explorer.
5 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Is there a way the load and analyse 4D spectra in Cara?
5 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
MonoScope can handle spectra of any dimensionality. Each additional dimension results in another depth strip. However MonoScope is mostly used for looking at spectra and integrating peaklists. The other scopes which support the assignment process are designed for spectra of a fixed dimensionality up to 3D.
There is a toolkit being developed which will allow users to design their own scopes (for example scopes supporting analysis of 4D spectra). This will probably will be released in several months time.
Hi, 1. Can you tell me how to overlay two 2D spectra on top of each other? 2. Does Cara have the old XEASY "zd", "za" and "zo" functions?
5 years and 4 months and 1 day old
When I read an external Xeasy-format peaklist (not simulated with CARA), I can rotate and set peaklist owner in MonoScope.
However, the functions getVol() and getAmp() return zeroes for such peaklists. Consequently, the standard LUA script CopyPeakAmpToVol doesn't work.
It appears that individual peaks also have spectrum owner tags (home
and spec
), and they are not set for external peaklists, as one can see in attached fragment of my repository.
The intermediate solution is to modify the CopyPeakAmpToVol script to prompt the user for the owner spectrum, but this is inconvenient.
Another workaround could be adding a function PeakList:getHome(), complementing PeakList:setHome()
5 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
the problems with ownership of peaks and PeakList are long-standing.
See the following issues:
PeakLists & Peaks both have an owner, confusing.
orphaned PeakList can be reassigned with "Set PeakList Owner",
but the Peaks continue to belong to the deleted spectrum.
Move peak in non-owner spectrum causes problems (closed, but related)
The owner tags are set when the peak is picked to the currently displayed spectrum. If you have a BatcList defined, it is possible to pick a peak in a Spectrum other than the Spectrum owning the PeakList.
I agree that a PeakList:getHome() is needed.
I am not sure why getVol() returns zero in your case.
I picked some peaks in NEASY, integrated them with 'ip' integration mode set to 'm' and wrote out the peaklist.
Then I imported the peaklist into MonoScope and used the following code to write out the getVol values:
Proj=cara:getProject() -- repository has only one project
PL=Proj:getPeakList(1) -- my PeakListId was 1
for a,b in pairs(PL:getPeaks()) do
which returned the Ids and PeakVolumes from the Neasy peaklist. getAmp() returns 0 because amplitudes are obtained only when "Update Amplitudes" is executed. I.e. Volumes in Neasy PeakList = getVol() in CARA/LUA.
Crash occurs in versions 1.2.5-1.8.4 when "Select Color Code" is selected from the PeakList context menu within the "Tool-Open Spectrum".
How to reproduce crash:
- Tools-Open Spectrum from main CARA menu.
- Import PeakList or create a peak with "pp"
- Show PeakList "sl"
- Right-click on peak in the PeakList and select "Select Color Code"
Use cara 1.5.5
- Add the spectrum to a project and open it with MonoScope
- "Select Color code" does not cause a crash in MonoScope
- The peak is correctly displayed in the selected color.
cara 1.7.0-1.8.4 do not display peaks with the selected color code (they are always white)
Those users who have updated to recent versions of CARA cannot return to older versions if they are working with Isotopes.
5 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
How do I keep my preset font everytime I open it? I have to reset the font every time. Can I make a preference file to do this?
5 years and 5 months and 13 days old
As far as I know, this information is not stored in the repository, so you are stuck setting it up everytime you start up CARA.
Integrator gives strange volumes when peaks are close to eachother in position.
(e.g. sometimes it gives one peak a negative volume and the other a positive volume when both peaks have amplitudes with positive intensity).
The attached repository (based on the Demo project) shows a particularly serious example.
Peaks 148 and 155 which are very close to one another in the spectrum give volumes of +6716583313408 and -6716582264832 respectively although the amplitudes are only +973237 and +973237 respectively.
7 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Done in 1.4.4. Ppm positions are now cut after third decimal place. This makes it easier to recognize degenerate peaks and avoid singular matrices (rendering this instable effect).
This problem has not been fixed. I am analysing exchange data and observe signals that INCREASE with intensity with time. After searching a long time in my raw data and processing algorithms, I discovered that integrator is the problem.
Something is wrong with the algorithm. It makes no sense to assign negative volumes to any peaks in an overlapping group if ALL the peaks have positive amplitude!
Splitting up the intensity equally for degenerate peaks (defined when they have the same position up to the third decimal) does not fix this problem.
I have observed the same problem during HetNOE analysis. Frequently, two peaks near each other, but not quite degenerate, will have clearly bogus intensities (eg both are contoured negative but a positive intensity value is assigned to one of them).
What is the status of the built in integrator? I have almost finished my first round of spin-link identification. Should I export peaklists and use a different program to get volume and NOE restraints?
Is there any way to make issues "sticky" that are issues that many people are likely to ask about such as this one.
I have updated the ManualStructureCalculation and IntroToIntegration pages of the wiki to address this issue. Basically, I advocate using either the peak Amplitudes or the option to integrate rectangular regions until the issue is solved.
Include a PeakList window in the same way as it is visible in MonoScope.
Otherwise it is not possible to navigate in the spectrum using the peaklist.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I have loaded a peaklist into a project using MonoScope. In MonoScope I had to rotate the peaklist so that it fit on the spectra. I could figure out that rotation was needed by double-clicking on a few peaks in the peaklist and looking at their location (outside of the spectrum).
I then loaded the peaklist onto a spectrum in PolyScope. I see no peaks anywhere. I don't know why. I cannot navigate to the peaks to see where they are relative to the spectrum. I am therefore stuck. I cannot inspect the peaks to see what is wrong with them. I also have no way to rotate the peaklist in PolyScope.
I cannot even check the other new features of Peaklists because I don't see any peaks (eg. new labeling features). This is pretty frustating.
This absense of a reasonable navigation tool is really blocking progress on peaklist applications in PolyScope.
I am still stuck opening MonoScope and Turning on Synch cursor, loading the peaklist into MonoScope and navigating to the peak by double-clicking it in the list. Then since Synch to depth does not work for PolyScope/MonoScope, I am forced to use "gt" in MonoScope to write down the ppm depth, and "gt" again in PolyScope to adjust the depth there.
This is a very tedious way to navigate to peaks in Polyscope.
Alternatively, I can double-click on peaks in the Peaklist in Monoscope and then use the command "gp" to enter the number of the peak. Much preferred would be a Peaklist window in PolyScope exactly like in MonoScope.
Attributes cannot be displayed or influence the display in any way. E.g. I cannot display the value of an object next to the peak symbol.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
1.4: There is still no way to display any attribute information in the spectrum. Therefore this feature of CARA which has a lot of potential remains fairly insignificant in analysis.
This needs to be generalized to other tables (like the SystemList).
Frequently the user is interested in assessing the Linewidth (Full Width at half height). It would be very useful to have a linewidth function available in the Slicewindow.
It would work like this:
The maximum intensity is available to the SliceWindow (it is used for the autoscale function)
A line is drawn at half the maximum height (exactly in the middle of the slice window) between the intensity values of the slice at half height.
From these intersection points with the slice, two vertical lines are dropped parallel to the intensity axis to the x-axis at zero intensity.
The distance between these two vertical lines is displayed in the window in both PPM and Hz (preferably in text which can be copy-pasted)
_____________/| |\____0.25/40.1__
7 years and 6 months and 4 days old
Here is a second try at "drawing" the slicewindow which includes the LineWidth function:
Since we plan to do some lineshape analysis in the coming week, it would be great if this simple feature were added to the 1D slice windows of the scopes.
I include an image showing how the proposed function would look in a slice window.
Try again. It ignored the attatchment on my first try...
"Fit to window" or "ww" does not show the full spectrum range.
For example in a spectrum with 32 pixels along the vertical axis, only the spectral region covering 31 of 32 pixels are shown (actually, half of the 1st and last pixel are displayed) See the first attatched image.
If I expand the spectral range using Ctrl-Shift-DownArrow, then I can see the entire first (N=0) and last pixel (N=31).
See the second attatched image.
See also the closed issue:
The spectrum from the following issue is used to demonstrate the problem:
5 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
The function getAtomGroups() sometimes returns lists which include groups that do not exist in the repository.
example: MET has the following groups in my repository (checked this directly in the xml file): QB QG
however the function getAtomGroups() produces: QB QG and Q
"Q" also occurs for LYS+ although not defined.
This is creating problems for scripts to convert different formats used by various structure programs.
Please find attatched a repository that includes the script "ReportAtomGroups.lua". You can compare the LYS+ and MET definitions to the results from the script.
6 years and 8 months and 4 days old
The following LUA commands:
ResTyp = cara:getResidueType( "MET" ) AtomGroup = ResTyp:getAtomGroup( "Q" ) print( AtomGroup:getName() )
return "Q" even though the AtomGroup "Q" does not exist for "MET"!
1.3 Spectrum Width + Delta Format:
Cara still displays N-1 datacubes along a dimension axis.
The number of sample values displayed in the slice window is N. Also the number of contour values are N.
When Spectrum Width + Delta is selected, CARA should display N DataCubes in the show-intensity mode. The DataCubes represent the same data as the contour values. The datacubes should be centered on the sample points. The distance between the beginning of the first datacube and the end of the last datacube is equal to the spectral width.
See issue:
Where a test spectrum is included.
Note: This has nothing to do with the rounding error in the position of the datacubes. It is the NUMBER of datacubes which is here the issue.
7 years and 6 months and 4 weeks old
Since there is an offset between intensity and contour view, intensity view will not be used (although it could be quite a useful way to display the data). Therefore there is no risk in changing the intensity display so that it displays N cubes rather than N-1 cubes. You have N data points, why not display N data cubes?
Cara 1.3
All Scopes.
The values displayed in the slice window at the boundary from original spectrum to folded spectrum show that two intensity values are missing and one is repeated (the extrapolated data has an error at the boundary).
Expected behaviour:
f_0 ( highest frequency)
f_N-1 (lowest frequency)
f_k = f_O + k * Delta (within original spectral region)
correct Folded region just below lowest frequency:
f-(-2) = f_N-2
f_(-1) = f_N-1
correct Folded region just above highest frequency:
f_N = f_0
f_N+1 = f_1
f_N+2 = f_2
What is actually observed:
observed Folded region just below lowest frequency:
f_(-3) = f_N-4 (offset by -1, should be f_N-3)
f_(-2) = f_N-3 (offset by -1, should be f_N-2)
f_(-1) = f_0 !!(repeated value! should be f_N-1)
observed Folded region just above highest frequency:
f_N = f_1 (should be f_0 which is missing)
f_N+1 = f_2 (should be f_1, offset by +1)
f_N+2 = f_3 (should be f_2, offset by +1)
Actual DATA from a spectrum with 32points along the 15N dim are included. The Spectrum files as well as the intensity values observed along one slice in the spectrum
- SliceData.txt.
I checked the neighboring slice at Dim1=9.272 to be sure I made no errors in this. I see the same pattern.
The intensity values in the slice also agree with the contours in terms of sign and number of contours. Therefore this problem also must be present in the contour spectra.
This is consistent with what I see for assigned protein signals which are shifted by a constant offset if they are in the folded region (this is what made me notice the problem in the first place).
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
When Edit Attributes or Object Table window is open, all CARA windows are frozen.
This is very inconvenient since I often want to enter values into the attributes based on what I see in different spectra.
I have to enter one value, close the window, switch to the next spectrum, select the object, reopen "edit attribute" for each entry.
Another application where this is inconvenient:
I am comparing different spectra and want to have the object table open while I inspect them. Not possible in the current implementation.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks old
1.3.2 PolyScope:
1) Open an HSQC15N with PolyScope.
2) select a 3D in the Strip pane.
3) click on a system in the 2D
- intensity of 2D is displayed at status line
4) click on the spin in the 3D strip pane.
- intensity of the 3D is displayed at the status line
5) switch to Plane-Show 3D" or use shortcut "3d"
6) click on peak at same position in plane pane showing 3D
- intensity of the 2D is displayed at the status line!
This last behaviour of step 6 is confusing, the intensity should be given for the DISPLAYED spectrum. Change CARA to give the intensity of the displayed spectrum on the status line also if it is a 3D.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks old
I am using relative paths for spectra so that I can move the repository back and forth between two machines - my laptop and my desktop.
Unfortunately, the relative paths which I manually edited in the repository are overwritten when I save the repository.
Editing the paths in the Spectra-Explorer would be a a useful feature and give the user control over this.
You could add a menu item "Convert to absolute paths". But keep the paths that the user defined otherwise.
7 years and 2 weeks old
1.8.4: Since this feature used to exist in older versions of CARA, I assume it can be reinstated. It is tedious to have to define the absolute path of the files every time that I open them on my home computer.
An alternative approach: if you want to always have an absolute path. Include two attributes with each spectrum: (1) absolute and (2) relative paths. During the loading of a repository, if the spectrum cannot be found at the absolute path, then try to find it at the relative path.
The label options for spins in the PrintPreview are greyed out when I start it from a MonoScope displaying a peaklist.
This means that when I create a figure of a 2D spectrum with a peaklist displayed, I have to manually remove all the labels if I don't like the ones that are displayed.
Furthermore, there is no way to turn off the labels. The numbers of the peaks are ALWAYS displayed. There is no way to display only the crosspeak symbols.
F.Damberger & E.Michel
7 years and 2 weeks old
1.8.4: The options which are visible under "spins-labels" are still all greyed out. There is no way to control the labeling of peaklists in PrintPreview.
The selection box which appears around the label when a system or peak is selected is too small. It does not surround the entire label because it is not wide enough.
occurs in the 1.7.0a8 version with statically linked libraries too.
6 years and 3 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
- 7.0b2: should now work, but Qt4 seems still to be confused about fonts.
This is still a problem in 1.7.0b2 running on Redhat Linux. The box has the correct height, but it not quite wide enough for the text.
Box is still not wide enough on Redhat linux in version 1.8.1.
Peaks belonging to peaklists that have a batchlist defined cannot be removed.
Cara ignores the command. The next time a command is applied to the peak (which is still visible in the spectrum and the displayed peaklist "sl") cara gives the message "not a valid peak ID".
- g. if I change the color this message is given, but none-the-less the peak color is changed.
Workaround: painful... Remove ALL spectra from the batchlist and then remove the peak.
6 years and 11 months and 8 days old
PolyScope includes the option "Strips-Use Link Color Codes"
I'd like to have this option available in other scopes. Esp. in StripScope.
6 years and 8 months and 6 days old
How about, including a View option to turn ON/OFF depth queue by color. When it is off, color is taken from the Link Color Codes.
When setting up a batch-list, I should be able to navigate between the spectra by the shortcuts ctrl+1 and ctrl+2. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't - then I have to use the mouse. Any Idea where this might come from? Have this problem on two computers, both WinXP. And have it both in MonoScope and HomoScope. Thanx!
6 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Generally the shortcuts only work after you click on the menu item containing the command or click in the window containing the spectra to make to cursor active.
I mean that you need to do this one time for each scope that you open. After that, the shortcuts should always work for that particular scope.
nja, sometimes it works regular, but sometimes I click the menu item "next spectrum" - but then only ctrl+2 work. When I want to change direction and go back again, then ctrl+1 doesn't work - so again I have to click the respective item. And in between I didn't do anything, so the curser should stay active. But in the meantime I got used to it :-)
Cara_1.8.4: Ctrl+1 works right away, but Ctrl+2 only works after you go to the last spectrum in the batchlist by repeating Ctr1+1 many times. Then Ctrl+2 works all the time. This is OK for small Batchlists but it is not so good for long Batchlists.
SystemList does not correctly sort the spin ids within a system.
I get:
instead of:
Strangely, the sorting is done correctly for spin ids in the SpinList.
Other integer values such as SpectrumId, SystemId, SequenceId etc. are sorted correctly.
Real Number sorting incorrect for negative values:
However, spins themselves (ppm values) are still sorted incorrectly when they are negative. I.e. the order should be reversed. The lowest ppm value is -0.3 ppm NOT -0.1 ppm. As long as you are fixing the problem with SpinId sorting, you can fix this as well. It seems like an awefully simple thing to fix.
6 years and 3 months and 5 days old
I think I didn't describe my problem in the right way. My problem with spin tuple begins when I was working with backbone assigment. I was working with HNCA, HNCACB ans so on. The problem is that the spin tuple window pops up every time I try to replace the strip in HNCA. And I have to choose between CA or CA-1 spin. In the case of experiments with CB and don't see those peaks at all (only peaks I see are CA or CA-1). Right now it is imposible for me to continue the backbone assigment.
6 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
I don't see this problem when I use CARA. There must be something wrong with either your SpectrumType definition or the orientation of your HNCA.
Could you send me a copy of your repository? Maybe I can locate the problem.
Try this test to see if CARA works on a fresh repository and to be sure you have not missed an important step in setting up your project:
- Start CARA and open the standard template Start1.2.cara
- Create a new project from the sequence file.
- Click on "Spectra" in the project and then
- right-click in the right window and select "Add Spectra-HSQC15N" and select the HSQC15N.
- right-click in the right window and select "Add Spectra-HNCA" and select the HNCA.
- Click on the HSQC15N and right-click "Open PolyScope"
- Right-Click in the Strip and "Select Spectrum" HNCA (your HNCA should be oriented so that the vertical axis of both strips is the "C" dimension and the horizontal axis of the left strip is "HN" where as the right strip is "N")
- click on a signal in the HSQC15N and right-click "pick new system".
- click on the CA signal in the strip and right-click "Pick Label" selecting the "CA" label
- do the same for the CA-1 signal in the strip selecting "CA-1" label
- Pick a few additional signals in the HSQC15N and pick the spins in the HNCA strip (pick sequentially neighboring systems based on assignments you already obtained)
- click on a signal in the HSQC15N and right-click "pick new system".
- Right-Click on the HNCA in the Spectra-panel of the project and select "Open StripScope".
- use find predecessor and find successor in the SystemList to link some systems together
- now try "Replace strip".
Do you still get this behavior?
This problem should be solved if the HNCA is oriented so that the vertical axis of the strip is the C13 axis. In this case, when replace strip is used, each residue only has one possibility (the H1=x-axis,N15=z-axis) since each residue only has one H1 and one N15 anchor.
If the dimensions have the correct ppm ranges (i.e. referencing is reasonable) CARA should recognize and correctly orient that HNCA.
When opening a spectrum in the strip display within SynchroScope in ver 1.8.1 once a particular spectrum is displayed, changing to another spectrum shows blank strips. (e.g. I opened Nhsqc in SynchroScope and then opened HNCO in the strip display, when I switched to CBCACONH the strips showed up blank. After restarting CARA I could open Nhsqc and CBCACONH but switching to HNCO after that displayed blank strips again.)
5 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Please apply the command "Strips/Fit Window" (shortcut "Home"), to adjust the visible part of the C frequency in the strip. CARA usually doesn't change the visible part when switching spectra with the same atom type along the strip (to e.g. compare HNCA and HNCACB).
There is an issue describing this problem. It comes up again and again in the Tracker because the behaviour is illogical not to mention inefficient. If the new spectrums spectral range does not overlap with that of the old spectrum then CARA should reset the full range to that of the new spectrum.
The only "solution" seems to be an option to automatically adjust the visible height to the spectral width when switching spectra. In the current implementation this is only done if atom types differ.
This has been fixed. The current behaviour: if the chemical shift range along the strip-axis of the new spectrum is non-overlapping with the old spectrum, then the chemical shift range is changed to the full-range of the new spectrum (I.e. "Strips-Fit to Window" is applied automatically in this case).
When creating a spin alias for a spectrum by the setShift method in LUA, e.g.
like this: t.Project:setShift(b,somevalue,t.TargetSpectrum),
CARA will remove the alias after creation, if an alias for this spectrum with the same chemical shift existed before.
If this is intended and the only way to remove an alias, it's a very ugly one. Since this behaviour is not documented, an unwanted loosing of a spin alias by creating it a second time at the same position by a LUA-script is highly probable (happened to me while copying aliases from one spectrum to another several times).
A fixed version of the CopyAliases script regarding this issue is now published and also attached here.
7 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 1 day old
setShift continues to behave in this unexpected way. setShift should not delete aliases when the current value is set. It should erase the alias when the default value is set!
LUA does not follow the order of Id numbers in the following type of for-loop:
For PeakId,Peak in pairs(Peaklist) do
print(index.." #"..PeakId..Peak:getAttr("HetNoe"))
instead the 1st 6 are ok and after that only odd numbers and then only even numbers are outputted (example of script output is shown below).
I think that this did not occur in earlier versions of Cara.
The same thing happens with any other list generated using this type of for loop such as
for SysId,Sys in pairs(SystemList) do
for ResId,Res in pairs(Sequence) do
I wrote nearly all of my scripts with the assumption that this would work as long as Id numbers are positive integers. I am not excited about rewriting all the scripts.
Output of script:
1 #0120 -1.38
2 #0121 -0.73
3 #0122 -0.57
4 #0123 -0.21
5 #0124 -0.11
6 #0125 0.15
7 #0126 0.39
8 #0127 0.48
9 #0129 0.71
10 #0131 0.74
11 #0133 0.70
12 #0135 0.67
13 #0139 0.57
14 #0141 0.70
15 #0143 0.70
106 #0224 0.62
107 #0226 0.48
108 #0228 0.23
109 #0230 -0.15
110 #0232 -0.61
7 years and 1 month and 8 days old
It seems to me that systemscope is only applicable to 3D spectrum. I can't open 2d tocsy or noesy with it. Is it so?
In homoscope, I tried to assign sidechain amide protons on a 2d tocsy(in the lower right region but close to the center of the spectrum), but i didn't find proper labels. When I wanted to first create new spins to those peaks(pick new system), should I just set them as HA/HB?
7 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
Since SystemScope works with H-X anchors (proton attatched to a heteronucleus) to define the strip position, and the plane is into the third dimension, it is a tool designed to work with 3D spectra.
If you want to assign labels which correspond to specific sidechains (like NH2 of ASN) you will need to assign the correct SpinSystemType to the System. This option appears when you "Pick New System" in PolyScope. I don't know if this is implemented in HomoScope yet.
E.g. for ASN, you will need to define a SpinSystemType "ASN" in the SpinSystems panel of Cara-Explorer which defines "ASN" as the ResidueType model, has N and C as N and C termini and a candidate Residue "ASN".
When you select the SpinSystemType, CARA will apply pathway simulation to the corresponding model ResidueType (ASN in this case) and therefore include the labels for the sidechain of ASN.
I will soon be releasing a new template which makes use of the SpinSystemType expansion which was introduced in CARA 1.4. This will include all the most commonly used SpinSystemTypes used in Protein assignment.
PrintPreview displays ruler numbers outside the range of the spectrum region.
The expansion of a region of the HSQC13C from the demo project displays a number from the vertical "ruler" or scale that is below the end of the box around the spectrum.
To reproduce, Open the HSQC13C from the demo project with HomoScope, and then open PrintPreview. "File-Load Settings" from the attached .set file.
The number in the lower right corner "-39" apparently belongs to the vertical scale (what you call the ruler). However, it is below the end of the spectral region along the vertical dimension and should not be visible.
A screen shot is included with the unneeded number highlighted by an arrow.
5 years and 10 months and 4 weeks old
Using CARA 1.7.0.
I couldn't find an issue that mentioned this.
Introduction: While adding a spin-link/moving the strip (middle button of the mouse) cara crashed (I had sync to global cursor on). When I opened the file, no spinsys were present, although I had 417 of them on the screen before the crash and no spectra were loaded.
Here is the weird part: By inspecting the back-up files (we have a system back-up every day), I can see that although the date was updated (prooving that I was indeed saving under that file name), the "spinsys" string is absent from all the ones I inspected so far (I went back two weeks ago at this point). On the other hand when I updated the bmrbstats, the cara file was indeed updated (all dev fields modified). It looks as if only part of the information was updated. The history of the file is: 1) I had one crash when doing a print 2) I did one "save as" to change the name Unfortunately, the two files are both exempt of spinsys... allthough they had 405 of them on the screen at the time.
Do you have any idea what might have caused this? Any hope to recover my data (that's a lot of peak picking)?
I did write a peak list as a safety, but no prot file since I didn't have assignements, only links. Is there a way to recreate the spin-systems with this peak-list, preferably with the same numbering as in the original cara file (i.e. are the peaks arbitrarily renumbered or do they correspond to spin-sys numbers?)
Many thanks for your help,
Dominique Frueh
5 years and 7 months and 3 days old
I find only one project in your repository, and in that repository I find only a sequence. There is nothing else. What version of CARA were you using when this occured. How long did you have CARA open? I.e. did you work for several weeks without closing CARA? Can you go further back in the back-up files and find a repository containing spin-systems? Did you change versions of CARA recently?
The peaklist will contain the spin numbers. The spin numbers are arbitrary, i.e. each spin is given the next consecutive available integer.
However, since you know the type of peaklist, you also must know the atom type along each axis of the spinlist. So if you have ONE peaklist, you could convert it back into a set of spin-systems.
E g let's assume you have picked systems for an HNCA and wrote out the peaklist from PolyScope using "Files-Export-Strip Peaklist"
It will look like this:
# Number of dimensions 3
#INAME 2 N15
#INAME 3 C13
1 8.162 120.119 52.439 0 U 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 - 0 1872 1873 1874 0
# CA 209
2 8.162 120.119 54.979 0 U 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 - 0 1872 1873 1875 0
# CA-1 209
If you are very lucky, you have included the labels in the peaklist, therefore you can even identify the CA & CA-1 spins.
If you did not include the labels, you will have to use the default label "?" for the 13C spins.
I e you would write a LUA script to read in
line 1 of the peaklist as follows:
column 1: System number = 1
column 2: chemical shift of amide proton spin with label "H" = 8.162
column 3: chemical shift of amide nitrogen spin with label "N" = 120.119
column 4: chemical shift of alpha carbon spin with label "CA" = 52.439
column 11: spin Id of amide proton spin = 1872
column 12: spin Id of amide nitrogen spin = 1873
column 13: spin Id of alpha carbon spin = 1874
line 2 of the peaklist as follows:
#CA 209 means that the label of the spin in column 13 of line 1 = "CA"
and the System Id = 209
line 3 of the peaklist as follows:
column 1: System number = 1
column 2: chemical shift of amide proton spin with label "H" = 8.162
column 3: chemical shift of amide nitrogen spin with label "N" = 120.119
column 4: chemical shift of alpha carbon spin with label "CA-1" = 54.979
column 11: spin Id of amide proton spin = 1872
column 12: spin Id of amide nitrogen spin = 1873
column 13: spin Id of alpha carbon spin = 1875
line 4 of the peaklist as follows:
# CA-1 209 means that the label of spin in column 13 of line 3 = "CA-1"
and the System Id = 209
To do this within LUA you will need to be clever about in what order you create the Systems and the spins.
It would be best to FIRST read all the peaks in and group the spins into systems in a lua table.
Secondly you would create the Systems needed.
Thirdly you would create the spins in the order of their Id numbers.
E g if your first System Id = 209 and the last is 309, you will need to create 309 systems.
Cara will give them System Ids ranging from 1-309. You can then fill the Systems 209-309 with spins.
When everything is done, you would just delete the empty systems 1-208.
Same strategy for the Spins. If you have system Ids ranging from 1872-2000, then you will need to create 2000 spins.
These will have system Id numbers ranging from 1-2000.
Next you assign the spins which appeared in your peaklist (the ones in the lua table you generated).
Finally you delete all the unassigned spins.
Dominique, are you sure that you have the correct repository? Did you call "save" regularly? The one submitted has a creation date of 2005-7-11 and seems to be an initial version. Have you made a search for all *.cara files on your file system/server? Maybe by coincidence the "save as" went to another directory than you are looking for.
By default CARA stores repositories in the directory from which CARA was started.
Here is a lua script I used to recover my systems form a peak list. This is not THE solution, but at least it avoids to repeat the system picking (A real headache with the amount of overlap I have). The script creates systems from a peak-list. It does NOT check if the systems exist or not. I.e. it is meant for the begininng of a project
In the meantime I scanned my computer for all files modified during the period I worked on my initial project, and for all files that could contain the project name, and I repeated this for various back-ups of my computer. The file C-domain.cara was indeed modified every time I worked on the project. No other files were found with the project name. I saw in my notebook that I imported the sequence after having loaded spectra. I.e. I started this project without a sequence and then imported it. Could that be related to the problem? The repository does contain the right sequence however...
I tried to reproduce your problem using CARA 1.8.4a5 on linux. I created a project in a fresh repository (without loading a sequence at the start). Then I loaded an HSQC15N and HNCA and picked a few systems. I stored the repository and then opened it with a editor. I see the new project and all the systems and spins I picked. I imported the sequence into the project using "append chain". Picked some additional systems. Stored the repository and then checked it again with an editor. All the additional systems and spins are there. So, I can't reproduce what went wrong.
Note: normally you would ALWAYS load the sequence during creation of the project. Perhaps CARA should automatically ask for a sequence when a new project is created to avoid problems? However, some projects may need import of an appended chain at a later stage. E.g. work with complexes...
It doesn't seem to be possible to change the mean shift for an isotope in the residue library. It would be nice to be able to this for a deuterated sample, for example, so that the mean shifts for deuterium-attached carbons could be corrected for in such a sample.
5 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
You can use the script LoadProtonListOntoResidues.lua to change the mean shift for individual atoms in your sequence. However, this will effect the mapping of fragments globally for the project.
Another option: if you assigned the protein already with a protonated sample and want to adjust the alias positions in spectra measured with deuterated samples, use IsotopeShiftAliases.lua.
If you want to alter the residue library shifts, you will need to use the LUA API and write your own script. The relevant command for changing the mean shift is: ResidueType:setValue( Atom ) It is not documented in the CALUA manual which is out of date. You can find additional LUA API commands in the Release Notes for CARA. Look in the script LoadBmrbStats.lua for examples of how to use it. This script loads average and deviation values from a file containing statistics formatted like on the webpage of the BMRB.
I'm using Cara 1.8.4. I tried to phase a spectrum using the Phaser display. There is an option to rotate the spectrum under spectrum -> rotate but it is in grey so that I can't use it. Is there an other possibility to rotate the spectrum?
5 years and 6 months and 11 days old
There is no reason to rotate the coordinates. You can phase all the dimensions of the spectrum in the standard orientation.
- Load the imaginary data for all dimensions you want to phase from the File menu.
- Navigate to a signal that is at one extreme end of the dimensions range. Click in the plane window to navigate along x and y dimensions. Click in the depth 1D trace (far right vertical 1D trace) to navigate along the z dimension. Fine adjust with arrow keys.
- to select the dimension you want to phase, right-click in the grey phasing box in the lower right corner of the Phasor scope.
- adjust zero order by click dragging horizontally in the phasing boxes upper horizontal bar
- set the pivot for first order phasing by clicking at the desired pivot position in the dimensions 1D trace and then right-clicking in the 1D trace: select "set pivot"
- navigate to another signal at the other extreme of the same dimension.
- adjust first order by click dragging vertically in the phasing boxes vertical bar on the left side.
- right click in the phasing box and select "set phase". Write down the zero and first order phases you obtained.
- repeat this procedure for each dimension.
- Enter the phasing values you obtained into your processing program and reprocess the spectrum. Note that you will ADD the phasing values obtained with Phasor to the phases you used to process the spectrum originally.
Note: In older versions of CARA there was a problem with the SIGN (+/-) of the phasing values. Depending on whether the data was obtained from Bruker or Xeasy input spectra. If your phases don't improve by ADDing them, you may want to try SUBTRACTing them.
I have didn't understand how can I calibrate a 3D spectra with a 2D spectra. In particular if I calibrate well the strip, the plane of HSQC become not calibrate.
5 years and 6 months and 13 days old
Here is one approach to calibration of spectra:
- calibrate the HSQC.
- create a projection of the 3D that has dimensions matching the HSQC.
- read the projection in as an HSQC and calibrate it.
- copy the "cal" values from the projection to the corresponding dimensions of the 3D.
- calibrate the strip of the 3D. viola!
Some details:
- projection is created using "Tools-Project Spectrum" on the main CARA menu.
- cal values can be modifed by right-clicking on the Spectrum in Spectra-Panel and selecting "Calibrate Spectrum". After modifying a cal value, in some older releases of CARA, you MUST switch to another panel (e.g. Sequence) and back to Spectra-Panel to force a "refresh" of the cal values.
- To decide which dimensions correspond to eachother in the projected and the 3D spectrum, compare their ppm ranges and res values (number of points) which are both displayed when you expand the spectrum in the Spectra-Panel.
Hope this works for you.
Thanks for your instructions. Now I have the spectra calibrated on the plane. But I have noted that the third dimension between HNCOCACB and HNCACB is not calibrated very well and the button calibrate strips
doesn't work. How can I do? Thanks again
I'm sorry the instructions about calibration in the CARA wiki are apparently not very clear or perhaps they are hard to find:
I will update them.
Here is a quick summary of what to do to calibrate the strip dimension z
of a newly loaded 3D. It is assumed that the x
and y
dimensions are already calibrated using the instructions in the second followup:
- Open the HSQC with SynchroScope or PolyScope (whatever your preference)
- In the Strip Panel, select the 3D.
- In the strip, Click on a peak symbol: e.g. "+"
- Use the arrow keys or Shift-Right Click to move the cursor onto the correct position of the peak. The peak symbol should remain selected (box around the label).
- In the main menu select "Strips-Calibrate Strip".
I notice when I add a spin label that has an E in it it is represented on the graphs as F.
I was also wondering if I can change the font size of these labels.
5 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Yes, you can. In the CARA explorer exetute menue Setup/Preset Label Font. When you open a scope next time, the new font will be used.
I am checking the assignment of a protein. There are some regions that there aren't like 232,233 and after 235, so 234 miss. If I create new system type, it will have the number of the last +1. How can I do to give it the number I want? Thanx for any suggestion.
5 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
I think you must be talking about System Id. When you pick a new system it gets a unique identification number "SystemId". This has nothing at all to do with the Residue assignment which occurs later in your analysis. There is no easy way to change the SystemId numbers. However, some recent issues have shown how to work with Residue Nr once the system is assigned.
Please see the issue:
You can find out which residues are not assigned by clicking on the "Sequence" in the main CARA window.
You can get a more detailed report of missing assignments by using the script AssignmentReport.lua.
Hope this helps!
I have a dual boot pc running Windows Xp and Ubuntu Linux (essentially Debian 3.2) with 1 GB of memory and an AMD processor.
When I try to run both Cara 1-3.2 and Cara-1.4 under linux I get the following messages:
SplitterImp::setPos invalid pane: 1
_SplitterImp::setPos invalid pane: 1
cara: Splitter.cpp:183: virtual void Lexi::Splitter::draw(Lexi::Viewport&, const Lexi::Allocation&): Assertion `d_this->d_panes[ 0 ][ 0 ] == 0 && d_this->d_panes[ 1 ][ 0 ] == 0' failed.
or similar messages and then a segmentation fault.
When I run the same project under Windox XP, no problem and Cara is stable.
I have tried using spectra in Sparky format (*.ucsf) and as a Cara spectrum (*.nmr). Both types produce the same result.
Any ideas? I would prefer to use Cara under linux if possible.
Also, on a different note, what is the correct form for a 2-D NOESY experiment. In the repository it shows it as:
Step 1 Step2
Target H H
Hops 0 -1
Is this correct?
Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.
Carlos Ortiz
7 years and 4 months and 11 days old
Hi Carlos, that's something which doesn't seem to happen on the other Linux derivates in use. Which scope did you open? Does it happen with all scopes? The Noesy experiment looks ok. You should have a look at the tutorial and template on the download page Regards Rochus
Do you still have this problem with CARA version 1.8?
is there a feature to set an amide-group at the c-terminus (-CONH2)of a peptidesequence or do I have to create a amino-group residue type and set it on the c-teminus manually in the sequence?
5 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
At least there is no automatism. Try to create your own "residue type" and give it a dedicated short name, which you then can use in the sequence file when importing it.
The script for importing spin link, is not working. It gives me a message :21;Expecting one argument.
I used the latest version of CARA to analyse my 15N-NOESY data. I wanted to create spinlinks from the peaklist, and also used latest version of ImportLinksFromPeakList-V3.lua found in one of the issue tracking...
Thanks, sridhar
5 years and 5 months and 5 days old
Here is a fixed version.
Note that you can also do this without a script by:
1) Opening the NOESY with MonoScope
2) Peaks-Import PeakList
3) Peaks-Import SpinLinks
Hi Fred,
I tried using both of your suggestions. I opened the NOESY with monoscope and then imported the peaklist and spinlinks. It works! but shouldnt it create the links automatically or
Is that I should have already specified the links by using the propose spin option?
Secondly, I used the ImportLinksFromPeakList-v4.lua, still it gives me the same error...
cheers, sridhar
When you read in a peaklist, CARA does not automatically create the spinlinks. This way you can inspect the peaklist first to be sure that it is fitting to the NOESY and when you are sure, then you can "Import Spinlinks" from the peaklist. This two step procedure is a precaution because there is no undo when you "Import Spinlinks".
If you are manually assigning NOEs then yes, you will be creating them using "Propose spin". The import Spinlinks option from peaklist is to allow inspection of the results of automated NOESY peak assignment with programs like Atnos/Candid.
I also found the error with ver.4 of the LUA script. This time a expanded the script so that it has a dialog window and tested it on some projects. I think that now it is working.
I will therefore upload it to the CARA wikis LUA scripts collection.
It is version 5!
When I open a 3D from the demo project with StripScope or in the strip of PolyScope and turn off "View AutoContour" the contours change (this is expected). However, when I type "cp" and hit RETURN without changing the contour parameters the contours ALSO CHANGE! This is not expected since CARA should display contours with the same unchanged contour paramters.
This happens everytime I switch to a new 3D. After "cp" followed by RETURN, the contours change although the parameters have not changed.
It appears that the initially drawn contours do not correspond to the contour parameters of the displayed spectrum. My suspicion is that it is drawing the new spectrum with the contour parameters of the previous spectrum.
This bug is present in linux & windows versions 1.5.5-1.8.4.
It appears to also occur in the other scopes.
F.Damberger & S. Hiller
5 years and 5 months old StripScope:
Fit Selected Spins doesn't always give the optimal strip first (the one with the best matching spin shifts)
1) Select a reference strip.
2) Select one spin in the reference strip.
3) Execute Fit Selected Spins
Often the strip with the closest matching chemical shift to the selected spin is not the first one.
This doesn't make sense based on the matching algorithm.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
This issue is still not fixed in version 1.8.4! I would ask to change it's urgency status to "critical" since it strongly impairs the usability of strip matching in Cara.
Dear sir,
I wanted to creat spin link form the chemical shift value. I have done this before also. But now when i am trying to do this, by running the lua script i get one message that, 19:one argument reqired, and the spin links are not created.
i donot understand this message.
I am using the cara-1.5.0.
5 years and 9 months old
Which Lua script are you running (please send me a copy)? Did you see that CARA 1.8.3 is available? What is the reason that you use 1.5?
Dear sir, I am using cara-1.5.5, i am sending you the attachments,for the importspinlinkfrompeakslist, I donot understand what the meaning of argument required.. I will try with the cara-1.8.3,
I was using cara-1.5.5 as i did not get any problem before.
- Please try this version
- it checks whether the peaklist has only two H dimensions and reports an error if this is not the case. Report whether it solves your problem. Then I can upload it to the LUA scripts page of the cara wiki.
Dear sir,
the new script for importing spin link, is also not working.
Now the message is :30;Expecting one argument.
i would like to mention that with earlier version the message was
:19: Expecting one argument.
30 in place of 19.
i had all the spin links.
I wanted to change the stereospecific atoms by the psuedoatom , so i changed the atom names in the polyscope. In that process the spink link were broken. I saved peaklist file and again tried using the lua script and i am getting this problem.
Prem Prakash Pathak
Spinlinks are made between spins. A spinlink does not care what the name of the spin is, only the SpinId matters. So the spinlinks are not broken if you change the name of the spin. They can only break if you delete one or both spins involved in the spinlink.
I include an updated version of the script. I could not reproduce your error message, but I was able to create some of my own which I fixed.
Dear sir,
The new script is working now.
Thank you.
According to
the script is not working.
Curious that you were none-the-less happy with it :-)
I fixed another error and hope that now finally it will work properly:
Version 4 is still defective. I removed the bug and updated the script. The latest version is available at the LUA scripts page on the CARA wiki.
I got a problem with picking systems and extend them to peaks: I calibrated COSY, TOCSY and ROESY spectra on a sharp TSP signal to (0|0)ppm. but the other diagonal peaks of my spectrum are not exactly on the diagonale, some are a little lower (or bigger) in x-axis, some in y-axis (between 0.002-0.015ppm error). when I pick an new system of one of these peaks cara extend it automatically to the diagonale value, so I got everytime a little rectangle. and when I pick a system out of a cross peak (not diagonal peak) cara extend it also just to the diagonal VALUE which isn't direcly on the diagonal PEAK itself. (in the attachment the upper left pick is the right dublett peak which is extended automatically to the diagonal values right or under the peak) is there a feature to disable automatic extending on diagonal values?
I don't understand why you have two diagonal signals.
When I pick a new system in the fingerprint region with labels HA in dim Y and H in dim X, three additional peaks appear: one is at the symmetry related position HA in dim X and H in dim Y, and two diagonal peaks appear at the HA/HA position and H/H position respectively. If you recalibrate the spectrum so that the diagonal peak is on the diagonal signal for a resolved diagonal signal, then all the other diagonal peaks should appear on the diagonal position as well. CARA automatically predicts the positions of expected peaks in spectra. This is one of the main advantages of using CARA for spectral analysis and it is an inherent feature which cannot be turned off. CARA does not store peak positions, it stores shifts of spins. The peaks are dynamically calculated based on the database of shifts, the ResidueType of the spinsystem, and the SpectrumType of the spectrum.
I have updated the CARA wiki section on Homonuclear assignment. Please check there for hints on how to proceed.
RC1.0.9.1 Feature request.
Sometimes the spectroscopist has info on systems which indicate that the system is located within specific segments of the sequence.
To represents this info the Residues can be associated with an attribute.
E.g. Often there is info indicating whether a system is exposed or not.
If there is a model of the protein available, the spectroscopist also has info on which residues in the sequence are exposed.
Then during the align fragment step, CARA can filter the alignment positions according to whether they fit the attributes.
Sequence 1
XXX= exposed (on surface)
OOO=buried (inside)
If the user has information on a system regarding exposure, he associates the same attribute with the system.
fragment A:
This fragment A only fits in the second position of the sequence 1 given as an example above.
Whats required is a general mechanism to include this information as attributes at the Instance level of Residues and to introduce the same attributes to the systems.
Then "align fragment" can be configured to act on this information.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
How about the possibility to assign a SystemType to a Residue (analoguous to the ResidueType)? The "show alignment" would then ask the Residue for the SystemType and - if this attribute wasn't set - return the one of the ResidueType (like the statistic values).
I am not sure if this is giving me the function i want.
How would I introduce the information about location in the sequence?
Like this?
1) I define a new SystemType (like EXPOSED)
2) I assign this SystemType to all Residues that are expected to be exposed (from structural considerations)
e.g. EXPOSED -> ALA2
3) When I get data indicating that a System is exposed,
then I assign it to SystemType EXPOSED.
Now when "Show Align" is called it matches the SystemTypes of the residues to those of the systems in the fragment. Non-matching alignments are eliminated.
What if I have different information I want to introduce which may refer to the same residue?
ALA2 is exposed, & ALA2 is also near a spin-label i introduced nearby.
Then I need to be able to asign ALA2 to both the SystemType EXPOSED and the SystemType NEARSPINLABEL.
We discussed this together with Alvar Gossert.
It was proposed to introduce binary attributes both for the residues (instance level) and the systems.
A matching algorithm between fragment and sequence would filter the results of the "align fragment" command.
Several binary attributes could be defined and each one could be included (in the logical AND sense) or not included in the algorithm.
Discussed with Rochus but so far not implemented.
continues not to be implemented. Therefore additional information on systems needs to be kept manually in logbooks or in text files. Everytime "show alignment" is called, the user most manually exlude those sequence positions which do not fit the information in the text file, a very tedious exercise.
I would like to try to run AutoAssign. The program needs peak lists from each spectrum in Sparky format. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to go about doing it?
6 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
You can generate a peaklist using PolyScopes "File-Export-Strip Peaks to MonoScope", "Peaks-Add to repository" and "Integrator-Update Amplitudes" in monoscope, save the repository, and then run the attached script. You will need to 1st modify the script to write out sparky peaklists correctly. See the header of the script for more details.
Did you get this script modified to write out Sparky peaklists? We can post it to the wiki and mark this issue as closed then.
If you send me a sparky peaklist, i can update this script and post it to the wiki.
it has passed one year since I asked for this and I have not used Sparky for a while. I do not really need this now. Thanks
WHile going through the tutorials of CARA, in particular Peaks and Peaklists, I see that the actions that should take place when the Shift key is involved do not seem to occur at all. For example, when the text says "Select multiple peaks by pressing Shift while selecting a region with click-drag. Shift-click selects a peak without moving the crosshair": i do not see any peak selected in either of these options. I am using a Macintosh G4 Powerbook, running OSX 10.4.6, and cara 1.5.2
The problem is solved by using cara 1.2 for Mac. Apparently there is a bug in the 1.5.2 version.
6 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Is this still a problem in the current version 1.8.4?
After you manually resized the columns in the system list in PolyScope or StirpScope, e.g. to the optimal width by double-clicking the right margin of the corresponding tab, the column width is automatically reset again to the default value when - expanding a system entry by clicking on plus or - changing the sorting for the first time by clicking on any of the numerical columns, e.g. "Ass".
Besides correcting this issue I propose the following improvement: the default column width should be the optimal column width (equal to the length of the longest column entry) as it is set by clicking on the right column margin.
5 years and 5 months and 12 days old
It is not possible to plot spectra with Hertz scale in Print Preview. The workaround over recalibration of the spectrum in a way that 1Hz=1ppm does not help either, because setting ruler resolution in Print Preview does not work for ppm numbers in the range of hundreds to thousands.
5 years and 5 months and 12 days old
RC1.1.4.1 Cara Spectra-Explorer
Option to create folders for spectra and handle these spectra as a group.
Option to "Deactivate" spectra so that they are not displayed in the "Select-Spectrum" menus.
These two features are intended to reduce the number of spectra displayed in the Spectra-Explorer so it is easier to find things, and to reduce the number of Spectra appearing in Selection Dialogs to the ones relevant for the current task.
"Deactivation" is better than erasing the spectra. Once a task such as backbone assignment is completed, a group of spectra like Triple resonance spectra could be deactivated. The ID number, location of the spectra, their contour params, calibrations would remain in the project in case the user wants to "reactivate" them.
Deactivation could be applied to either a single spectrum or all spectra in a folder.
Deactivated Spectra would not be loaded upon loading the repository so that reading repositories would speed up.
Folders could also be used to group spectra measured in series. E.g. a group of spectra measured during an NH exchange could all be located in the same folder.
To load them, an empty folder could be created, the folder selected with Explorer navigation, and the Spectra loaded using the Add-Spectra menu to select a group of spectra.
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Looking forward to Spectrum Folders and Spectrum Archiving...
overlaps with issue:
looking forward to these features.
Working with projects containing upwards of 60 spectra, I often wish that this feature were implemented.
SpinList Pane:
If I click on the Top of the "Shift" column, the spins should be ordered according to ppm value from lowest to highest (or from highest to lowest)
If I display them from lowest to highest, all spins with negative ppm value (shift < 0) are ordered wrong. They are displayed from highest to lowest.
(Are you not using a numerical sort for numerical columns?)
Current (wrong)
8 years and 7 months and 12 days old
Is the sorter capable of numerical sorting yet?
In cara_1.8.1, sorting peaks by ppm gives the following result:
This is still not numerically correct order.
If I sort by volume, I get something even more bizarre:
If the sorter does not support sensible numerical sorting find something better.
In order to consider all values in a numerical column, you may need to write your own sorter. Sometimes there are no entries for Volume. These entries should come at the low end of the list below the most negative values.
Is it possible now to implement numerical sorting? It is hard to believe that this is not provided in Qt4, but even if it were not, I suppose that you could write your own sorter.
Peak inference currently works within the ResidueType of the active System and simulates the pathway extending into neighbor systems by using the Generic Residue and the *Set Terminals*.
The peaks corresponding to spins in the neighbor system are displayed if a spin is found in the active system with the offset corresponding to the neighbor position.
E.g. If a spin with label CB-1 is available in the active system and the pathway extends to CB of the generic residue, then CB-1 is displayed in the CBCAcoNH strip of the active system.
If however the CB-1 was never picked in the active system, but the predecessor was linked (and contains a CB) no peak is displayed in the CBCAcoNH strip of the active system even though this peak can be inferred from the information available.
This is again a situation where CARA does not model straightforward consequences of the available data.
A number of problems with this:
1) User may miss important available information.
2) User may miss incosistency in model because expected peaks (that CARA could infer) are not shown and so the missing crosspeaks are not taken as evidence of a problem.
3) User is forced to pick peaks which are redundant (since they could be derived from previously obtained info).
4) Inconsistency can be introduced due to this redundancy (e.g. moving CB without moving CB-1).
Proposal to extend pathway simulation to neighbor systems:
1) When a link to the predecessor is present, the pathway simulation could be extended into the ResidueType of that predecessor (if assigned - otherwise use generic residue).
2) The spins reached in the ResidueType of the predecessor should be compared to the available spins in predecessor system (instance level). Peaks inference is extended to these spins.
Aligned Fragment:
CBCAcoNH SpectrumType
Pathway extends from Val HN-N through *set terminal* C to CA and CB of Ala.
HN (Val)
.N (Val)
..CA (Ala)
..CB (Ala)
Instance level:
take HN & N ppm from Val4.
take CA & CB ppm from Ala3.
peak inference:
Label:..HN V4/CA A3
Label:..HN V4/CB A3
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
This will take a while. Up to then try to work with "super residue types" (e.g. focused by spin system types).
Usually PeakLists have dimension labels. This helps to distinguish for example the two H dimensions of a 3D 15N NOESY peaklist (Hnoe vs HN dimension)
With XEASY peaklists these labels appear at the top of the file:
It would be useful to add these labels to the Repository structure.
E.g. as follows:
<peaklist id='1' name='noe15n-forcalc6new7' home='6'>
<dim atom='H' label='H'/>
<dim atom='H' label='HN'/>
<dim atom='N' label='N'/>
Additional LUA API functions:
parameters: none
returns three strings: label1,label2,label3
Changes in MonoScope:
read in of peaklists would read in these labels if they are included in the peaklist file.
display of PeakList in MonoScope would use these labels at top of the list in place of Atom Ids if the labels are not = nil.
MonoScope would display these labels during import of peaklist and in rotate peaklist dialog to aid user in correctly rotating peaklist.
8 years and 5 months and 10 days old
After redrawing contour plot, MonoScope/Homoscope/... changes focus to Repository. When changing to Monoscope/..., contour plot is redrawn again, focus changes again ...
Steps to reproduce:
Open Monoscope; use cp with fairly low baseline parameter (easier to observe). Window redraws and changes then focus.
Minimize Repository before 'cp'
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I am not able to reproduce this issue. Is it still a problem?
CARA (Start1.1.cara template), BMRB, and PDB use different nomenclatures to indicate the same atoms within residues.
The most important difference is the amide proton.
It is natural for assignment purposes to give it the label "HN" (to avoid confusing it with an AtomType "H" or an uncertain assignment "?H") This is why I gave it this LABEL in the CARA template file Start1.1.cara. (It is also the standard label that most NMR spectroscopists use for amide protons).
In BMRB and in PDB files the amide protons are named "H".
Consequently when I import a project from a BMRB file, all the amide protons are ignored!
There are other atoms which have different names in CARA from BMRB. These are also ignored.
An additional difference between CARA and BMRB is how degenerate shifts are handled.
In CARA we use a pseudoatom: e.g. "QG" when "HG2" and "HG3" have identical shifts.
QG ... 2.08
In BMRB this is represented by two entries with identical shifts:
58 7 GLN HG2 H 2.08 . 1
59 7 GLN HG3 H 2.08 . 1
Note that the the "ambiguity code" = 1.
In CARA it makes no sense to pick two spins HG2 and HG3 at exactly identical positions. It just becomes hard to read and creates redundancy.
A similar case is ring protons like "HD1" and "HD2" in TYR which are usually degenerate. In CARA we label these once with "QD". BMRB would have two entries again.
In cases where the spins are always degenerate (like the three protons of a methyl group) CARA labels these shifts with a pseudoatom (e.g. ALA "QB"). BMRB however labels these shifts ALA "HB". These shifts are also ignored during import.
Finally, there are quite a number of differences between CARA/BMRB nomenclature and that of PDB.
HG21 ... 1HG2
HG22 ... 1HG3
note that the last number is shifted to the first position.
Also in the case of methyl groups, PDB files contain 3 atoms where CARA/BMRB have one spin.
"QB" ... "HB" ... "1HB,2HB,3HB"
Probably the best option is to create a converter between these different formats. To facilitate this I attach a file which shows the differences between the three formats for each ResidueType.
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
This is something to be accepted for the moment. I don't want to integrate custom label name translation tables into the repository. One could use Lua to temporaryly rename certain labels or to write custom import/export functions.
Workaround: I have added a script "RenameSpins.lua" to the CALUA page of the wiki which allows users to rename spins.
E.g. to rename amide protons from "H" as they are called in BMRB to "HN" as they are called in the CARA template Start1.1.cara.
This will allow you to see these spins with peak inference (e.g. PolyScope).
I am working on a new template Start1.2.cara which follows the BMRB nomenclature. I am able to import BMRB str files with no missing spins using this template.
I have added a LUA script to the wiki which replaces degenerate shift pairs with a single spin having the pseudoatom (group) label.
E.g. if there is TYR: HD1 7.05 HD2 7.05 in the SpinList, the script erases the HD2 spin, and renames the HD1 spin to the groupname for these spins (HD in BMRB nomenclature). The script does not work if you have spinlinks defined.
It is called:
Together with the template Start1.2.cara, this should allow BMRB str files to be read in as a project and used in CARA.
Start1.2.cara is due to be released as soon as the next CARA release allows permanent fields for original-template-author, original-template-creation-date, original-template-memo.
Start1.2.cara is now released and is completely compatible with BMRB nomenclature. It incorporates LUA scripts to migrate from the old Xeasy format to the new BMRB format.
There is now a template Start1.2.cara which is compatible with BMRB nomenclature. There is a script "ReplaceDegenerateSpinsByGroup.lua" to merge degenerate atoms to a single pseudoatom shift (HB2 2.03, HB3 2.03 -> HB 2.03). There is a script to write out shifts for deposit to BMRB or for creating .prot and .seq files for running CYANA "WriteAssignments.lua". WriteAssignments.lua does not write out BMRB files containing separate shifts for the degenerate shifts belonging to a pseudoatom.
Dear Sir,
I converted a COSY spectrum from a Bruker machine (pulseprogram cosydfgpph19) in Cara with the command Convert to cara spectrum with the parameter 16 Bit uncompressed. Then there were peaks lost in the amide region and the 1D slice in the x dimension showed only one singal intensity either in positive or in negative direction. I tried afterwards to convert the spectrum with the parameters 8 Bit adaptive compression and 32 Bit uncompressed. There, no signals got lost. Where is the problem with this conversion?
Yours sincerely, Christina Drees
5 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Christina, there shouldn't be a problem. What I assume is that the amplitude dynamic of your COSY is too high for 16 bits, causing the low signals (compared to the water line) to vanish. You can get rid of the waterline by clipping the amplitude to the range of the interesting signals (check with MonoScope what amplitude range the interesting areas show). Hope this helps. R.K.
I thought that 16bit uncompressed faithfully reproduces the data from the Bruker format? No signals from the Bruker data should dissapear therefore in the .nmr file.
They actually use a 16 bit a/d converter, but as far as I understand they also apply some integration of several samples and there are also two channels, so the effective resolution is higher than 16 bit (probably ~18 bits), some of which is noise. But most of this range is used for the water line which is rarely used by its full extent. So with moderate clipping the 16 bits should be more than enough (but keep in mind that this is a lossy process).
I wasn't aware that it's lossy. Perhaps we can add the descriptor "lossy" to all the relevant formats? I.e.
16bit lossy
8bit lossy
Well, if you clip away part of the amplitude range, then it's obviously lossy. With the compressed formats it's not that easy to say whether it's lossy or not. As you can read in chapter 7.4 and 7.5 of my PhD, many bits of the coded amplitudes coming from the spectrometer are wasted to noise and the water line. If the cara spectrum format in use has 8 or 16 bits of information, then technically enough information is contained to reconstruct the spectrum, but of course you won't get exactly the same amplitude values up to the last decimal place. If you know that the origninal information is about ~18 bits (including noise), then with a reduction to 16 or 8 bits the uncertainty is therefore increased by 2 or 10 bits, regardless whether you use XEASY or CARA formats. But in contrast CARA uses an adaptive and logarithmic compression which makes sure that none of the available bits are wasted and the low amplitudes have higher resolution.
Then the user would have to know that 32bits are used in the format (s)he is compressing. That is not necessarily obvious.
A related issue. When I was writing peak-pickers in LUA I had the problem that the top of the peaks in 16 or 8 bit .nmr spectra are flat. That is between 2 and 4 points all have the exact same intensity. This makes it difficult to decide where the local maximum is. I don't understand how the intensities which vary so much in the original spectra can all become identical. If I am clipping the water which is at the extreme part of the intensity range, how can this have any effect on the NMR signals of interest?
This is dependent on the original spectrum format in use. If it's Bruker format, then it's a 32 bit integer. If it's XEASY, then it's either 8 or 16 bit (with 6.5 bits resolution on exponent), etc. CARA internally uses 32 bit floating point numbers, but of course only with the number of real information bits coming from the spectrum file. If you try to code a spectrum with a waterline, then the available bits (8 or 16) are linearylly or logarithmically spread over the huge amplitude range, of which 95% is useless (see chapter 7.4 of my PhD). The useful remainder has then to live with a tiny fraction of bits, i.e. their relative amplitude resolution is low. That's why I recommend to clip away the waterline. Maybe I should add an adaptive compressed 16 bit format too.
When I use the lossy format, I have generally used the standard settings for the intensity range. I suppose that's not optimal. However typically when I read in a spectrum, I don't know what the optimal range is. It depends on the signals in the spectrum. Perhaps a better approach would be to compress a spectrum that is already opened. I.e. I can interactively select the region where my signals of interest are. Then CARAs algorithm does the rest.
a generic spinsystem is incorrectly written out in all tested versions 1.2.5-1.8.5a4 (linux).
the following occurs:
Before Saving Repository:
<atom name='HA2' type='H1' num='1' x='9' y='2 'group='HA'/>
<atom name='HA3' type='H1' num='1' x='10' y='2 'group='HA'/>
After Saving Repository:
<atom name='HA2' type='H1' num='1' x='9' y='2'group='HA'/>
<atom name='HA3' type='H1' num='1' x='10' y='2'group='HA'/>
The only difference Before & After saving the repository is the space between ' and group which is removed after saving. This ONLY occurs in the generic spin system 'SSS' (see attatched repository files). Strange also is that the group 'HB' is unaffected.
This incorrect format results in the error message:
Syntax error at 665/48:
not well-formed (invalid token)
when the repository is read in using Cara versions starting with 1.8. Interestingly, all older versions of CARA accept the format with no space and correctly display the generic system with its groups (so it is parsed correctly).
This bug prevents users of the generic spin system 'SSS' from upgrading to CARA 1.8 and newer versions.
Attatched are two Cara repositories containing the spin system 'SSS'. BeforeSave.cara contains correctly formatted lines with ' group. AfterSave.cara has incorrect formatting with 'group. Both files were written with cara_1.8.4a5 but are none-the-less readable with version of cara < 1.8.
F. Damberger & S. Hiller
5 years and 5 months and 13 days old
Ok, I see. The CARA serialiser obviously violated well-formdness rule of XML in that case (which request a space between attributes, see here In 1.8 I replaced the XML parser, which seems to be a bit more strict than the old one. The issue only apprears for atoms not having any valid mean/dev values, so as a work-around you can set these values for the corresponding atoms. I fixed the issue with the serializer. It will be part of the next release.
Cara 1.3 Scopes Intensity View is low contrast because only 2 colors (green and red) are used. In NEASY the intensity view has a high contrast and therefore is quite sensitive due to the use of a larger color scale and two scale adjustment.
A multicolor scale with two scale adjustment as in NEASY is desirable in the Scopes Intensity View.
(1) Intensity view can make signals visible to the user which are not detected in the contours due to the need for a lower cutoff. The eye is using different information here.
(2) Two spectra displayed in Contour & Intensity mode can be superimposed effectively. The eye recognizes intensity and contours as "two channels" which do not interfere in the same way that two contour colors do.
(3) A higher contrast in intensity display would make the Intensity Navigation window in the lower corner of MonoScope and HomoScope more useful.
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Cara 1.4 is still using the primitive 2 color scale.
cara 1.3 MonoScope
Peaks with chemical shifts outside of the spectrums spectral width are integrated but their intensity is not shown in the back-calculated spectrum! Neither is there intensity visible in the back-calculated spectrum at the folded position nor at the position of the real chemical shift outside the spectral region. For the purpose of matrix inversion these peaks should be considered to have the coordinates at their folded position (that means within the spectral range of the spectrum, not outside of it) since their intensity overlaps with other peak that are not folded. It is common practice to fold 13C-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra used for structure calculation. Therefore this issue is critical. This must be treated correctly, or else the advantages of the matrix inversion are lost!
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Some additional tests showed that this seems to only be a problem for peaks with negative intensity which are not displayed at all in back-calculated spectra (although their volumes and amplitudes are displayed in the peaklist).
Backcalculated intensity is displayed both in the folded region and outside the spectrum.
Cara crashes when I try to introduce a spin link in a 2D Stripscope (rotated) opened with a 2D 15N-NOESY spectrum. The same happens if I exchange the D1 and D2 dimensions in the spectrum type definition for this spectrum and open the spectrum not rotated.
I experienced also some unreproducible crashes with the same spectrum type in 2D stripscope, e.g. when changing the number of viewed lanes (strips).
Repository is included. You can use any 15N-HSQC instead of a 15N-NOESY to test it. The 15N dimension should be displayed horizontally, the Hnoe dimension vertically.
7 years and 3 weeks and 3 days old
This critical bug still causes a crash in 1.8.4a5.
I did sequential assignment in XEASY based on Tocsy and Noesy of a protein. I followed the instructions to import the files including the peak lists, sequence, and prot file to CARA. However, after I loaded the peaklist in CARA, I can't see the assignments of all the peaks. The peak numbers are still there, but the residue numbers/names that I assigned before can't be seen on the spectrum. It looks to me somehow the connection between the peaklist and the assignment is lost. So far I haven't solved this problem.
Secondly, after I loaded the spectrum in Homoscope, the dynamically generated peaklist appeared in the side chain proton region(upper right region in a 2D tocsy/noesy). I don't quite understand this peaklist. Is it supposed to be the peaklist of the residue peak towers?
Please help me out if you know the answers. Thank you very much!
7 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Do the peaklists contain the reference numbers of the assigned atoms (one per peak and dimension)? What do you see in the "Spins" and "Systems" categories of the CARA explorer? Does it correspond to what you expect (i.e. do you see the spins and spin systems)? Rochus
If you want you can send me the .seq, .prot and *.peaks files and I will have a look at them. Maybe something went wrong with the import. Rochus
Two suggestions: After setting up the project with .seq file and reading in the assigned spins with the .prot file, import the NOESY peaklist onto the the NOESY spectrum displayed with MonoScope. Then "import spin links". Use the default settings.
You can close MonoScope without saving the peaklist. Now open the NOESY with HomoScope. Turn off "Show inferred". You should now see only the NOESY peaks you picked in the NOESY spectrum. It should be possible to "export to monoscope" and get back essentially the same NOESY peaklist as the one you started with.
Switch to the TOCSY. Turn on "Show inferred". You should now see all the expected TOCSY peaks.
Thanks a lot! Problems are solved.
By the way, I found out my atomlist(the prot file) was in an old format. It needed to be corrected using the program terminal/XeasyToBmrbLabelsInProtonList.lua before being input into CARA.
Converting the protonlist to BMRB format was necessary because the template you are using (Start1.2.cara?) defines the ResidueTypes with BMRB nomenclature.
Why it didnt work before:
When you used the unconverted ProtonList, the pathway simulation did not find the expected spins in the ResidueType and therefore no peaks were displayed. E.g. in Xeasy nomenclature, amide protons are named "HN", but in the ResidueTypes of Start1.2.cara, they are named "H". Then CARA treats the "H" spins as unassigned: No peaks are inferred which involve these spins.
Hello Fred, Is it possible to include some module in CARA for relaxation analysis? So that one doesnt have to look for other softwares after the assignment is done. With regards jeet.
5 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
If you mean integrating a series of spectra and writing out the curves, that can already be done. If you mean fitting exponential decays and doing global model-free analysis or density function analysis. There's nothing like it planned.The exponential fitting could be useful. Rochus could include some additional math functions in the LUA API and then you could develop it if you are interested.
Yes I meant all of that, integrating the series of spectra, exponential fitting (two parameters and three parameters, both) and finally model free as well as reduced spectral density analysis. Well, I am unaware of how to integrate the series of spectra in CARA, please tell if that already exists so that atleast that part can be used as of now. thanks.
There is an introduction to Integration in the CARA wiki.
At the bottom you find a link to a page with step-by-step tutorial to batch integration. A few tricks make for easy work. Give the series of spectra names corresponding to the relaxation times. This allows you to import them all in one step in the correct order. Use the script PeakListNumberedByResidue.lua to generate a peaklist which is ordered already by residue number. Etc. See the tutorial for details.
As for the other things "exponential fitting with 2 & 3 parameters" "model free" and "reduced spectra density analysis". If Rochus includes some math functions into the LUA math library for linear and nonlinear fitting of datasets then you could probably write a routine to fit your data. On the other hand, if you write out the integration table as described in the Batch Integration Tutorial then there are many well-suited programs to do the analysis. Why reinvent the wheel?
Dear author,
I am trying to install CARA 1.8.4 on a RedHat5 system. I followed the protocol: download the file, gunzip, and chmod a+x the file. However, CARA won't start. So I changed to c-shell, and try to start CARA again, and it gave me the following error message:
[lei@leipc ~/CARA]$ cara_1.8.4_linux
cara_1.8.4_linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot o pen shared object file: No such file or directory
I am not a linux person. Does this mean I miss the standard C library? If it does, can you show me how to get these
5 years and 6 months old
It seems as if the c++ runtime libs are missing or not accessible in the path. This is a standard feature and should be available. Can you ask your administrator to provide these?
thank you.
I searched the software on my redhat and found the following:
libstdc++ - 4.1.1-52.e15.i386
So the above is not Right?
Right, looks like an older version. The one I'm using is from GCC 3.3. I think someone else already had this issue and solved it with a runtime lib installer. You should be able to find that on the redhat website.
I am not able to run a number of scripts, such as BmrBDeposit or AssignmentReport. These scripts terminate with "[string "AssignmentReport"]:157: No projects found in repository". The error can be traced to the function cara:getProjects() returning an empty array. Even though there clearly is a project defined. Running CARA 1.8.4 using Start1.2.cara.
5 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Christian, nice to hear from you! I cannot say what the problem is. I briefly tried with the version of AssignmentReport in my repository. I also crashes, but at another line. I also checked cara:getProjects(). The following code works on my 1.8.4 Windows machine: p=cara:getProjects(); Lua> for i,j in pairs(p) do print( i ) end. Did you experience the issue also with an earlier version of CARA? Cheers, Rochus
The code should state: p=cara:getProjects() for i,j in pairs(p) do print( i ) end
Again, it swallowed my line break: p=cara:getProjects()<br> for i,j in pairs(p) do print( i ) end
Please try uploading the latest versions of AssignmentReport.lua (to get a report of the assignments in your project) and WriteAssignments.lua (to write out .prot, .seq, and BMRB format).
There were apparently some errors in the versions distributed with the standard template Start1.2.cara. Amazing that noone complained until now. :-)
I want to update to a new standard template anyway. Thanks for the reminder.
(p.s. BmrbDeposit.lua is obsolete and can be replaced by WriteAssignments.lua)
Hi Rochus and Fred, thanks for replying so fast! The new scripts from the CARA web site work correctly. Just on the side, the two lines of code in Rochus' example above also work, so I would say that there may be a problem with the way the table.getn function is used in the old script. Anyway, nothing to worry about since the new scripts work.
table.getn() only works if the table is generated with integer index. If you have any other type of index for the table it can fail. I therefore replaced all instances of table.get() with my own function:
function TableSize( table )
local size = 0
for a,b in pairs( table ) do
size = size + 1
return size
sorry about missing indents.
IssueTracker ignores them.
Dear author,
I am not sure if I did something wrong. But I couldn't make the "Open SliceScope" work for 1D spectrum (in UCSF format) in CARA 1.8.4. However, in CARA 1.5.3 it works fime.
5 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Ok, I will look at this. Can you use 1.5.3 for SliceScope as a work-around?
I've noticed a bug in the CARA versions after 1.4. In Stripscope, the spacing of the columns in the left handed text window (with the list of systems, etc.) is very large and in a specific order. I would like to be able to see the Assignment column at the same time as the System numbers. If I decrease the width of the columns so that this is possible (so I can see Systems, Shift, Fit, Pred, Succ, and Assign at the same time in the default text window size), this is fine. However, the bug occurs if, after adjusting these widths, I decide to sort everything by Assignment number. When I do this, the column widths immediately go back to their original/default value and the Assignment window is no longer visible unless I scroll over to it. This does not happen in version 1.4.
5 years and 6 months old
It happens on both Windows and Linux (don't know about OSX).
The column widths revert in two situations:
1) the first time one sorts a column after opening a new instance of StripScope
2) when one clicks on a spin-system puzzle piece to expand it
It would be nice if:
(A) SystemList automatically reduced the column widths to accomodate the longest text in the column instead of using fixed widths. It wastes a lot of space currently.
(B) SystemList stored the order of the columns in the repository. It's annoying to have to arrange these columns in every new scope instance everytime that CARA is started.
Dear Sir, I used CARA to successfully assign all my sample resonances, and then also 3D NOESY data. Now I'm trying to use the well calculated volumes aiming to the 3D final structure, but in this case I'm dealing (and i guess all users) with some strong problems. As I realized, CARA gives you "raw" integration data, that means the user to compile a script that: 1. checks and removes from the peaks-table the unwanted peaks 2. asks for calibrant peaks 3. evaluates the superimposition grade between the peaks and associates to very overlapping peaks a non biasing interaction 4. finally calculates distances
I'm just pointing out the situation, because I don't know how other users solved those problems, especially for point 3. Point which is trivial ( by hand ) only for small peptides :D . I found CARA very easy, fast and robust to use, so I hope you will implement also this assignment aspect in the program. Best Regards Luca
5 years and 6 months and 10 days old
There are two ways to proceed:
1. Manual structure determination as described in the CARA wiki:
The protocal makes the conservative assumption that a peak corresponds to a upper distance limit of 5.5 Aengstroms. There is indeed currently no script provided to calibrate peaklists and convert them to distance limits. You are welcome to write this script and submit it to the CDT for inclusion in the collection of supporting scripts! Many scripts for other purposes are available at the CARA wiki which can serve as examples. Support for script writing will be provided. Just email if you have questions.
2. Automated NOESY peak-picking, assignment, and structure determination with ATNOS/CANDID together with a program for structure calculation using as input the NOESY spectra, the sequence file, and the assignments (proton list).
This method has been successfully used many times in the Wuthrich group and is recommended for standard structure calculations. It is faster and more objective than the manual method. The program ATNOS/CANDID is freely available to academic users. Please see the CARA wiki link above for details.
Dear Dr Damberger, since I had some problems with ATNOS-CANDID because no compatibility with CYANA 2.1, I decided to build a home made script. This script (consider it a beta): 1. takes CARA .txt table files a. assigned b. chem shifts 2. parses and selects only assigned spinsystems 3. merges the files in a unicum containing assignment-chem-shifts-volume 4. changes atom names according to cyana 2.1 (eg HN to H and GLY HA1 to HA3) 5. asks you for the 2 or 3 dimension integration calibrants for F1 F2 F3 6. detects rawly if there's peak overlapping, and consider a overlappe peak > 60% as a qualitative peak 7. asks you for distance calibrants in two ways: a. a fixed volume and distance b. assuming 0.28 nm the HN-HN distance in an alpha helix tries to detect non overlapping HN-HN connections and uses a mean volume from 3 given spinsystems as calibrant. 8. asks if there are folded peaks (converting negative to positive volumes) 9. generates a UPLs and LOLs (+/-20%) and removes autopeaks.
Unfortunately since I'm new with lua I wrote this script using Python 2.5. I'm attaching the Windows setup file (tested for intel 32 bit pc using Windows(R) XP) which contains also the python source script. Unfortunately actually it works only if the 2 input files are in the same directory of the script, I' will fix it sooner or later. Please test it and let me know if it will be useful.
First of all, thanks for your efforts and for your kind donation of the python script. Perhaps we can convert it to a lua script and include it on the CALUA site.
ATNOS/CANDID supports CYANA 2.0. In this case, you would use the script "WriteAssignments.lua", available from the CARA wiki page devoted to LUA scripts, to write out the assignments in "CYANA 2.0" format.
Dear author,
whehn i overlay two spectra (say, spectrum 1 and apectrum 2), i first open spectrum 1, set its contour threshold to 10000; and then add spectrum 2, and set the contour threshold for this second spectrum to 5000.
The problem is: when i print the overlayed spectra, the threshold for two spectra both became 10000.
Is there a way I can set the threshold for EACH spectrum when i print?
Thank you! ( I am using Cara 1.5.3)
5 years and 6 months and 2 weeks old
You are right. This is missing. It should be possible to set the contour levels for each spectrum separately in an analogous fashion to the behaviour when setting the contour colors.
"View-Set Positive Color" comes up with a dialog window where you can select which spectrums color should be set.
"View-Set Contour Parameters" should work the same way. There should be an extra option at the top of the list to select ALL spectra or NONE. This would cause the dialog to mark ALL or NONE of the spectra in the list as selected. The change in Contour Parameters would apply to all the selected spectra.
Thanks for reply.
I saw a script "multiplespectrumview2.lua" and I tried to use it. It seems that this script enables me to set contour parameters for different spectrum. Unfortunately, I can not export the overlayed spectra.
Is it possible to write another script that will export such created spectra (by "multiplespectrumview2.lua") to a .ps file?
This is currently not possible. The script makes uses of widget functions in the LUA API, and these functions are not yet capable of exporting postscript etc. to external file.
Here is a workaround:
In summary the strategy is to write out a separate PDF for each spectrum with identical ppm ranges but two different colors and contour threshholds and then copy paste the second spectrum onto the first using your favorite program for editing postscript or PDF.
1. Set everything up as you like it for one of the spectra in PrintPreview choosing appropriate contour color and theshhold.
2. Store the settings file for this spectrum with "File-Save Settings".
3. Export PDF of first spectrum and close PrintPreview.
4. Select the next spectrum in your Scope and reopen PrintPreview.
5. "Files-Load Settings" and load the settings file. Keep the stored ppm ranges.
6. Adjust the contour level and color for this spectrum. You can turn off the axes labels with "View-Show Horizontal" and "View-Show Vertical".
7. "Files-Save Settings" and store the settings for the second spectrum in a separate file.
8. Export PDF of the second spectrum.
9. Open the first PDF file with Adobe Illustrator or similar program.
10. Select and "Group" the spectrum.
11. Open the second PDF file with AI or similar. Select the second spectrum and group it. Copy-paste it onto the first spectrum and align the boundary boxes of the two spectra.
This method has the added advantage that you have grouped the contours for each spectrum separately and can select and adjust the colors, line widths etc independently.
Keycodes are not returned properly by the LUA API starting with cara_1.7.0
Example: load the lua script "printkeycode.lua" from the CALUA website and execute it. Put the mouse cursor inside the window and press the "Home" key.
The following results are obtained:
cara 1.5.0-cara_1.5.5:
cara_1.7.0 - cara_1.8.4a5:
naturally lua scripts written with cara_1.5.5 nolonger work properly starting with cara_1.7.0.
5 years and 6 months and 10 days old
I see the problem. It has to do with the migration from Qt 2 to Qt4. The callback directly gets the Qt key code, which is the reason you see another figure. I could create a lookup table to translate the codes to the old ones, but then I would break all Cara/Lua programs relying on the new codes. What's better?
What's more standard: the old Qt2 codes or the new Qt4 codes? Are the Qt2 codes following an ANSI standard? I suppose you should make it so that most LUA/Qt coders would get what they expect.
Although I find it easier to remember 4118 (Qt2) than 16777238 (Qt4) which is the key code for PageUp.
The letters follow "Shift-ASCII" convention.
'q' keycode 81
'w' keycode 87
"Shift-ASCII" has the same keycodes for PageUp and PageDown and these don't match either the Qt2 or Qt4 keycodes. Isn't there a convention that returns the code corresponding to the assigned value of a keypress?
Hi Fred and Rochus, I just tried cara 1.8.4 on linux to make use of the "sample" feature. I made a sample called FILV that has C12 and 2H everywhere except for 15N-1H systems and the methyls of ILV (with additional protons on Phe and for V beta, and I and L gammas). When I assign my 13C-HSQC-NOESY to this sample, I indeed see the expected strips disappearing (i.e. the 12C filtering is working well). However, the spins along the indirect dimension are not filtered in my 15N-HSQC-NOESY, whether I assign it to this sample or not. Is this a personal problem with my repository or is it a problem in this version of cara? I would expect to only see the protons that have a 1H isotope and not those that have 2H isotopes.
many thanks,
5 years and 6 months and 13 days old
I also see unexpected results in the 3D C13ali-NOESY. I defined a LabelingScheme "AlaMethylProtonated". The ALA ResidueType has the HA atom defined with Isotope "H2". If I make a sample where an ALA residue is assigned the LabelingScheme "AlaMethylProtonated" and assign this sample to the 3D C13ali-NOESY, then neither the HA-CA nor the HB-CB strip have any inferred peaks in the Strips of PolyScope. However, what I expect is that HA-CA strip has no inferred peaks, but the HB-CB strip has both an inferred diagonal peak and an inferred NOE peak to H amide proton.
I set a color for a peak to 2, then right-clicked on the peak in the peaklist and selected a color code. The selected color is ignored. The peak is still white.
It is not a refresh problem, opening a new MonoScope and reimporting the peaklist does note help either.
This is true for both MonoScope and PolyScope.
5 years and 6 months and 3 weeks old
I checked that the color is written to the repository, which seems to be the case. It seems to be a display bug in the Peak view. Will be fixed with the next release.
This problem is not fixed by storing the repository and reopening it with a new instance of CARA 1.8.4a5 linux
I discovered the reason. It's a typo in a logic expression. Tests are ok. Will be released soon.
A missing feature in the Cara model is the sample.
It is common to use more than one sample during a project.
Each sample may have different isotope-labeling, or conditions such as deuterated solvent.
The make-up of the sample affects what signals are observed in spectra. E.g. a protein sample where only LEU, VAL, and ILE residues are 15N-labeled will show a subset of signals in the [1H,15N]-HSQC spectra.
Since future versions of CARA will include instance-level peak inference (i.e. peaks will be inferred from Residues of the molecule directly, instead of from ResidueTypes), it will become possible to represent this information in Cara.
Ideally, Cara will allow the definition of several samples for a project each with its own isotope-labeling pattern. I.e. the sequence is identical, but the pattern of labeling is different.
Cara would require each spectrum to be associated with one sample. The sample would influence the peaks appearing when the spectrum is displayed.
User has made three samples to help him assign protein X. He expects the chemical shifts to be the same in all three samples.
Three samples of Protein X.
sample 1. Sequence X. All usual nuclei are labeled 1H,13C,15N
sample 2. Sequence X (same). 15N only for residues LEU,VAL,ILE.
sample 3. Sequence X (same). residues 1-30 are 15N-labeled, residues 31-65 are not.
7 years and 11 months and 3 days old
I have recorded a tocsy carbon-detection experiment. I would like to create a new spectrum type that can let me see correlation between c-alfa and all the other carbons of the same spyn system. I have create a CC-tocsy spectrum type but I can see only CA-CB correlation. Can someone help me?
5 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Did you select the "repeat" option in the ExperimentProcedure for the TOCSY step?
Repeat is for TOCSY steps :-)
Repeat causes the Pathway simulation to repeat the step and each time keep the set of spins that are reached for the next repetition until the set of spins reaches it's maximal size.
Example - for a CC-TOCSY step: hops=1, atomtype=C, repeat=true, mean=40 and dev=35: each time a repeat occurs the next aliphatic C in the chain is reached until all aliphatic C spins that are connected to one another by steps of one bond are found. Basically the entire Spin-system for the experiment in question is determined.
Example - For HH-TOCSY, hops=3 which means each repetition selects H atoms separated by up to 3 bonds from the starting set of spins.
You can see examples of how this is done by looking at the experiment procedures for TOCSY experiments:
You can simulate the effect of a given Experiment Procedure by right-clicking on the SpectrumType and selecting "Show Experiment Path" and selecting a ResidueType.
Dear author,
Sorry to bother you again. I just finished full assignment using 2D TOCSY and NOESY. Now I want to do integration for NOESY peaks.
However the peak lists cara generated include every thing (NOE peaks between NH, HA, HB, HD, HG, HE, etc), even the diagmol peak. After integration, it is very time consuming to find the interested peaks (the NOE peaks between NH, HA, HB).
So, my question is: is there a way cara can selectively integrate a region, rather than the whole spectra? ( If necessary, I can process the fid to produce the spectra for selected region only).
thank you for your time!
5 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
by default, CARA displays peaks between all spins of a system for NOESY spectra. You will therefore see all intraresidue correlations that you describe. These are known as "inferred peaks". The idea is that they help you to locate the tower of NOESY peaks at the beginning of NOESY analysis since many of these peaks are typically visible (although they carry little structural information).
The structural information is represented by Spinlinks between spins. A spinlink represents the close approach of two spins.
When you integrate NOESY spectra, do the following:
- Open the NOESY with Homoscope or PolyScope.
- Turn off View-Show inferred (Strips-Show inferred for PolyScope)
- Turn on View-Show Spinlinks.
- File-Export-Peaks to MonoScope
- Integrate peaks in MonoScope as usual.
See the following part of the wiki for more documentation:
Hi everyone!
I am trying to write a script which creates several peaklists in the repository. I tried spec:createPeaklist and created everything that is necessary (that means I can access these peaklists in the Lua-Skript but they would not appear in the repository. I even printed the peaklistId which CARA gave them but it was zero for all of them. There is no way of setting a peaklistId as far as I know, am I right? If I am right, is there a workaround or is this possible to implement quickly?
Thank you, Andre
5 years and 7 months and 1 day old
There is a command Project:addPeakList( PeakList ) which you can use to add a PeakList to an existing project. Keep in mind that a given peaklist can only belong to one project. This is a command added in release 1.3. You can find other new and useful commands in the release notes.
thank you! this perfectly solved the problem! i was fixed on the manual and did not check the release info. thank you again for the quick help!
dear author,
when i use script "WriteBatchTable", it will export the peak list along with the integrated volume. Is there a way that it can also export the peak amplitude as well?
Thank you!
5 years and 6 months and 4 weeks old
I did a small change for script "WriteBatchTable". Now it can export the Amplitude.
While running Pick_3D_Peaks.lua, a get a script error:
[string "Pick_3D_Peaks"]:863: attempt to call a table value
I am using a 15N HSQC auto peak picked with Pick_2D_Peaks.lua.
5 years and 7 months and 10 days old
This problem has been fixed. The script now also can handle spins that are folded in dimension 3 of the 3D.
The new version of the script can be downloaded at the CARA LUA page.
I am looking for a program which can summarize the completeness of NMR sequential assignment. Since in a CARA project there is protein sequence and spin system assignment function, it shouldn't be difficult to have another function to make a statistics of NMR assignment. However, I don't know if CARA already has this function.
I found AssignmentReport.lua, but I am not sure if it would do the job.
5 years and 7 months and 12 days old
There is an article about a program called SideLink from Masse, Keller and Pervushin in the journal of magnetic resonance 181 (2006) 45-67. The host program is CARA. Is this program available? Where?
5 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Thanks for your interest. The program is not yet released to the public since the user interface is not yet finished and the three of us have been too busy with other projects to finish it up to now.
in Stripscope:
-select one residue/spinsystem (show predecessors/successors)
-replace one or more strips with another residues (spinsystems)
-change spectrum
-replaced strips dissapear and one needs to do the replacement again to watch the replaced strips in another spectrum
the feature with strips replacement is very usefull, when one is not sure about the assignment (e.g. there is overlapping) and needs to adjust spin positions and it's getting tedious to replace strips in every spectrum.
7 years and 4 months old
As far as I can see, this is nolonger a problem. I.e. when the Spectrum is changed, the replaced strip remains. Could you confirm this?
no fred, this is still a problem, i mean if the spectrum is changed, the replaced strip is gone, and you are again with the same connected strip... -jeet
Yes, you are right. "Replace Strip" is "forgotten" as soon as the user changes the spectrum. Apparently, CARA calculates the anchorset after each "Select Spectrum" and so the "replaced" strip is reset.
A workaround: Use "Select Strips-Select Manually". You can enter the sequence of systems like you want it. 1 2 205 3 4
You can even refer to residue numbers: r1 r2 205 r3 r4
This workaround does not help if you are comparing sidechain strips since there is no way to specify a sidechain strip.
This is still a problem in 1.8.1. As soon as I switch spectra, CARA forgets the replaced strip and replaces it with the original.
I guess this is because the set of strips is predetermined by the choice made in the "Select Strips" submenu. As soon as I change spectra this set is used to generate the new strip view. In order to permanently replace a strip, one would have to somehow store the current set of strips and use this to generate the new strip view each time the spectrum was changed.
How about an option "Manual Strips" which would take the current set of strips and define them as a manually editable set. The alternative to manual strips is "automated strips" which is used whenever one selects any of the other option within "Select Strips" submenu.
The "manual strips" vs "automated strips" solution you propose would be much appreciated, though I believe there must be a better way. Ideally, if you start out in an automated mode, you would like the switch to manual mode to happen automatically if you do "replace strip", yet you want to still be able to page backwards and forwards through all the strips that were previously defined automatically.
I did not mean that only the displayed strips defined by lane count would be stored in manual mode. I meant that the entire anchorset would be stored. If I replaced a given strip, that position in the anchorset would be replaced. I could still use forward strip and backward strips to page through the manual set of strips.
One still needs a way to replace the strips coming from sidechains. Presumeably when I select a system, CARA gives me a set of anchors from the system in a manner similar to what happens when I type "gs" while displaying an HSQC13C in PolyScope.
So basically we want a function "replace strip" available for the active strip which allows replacement of the anchor. As soon as the user does this, the entire anchorset is stored in memory in the order that it currently has and the strip mode switches to manual. If the user uses one of the Select strip functions, CARA reverts to automated mode.
This would also be useful for preparing figures in publications. Currently to get an arbitrary set of sidechain strips, I have to duplicate the project and erase spins from unwanted anchors. Even so, the order is not always the one I desire.
The ability to propose a SpinLink for NOE picks that can't be assigned at the time would be useful for manual NOE assignment . Would it be feasible to only assign the left or right spin number of a spinlink so that the exported peak list would have a peak in the proper location even if the full assignment is unknown? Otherwise, unassigned peaks must be picked manually in MonoScope and their assignments are not easily updated once more spinlinks can be assigned.
5 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
If you want to create a spinlink, you always need two spins since a spinlink is simply an entry linking two spins. Therefore you will have to create an unassigned spin and then link to it.
In PolyScope:
- You are viewing a strip of a system.
- In the strip: click on the crosspeak to the unassigned spin.
- right-click in the strip and select "Pick Spin". This creates the unassigned spin IN the current spin-system.
- click on the newly created spin. Note the spin ID number from the status-command line: e.g. Selected 1 peaks: 312:H/1843 29:I29. The ID number is "1843"
- right-click and select "Propose Spin". Select the spin which has the ID number of the new spin. This creates a spinlink from the anchor spin of the strip to the new spin. Turn off "Strips-Show inferred" and you will still see the spin because it is linked to the anchor spin.
Note 1: You can skip step 4 in most cases. The cursor is exactly on the spin, so the top spin in the list is usually the spin you just created.
Note 2: Later when you find the correct assignment of the NOE, it is probably most efficient to delete the spinlink and the spin. Then use "Propose Spin" to correctly assign the NOE. If the correct spin was unassigned and you found the correct assignment with the NOESY in question, you can assign the spin itself. Use "sl" to show the system list". Expand the system where the spin is located. right-click on the spin and select "Assign to" and enter the the SystemId of the System where you assigned the spin. Expand that system. Click on the spin amd right-click "label spin" and give it the correct label.
Note 3: If you are doing a standard structure determination, then it is much more efficient (and more objective) to use the automated assignment program ATNOS/CANDID together with a structure calculation program like CYANA. In this case you would follow the instructions on the CARA wiki page for automated structure calculation:
h t t p://
These instructions have also been included in the page on manual structure calculation.
Looks like the proposed approach satisfies the requested feature.
It would be nice if there was a new feature: "create spin and link" button in the Propose Spin dialog which would create a new spin in the current system and create a link from the anchor spin to this newly created spin.
That would increase the efficiency of picking unassignable signals in the NOESY towers.
See special topics in the following wiki for relevant documentation.
Is it currently possible to write a lua script that would, for example, open up a spectrum in polyscope, adjust the contour parameters and maybe positive and negative colors, add a few overlay layers, and adjust contour parameters and colors in the overlays?
Alternatively, is there some way to open a batch list of spectra as overlay layers in polyscope in one step?
It seems more likely that it would be possible to use lua to adjust the calibration of a group of spectra, but I don't see the appropriate function for the spectrum class in the cara/lua manual. Is it already possible? Could it become possible?
Both of these features would be very helpful for working more efficiently with series of spectra from titrations.
5 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
No, it's currently not possible to remote control the scopes by Lua. That's a feature which is in the pipeline (the dynamic component environment), but I'm on backlog. There is also no possibility yet to use a batch list as overlay template, but I can implement this. But there is a function for calibration: Project:setCalibration( SpectrumId, Dimension, PPM offset ). Rochus
I have finished a homonuclear assignment of a peptide using Cara. According to the standard procedure described in a Tutorial I additionally assigned 2D-NOESY crosspeaks to protons of the individual spin systems.
Next, I will have to integrate the observed 2D-NOESY crosspeaks. Many of the crosspeaks posses multiplet (most of them doublet) peak structures in f2-direction. I would like to know whether there is a standard procedure for the integration of multiplets in cara. Should I try to integrate the different lines of the multipletts individually or together ? I also thought about broadening the linewidths in f2-dimension to approach the multiplets to singulets. That way lineshapes could be obtained, that are better suited to Monoscopes peak model tuning options I know so far.
Thank you very much for any help !
best regards,
6 years and 3 months and 2 days old
Hi Johannes, CARA offerst the concept of a peak tolerance range, which may be of help. If you switch on "show base width" (CTRL-L + CTRL-H), you can observe a horizontal bar on top of the peak, if you change the peak tolerance slider (CTRL-M). The model will then jump to the maximum amplitude found within this tolerance range (including the multipletts). There is no automatic way of dealing with multipletts at the moment. Rochus
yes, another way would be to use a window function which reduces the resolution so that the peaks look like single gauss/lorenz maxima. Then integrator would deconvolute accurately. However, you would also be throwing a lot of resolution away. It's probably better to try to get the maxima as rochus describes for the moment.
Another solution is now available: use the new integrate regions mode: Integrator-Integration Method-Base rectangle intensity sum (only 2D)
My goal is to save the spectrum, especially the overlapped spectra for word processor such as Word and Powerpoint. So far I haven't found a better way to do so than "print screen" function from the keyboard. The drawback is that screen saved picture is not that clear.
I tried "print to file" from PrintPreview, however, the saved file (no extension) can't be opened by either GSview or Adobe photoshop. I looked into my HP color printer (HP 4600) properties, but found no place that defines the format of a "print to file" file. I am using Cara 1.5.3 in Windows XP.
It would be greatly useful if Cara can provide a direct function to save the tuned spectrum in a TIFF or JPEG format. Have this proposed function in PrintPreview will be fine.
6 years and 3 months and 5 days old
If you select a Postscript printer driver (e.g. HP Color LaserJet PostScript, but not PCL5), the resulting file should have Postscript format (and only then). You could then have a look at it in GSview and render a TIFF or JPEG. The forthcoming version 1.7 has a PDF export, but there are still a lot of issues with the Qt4 library in use. Rochus.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I switched the printer drive from PCL to PS and it worked as you mentioned. Hope the issues you mentioned will be solved soon.
I am able to open the postscript files generated by cara 1.7.0b2 PrintPreview with the "Print to File" option using either AdobeIllustrator CS10, AdobePhotoShop CS8, or gnu ghostview 2.8.0 (ggv).
I can also open pdf files generated from cara 1.7.0b2 PrintPreview with the ExportPDF using AI CS10, however the text is all converted into dots. The same file can be opened with AdobePhotoShop with no problems (I attatch it for demonstration purposes).
Finally a strange thing: 1.7.0b2 PrintPreview does not list any printers available when I select "Print to Printer".
I see all the same problems with 1.8.1. I.e. Print does not list any printers.
If I ExportPDF,
Adobe Acrobat: If I open with Adobe Acrobat, and print from there, then the spectrum is in the top left corner of the A4 sheet, but everything is visible.
Adobe Illustrator 10: If I open it with Adobe Illustrator 10 I get the following Warning: "The document contains PDF objects that have to be reinterpreted: missing Double-Byte fonts have been substituted with the default fonts". AI 10 displays the spectrum ok, but it is shifted too high and too far left so that the top left corner of the spectrum and the spectrum title is not visible when I print the file.
Adobe Illustrator CS: If I open the same PDF with Adobe CS, then all the text labels are converted to dots but the position of the spectrum is OK (i.e. it is the same as if I print directly from Adobe acroread.
Can you select all an move the figure down in Illustrator 10? If yes, this would be a work around, and finally it seems that Illustrator CS itself was the reason for the bitmap text. I will compile with Qt 4.2.2 next time on Linux and hope the scaling issue is solved with this.
Yes, I can select and move. It's just not WYSIWYG.
I see all the same problems in CARA 1.8.4a5.
The original size of the spectrum displayed in the PrintPreview window covers most of the sheet and is centered. After Export PDF, in all programs used to view the PDF, the spectrum is smaller and shifted into the upper left corner of the A4 sheet.
I used Acroread, Adobe Illustrator 10, Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe PhotoShop.
Furthermore in Adobe Illustrator CS, the text is converted into little round balls.
If I try Print to Printer, CARA crashes hard.
If I Print to File, I get a PDF. It has all the same problems that Export PDF does. I presume that Print to File uses the same routine as Export PDF.
Cara gives no possibility to measure a peak volume.
Integration of special regions in a spectrum is needed every time when maximal peak amplitude is not proportional to its volume integral. It is the case when the peaks to compare have different lineshapes. It should be possible to define and store regions for integration (rectangular & elliptic). There may be also other solutions possible.
7 years and 9 months and 9 days old
If Rochus would allow access to the function that defines the lineshape in LUA (model function), one could easily write a LUA script which calculates the volume from the amplitude.
E.g. Function = Peaklist:getModelFunction( model )
Function( ppmOffset ) returns the value of the function with an offset of "ppmOffset".
The function is normalized to 1.0 at Function( 0 )
Function( 0.2) is the value of the function 0.2ppm from its center.
The script to determine the volume would simply have to integrate the function one time. Then multiply each amplitude by the integral.
Even better: User can define the function with math functions available in LUA.
Sometimes you want to have an exact integral, without any models. E. g. when concentration is measured from peak volumes.
If you are measuring concentration, then the intensity is as good as (if not better than) measuring integrals which are sensitive to overlap problems.
To measure integrals "without a model" you will have to decide what region around each peak to integrate. Then you will have to inspect each peak to be sure there is no overlap.
One could add a function to integrate a defined region around a peak. The region would be defined by drag-clicking a box around the peak. The dimension of the region would be defined as a new object associated with the peak. It would probably be most practical to define the box RELATIVE to the peak coordinate: <box top='0.2' bottom='0.2' left='0.05' right='0.05'> where e.g. top is the vertical distance from the peak coordinate to the top of the box. An additional menu item in the Integrate menu 'Integrate areas' would integrate based on these boxes.
Still waiting for a response on this proposal.
You could reduce it to one parameter per dimension:
The box would be centered on the peak position with one box edge at PeakPosition + IntegrationWidth/2 and the other at PeakPosition - IntegrationWidth/2.
Each peaklist would have such parameters (one for each dimension). These would be the default parameters for the peaks. Each peak could also have its own IntegrationWidth values which would override the ones from the peaklist.
I recently analysed a series of spectra to determine the amount of two species under different conditions. Due to varying linewidths, the "Integrator" tool artificially weighted the species with narrow lines. I had to repeat the entire analysis with NEASY. I would appreciate a tool to integrate from raw spectra as proposed here.
Another reason why to integrate regions: sometimes I want to integrate noesy-peaks, but as soon as little cosy-intensity is overlapping, I get into trouble. Integrating regions wouldn't make any problems, because cosy-integral is 0.
Once again, I plan to integrate a series of spectra. Due to differences in lineshape I cannot simply assume intensity is proportional to volume. Therefore I must again use NEASY. Unless you plan to include such a tool in MonoScope.
How about including an Integrator option which uses the "Full peak width" as displayed in "Integrator-Show Base Width" menu to define the region where intensity is summed up? I.e. you would just need to extend the Integrator menu with an additional option to "Sum raw intensity". This would add up the intensity values of all pixels within the box defined by the Base width along the two dimensions of the peak model.
Note that I mean the outer set of vertical lines defining the base-width. The inner ones seem to define the half maximum position of the peak model which does not include all the intesity of a peak.
This function has been implemented in Cara 1.8.2. Use the new menu item in MonoScope: Integrator-Integration Method-Base Rectangle Intensity Sum
This adds the intensity of all pixels located within the integration region and stores this sum in the Volume attribute of the peak.
If a 3D is opened with Polyscope so that the D3 dimension (N-dim in NOESY) is along the y-axis of the plane, then newly picked peaks get their coordinates from the wrong dimensions. (Y and Z are swapped). Possibly the problem is that the Peaklist is loaded in the wrong orientation.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open 3D 15N NSY with MonoScope
- import a peaklist for the 15N NSY. The two H axes need to be swapped.
- rotate the peaklist, swapping the two H axes.
- pick a few peaks.
- Add peaklist to repository.
- Open same spectrum with Polyscope.
- Open the peaklist in Polyscope.
- pick a few more peaks in Polyscope.
- Check their position in Monoscope by double-clicking them in the peaklist. Everything should be okay.
- Open HSQC15N with Polyscope
- Select the 15N NSY in the strips context menu.
- click on a system in the HSQC15N.
- click on a peak in the strip.
- switch to the 3D in the plane pane.
- Open the same peaklist.
- pick a new peak.
- Switch to the open instance of Monoscope
- Double-click on the new peak in the peaklist
Note that it is OUT OF SPECTRUM. It has the wrong coordinates. The D1=x shift is ok. However, the D2=y shift is from the Ndimension of the 3D Even though it should be from the Hnoe dimension of the 3D.
5 years and 9 months and 1 week old
I'm using a hCCH-TOCSY behind a 13C-HSQC in PolyScope. It is not possible to pick peaks in the hCCH-TOCSY in the Strip. And an other problem: Only the peak label of the selected 13C-HSQC peak is displayed in the strip. It would be very helpful if all carbon labels would be shown in the strip as it is in a HcCH-TOCSY.
5 years and 8 months and 3 weeks old
Try to open the hCCH-TOCSY using PolyScope(rotated) and then switch the two Carbon axes in the rotation dialog. Now select the HSQC13C in the Plane menu.
The problem is probably that Cara is unable to decide which 13C axis should be Dim1 and which one should be Dim3.
Did the suggestion to use PolyScope(rotated) solve your problem?
Currently the user has to know that CARA has problems to correctly orient spectra containing two indirect dimensions with the same atom type. This means that the user has to open the Spectrum with a "rotated" scope.
However, if the mapping between SpectrumType dimensions and Spectrum dimensions is made correctly, then CARA should open the spectra with the correct orientation in ALL the scopes. E.g. the hCCH-TOCSY should be opened with the TOCSY dimension along the strip!
It's not possible to unzip cara_1.8.3_linux.gz.
5 years and 9 months and 6 days old
Hi Christina I briefly tried to download and uncompress the file on Linux and Windows. I was able to uncompress on both patforms and to execute the uncompressed file on Linux (after granting execute privilege). I noticed that you get the compressed file in plaintext when you click on the download link on Linux using firefox. Maybe that was the problem. Use the context menu instead and execute "Save Link As...", then you get the proper gz file. Hope this helps.
I'm trying to move aliases in polyscope. When I use the contextual menu, I get the option "Move Spin Aliases", but the keyboard shortcuts that I would expect to perform this operation are not available. When I try ai or ma I get: Move Spin Alias: not available in this state! or Move Peak Alias: not available in this state!
This keyboard shortcut is very important to me, and I am confused about why it no longer works.
5 years and 9 months and 6 days old
Sorry, I was confused by the discrepancy between the description of the operation in the keyboard shortcuts list and that for ay in the contextual menu.
Generally, you can always obtain the list of keyboard shortcuts as follows:
For any given open scope, type "?" in the status line and hit return. Now go to the (main) cara explorer window and click on "message log". There you will see a list of all available keyboard shortcuts for that scope.
You can get more detailed help on any command by typing the command after the question mark. E.g. typing:
? ag
in Polyscope returns:
AG Set Auto Contour Gain : Float [: String]
Hi guys, my question is essentially one of aesthetics. Is it possible to change the default background spectrum color from black to white? I realise this is a low priority issue but I'm sure some of the users of Cara would like to know how to control some of the graphic settings.
Best regards,
5 years and 8 months and 9 days old
As far as I know only PrintPreview gives you a white background. Keep in mind that if you change from black to white background, all the annotation colors would need to be changed too. E.g. yellow is poor contrast on white background. Currenly the annotation colors (e.g. crosses for peaks in MonoScope) carry a meaning. Magenta=peak has higher ppm than current plane, cyana= peak has lower ppm than current plane. All this would need changing too.
You can control the colors of contours in the scopes by setting colors in the overlay menu:
Overlay-Set Positive Color
Overlay-Make colors persistent
These are colors of "layers". If you only show one layer then you will see the color of layer 0.
Dear sir,
i wanted to suggest that that it would be very good if we can load the chemical shift value in our repository on some structure viewing program.
Than as we will move the cursor near it will show the atom name and the corresponding chemical shift value.
This will enable us to choose the NOE very easily.
I think it is very easy, and would require some small modification. As we are using the molmol to view the structure, these changes can be incorporated there.
We can calculate the distance between two atom in the structure and if know it to be in the range of <5 A and the chemical shift values are also in the range we can be sure the a NOE must exist.
With regards
Prem Prakash Pathak
5 years and 8 months and 6 days old
I have added a lua script "ShowNoesInMolmol.lua" to the CALUA page which generates a molmol macro from user input: Residue Number, Atom Name, Shift of NOE, Tolerance range. After executing "ShowNoesInMolmol.lua", run the generated molmol macro "ShowNoes.mac" in molmol to highlight the selected target atom (cyan) and candidate atoms (magenta) with matching shift to the NOE.
Dear sir,
Thank you very much for generating the script.ShowNoesInMolmol.lua
I have tried the script, but it shows following message
[string "ShowNoesInMolmol"]:469: attempt to concatenate global 'Tol' (a nil value)
Now i do not understand how to deal with it.
Prem Praksh Pathak
Ok, I fixed that problem and uploaded a corrected version. Try it again.
I am working with the new ShowNoesInMolmol.lua
Although the propose-system shows the matching assignment , the lua script only shows the selected atom in the molmol, and i get the following message,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ output to terminal and file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# DisplayNoes.mac: generated by CARA script ShowNoesInMolmol.lua
# Project: PTH1
# StartingAtom: TargetRes=175 TargetAtom=HB2
# Target Shift for NOE: 1.20 ppm
# Select TargetAtom
SelectAtom 'res.num=175 &"HB2"'
StyleAtom sphere
RadiusAtom 0.36
ColorAtom 0 1 1
# found no assigned spins within 0.025 of 1.20 ppm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ output to terminal and file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wrote output to file: DisplayNoes.mac
ShowNoesInMolmol.lua is finished
with regards
Prem Prakash Pathak
Ok. a found the error. I did a few tests and compared to "Propose Spin" and it seems to be working now. It now prints out the spins that match in shift (even if unassigned). New version is uploaded.
Thank you sir!
ShowNoesInMolmol.lua is working.
i want to know the way to calculate noise and S/N using CARA. is there a way for the same.
5 years and 8 months and 1 day old
- Open your spectrum in MonoScope 2. Select an area suited for noise calculation (i.e. without peaks) 3. Execute View/Detect Maximum Amplitude (CTRL+T) It opens a dialog with the information you need.
That's how to calculate the average noise.
To estimate signal you will have to determine the intensities of some peaks and take the average value.
E.g. generate a peaklist using the "export to MonoScope" function in PolyScope and integrate the peaklist in MonoScope. Write it out and take the average using your favorite spreadsheet (or write a REALLY SIMPLE lua scrip to do the same with the peaklist)
Something like:
Project = cara:getProject("Name of project") -- edit for your project
Peaklist = Project:getPeaklist(1) -- if your peaklist has Id=1
for a,b in pairs( Peaklist:getPeaks() ) do
if n>0 then Avg=Int/n
else n="no peaks found"
print("Number of peaks used: "..n)
print("Total Intensity : "..string.format("%3.3f", Int)
print("Average Intensity : "..string.format("%3.3f", Avg)
thanks, it worked well for 2D spectra.
But again one problem!!!! how to calculate S/N for 3D experiment, assume a experiment like HNHA, where we have diagonal and off-diagonal peak. i am not able to get this through above mentioned protocol.
i want to include one more question in this, how to calculate line-width (full Width at half height))?
You can suppress the diagonal peaks by changing the SpectrumType "Experiment Procedure". Click on SpectrumTypes in the Cara-Explorer. Right-click on the HNHA and select "Edit Procedure". Edit the procedure to look like the second screenshot.
Now you can use "Export to MonoScope" and run the script to get average intensity of the HN(D1)-N(D3)-HA(D2) 3D peaks.
Another approach would be to modify the script to exclude any peaks near the diagonal from consideration.
b:getPos() returns the position of the peak.
so you can rewrite the for-loop of the script to look as follows:
tolerance =0.05 -- minimal offset from diagonal
for a,b in pairs( Peaklist:getPeaks() ) do
if math.abs(x-y) > tolerance then
else num_diag=num_diag+1
end -- if not diagonal
end -- for loop
if n>0 then Avg=Int/n
else n="no peaks found"
print("Rejected "..num_diag.." diagonal peaks")
i asked one more question along with the above one, how to calculate line-width (full Width at half height))? please help me soon, i am in between analysis.
There is no elegant way to measure linewidth at the moment. A new feature has been requested, but is not implemented:
http ://
I can suggest two ways.
1) In MonoScope, use the Integrator-Tune Peak Model" function. Adjust the model so that the signal at 50% height matches. Keep balance and gain at 100% and 0% respectively. If you alter them, the "width" value nolonger is close to 50% of peak height. Now multiply the value obtained by the spectrometer frequency along the corresponding dimension.
2) In MonoScope, click-drag the mouse at 50% height from one side of the peak to the other in the slice window. At the bottom of the screen you see h or w values (height or width). They are given in ppm and in Hz in parenthesis: w 0.041 (20.45).
Actually, you need to SHIFT-click drag to measure distances. This works in the Plane Panel and in the Slice Panels.
You could also write a script to automatically determine the 50% line width of each peak in a peaklist. There are functions in LUA to get intensity values from spectra:
Spectrum:getAtPpm( x,y )
where x and y are the coordinates of the position in ppm.
alternatively, a slice can be extracted from the spectrum using the function
buffer = getSlicePpm( dim, x1, x2, y1, y2 ) note that either x1=x2 or y1=y2. The dimension where the two coordinates are NOT equal is the dimension along which the slice extends.
Then you can work with the function
buffer:getAt( index ) to get the intensity at the point position "index".
buffer:getDimCount(1) to get the number of points the slice buffer contains
buffer:getFreq(1) to get the spectrometer frequency along the extracted slice dimension.
You can just scan in each direction until the intensity drops below 50% of the intensity at the peak position. And then add the two distances (downfield and upfield) and multiply them by the frequency to get a result in Hz.
somehow i am not able to calculate noise and s/n in 3D spectra. i tried what you mentioned but where to run the script after export to monoscope and which script!!!!
I have attatched the entire script updated with all my suggestions to this follow-up.
Here is a step-by-step:
1) Open HSQC15N in PolyScope, then select HNHA in the strips menu
2) Files-Export-Strip Peaks to MonoScope
3) In MonoScope, Peaks-Add to Repository
4) MonoScope: integrate the peaklist.
See http ://
5) Click on your project in CARA explorer, click on peaklists
6) determine the ID number of the peaklist.
7) edit the top of the LUA script so "Name of Project" is your project name
8) edit the script so the correct Peaklist Id appears in parenthesis on the line:
Peaklist = Project:getPeaklist(1) -- e.g. here the PeaklistId is 1.
9) Go to CARA-terminal and execute the script.
10) the result appears in the terminal window.
11) sometimes you have to switch to another CARA explorer and back to terminal explorer to see the text. Scroll down to the bottom also to be sure to see the latest script output.
dear author,
i am using script "WriteShiftsInColumns" to export the chemical shift data. The "shifttable" created looks fine. But I can not cpoy these data to software like Origin or Excel. Is there a way the "shiftable" created can be recognized by Origin?
By the way, I am using Cara 1.5.3 on a linux. Now the version has been 1.8.3. Is there a way to upgrade Cara? Or just simply re-install it? The question is, the repository I created in 1.5.3 still be useable in 1.8.3? because I don't want to lose my data.
5 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
I think it should always be possible to read a repository from an older version of cara into a newer version, but the reverse project is not guaranteed. Anyway, always keep up backup copies.
As far as I know, the shifttable written out by WriteShiftsIntoColumns.lua is in csv format (semicolon separated) and should be importable as data into Excel or origin without any diffifulty. Did you try to downloading and using the latest version of WriteShiftsInColumns.lua from the CALUA page of the CARA wiki?
Thank you for reply.
Yes, I DID use the WriteShiftsInColumns.lua.
Maybe the reason is due to the platform: I run CARA under linux and the "shiftable" is also created under this platform. I then transfer this "shiftable" to a Windows in order to run Origin.
Could that be possible?
A new version of this script has been uploaded today.
I am just wondering if there could be a script ( may be refered as SystemNumberedByResidue) that, like PeakListNumberedByResidue.lua, could make the system number equal to the residue number after the assignment is done. Thank you!
5 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
There is no way to do this within an existing project. The System Number is the unique Id of the System which does not change even if you reassign the System to another Residue. Actually this is a useful way to document your work.
However, when the project is nearly complete you are often more interested in the Residue number than the System number.
Here are some tips on working with residues:
- Use the shortcuts "gr" for "goto residue" in most scopes.
- Sort the strips in StripScope according to residue number by using the menu "Select Strips-All Assigned Strips".
- Manually select strips of residues in StripScope using the "Select Strips-Select manually" menu by entering "r" before the number: E.g. to display strips from residues 10, 11 and 12 and also the strip for the unassigned system 94, write "r10 r11 r12 94".
- Sort the systems in the SystemList by their assignment. Click at the top of the Assignment column to sort low to high, click again to sort high to low.
- Click-drag this column to the left edge of the SystemList. Unfortunately, CARA can't "remember" this setup so you have to do it in every new scope that you open.
- It is also unfortunate, that you can't sort the Systems in SystemScope by their Residue assignment. Use "gr" after clicking in the Strip to activate the shortcuts in this scope.
- If you are finished with the project and want to renumber the systems so they correspond to the residue numbers, you must write out the assignments and sequence to external files and use them to create a new project. However, you must then read in all the spectra and calibrate them again... Also, you will loose any aliases you have defined as well as spinlinks. These would all have to be read in again by exporting the appropriate files from the original project and importing them into the new project.
It is suggested that the scopes are equipped with options to allow efficient work based on residue numbers. This issue collects some of these possibilities. However, persistent settings to display strips sorted by residue number, or to sort the Systems in the SystemList and the SystemScope pulldown menu by Residue number would be nice. Persistent menus is not yet implemented, but is being worked on.
Dear author,
I tried to run script "ChemShiftDeviationsFile.lua". But it doesn't work for me. There is a message appeared in the terminal as following:
Lua> [executing "ChemShiftDeviationsFile"] [string "ChemShiftDeviationsFile"]:67: attempt to perform arithmetic on local `libvalue' (a nil value)
I also tried script "ChemShiftDeviationsPlot.lua", and got the similar message:
Lua> [executing "ChemShiftDeviationsPlot"] [string "ChemShiftDeviationsPlot"]:70: attempt to perform arithmetic on local `libvalue' (a nil value)
What does these mean? Not all 20 amino acids included in my sequence, is that a problem? Or anything wrong with my repository library?
5 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Possibly, you entered a label that has no corresponding atom in a residue? E.g. HA2 does not exist in any residues except GLY. I completely rewrote this script and uploaded it again. It now does a lot of error checking and reports warnings to user if data is not found.
Related useful scripts are WriteShiftsInColumns.lua (also new version) and ExportToPaces.lua
Thank you for helping.
Strange thing is: it is working for " H ", but not for " HA ". The folloeing is the message I got:
for " H "
Lua> [executing "ChemShiftDeviations"] Wrote out file: Hdev.dat ChemShiftDeviationsFile.lua is done
for " HA "
Lua> [executing "ChemShiftDeviations"] [string "ChemShiftDeviations"]:67: attempt to perform arithmetic on local `libvalue' (a nil value)
Is it possible sth wrong with my label?
I don't understand this. I am not getting this error. Are you using a template derived from Start1.2.cara? Please try it with the new script: ChemShiftDeviationsPlot.lua-v2.lua which you can download from the CALUA webpage of the CARA wiki.
Sorry to bother you again. I can not find ChemShiftDeviationsPlot.lua-v2.lua.
All I found is:
ChemShiftDeviationsFile.lua or ChemShiftDeviationsPlot.lua
My mistake. The updated file is called ChemShiftDeviationsFile.lua and is located in: (it is version 2 of this script - you can see this by looking in the header)
There are still some inconsistencies on shortcut names for moving peaks/systems/spins and their aliases
* people forget the shortcuts
* some shortcuts are missing
"ua" means
"unalias peak" in MonoScope
"unalias system" in HomoScope/PolyScope
There is no command to "unalias spin" (and no menu item either)
I would like to propose a consistent nomenclature for moving these objects and their aliases. This makes it easier to remember the shortcuts and all possible cases are included.
Proposed Shortcuts/Commands
"mp" "move peak"
"ap" "alias peak" (moves peak alias)
"up" "unalias peaks" (removes peak aliases)
Systems: (two correlated spins the plane)
"my" "move system"
"ay" "move system aliases"
"uy" "unalias system"
Spins: (spin in a strip)
"mi" "move spin"
"ai" "move spin alias"
"ui" "unalias spins"
Note that the 1st letter indicates the action (m=move,a=alias,u=unalias) and the 2nd letter indicates the object (p=peak, y=system, i=spin).
This makes it easy to remember the commands and all possible manipulations are included.
7 years and 3 months and 1 day old
Some of these commands have been added, but some are missing. This needs to be done systematically.
For peaks
EXISTS_ mp "move peak"
MISSING ap "alias peak"
(currently done with "ma" but "move alias" is an ambiguous command name which does not distinguish the different objects that can be aliased)
MISSING up "unalias peak" (currently there is a menu item but no corresponding shortcut)
For systems
MISSING ms "move system"
EXISTS_ ai "move system aliases"
MISSING ui "unalias system
For spin
EXISTS_ mi "move spin"
EXISTS_ ai "move spin alias"
MISSING ui "unalias spin"
(currently this is done by repeating "ai" after selecting the spin without moving the cursor afterwards: this is confusing and nonintuitive and should be replaced by a separate menu-item and command)
After some though I realized there is a very simple solution. Introduce one set of shortcuts for all objects (spins, systems, peaks). The currently selected object and active panel decides which object is manipulated.
"mo" "move object" "ma" "move alias" "ua" "unalias"
For example in PolyScope. If I click on a spin in the strip, then the commands act on the spin. If the "plane" panel is active and a system is selected, then the command acts on the system. If a peak is selected then it acts on the peak. This simplifies things for the user.
Cara 1.8.3:
- Open a 3D in PolyScope (e.g. 15N-resolved NSY)
- Turn on View-3D
- Add a 2D to the layers.
At this point the contours disappear fro the Plane pane. The peak positions continue to nb displsyed. Remving the 2D from layerd doesn't fix things. The contours of the 3D remain invisible.
5 years and 9 months and 12 days old
1.1.1 PolyScope: Extend vertical & Extend horizontal not avail.
I open 3D 13Cali NOESY with PolyScope (1H,1H-plane)
I pick a new system.
I select the system
I move the cursor vertically:
- extend horizontally is not available
- extend vertically is also not available
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
This is by intention. The feature is only available for 2D case, not for "Show 3D Plane" (since the spin of the third dimension would not be known).
I am working in PolyScope to complete assignments of a protein and really need this feature.
I disagree on the reasons given to disallow it.
When I extend horizontally in the plane, all that is needed is to create a spin with the same atom-type as the horizontal spin that was selected in the system which has the chemical shift of the current horizontal cursor position.
The spin in the third dimension is the same one that was used to generate the originally selected peak.
- I click on a HB2/HA signal of a system at the depth position of CB.
- I use the arrow keys to move the cursor horizontally onto the unassigned HB3/HA signal.
- I enter
(extend horizontally). - CARA opens a dialog with a list of available labels.
- List of labels: unassigned labels for the selected spin-system which have the same atom-type as the spin on the horizonal axis
and can generate a peak with pathway simulation. - After OK, the new spin with selected label is added to the spin-system.
Pathway simulation results in the appearance of all the expected inferred peaks involving this new spin.
I downloaded the .zip of cara 1.8.2 to a Dell running Windows XP and unzipped to get cara.exe with WinZip. Upon double clicking on cara.exe, an error box appeared that read, "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."; This is the same error message I got with cara 1.8.1 (12 Dec. 2006) until I installed .net, after which cara 1.8.1 worked. I tried reinstalling only to get the same response. I tried installing the .dll's from the file recommended 13 Dec. 2006 into system 32, but that did not correct the problem. In the process, I discovered that these files, msvcr80.dll, msvcp80.dll, and Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest were not present in system32. The latest versions that were present were msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll Furthermore, the .manifest file lists a msvcm80.dll which is neither present in my system32 nor in the files. Curiously, for 1.8.1, cara.exe was larger than for 1.8.2.
5 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
The new Visual Studio made changes to the library dependency concept and there was an issue with integration of the manifest file, which seems still to be present with the new sercice pack. But I was able to even run cara.exe on Win98, just by adding msvcr80.dll and msvcp80.dll to windows/system or the cara directory. Version 1.8.2 shouldn't need an external manifest file anymore (due to the work around delivered by Microsoft with visual studio service pack 1). I added the most recent system dlls to Just in case I also attach the cara manifest file to this post. Hope this helps. R.K.
No, this did not help. Version 1.8.1 of cara.exe works. Version 1.8.2 still gives the error messages even with the unzipped contents of in the cara directory and in windows\system32. I also note that in windows\WinSxS there is a VCR80 folder that contains msvcrm80.dll, msvcr80.dll, and msvcp80.dll I presume these are from when I added .net 2.0 to this system as a result of a suggestion from before. Note that this is a Dell Optiplex GX260 running XP service pack 2 plus all applicable recent updates.
Version 1.8.1 is 9,404 KB, but Version 1.8.2 is 9,396 KB
You mention a work around delivered by Microsoft with Visual Studio service pack 1. I presume this is the current Visual Studio and not the old 6.* version. Is that work around part of the 1.8.2 code or does it require that I have something on this Dell that I might not have?
Thats very misterious. I downloaded it form to different XP machines in between and all could run it, only on the Win98 machine I hat to add the two dlls. I work with VisualStudio 2005 with SP 1. The work-around is in project configuration properties / Manifest Tool / General / Use FAT32 Work-around which I set to YES. With that the manifest file now seems to be embedded in the executable (was not the case in 1.8.1, i.e. I had to copy the cara manifest file explicitly to my test machines to make it work, which I only found by trial & error). I actually run out of ideas what the problem on your machine could be. Does anyone else have this issue? Can you try 1.8.2 on another windows machine at your place? Do you still have 1.8.1 available as a work-around?
Have you tried to also copy the cara.exe.intermediate.manifest (see above) into the cara directory? At least in 1.8.1 this solved the issue (even if it doesn't to be necessary any longer on my machines).
- At the moment I do not have access to another XP machine on which to try this.
- I renamed the 1.8.1 executable as cara181.exe to preserve it in my cara directory, and it still works.
- I installed cara.exe.intermediate.manifest in the cara directory but that did not solve the problem. I also have the Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest in my cara directory along with msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll I did not need a cara.exe.intermediate.manifest to run 1.8.1 on this machine.
- The file system on this XP is NTFS and not FAT32. Could attempted use of a FAT32 workaround on a NTFS system be a contributing factor?
I run it on both FAT32 and NTFS machines and it worked on both. My compiler sees an NTFS file system. As far as I understood the Microsoft work around affects the manifest tool only during manifest integration, i.e. the target file system shouldn't matter. Do you have any VMWare images with another XP installation around?
You can download an try another application I've written from here: It was built using the same development tool chain. Can you run this?
I do not have any VMWare images at all. I don't use VMWare.
MFA gave the same error message as cara version 1.8.2
Ok, this is an indication that the issue is somehow connected to your Windows installation. Did you set special policies which might hinder the program from execution? Is it a plain standard installation or do you have special tools/configurations?
The installation is supposed to be standard. I do have symantic antivirus, spybot search and destroy, and spybot's teatimer running. However, never before have any of those hindered any program from running. Quite frankly, before the problem I reported in Dec., I had never seen that error message with any of the NMR or molecular graphics software on that machine. (Even for one of Microsoft's error messages, that one is stunningly unhelpful.)
Ok, I will recompile cara with the work-around off and send you a new executable with a manifest file. Let's see whether this works. But this will take some time. Maybe this new manifest concept is somehow incompatible with some or your settings or defense tools. Did you get any messages or log entries from these?
I was able to reproduce your issue. I took a clean Windows XP VM image and tried to run CARA, both the version with work-around and also a new version with a manifest file. Both generated this silly Windows message which gives absolutely no indication of what's the problem. Maybe I find something in the forums on how one can switch off this manifest crap. I'll keep you informed.
i too have same problem while using 1.8.2
i can run this application but still having problem with 1.8.2
Ok, at least I can produce an executable which runs on your systems ;-) I found some articles on the web. As it seems I'm in good company with this strange issue. It has to do with the fact that Microsoft changed some concepts of the runtime library load mechanism. I continue to research and experiment.
Heureka, I have it. The reason was the new Microsoft assembly concept with is also responsible for C runtime libs since VC2005 (causing many unnecessary troubles with unknown benefits). Because I did an update to VC SP 1, the version of the runtime libs has probably changed. Due to this CARA run on all XP, which by coincidence had the correct lib versions installed, but not on the others (including my test VM). Since Win98 makes no assembly version checks, everything always worked fine. I also learned that XP no longer allows to simply copy DLLs to Windows/System or the application directory. Instead a complicated installation procedure is necessary. At least Microsoft delivers an installer, which you find as an attachment. So forget about my and use the installer. Welcome to the brave world of Microsoft assemblies!
Same problems on an XP machine and on a Win 2003 Server. Let's try the DLL installer...
Yesss, it works right away after the installation!
That solves the problem. Interestingly, this installer adds a new VC80.CRT folder to \WINDOWS\WinSxS (x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.762_x-ww_6b128700) for which the dates for each of msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, and msvcr80.dll are 12/1/2006. The old VC80.CRT folder (x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.42_x-ww_0de06acd) remains, with dates for each of the .dll's of 9/23/2005.
At any rate, I would say this installer solves the issue.
Ok, after some weeks of research I found a way on how to compile Qt to use static instead of dynamic runtime libraries, i.e. there is no dependency on the Microsoft DLLs anymore. Even though Trolltech doesn't officially support this (they even explicitly advise against, which is hard to understand), it's worthwhile to try it from my opinion. Starting from 1.8.3 you should again be able to run CARA without installing vcredist_x86.exe or copying DLLs.
CARA 1.5.5-CARA 1.8.2 MonoScope : display problems when defining batchlist with 3D spectra.
Switching to a second 3D spectrum from the batchlist results in the display of contours for the wrong region in the Plane pane.
How to reproduce:
You need two 3D spectra with the same SpectrumType in the project. E.g. duplicate the 3D 15N NSY (1) in the Demo project to a second 3D (2).
- Open 3D with MonoScope (e.g. 3D 15N NSY 1)
- Spectrum-Setup Batchlist (add second 3D: e.g. 3D 15N NSY 2)
- Click in depth slice of 3D (1) to find a plane with some signals.
- Click on a signal in the plane so that the 1D traces are visible.
- Use "Spectrum-Select Spectrum" to switch to other 3D (2).
- A) You will now see an empty plane pane, but the slices are those for the current cursor position in spectrum 2.
- B) If you show folded with "sf", you will see a different plane. Note that the contours in the plane do not correspond to the 1D slices appearing along horizontal and vertical!
- C) Now Ctrl-Click in the Depth slice to make it active.
- D) Use the UP-arrow key to move up one plane. The contours will now change and correspond to what is shown in the horizontal and vertical slices. These contours are the ones that SHOULD be displayed for the current depth position.
- E) Use the DOWN-arrow key to move down one plane. Now you see the correct contours for the original depth position which you set in step 3. Notice that the contours are different from what was visible in the plane pane after step B!
It appears that MonoScope displays the wrong region in the plane pane after switching between spectra in the batchlist. The correct region is displayed after using UP-arrow, DOWN-arrow in the 1D depth slice.
5 years and 9 months and 3 weeks old
Cara 1.8.2:
A crash occurs when the PrintPreview window is closed.
Linux writes to terminal:
cara_1.8.2_linux: Subject.cpp:86: void Root::Subject::removeObserver(Root::Messe nger*): Assertion `next && next->d_observer == o' failed. Abort
Windows displays in Error message (crash after clicking OK):
Application error
The instruction at "0x0094fa65" referenced memory at "0x00000004". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to debug the program.
This is a serious bug since it clearly discourages users from preparing figures with cara_1.8.2.
I thought I got the same behaviour once when I was closing a scope but I have not been able to reproduce this.
5 years and 9 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
The following issue gives the identical error message on windows:
Cara 1.8.2
Cara crashes after iconizing and reopening Cara main window 3 times IF a ScriptEditor window is open.
This problem does NOT occur in cara 1.8.1
How to reproduce:
- Open Demo repository with Cara 1.8.2.
- Open a LUA script using the ScriptEditor
- Click on the Main CARA windows ICON symbol at the bottom of the screen several times to open and reiconize the window repeatedly.
CARA crashes with the following message:
cara_1.8.2_linux: Subject.cpp:86: void Root::Subject::removeObserver(Root::Messenger*): Assertion `next && next->d_observer == o' failed. Abort
The instruction at "0x0094fa65" referenced memory at "0x00000004". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program. Click CANCEL to debug the program.
There is another recent Issue with reference memory crash.
5 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
The other issue which gives exactly the same error message on windows:
There is no feature for comparison of peak shapes in homoscope.
Since the function "hold reference" already sets rulers to the selected spin, it would be helpful if the slices of this reference position were also held. One could then easily compare the slices of any peak on the spectrum to the reference and decide if peak shape and intensity are similar or not.
5 years and 10 months and 4 days old
This could function like in other scopes:
- reference slices (both vertical and horizontal) are in cyan
- slices from the current cursor position would be green.
Defining overlay layers for strips would be helpful for simultaneously comparing two related 3D spectra.
The intensity and contour shape contains more information than the crosspeak symbol. Seeing contours from two spectra at the same time is valuable input.
5 years and 10 months and 5 days old
There is currently (as of no scope available for examining 4D spectra (with peak inference).
A 4D can be visualized with MonoScope but there is no peak inference available.
The following is a sketch for a 4D scope:
Based on the example of a commonly measured 4D spectrum, the 4D NOESY:
e.g. N-HN ... NOE ... Hc-C
There are two planes connected by an NOE
The N-HN plane, and the C-Hc plane.
Therefore a potential navigator could display two 2D spectra as reference spectra, each in a separate window: the 1H-15N HSQC, and the 1H-13C HSQC.
Clicking on a position in the 1H-15N HSQC would set the cursor position in the corresponding two dimensions of the 4D (N and HN).
Clicking on a position in the 1H-13C HSQC would set the cursor position in the corresponding two dimensions of the 4D (C and Hc).
Defining two coordinates for two dimensions of the 4D by clicking in the 1H-15N HSQC window (like N=118.0, HN=7.15) determines a plane in the other two dimensions of the 4D (the C/Hc plane) shown in the second plane window. (Analogous to the behavior of PolyScope where a strip would be defined).
This C/Hc plane could be displayed in the same window as the 1H-13C HSQC. A command like "3D" could be available to switch between the 4D contours and the 2D contours from the reference HSQC spectra.
Clicking in the C/Hc plane should work in exactly a complementary way. The corresponding N/HN plane would be loaded in the 1H-15N HSQC window.
Each window would naturally have the 1D slice windows displayed along the horizontal and vertical axes.
It should be possible to pick a system in the N/HN plane as well as one in the C/Hc plane (so that they are both selected). Then "create spinlink" would generate a spinlink between the two protons from these systems.
8 years old
Are there any plans to create a 4D scope in the near future, or will future releases of CARA allow for users to create their own 4D scopes? I agree that something similar to Polyscope allowing for points in a 2D plane to reference not into a strip from a 3D spectra, but to a plane from a 4D spectra would be quite useful for assignment of 4D TOCSY or NOESY. I prefer CARA over other software packages without a doubt, but we need to capability to analyze 4D data.
When I overlay a set of 5 spectra, the spin aliases that are shown always seem to belong to the spectrum in the first layer. Is there a convenient way to toggle which spin aliases show up? I would have expected that the spin aliases that are displayed should be those that belong to the spectrum in the active layer.
The only way I can find is to use layer 0 as a dummy layer, always hidden by a spectrum in another layer, and load the spectra into layers 1-5. This way I can change the spectrum in layer 0 to change the aliases that show up, without disturbing the contours that I want to see. Is there a better way?
5 years and 10 months and 12 days old
There are no menu items available to edit the sequence of a project to change the ResidueType at a particular sequence position.
Desired function:
- Click on Sequence in the project.
- Click on the residue which is to be changed.
- NEW MENU ITEM: Right-Click "Edit ResidueType" and select from the list of available ResidueTypes, the desired ResidueType for the selected residue.
Use Cases:
- I have available the assignments for a protein A, and want to assign the protein B with nearly identical sequence. After duplicating a project with assignments of protein A, I want to edit the sequence in the duplicated project so that it contains the sequence of protein B.
- After obtaining the backbone assignments for a protein, I realize that the sequence I loaded when I began the project has an error and would like to edit the sequence.
Directly edit the repository. See wiki for details: h t t p://
5 years and 10 months and 2 weeks old
"Synch to depth" option is available in PolyScope, but if I change planes in MonoScope (with "Synch to depth" turned on in the MonoScope too) nothing happens to the plane position in PolyScope.
5 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Starting with cara_1.1.8.3_linux (did not check windows)
the slice window is not refreshed when I "select spectrum" in the Strip window. When I switch to the new spectrum, the slice from the first loaded spectrum is displayed.
E.g. open HSQC15N with PolyScope.
Select 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY in strip window.
Click on a system in the plane.
The slice from the TOCSY is displayed.
Now select 3D 15N-resolved NOESY in the strip window.
The slice from the TOCSY is still displayed.
Now switch to an HNCA in the strips window.
Now the slice is completely empty.
Now switch back to the TOCSY.
The slice remains empty.
This behaviour was introduced in cara_1.1.8.3_linux.
The slice window behaves correctly in cara_1.1.8_linux.
Possibly other scopes have similar problems?
7 years and 9 months and 6 days old
When I open a HSQC in PolyScope and open 3D spectra in strips the 1D slice often does not update when I switch between strip spectra. Clicking Fit Window does not cause the slice to update. I am using cara.1.5.3.linux and Start 1.2. Not a big problem but thought I would bring it to attention. Thanks. Richard B.
6 years and 10 months and 9 days old
same issue as:
this is a kind of annoying issue. You have to click next to the selected system and again select it in order to cause the 1D slice window to update to the new spectrum.
When I am looking for a peak in the newly selected spectrum, I think it is there but actually I am still looking at the 1D slice from the previous spectrum!
Unfortunately, this 1D slice refresh problem still exists in 1.8.1!
Cara 1.8.1
autocontour sometimes not working
Bug 1
Sometimes Autocontour ignores changes in the Autogain value. I.e. I see no change in the contours after changing ag from 1 to 10 although autocontour is turned on.
Bug 2
Moreover, sometimes it does not give me the list of spectra when I have defined overlay spectra. I.e. I am not given the choice to autocontour "all" or autocontour a specific spectrum in the overlay stack. At the same time, I see no change in the contours as with bug 1.
This makes working with series of spectra useless since I see only noise. Workaround is to use cara 1.5.5.
5 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
While using the latest version of CARA (1.8.1) using a powerbook G4 running the latest version of Tiger OSX, I noticed a significant decrease of the quality of the screen picture. So much so that I would not use 1.8.1 and return to 1.5.2 unless this problem is solved. I attach an example.
5 years and 11 months and 13 days old
The label text is very small. Did you try increasing it's size? You can set size from main CARA window menu: Setup-Preset Label Font
The intensity display now has a larger color range for added contrast. Unfortunately this comes at the cost of a big performance penalty. When "Show Intensity" is turned on the refresh is very slow after any changes are made. E.g. moving the cursor along the third dimension of a 3D while displaying the plane with intensity mode. This is true independent of the resolution (in set resolution). Due to this slow response, the intensity display continues to be unusable.
5 years and 11 months and 2 weeks old
The prot file exported from CARA seems not compatible to Dyana program. I noticed that the libraries they use are slightly different.
For example, amide proton is written as H in prot file exported from CARA, and Dyana sees it as an error. Also, to alpha-H of GLY, it is assigned as HA1, HA2 or QA in Dyana.lib, but in ecepp_bmrb.lib, it is assigned as HA2, HA3, or HA.
I can't find a program to convert the prot file. I wonder if I missed some steps during the process of generating prot file for Dyana from CARA.
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Well, I just checked Cyana website and found out what I was talking about is all written there. I guess CARA 1.2 is compatible to Cyana but not Dyana.
Since I have only Dyana right now, my question is: Is there a lua program to make the prot file compatible to Dyana? Or if there is a previous template of CARA that is good for Dyana?
Option 1: Start with compatible template.
The template Start1.2.cara was intended to be compatible with IUPAC and BMRB as well as CYANA 2.0. CARA can work with any format you want. It just depends on how you define the template file (Start1.1.cara for example was set up to be compatible with XEASY and DYANA).
Option 2: Load a compatible library file into DYANA.
Read a library file into DYANA that is compatible with IUPAC/BMRB. Then you can move files back and forth without problems. However, possibly DYANA has hard-coded some features assuming a particular format?
Option 3: Use the following attatched LUA script
It writes assignments out in different formats starting from the a Start1.2.cara template. Available are DYANA, CYANA-2.0, and BMRB.
Please let me know if one of these options solves your problems.
I used the lua program, but it renumbers the atom list in the prot file. The numbers from this prot file don't correspond to the ones in NOESY peaklist.
Here is an improved version of the script WriteAssignmentsInFormatX.lua. It does not renumber the atoms if you use CYANA2.0 or DYANA format. I have used it to write out assignments (.seq & .prot) in format CYANA2.0 and calculated structures successfully. Let me know if it works for you.
The latest version of this script "WriteAssignments.lua" is available at the CALUA scripts page of the CARA wiki. This allows you to write out different formats and even can use alias shifts for different spectra.
Note that CYANA and DYANA do not use pseudoatom names for Carbon atoms like CD1 and CD2 of PHE. Therefore you should either assign carbon shifts to either CD1 or CD2 (not to the group name CD). Same thing for all other group names belonging to carbon. E.g. Use either CG1 or CG2 for VAL (not CG). I have written a modified version of WriteAssignments.lua which corrects these names in the output, but the updated script is not yet uploaded to the CALUA wiki page.
Dear sir,
I have created NOESY peak list form C13 edited NOESY spectra.
I needed to generate the spin links form the peak list, so that i can get the UPL files form the spin links.
I used the LUA script ImportLinksFromPeakList but it did not generated any spin link, and gave zero spin link created.
5 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
How did you create this peak list? What other peak lists/spectra do you have?
I opened the C13 edited NOESY spectra in monoscope, and picked the peak, by right click on the peak position. I have imported the sequence as a spin systems.
I donot have 13C HSQC. I have peak list for N15 edited noesy, prepared in Xesay.
The backbone assignment is complete.
Do you have a CARA repository with the backbone assignment or are there only XEASY peaklists? If you didn't maintain your data with CARA (not Neasy or XEASY) up to now, it probably makes little sense to import your Noesy peak list only (usually everything is picked/assigned in PolyScope/StripScope/SystemScope and only then exported to MonoScope for peak list integration). The script ImportLinksFromPeakList assumes there exist all assigned spins in the repository and then does a pattern matching of the peak and spin lables to infer the links. In your case these spins probably don't exist, that's why you got no links. R.K.
i want to make noesy assignments with help of C13 edited noesy spectra. Please tell me how do i proceed to do it with CARA. Tell me the steps. Please.
Prem Prakash Pathak
Please look in the Wiki for detailed hints on how to assign proteins using CARA. There is also a section showing how to transfer a project from XEASY into a Cara repository. If you have any general questions on how to do this which are not answered in the wiki or documentation, please contact a member of the Cara definition team by email. This issue tracker is not intended for questions and how to use CARA. It is intended to describe and track bugs in CARA or for users to suggest improvements or new features to CARA and to track their implementation.
Dear sir,
while i was doing the intergration, in monoscope, it shows matrix error.
How to deal with it.
Prem Prakash Pathak
5 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
error text is as given
error in matrix calculation
An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: Matrix is Singular
Matrix Type=Crout#rows=1304#cols=1304
1304 is the last line in the Monoscope.
I deleted the residue reffering to the line number, But again i found the same error message with the last line number of the monoscope.
Prem Prakash Pathak
Dear sir, i was doing peak integration in monoscope but it could not be completed and i got an error message which is given below.
error text is as given
error in matrix calculation
An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: Matrix is Singular
Matrix Type=Crout#rows=1304#cols=1304
1304 is the last line in the Monoscope.
I deleted the residue reffering to the line number, But again i found the same error message with the last line number of the monoscope.
Prem Prakash Pathak
5 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Please run "Report degenerate peaks" from the context menu on the peak list (right part of MonoScope). The matrix becomes singular, if peaks are identical or very close. In that case the command I mentioned will tell you which peaks you have to look at.
As far as I know this problem was fixed in Cara version 1.3
see issue:
h t t p://w w
Please upgrade to a newer version. The latest stable release is currently 1.8.1 which has many improvements and bug fixes.
In general when you have a problem look first in
h t t p://w w
and then search the Tracker to see if your problem has been reported before.
I found the previous Issue 0505 describing your problem by entering some text from the error message into the Search Field of the Tracker: "Matrix is Singular".
I use Cara 1.7.0 on windows XP . I had opened StripScope for HNCA,HNCACO,HNCACB.On the strips of the StripScope when I right clicked and put the cursor on Edit attributes, a message comes which shows that cara encountered a problem a problem and needs to close. Then the programme crashes.
6 years and 1 month and 5 days old
Oops, that's an issue. Can you temporarily use version 1.5.5? It has the same functions and file formats like 1.7. The difference is mainly behind the scenes. I will fix the isse asap.
I am working with a HNCA, a HNCOCA and a HNCO spectrum in SynchroScope. I cycle through the 3D spectra with right-click in the strip and select spectrum. This works with the HNCA and the HNCOCA but not with the HNCO.
How to get along with this?
6 years and 1 month and 8 days old
My best guess is that you are "out of spectrum" when you click in the Strip window after selecting the HNCO. Try hitting the home key after switching to the HNCO. When you switch to the HNCA or HN(CO)CA hit the home key as well.
Cara show the same spectral region independent of the spectrum you select. This is useful if you have two spectra with overlapping spectral regions like the HNCA and HN(CO)CA, but it is confusing and useless if you switch to a spectrum which does not have any signals in the corresponding region like the HNCO.
My preference for default behavior of CARA: if the new spectrum selected in the Strip does not have overlapping spectral range with the old spectrum, then show the full spectral range of the new spectrum.
This is suggested in an issue already:
h t t p ://w w
Did the solution suggested for this problem work for you?
The 1D trace (cyan trace next to strip) from the orthogonal plane is not updated when the arrow keys are used to move the cursor in the orthogonal plane.
On the other hand, if one clicks at a new position in the orthogonal plane, the 1D trace is updated.
6 years and 11 days old
forgot to mention that this bug appears starting in cara version 1.7.1.
We're trying to migrate from xeasy to cara, in part due to the excellent capacity to overlay series of 2D spectra and generate nicely formatted output in postscript. Postscript files generated from cara and subsequently edited with Adobe Illustrator cause AI to freeze or crash, in contrast to the well-behaved PS files we obtain from xeasy. The behavior is strikingly reminiscent of PS files generated by nmrDraw. All our testing has been on Mac OS X; haven't compared with results from Linux or Windows versions.
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
This is a known problem caused by a third-party framework I use for platform abstraction. Since printing is not standardized on linux derivatives, the framework uses a proprietary postscript renderer, which seems to cause problems with Illustrator. As a work-around try to print on Windows, where a better postscript is generated. I'm currently developping CARA 2.0, which makes use of a more recent framework with a much better rendering engine. It will be ready by the end of the year. Rochus
How about testing the postscript output of the new rendering engine now to see if it solves this problem? If not, one could contemplate using the xeasy rendering engine and installing it in an upcoming release.
I wouldn't call it "rendering engine" since it simply writes postscript commands to a text file and is not related to screen drawing. I already have migrated the spec subsystem and will continue with the specview soon (after my PhD exam). We can then test printing.
Here is a postscript file generated with the new Qt4 rendering engine on Linux (Textedit demo). It's not a spectrum, but you get an impression. Tell me if you can edit it in Illustrator.
The test postscript file opens and edits fine in Illustrator, but it's a small file with none of the NMR contour plot path objects that would typically be generated by CARA, so it will be interesting to see if plots of spectra are also improved with this rendering engine.
How about creating a postscript file of a spectrum containing contours with a high contour level (so that not too many contours are drawn)?
Any chance of creating a Qt4 postscript output of a spectrum which includes some contours in the near future?
Try to generate postscript with cara 1.8.1a4 which uses Qt4. Maybe we can finally retire this issue!
Fred -
The resulting PDF files generated on OS X look very nice, and can be edited in Illustrator (v. 10.0.3; haven't tested current AI CS). The files are still not as nice for editing as those from XEASY. E.g., contours are now completely ungrouped and unlinked paths, and negative contours are drawn twice, once with black stroke behind another set with fill set to whatever color is specified in CARA. It's an improvement, and should allow us to start using it for HSQC overlay figures. Thanks very much for following up.
Thanks for the feedback. Xeasy has completely separate procedures for screen rendering and print output, where the latter is optimized for plotters and explicitly writes PostScript code. CARA on the other side has only one contour renderer for all output media and makes use of the Qt drawing libs to not directly deal with PostScript. I will try to make Qt link the contour lines as soon as I have time (maybe we need yet another Qt update for that). R.K.
Dear Cara Team,
in version 1.7.1 the autogain adjustment feature does not work anymore. Under Suse Linux 9.3 there's no change in the spectrum upon changing "ag". Under WindowsXP, Cara chrashes.
It would be great to have this fixed.
With best regards,
Heiko Moeller
5 years and 12 months old
oops, I will take a look at it. Did you also try 1.8.1?
I am using 1.8.1a4 on ubuntu linux and when I enter "ag" with a new number, I see changes in the contours.
Dear Sir, i have downloaded the CARA_1.5.5 from your download page, but it is not working, the programme is not getting executed. What should i do to get the new edition of CARA? with regard Prem Prakash Pathak
5 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
If you use a Unix/Linux version, you have to take care that it has execution permissions (use command chmod
or the properties dialog). Which operating system are you using?
Perhaps this page from the CARA documentation wiki will help you?
http ://www
You need to remove the spaces from the address.
Dear sir, thank you for your suggestions, now i have got CARA_1.5.5_linux executed.
Command chmod worked well.
Dear Sir, I'm managing with a sort of trouble, which maybe is only a personal "empasse": I'm working with 13C 15N protein samples, so actually following the tutorial I've been working with CARA using a "system" rather than "peak" approach. For structure determination now i need also 3D peak intensities from my 3D "system assigned" HSQC-TOCSY and HSQC-NOESY. Is it possible to do something to "convert" spin-system coordinates with 3D peaks? Thank you for patience. Luca
5 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Yes, it's possible. You can e.g. open your Noesy in Polyscope and execute "File/Export/Strip Peaks To Monoscope". After that, you see your spectrum in MonoScope with a peak list corresponding to the inferred spins/systems. In MonoScope you can then apply the integration features (according to tutorial) and save the peaklist. R.K.
Another option is to not bother with peaklists. Instead you use ATNOS/CANDID Standalone to do the peakpicking in NOESY spectra plus NOE assignment - combined with a structure calculation software like CYANA or CNS you can completely automate the structure calculation once you have your sequence specific resonance assignments completed. See the CARA wiki on structure calculation. There is a link from the frontpage of the wiki.
I downloaded the .zip of cara 1.8.1 to a Dell running Windows XP and unzipped to get cara.exe with WinZip. Upon double clicking on cara.exe, an error box appeared that read, "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."; I tried reinstalling only to get the same response. Furhtermore, starting cara 1.8.1 by double clicking on the repository file linked to it also gives the error box. In contrast to this, cara 1.7.1 installed in the same way executes without problems.
5 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
I briefly tried the download and could not repeat the issue you mentioned (i.e. it starts as it should). Please check whether your uncompressed executable has a size of 9'404 kB in the explorer. If not, something might have cut parts of the file which explains why windows can't start it.
That does not seem to be the problem. The uncompressed executable size is 9,404 kB.
Do you have another Windows machine at hand, where you could try? Do all other apps run well on your machine? Actually CARA doesn't use any Windows configuration features at all, there is just one bare executable. There have been issues in the past with elder Windows versions, where a newer Microsoft runtime library had to be copied to the system. But this issued another kind of error.
I got the same error message on a Windows XP (SP2) system (all updates installed, all other applications running normal). File size is 9,629,696 Bytes.
That's strange. I did myself tests on some other machines (download, unzip, run) and it worked so far. Can you try with an older version, e.g. 1.7.1?
Versions 1.7.1 and 1.5.4 are executing without any problems on my computer. In addition, I tried to execute version 1.8.1 on two other machines (all Fujitsu-Siemens based, Windows XP SP2): On one it is working, on the other it is not.
CARA version 1.8.1 seems to need the .NET framework 2.0. After manually updating from .NET 1.1 it is working now.
Updating to .NET framework 2.0 solves the problem for me as well.
Ok, I found the solution. The idea with .NET was good (although quite expensive) because it contains the missing runtime libraries (of course CARA doen't depend on .NET ;-) ). Some XP systems seem to lack the c runtime libs. These are just two tiny DLLs which habe to be copied somewhere in the path (/windows/system32 or the like). I put a copy here for your convinience: When I unziped and copied these CARA run even on my old Windows 98/ME machines. Best wishes.
CARA crashes sometimes when removing the first project. And when removing any project, the updates in the explorer window are errorneous (it appears to delete the display of last added project, but when open the cara file again the correct project was deleted). This occurred with version 1.7.0 and 1.5.x.
5 years and 11 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Ghostlabels are not shown in plane view of SystemScope. They are show in the strip view. This is true for 1.5.5-1.8.1a4 (probably earlier)
Introduce both "show ghost labels" and "show ghost peaks" under both Strips and Orthogonal Menu.
6 years and 11 days old
Starting with 1.7.1, overlay layers function can cause crashes. (1.5.5 is stable).
- open HSQC15N with PolyScope or HomoScope.
- select compose layers and choose a second spectrum.
- set layer count = 1.
Cara crashes hard.
Linux version does not crash with the above procedure, you must do something more complicated.
- open HSQC15N with PolyScope or HomoScope.
- select compose layers and choose a second spectrum.
- Set the color of the active spectrum to cyan (anything except red).
- set layer count = 1. There is a refresh problem. Click in the window. Now the red spectrum will dissapear.
- Make colors persistant (this step is necessary to induce the crash below).
- Close PolyScope and reopen it again with same HSQC15N. It will have the color you chose in step 2 (e.g. cyan).
- Compose Layers and select another spectrum.
- Set layer count =1 CARA crashes hard.
Note: In step 2 it is critical NOT to click on the 1st spectrum in the "Compose Layers" Window before you right-click to "Add Spectrum". After you "Add Spectrum". The 1st spectrum in the list should be the newly added spectrum, not the one you opened with PolyScope.
As you can imagine it was not easy to find a way to reproduce this bug. It hopefully will give hints as to why crashes also occur during other Overlay operations.
- Damberger & V. Galius
6 years and 4 weeks old
Error messages are apparently not passed properly to LUA API starting from 1.8.1.
I have a LUA script which tries to set inacceptable labels to a system. The following error messages are seen in the different CARA versions:
cara_1.5.5 Inacceptable spin label (check spin label)
cara_1.7.1 Inacceptable spin label (check spin label)
cara_1.8.1a1 Error calling setLabel: Unknown Exception
cara_1.8.1a3 Error calling setLabel: Unknown Exception
where as before 1.8.1 an error message from the function setLabel is reported to the terminal window "Inacceptable spin label", starting with 1.8.1a1 an "Unknown Exception" is reported.
6 years and 2 weeks and 2 days old
- 8.1a4
In 1.5.3, when a spectrum path in a repository points to a nonexistent file, CARA says opening spectrum "/home/user/directory/spectrumname" "file not accessible" "Do you want to select another file and try again"
The pathname is a useful hint about where the file should be.
In 1.8.1a4, the pathname is not given, instead CARA just reports a slash:
opening spectrum "/" "file not accessible" "Do you want to select another file and try again"
This should be fixed.
5 years and 12 months and 1 day old
This issue is related to a closed issue:
h t t p://w w
When I open an HSQC13C and then open the CCH-COSY in stripscope, the orientation of the two C dimensions is incorrect.
The CCH-COSY is displayed correctly if I open it with MonoScope or PolyScope or SystemScope directly, but not if I select it in the Strips-Select Spectrum menu of PolyScope.
The assignment of dimensions is D1=Hinept, D2=Ccosy, D3=Cinept
This assignment should be used to decide the orientation of the strips is standard Scopes (not rotated).
Strips should always be oriented so that x=D1, y=D2, z=D3
This is what happens if the CCH-COSY is opened in Monoscope, SystemScope & PolyScope opened directly. However if HSQC13C is first opened with PolyScope and then CCH-COSY is selected in the Strip window, CARA currently swaps the two C dimensions so that the strip has orientation: x=D1, y=D3, z=D2.
This should be fixed so that x=D1, y=D3, z=D2
in fact all spectra should be opened in this orientation which is defined by the mapping of spectrum-dimensions to SpectrumType (i.e. SpectrumType dimensions are mapped with x=D1, y=D3, z=D2 in the strips)
Ofcourse the user can choose an alternative orientation using the Scope(rotated)
6 years and 6 days old
1.3.3. Sequence Pane.
Add the menu items "Remove Residue" to remove a single residue from the sequence and "Remove Chain" to remove the entire chain from project.
Note: if I remove a residue and SpinSystems have been assigned to it, these assignments must be removed also.
Same thing goes for "Remove chain" which is essentially the same as "Remove Residue" applied to every residue in the chain.
Edit the repository and delete the desired residues/chain.
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
StripScope "KH":add context menu item "Hold Reference Spectrum"
The "KH" command to to "Keep hold Spectrum" does not have a menu command (so it essentially hidden from the user - there is no way to determine the state or to turn it off.
Introduce a new context menu in the reference Strip panel
"Hold Reference Spectrum"
This would function like
"Hold Reference Strip".
Indicating whether the Reference Strips spectrum is held.
Allowing user to turn this function on and off.
8 years and 6 months and 1 week old
CARA Main Window: Version 1.0rc2
Currently add/remove columns only allows user defined attributes to be added/removed.
new feature: add/remove the default columns (the ones CARA displays even when the user did not define any attributes)
e.g. in the spectra window the following default columns are shown:
Name Type ID Dim Path
Logically these are also attributes.
Sometimes I don't want to see the Path (which is often very long). Option to add/remove these.
They should also appear in the "Attribute Definitions" of the main CARA window. However, CARA should not permit them to be edited or deleted.
9 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Name, ID and Path are not "Attributes", but hard coded features of spectra. I will try later to unify this two concepts. At the moment I can suppress the path column, if you want.
Peaklabels are taken from XEASY peaklists and displayed in the MonoScope spectrum window and the PeakList window.
However, there is no way to change these labels, or to add new labels to a PeakList within monoscope.
Add option to introduce label to a selected peak in both the MonoScope window and the PeakList window.
7 years and 11 months and 1 week old
RC1.0.11.1 SystemScope2
Add a Label to the pulldown menu for systems in SystemScope2 left top menu bar.
"All Systems"
This is the default (starting) state when all anchors are displayed in the bottom left pane.
It would make it easier for new users to see that there is a menu item there.
Add also a label to the right top pulldown menu
"All ResTypes"
"no ResType"
I don't know which you feel more accurately describes the state when no ResTyp is picked.
p.s. i spent about 10min looking for Pascals related issue but I could not find it. IssueTracker is not very effective with searches.
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
The original dimension order in "Flatten Spectrum" do not match the order for "Add Spectrum" in the spectra-pane of CAra-explorer.
This should agree with one another for consistency.
- Damberger & S.Hiller
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
1.3.3 SystemScope
has the shortcut:
"gr" = goto residue
please introduce also the shortcut:
"gs" = goto system
which would set the systemSelector to the selected system
e.g. gs 22 would set the SystemSelector pulldown menu to system 22.
7 years and 5 months and 10 days old
OK, this shortcut was changed to "gy".
Why "gy"? "gs" seems much more logical.
"gs" is now taken by the command "goto systems"
What does this command do? It is taking up an important mnemonic shortcut.
Version 0.9 .7
In the command "Import alias shifts"
Please add an option to average ambiguous shifts when all
ambiguous shifts for a given spin are within a defined
I find that the spins with ambiguous shifts are usually
about 0.01 ppm off in 1H and 0.1 ppm off in 13C or 15N.
This is probably due to digital resolution in the indirect
If there are ambiguous shifts, CARA writes them out
(like in 0.9.7) and asks ave chemical shifts?
If the user says yes.
He a window comes up which allows him to set the cutoff
for each dimension of the peaklist.
Spins which are outside the cutoff are reported as warnings
and not imported or averaged.
9 years and 3 months and 12 days old
In CARA 0.9.8 you can now import the aliasses from a peaklist in MonoScope. Before importing you can rotate, move, delete and edit peaks. There is a new position editor, reachable from list view. You can also display the assignments there (sortable). The error lists are written to message log. This way you should be able to fix all problems by using CARA editors.
new features for importing aliases in 0.9.8:
This is nice, and helps me to 'fix' the peaklist from within
Some requests:
Please, can you allow both the chemical shifts and spin
system assignments to be displayed simultaneously in the
list view?
I suggested previously a general approach to 'customizing
'Define List Display'
opens a dialog box where the user can place check marks
next to the items he wants displayed in the list.
Items with no checkmark are not displayed.
In this case, the user would check the box next to 'display
assignments dim0' to add a column to the list view for the
assignments in dim0 of the peaklist.
Ave shifts still needs to be implemented.
Option to select peaks with a certain property.
Possibly like the command "filter.." in the Cara-Spins
window and then select a column and execute 'average chemical
shifts'. This would average chemical shifts in the selected
column and display the average and standard deviation.
The user could then click OK to replace all selected shifts
by the average, or [cancel] to cancel the procedure.
Proposal for selecting peaks in the list view:
E.g. 'Select peaks'
CARA opens a dialog with one field for each column of the
User enters criteria for filter:
ID H[ppm] H[ppm] N[ppm] H[ass] H[ass] N[ass] Vol Amp Label
selects the peaks with assignment to spin 307 in the first
ID H[ppm] H[ppm] N[ppm] H[ass] H[ass] N[ass] Vol Amp Label
307 308
selects peaks with assignment 307 in column 1 and ass 308 in
column 3.
ID H[ppm] H[ppm] N[ppm] H[ass] H[ass] N[ass] Vol Amp Label
selects peaks in the specified range for column 2.
StripScope does not show all possible anchors if several spins have the same draft label. It only shows one.
I have two anchor pairs ?HZ spin1/CZ and ?HZ spin2/CZ as possible choices for the correct assignment of the HZ in a PHE sidechain. Note that HZ1 and HZ2 are part of group HZ and CZ1 and CZ2 are part of group CZ in my ResidueType definition for PHE.
StripScope displays only the strip for ?HZ spin1/CZ but not the strip for ?HZ spin2/CZ.
This prevents me from comparing two potential assignments of HZ (spin1 and spin2) side by side in StripScope.
6 years and 1 month old
The selection box is not wide enough to include the entire label of a system.
After Setup-Preset Label Font" the box is wide enough to include the label. It appears that the wrong font is used to determine the width of the selection box (scaling of screen objects?).
Applying "Setup-Preset Label Font" WITHOUT changing the default selection forces CARA to get the correct scaling information for the selected font.
NOTE: This is only true for Windows version where the default font is Helvetica Normal 8pt. This font is available in the list of fonts.
In Linux, Helvetica is not available. The selected font in the "Setup-Preset Label Font" is Sans Serif Normal 8pt, HOWEVER when I select this font, the Font of labels in a new instance of HomoScope looks different from the font of labels in a homoScope opened BEFORE I used "Setup-Preset Label Font". Therefore under Linux the default font is something other than Sans Serif.
Workaround: Immediately after starting CARA, use the "Setup-Preset Label Font" from the main menu to select a font. This will cause selection boxes to be large enough to include the entire label in subsequently opened Scopes.
A sideline: Why can't the Menus in CARA 1.7.0 use one of the more attractive fonts available? The menu font of Qt4 in Linux is very ugly - it makes the impression of going to a more crude implementation of CARA even though 1.7.0 is actually an advance.
6 years and 2 months and 6 days old
In R 1.7.1 application default font families will be used instead of the explicit "Helvetica". On windows this is MS Shell Dlg and on Linux probably Sans Serif (depending on distribution and desktop settings). I hope this will solve the issue. After 1.7 I will update to Qt 4.2 which seems to have resolved a couple of font issues. Concerning menus I will probably compile Qt 4.2 with default options on Linux and hope the alias fonts work a bit better. Anyway we probably will continue to experiment on Linux.
The box size problem persists on Linux. The same workaround also works here:
Select the Sans Serif 8 pt font in the "Setup-Preset Label Font" menu from the main Menu in Cara explorer.
Why can't this be set within the software when the user starts up a new scope? I am not setting a new font. I am simply opening the "Preset Label Font" menu and leaving the default font and then closing it again. After that the boxes are big enough.
I should make clear that my last followup on this issue is referring to 1.7.1. I.e. the problem didn't go away when updating from 1.7.0. to 1.7.1.
Could you send me a screenshot on how it currently looks on your machine before re-setting the font. Thanks. Rochus
I'm running Ubuntu 6.06. Here is a screenshot. When the labels are shorter, sometimes the box is wide enough.
We are working with several constructs/multiple domains/single domains/of the same protein. Some spectra have been assigned by different users. Thus, it is not possible to import the spin links, since the atom numbers do not match (allthough the sequence is the same). This is because, unlike in Xeasy, the atom numbers of assigned residues are not defined by the sequence, but depend on the history of the assignment. In order to sort that problem we are writing a script that reads a given peak list (from the source project) and the corresponding prot file, as well as the prot file of the new project. The atom numbers of the source project are then replaced by those of the target project. Is there already a CALUA script that does this? Or better, is there a way to "normalize" the atom numbers in CARA? I.e. once the systems are assigned, the atom numbers should be unique for a given sequence of amino acids. This would enable a great flexibility when working with such projects.
Many thanks, and best regards
6 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 1 day old
CARA is not yet optimized for multi user projects. The spin numbers are just technical IDs without any meaning. But as soon as spins/systems are assigned, different projects can be correlated by spin label and residue number. The script can assign custom identifications using dynamic attributes, if necessary. Either atom list import/export by scripts can be reused, or you can read/write your custom xml files. See the Cara/Lua Programmers Manual for details. I don't have a "multi repository correlation" script out of the box. Maybe Fred has one?
You could try rewriting the script:
to export spinlinks from project A to a file containing UPLs.
Then use the script:
to import the UPL file into project B.
That works fine with the script I modified (now called ExportToUPL.lua).
This script has been added to the CALUA page after some minor cosmetic changes. It is called ExportSpinLinksToUpls.lua and is located in the section on exporting files to programs.
I have a repository with four projects.
Case 1:
If I "remove project" on the 1st one, cara crashes.
Case 2:
Step1 If I "remove project" instead on the fourth one, the third project dissapears but the one I executed "remove project" is still present.
Step2 If I then try to "remove project" on the third (now last) project, CARA refuses to remove it.
Step3 If I instead remove the first or second project, it is removed but the last project is renamed to the name of the fourth project! (The one I removed in step 1)
This is a messy and dangerous bug. It should be fixed pronto. It is somewhat reminiscent of the problem we recently had with storing folding.
6 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
The following message appeared in terminal when I was using cara.
zdn3023@bilbo ~ $ cara
_SplitterImp::setPos invalid pane: 1
_SplitterImp::setPos invalid pane: 1
WARNING: Allocating 3442092 bytes (shouldn't happen to often)!
(The complete message is in the attachment)
To be more specific, the messages were generated when I open 2D spectra in Homoscope mode, but not monoscope mode. The spectrum always flashes quickly a couple of times when opened, and that is the time the error messages appear. I don't really know if these two things are related somehow.
My computer has Gentoo OS system and I am using CARA 1.5.3. Cara works fine, and it doesn't crash during operation. However, I still have a little concern about the error messages.
In stripscope, "Pick spin" and "Pick Label" menu items appear to do the same job. It may be better to convert one to "Pick (default) spin" as a shortcut for picking the default spin of the spectrum opened (i.e. CA for HNCA, C-1 for HNCO, etc), without opening the label selection dialog box. This way, most spins can be picked with only one mouse click , as versus three at the moment.
6 years and 1 month and 3 weeks old
They're not exactly the same, only if "Show unlabeled" is off. Otherwise Pick spin creates an unlabeled spin. CARA doesn't know a concept of a default spin yet. Did you notice that the spin selection dialog box can also be closed by double clicking on the label?
Select Spectrum is nolonger available in the context menu of StripScope for CARA version 1.7.0. It was still present in StripScope for CARA version 1.5.5 (our current group version). This is probably the most used context menu item.
So this affects useability of StripScope quite a bit.
Workaround: "View-Select Spectrum" from main menu.
6 years and 2 months and 6 days old
I use Cara 1.7.0 on Suse Linux 9.3 on a Intel Pentium 4 processor.
I had opened two spectra, a HNCA and a HNCOCA, each in SynchroScope. Then I choosed in both SynchroScope windows Sync to global cursor. When clicking in a 13C slice cara 1.7.0 crashed and gave segmentation fault as error message. This problem could be reproduced.
What is to do for using the global cursor without this problem?
6 years and 1 month and 9 days old
Oops, this seems to be a bug. Please click into the strip instead of the slice pane, then it works (at least on my machine). The issue seems also to occur on 1.5.5.
PolyScope has the same problem in 1.5.5 (and probably 1.7.0 too)
Workaround: Why don't you just use "nt" and "pt" to switch between different 3D spectra? (Alternatively Right-Click in the Strip and "select spectrum" to cycle through different 3D spectra in the project.
Hi ,
When ever i import an xeasy peak list into the monoscope, the peak label assigned and the peak do not matches, and it becomes difficult.
Please suggest what to do.
with regards
Prem Prakash
6 years and 1 month and 4 weeks old
Could you be more specific?
What do you expect the peak label to match up with?
I do the following test and everything seems ok:
- HomoScope: Files-Export PeakList "testHomoScope.peaks"
- MonoScope: Peaks-Import PeakList "testHomoScope.peaks"
The labels in MonoScope match those displayed in HomoScope.
HI I am working with the peak list imported form the xeasy. I wanted to do the sequential assiggnment of the N15 NOESY. But the Peak List which i imported from the xeasy file do not matches with the peak. I am attaching the file with it. Thanks with regards Prem Prakash
Your file "test.set" is not a peaklist. It is a PrintPreview settings file. When you use "File-Save Settings" from PrintPreview the parameters which define the style of the plot are stored (e.g. PPM range, color of contours) NOT the peaklist. To store a peaklist from MonoScope, use "Peaks-Export Peaklist".
Please include any further correspondence on this issue by clicking on "Add followup" under issue 0754. Do not create a new issue everytime you want to add information to the same issue. Thanks!
Sir, I am sorry for i am not able to get you to the point.
Here is the step which i followed up.
1. I opened a N15 NOESY with monoscope.
2. Imported the peaks. Peaks were picked up in xeasy
3. Rotated the peak list to match the spectrum.
4. The peaks + do not match with the center of the contour in the spectrum.
5. I then calibrated few peak list, so that the + matches with center of the contour in spectrum.
How ever all the + of the peak could not be matched with the center of the contours.
Do i have to calibrate each peaklist for ever set of peaks in the spectrum?
Second problem is also of similar type.
After Monoscope i opened SynchroScope so that i acn peak the NH/N peaks to be used in the StripScope for sequential assingment of the NOESY peaks.
With Regards
Prem Prakash
But peaks Corresponding to contours in the spectrum which were present in the StripScope had no corresponding peaks in the MonoScope.
Sir, I am sorry for i am not able to get you to the point.
Here is the step which i followed up.
1. I opened a N15 NOESY with monoscope.
2. Imported the peaks. (Peaks were picked up in xeasy)
3. Rotated the peak list to match the spectrum.
4. The peaks (+) do not match with the center of the contour in the spectrum.
5. I then calibrated few peak list, so that the + matches with center of the contour in spectrum.
However all the + of the peak could not be matched with the center of the contours.
Do i have to calibrate each peaklist for ever set of peaks in the spectrum?
Second problem is also of similar type.
After Monoscope i opened SynchroScope so that i can pick the NH/N peaks to be used in the StripScope for sequential assingment of the NOESY peaks.
With Regards
Prem Prakash
But peaks Corresponding to contours in the spectrum which were present in the StripScope had no corresponding peaks in the MonoScope.
Thanks for the details! That helps a lot.
Problem number 1:
PeakList picked with Xeasy is imported into MonoScope and in MonoScope the peaks have a different spacing (it is not possible to calibrate peaks so all of them match)
Question to you: Are you using the latest version of CARA? Up to version 1.5.4, there was a problem with the contour display which resulted in differences between Xeasy peak positions and MonoScope peak positions. This was corrected in Cara 1.5.5. See the CARA Documentation NewsPage:
h t t p : //
Proposed Solution: Upgrade to Cara 1.5.5 or higher.
Problem Number 2:
I don't see the peaks I picked in MonoScope when I open StripScope.
StripScope does not display peaks from peaklists! StripScope displays spin correlations derived from the SpinList. The functions to import peaks is for compatibility to XEASY. It is not how you make assignments in CARA. Please read through the CARA documentation tutorials on Heteronuclear Backbone assignment:
h t t p : //
and on importing XEASY Projects into CARA
h t t p : //
A brief summary:
The first step in assignment with CARA is NOT to pick peaks in MonoScope. The first step is to pick systems in either SynchroScope or PolyScope. Then you can pick spins in the strip to extend the spin system. Next you use StripScope to link sequentially neighboring spin-systems. Then you align the fragments of connected spin-systems onto the sequence. After completing backbone assignment in this way, you move on to SideChainAssignment using SystemScope. At this point if you want to determine a structure you have two choices:
h t t p : //
- manual assignment of NOEs
- automated NOE assignment and structure calculation using Atnos/Candid together with a structure calculation algorithm.
If you use method 2, you will NEVER have to pick peaks and integrate them. This is done automatically by Atnos.
If you use method 1, you will need to pick NOE peaks and integrate them, assign them. THIS is the stage where you begin to use MonoScope and peaklists.
I will add a primer to the wiki on how to manually assign NOEs and interface with structure calculation in the next days. Look for it at the page documenting StructureCalculation:
h t t p : //
Thanks a lot i will try the steps out. I have one more issue.
Sometime when i try to open synchroScope from explorer i get error message. " error opening spectrum" " Empty key set: at least two dimension with a unique final label each required" Please guide me. Thanks!
I am using CARA 1.2.4, i have imported the atom list, sequence file from xeasy in cara explorer. I also executed the lua script correct sript for fold error in cara below1.5.5. I was trying to calibrate the NOESY in polyscope, but when i calibrate one spinsystem, all others are disturbed. please suggest. Thanks! Regard Prem Prakash
6 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 6 days old
The error in the position of contours is fixed in 1.5.5 along with many other improvements. I urge you to update to the most recent version of CARA!
With regard to the correction in fold error for CARA below version 1.5.5:
If you picked your peaks and generated your atom list using XEASY, then you can directly import the atomlist into CARA 1.5.5 or higher. XEASY and CARA agree on the contour positions!
The script CorrectShiftsForFoldErrorInCaraBelow155.lua is only used for the following situation:
You adjusted the spin positions in CARA 1.2.4 to match the contour positions and store the repository. Now you open the same repository in CARA 1.5.5 and see that folded signals are not correctly positioned. If you run the script, this error will be fixed. Store the repository again and now only work with CARA 1.5.5 or higher.
Updating to 1.5.5 and importing atom list generated using contour positions observed in XEASY should fix this problem. Alternatively, if you adjusted the spin positions to match contours displayed in a pre 1.5.5 release (like cara 1.2.4) then you can open the repository with 1.5.5 and run CorrectShiftsForFoldErrorInCaraBelow155.lua to fix the problem.
hi fred...all was going well, suddenly after starting the computer, when i started the cara and wanted to open my saved is showing some error message...a picture of which i am sending along, please help, my whole assignment list is there...with best regards jeet
Cara normally makes back-up files named something like MyRepositor.cara.bak Copy this back-up to a new name and try to open it.
Did you look at line 5320 in the repository? Does it continue on normally after that line? Can you still work in the opened repository?
It may be possible to repair the repository by pasting a stretch from an older backup into the corrupted part of the current repository.
Caras warning message:
"Spin 1092 has no shift for spectrum id 0 (line 5320, column 7)"
and error message:
"Error while parsing element (line 5320, column 7)
gave me a hint about where the problem is.
Lines 5315 to 5323 read as follows in the repository:
<spin id='1091' atom='H' home='0' tag='HA' off='0' final='1' sys='97' >
<pos spec='0' shift='4.430912'/>
<spin id='1092' atom='H' home='0' tag='HB' off='0' final='1' sys='97' >
<pos spec='1' shift='0.000000'/>
<spin id='1093' atom='H' home='0' tag='HB2' off='0' final='1' sys='97' >
<pos spec='0' shift='1.613317'/>
Note that for all other spins, the "shift" is defined for "pos spec='0'
in the case of spin id='1092', it is defined for pos spec='1'
When I changed this to pos spec='0'
I was again able to read the repository without errors.
This problem is solved by editing the offending line of the repository.
The line defines the shift of a spin and the spectrum it belongs to "pos spec='1'". Apparently CARA refuses to open the project because the spectrum with id =1
does not exist. Probably the user erased the spectrum after the spin was created while viewing that spectrum (e.g. with Pick Spin)
CARA should handle this differently.
If spins are associated with spectra, CARA should warn the user when (s)he tries to erase the spectra. In case that (s)he wants to erase a spectrum (s)he should be asked whether CARA should
- erase the spectrum and transfer ownership of associated spins to a different spectrum, or
- erase the spins associated with that spectrum.
yeah, i dont know how come this problem when i saved the cara while closing, there was no eror message, and i did not delete any spectra from the list, moreover there should not be 0.000000 value in front of shift...since it was manually what was the origin of the problem is still a question??
If you can reproduce this effect, it would help Rochus identify the source of the problem.
Dear Dr. Fred & Dr Jeet,
Dear Dr. Fred, I am Anusarka Bhaumik, presently working as a Ph.D student in CERM,Florence. I am facing a big problem! which I am trying to describe you in brief using CARA. In the process of my assignments by mistake I have deleted all the processed spectrum from the folder from where they were uploaded in CARA. Somehow I managed to save the same CARA file but when I tried to upload again the same spectrums after further processing it is not opening the CARA file probably becoz of some mismatch in the dimensions. In this situation I am really in a big trouble since the assignment is there in that file which is difficult to re do. Please suggest me what can I do in this situation? I can try to send you the CARA file , is it possible in someway to recover atleast the assignment table (backbone) so that I can reload it in other fresh CARA uploading also the spectrums? For this I have already sent you the CARA file anticipating an urgent help in this matter. Eagerly waiting for your kind reply, Anusarka.
Hello anusarka, i guess if you reprocess the spectrum, give the same name to the spectra as earlier, and put it in the same old folder, cara will then take it, it could be a problem of "path" and the file name, thats the best i can think about this problem. Lets see what fred says...and all the very best. one thing to correct, am yet to be a Dr, just a phd student as of now. with best regards jeet.
Please in the future open a NEW issue to describe a new problem instead of adding it as a follow-up to an existing problem. It will make it easier to track bug fixes
I am able to open your repository using Cara 1.5.3. I simply Discarded the spectra. If you give the correct path, you should be able to open the repository using the new spectrum location. I also was able to transfer your project to a new repository as follows:
- Write out the sequence
- Use the script WriteProtonList.lua (from the LUA page of the cara wiki) to write out ALL assignments (including offset labels)
- Create a new project by reading the seq file into the new repository
answer the question: "Do you want to create corresponding spin systems?" with YES
- Read in the .prot file created with WriteProtonList.lua script (which includes CA-1 etc)
answer the question: "Do the assignments given in the atom list correspond to residues or spin systems?" with RESIDUES
- Read in the Spectra and define their calibrations like in the original project.
hello fred, this time after a long time, first of all i should acknowledge that cara was really helpful in the backboe assignment. i was trying to open a spectrum processed in felix, through tool>open spectrum, but it is showing error which says: not enough memory available for mapping file...what could be the problem? is it that matrix size is big because of zero filiing, but i can not afford go low in zero filling. please suggest. with best regards jeet.
6 years and 6 months and 3 days old
Try adjusting the Mapping Threshhold.
Cara main menu: Setup-Setup Mapping Threshhold
Other possibilities: Try to reduce file size
- Process it to throw out regions with no signals (e.g. upfield region of a HSQC15N)
- Try to convert it to CARA format using "Tools-Convert To Cara Spectrum" and use one of the options like "8 bit Adaptive Compression Clipped".
When I import an xeasy atom list as spin systems, atom labels ending with "-1" get an offset tag of zero in CARA:
<spin id=390
<pos spec=0
6 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
This is an error in the import function.
As a workaround, try writing a short script that uses
Spin.setLabel( Spin:getLabel() ) to fix it.
If this doesn't work, it would be best if Rochus brought out an new release to address this bug.
1.4 SystemScope: Could you add a shortcut "mo" for "move orthogonal" in SystemScope.
7 years and 5 months and 5 days old
Currently when I double-click on a system in the SystemList of HomoScope or PolyScope I get a list of possible spin-tuples (correlations of spin shifts corresponding to locations in the spectra).
These are sorted by the shift of the first spin in the spin-tuple list. The rest of the sort order appears to be arbitrary.
This is actually not a very convenient sort for navigation. (When the lists become longer, it is hard to find the tuple I need)
More useful would be:
1) Sort first by system number along axis X (System X) (not alphabetically by residue name)
2) within each group of tuples with a given X system number sort by the second residue number along axis Y (System Y)
3) if there is a third axis Z then within each group of tuples with a given Sys X and given Sys Y sort by the third residue number along axis Z (System Z)
I.e. a tree-sorting by Sys X->Sys Y->Sys Z.
Within each "system-tuple":
Sort by the Label X, within this group, sort by Label Y, within this group sort by Label Z.
I.e. a tree sort with each system-tuple by:
Shift X->Shift Y->Shift Z.
Last if these small groups still have ambiguities (identical labels) Then sort by chemical shift.
This sounds complicated but is not here is an example of the spin-tuple list:
7 years and 6 months and 12 days old
In cara 1.7.0a8, "show ruler" in systemscope and stripescope does not work.
6 years and 3 months and 12 days old
I get a hard crash when using the a double-click on the system puzzle piece in the SystemList to goto residue
Severe uncaught exception "The glyph has no owner" [Cancel] error message and after clicking [Cancel], Cara crashes hard. The parent terminal contains the following messages:
Repository has been dumped to /home/damberge/CARA/DEMO/Demo.cara.dumpERROR in MenuAction::execute: The glyph has no ownerERROR in MenuAction::execute: The glyph has no ownerERROR in MenuAction::execute: The glyph has no ownerERROR in MenuAction::execute: The glyph has no ownerERROR in MenuAction::execute: The glyph has no owner
- Open HSQC15N.nmr with HomoScope
- Type "sl" to display system list.
- Double-click on any system in the SystemList
Cara crashes hard.
6 years and 4 months and 12 days old
Yes, this problem dissapeared already with 1.7.0a8.
Dear author
I am trying to do a diffusion measurement which comprise of several 1D Felix processed spectra ( .dat). But I can not open them under cara ( I try to integrate these spectra under cara). Is there any way to convert these .dat spectra to some cara readable format?
Thank you!
6 years and 3 months and 11 days old
Rather than Felix, if I use another software like matNMR or MestReC, is there a way to make these spectra (1D or 2D) readable by cara?
Can you process it as a pseudo2D? You'd need to define the calibration for the indirect dimension since cara does not like undefined dimensions. But what I am more worried about is how will you integrate the region in each 1D segment? I'd be inclined to say the easiest approach is to integrate in Xwinnmr for each 1D spectrum assuming you are working with that software.
cara_1.7.0a8: PolyScope
After I pick a spin in a system, the SystemList is reordered to place the System that I just edited at the top of the list (the remaining systems occur in ascending order). This is annoying, since I have to scroll to the top of the list to find the system.
Also, since I am working from the 1st through last system, I loose my place this way.
The same thing happens when I "move system alias" or "show horizontal spin".
6 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
If I click on SpectrumId at the top of the Spectrum-Explorer list, cara orders the Id numbers alphabetically instead of numerically.
note that all other numerical items seem to be ordered correctly: e.g. SpinId, SystemId, Sequence,Shift etc. So this is probably easy to fix.
6 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
With linux version of cara 1.7.0a8, the "Open NEASY" tabs in the "Tools" menu is greyed out and unavailable. We are using SuSE2 with KDE 3.4.
6 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Jim, please use the NEASY which is part of release 1.5.x. The new CARA version is based on Qt4, which is completeley incompatible with the NEASY architecture. It would take a large development effort to re-engineer NEASY for compatibility. I prefer to invest that time in the development of the core CARA features. That's why the NEASY menu is grayed out. But the old releases of CARA will still be available and eventually all relevant NEASY features will be implemented in the CARA core system. Cheers Rochus
In systemscope, the strip displayed for a folded peak is off by one plane. The cause maybe that the spectral range of all spectra are displayed as [ppm of 1st point .. ppm of last point] in the Explorer. However, the true spectral width used to calculate folded peak positions should be the difference of these numbers + 1*delta.
This error may affect other scopes as well. See also
6 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Cara 1.5 MonoScope: "Add Column" does not add the column until a refresh is forced on the PeakList.
click on a peak and then hit "sp" for "synch to peak".
This will cause the added column to appear at the right edge of the Peaklist.
7 years and 1 month and 8 days old
Is there a way to display double quantum/ single quantum spectrum with cara? In our case the fist dimension would be CA+C' and the second C'. One thing I could do is generate an artificial CA+C' spin which would show up at the right position. Or is there a better way to do it?'
7 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Hi Ansgar
How is your multi-quantum spectrum coded? Like GFT?
2005/06/14 12:35:42.110 GMT+2
FD accidentally deleted, then reinstated this follow-up on
No, the spectrum is more like a 2D INADEQUATE, with in-phase cross peaks and just one side of the diagnoal present.
2005/06/14 13:35:42.110 GMT+2
FD accidentally deleted, then reinstated this follow-up on
There is a related issue on analysing reduced dimensionality spectra. I just added a follow-up with an attached file.
You could probably follow the strategy described there. Rochus indicates in Issue 0470 that there are some things in the pipeline, so maybe you can use my idea as a not so elegant workaround until the new features he plans are available.
I am about to try using CARA with double quantum/single quantum (DQ/SQ) spectra. (I haven't used CARA before so my learning curve will be a bit steeper.. )
Nevertheless, I was wondering whether anything new has happened since these postings. There were comments about something being in the pipeline? Has something developed ?
Thanks for a great program. Jakob
I still use a normal single quantum / single quantum spectrum type in combination with two simple LUA scripts to generate DQ or SQ spins. This works but is of cause far form perfect. I never tryed Freds idea with the modified residue types.
Ansgar is referring to the Reduced Dimensionality SpecrumTypes introduced in the following issue:
This could be used as a starting point for creating similar SpectrumTypes for CA+CO and CA-CO type spectra.
However it is naturally only an inelegant workaround.
Best would be a dynamic approach: CARA allows mixing of two dimensions in the SpectrumType definitions and calculates the position of the CA+CO and CA-CO spin positions from the CA and CO shifts on the fly. Since the frequencies are mixed in Herz, this would require the Spectrum Spectrometer frequencies to be considered.
As we did with Sitar (and maybe GFT and others in future) the idea is to hide the multi-quantum aspects from the users as much as possible, and just show the spectra as if the dimensions were only single-quantum. I personally dont like the idea of analyzing the coded spectrum (because the standard scopes of CARA are not very much suited for this). At the moment I'm totally busy with many other edges of CARA, so don't expect to see other new multi-quantum file format readers (analogous to Sitar) in near future. Cheers Rochus
After double-clicking on a system in the SystemList which is "not inferred in base", if I double-click on the first system which has an anchor in the base, I none-the-less get the error message "not inferred in base". Repeated double-clicking does not help.
- double-click on another system that has an anchor. StripScope will display the strips starting with that system.
- double-click again on the first system with an anchor. Now StripScope will show all strips starting from that one.
Step-by-Step to reproduce bug:
- Start Demo project.
- Open any triple resonance experiment with StripScope.
- Double-click on system 3. StripScope displays starting from System 3 (system 3 has both anchor spins H and N).
- Double-click on system 2. Cara gives the message "Element not found in inferred base".
- Double-click on system 3. Cara gives the message again even though this system does contain the necessary anchors! (This is where the bug occurs)
- Workaround: Double-click on system 4 again. Now cara displays all strips starting from system 4.
- Workaround continued: Double-click on system 3 again. Now cara displays all strips starting from system 3.
6 years and 4 months and 12 days old
I cannot select any spins in the strip in SystemScope using Cara_1.7.0a7
6 years and 4 months and 12 days old
I found an ugly workaround: Delete the spin and use "Pick-Label" to recreate it in the strip. The spin is then selected, making available the menu item "Show orthogonal".
Easier workaround: use shift/drag to select the peak. I will hunt for the bug.
- 7.0a7 Typing "sl" causes a crash of MonoScope.
Severe Uncaught Exception The glyph already belongs to a container [Cancel]
No error messages to the parent terminal.
6 years and 4 months and 12 days old
Hello Fred, while opening HNCO in cara, it doesnt display in the synchroscope, says...out of spectrum, this problem was earlier told to you by a member of our group, ashitosh, and you replied if we click "home" key it should displays, which it doesnt. You have explained the problem that once the ppm range is above 100ppm, it takes it as nitrogen, but i guess it must be trivial to solve, just put in the range above 150 ppm for carbonyl. with best regards jeet.
6 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Could you specify more exactly when it says "out of spectrum"? This can for example occur if you open an HNCA in the strips and then switch to an HNCO in strips while "View-Show Folded" is turned off. Then click in the strip. Since you are outside of the spectrum in the 13C dimension (strip axis position corresponds to 13C ppm range of HNCA) CARA will correctly report "Out of Spectrum" on the command line.
If you turn ON "View-Show Folded", then CARA shows copies of the CO spectral region at folded positions (also 13C ppm range of HNCA). If you now click in the strip, CARA does not say "Out of Spectrum". Instead it gives ppm shift (folding number):
"Co=54.977 (-11)".
Folding number is the number of times the real shift range of the current spectrum (HNCO) was repeated in order to display contours in the current shift range of the strip (43-73 ppm).
In order to see HNCO signals at their correct shifts, you will have to hit "HOME" after switching to the HNCO in the strip, since CARA does not adapt the shift range to the new spectrum (HNCO) but instead leaves the shift range of the previously displayed spectrum (HNCA)
Yes, CARA does try to identify the AtomType of each dimension of a spectrum by looking at the ppm range.
It assumes:
<10 is "H"
10-100 is "C"
>100 is N
This is just to guess the correct orientation of the spectrum relative to the SpectrumType. With the HNCO this fails since CO shifts range from about 170-180 ppm.
Due to the ambiguity, CARA displays the rotation dialog when an HNCO is imported into Spectra. You must correcly select the matching of Dim2 N(N) and Dim3 N(N) to DimY C(Co) and DimZ N(N). Unfortunately, CARA does not include enough information to decide - it would be useful if the ppm ranges of the dimensions where included. You just have to know which order the spectra was stored in, or try both orientations and take the correct one.
Was the follow up information sufficient to solve your problem?
yes, it was, thanks, actually clicking on home key was not solving the problem, however, reloading the spectra with different orientation of axis did the job. thanks a lot jeet.
The problem was related to incorrect orientation of the HNCO. Probably CARA's spectrum rotation dialogs should be modified to make it easier th decide how to orient spectra when the ppm ranges are ambiguous. (E.g. if the ppm range for each dimensionwhere included in the dialog this would help).
may be, but then you have to release another upgraded version with those modifications!!! anyways, one good thing is that the problem was identified correctly.
Current usecase for "Pick New System" is inefficient because one needs to set all the labels everytime.
typical steps in HSQC15N:
1) Pick New System
2) Click x-axis label
3) Click label "HN"
4) Click y-axis label
5) Click label "N"
6) Click OK
compare to SynchroScope which always assumes the labels defined in the SpectrumType (if only HN/N are defined then only two clicks are required to pick MOST signals in the HSQC15N).
1) Click Pick New System
2) Click OK.
The HomoScope/PolyScope use case could be improved if cara always has a default set of labels. E.g.above: The SpectrumType labels "HN/N" could be default labels if they are included in the labels obtained from the generic residue (otherwise no default would be assumed)
A second handy feature could further improve efficiency:
Cara remembers the last label and SystemType picked.
So if the user picked: x:HN y:HA1 Sys=AX last, this would be suggested in the next "pick new system".
This would make HomoScope/PolyScope more efficient than SynchroScope (and more flexible) which is the opposite of the current situation.
7 years and 6 months and 5 days old
It works like this in my test project. Do you have more than one static label defined in your HSQC spectrum type? If yes reduce it to just HN/N, then it should show the expected behaviour. R.K.
Indeed, it does work like this.
I was testing the project for homonuclear assignment (ER23) and COSY has no labels defined for Dim1/Dim2.
If I define HN/HA it works as advertised.
The second part of this issue (memory of last assignment) could be quite handy.
e.g. I am defining all the GLY systems.
or I am defining aromatic sidechain systems like TYR.
The first part of this issue was working as wished in the issue already in 1.3.2 and so it is therefore "completed". The second part of the issue has been entered into a new issue:
(Hey 600 issues!)
In some cases one knows only that a spin has an offset of -1 but not what atom label it should have. E.g. I have measured a HcccoNH and want to pick sidechain "H" spins without knowing their atom label. Appropriate labels would be "?-1".
These could be matched against spins with "?" labels picked in a 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY. (Both have atom type "H" but have unknown atom labels).
Cara does not allow the label "?-1". It is reverted to "?".
It becomes difficult to pick these spectra and use them for matching spin systems into fragments.
7 years and 4 months and 12 days old
Rochus and I discussed this. The following proposals were made.
"?" means any spin with arbitrary offset "?-0" means a spin with offset of zero. "?-1" means a spin with offset of -1.
How does CARA know when to display "?" spins with offset N?
It could base it on path inference: if ANY spins from the generic residue path simulation are found with an offset of N, then all spins with labels like "?-N" are displayed.
As of we can pick "?-1" labels and match them with "?" labels which are assumed to have offset of zero.
This is satisfactory for working with 15N-TOCSY (all offset zero spins) and HcccoNH spectra (all offset "-1" spins). However working with 15N-NOESY spectra for sequential assignment is still problematic. In NOESY strips there are spins with unknown offset. How do we distinguish these from the offset zero spins of a TOCSY?
One idea is to allow offset to be empty. How to distinguish? "?" could mean unknown offset and "?-0" would mean offset of zero.
Right now, the only way to match NOESY strips is to use "Fit all spins" or "Fit selected spins". However, this does not make use of offset information. We need a way to indicate unknown offset so that NOESY spectra fit into the concept.
I'm trying to run the WriteProtonList script but I get an error which I can't solve:
It occurs in this line: "t.Line = LinesTable[ SpinNumber ]"
And the error is: "attempt to index global 'LinesTable' (a nil value)"
7 years and 12 months and 3 days old
Are you sure you initialized the varibale LinesTable = {} before you use it as table?
Generally the type of error you describe you report occurs when a variable you try to access is undefined (= nil).
Check that the name matches exactly.
Check that the variable is part of the table at the location you access.
A good way to trouble-shoot these problems is to write out the value of the variable in question at various points in the script to see if it exists.
P.s. Are you using one of my scripts? Then I can take a look at it since the ones on the wiki should all function - unless I made an error.
This is an error in the original script I posted.
The following line:
t.Line = LinesTable[ SpinNumber ]
should be changed to:
t.Line = t.LinesTable[ SpinNumber ]
Anyway, I will update this script to use selection dialogs instead of requiring the user to edit the script before everyuse.
Sorry for the delay in responding to this.
Updated script. New script replaces old script. -Fred
Rename Strip Width to "peak width".
introduce new global scalar "strip width factor"
which calculates the strip width from the peak width for the given dimension:
strip width = "strip width factor" * "peak width"
plane depth is taken from "peak width" in orthogonal dimension and is not effected by changes in "strip width factor".
8 years and 8 months and 6 days old
This is maybe more of a "help request" than "feature request" ...
I would be interested in using CARA with non-standard spectra and atom names ... specifically, Thomas Szyperski-type reduced dimenisionality (or GFT) spectra.
For example, an RD HabCab(CO)NH combined with an HNCACB. The atom names HA+CA, HA-CA, HB2+CB, HB3+CB, etc. would have to be created in the repository. I looked (briefly) into expanding the current repository to include these atom names, but did not see an obvious way to do this. Could the RD atom names be incorporated in a similar fashion as pseudo atoms? Can there be more than one pseudo atom defined for a group of atoms? Would this create any problems with the covalent structure defined in the repository? Once the atom names are created and the experiments are updated, I assume it would be trivial to write a CARA/Lua script to extract the chemical shifts of the atoms involved and and put them in the correct place (i.e., "CB+HB3" --> CB = XXX, HB3 = YYY).
Thank you very much for your help.
Best wishes,
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Jeff,
I've worked out a proposed solution for you to try.
I don't think you can use Groups to deal with this since each spin can be in only one group, and really groups were invented to deal with pseudoatoms (like QB for HB2 and HB3).
Please find included four files to support the assignment of reduced dimensionality spectra HN-CAHA-CBHB and CBHB-CAHA(CO)NH. The README file describes the strategy and how to set up the repository. I'll be interested to hear if this works for you. Note that there is as yet no script to generate the real spins shifts from those of the reduced dimensionality spins. I leave that as an exercise. :-)
F.Damberger CDT
There are some developments in the queue. Furthermore CARA supports the SITAR spectrum format since more than a year.
Does anyone know what SITAR format is? I think you'll need to document this.
Ok, I consolidated all these files into a single repository. RD-HBCB-HACA-NH.cara. You can download it here. It is considerably easier to import the ResidueTypes and SpectrumTypes into your working repository in the current Cara version (1.3.2). There is no editing repository files necessary.
Open the attached repository and read the Description(memo) in the Cara-explorer Projects panel for instructions (You can click-drag to expand the memo window and double-click in it to access the scroll bar).
Hello and thank you. I have your RD template, the Start1.2 template, and Cara 1.3.2. I followed the instructions provided which cause some new "problems".
Using SystemScope: the RD spectra are not available in the strip view, only the HNCACB ... I normally pick in the PolyScope, so this doesn't really matter to me.
Using PolyScope: after picking a new system, the peak/label are not displayed (but they do appear in the Cara Explorer) and I can't label the peaks in the strips. If I set "BB" as the default residue type, then I can see the systems on the HSQC and label the spins in the strips ... but the RD atoms are not displayed in the strips.
Using StripScope: conventional spectra (HNCACB) look fine. The RD spectra (HabCab(CO)NH) show only blank/empty strips unless I open the HNCACB first and then switch to the HabCab(CO)NH.
Other than that, I think this seems to be a fairly efficient way to handle these spectra. I hope/assume that what you have done is not too difficult to understand for a non Cara expert? I do have a pretty complete set of older RD data "lying around" for testing but I am mainly interested using this for side chain assignments. I think I should be able to follow what you have done and adjust it for the side chains.
If you ever decide to use these experiments in the future, the following atoms are missing: CBpHB (for Val, Ile, and Thr) CBmHB CBpQB (for Ala and degenerate resonances) CBmQB CAmHA1 (for Gly) CAmHA2 CAmQA CApHA1 CApHA2 CApQA
I haven't tried tackling the Lua script yet ... I'll let you know.
Thanks again.
Best wishes, ~Jeff
Currently the only way to place the cursor at a specific PPM position is to manually click until it is near the intended shift and then use the arrow keys to fine adjust it.
This can be quite time-consuming, particularly in 3D and 4D spectra. For 4D spectra, there is currently only one tool "MonoScope" available. Since Peak Inference is not active in this tool, it is important to be able to navigate to regions of interest quickly.
Please introduce an option to enter the PPM position of the cursor numerically.
Implementation options:
1) First option
Right-click in a cursor window and select "enter position".
a small window appears where the user can enter a PPM value using the keyboard.
The command is context-dependent. If I click in the cursor window for D3, then the command affects the cursor position of D3 (and replots the contours)
2) Alternatively, all cursor windows open the same window where the cursor position for each dimension is given in a separate field. The active field corresponds to the dimension of the window where the user right-clicked to execute "enter position". Any field can be edited to change the position of all available dimensions. After OK, the cursor positions and contours are updated.
8 years and 8 days old
"Cursor Window" = a Slice Window from 2D & 3D scopes.
The window where the 1D slices from the ND spectrum are displayed.
There is already a Goto.. item in the View menu of MonoScope, also available with GT command.
This is pretty cool, though to me the menu item is not in the natural place I look for this feature. I was expecting it either in the context menu of the plane (for all dimensions) or in the individual 1D slice windows (for just one dimension).
RC1.1.0.1 "File-New from Template" erases all info on template author and database memo.
After all the work of making a good template, the author is stripped of the credit when the user reads it into cara.
moreover, instruction text on properties of the template placed in the database memo by the template author are lost.
"File-New from Template" should read in the library untouched and only leave out the projects.
8 years and 7 months and 3 days old
Up to now the author field of a template was copied to the template-author field of the new original. So if you set both author and template-author, your name should persist (besides the new owner explicitly deletes it). I will also copy all attributes from the template in the next release.
Problems with current handling of authorship:
If a user reads in the template and writes it out again, the information is lost because the author field is empty when the template is written out.
The template still originates from my work even if it has been modified. Perhaps there needs to be an indication whether the library has been changed.
original template by = F. Damberger, creation date: XX-YY-ZZ
last modifed by R.Keller on XX-YY-ZZ.
The original template stamp should not be erasable by any actions of the user (except directly editing the repository).
It should be possible to see this information somewhere when Cara has loaded a repository.
Also, the text that I include to orient the user in the database memo is erased if the user opens using "new from template".
This should stay until erased by the user.
This appears to still be a problem with
The origin of a template should be traceable - author can respond to questions and update them, Also, it is easier to trace problems if the template is known. Finally, the Memo data contains useful information and should not be erased unless the user decides to do it.
Could this be fixed soon?
I checked this again with 1.2.
When I "read in as new template" the author and template-by field are not displayed in the Cara-explorer window. When I write the repository out, the author field and template-by are still present. They are not displayed in the explorer when I read the template into Cara again using either "Open" or "New from Template".
The second point is the "memo" is erased (it is nolonger present in the repository file when I write it out). The memo is intended as a help text to orient the user about the properties of the template. It should not be erased when the user uses "New from Template" to import the template.
Finally the "Creation Date" of the original template should be somewhere visible since this can help orient the user about the compatibility of the template with the current Cara release. This is overwritten when the user uses "New from Template".
Please check the behaviour of the repository by running the described tests and inspecting the written out repositories.
Note that for some reason my memo appears at the bottom of the Start1.1.cara template file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<repository version='29' creator='CARA' modified='Sun May 2 16:47:14 2004'
author='Fred Damberger' template-by='Fred Damberger'>
<odef class='Repository'>
<fld name='Author' type='String' desc=''/>
<fld name='Creation Date' type='Date' desc=''/>
<fld name='Description' type='Memo' desc=''/>
<odef class='SpectrumType'>
<fld name='Author' type='String'>Fred Damberger</fld>
<fld name='Creation Date' type='Date'>2004-5-2</fld>
<fld name='Description' type='Memo'>This template is intended for resonance assignment of 13C/15N-labeled proteins. All standard triple resonance experiments and other typically used experiments are included in the SpectrumType definitions. See the object table for SpectrumTypes for references to the relevant pulse sequences.
Residue Types:
ResidueTypes include all the standard amino acid residues + their charged variants, His in three tautameric states, and a generic ResidueType "BB" appropriate for triple resonance experiments.
Spectrum Types:
Spectrum and SpectrumType have Attributes which can be viewed from the corresponding Cara explorer window using "Open Object Table". Attributes are for record-keeping and can be left empty.
Spin System Types:
Set the spin system type of a new system to the expected residue type as soon as this is known. Then all Labels for that residue type are available.
A set of useful LUA scripts is included. Use these at your own risk. Always back-up your repository before using a script. Documentation for the scripting language is included at the CARA website.</fld>
The "Author" field is now not editable by the user.
The "Creation date" field is editable but the changes are not stored. This is confusing. It should not be possible to edit fields where changes cannot be stored.
The "memo" field is editable and storable. My thinking was that the memo field describing the original template would not be editable so that the documentation of the original template cannot be lost or alterred.
currently the three standard fields are: "author" "creation date" "memo"
If these are the original template author, creation date and memo, then where are the author, creation date, and memo of the current user stored?
I don't think this really solves the issue.
There should be two sets of fields: original template author original template creation date original template memo
are fixed and not editable or storable.
author, creation date memo
are editable and storable by the user.
The most flexible solution would be to allow the fields to be defined and to have their write access set in the attributes window of Cara-explorer. In anycase, the current situation is not really a solution.
Creation Date is editable & not storable, Memo is editable & storable. This does not cover the described use case. (See issue follow-up). Therefore issue is reopened.
The H2O signal gives rise to signals at the H2O frequency which look like normal crosspeaks. However, often the user would like to avoid picking these signals since they are artifacts.
It would be very useful to have a visual clue about where the H2O is while looking at the spectrum.
This could be shown as a line at the frequency entered by the user along all dimensions with atomtype "H".
It would be nice if this were generalizable to more than one frequency.
(sometimes there are other interfering signals like from lipids in membrane proteins or from small molecule impurities).
Essentially we are talking about displaying 1D peaks in 2D and 3D spectra.
The line should appear in all 1H dimensions at the frequency entered.
E.g. in a 1H-1H plane of a NOESY it would occur along both axes.
In a 1H-15N anchor strip of a 3D 15N NOESY it would appear as a horizontal line at the frequency entered. etc.
Essentially it behaves exactly like the grey lines which indicate the edge of the folding region, except its position is a user-defined value. It can occur in a different color to distinguish it from the folding line.
8 years and 5 months and 6 days old
This useful idea is still just an idea...
Frequency lines can be derived from a spin. Each spin can be displayed as a frequency line. If it is, then a frequency line appears at the position of the spin along all dimensions of a spectrum which share the ATOM TYPE of the spin. The frequency line is perpendicular to the axis.
To display a frequency line at the H2O frequency, I pick a spin at the H2O position in the 1D 1H spectrum. This spin is by default shown as a frequency line along all 1H axes.
When I select the spin, I have a context menu which allows me to "show frequency line". The command is available both in SliceScope when I select a spin, and in the spinlist. Frequency lines can be pink to distinguish them from the spectrum border lines in grey.
There is no shortcut to pick a new system in the plane of PolyScope.
(Corresponding to right-click "pick new system")
Please add one. E.g. "pn".
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
Peak inference and Label "inference" do not always make logical use of the information at hand from SpinSystemType, ResidueType, Assignment Candidates, Generic Residue, and SpectrumType.
Below is an example which shows how information from these different objects is not used optimally by CARA (PROBLEM) and gives both the current WORKAROUND and suggestions for improvements (SUGGESTED CHANGE). CARA should always use the "highest level" information it has. The PROBLEMs are numbered according to the "level" of information. E.g. If I have the SpinSystemType, CARA can ignore Assignment Candidates when making peak inference.
Setup CARA as follows (Use template Start1.1.cara)
I. Start a new project and read in a sequence.
SpectrumType HSQC13Caro connects 13Caro (110 +- 25ppm) to 1H through HOPS=1. GenericResidue=GLU.
II. Display a HSQC13Caro in PolyScope and pick a system in the plane.
III. I can only select ?/? from the Labels.
PROBLEM 1: If I keep these labels, and hit OK the peak dissapears. This is not a satisfactory behaviour.
A) Turn on "Show unlabeled" if the user picks a peak where one or both spins are unlabeled. This way the peak will be visible,
B) don't allow the user to create a peak with unlabeled spins when "show unlabeled" is turned on.
If I turn on "show unlabeled". The peak is still not displayed.
I couldn't find one. Anybody have ideas?
It would be logical if CARA displayed the peak because both spins HD1 & CD1 are in the same system and they fit into the range of shifts defined in the SpectrumType (i.e. CD1 shift fits within range Mean=110, Dev=25).
Since I don't see the peak this way, I try an alternative:
I enter the labels HD1/CD1 because I assume the system is a TYR or PHE and that the peak is the correlation HD1/CD1.
The peak still does not appear. This is because the generic residue is GLU. Since GLU has no spins labeled CD1 and HD1, peak inference does not connect the spins.
Whenever you want to see the inferred peaks for a specific scope, change the GenericResidueType to an appropriate GenericResidue for that Scope and then open the spectrum with the scope. In this case you would change the GenericResidue to TYR and then open the HSQC13Caro with PolyScope.
A) Have generic residues defined for each SpectrumType since different SpectrumTypes are often optimized for a specific ResidueType (e.g. some are for AROMATIC ResidueType, some for BackBone ResidueType).
B) Generic Residue can be defined in the ResidueType Pane as a default, and each SpectrumType can optionally have an associated generic ResidueType defined which supercedes the one defined in the ResidueType Pane.
In an effort to make the Peak visible, I define the AssignmentCandidate to be PHE (or TYR). The peak is still not visible.
See workaround to Problem 3.
When CARA has an AssignmentCandidate, it should try to infer peaks based on the ResidueType for these AssignmentCandidates. E.g. If the assignment candidate TYR is selected, CARA infers a peak because in the ResidueType TYR, the spins CD1 and HD1 are connected by a single bond.
Since assignment candidate did not work, I try to set the SpinSystemType to TYR (where the Name=TYR has model=TYR). The peak still does not appear.
See workaround to Problem 3.
If CARA has a SpinSystemType available, it should perform the peak inference on the ResidueType of the associated model (instead of on the generic residue)
Finally, I get desperate and assign the system to an aromatic residue in my sequence even though I don't have any basis to make a sequence specific assignment. The peak still does not appear! This is because CARA does not refresh the peak inference after a system assignment is added(changed).
Close the Scope and reopen it with the same spectrum. Now the peak appears.
Change CARA so that it recalculates the inferred peaks and refreshes the scopes whenever a system is assigned or the assignment of a spin or system is changed.
Note that the suggested workaround to Problem 3 becomes less and less satisfactory the higher level info you have. Once I know that one system is SystemType PHE and another is SystemType TRP, this workaround forces me to decide which inferred peaks I want to see. Those from Systems defined to be a SystemType TRP or PHE? I cannot have both.
The labels are not appropriate for the information on the System.
Several options
A) User can memorize or display the ResidueType Library to check the labels and then enter them manually
B) User can enter all expected Labels in the SpectrumType definition.
At every stage, CARA should offer the Labels appropriate based on the information it has. E.g. If I define a system to have a system type TYR, CARA should not offer me labels belonging to the GenericResidue GLU, but instead take them from ResidueType TYR. Once PROBLEMS 1-6 are dealt with (CARA makes inference based on the appropriate ResidueTypes in each case), the Labels appearing should be based on exactly the same inference process.
7 years and 11 months old
We are well on our way to resolving most of the problems described in this lengthy issue with the new extended concept of SystemType. Selecting the correct SystemType (with a model that will simulate the peak in question) causes both the correct labels to appear in "pick new system" and the peak to be inferred after the system is picked. SystemType also has assignment candidates incorporated so that the System is mapped to appropriate sites in the sequence. See the documentation to Cara 1.3.3 and 1.4. The only problem is that there is no way to assign the system to a particular ResidueType without also commiting to the assignment in the sequence. This can be addressed in a separate issue.
1.0RC7: Newly created atoms in the "Molecule Viewer" are not displayed in the CARA Explorer window for Residues.
Urgency High: Not possible to create Nucleotides for example (needed for work with RNA)
Two examples:
1) new atoms in existing residue.
After creating some new atoms (C-1, O-1,CA-1, HA-1) for an existing residue (ALA), I expanded the residue in CARA Explorer window to display the atoms but the new atoms are missing.
2) new residue.
After creating a new residue with several atoms, the residue appears in the CARA explorer. However I cannot expand the residue to display the atoms (the node is missing).
Here the definitions from Repository:
Example 1:
<residue-type name='Alanine' short='ALA' letter='A' >
<atom name='HN' type='H' num='1' mean='8.200' dev='2.400' x='3' y='0' />
<atom name='QB' type='H' num='3' mean='1.380' dev='1.000' x='4' y='3' />
<atom name='N' type='N' num='1' mean='123.230' dev='14.800' x='3' y='1' />
<atom name='C' type='C' num='1' mean='177.800' dev='8.720' x='5' y='1' />
<atom name='HA' type='H' num='1' mean='4.260' dev='1.680' x='4' y='0' />
<atom name='CA' type='C' num='1' mean='53.160' dev='8.240' x='4' y='1' />
<atom name='CB' type='C' num='1' mean='18.900' dev='7.400' x='4' y='2' />
<atom name='O' type='O' num='1' x='5' y='0'/>
<atom name='C-1' type='C' num='1' mean='176.000' dev='5.000' x='2' y='1' />
<atom name='O-1' type='O' num='1' x='2' y='0'/>
<atom name='CA-1' type='C' num='1' mean='45.000' dev='5.000' x='1' y='1' />
<atom name='HA-1' type='H' num='1' mean='3.500' dev='0.700' x='1' y='0' />
<bond from='HN' to='N'/>
<bond from='QB' to='CB'/>
<bond from='N' to='HN'/>
<bond from='N' to='CA'/>
<bond from='N' to='C-1'/>
<bond from='C' to='O'/>
<bond from='C' to='CA'/>
<bond from='HA' to='CA'/>
<bond from='CA' to='C'/>
<bond from='CA' to='HA'/>
<bond from='CA' to='N'/>
<bond from='CA' to='CB'/>
<bond from='CB' to='QB'/>
<bond from='CB' to='CA'/>
<bond from='O' to='C'/>
<bond from='C-1' to='N'/>
<bond from='C-1' to='CA-1'/>
<bond from='C-1' to='O-1'/>
<bond from='O-1' to='C-1'/>
<bond from='CA-1' to='C-1'/>
<bond from='CA-1' to='HA-1'/>
<bond from='HA-1' to='CA-1'/>
Example 2:
<residue-type name='XX' short='S2' letter='J' >
<atom name='HN' type='H' num='1' mean='7.800' dev='0.200' x='0' y='0' />
<atom name='HB2' type='H' num='1' mean='3.200' dev='0.200' x='0' y='2' />
<atom name='HB3' type='H' num='1' mean='3.100' dev='0.200' x='2' y='2' />
<atom name='N' type='N' num='1' mean='118.000' dev='5.000' x='0' y='1' />
<atom name='C' type='C' num='1' mean='176.000' dev='1.000' x='2' y='1' />
<atom name='HA' type='H' num='1' mean='4.500' dev='0.500' x='1' y='0' />
<atom name='CA' type='C' num='1' mean='45.000' dev='5.000' x='1' y='1' />
<atom name='CB' type='C' num='1' mean='35.000' dev='5.000' x='1' y='2' />
<atom name='O' type='O' num='1' x='2' y='0'/>
<bond from='HN' to='N'/>
<bond from='HB2' to='CB'/>
<bond from='HB3' to='CB'/>
<bond from='N' to='HN'/>
<bond from='N' to='CA'/>
<bond from='C' to='O'/>
<bond from='C' to='CA'/>
<bond from='HA' to='CA'/>
<bond from='CA' to='C'/>
<bond from='CA' to='CB'/>
<bond from='CA' to='HA'/>
<bond from='CA' to='N'/>
<bond from='CB' to='HB2'/>
<bond from='CB' to='HB3'/>
<bond from='CB' to='CA'/>
<bond from='O' to='C'/>
8 years and 12 months and 2 days old
This is because CARA explorer does not update to reflect the newly defined atoms.
Writing out and reading in the repository does not update the table.
Workaround: Write out repository. Close CARA. Reopen CARA. Read in repository.
A better workaround: After defining new atoms, in Explorer switch from Residue Types to Spectrum Types and back.
now the new atoms are reflected in the table.
Urgency is normal.
Hi Rochus
In strip scope, if I define assignment candidates for spin systems they are marked with an x
I would like to readily see the one letter code of the amino acid I selected instead of the x. I think this should be graphically possible for 1 to 3 candidates. It would be very helpful.
(In my case I have biochemically identified Glycin and Leucin residues. I would like to see a G or an L behind the residue number instead of a general x)
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Tools-Open Spectrum
opens a window which looks like MonoScope but it behaves differently. (Why not use the code for MonoScope to drive this window?)
Tools-Open Spectrum has the following bug.
If I set contour with "cp" or with "View-Set Contours",
the threshhold value I enter is ignored. It remains the same value before and after executing the command.
How to produce the bug
1) I open a spectrum with "Tools-Open Spectrum".
2) I turn off Autocontour.
3) I enter "cp". The threshhold is 325.
4) I change the value to 50.
5) I click OK
The contours do not change in the window.
6) I enter "cp". The threshhold is STILL 325 (not the 50 I entered)
This error does not occur in MonoScope.
Proposed solution:
each instance of Tools-Open Spectrum" is independent and stores a local variable for the contour threshhold.
If I turn off autocontour, this local contour threshhold value is used to determine the contour threshhold level.
If I change the contour threshhold, the value is updated for that instance of "Tools-Open Spectrum".
F.Damberger & F.Fiorito
8 years old
There is no way to get the list of all attributes belonging to a given object using the LUA API.
Please introduce the commands "getAttrs", which returns a list of all attribute names for the selected object.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks old
After generating new spinsystems with a given SystemType and some SpinLinks:
labels are NOT final e.g. ?HD1,?CD1, ? with SpinLink ?HD1 - ?
they do not appear in the Plane or Strips of PolyScope, even though they should generate Inferred Peaks and SpinLink Peaks. They are also not found by 3D navigation in SystemList, or other navigation commands like "gs" (Also true for other scopes).
As soon as Show Unassigned is turned on and off once, they appear in the expected locations, and are available by the navigation functions.
These peaks should be updated immediately as soon as new systems are created.
After creating a new system Turn ON/OFF Show Unlabeled once to see the peaks from the new System.
8 years and 5 months and 1 week old
More Precisely:
Newly created Systems with non-final labels are not shown in the Plane of an already running Scope when "show unlabeled" is turned off.
After turning ON/OFF "Plane-Show Unlabeled", the systems appear in the plane, but the Spins are not shown in the Strip.
After turning ON/OFF "Strip-Show Unlabeled", the spins from these systems are visible in the Strip.
I either misunderstand or cannot reproduce. But I found a bug with "Pick System" and the default labeling (when changed to "?") anyway. Try whether you still see the problem.
When I select a spectrum in the CARA explorer, the context menu "write calibration" is not available.
This is necessary in order to export calibrations to the spectra so that the protonlists are consistent with the spectra for ATNOS/RADAR calculations.
8 years and 8 months and 11 days old
Write Calibration is only supported for XEASY-Type-Spectra yet. I will check whether it still works. Which kind of spectra do you use?
I checked. It works for XEASY spectra (.param)
for bruker spectra (rr) it is not available.
I don't know if ATNOS/RADAR can read bruker data or not.
There is a problem with "write calibration".
It seems to change the permutation of the spectrum (the order is reversed for some parameters in the .param file).
After this modification, the files can nolonger be read by either PROSA or NEASY.
The command "Write Calibration" should only make changes to the lines "ppmax" so that the spectra calibration is correct when the values "cal" are reset to zero.
There is a problem with "write calibration".
It seems to change the permutation of the spectrum (the order is reversed for some parameters in the .param file).
After this modification, the files can nolonger be read by either PROSA or NEASY.
The command "Write Calibration" should only make changes to the lines "ppmax" so that the spectra calibration is correct when the values "cal" are reset to zero.
The original XEASY file has a strange permutation without any sense which is not supported by CARA. XEASY and PROSA also have some bugs concerning submatrix size, which are corrected by CARA when reading the spectrum. The correct values are written. This could be the cause of the problem (i.e. I only tested the written spectra with XEASY). Pascal used this feature for his structure calculation of Fimd. I will take a look at it again.
I made changes to a residueType and then tried to export values. The exported values do not reflect the currently displayed values in the ResidueType explorer tables. They reflect that values that were read with the repository originally.
Even after I
- Reload or
- switch to another pane of the explorer and back.
The changes I made are not reflected.
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Even after saving the repository with the changes in ResidueType, the old values are written out by "Export Values".
What I don't understand at all:
If I read in the stored repository (which has the changes to ResidueTypes included - I checked this by inspecting the repository file with an editor), the OLD ResidueType values are still written out by "Export Values"!
Still more amazing,
If I start a new instance of CARA and open the saved repository containing the new ResidueType values, the OLD values are still written out with "Export Values". Where is CARA getting this?
A miracle ;-)
Did you consider that there are two different places where CARA has statistics values. The main place are the residue types. But these can be overridden for each residue individually. If you therefore define residue values, you wont see the changes in the corresponding residue type values.
So as I understand, if I apply "Export values" in the ResidueType Pane of
1) CARA-explorer, then values from ResidueTypes will be written out.
2) if I apply "Export Values" in the Sequence Pane of a project within CARA-explorer, then values from that project will be written out.
My only confusion. In case (2), what values does CARA export if two different residues of the same type (e.g. GLY3 and GLY25) have different values. Which values are written out in this case?
Is it possible to select a subset of residues in the 2D spectra and show only the peaks that I want to select?? For example can I select all the peaks between residues 5 & 7?? and show only these?
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Try "Select Manual" (Ctrl+M) and enter the spin system numbers. Does this help? Rochus
If I open with homoscope the 2D NOESY and I type Ctrl+M on homoscope nothing happens. I don 't have select manually
Sorry, I was thinking we were talking about 2D StripScope. You're right of course. Unfortunately the feature is not yet available in HomoScope, but it's on my list. Rochus
Hi Francesca, this is a long-standing issue which Rochus has on his to-do list. We are all eagerly waiting for it.
If you are preparing figures for a publication (so its a one-time thing) you can duplicate the project and in there DELETE all the unwanted spins. This is a DESPERATE workaround and ofcourse is not helpful to you for your daily work, where you want to select and deselect groups of spins routinely.
To do the above "desperate trick" proceed as follows:
0) Back-up your repository to a new name (you should always back-up your repository before running LUA scripts.
1) In Cara-explorer select the project and then "duplicate" it.
2) Use the LUA script "RemoveSelectedSystems.lua". A nice version of this is available in the new template Start1.2.cara. (In the old version available from the CALUA site you have to edit the header of the script for each application).
3) In the scripts dialog window:
a) Select the duplicated project
b) enter the range of systems you want to keep
c) Check the box "Keep selected systems, and remove the rest"
4) Hit OK.
The script will erase the spins for all systems (except the range of residues you entered).
Structure calculations with DYANA/CANDID/ATNOS requires one ProtonList for each NOESY experiment.
The list contains only Protons which are expected to occur in the NOESY spectrum.
Feature Proposal:
"Write ProtonList for Spectrum"
- available in PolyScope2 displaying a given Spectrum.
- available in context menu of CARA-explorer when a given Spectrum is selected.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
It is already possible to export an atom list from within the spectrum list of the explorer (i.e. using the alias shifts of the selected spectrum). Another possibility would again be to write a Lua script exporting the needed selection.
PseudoAtoms can be assigned when the RealAtom that belong to them are assigned. This is illogical. If a PseudoAtom is assigned it means the RealAtoms cannot be distinguished.
After assigning HB2, HB3
CARA permits me to assign QB in the system.
I checked with Francesco. ProtonLists with such inconsistencies cause problems during structure calculation.
If I assign QB, then HB2 & HB3 are grey (not available)
If I assign HB2, QB is grey.
If I assign HB3, QB is grey.
8 years and 7 months and 12 days old
Work-around: write a script which does a check and change before exporting the proton list.
It is surely more efficient to catch the problems when they are created rather than running checking scripts after the fact...
If the pseudoatom for a given atom is assigned, it should not be possible to assign spins with the label of the real atom (or at least CARA should give a warning)
exactly analogously, assigning a pseudoatom should not be possible if one of the real atoms from the pseudoatom was already assigned (or there should be a warning)
"label" tags for dimensions of hsqc15N spectrum-type missing in Start1.1.cara.
symptom: cannot open hsqc15N spectrum with synchroscope.
7 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Will be updating this in template Start1.2.cara
Template Start1.2.cara has the label tags defined for D1 and D3 so that SynchroScope can open HSQC15N spectra.
see the DownLoadPage of the Cara wiki:
A new label format "Sys./Res."
this would only list the Res. & Res.Number
Actually i'd like to label only HN/N as with this format
and leave all the sidechains out.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks old
I forgot to mention:
Please include this SpinLabel option in PrintPreview
Tune Peak Model has some problems.
1) When I load a 3D into MonoScope and 'show peak model'
The peak model curve is a flat line in the third dimension.
Workaround: click once in the slice window for dim 3.
The peak curve mode appears
2) The names of the dimensions are still numbered 0,1,2
This is not consistent with the numbering scheme: D1,D2,D3
used elsewhere in cara.
3) setting Gain to nonzero values falsifies the ppm scale for
E.g. after I adjust the 'Width 2' to 0.524ppm,
I change the 'Gain 2' to 50%. This changes the width of
the displayed Peak Model WITHOUT changing the 'Width 2'
parameter. In other words the ppm scale is nolonger
correct for 'Width 2'.
Note: These problems probably also occur in 'Open Spectrum'
and in 'Phasor' since Integrator is also available here.
8 years and 11 months and 4 days old
Renamed labels in 1.0.7.
The other notes are expected behaviour. The model is only displayed at the cursor position, so you have to move the cursor to the right place, which is intended.
The gain opens the lorentz function which is intended. Width only affects the gauss deviation.
Then rename "Gain" to "Lorenz Width" and "Width" to "Gauss Width"
There should be a calculated "Full Width @ Half Height" displayed in the Model Adjustment Window. This will be useful to those measuring linewidths. It should be given in both ppm and in Hz.
The "balance" parameter is strange. Shouldnt the shape be already determined by the value of the Gauss and Lorenz widths? Usually such a lineshape function is a convolution of the two functions which is mathematically defined.
cara 1.3.2
PolyScope, HomoScope.
The new option to select the SystemType in the "Pick New System" is great. Only problem, after I select a SystemType, the available labels still reflect the generic residue not the System Type residue.
A refresh needs to occur after I select a SystemType.
I give it a high priority since this little cosmetic error prevents the user from taking advantage of the new feature.
7 years and 6 months and 5 days old
I thought about this but unfortunately I have to redesign the dialog for this since the labels are only string lists and not intelligent enough for automatic update. Probably next release. Up to then you can write the label manually as a work-around. R.K.
This still not working in 1.3.3.
Even better would be to pair the labels that belong together in the path simulation.
e.g. currently I get two pull down menus (for LEU)
I have to make two selections after each pick new system.
CARA knows which Dim1/Dim2 labels belong together since it does path simulation to determine the set.
You could have one pull down with only the available combinations based on the path simulation.
for NOESY spectra, you could continue to offer two independent pull down dimensions for Dim1 and Dim2.
Please more details on the new LUA commands for assigGuess It is unclear what is meant in the following example: PeakList:createGuess( Peak, probability [0.0..1.0], dim1, dim2, ...) please document this in the same fashion as it is done in the CALUA manual input: Peak (peak object) probability ( real number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 dim1 (what is this? an integer indicating the dimension number? A spin?, a SpinId?) dim2 (etc...)
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Project:addPeakList Params: PeakList Returns: none This function adds the given PeakList to the project (and repository). An error occurs if the PeakList has already been added to a project.
Project:removePeakList Params: PeakList Returns: none This function removes the given PeakList from the project (and repository). The PeakList is still valid and can be added to another project if necessary.
AssigGuess:getAssig Params: none Returns: number (Spin-ID Dim1), number (Spin-ID Dim2), ....
AssigGuess:getProb Params: none Returns: number
PeakList:createGuess Params: Peak, number (Probability), number (Spin-ID Dim1), number (Spin-ID Dim2), ... Returns: AssigGuess Creates a new assignment guess for the given Peak. Each Peak can be associated with a number of different assignments (i.e. Spin ID per dimension) and a probability (0..1).
PeakList:removeGuess Params: Peak, AssigGuess Returns: none Removes the assignment guess from the given Peak.
PeakList:setGuess Params: Peak, AssigGuess, number (Probability), number (Spin-ID Dim1), number (Spin-ID Dim2), ... Returns: none
PeakList:setHome Params: Spectrum Returns: none This function defines, which spectrum owns the given peaklist. The dimension order and atom color of the peaklist have to fit the spectrum. Otherwise use rotate().
PeakList:rotate Params: number (map Dim1), number (map Dim2), ... Returns: none This function allows to change the dimension order of the peaklist. For each dimension the target dimension has to be specified as parameter. The target dimensions have to be disjoint and within the number of dimensions of the peaklist.
Peak:getGuesses Params: none Returns: Table[ number (internal ID), AssigGuess ] This function returns all assignment guesses of a peak as a table. The table is ordered according to the internal ID number of the AssigGuess object.
allow "Write Calibration" for .nmr spectra.
This transfers the CAL values from the Repository to the .nmr file and resets the CAL values in Repository to Zero.
This in preparation for the possibility to use ATNOS to peakpick .nmr files.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Is this to be expected anytime soon? The workaround is silly. I have to convert back to XEASY, write calibration, and then convert again to .nmr. The conversion takes about 5 min each time for a 3D. I suppose that only a one line of the .nmr needs to be changed in order to alter the calibration. What is 0253?
A new feature to make picking new systems more efficient in Polyscope.
Cara remembers the last label and SystemType picked.
So if the user picked: x:HN y:HA1 Sys=AX last, this would be suggested in the next "pick new system".
This would make HomoScope/PolyScope more efficient than SynchroScope (and more flexible) which is the opposite of the current situation.
7 years and 5 months and 5 days old
CARA does not consider the Generic Residue when determining the available labels to display in "pick new system". Instead it shows me the labels defined in the SpectrumType. If there are none defined, then no labels are displayed in the "pick new system" dialog.
CARA should check the generic residue and determine available labels based on simulating the SpectrumType on the chose Generic ResidueType.
e.g. I try to "pick new system" displaying a HSQC15N in the plane of PolyScope. "?, ?" appears in the LABEL windows.
Since the generic ResidueType contains an "HN" attached to an "N", these two LABELS should appear in the LABEL windows: "HN, N".
Possibly this problem occurs in other scopes using peak inference.
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
currently "ww" has different behaviours depending on the window.
fit to window:
PolyScope & SynchroScope & MonoScope:
"ww" in the plane it resets x and y axis to the full range.
StripScope & SystemScope (both strip & ortho):
"ww" resets only the y axis to full range.
("fit to window effects both axes of the ortho-plane)
To give the user more control and to add consistency,
I suggest the following changes for all scopes:
"xx" resets x axis to full range
"yy" resets y axis to full range.
"ww" resets both x and y axis to full range.
Note that for strips, "ww" would do the same thing as "yy".
However for planes, "ww" would always effect both x & y axis (also in ortho plane of SystemScope).
To adjust only x axis to the original range, user would use "xx".
8 years and 8 months old
For me only "ww" works. "xx" is not recognized and "yy" appears to be for another command "not available in this state".
After sending the shortcuts to message-log of cara-explorer with ? on the command line I found out the commands for only expanding the x-axis and only the y-axis are "wx" and "wy" respectively (as documented in the release notes). Therefore my follow-up can be ignored.
When I read a .nmr spectrum into CARA it sometimes asks me to determine the dimension mapping.
e.g. HSQC13Caro
For a .nmr file (CARAs own format!) CARA should be able to determine the atom types for each dimension (i.e. if available this should be stored with the spectrum!)
Currently .nmr files are created with a tool which is outside the Spectra-pane of the explorer.
This means that even for spectra already read into CARA, the user must find the external file using the directory explorer.
Allow users to write .nmr files out directly from the Explorer Spectra-pane.
User clicks on the spectrum in question, and uses a context menu to write out the spectrum.
The following info should be written to the .nmr file:
1) ATOM type of each dimension
2) SpectrumTypeName (even better the SpectrumType definition!)
3) Calibration values from Cal (or adjust the ppm values to reflect the calibration)
This would give the .nmr files added relevance to use for CARA and make them easy to read into a project.
If the SpectrumType is stored, this could allow a spectrum to be read in even if the spectrum type is not defined in the Repository! The user could then create a new spectrum type if desired.
For easy exchange of .nmr Spectra between users the correct spectrumType definition is necessary (otherwise the correct peaks cannot be displayed) so this would add to the advantages of using .nmr format.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
This information is already part of the nmr file spec (see my PhD), but it is not yet evaluated when loading the spectrum ;-)
The following situation cannot be addressed in the current model:
I know that a particular SpinSystem has a certain ResidueType but I do not know where in the sequence it is located.
I have the following unsatisfactory options:
1) Assign SystemType. This is ok if the peaks from the SpinSystem can be inferred from the Model ResidueType of the SystemType. But what if the SpinSystem contains peaks which are only possible with one ResidueType (that is not included in the SystemType peak inference?)
e.g. HE-NE peaks from ARG, these are not included in the Model ResidueType LYS for SystemType "long". Therefore I cannot pick these peaks with these labels and have them appear in the spectrum.
The not so attractive workaround is to create one SystemType for each ResidueType. e.g. I can create a SystemType named "ARG" with model ResidueType "ARG".
2) I can assign the System to a specific Residue in the Sequence. CARA runs Peak inference on the ResidueType at the particular position in the sequence. However, this is not satisfactory since I have not yet determined where in the sequence the System belongs.
3) I can assign the candidate "ARG" to the System. This causes CARA to suggest the correct locations in the sequence for the System, BUT it does not cause CARA to infer the peaks expected for the ResidueType ARG.
This problem is reflected in CARA SpinSystem explorer - the ResidueType and ResidueNumber in the sequence are combined into a single column in the explorer view. Actually these two pieces of information are independent:
1) ResidueType of the SpinSystem.
2) Sequence location of the SpinSystem.
These should be listed in separate columns of the explorer-view.
7 years and 5 months and 4 days old
I suppose this is solved due to the fact that the matching of system types to residue types is accomplished by the system type assignment candidates list since 1.4.
The problem is that peaks cannot be inferred which correspond to spins that do not appear in the model ResidueType.
E.g. if I want to pick HE-NE signal.
The SystemType is "long", the model ResidueType for this SystemType is "LYS". This ResidueType does not include the spins HE-NE!
Therefore there is no way to pick these spins using the present scheme (unless I assign the fragment into the sequence - then the ResidueType from the Sequence location is used to infer peaks).
After assigning a fragment,
the inferred peaks are not refreshed.
1) I picked new system on a peak with labels HN/HA2 (peak dissapears since I fail to set systemType to AX)
2) Later I assigned the system to GLY1.
The expected peak HN/HA2 does not reappear.
The only workaround is to open a new instance of HomoScope after making the assignment.
I admit this is a bit artificial, but there are possibly situations where assignments are imported and the SystemTypes are not. Cara should refresh the inferred peaks when new assignments are made.
7 years and 6 months and 5 days old
You could undo the system instead and enter the correct label into the dialog box when you pick the system again. Actually I wasn't aware that the display is not updated with the assignment. As a work-around you could switch off/on "show inferred" for the plane instead of opening a new homoscope. But setting the system type should have updated the display, isn't it? R.K.
Yes, this is a minor issue. It only occurs if the user does not set the SystemType.
Dear author
The peaklists for a 2D NOESY contains diagnoal peaks which are not necessary for the integration. Is it possible that CARA can only integrate the cross peaks , or more preferrably integrate the peaks only in a zone specified by the user? Thank you!
6 years and 5 months and 5 days old
The general procedure for generating a peaklist for a 2D NOESY is to
1. turn ON "View-Show SpinLinks"
2. and turn OFF "View-Show Inferred Peaks". (Used only during assignment to visualize potential INTRresidue peaks including diagonal)
3. "File-Export-Peaklist to MonoScope"
4. MonoScope: "Peaks-Add to Repository"
5. Proceed with integration as described in the wiki:
6. Export to external program for structure calculation.
You can also filter diagonal peaks from the peaklist with a LUA script using their assignment information:
Here is pseudocode for that:
Peaklist = cara:getProject("projectname"):getPeaklist(1)
Peaks = Peaklist:getPeaks()
for PeakId,Peak in pairs(Peaks) do
Assign1,Assign2 = Peak:getAssig()
if Assign1 == Assign2 then
Two ways are described in the follow-up.
- The preferred way is to turn off "View-Show Inferred Peaks" before exporting the peaklist to MonoScope
- Another way uses a LUA script to eliminate the diagonal peaks from the peaklist directly (WARNING: all other intraresidue peaks will remain in the peaklist!)
Dear author
After I did a homonuclear assignment (using TOCSY, NOESY) I found i made a mistake: the reference was wrong,for example : the chemical shift of one peak shoul be 4.27, but because I referenced wrong it is now 4.22, that means I have to add 0.05 ppm to every chemical shift I have made. Do I have to do the assignment all over again or CARA has some way to help me correct this mistake? Thank you
6 years and 5 months and 6 days old
This is an easy one. You can use a script to change all spins shifts by a fixed amount.
See "ShiftSpins.lua" on the CALUA page at the CARA wiki.
Open the script and edit the header to reflect the change you want to make. I.e. replace projectname with your projectname etc. To reverse the effect, simply reverse the sign of the t.Shift assignment.
If you created spin aliases in your project, you may want to instead use the script "ShiftSpinsAndAliases.lua"
Hi Fred
I have just finished using CARA to fully assign a protein:peptide complex, as a first-timer
I found CARA to be an excellent tool for this process. I am a little bit stuck with how to approach generating NOESY peak lists that can be used in CYANA.
Using SystemScope I have been through several NOESY experiments and identified inter-residue cross-peaks which I have labelled using the propose spin tool
. As a result I have a reasonable list of precious spin-links. As I understand it however this is not a peak list
in the sense that CYANA will be expecting.
From the CARA manual I think I need to open each noesy spectra in rotated polyscope, export a peak-list from here into monoscope, get peak volumes then export a .peaks file that CYANA will understand. I have been trying this but am not sure I am going about it correctly. Could you provide a walk-through better than the one in the manual? It would be a big help if you could.
I have used NMRVIEW to automatically pick and integrate peak lists for each noesy experiment but CYANA is struggling with the auto assignment/structure calculation process. I am trying to provide it with an assigned peak list OR maybe a .upl constraint list to help it on its way....
Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks in advance Rich
6 years and 5 months and 13 days old
The strategy you describe is basically correct. I will update that section of the wiki in the near future. Here is a short summary of the steps:
For the 3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY
- Open HSQC15N with PolyScope
- Select the 3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY in the Strips menu.
- Turn on "View-Show Folded"
- Turn off "Strips-Show Inferred" ("Strips-Show SpinLinks" should be turned on)
- "File-Export-Strip Peaks to MonoScope"
- In MonoScope: "Peaks-Add to Repository" (Enter a useful name for the Peaklist)
- Set up Integrator Parameters (see wiki on integration)
- "Integrator-Update All Amplitudes"
- "Integrator-Integrate All"
- "Peaks-Export Peaklist"
For a 3D 13C-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY the same general procedure is used but ofcourse you would start by opening the HSQC13C with PolyScope.
Note that typically programs which automatically assign NOESY peaks and calculate structures (e.g. ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA) need to identify a set of peaks whose distances are known in order to calibrate the spectrum intensities. If you are using CYANA, I think that it will look for these "covalent peaks" in your input peaklist. If you only have a few "certain" peaks in the list then the calibration may be inaccurate and lead to problems in the structure calculation.
Trying to calibrate a HNCA and CBCA(CO)NH to an N15HSQC. I follow the steps online:
1. select well resolved system in HSQC
2. locate corresponding signal in HNCA strip
3. Display 3D plane and move cursor to signal
4. Go back to HSQC and shift-click except picked system
5. select calibrate to system
After performing this, the correction is applied to the HSQC not the 3D spectra. What am I doing wrong?
6 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Try this in PolyScope (works for me):
(Note both PolyScope & SynchroScope have two spectral display regions named "plane" display and "strip" display.)
- Select a well resolved system in HSQC ("plane" display)
- Click on a well resolved peak in the corresponding strip of the 3D (you may have to move the cursor in the "plane" display to see the strip signals in the "strip" display.
- Type "3D" to display the 2D plane from the 3D at the chemical shift position of the cursor in the strip.
- Move the cursor to the center of the peak in the "plane" display of the 3D.
- Shift click on the crosspeak symbol in the "plane" display.
- "Plane-Calibrate"
- Switch back to viewing the HSQC in the "plane" display by typing "2D".
Now the position should be correct in both the HSQC and in the 3D.
The first approach described in the Followup has the disadvantage that the peaks you select may be shifted slightly from the 2D vs 3D or between different 3D spectra.
Here is another approach:
- "Tools-Project" to project out the strip dimension of your 3D. E.g. if you are calibrating a "3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY" vs. a [1H,15N]-HSQC then project out the Hnoe dimension of the 3D to get the HN vs. N 2D projection "15N NSY-HNproj"
- "Add Spectrum" and select the projection "15N NSY-HNproj" with SpectrumType HSQC15N.
- Calibrate "15N NSY-HNproj" with HomoScope or PolyScope so that all peaks fit optimally.
- Click on SpectrumType and then on Spectra. This is to refresh the "cal" values in the Spectra-Explorer (there is a bug in CARA which does not update them after a calibration)
- Click on the "3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY" to expand the dimensions.
- Click on the "15N NSY-HNproj" to expand it as well.
- Right-Click on "3D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY" and select "Calibrate Spectrum".
- Enter the cal value from D1 of the "15N NSY-HNproj" for D1 of the 3D.
- Enter the cal value from D2(15N) of the "15N NSY-HNproj" for D3(15N) of the 3D.
- Assuming the same carrier frequency for the Hnoe and HN dim of the 3D, enter the cal value from D1(HN) of the "15N NSY-HNproj" also for D2(Hnoe) of the 3D.
Now you have calibrated the 3D identically to the HNprojection and so everything should agree.
Dear author
for 2D TOCSY spectrum type, I follow the HomoScope tutorial ( add 'NH'for the first dimension (X dimension) as a new label. However when I open a 2D TOCSY and try to label a new system as 'NH/HA', it won't work. (but if If I label the system as 'H/HA', it will work).
I tried same thing for 2D NOESY, everything works fine (even if I open a 2D TOCSY as a 2D NOESY spectrum type, it still can label the system as 'NH/HA' )
It seems that it is the problem from 2D TOCSY spectrum type.
Is this a bug or did I do sth wrong? Thanks!
6 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
This is intended behaviour. Possibly the documentation in the wiki needs to be updated to make this more clear.
CARA uses "pathway simulation" to predict expected peaks. This means that the user must assign spins based on the nomenclature described in the ResidueType library. CARA then simulates the experiment on the ResidueType to determine which correlations are displayed and displays only these peaks.
Experiment connects two H atoms in the ResidueType through repetitions of 3-bond steps (hops=3). If you name your spin "NH" this is not included in ResidueType and therefore CARA does not display a correlation. The current template Start1.2.cara has ResidueTypes where the amide proton is named "H" and the alpha proton is named "HA". Therefore the peak will appear if you enter "H" and "HA". You don't have to remember this: when you "Pick New System" Cara gives you choices for all available spin labels in the current ResidueType. Just select one of these for each dimension and you will always see the peak.
There is no way to predict the expected correlations in a NOESY without considering the structure (which is usually not available at the start of a project). CARA makes a simple assumption. It correlates all spins with all other spins within a SpinSystem. Therefore in 2D NOESY you even see correlations involving spins with labels that do not occur in the ResidueType (like "NH").
Labels added to the SpectrumType set the default labels which appear when you execute "Pick New System". In SynchroScope they are automatically selected as labels. (PolyScope is the successor-scope of SynchroScope and automatically suggests the correct labels).
Is there a lua to make the prot file compatible to TALOS input form?
6 years and 8 months and 4 days old
What does TALOS input format look like?
This is just the sort of thing a small LUA script could do. See the cara wiki page on Lua scripts:
section "Export File for a Program" for examples.
Hi, Fred,
Can use WriteAssignmentsInFormatX.lua
to export a BMRB file, then convert to a file. You can mark completed
. Thanks,
Hi, Fred, Sorry to bother you agaun. When I try to run Peak_3D_peaks. An message shows: Lua> [executing "Pick_3D_Peaks"] [string "Pick_3D_Peaks"]:925: Expecting one argument What's wrong? Can I export a peak list for CYANA by other way? If I have picked some NOEs from Cnoesy and Nnoesy in a project, how can I export these peaks to a .peaks file with peak heights for CYANA calculation? Thank you so mush.
6 years and 6 months and 9 days old
Dear author,
thank you for your answer to my previous question. I am new to CARA, so in the future I may still have a lot of question (some may be stupid :))I hope they will not bother you too much.
Currently, my question is: can CARA automatically pick peaks (say for a HSQC containing hundreds of peaks)? or for a given pair of 2D and 3D spectra (HSQC and HNCA), can CARA automatically pick systems?
6 years and 6 months and 2 days old
There are two scripts available which automatically pick peaks in 2D and in 3D spectra. Pick_2D_Peaks.lua Pick_3D_Peaks.lua
These were written by Jim Masse and modified by me to include a little nice interface. They are not robust answers to your need, but they are a starting point that one could build on.
If you or others develop more sophisticated lua scripts we will naturally be happy to post them at the CARA wiki (CALUA page).
I recently updated the 3D peak-picker to fix the menu interface. It works for me.
Run the Pick_2D_Peaks.lua on an HSQC15N.
- Be sure to adjust the direct dim range to avoid picking near the solvent.
- adjust the range to pick most of the HSQC15N signals.
- delete any incorrect picks. add any missing ones.
- in my experience the picking does not work so well on CARA .nmr spectra because they often have perfectly flat maxima.
Run Pick_3D_Peaks.lua
- again adjust the threshhold to get a good picking for weak peaks as seen in StripScope.
- Input a sensible label. E.g. I used ?HA for a 3D 15N-resolved NOESY.
You can export these Systems to a peaklist by opening HSQC15N with PolyScope, selecting 3D NSY in the Strips and using "Export-Strip Peaklist". Such a peaklist could be used for external programs like DYANA/CANDID. If you use "?" as the label you will have problems because CARA shows you all possible combinations of any "?" labels when you turn on "Strips-Show Unlabeled Peaks" and otherwise you don't see anything.
Pick_3D_Peaks.lua does not really pick peaks. It picks signals along the strip axis of a 3D. I.e. you must pick systems using Pick_2D_Peaks.lua and then pick spins along the strips of those systems using Pick_3D_Peaks.lua.
- Pick_3D_Peaks.lua does not pick negative signals.
- It gives an error if any systems are outside the spectral range of the 3D. (Use a 2D with the same spectral width as the 3D in the corresponding dimensions : e.g. use a projection of the 3D onto 2 dimensions as the 2D).
- It gives all picked signals the same label.
Dear all,
I am new to cara. My question is: how can i overlay TWO spectra (say two HSQC spectrum,one in blue and one in red) and print it to a .ps file? Thank you for your help!
6 years and 6 months and 8 days old
Actually this is neither a bug nor is it general catagory. You can do it as follows:
- In Cara-SpectraExplorer
- Open the first spectrum with either MonoScope, HomoScope, or PolyScope.
- In MonoScope
- Overlay-Add Overlay Layer
- select the second spectrum
- File-Print Preview
- Overlay-Add Overlay Layer
- In PrintPreview
- View-Set Positive Color
- select the spectrum whose color you want to change
- select a color from the palette
- File-Print
- Select Print to File
- Name it with ending .ps
- View-Set Positive Color
I’m new to the NMR field and I currently use nmrpipe to process 3D spectra which I view with nmrview. I would like to try to use CARA to look at my data, and for simplicities sake, use nmrpipe to process the data. When I try changing my pipe script in the final processing dimension from the nmrview output file:
| pipe2xyz -out ./spectra.nv –z –nv
to a standard pipe output file:
| pipe2xyz -out ./ft/test%03d.ft3 –z
It writes each plane to an individual file, as it should. When I then try to open these files with CARA it gives me an error saying that the files are much too small. Is there a way to get CARA to read all of the individual plane files or, conversely, get nmrpipe to output a single standard output file which contains all of the processed information (ie. like the nmrview file)?
6 years and 7 months and 4 weeks old
I found the following issue by searching for "nmrpipe" in the IssueTracker Search Function.
It seems to be just what you need. If this solves your problem, please enter a Followup to that affect so that the issue can be completed.
For those who are new to this as well, the last two lines of the pipe script should look like this:
| pipe2xyz -out ./ft/spectra%03d.ft3 -z
xyz2pipe -in ./ft/spectra%03d.ft3 -x > spectra.ft3
I am using cara for my protein assignment. It works perfectly for all my 2D and 3D data. But I have problem with the 4D data I got recently. Do you know how to convert the 4D data from nmrpipe to xeasy format or other readable format for cara?
My pipe spectrum is a series of files named as cn4Dnoesy%02d%03d.DAT (e.g. cn4Dnoesy01001.DAT,
I tried to open them directly, and get the error message:
"unknown format"
Is there anything I should do to get a single pipe file?
8 years and 8 days old
Convert the nmrPipe plane files to a single file using the xyz2pipe program included with the distribution (e.g.):
xyz2pipe -in hnco%03d.ft -x > hnco_3D.ft
This file cannot be opened with Cara (is this a bug?)
Workaround for second "bug":
Convert the file to Sparky format using:
You can then open the spectrum with Cara
either using "Tools-Open Spectrum" or with MonoScope.
If you want to open with MonoScope, define a new SpectrumType for the 4D in the repository first.
F.Damberger & L.Jiang.
Is it possible to get (download) a test 4D NMR Pipe spectrum file (i.e. the all-planes-in-one-file version)? I will try to debug it then.
Could be that you only have to use the file ending *.pipe instead of *.ft. Please try that and tell me if it works.
Done in 1.2 (I hope at least). CARA now also takes into account the orientation attributes of the Pipe file. Since there is no reasonable documentation about the format, I still expect certain surprises to occur.
Hi Fred, After the assignment is done, I have the list of all the chemical shifts under the "system" menu of the cara main window. But how to export all these values to a single file? I actually want to plot the chemical shift values using sigma plot. Do I have to copy and paste individual values after clicking each and every system? Best Regards jeet.
6 years and 8 months and 1 week old
There are two relevant scripts to write out shifts versus sequence:
"ChemShiftDeviationsPlot.lua" which plots the deviations of any set of shifts from the random coil values.
which writes these same values to a file.
You can alter either script to use the raw chemical shifts by removing the relevant term in the line that calculates the shift deviation.
You can export chemical shift lists in the following ways:
- Right-Click on the project and select "Export-AtomList"
This writes out the chemical shifts in XEASY format (as a "protonlist")
- Lua script: "WriteAssignmentsInFormatX.lua"
This writes out the chemical shifts in any of three formats
- XEASY/DYANA (appropriate for structure calculation)
- XEASY/CYANA2 (appropriate for structure calculation)
Two options are presented for writing out chemical shifts in the follow-up to this issue. Also two scripts to generate secondary shift deviations vs. sequence.
my problem is how to write all the spins in a file, not ina particular format...for example...all the HA shifts in a column or all the CA shifts in different that. Am still not able to do the same using any of the scripts given in the page. thanks and regards jeet
The scripts "ChemicalShiftDeviationsFile.lua" and "WriteAssignmentsInFormatX.lua" both write spin shifts to a file and could serve as examples.
Please find attatched, a simple script to write shifts in columns to a file. Each entry is separated by a spacer ";".
If you want a different set of spins to be written out, or a different column order, then edit the table which appears at the beginning of the script.
yeah, now its working for me, and now you can put the status of this issue as "completed"...thanks -jeet.
I just moved to Texas, therefore I saved my data on a external drive, got it back on the computer, but I can not open the saved repository. I can open the spectra by themselfs, but not my repository. It gives the error message File not accesible
error while parsing element line 1991 column 116
Could you tell me what the problem is.
6 years and 9 months and 11 days old
This usually happens if you move spectra or migrate the repository to another system. CARA will then pop up an error when opening the repository, because the file paths are no longer correct. Answer the question "Do you want to select another spectrum file?" with "Yes" and locate the corresponding spectrum in the file system. If the remaining files are in the same directory, CARA 1.5.3 will ask you only once. Alternatively you can try to set the spectrum file paths directly in the *.cara file, which is XML and human comprehensible (in any case don't forget to backup). Cheers Rochus
It would be nice to work with relative paths or to be able to switch between relative path and absolute path. The current method of migrating to another machine is quite tedious. For every spectrum you must again set the current location. If they are bruker spectra, each one is in a different directory. The same spectrum appearing in different projects has to be updated for each project. Moreover, this process must be completed for all spectra in every project to be able to open a repository at all. It is done in a unstructured way: I get an endless query of spectra paths (with no other information to help me).
I am unable to open the Topspin processed on my PC in synchroscope mode but it's opening in other mode. Same file can be opened on other's PC. Is this PC dependent problem?
Pls suggest.
6 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
- We have seen some reports of Linux PCs that are missing some library files and therefore cannot open spectra properly.
- are you running a Linux PC?
- what error messages do you see in the console window?
- What do you mean exactly by "unable to open"? You can only open 2D spectra with SynchroScope like HSQC15N. After you open it, then you select the 3D in the strip panel with the context menu "Select Spectrum".
- Do you get an error message when you "Open SynchroScope" with your HSQC15N?
- Is the option to "Open SynchroScope" grey ?
- Does SynchroScope open the HSQC15N but not display any signals?
Hi Fred, Thanks for ur reply. Now i have sorted out the problem. I was using older version of CARA (1.1) probably that was the reason i was unable to open Topspin processed data. With latest version and latest template (1.2) the 15N HSQC is opeing in Syncroscope mode.
I am facing another problem. While opening HNCO spectrum (processed in Topspin) in the dialog box it shows "N" instead of Co
as dimension 2 in the original dimension order. On clicking "ok" and continuing, it does not show any peak in the synchroscope. Although it show the file name of the spectrum. I am attaching the *.bmp file of the dialog box.
The "N" in dimension D2 means that CARA found a dimension where the ppm range is above 100. This is a primitive way to distinguish "N" from "C" (CARA assumes "C" is 10<C<100). Below 10 is "H". Don't worry about this. Just make sure that the HNCO is oriented so that the "C" axis is D2 (ie. along strip axis)
If you have an HNCA loaded in the strip window of SynchroScope or PolyScope and switch to the HNCO, CARA unfortunately does not change the ppm range of the Y-axis of the strip (even though the "C" range of the HNCO does not overlap that of the HNCA).
Therefor you will see no signals in the strip. If you click in the strip, you will see the "outside of spectrum" message in the status line.
Just hit the Home key and CARA will reset the strip range to the full range of the HNCO.
ps When you report a new issue, please make a new issue in the tracker rather than adding it as follow-up to an unrelated issue. Thanks!
There is no function to change the ResidueType at a given sequence position.
This is necessary in order to convert Projects from one format to another (e.g. DYANA nomenclature to CYANA)
looking for something like Residue:setType( "ARG" )
6 years and 8 months and 4 days old
is it possible to run autolink using experiment of our own choice, say, i would like to assign my protein using HNN and HNCN, but I was not able to see any options in autolink, if you have a solution for that... thanks
6 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
As far as I know, AutoLink works with the spins available in the project. You can use any experiment you wish to assign the spin-systems. AutoLink trys to optimally link the spin-systems together.
Example: If your experiment delivers HN, N and N-1 spins, AutoLink would make use of matches between N and N-1 shifts to find the correct links.
If you want to know details about AutoLink or obtain official information from the author please contact Jim Masse through the AutoLink webpage (linked to the website of CARA).
Principly, I think AutoLink can handle any kind of assignments you add to the spin-systems (for example, it will link spin-systems using N and N-1 spins. Please contact Jim Masse for details on AutoLink. The CARA webpage: has a link to the AutoLink site.
Hi there. Jim here (I am the author of AL). As it is right now, any spin label with any offset can be used by AL for sequence matching. However, for connectivity comparisons, 15N-15N peaks can't yet be used. The next release should be able to use them, however, as we realize that N-N correlation experiments are becomming more prevalent in the field. Please bear with us while the upgrades to the program are being completed. I think a new version will be released in a few days.
I was trying to run Autolink to assing a protein, but i was stuck at the first point of picking "spin systems". I am not able to find the lua script for the same. I guess it is not there on the scripts page. I was able to pick the peaks in the 2D-hsqc, but after that it should pick spin systems, input being the 15N-tocsy values, but I am not able to see the script anywhere, if you can please help me out. thanks.
6 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
There is a script to pick systems from an HSQC15N included in the standard template Start1.2.cara. It is called Pick_2D_Peaks.lua. However, it does a poor job:
- Picks several maxima on one peak.
- Assumes all peaks are H-N backbone correlations
You have two options:
- ) Improve the script Pick_2D_Peaks.lua and then write a peak-picker for 3D peaks.
- ) Use Cara as described in the wiki tutorials. For Triple resonance NMR it is very efficient to peak pick manually. I took about one working day to pick all my systems for a 140 residue protein.
The second option has the advantage that you have looked at your spectra in detail which helps identify problems like peak-doubling, conformational exchange, degradation etc.
hey, thanks for the quick reply, I am not having much problem with Pick_2D_Peaks.lua, i have compared the thing with manually as well. But that is just peak picking, my question was if the software is having some script which picks the "spin system" from TOCSY-HSQC spectra. I am asking this, since in the autolink manual it says "In order for AutoLink to function, the user must have a properly defined CARA repository with pre-defined “residue types” and previously created (though unlinked and unassigned) “spin systems” and “spins”. The simplest way to obtain a proper CARA repository is to simply download an appropriate template from the CARA web site, and read in a sequence file that contains the sequence of the molecule of interest (see the CARA user’s manual for details). Creation of spin systems and spins can either be done by hand, which for most NMR assignment problems can be done fairly quickly, or by a downloading peak/spin system-picking script from the CARA website and executing it." My question is specific about picking "spin systems" or "residue type" Thanks
Jim Masse contributed two scripts a long time ago and I never loaded them onto the calua page:
- Pick_2D_Peaks.lua
- Pick_3D_Peaks.lua
I've added them. Sorry about that!
- s. note that the version of Pick_2D_Peaks.lua distributed with Start1.2.cara includes a user interface.
is it possible to run autolink with the experiment of our own choice, say, i would like to assign a protein using HNN and HNCN experiments, but i was not able you have a solution for that, thanks
As far as I know, AutoLink works with the spins available in the project. You can use any experiment you wish to assign the spin-systems. AutoLink trys to optimally link the spin-systems together.
Example: If your experiment delivers HN, N and N-1 spins, AutoLink would make use of matches between N and N-1 shifts to find the correct links.
If you want to know details about AutoLink or obtain official information from the author please contact Jim Masse through the AutoLink webpage (linked to the website of CARA).
The Cbeta spin of Ser shows up in HNCA stripscope, and gets exported in strip peak list. This causes confusion.
6 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
In the template Start1.2.cara, the experiment-procedure for HNCA is defined with step 3 as follows: N->C (54 +- 10 ppm, hops=2). This means that all C-atoms with chemical shift in the range 44..64 ppm are reached from N that are two bonds away.
In the case of Ser, CA and CB have overlapping chemical shift ranges and so the CB is also reached.
This peak would theoretically be visible if the coupling J(2)N-CB where not so small.
If you are exporting peaklists, you will have to remove the correlations to CB (e.g. by a LUA script).
In my opinion, it would be nice if it is possible, to create a cumulative lua scripts pack. In that way it will be possible just in one click to downlad them all! (im quite newbie but i think that it would be nice if anyone could share on web his/her own scripts, like an open-source scripting community, everyone will get advantages in this) Luca
6 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
The currently distributed CARA template Start1.2.cara includes a set of standard LUA scripts. It does not include the newest LUA scripts which can be down-loaded from the CALUA page. I am not sure a cumulative lua script package is really needed. A pick-and-choose approach to get those custom scripts you need will avoid unnecessarily expanding your repository.
LUA scripts submitted to the CARA definition team will be added to the CARA website.
If there were a third-party site to distribute LUA scripts, we could link it from our site, but with no guarantees as to the safety of using the LUA scripts distributed there.
currently there is no way to import more than one LUA script at a time into a repository. This could be added as a feature in new releases.
I was working with Cara under Linux. Whenever I try to replace strip in StripScope the spin tuple window pops up. I download new copy of Cara and new respiratory that works well under Windows. But I still have this problem. How to fix it?
6 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
I assume that you have opened a spectrum with StripScope which has sidechain anchors such as HCcHtocsy or hCCHcosy.
The behavior is intended. If you click on a strip like HB3/CB of System 2 and then "replace strip" and select a spin-system 3 assigned to Valine, there are 4 possible anchors for the replacement strip (assuming all spins are assigned in system 3):
- HG1/CG1
- HG2/CG2
The spintuple window pops up in order for you to specify which anchor of the new system should replace the strip.
If you opened an HNCA, there is only one spintuple in each spin system: HN/N
Does anyone know how to use the "overlay" utility to overlay spectra in CARA? I tried, but it did not work for me. I might be missing something quite basic. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you,
Winston Wu
6 years and 9 months and 2 weeks old
The overlay utility is based on a concept of layers (Layers are not equivalent to spectra) . Each overlay layer has a colors for negative and positive intensity defined by you. You can assign any spectrum you want to a given overlay layer.
Example 1
overlay layer 1 has positive intensity color orange. You could assign the spectrum "HSQC1" to it. Then CARA would display positive intensity of HSQC1 in layer 1 with orange contours.
To set the properties of a given layer you must make it the "active layer" using "Overlay-Set Active Layer". under the "Overlay" menu you find submenus to:
1) set the spectrum of the current layer
2) set the color for positive intensity
3) set the color for negative intensity
moreover you find controls to
1) set the number of layers
2) add a layer
3) compose layers (this allows you to assign spectra to many layers)
4) Make colors persistant (this forces CARA to remember what colors are assigned to each layer. If you Save the repository - the layer colors will be persistant in the next CARA session when you open this repository)
Example 2 compose layers for a titration series
Suppose I have a project with 5 spectra: HSQC1 HSQC2 HSQC3 etc...
1) I open HSQC 1 with MonoScope (or PolyScope)
2) "Overlay-Compose Layers"
3) right-click in the window and select "Add All Spectra" (or "Add Spectra if you have other spectra in the project you do not want to display) Now all spectra in the project should be listed in the overlay list. You can remove, add or move spectra as desired.
4) "Overlay-Set Active Layer" You can determine which layer to edit here. Note that the layer number is listed 1st (0 thru 4) followed by the name of the spectrum that is assigned to the layer. Select layer 0.
5) "Overlay-Set Positive Color" Click on Dark Blue color swatch and "OK" now the spectrum assigned to layer 0 "HSQC1" has dark blue contours for its positive intensity.
6) "Overlay-Set Active Layer" Select layer 1. Now you can set the positive color for the second layer "1" which has spectrum "HSQC2" assigned to it.
7) Proceed until each layer has a different positive color.
8) Do the same for the negative colors.
9) "Overlay-Make Colors Persistant"
10) "Files-Save" this will store the colors for the layers in the repository.
Important: The spectra assigned to the layers are NOT stored. neither are the number of layers!
The next time you open CARA and load the repository, you will have to repeat the following steps to see the same overlay of spectra:
1) Open spectrum HSQC1 with MonoScope
2) "Overlay-Compose Layers" right-click and "Add All Spectra"
If you manually set up the spectra in a given order, you will, unfortunately, have to repeat this setup.
If you were clever and gave them names that are alphabetically ordered, and included no other spectra in the project, then "Add all Spectra" will quickly reinstate the order and set of spectra of your titration.
Note: When you do any of the usual commands to manipulate a spectrum you are displaying, it affects the spectrum in the active layer. E.g. "cp" effects the contour level of the active layer. "ns" applies "next spectrum" to the active layer. This means that the active layer will have a different spectrum (the next one in the "select spectrum" menu) assigned to it
I notice that peak integration done using Tune peak model function doesn't give percent error to the calculated peak volume. I also took the ratio of peak volumes calculated by peakint from xeasy to the volumes calculated by cara,and found the results could vary from ~0.2 to 10.
my question is which method to measure peak volume is more reliable. This can be critical for structure calculations.
6 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Peak integration in CARA is not really integration. CARA determines the intensity at the position of the peak and subtracts the calculated intensity at that position from nearby peaks. So really it is a deconvolution of peak intensity not peak integration. To directly compare XEASY with CARA, you should use the "m" peak integration mode of XEASY which finds the maximum. The justification for this approach is that (in 3D spectra) the lineshape is determined predominantly by the applied window function since fids are typically not sampled long enough to detect differences in linewidth.
If you want to get an estimation of nonsystematic error, you can zoom into a large region of the corresponding spectrum with MonoScope that has NO peaks, and then apply "View-Detect Maximum Amplitudes". At the bottom of the output you will find "Noise" which is the root mean square amplitude for the entire displayed region.
Certainly errors in peak volume can give errors in structures but keep in mind that structure calculation creates constraints based on the r^(-1/6) of the volume which is not so sensitive to small errors. Structure calculation depends on the sum total network of constraints to obtain reliable structures.
Errors are estimated using "View-Detect Maximum Amplitudes" in MonoScope after zooming a region of the spectrum with no peaks.
Cara is measuring peak maxima and deconvoluting contributions from neighboring peaks. It assumes that peak intensity is proportional to peak volume. If you have varying peak linewidths this may not be accurate but it would normally underestimate constraints for residues involved in chemical exchange. (conservative assumption).
The following feature would greately improve the usability of Cara in the stage of structure calculation, NOE-based structure analysis and structure-based assignment.
In case when structural coordinates have been imported from a coordinate file into the Cara project (which is already possible), it would be very useful to get spatial distance information for the Spinlinks (=NOEs) proposed by Cara.
It should be provided in the "Propose Spin" dialogue in strips as an extra column showing distances between the proposed spins and the currently selected anchor spin.
It should be analogously realized in the "Propose System" dialogue, in 2D planes. There the distance column in the list of horizontal spins should display the distances of these horizontal spins to the currently selected vertical spin and vice versa.
See also an already existing Issue 0149
6 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
I am doing a backbone assignment using the Start 1.2 repository. When I load in a HBHAcoNH spectra using the HBHA(CBCACO)NH template and pick spins the only labelling options are HA, HB.. and not HA-1, HB-1 etc as expected. I can't seem to get round the problem with the force spin label command as a fix.
Is this a bug in the system or am I going wrong somewhere? Thanks in advance, Rich.
6 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
It is working for me. HA-1 and HB-1 are available and they are displayed when I pick them (both using SynchroScope and using PolyScope). Are you using the most recent version of CARA?
I am still having problems, I have been using a 15N hsqc open in synchroscope and picking spins from triple resonance spectra opened in the right-hand strip. This is fine for everything except the HBHAcoNH where I still only have HA, HB options and not HA-1, HB-1 etc. When I open the HBHAcoNH in spectroscope directly I get the same labelling options. The problem is the same using CARA 1.5.2 and 1.5.3. I am running on a linux machine and have the latest Start 1.2 repository download.
Any other ideas on what the problem might be?
Hi Fred
Made some progress now, when I open the 15N hsqc in PolyScope with HBHAcoNH in a strip I can pick and correctly label the proton spins. There is still a problem if I try the same in SynchroScope, either the -1 labels are not available or they will not actually label the spins when I select them. Now that I know I can use polyscope instead I am making progress again so thanks for the suggestion.
I am getting the same behaviour as you describe in SynchroScope. PolyScope is an "upgraded" version of SynchroScope. It does complete pathway simulation. This means that it can simulate pathways that end in the previous residue. That is why you see HB2-1 etc in PolyScope.
SynchroScope shows you the intersection of all available labels in each dimension of the spectrum. Since the SpectrumType HBHA(CBCACO)NH contains the labels "HA", "HA2", "HA3", "HB2", "HB3", "HB" in the "Hab" dimension of the experiment these are the labels which are available in "pick label" and only these labels appear in the strip. To fix the SpectrumType HBHA(CBCACO)NH so that "HB2-1" is available in SynchroScope you would select the SpectrumType and right-click on the dim2 Hab and select "Add Label" and enter "HB2-1".
However, you would need to do this for all the SpectrumTypes where labels are missing. E.g. for the 3D 15N TOCSY, the list of labels becomes very long.
I suggest you continue working with PolyScope which solves this problem more elegantly with pathway simulation. If the labels you want are not available in PolyScope, try switching the SystemType. (I will make a new template available which defines the expanded SystemTypes today so that by switching SystemType, you can influence the available labels).
Ok, thanks for the advice. Having more luck with SynchroScope, however, still one problem. When I open hsqc with Synchroscope with a HBHAcoNH strip and examine unassigned systems which clearly have i-1 as a glycine (2 HA peaks in the strip) I don't get the option to label them HA2-1 and HA3-1 as needed. All other i-1 labelling choices are available. Where assignment has been done and CARA knows that i-1 is a glycine I do have the option to label HA2-1 and HA3-1. If you are writing any updates then maybe you could try and reproduce this yourself first. Let me know if my explaination needs clarifying or if you can't reproduce it with your data. Thanks. Richard
This is because CARA assumes the predecessor system is the ResidueType of the generic residue. The generic residue is an AMX spinsystem and does not contain spins HA2 and HA3.
You can fix this in one of two ways:
- If you are working with PolyScope:
Edit the GenericSystem to add atoms HA2 and HA3 attatched to the CA atom.
- If you are working with SynchroScope:
Edit the SpectrumType HBHA(CBCACO)NH to add the labels "HA2-1" and "HA3-1" to the list of labels in the dimension D2.(Y) Hab as I described in my last followup.
SystemScope could increase its range of application greatly if it were possible to select a different spectrum in the Orthogonal Plane than is displayed in the Strip. (Analogous to other windows where this is possible).
It would be especially useful if one could select spectra in the ortho plane that had different anchors from the strips.
The vertical dimension, y, would correspond to that shown in the strip (D2), but the horizontal dimension, x (D3), would not be the same as the depth dimension of the strip (currently the case) but instead the depth dimension of the selected spectrum.
Example (3D 15N-TOCSY and 13C HCcHtocsy):
SystemScope is opened with 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY (HN dim = D1, N dim = D3, Htocsy dim = D2). Strip is positioned at x=D1="HN",z=D3="N" anchor of system 1.
User picks the "HA" spin in the TOCSY tower along y=D2 dimension and executes "Show orthogonal plane".
To find the CA of the same system, (s)he selects the 3D HCcH-TOCSY spectrum in the Orthogonal plane (Hinept = D1, Cinept = D3, Htocsy = D2).
SystemScope shows the plane x=D3/y=D1 at the z=D2=HA ppm value position. (S)he clicks on the tower at the "CA" position along x axis and selects "Pick orthogonal spin". Since the anchors (Hinept=D1,Cinept=D3) of this spectrum are H-C pairs, "CA" is included in the list and (s)he can pick it.
6 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Two bugs on the recent CARA/neasy package:
1. Conversion 2D spectra from NMRpipe to NEASY format results in inverse intensities (positive peaks become negative and vice versa) of the converted spectra. Applying a conversion factor to minus 1 times the conversion factor during translation, in order to restore the correct phase, does not result in an error. However the converted spectra are incorrectly displayed as vertical stripes when imported in NEASY.
2. Full view opening on a 1600x1200 screen works OK in intensity mode, but upon setting the "cp" contour mode command the error message is given that the data is too big to be loaded. After reducing the horizontal expansion of the NEASY spectral window to something like less than approx. 1200 pixels (instead of 1600), the contour plot can be drawn again. Seemingly this has nothing to do with memory requirements or the matrix size of the spectrum to be displayed. This limitation of maximum window size does not seem to exist for exapnsion in the vertical direction of the LCD monitor
6 years and 11 months and 2 weeks old
Bug 1.
When I change the "amplitude multiplication factor" during CARA conversion to -1, I get a sign change for the signals as expected. I am using cara_1.5.3_linux on an HSQC15N experiment
Bug. 2.
This is a known bug of the original xeasy. Since Neasy uses the same algorithm it has the same behaviour. The Neasy tool in CARA is meant to support backward compatibility for XEASY projects.
Hans Ippels response:
Regarding Bug 1:
You're right that the -1 option works, my mistake by not properly testing this is on e.g. a HSQC spectrum. However, in my case the conversion from a 2D NOESY spectrum with large dynamic range between diagonal- and cross peaks, the pipe (*.ft2) --> easy conversion gives a recommended scaling factor of around 0.002. Using this factor (no matter what the input of the scaling factor, positive and negative sign, is - or a smaller absolute value for that matter) results in the striped spectrum. This is tested with the cara-1.5.3 linux executable.
Widget:getFont() returns parameters bold and italic of type boolean, while Widget:setFont requires the corresponding parameters to be numeric.
6 years and 11 months and 1 day old
All data displayed in a ListView is converted to type string, and consequently sorted as such. Thus, it is difficult to get correct sorting of numbers.
Is it possible to let sorting methods for each column be defined as strings or numbers?
6 years and 11 months and 1 day old
It looks like currently there are no methods to extract data from items of a list. It would be nice to have a method like
ListItem:getText(column id)
as the counterpart of
ListItem:setText(column id, string).
This would also be in line with the methods for combobox items.
6 years and 11 months and 1 day old
Apparently it is called getSelectedItem(), though documented as getSelected()
6 years and 11 months and 1 day old
ListView:removeColumn() method has a bug. It seems to remove only every odd column from a list. This could be a case of incorrect incrementation.
I have attached a sample LUA scipt, which demonstrates the problem.
Best regards, Alex.
6 years and 11 months and 6 days old
Sorry, I didn't realize that the total column count changes with each application.
Please ignore the original post.
Linking the spin systems via CBCACONH, it changes the label for the CA-1 to the corresponding CA, but it does not do the same for the CB-1.
7 years and 1 month and 6 days old
I tried to reproduce this using cara_1.5_linux without success. What version are you using and what steps exactly cause this bug to occur?
In the project in question, an HNCA and CBCAcoNH were used to assign CA, CA-1, and CB-1.
Due to the fact that CA has been assigned in the origin system CARA can resolve the CA-1 as a CA in the predecessor system.
On the other hand the CB has not been assigned, only the CB-1. Therefore CARA cannot find the CB in the predecessor system and so CB-1 remains unresolved (i.e. CB-1).
If the links of the systems are "final", the script "CopyProjectedSpinsToOriginSystem.lua"; can be used to copy CB-1 of system i to CB of system i-1.
I have just finished a structure determination using CARA and CYANA 2.1 and would like to share my experience. This comment is likely to fall into "general" and "feature request" category.
I would like to say that CARA does a great job for backbone and sidechain assignment. However, NOE constatrint handling and interaction with structure calculation software leave some room for improvement.
To be specific, while the model of CARA renders peaklists obsolete at the resonance assignment stage, NOESY peaklists are still needed for the structure calculation. SpinLinks are very useful during refinement, since they can produce visualisations of *.upl files, but at this stage they cannot be a substitution for NOESY peaklists. Structures generated with automated NOESY peak picking and assignment usually require subsequent refinement to enhance quality. Complete manual NOE assignment by creating SpinLinks with "Propose Spin" command is possible but practical only for the smallest proteins. Besides, it seems that a SpinLink cannot represent an NOE interaction with an unassigned spin.
Peak integration is a major issue. There is a previously reported bug in the integration with peak shapes. Intergral values of opposite signs and magnitude exceeding local intensity levels can be produced, if two or more peaks are picked sufficiently close to each other.
A nice additional feature would be to allow users to set integral values individually for every peak in an interactive manner. The motivation behind this is that there are cases when spectroscopist is certain about a peak's presence, but accurate integration is impossible due to overlap, proximity to the water line or a noise ridge, etc. It is a common practice to set the integral of such peak to a very small value, which would eventually be converted to maximum possible upl constraint. Of course, automatic integration of all peaks should be able to skip those having have a manual integral set.
It would be useful to be able to assign NOESY peaks through a "right-click" context menu, similar to the generation of SpinLinks in PolyScope. Such manual intervention is needed fairly often to refine assignments delivered by CANDID. Current procedure of typing in individual spin IDs in MonoScope is very time-consuming and error-prone.
NOEASSIGN (CANDID) of CYANA 2.x apparently produces peaklists containing multiple peak assignments with weighting factors. Is CARA going to be compatibe with these peaklists?
6 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
- Bug in Integrated values due to close peaks:
The "previously reported bug in the integration with peak shapes" which is mentioned in this issue 0671 refers to the following issue:
"Integrator gives erroneous volumes for nearby peaks"
This Issue was completed in Cara 1.4.4. Starting with this version any peaks with a ppm value smaller than 0.001 ppm apart are treated as degenerate. Accordingly, the observed intensity is divided among all of the degenerate peaks equally.
- Manually setting intensity:
Since the intensities you assign are anyway fictitious, I suggest you instead add an attribute to peaks which you can set (e.g. call it MinIntensity of type boolean).
Then you can write a LUA script to generate a peaklist containing the minimal intensity. This will allow you to document which peaks have been treated this way, and to use the integration tool without overwriting the information about the changed integrals.
- Assigning peaks through a "right-click" context menu.
I agree with you that the use of SpinID is a cumbersome approach to inputting the assignments of peaks. A menu like "Propose Peak" could be added. E.g. "Propose Assignment". This would need to be 3 columns for 3D peaks.
- Peaks with multiple peak assignments.
This feature was added in Cara version 1.3. Currently it is possible to select a peak in the peaklist and right-click "Add assignment" to make additional assignments for the peak. Each assignment has a probability. The assignments are represented as a new object AssigGuess and can be manipulated with the LUA API using functions like setAssig(). See the release notes to Cara 1.3 for details. Clearly, this is only a 1st step and we welcome your input on how to further develop this concept.
This was reported in an earlier version of Cara,
but is apparently still a problem.
After some work with Lua scripts, executed Lua Scripts nolonger show any output in the script window.
This is annoying because I assume that I have made an error in the Lua Script and start to make changes in the Script to "fix my error". Actually there is nothing wrong with the script.
Details on when I see the problem:
I am editing the script and executing it in the script-editor window on a PC running WindowsXP using Ctrl-T to check syntax and Ctrl-E to execute the script. At some point text stops appearing in the Terminal window. Later no text appears at the bottom of the script editor either.
I am sending a lot of text to the text window (thousands of lines). Possibly some buffer is getting full?
Workaround: switch to another part of explorer and then back to terminal window.
8 years and 9 months and 11 days old
Can be avoided by clearing the log from time to time. Please tell me the number of characters when the effects starts to occur.
Its quite a large number, well over 10000 lines of text.
This still occurs in the latest version 1.5.3.
Please add a LUA command setMagnitude to the object Atom, so that Magnitude can be set from within a LUA script.
I discovered that my standard template does not consider magnitudes, so I need to write a script that will update this information for the users. It cannot be edited in the ResidueType-Explorer.
Atom:setMagnitude( 3 )
7 years and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Cara can't save folding even in 1.4.4.
7 years and 1 month and 4 weeks and 1 day old
For me it works:
- Click on the spectrum in Cara-explorer to expand the dimensions.
- Right-click on the dimension to change the folding of it.
- Select the option "Set folding".
- Select the folding option (e.g. "TPPI")
- Save the repository.
- Reload the repository.
The new folding value should now be displayed in Cara-explorer.
Which version are you using and which architecture?
What I mean by architecture:
I was able to set folding with Neasy,Bruker,Pipe spectra using cara_1.4.4_linux.
I just tried the steps in my 1st follow up using cara_1.4.4_win32 and either a .nmr or a .pipe file and both store the FOLD value.
This is quite curious. Sorry to ask obvious things.
Please check the version in the Cara-explorer "?" menu.
Repeat exactly the steps as described.
Run Cara on a different machine.
Download a fresh copy of cara_1.4.4_win32.
Try loading the following Repository (replace the HSQC15N with any HSQC15N you have handy).
Check the N(N) dimension. It should be TPPI fold. Try changing it and storing it.
Hum..... Somehow, it works with the repository which you give. However, it doesn't work with my old repository. I have checked with two different repository (Start1.1.cara and Start1.2.cara). I have found that I can save the folding just with Start1.2.cara. It is too bad. I have all files which was started with start1.1.cara.... Fxxx.
Thank you anyway.
Strange. Possibly CARA does not recognize the old format.
Try to edit the repository file to look like the lines which define the Folding state in my example repository:
<cal dim='0' off='0.000000' width='0.000000' fold='F'/>
<cal dim='1' off='0.000000' width='0.000000' fold='F'/>
You can find out the different states by storing my TestFolding.cara with different values of the folding (None, RSH, and TPPI).
Then edit the corresponding lines for your spectra in your repository accordingly. Ofcourse back-up your repository before you do this!
Where you able to fix this by editing the repository as I suggested?
I am able to store the fold value using Spectra-Explorer with the template Start1.1.cara, cara_1.5_linux and several different pipe, sparky and felix spectra.
I can't figure out whats going on.
Here is my example file which works for me. Maybe you can compare yours to mine.
did you find a hint as to why your repository cannot store the folding?
I have tried with your Start1.1-foldbug1.cara. However it doesn't work.
I am attaching one of pipe spectra.
Working with cara_1.5_linux
OK. I am able to store fold values, but when I read in the repository again, the fold value is associated with the wrong dimension.
Here is the result of storing fold=TPPI on Dim 13C (res=512pts). Before I reloaded the repository fold=TPPI in 13C dim.
After I reloaded the repository, fold=TPPI on Dim 1H!
Is this what you get?
Please try with RSH since I have recorded the spectra with State-TPPI. I have just get "N".
I did this. See attachment.
Even though I set the fold=RSH in the C dimension before saving the repository (Start1.1-foldbug2-pipeRSHinCdim.cara) when I reload the repository, RSH is in the H dimension (not C).
The bug seems to change the position of the RSH after every save. So if I resave this repository, and reload it (Start1.1-foldbug2-pipeRSHinCdimResave.cara), RSH appears in the C dimension.
Checked this using 1.5.3, and it now works for me.
Ver.1.4.2 StripScope
In the HcccoNH experiment included with Start1.2.cara, CARA does a path simulation on the generic residue and lists only labels: "?" "HA-1" "HB2-1" "HB3-1" "HG2-1" "HG3-1"
since the pathway simulation found only labels with offset "-1", the generic label "?-1" should be included. In fact the label "?" does not make much sense since it indicates an offset of "0" which is not possible with the experiment.
CARA should list the generic label in Label spin (with "?") with only the offsets that are obtained with pathway simulation.
Workaround: Use "Force label" to enter the label "?-1"
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
For Cconh and Hcconh analysis, a new drop-down menu can be added to allow user choose the residue type for i-1 residue. The spin labels can then be properly selected in assigning spins belonging to the i-1 residue.
The very nice chemical shift ruler feature in stripscope is also good here in systemscope for i-1 residue type.
7 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Starting with cara 1.4.2, pathway simulation includes the neighbor residues when they are asssigned. This means that the appropriate i-1 labels will appear when the previous residue is linked and the fragment is assigned,
If the previous residue is not assigned, it is possible to pick spins with a label ?-1 which represents a spin in the previous residue. StripScope will match ? and ?-1 spins for "best predecessor" or "best successor".
To use this option, you must remember to turn on "Select Strips-Unlabeled Strip Matching" *
This will force CARA to include matches between "?" and "?-1" in the strip-matching algorithms "best predecessor" and "best successor".
- CARA does NOT consider "?" and "?" in two strips to match if you use "best predecessor" or "best successor". Currently "?" is treated as if it has an offset of 0 in this algorithm.
- Due to a bug, the option "Setup-Unlabeled Strip Matching" does not activate the matching of "?" to "?-1" even though it has the same name as the context menu item "Select Strips-Unlabeled Strip Matching". HomoScope(rotated)
The indirect dimension is mirror-imaged (Spiegelverkehrt)!
The rotation should look the same as the normal HomoScope view except that it is rotated about 90 degrees (like rotating a sheet of paper with writing on the front clockwise by 90degrees.
Yolanda & Fred
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
I don't understand the problem. CARA always shows spectra with increasing ppm from righ to left and top to bottom. If I would do it as you suggest, the ppm would increase from bottom to top and thus violate the principle. The geometric operation is not a rotation but a diagonal mirroring.
It's true. CARA follows the rule left-to-right and top-to-bottom. This assures that all slices with the same atomtypes run in the same direction. Otherwise the synchronization would be quite confusing.
The problem then is semantic. You cannot call the Scopes XScope(rotated) since you are not performing a rotation.
Anyway, i think it quite artificial to have two scopes HomoScope and HomoScope(rotated). Why not have a dialog in Homoscope that allows the orientation to be adjusted?
"Rotate" should be renamed: "Axis Orientation". Same goes for "Rotate Peaklist" -> "Peaklist Orientation". If you must keep the duplicated scopes, call it "HomoScope(reoriented)
This avoids the "rotate" which gives an incorrect impression of the geometric operation performed.
I open the SATRT 2.1 reposiotry....
However, when analyzing NOE-hsqc, I can't define the peak with labeled from dnn, dan, or dbn.
Is it the repository version problems?
Tang, Tzu-Chun
7 years and 1 month old
I am going to guess that you are talking about the SpectrumType "3D 15N NOESY". There is no spectrumType "noesy-hsqc" in the template Start1.2.cara.
Here is what I do:
- load my 3D TOCSY-HSQC with SpectrumType "3D 15N TOCSY" into project.
- I load my 3D NOESY-HSQC with SpectrumType "3D 15N NOESY" into project.
- Open the HSQC15N with PolyScope.
- Select the 3D 15N TOCSY-HSQC in the Strip window.
- Click on a System in the HSQC15N.
- Right-Click on the signals and assign them with appropriate labels (HA HB2 HB3 etc (or "?" if you don't know the identity)
note: if you measured an HNHA experiment, you can use this to pick your HA peaks
note: if you measured an HNHB experiment, you can use this to pick your HB peaks (HB2, HB3, or HB)
- Select the 3D 15N NOESY-HSQC in the Strip window.
- Right-Click on a HN-HN peak in the strip and select the menu-item "Pick Label".
- In the "Selected" field enter either the label H+1 or H-1 (this corresponds to d_nn signals you mention)
note: CARA is not able to represent the ambiguity of a signal which may be either H+1 or H-1. So you will need to pick two peaks at each HN-HN peak position.
- click OK
- In the "Selected" field enter either the label H+1 or H-1 (this corresponds to d_nn signals you mention)
- Right-Click on a HA-HN peak in the strip and select the menu-item "Pick Label".
- In the "Selected" field enter either the label HA-1 (this corresponds to d_an signals you mention in the Issue)
- click OK
- continue with any other peaks: You can label them "?-1" (just click on the label in the list and hit OK)
note: if you measured an H(ccco)NH experiment, you can pick the ?-1 signals in the strip of this experiment in the same way.
- Go to the next system and repeat steps 4-10.
note: The entered labeled peaks should appear in the strip as you picked them. If you switch to the 3D TOCSY in the strip only the intraresidue peaks are displayed. If you switch to the 3D 15N NOESY, also the sequential NOEs are displayed.
- When all spins have been picked go on to StripScope...(see below)
In StripScope:
- Turn on "Auto Setup"-"Unlabeled Strip Matching" so that CARA matches "?-1" to "?" as predecessor-successor pairs.
- Use "Show Best Successor" or "Show Best Predecessor" to find matching strips.
- Link good matches using "Link to reference" etc.
The documentation for SystemScope makes reference to figures
but does not display these figures. The code for the web
page includes the following figure links that are not
<img src=""; />
<img src=""; />
<img src=""; />
<img src=""; />
7 years and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Hallo Rochus,
kannst Du bestaetigen das Du eine Email Benachrichtigung zu diesem Issue (ein Test) bekommen hast?
7 years and 3 weeks and 2 days old
I'm currently working on nucleic acids.
Is there a template repository file for DNA/RNA available?
7 years and 1 month and 6 days old
The file attatchment is a NucleicAcid template currently in development (NucleicAcid1.5v1.cara). It does not include all the SpectrumTypes used by RNA/DNA NMR resonance assignment. I welcome your input on improving this 1st draft!
I'm new to CARA.
After having read the tutorial, I noticed that there are many references to XEASY. E.g. import this and that file from XEASY.
Well, I´ve never been a user of XEASY. Can one create with CARA itself everything that is required?
7 years and 1 month and 6 days old
Cara 1.5: MonoScope.
When a spectrum (#0001) is deleted that owns a peaklist, the peaklist becomes "orphaned".
I can fix this by opening another spectrum (#0002) in the project with MonoScope and opening the orphaned peaklist.
Then use "Peaks-Set Peaklist Owner".
Now the peaklist belongs to spectrum #0002.
However the peaks continue to belong to the erased spectrum! This means that an error message continues to occur in the "messages" window when I load the repository.
The peaks ownership should be changed to spectrum #0002 when I execute the menu item "Peaks-Set Peaklist Owner".
The corresponding lua functions should also be fixed.
7 years and 1 month and 8 days old
Cara 1.5: Integrator.
When two peaks are close together, Integrator sometimes produces negative volumes although the amplitude at both peak positions is positive.
7 years and 1 month and 8 days old
Cara ver.1.4.2 StripScope
StripScope does not find predecessor systems where "?" shifts match the shift of the "?-1" shifts in the reference system.
Similarly, it does not find successor systems where the "?-1" shifts match the shift of the "?" shift in the reference system.
Finally, it does not find predecessor systems where the "X" shifts match the shift of the "?-1" spin in the reference system. (i.e. when the label of the spin from the predecessor system is known (e.g. "HA") and the reference systems spin has an unknown label but a matching offset "?-1", CARA does not find the predecessor system.
(also analogous situations where offsets match but one label is known and one label is unknown are not matched).
This means that these labels are useless for the intended purpose of linking spin systems. Therefore the issue is critical.
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I found the problem. There are two places where you can set "unlabeled strip matching".
- "Settings-Unlabeled Strip Matching": This has no affect. Unlabeled strip matching is NOT turned on even when the option is checked.
- Context menu of the strips: "Select Strips-Unlabeled Strip matching". This turns unlabeled strip matching ON and OFF. When the option is checked, unlabeled strip matching WORKS.
There IS a bug here.
"Settings-Unlabeled Strip Matching" has NO effect.
This might be a bit confusing, but there are actually two "matcher", an automatic one (controlled by menu Setup) and a manual one (controlled by context menu). I probably should unite the settings of the two, even if they run independently.
So you mean that when I change the setting in the menu, it affects matching in all Scopes?
and if I change the context menu, it affects matching only in that specific Scope instance?
I am interested in an answer to my follow-up question on this issue.
No, it's as I said. There are two different strip matching engines operating independantly. The automatic one is controlled by Setup and strip list context menu. The manual is controlled by View/Select Strips or strip context menu.
Ok. I do get two results:
- The context-menu-based StripMatcher works.
- The SystemList-based StripMatchder does not work.
If I unlink two systems and in the successor system rename all the spins from labels like "CA-1" to "?-1", "C-1" to "?-1" etc.
- Using Strips Context Menu "All best successors" with only "Select Strips-Unlabeled StripMatching" turned ON, finds the best match with the system containing "?-1" labels.
- Using SpinSystem Menu "Show all successors" with only "Setup-Unlabeled StripMatching" turned ON, does not find a match with the system containing "?-1" labels.
Is there a bug here or am I missing something?
I include a repository based on Demo. Select System 3 and try to find System 4 using Best Successors in the scenarios 1 and 2.
From what I read CARA has its own file format. For a number of reasons, and after trying various conversion programs (all of which mangle the referencing and some of which mangle peak amplitudes as well), I would like to write a conversion program to convert my Varian phasefile data directly to the CARA format similar to the one I wrotethat converts my Varian phasefile data to Wayne Boucher's AZARA format (used in ANSIG and in CCPNMR analysis). Where is the CARA format documented?
7 years and 1 month and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Bruce, the NMR format is documented in my PhD thesis, which will be available to the public by end of October 05. I actually was on the way to implement a native Varian format adapter (so you could directly use Varian spectra from within CARA without conversion), but I became a bit discouraged by the overwhelming complexity of the format. If I have time I will continue the development. Rochus.
I got a hard start with Cara... When I use explorer to open the start1.2.cara, the error message pop up... Error in the end of the file (line 1 column 0) what's going on? should I change anything the downloaded file, start1.2.cara??? tctang
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
I just down-loaded Start1.2.cara and cara_1.2_linux from the CARA website and was able to open the template file Start1.2.cara without any problems.
Please do the following checks and report back.
- Check the contents of the file Start1.2.cara
- 1st line should be:
<?xml version=
?> - File should have 6724 lines (line 6723 looks like: </repository> If anything is not like this, try downloading Start1.2.cara again.
- 1st line should be:
<?xml version=
- Include a copy of line number 1 from your Start1.2.cara file.
- Describe which architecture you are using (linux, windows or Mac OsX)
I'm sure we can solve this problem. Thanks for helping!
Have you made any progress on solving this problem?
Cara PolyScope PolyScope does not update the slice window to reflect the new spectrum after "Select Spectrum" is used in the Strip window. The old slice from previous spectrum is still displayed.
Workaround: Click on the system in the plane to refresh the slice window.
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
-open 15N-HSQC in synchroscope
-open corresponding 3D spectra in strips, e.g. HNCACB
-pick new system in 2D
-go to strips, pick new spin
-move the ruler (pointer) within one strip HN/Cab to a random position (where there are no other spins) - the spin remains selected in another strip N/Cab, while unselected in HN/Cab
-label spin (CARA allows to do so, because the spin remains selected in N/Cab strip
CARA crashes trying to label unexisting spin - Segmentation Fault
7 years and 4 months and 13 days old
I saw this crash demonstrated by Alexey on a linux pc. Now I am not able to cause the crash on my windows PC. (I am able to reproduce the spin in the N/CA strip which remains selected after I click elsewhere in the strip). So possibly the crash only occurs on Linux?
(I forgot to mention that I am using ver. 1.4.1) FD
does this crash still occur with the current version of CARA?
I am able to reproduce this crash in exactly as it is described! This is still a problem.
I did some more testing. This crash-bug is present in all CARA linux versions (even cara_1.1_linux) but it does not occur in windows. There the selected label is simply ignored (also a bug).
Similar Crash in PolyScope:
Note that a crash also occurs if you execute the same steps in PolyScope. However, in PolyScope, CARA freezes for a long time (like 30sec or more), reports :
'QLayout "unnamed" added to QDialog ", which already had a layout."'
and then crashes.
This crash-bug is also present in cara_1.1_linux.
After deleting (in systemscope) spins created in synchroscope, an error message appears saying "cannot delete spins in another project". Then I made a mistake by saving the current repository, which causes cara to crash and also truncate the repository file so that it cannot be reopened. How can I recover unsaved work using the core-dump file?
7 years and 3 months and 1 week old
I have not been able to reproduce this crash. Could you give some more details?
core dump files: I am not knowledgable about whether you can recover useful information from core dumps.
The best protection against loosing a large amount of work due to crashes is to save the repository regularly. This can be done from any Scope using the File-Save command. Although discussed, there is so far no autosave function available in CARA.
I spoke to Pascal about core files.
- You cannot recover a repository from a core file.
- You can determine where the program was when the crash occured IF the program was compiled with debug flags ON.
core files can therefore be useful to the developer to identify bugs/crash sources.
It seems unlikely that your crash was caused by a bug in CARA since it generally should write out a complete repository when you execute SAVE. More likely is a computer related problem which may be difficult to reproduce.
I suggest that you save repository under different names like repository1.cara, repository2.cara... to make it easier to recover to an earlier timepoint.
Regarding Crash recovery or recovery from unwanted changes that were saved: You can generally recover from corrupted repository files or unwanted changes in the repository by opening the .bak file. This file contains the contents of the repository BEFORE the last changes. E.g. Your repository file is Demo.cara. Then the backup file is named Demo.cara.bak.
I have been able to reproduce this crash in a defined way with StripScope using the Demo project (note: the original crash was reported in SystemScope. The CRASH is probably a general problem). The attached Repository files show the contents of the repository BEFORE and AFTER the save which truncates the repository data.
How to reproduce crash:
- Open CannotDeleteSpinIn.cara with cara_1.4.3_linux in a directory containing the Demo project data directory.
- Open HNCA in StripScope.
- In StripScope: Click in a Strip and "Pick Spin" (Label is "?").
- In StripScope: With Spin still selected, "Label Spin" (Select Label "?-1").
- In StripScope: With Spin still selected, "Delete Spins".
- Error message: Delete Spins "Cannot delete spin not belonging to this project".
- Click OK in error message.
- In Cara-Explorer: Save As CannotDeleteSpinInAfterMsg.cara.
CARA crashes hard with message to console:
QLayout "unnamed" added to QDialog "", which already had a layout. Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The Cara repository "CannotDeleteSpinInAfterMsg.cara" is truncated. (Compare to CannotDeleteSpinIn.cara)
WORKAROUND: To recover you can use the file CannotDeleteSpinIn.cara.bak This file contains the contents of the repository BEFORE the changes.
Related Issues:
This CRASH may be related to another CRASH bug reported in
which also involves the menu item "Delete Spins"
Hi Rochus
After I set folding information in CARA, I tried to save it. However, I have always to set again.
7 years and 2 months and 13 days old
CARA does not let you save the folding for the dimension of a spectrum when the line containing the calibration is not included in the repository:
<cal dim=1
- If you define cal to be nonzero in this dimension of the spectrum, the line is saved into the repository and so fold can also be saved.
- If you define the peak width for the spectrum in this dimension of the spectrum, the line is also saved (as long as the peakwidth is nonzero).
This is a problem with CARAs way of storing repository: if the folding is nondefault value ("RSH"), CARA should store this line to the repository.
A fairly ugly workaround:
Store a peakwidth for the dimension that you want to set to a folding value different from "RSH".
If I have a HSQC15N, where I want the indirect (N) dimension to have folding "TPPI".
- Open the HSQC15N with StripScope 2D(rotated) and switch the N and H axis so that the strips width is the N dimension.
- In StripScope context menu: "Set PeakWidth". Enter 1.0 or whatever is appropriate for the experiment.
- In CARA Explorer-Spectra: Click on N dimension of HSQC15N and select "Set folding". Save the repository.
Oops. That's really ugly. I will take care that the cal token is always written, even with off=0.
I haven't found any tool to renumber systems, not residues. Cyana needs protlist and peaklist labeled with residue numbers, but not spin numbers. May be it would be useful to renumber system with the residue number after assignement?
7 years and 4 months and 13 days old
Actually it is not necessary to renumber spin systems. If you export the atom list with cara it will ask you, whether you want to use the spin system or residue numbers. Since system number is an internal id automatically set by cara, it don't see an advantage to renumber. Why would you like to do that (besides atom list export)? Cheers Rochus
I'm using 1.1 template and Cara 1.4.1 release, but, unfortunately, it doesn't ask me wether I want to number atoms by residue number. Template 1.2 is not very comfortable for me because it's residue library is inconsistent with cyana's one.
Template Start1.2.cara should be consistent with Cyana 2.0 which uses IUPAC nomenclature. If you have a cyana 1.X licence, as far as i know, you can upgrade to 2.0 at no cost (but you should consult the distributor on this).
If you find an incompatibility between cyana 2.0 and Start1.2.cara please let me know about it. Start1.2.cara was updated to IUPAC nomenclature exactly because of the change in cyana (and also to be compatible with BMRB).
When I click on the project in Cara-Explorer and select "Export Atom list", Cara asks me: "Shall the assignments reference SpinSystem or Residues" You should click on "Residues" to get a protonlist refering to residue number. When you export a peaklist from HomoScope/PolyScope the assignments will refer to "Spin Numbers" in the project which are equivalent to "Atom Numbers" written into the ProtonList.
Renumbering the spin systems would be nice so that I could know the number of spin systems by just looking at last number in the list. However, I am a novice at cara so maybe I am missing something.
To find a the system for a particular residue, use the command "gr" (goto residue) which is available in all Scopes except MonoScope and SynchroScope.
If you want to work with the SystemList ("sl") then sort it by Residue Number by clicking on "Ass" at the top of the assignment column. You can then find the residue easily and double-click on it's system puzzle piece.
Renumbering Systems would create lots of potential places for inconsistency. The System number identifies the SYSTEM not the RESIDUE.
Hope this clears things up.
If I import an ND peaklist (where N>2) and calibrate it in MonoScope (opened with a 2D HSQC) the indirect dimension is incorrectly adjusted by the calibration.
After an adjustment of about 1ppm in vertical position, all the ppm values in the corresponding dimension of the ND peaklist are changed by about -30 ppm (which is outside the spectrum).
No not calibrate ND peaklists on 2D spectra.
7 years and 2 months and 3 days old
I tried to load a 2d tocsy using NEASY. When I wanted to switch to coutour display(command: ic), I got an error message "data set is too big for contour plot". However, I can view a HSQC in contour display using NEASY.
The 2d tocsy can be seen well in cara using Monoscope and Homescope mode. I wonder if the problem in NEASY is related to the capacity of my display card.
7 years and 2 months and 6 days old
This is related to the XEASY code. If your spectrum has a large number of points in both displayed dimensions, and you have a high resolution screen and display on the full screen, the problem occurs.
You can avoid it by reducing the size of your XEASY window or by working with spectra with a smaller number of points (or zooming in so that a smaller number are displayed).
Two ways to reduce spectra size:
- cut off unneccessary regions
- process with reduced number of points (less zerofilling)
Reduce XEASY window size
Or work with CARA scopes which have no such limitation.
I am getting segmentation faults while doing this:
- Open CARA (version 1.43, also tested on version 1.2.5)
- Menu Tools, Open NEASY with Spectrum
- Select the .param file (include on the file at the given URL)
- Click on OK to confirm the values (don't change anything)
- Segmentation fault happens.
I used GDB to try to track the problem:
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/gallo/cara_1.4.3_linux
Qt: gdb: -nograb added to command-line options.
Use the -dograb option to enforce grabbing.
Cannot open library: /home/gallo/xeasy.lib
QImage::scanLine: Index 961 out of range
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x08133aad in Gui::SetPixel ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x08133aad in Gui::SetPixel ()
#0001 0x0821a46b in drawspectra ()
#0002 0x080a509a in restructured ()
#0003 0x081e477b in NeasyCanvas::fire ()
#0004 0x081e46cd in NeasyCanvas::resizeEvent ()
#0005 0x084e5c58 in QWidget::event ()
#0006 0x08486d2c in QApplication::notify ()
#0007 0x0808f016 in _AppImp::notify ()
#0008 0x0847c9df in QWidget::internalSetGeometry ()
#0009 0x084e6cd2 in QWidget::setGeometry ()
#0010 0x0853a0eb in QMainWindowLayout::layoutItems ()
#0011 0x0853c580 in QMainWindowLayout::setGeometry ()
#0012 0x084b6413 in QBoxLayout::setGeometry ()
#0013 0x08481db4 in QLayout::eventFilter ()
#0014 0x084cbc27 in QObject::activate_filters ()
#0015 0x084cbcc9 in QObject::event ()
#0016 0x084e5a36 in QWidget::event ()
#0017 0x08534bda in QMainWindow::event ()
#0018 0x08486d2c in QApplication::notify ()
#0019 0x0808f016 in _AppImp::notify ()
#0020 0x0847c9df in QWidget::internalSetGeometry ()
#0021 0x084e6d12 in QWidget::resize ()
#0022 0x0847cf25 in QWidget::showMaximized ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#0023 0x081dac83 in Neasy::showMainWindow ()
#0024 0x080873fa in AidaCentral::handleShowNeasy ()
#0025 0x0808558c in AidaCentral::handleAction ()
#0026 0x0806c5d7 in Root::Agent::handle ()
#0027 0x081aa544 in Lexi::MainWindow::handle ()
#0028 0x080854e6 in AidaCentral::handle ()
#0029 0x0806c4a9 in Root::Agent::traverseUp ()
#30 0x0806c592 in Root::Agent::traverse ()
#0031 0x081aec53 in Root::MenuAction::execute ()
#0032 0x081b00ec in Lexi::MenuAdapter::internalActivation ()
#0033 0x084cc879 in QObject::activate_signal ()
#0034 0x084e32fe in QSignal::activate ()
#0035 0x0855fc4f in QPopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent ()
#0036 0x084e5d9b in QWidget::event ()
#0037 0x08486d2c in QApplication::notify ()
#0038 0x0808f016 in _AppImp::notify ()
#0039 0x0845406b in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent ()
#0040 0x08452ec2 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent ()
#0041 0x084542a5 in QApplication::processNextEvent ()
#0042 0x0848554c in QApplication::enter_loop ()
#0043 0x0844951b in QApplication::exec ()
#0044 0x0808eee0 in Root::Application::run ()
#0045 0x0807636f in AidaApplication::run ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#0046 0x081a9167 in main ()
What could be causing this problem?
Thank you!
7 years and 2 months and 6 days old
Do you have the XEASY environment variable set to an existing xeasy library?
I.e.. when you type "setenv" do you see a line similar to:
and this file exists at the specified location?
p.s. I could not extract your tar/bz2 file with either tar or gtar. I get the error message:
> gtar -xvf files.tar.bz2.tar
gtar: This does not look like a tar archive
gtar: Skipping to next header
gtar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
I looks like that your browser (Mozilla) has wrongly renamed the .tar.bz2 file to .tar.bz2.tar
Renaming this to .tar.bz2 only might solve the problem.
If not, I can put the files available in other formats if you prefer (.zip, .tar.gz, etc)
Well, no. There is not a XEASY_LIB pointing to a lib file.
People of our lab that are using CARA said that the lib file is not necessary at this point. It will be only used after.
I have to be sincere with you that I don't know if the .lib file is really necessary or not.
Anyway, it's strange, because it's happening this:
The first time that the user opens the .param file (include in files.tar.bz2), it opens perfectly!
If he closes CARA, open CARA again and try to open the .param file, it gives segmentation fault. If he tries to open more times, it keeps giving segfaults.
If he closes the terminal and open a new one, CARA works again. But only on the first time. Trying to open CARA more than one time on the same terminal results in segmentation fault.
Very strange.
Another user, with other .param files, running the same CARA and without XEASY_LIB set to a .lib file, runs everything OK.
When this second user runs CARA, I see the same warning that cannot open the xeasy.lib file, however CARA works without any error. I concluded that the .lib file was not necessary because this.
If one file opens and another file doesn't, we thought that the problem could be on the .param file.
So he generated a new .param file from the file cosy.pipe (also included on the tar.bz2). However the same problem still happens.
Another thing.
Running CARA on the local machine, it gives
QImage::scanLine: Index 961 out of range
but when the user does a SSH to this machine and runs the same CARA, it gives
QImage::scanLine: Index 1027 out of range
It changes from 961 to 1027 and the only diference is that it's logged from another machine.
I can say to him test using the XEASY_LIB var set to a .lib file, if you think that it's necessary.
Thank you!
I was able to unpack your file with FileRoller.
I am able to open the spectrum (XEASY param format) multiple times within the same instance of XEASY, from multiple NEASY instances started from the same instance of CARA, and from multiple instances of CARA launched from the same terminal. I do not see your error message or the problems you describe.
When I start NEASY, the line:
Library path: /soft/group/lib/ecepp.lib
appears in the terminal window.
I am able to open both the .param and the .pipe file using CARA Tools - Open Spectrum and using the CARA scopes like MonoScope.
I have obtained another machine to test this. I am not getting errors or segmentation faults on this new machine.
Even without setting XEASY_LIB to a .lib file.
The other machine is still having problems, but as I could see, it's not a problem from CARA.
Thank you very much for your attention and sorry for any inconveniences that I might have caused.
You can close this bug report.
cara fails to read repositories given as arguments to the executable if the repository is in a different directory than the start directory. Cara is started with an empty repository.
This works (Start.cara is in local directory):
cara Start.cara
However if Start.cara is in a different directory:
cara Subdirectory/Start.cara
The following message appears:
Serializer::deserialize: unexpected end of file (line 1, column 0)
error while parsing prolog (line 1, column 0)
The same problem occurs if
a) full path is given:
cara /home/user/CARA/Subdirectory/Start.cara
b) relative path is given:
cara ../Otherdirectory/Start.cara
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Some additional examples (when it happens, when it doesn't) for linux 1.4 version. If the called file is in a SUPER-directory, no error occurs, whereas when it is in a SUB-directory the error occurs.
The following gives the error:
EXE/cara_1.4_linux DEMO/Demo.cara cara_1.4_linux DEMO/Demo.cara
the following works without error:
cara_1.4_linux ../Demo.cara
Some additional examples (when it happens, when it doesn't) for linux 1.4 version. If the called file is in a SUPER-directory, no error occurs, whereas when it is in a SUB-directory the error occurs.
The following gives the error:
EXE/cara_1.4_linux DEMO/Demo.cara
cara_1.4_linux DEMO/Demo.cara
the following works without error:
cara_1.4_linux ../Demo.cara
I am unable to "Show Fragment" in stripscope in the new beta version on Windows. It appears in the pulldown but isn't highlighted as an option. If I open the same project in an older version, it works fine.
7 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
1.4.3 StripScope
after linking two systems, the labels of the resolved projected spins are not updated.
I.e. if "Resolve projected spins" is turned on and I link a system to the reference. The Resolved spin labels are not displayed (instead the old projected spin labels like "CA-1" are still shown).
Enter the shortcut "rp" two times.
7 years and 2 months and 13 days old
it would be nice to have df and/or dc functions of xeasy in CARA. Ruler only works for picked peaks, but sometimes drawing lines on unassigned peaks can help to determine the assignment.
7 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
In SystemScope:
If you change the ResidueType in the Right PullDown menu, the rulers for the selected Residue will appear.
In StripScope:
View-Select Ruler Residue" allows you to enter the system number of any assigned residue and CARA displays the rulers for the corresponding Residue across all strips. This is a bit strange: but also displays the information you need.
In PolyScope:
I could find no way to display rulers here. So this needs to be added.
In HomoScope:
There is a special Ruler menu, but this is to display frequency lines for a selected system.
May be you could give me a piece of advice about the integration of the spectra in case of symmethrical homodimer? Is there the only way - to copy peklists or may be it can be done with the help of CARA?
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Do you want to be able to separate the NOEs coming from Intermonomer contacts from those that are from Intramonomer contacts? You could give them a different color and then separate them afterwards in the external peaklist file or by writing a LUA script that writes out two lists, one with Intramonomer- and one with Intermonomer NOEs.
Let me know if this is what you are looking for. I can then give advice on how to do it.
Indeed, I'd like to understand if it is critical, that peaks from both monomers lie at the same place, and one of them will get the negative volume after the integration...
Ahhh, I see your question. Integrator does the following: if two peaks are at identical position, they each get exactly half of the intensity (if there are 3, then each gets one third etc.) If they are at slightly different positions, then the matrix inversion can lead to unexpected results like negative intensity. This will need to be fixed in the next release.
In the meantime I suggest that you either position peaks to be exactly at the same position or move them far enough apart (about a linewidth) to get reasonable deconvolution.
You can adjust peaks to have identical position by clicking on the peak in the Peaklist and right-clicking on "edit peak". If you do it graphically, it is not exact and the strange results (like negative volumes) can happen.
some useful hints & tricks:
- If you select a peak in the spectrum, you can jump to the peak entry in the PeakList using "synchronize to peak" or "sp"
- If two peaks are degenerate, you can select each one by repeatedly clicking on the crosspeak. Each time CARA will select the next one and its identity is given in the status line at the bottom of the Scope or by typing "sp".
- Check for peaks with strange intensity ("volume" as cara calls it) by sorting the peaklist vs. volume - click on Volume at the top of the column in the PeakList.
- You can find degenerate peaks using "Peaks-Report Degenerate Peaks".
- "View-Show Folded" or "sf" should be turned on. CARA does not integrate peaks outside the spectral region IF show folded is turned off.
Chemical shifts of the same nucleus often show a slight deviaton in different spectra.
Is their a script, that averages these differnces and writes them out?
7 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
The concept in CARA is different.
Dynamic Peak Inference from SpinList:
The 1st time you pick a system or spin, the chemical shift of the spin is determined. CARA then dynamically calculates all inferred peaks based on this shift. This has the advantage that you don't have to pick the same peak in many spectra, and that CARA shows you all the peaks expected in spectra based on your current assignment.
Spin Aliases in Rare Cases during Assignment:
Slight differences are not really an issue if you are assigning resonances. If the differences are larger (more than a linewidth or two) you can use "Move Spin Alias" in the context menu to adjust the position of the spin(s) in the current spectrum (the position in all other spectra is unaffected).
In order to keep the advantage of dynamic peak inference, you should use spin aliases only occasionally. Otherwise you will decouple the shift information coming from different spectra.
How to distinguish Alias from Spin Shifts:
You can distinguish peaks that are inferred from spin shifts (+ symbol) from those that are inferred using at least one spin alias shift (x symbol). If you "unalias peaks", you will delete the aliases, and the peaks will revert to the positions that are calculated using the spin shift.
The alias positions are listed if you click on a particular spins "node" in the CARA-Explorer Spins Panel.
When you write out shifts (e.g. proton list) CARA writes out the spin shifts, NOT the spin alias shifts.
Heavy use of Aliases in Titration Analysis:
One situation where you will use aliases more heavily is when you are analysing a series of spectra obtained during a titration. The 1st spectrum will use the spin positions. In each of the following spectra you will use "move spin alias" to adjust the alias positions to the spectrum in question.
More information:
Relevant Scripts:
"ms" (the "move spin" shortcut) has no effect in the Strip window of PolyScope.
Cara reports "moved spin" but nothing happens.
Workaround: Context menu in Strips "move spin" works.
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
This should be checked again. Possibly I oversaw the following: "ms" moves spins in the plane. "mi" moves spins in the strip.
Related Issue suggests a systematic renaming of shortcuts for systems, spins, and peaks. PolyScope, StripScope etc...
There is no way (at least I am not aware of it) to show spins with non-ResidueType labels EXCEPT for unlabeled spins.
For example, when "Show unlabeled" is turned ON
If I label a spin "TOC", it is not visible, whereas if I label it "?" it is visible.
This prevents the user from making use of Labels for anything except assignment. (S)he cannot use it to indicate some special information.
I suggest renaming
"Show unlabeled peaks" to
"Show all spins"
and then changing CARA, so that it displays ALL spins instead of only the ones with label "? when this option is turned on.
Is there any reason not to do this? I.e. is there some advantage to being able to control the display of "?" spins and NOT being able to display the other non-residueType labeled spins?
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old PolyScope & StripScope
Pick Label lists only the available spins.
it would be nice to see also the labels that were used already with an option checkbox like "Show used labels".
The used labels could be in a separate lower part of the window.
Even fancier:
Allow the user to select the used labels.
This will cause the old spin possessing the label in question to be renamed back to "?".
There should be a warning like "Do you want to rename the old spin to have label "?" ?
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old StripScope: Strip context menu "Label Spin" does not consider ResidueType of System to generate smart labels.
It gives labels from the GenericResidue.
"Pick Label" works correctly. "Label Spin" should work like "Pick Label"
See also issue 0635: "Improve Pick Label list"
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
- "View-Do pathway simulation-Strip peaks"
- "View-Do pathway simulation-Strip anchors"
are not named very usefully. It is impossible to guess what this means.
I suggest the following changes:
- I see no purpose in this option at all. It just turns on/off all inferred peaks. The same effect can be achieved with "View-Show inferred" turned on/off. I suggest removing it.
- Change the menu to "View-Include inferred anchor strips" To me this says more clearly what it does.
As far as I can tell, when the second option is turned off, only the key labels of the dimensions are used to define the strips, which is useful if you only want to look at strips from the backbone.
For example, in HNCA, the key labels for D1 "H" and D3 "N" are used (here I assume Start1.2.cara template).
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
- 2.1 PolyScope:
Change the plane context menu "Delete Peaks" ->"Delete Spins"
since what you are doing is deleting spins from project, not peaks.
7 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Stupid "structured text" option from Tracker changed "" to "1. 2.1"
Installed both 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 on Linux mandrake. Shortcuts work initially but then fail entirely after a minute. Menus still work fine. This applies to all shortcuts tried. The data is in Bruker format (2rr and 3rrr).
7 years and 3 months and 2 days old
The same problem of shortcut failure also occurs with Xeasy formatted data.
I am running 1.4.1 on RedHat Linux and cannot reproduce this bug. Do you see the same thing for older versions of CARA? Have you tried
Does it happen no matter what scope you use or which shortcuts you execute? Did you try to hit the backspace several times or return to clear the command line buffer (visible at the bottom of the scope) when this happens?
Whoops! Being a new user of CARA I didn't know there was a buffer and was treating it the same as XEasy. Yes, this was the problem. Once the buffer is cleared it works fine. Thanks.
CARA Cara Explorer MoleculeViewer "Select Spins" menu needs additional input lines for "Mean" and "Deviation" to restrict the selected spins (as it occurs in ExperimentProcedure).
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Cara PolyScope:
When "Strips-Show Unlabeled" is on, "goto system" produces many irrelevant spintuples. (it includes all the tuples which appear if BOTH "Plane-Show Unlabeled" AND "Strips-Show Unlabeled" are turned on).
When "Plane-Show Unlabeled" is OFF, "goto system" should only list the spintuples which are displayed in the plane.
I.e. it should not include D1 ? D3 N D2 ? combinations because D1 ? spinpairs are not displayed in the plane.
The list becomes very long and ony the last 2 or 3 items are of interest. This makes navigation with "goto system" very inefficient when many "?" spins have been picked along the strip axis.
7 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
It is time-consuming to search for Systems by their SystemNumber if you actually are looking for the ResidueNumber.
Can you add an option to "order by ResidueNumber" in SystemScope?
Fred & Francesca
7 years and 4 months and 1 day old
After "renumber from here" in Sequence-explorer, StripScope shows the new chain Id numbers with each strip.
However, SystemScope still shows the original numbering.
Fred & Francesca.
7 years and 4 months and 1 day old
some spin links in spectra, acquired in H2O do not exist in D2O solvent(links from HA to amide protons, for instance). But Cara displays this links in spite of solvent attributes and that gives too much null-volume peaks in peklist. Those peaks may effect constraints gathering in Cyana. Maybe there are some tools to filter peaklists from such peaks available?
7 years and 4 months and 1 week old
Hi Konstantin. You can hide spin links for certain spectra. Just select the links to hide and exec Plane/Strip Show/Hide Link. You can also select a link in the spin list (SL) and set the hidden parameter flag. If you want to see the hidden links anyway (e.g. to unhide a link), select View/Show hidden links. Hope this helps. Rochus
It would be useful to have tools to select larger sets of spinlinks easily - the same idea as for the selection tool we have discussed for peaks and for spin systems.
A workaround would be to write a LUA script which hid all links including an exchanged HN, but then you would need to still provide a list of these amides (possibly as a new attribute "FastEx"?)
Hide/Show link doesn't work for those links, that are displayed automatically in case of pathway calculation
Are you sure those peaks are due to spin-links? They could also result from peak inference. Try turning off inferred peaks: In PolyScope: turn off "Strips-Show inferred Peaks". In StripScope: turn off "View-Show inferred peaks".
Then you will only see peaks which are resulting from spinlinks in NOESY spectra. (This is the right way to write out peaklists for NOESY integration and structure calculation).
Now if you click on the link symbol o-o in the SystemList Window (displayed with the shortcut "sl") and use menu item "Set link parameters" and turn off visibility, the peak should dissapear. If you turn it on again it will reappear.
There does appear to be a bug, but it is minor:
If I click on the peak in the Strip in PolyScope resulting from the spinlink, the context menu item "Set link parameters" is greyed out (not available). Shouldn't this be available? Otherwise I am forced to always look for the link in the SystemList.
This brings up a point:
Users are having problems because they can't distinguish peaks due to spinlinks from those that result from simple peak inference.
We should distinguish SPINLINK peaks from INFERENCE peaks with two different symbols.
E.g SpinLink peak symbol could be a diamond.
Inference peak symbol is "+".
Help expansion. The following additions to the help menu would help new users a lot to find information from within the program (especially the "shortcuts" would be easier to find out about)
Rename the "?" menu item to "HELP". In the help menu include the following items:
- About (this is the info that currently appears for "?"
- Manual (this is a link to the PDF file for the Cara manual
- Support Site (this is a link to the wiki)
- News and Downloads (this is a link to
- Shortcuts (this is a dynamically generated page of shortcuts for the menu items for the Scope in question: the page should be "detatchable" from the CARA Scope so that it can be consulted while working)
Currently this information is hidden for all but the most well-informed users who know to type "?" and hit return and then examine the text appearing in CARA-explorer Message Log. It is not practically located for users learning the shortcuts.
7 years and 4 months and 12 days old
Attributes continue to be "invisible" and therefore of limited usefulness. The object table is not effective for integrating information from differenct sources. Instead, the attributes should be displayable in the lists of the corresponding objects (e.g. PeakList, SpinList). There should be a way to select which items are displayed in these lists. E.g. I want to display only peaknumber, volume, and color in the peaklist. A dialog window "Peaklist preferences" can be opened. All available items are displayed with a checkbox. If it is selected, then this item is displayed. Moreover the order of these items should be stored. Included in the list of items shown in the preferences dialog are all attributes associated with the objects of the list.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Edit Attribute Window:
include the labels for the object to help identify it in the window.
e.g. Edit Spin Attribute:
include System/Label "Sys#22 ?HA"
or if residue is assigned
include Residue/Label "G32 HN"
e.g. Edit System Attribute:
- if only SpinSystemType is known
include SpinSysType System Num: "AMX Sys#22"
- if ResidueType & ResidueNum is known:
include ResidueType & ResidueNum: "SER 33"
This will will help distinguish attributes of different "edit attr" windows.
Also the user usually finds the additional labels helpful.
The System and Spin numbers are arbitrary.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks old
When there is only one choice in the label list, then this choice should be selected by CARA instead of ?/?.
This would save two additional selection steps when there is only one assignment label possible.
Current behaviour of CARA:
e.g. I pick new system.
Pick system" dialog appears
Dim1 ?
Dim2 ?
SystemType -
When I click on Dim1, there is only one choice (e.g. "HA")
I select it.
When I click on Dim2, there is only one choice (e.g. "CA")
I select it.
Proposed behaviour of CARA:
"pick new system"
"pick system" dialog appears
Dim1 HA
Dim2 CA
System -
All I have to do now is click OK
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
uxnmrtoxeasy is an (unfortunately) frequently used tool to convert Bruker 2rr/3rrr files to XEASY .16/.param files. It produces incomplete .param, setting the folding attributes to NONE instead of something reasonable like RSH. These .param-files (quite properly) can be read by CARA, but Show Folded does not work. I now received twice external questions about exactly this problem.
Expected behaviour:
- Either interpret NONE (and any other unknown Folding attribute) as RSH (preferred)
- Or provide an editing feature for folding (possibly in relation with Write Calibration)
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
This is the same issue as:
It was postponed about 7 months ago. It seems like an easy one to fix. I think that not all spectrum formats store a parameter for the folding behavior. Therefore it would be good to store it as an internal parameter associated with the spectrum.
I agree with Pascal: default should be RSH
The cal element in the CARA file has a fold attribute which does exactly this: allow CARA to override the folding parameter of the spectrum. There is no user interface function yet, so you have to directly set it in the file. Values for fold: N..None, A..Aliased (RSH), F..Folded (TPPI).
So what we need is to use RSH as defaul when NONE is found, and a user interface to modify the "cal" element for folding.
I ran into this problem again when working with a set of SPARKY spectra for an RNA DEMO project. CARA treats the default as NONE. In the indirect dimension this should always be RSH. Moreover it is high time to introduce a user interface to modify the cal parameter (it should be called "FOLD"). I don't suppose it is difficult to implement this in the Cara-Explorer Spectra Pane.
cara 1.3.2 PrintPreview
PrintPreview draws the contours ONTOP of the peak crosses and labels! This means the the contours obscure the annotation of the peaks.
The contours should be UNDER the annotations so that the crosses and labels are always visible.
To see this effect:
set contour parameter factor to 1.2,
contour "line width" color to green
"peak" color to red.
When there are many contours, the crosses and labels are nolonger visible.
7 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Still not fixed in 1.4.
not nice for making figures.
Cara 1.3 PolyScope crashes if you click in the plane window without selecting a system followed by selecting a spin in the strip window and then open the "Strips" menu.
Step-by-Step to reproduce the crash:
1) Open PolyScope with HSQC15N
2) Select a 3D in strip (e.g. HNCA)
3) Click near a system in the HSQC15N WITHOUT selecting it
4) Select a spin in the strip.
5) Try to open the "Strips" menu in the top menu bar.
CARA crashes hard
In step 3 you may need to use the arrow keys to position the cursor close enough to a system so that its spins are visible (and selectable) in the Strip window.
The most important condition to cause the crash is that the System is not selected.
Typical use-case which can cause the crash, trying to calibrate a 3D spectrum in the plane (The crash also occurs if you are displaying a 3D spectrum in the plane window)
Due to the common use-case and the hard crash I deem the issue critical.
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
You are right, the problem does not happen on Windows. It is however still present on Linux 1.3.1.
Hi there,
I am using cara1.4 for Windows and encountered a problem with adding a TROSY-HNCO recorded on a Bruker spectrometer. When I tried to read in the 3rrr file of this spectrum the dimensions were not correctly recognized by CARA as doumented by the attached screen shots and the part of the repository with the information on the spectra. All other 3D spectra were correctly imported via their 3rrr´s and recorded on the same spectrometer. As a workaround, I went to uxnmr_to_xeasy on my unix-machine to obtain a .3D.param and 3D.16. These files were then read properly by cara so that I can now work with the HNCO. If you like, I can send you the Bruker acqu and proc files of the spectrum.
Best regards,
7 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Hi Detlef If CARA doesn't find a hint about the atom type in the parameter file, it tries to make a guess according to the ppm range. This doesn't work sometimes, as your example shows. In the Bruker param file you can make use of the "##$NUC=<13C>" parameter to override the guess. Anyway it's a cosmetic issue, because as soon as you're happy with the mapping CARA uses the dimension names of the spectrum type anyway. Cheers Rochus
You want to put the line
into the appropriate "procs" file.
e.g. in your HNCO, edit the procs files to add the following lines:
procs: ##$NUC= <1H>
proc2s: ##$NUC= <13C>
proc3s: ##$NUC= <15N>
(assuming that this is the order of your dimensions in the bruker dataset)
CARA should then correctly identify the dimension AtomTypes and for an HNCO the assignment to the corresponding dimensions of the HNCO SpectrumType is unique.
A comment (or suggested new feature) for Rochus to note:
An important parameter which CARA reads but does not display in the rotation dialog box is the spectral frequency in each dimension
procs : ##$SF= 500.13
proc2s: ##$SF= 125.757789
proc3s: ##$SF= 50.677733
This would be a useful parameter for CARA to display when a spectrum with ambiguous assignment of dimensions to SpectrumType dimensions is read in. It should in fact be included in the CARA Spectrum-Explorer window since it is an important spectral parameter.
It may be cosmetic, but it can be time-consuming and disconcerting to try reading in a spectrum with correct orientation. (Cara does not display axis scales which would serve as cues).
In cara_1.4, sequence pane, there is a gap of residue Id after removing a residue. Also, it would be nice to add residue (even if one can only attach from N or C-termini).
7 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
possibly this could be addressed by the solution proposed in issue:
note that the original idea of:
was not implemented (although it is marked completed)
namely to be able to display all assigned strips in the order of their residue assignmment and place the unassigned systems at the end of the list.
OK. I see that i misunderstood the reported issue. Actually the Sequence-viewer is being discussed. You cannot change the "residue ID" since this is used to map assignments of Systems to the residue. But you can change the "residue number". This is supposed to be a label you can use to number the sequence as you wish.
i.e. each residue has:
residue ID (unique number which never changes throughout the lifecycle of the residue)
residue number (a label which you can change anytime, it is a convenient way for you to name the residue)
Therefore I suggest that Rochus introduce a simple menu item "renumber residues".
Click on a residue: right-click "renumber residues"
enter a number for the selected residue.
All other numbers are renumbered sequentially.
Or better would be a menu:
res ID....1.........10...
The start and end res ID would be entered along with the start and end res num. The range of residue ids would be renumbered sequentially based on the values entered.
There is a gap in both residue Id and the Chain/Nr. numbers, even after changing the numbering as suggested.
The ResidueNumber and ResidueId appear to linked to one another. When I change the Residue Number the gap in the numbering is preserved and everything is shifted by a constant offset.
Shouldn't it be possible to change each residue number independently?
It looks like
we will need "Set Res Number" to set the number individually, and "Shift Res Numbers" to shift them all by a constant amount.
Or as I indicated earlier a "Renumber Res Numbers" with start and end points given.
I have just found that CARA1.4 does not accept anymore negative residue numbers or residue number 0 in Projects -
Import - Project from Sequence
The error message is for example: "Residue numbers not in ascending order: Met-7".
However, loading a CARA1.3 repository with such sequence
numbers does not lead to an error message.
7 years and 5 months and 6 days old
Could you send me the offending sequence file please. I will have a look at it. Thanks. R.K.
Optimize text Info in Icons for Scope Windows
It is currently difficult to distinguish different instances of a scope because when the icons get small only the beginning of the name is visible.
e.g. StripScope NOESY-_HHCali vs StripScope NOESY-_HHaro
both appear as "StripSc".
e.g. 2 SystemScope and SystemScope(rotated) have the same name.
To optimize the info in the TextLabel for each Scope:
1) Use a Abbreviation for each scope name
HomoScope: HO
MonoScope: MO
StripScope: ST
SystemScope: SY
PolyScope: PO
rotated scopes add "r"
PolyScope(rotated): POr
2) Include the Spectra names for each open spectrum
e.g. SystemScope with TOCSY-_HHC
3) Change the name of the spectrum to reflect the currently displayed spectrum.
e.g. if I open HNCA with StripScope the text reads:
but if I select the HNCACB, the text changes to:
4) If the Scope displays two spectra, show both names
e.g. PolyScope with HSQC15N and HNCA open:
8 years and 7 months and 13 days old
I don't know if this is hard to implement. Basically the idea is to display a different text in the icon which indicates the contents of the Scope.
In a number of use cases, the user works with a series of spectra measured together. (E.g. NH exchange series, pH titration, ligand titration, temperature series, conc. studies, triple resonance spectra, spectra in a layer etc).
It would be useful to have a general concept to bundle these spectra and manipulate them together.
These spectra may belong together with other data from a project, but none-the-less be considered a "set" within the project.
They could be clustered together in the Spectra-Explorer.
They could be calibrated together.
Imported Together.
Removed Together.
Some global functions in the scopes could act on all spectra in a set.
E.g. global contour level, global autocontour gain.
The set could be opened with a scope so that only these spectra would be available in the "Select-Spectrum" dialog: I.e. the Scope only knows about the existence of these spectra.
They could be loaded into a overlay layer so that the first spectrum goes into the first layer, the second spectrum into the second layer, etc. until all layers are filled.
They could be used to fill up a batchlist for peak integration.
8 years and 4 months and 1 week old
Partly done in
There is a new command "Compose Layers" (CL) which shows the same dialog you use to setup batch lists. You can also "Add Layer" (AL) to select another spectrum to put on top of the stack.
CL is certainly useful for the one use-case of setting up layers.
However, there are many other use-cases which are very nicely dealt with in this proposal. Sets of Spectra are a general feature of NMR analysis: it would be good to have a structure to efficiently deal with them.
What we need is a way to store the list of spectra that belong together in the repository.
You could simplify the bundling and read-in: When I import spectra, currently, I can select several spectra at the same time.
Suggested Feature:
-Modify the import dialog box to include a checkbox "Load as Set?".
If this is selected, the user is prompted for a name to give the set. The spectra are loaded and the set of spectra belonging to the set are stored in the project.
- A Puzzle piece icon with the name of the Set appears in the Cara-Spectra-Explorer. Clicking on this puzzle piece expands the set to show the spectra.
- All the appropriate features of the Spectra-context menu are available when right-clicking on the puzzle piece such as "calibrate spectra", "remove spectra".
- The Spectrum Sets are available in the "Set-up Batchlist" and "Compose Layers". If a set is selected, then all spectra from that set are loaded into the list.
RC1.0.9 Shortcut to adjust contours: Ctrl-"+" & Ctrl-"-".
If Autocontour is on:
Shortcut to adjust the "ag" parameter:
increases "ag" by 0.2
decreases "ag" by 0.2
If autocontour is off:
Shortcut to adjust contour level:
multiplies contour level by "contour factor" (usually 1.4)
divides contour level by "contour factor".
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Must decide which spectrum the command acts on (plane or strip)
two proposals:
acts on active spectrum (i.e. where focus is)
Ctrl-"+" & Ctrl-"-" acts on plane (2D)
Shft-Ctrl-"+" & Shift-Ctrl-"-" acts in strip (3D)
I prefer (1).
It doesn't matter too much as long as it is one key press instead of two and the keys are near eachother so I can go up and down in the planes easily.
So "+" and "-" are nearby on the keypad & would be ok.
Seemed like we agreed on how to implement this but it never got done.
It is a simple and useful change. Why not implement it?
I just found a set of spins in a spin system which is assigned to HIS which cannot occur in the ResidueType.
CARA apparently did not complain or even notice this inconsistency.
There is no problem if they are tentative spins "?HG2"
or if the system is not assigned.
CARA should notice this inconsistency if they are finalized spins
and the system is assigned.
The spins are not visible in any spectra (since pathway simulation does
not find them in the ResidueType).
I discovered the problem as follows:
I noticed that the fragment containing the HIS in question always had
a bad mapping value (no green region) in the Show Align window (In fact I had to turn off geometric mapping to see anything at all).
Then I manually checked all the chemical shifts of the system against the average & deviation in the ResidueType HIS. To my surprise I found the spins HG2 & HG3 (also CG 35ppm, ResidueType AVE=130.59ppm).
It would be very helpful if CARA
Indicated when unexpected finalized spins are in the system at the time of assignment to a ResidueType. (e.g. HG2 & HG3 unexpected in a HIS)
Marked those spins with chemical shifts outside of the AVE+/-DEVIATION
with a symbol or color (e.g. like in "Show Alignment" window).
This could be shown in SpinList, and SystemScope SpinList.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks old
Word-around: write a script which does the corresponding checks and reports this kind of spins.
I have done this, it is called AssignmentReport.lua. However it is a very tedious method to find improper assignments. I have to scroll down the list and manually check each one in the spinlist.
Cara would be more efficient if it flagged these inconsistencies already WHEN they are created, thus avoiding a time-consuming error checking later.
It would be very useful to see the "profile" of a residue in the SystemList or in SystemScope. Currently it is difficult to find exactly which spin is causing the fitness of a given residue to be reduced. If this were color-coded in the SystemList, the whole process would be much accelerated.
I still think this is a very good idea. CARA should help the user avoid inconsistency from the beginning. Waiting until the end and using a script to manually check things is reminiscent of the "paper-and-pencil" methods in "the good old days".
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope: ReplaceStrip is undone after set spectrum
How to Reproduce:
1) Display a set of strips in StripScope.
2) Replace a strip. (e.g. replace system 123 with system 121)
3) Select another Spectrum
Note that the replaced strip system (121) has gone back to the original strip system (123).
8 years and 7 months and 2 days old
This is by intent in principle, since each such change re-establishes the selected query. Maybe I should migrate the whole query set to "manual selection", if one of the strips is changed explicitly. What do you thnink?
Option 1:
Why does changing the spectrum "re-establish" the selected query?. Is this so that changes in spin systems are reflected in the anchor-set of the next spectrum display?
Could one instead dynamically adjust the anchor-set and redisplay the strips?
Then there would be no need to recalculate the query (anchor-set) when the spectrum is changed, and you could keep the replaced systems.
Option 2:
The idea to treat the query result after a replace-strip as a manual selection seems to be a logical solution, and the simplest one.
This issue is still open. Many use cases are not treated with the present behaviour.
E.g. I want to set up a different order of strips and look at how well they match in different spectra (HNCA, NOESY-HHN etc.). As soon as I switch to another spectrum the replaced strip dissapears and the work is lost.
Either option 1 or 2 should be implemented.
This behaviour of Cara is indeed very incovenient. The user expects that the change of spectrum does NOT affect the order of the displayed strips. This also applies to a manually selected set of strips which should remain when switching between different spectra. Otherwise the procedure of comparison of same systems in different spectra, which is essential for a sequential assignment process, is not effectively supported.
Certainly if I switch between spectra that have completely different anchor sets it makes sense to recalculate the anchor set and display new strips. However, if I manually selected the strips, then CARA should keep the anchor-set when I change spectra.
feature request: to allow review of Fragments
During assignment it would be nice to be able to order the SpinSystem List according to order in the fragments with the border of each fragment clearly indicated.
The fragments are distributed "randomly" in the SpinSystem List and must be searched for by selecting every system in the list and executing "show alignment". This means that the same fragment is shown repeatedly.
If the fragments are already assigned, they can be ordered by ordering the list according to assignment, but this is not a solution for the fragments which are not yet assigned.
This request is based on a backbone assignment in progress (F.Damberger & E.Michel)
8 years and 9 months and 1 day old
I am still waiting for a way to organize groups of objects. This would help to clean up the repository making it easier to find things. Also there are quite a number of situations where objects simply belong together within a project. E.g. A series of HSQC15N spectra measured for amide exchange. The chemical shifts are the same as for the rest of the project so I don't want to move these spectra to a different project, but I would like to keep them together. They could appear as a folder in the Spectra panel of Cara-explorer. I could also more easily set up batch integration of these spectra if there were an option to load them into the batchlist as a group. On completion of a structure determination I had about 40 spectra. It becomes difficult to find the spectrum want. Logical groupings would help: e.g. TripleResonance, Relaxation, NOESYs, 2D spectra etc.
Another catagory ripe for the folder concept: Scripts. I have about 20 scripts in my standard template. These could be grouped according to function making it easier for the user to find the appropriate script for the task. SpectrumType is another such catagory. I have 37 types in my standard template. Again logical catagories (folders) would help: TripleResonance, SideChain, 2D, NOESY, Specialized.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Simone has about 8 projects in her repository. When these are open in Cara-explorer window, it is very hard to find things. It would be very useful to ARCHIVE the projects which are not being actively used. This would be a button on the project (or a menu item) that permanently keeps the project closed. I.e. when I open this template, these projects are closed by default and their spectra are not loaded. Moreover their projectnames do not appear in any of the menus or lua scripts where all projectnames are listed.
The same idea applies to other objects where it would be nice to pack them into folders and ARCHIVE them when not in use. Basically it is like commenting out these sections of the Cara repository so they are not visible to the executable.
A temporary fix for the "many projects problem" would be to have a "close all" menu item which "unexpands" all projects.
Some spectrum types do not store the value of "Fold".
E.g. nmrPipe
Since we cannot determine the format of these external spectrum types, it would be nice to set and store the value of "Fold" in the Repository rather than getting it from the Spectrum file.
E.g. For nmrPipe files I want to be able to enter RSH for the Fold value in the Spectra-Cara Explorer.
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
In 1.2 CARA accepts a new fold attribute in the cal elements of a spectrum with values N..None, A..Aliased (translated) und F..Folded (mirrored).
A user interface dialog will be provided in future. Up to then please edit the repository file.
Please provide a user interface for this. I think I will have more interaction with users on editing repository than I had with regard to missing fold parameter. Please also set the default to RSH. This will cover 80% of the problems with folding in my opinion.
User interface can be located in Spectrum-Explorer context menu:
"Set folding".
In 1.4, "aliasing" IS assumed by default: if cal is not defined in a given dimension, then it is assumed to be RSH.
The only thing that is missing is a user interface to set this parameter.
When creating a parent dialog window (v = gui.createDialog()), the resulting Dialog window is unusable. Neither grid nor H/VBox objects are able to display more than one element.
The same code using v=gui.createMainWindow() works fine, probably because setCentralWidget() is available for main windows.
Since I need a modal window in my specific case, I cannot use MainWindow.
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
Pascal, is this issue fixed in your opinion? We can then change it to "Completed".
1.3.3 SystemScope
It is possible to navigate up and down in the anchor window using the arrow keys.
new feature:
hitting ENTER causes the currently selected anchor to be displayed in the Strip window.
7 years and 5 months and 10 days old
Introduce a LUA function to defineAttr (make them visible in the ObjectTables)
Actually I think that it should be called "displayAttr" but then you should rename the Cara-Explorer window "Attribute definitions" to "Atribute Display" since actually this only controls whether they appear in the ObjectTables. The existence of an object is controlled with the command "setAttr".
The ability to control the display of these objects is important for scripts which create new attributes for user analysis (e.g. the one Pascal wrote to import data from structure calculations)
7 years and 4 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
There are some difficulties in working with PeakLists coming from structure calculations.
Since the calculations are in some cases done with Automated Peakpickers (automated peakpicking, integration, peak assignment, and structure calculation are integrated into one package in state-of-the-art applications), the user obtains peaklists from structure calculations where the peaks are assigned to spins, but their chemical shifts don't exactly match the shifts in the project. He also obtains peaks which were picked but not assigned. Finally, the Structure calculation programs return information on the status of the peaks: assigned and used, assigned and rejected due to violation, unassigned which cannot be represented in the Scopes using peak inference.
Each problem in some more detail:
- Assigned Peaks with shifts deviating from the project:
These can be imported into a project as spinlinks, but the original position of the peak is not displayed in the scopes. The user can therefore not inspect what the structure calculation program actually did. Problems and inconsistencies are harder to find.
- Unassigned Peaks
These cannot be inspected using peak inference at all, except with an ackward workaround: each peak is used to define a group of pseudospins in a pseudosystem.
- Additional information for Peaks
Violations and other information cannot be displayed in the Scopes using peak inference.
MonoScope should become a more robust tool for working with PeakLists and be coupled with the spinlist more closely.
It should be possible to display peaklists with the real position and with the position of the spins in the project. There could be toggle in the "View menu" called "Show Spin Positions". When this option is turned on
- assigned peak positions are taken from the SpinList.
- movements of peaks affect the Spin Position in the SpinList.
The peaklist table (displayed with "sl") must have additional functions.
a. display of assignments by Label and System Number instead of Spin Number. Each in a separate column.
b. Sort columns by clicking at top. Numerical entries should sort numerically, not alphabetically.
c. option to add attributes coming from Structure calculation programs to the list. (E.g. violations)
d. option to select a subset of the list by a simple menu window.
E.g. Each column in the peaklist has an entry in the search menu window. User can enter Strings in the entry windows corresponding to Labels, ResidueType. Numbers or Number ranges in the window corresponding to numerical entry.
Label Dim 1 = "HN","HA"
ResidueType = "VAL"
SystemNumber = 10-20
The search window includes a filter option:
"Add" to add to the existing set (Union operation)
"Sub" to subtract from the existing operation (Remove the Intersection with the existing set)
"New" to select a new set and eliminate the old one.
Each action modifies the peaks displayed in the peaklist window.
Options to "Delete" selected or "Delete non-selected" peaks from the peaklist.
Option to display any information from the peaklist in the label of the "+" symbol in the MonoScope spectrum window.
- Label D1
- SystemNumber D1
- Attributes
7 years and 11 months and 8 days old
1.4. We can now import data from peaklists into a set of attributes but there is no way to display this information in the spectrum or to integrate the data from CARA objects with those of attributes. (except for assignment guesses) but there is no way to select them or manipulate them with the gui.
- 3 MonoScope, HomoScope, PolyScope etc.
In Cara, spins are picked at their real chemical shifts in a spectrum with no folding (usually an HSQC). When 3D spectra with folding are analysed, "show folded" is turned on and the region outside the spectral width of the 3D is displayed with a copy of contours from the corresponding folded position of the 3D spectrum. Only peak symbols which have their chemical shifts at the real chemical shift position are displayed. Peak symbols for signals which are folded to the same plane in the spectral width of the spectrum are not displayed.
The problem is that the user does not know that these signals are already picked and so (s)he may pick them again at this incorrect chemical shift. To prevent this, it should be possible to display peak symbols also for the peaks which are visible at the displayed region due to folding. The symbols for these folded peaks should be distinguishable from other peaksymbols.
- g. "+" with a "^" hat indicates that the real shift of this spin is above the current chemical shift region ( at lower chemical shift)
"+" with a "v" hat below it indicates that the real shift of this spin is below the current chemical shift region.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
1.4: The danger of picking the same peak several times is still not removed since CARA offers no way to display folded peaks within the original spectral region (with a distinct symbol).
1.3.3 HomoScope
CARA continues to show unlabeled spins after I turn "show unlabeled" off.
Current behaviour of CARA:
1) if I use "pick new system" and "show unlabeled" is off (this is the default setting when I start the scope):
CARA displays the "pick system" menu for selecting spin labels and spin system type. If I leave the ?/? labels and hit OK, a system is picked and it is visible! However, the "show unlabeled" option continues to be off.
2) If I turn "show unlabeled" on or off, this has no effect on the appearance of the peaks. They are always visible.
The only affect of "show unlabeled" is whether the "pick system" menu appears:
- if "show unlabeled" is ON, the ?/? is automatically assumed (the "pick system" menu does not appear)
- if "show unlabeled" is OFF, the pick system menu appears.
Suggested changes to CARA:
1) if I "pick system" and enter labels ?/?, CARA turns "show unlabeled" ON. The peak is visible.
2) "show unlabeled" has NO effect on the appearance of "pick system" menu. This menu always appears when "pick new system" is executed.
3) turning "show unlabeled" OFF causes peaks involving unlabeled spins to dissapear.
4) To increase efficiency; the "pick system" menu remembers its state (same labels and system type are selected when I execute it again)
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
An additional point:
If I set the spin system type of a peak with ?/? labels, it dissapears. Dissapearing peaks are generally not attractive.
Here also "show unlabeled" should be turned ON automatically.
Currently, when no spin system type is available, CARA always shows the peaks involving the cross product of the spins in the two dimensions of the spin system independent of the state of "show unlabeled". This is somewhat confusing. User: "Why do I see these unlabeled peaks when show unlabeled is off?"
OK. Now I am completely confused.
I defined a GenericResidueType, and the peak with labels ?/? dissapears. It is not visible even when I turn "show unlabeled" on!
This whole "show unlabeled" needs to be revised so that it behaves in a simple and logical manner.
I. "show unlabeled" should
ON: cause any peaks involving unlabeled spins to appear
OFF: cause any peaks involving unlabeled spins to dissapear.
Or several menu items should be created which control different classes of peaks - with appropriate names.
I think it is already quite complicated and that my proposal I is the better variant.
Another strange behaviour:
- GenericResidue is defined
- Show Unlabeled is on
I "pick new system".
No peak is displayed (but the system was created with two spins ?/?).
Proposed bahaviour of CARA:
If "show unlabeled" is on this peak should be visible.
When I "pick new system", "pick system" dialog should appear.
CRASH Cara 1.3.2 PolyScope
1. Open HSQC15N with PolyScope.
2. Select a 3D in strips (e.g. 15N-TOCSY).
3. Click on a System in 2D plane.
4. Click on a spin in 3D strip.
5. switch to 3D view with "3d".
6. select "Strips-calibrate" menu.
CARA crashes hard.
7 years and 6 months old
Doesn't also seem to happen on Linux using 1.3.3. I repeated the steps above using the demo project. R.K.
Strange, I cannot reproduce it now using 1.3, 1.3.1, or 1.3.2 on linux. But when I reported the issue, it (CRASH) happened everytime using 1.3.2_linux.
Don't know what happened, possibly it was a special state of the repository that caused the crash. I suggest retiring this issue since even i cannot reproduce it.
It would be very useful to have a menu item in each ObjectTable "export Table" which would simply write out the ObjectTable in spreadsheet (semicolon <;> delimited) format.
The first column = object ID number, each succceeding column contains the values of an attribute.
This simple export function could be available for each object table.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks old
first row contains column titles:
"Id num", Name(attr 1), Name(attr 2),...
seems like an easy and very useful idea.
Not yet implemented in 1.4.
cara 1.3.2
I have a Demo project with all spectra located in the same directory as the repository. I edited the repository so that the pathnames of the spectra is only the name of the spectrum. E.g. 'HNCA.nmr', not '/home/user/CARA/project1/HNCA.nmr'
This is convenient when moving the project from one machine to another. When I open it on the new machine, CARA finds all the files because the paths are relative.
If I open another filetype (e.g. Import ResidueType or SpectrumType), WHICH IS LOCATED IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTORY apparently the relative path is changed. After this I can nolonger open any of the spectra which have relative paths UNLESS I ALREADY OPENED THEM BEFORE.
The error window appears:
"Error opening spectrum Cannot open file HNCA.nmr"
If I try to select one of these spectra in a scope, the cursor permanently turns into the timer clock.
This seems to be related to the problem that after loading a file like LUA script which may be located in a different directory, it is nolonger possible to SAVE the repository. You first have to reestablish the file path to the original repository file. This should not happen (otherwise my backup does not work)
7 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Still a problem in 1.4.
If I import a ResidueType from a different directory, then I can nolonger open any spectra in the project which I did not open BEFORE I imported the ResidueType.
1.3.3 SystemScope
for consistency with other scopes shortcuts, change
the "move spin" shortcut from
"mi" to "ms"
7 years and 5 months and 10 days old
while you are at it, could you introduce a shortcut for
"move orthogonal spin"? -> "mo"?
1.3.3 PolyScope
select a system in the plane
"show list" or "sl"
the cursor position is set to the upper right corner of the plane.
The cursor should remain at the selected position in the plane.
This prevents any kind of sensible work using PolyScope together with the SystemList which is normally closed when not in use since it takes up a lot of the screen area (30% if all information is displayed at once).
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
When I "pick new system" in the plane pane i have to select two labels to define the system. However this is really not necessary since pathway simulation determines the available labels.
New feature:
pair the labels that belong together in the path simulation.
e.g. currently I get two pull down menus (for LEU)
I have to make two selections after each pick new system.
CARA knows which Dim1/Dim2 labels belong together since it does path simulation to determine the set.
You could have one pull down with only the available combinations based on the path simulation.
for NOESY spectra, you could continue to offer two independent pull down dimensions for Dim1 and Dim2.
7 years and 5 months and 5 days old
1.3.3 Cara-explorer Sequence Pane
There is a refresh problem with the seq panel when I change the chain ID.
Only the Residue in question has the chain ID changed. If I click lower down on the sequence, all the residues between the one i changed and the clicked residue are changed. If I close and open the seq panel, all of them are changed.
7 years and 5 months and 12 days old
The functionality of the Slice menu could also be made accessible by a right-click context menu directly in the slice. This would especially be nice, since one is anyway working in the slice to adjust the cursor when picking the bounds manually.
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
see also the following related issues:
Extend SliceWindow functions to other Scopes:
Enhance SliceScope to work together with SliceWindows:
The slice menu with its Pick Bounds, Pick Bounds Symmetric and so on functionality should be available in all windows. It is currently missing in Homo-, Poly-, Synchro- and SystemScope.
I had a support request to that regard, and one cannot come up with a good reason why the problem should be solved in some windows but not others.
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
This issue is also described in
There, a general extension of the SliceWindow functions is proposed.
I suggest to treat these issues as two requests:
asks for the same SliceWindow function as already available in MonoScope to be transferred to all other Scopes.
asks for a new SliceWindow concept to be developed and to then transfer these to all other Scopes.
cara 1.3.3 Sequence Pane of explorer.
new in 1.3.3, one can define different chains of residues.
It is somewhat confusing that they all are displayed in a single column of the Sequence pane. Some Menu commands apply to the entire chain, but they are available for each residue.
e.g. I can set chain ID for every residue in a given chain and it always has the same effect.
e.g. "append chain" acts in the same way independent of which residue i select in the chain.
However, "Set number" acts on only one Residue.
Proposed change to CARA:
Bundle all residues within a given chain into a single puzzle piece like for SpinSystems.
The name of the chain can be the same as the chain ID or a new name that the user enters.
Menu Items which act on the entire chain would be available by right-clicking on the chain puzzle piece (e.g. "Set chain", "append chain")
Menu Items which act on a single residue would be available by right-clicking on the residue puzzle piece ( "Set number")
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
Slice menu is only available in MonoScope
(pick bounds symmetric, set bounds autoscale etc)
I suggest expanding the capability of Slice menu and then extending these capabilities to all Scopes:
1. Each slice menu should have independent settings.
e.g. Dim1 slice window: pick bounds symmetric, autoscale
can be set without affecting Dim2 slice window.
2. Slice menu in parent scope controls the settings of the currently active slice window.
3. Slice menu should also be located as a context menu in the slice window.
4. Introduce an export function to the 1D SliceScope. This menu would also be located as a context menu in the slice window. Data would be exported to:
a) a new SliceScope which is automatically opened.
b) if a SliceScope exists which has the same AtomType as the SliceWindow, the user is given the choice to add the Slice to the already opened SliceScope.
This would add a lot to the ability of CARA to create slices from 2D and 3D spectra for publications. Currently I suspect that all this work is done using NEASY.
7 years and 5 months and 11 days old
Set System Type is currently only available in the SystemList menu.
Add the Set System Type menu to the top of the "Pick Label" & "Label Peak" menus.
This way the user can control which labels are available directly during the dialog. I think this would be much more efficient.
Current use case:
1) user picks the system,
2) changes the system type in the System list,
3) selects the system again in the plane
4) uses label peak to change the labels.
New proposed use case:
1) User executes "Pick Label"
2) at the top of the dialog window he sets the system type
3) then he sets the labels along x and y and closes the dialog.
8 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Currently (ver. 1.2) each ResidueType can be in one and only one spin system type. This does not have enough degrees of freedom to handle typical assignment procedures.
The current concept forces the user to select one ResidueType as representative of a Spin System Type. It also forces the user to define each ResidueType as belong to only one Spin System Type.
Use Case:
At the start of assignment typically little is known about the spin system so the SpinSystemType must include a large number of residueTypes. As the assignment progresses more is known about the spin system and so SpinSystemTypes including fewer ResidueTypes are needed. Currently this can only be achieved by editing the ResidueTypes in the CARA-explorer.
E.g. at the start I know the SpinSystem is a "short ResidueType: ALA CYS ASP PHE GLY HIS ASN SER THR TRP TYR
Later I may decide that the SpinSystem must be Aromatic
or AMX
This is a subset of the previous group.
NEW implementation
A Spin system type should simply be a group of ResidueTypes. The user can define any number of spin system types. Each ResidueType can be in more than one spin system type.
The spin system types appear in the dialog "Set Assignment Candidates". E.g. If I define a spin system type "AMX", then this should appear as a checkbox in the "Set Assignment Candidates" window. Note that Spin System Types must have names which are distinct from the ResidueType short names.
If I select a "Spin System Type", all ResidueTypes belonging to this Spin System Type should be selected in the "Assignment Candidates" window.
The Labels available in "Pick Label" should be determined by the set of Residues selected in the "Assignment Candidates" window. Only the subset of these labels which can be reached by the ExperimentProcedure from the anchor spins should be displayed.
E.g. If I select an HN-N anchor spin pair in the Plane of PolyScope, and display a 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY in the strip window, then "pick label" should only show H atom labels that can be reached from HN in the relevant ResidueTypes selected in "Assignment Candidates".
If TYR, PHE, and SER are selected, then only "?, HN, HA, HB2, and HB3" should appear as choices in the label selection dialog, because only these atoms are reachable from HN in the ResidueTypes TYR, PHE, and SER.
7 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
The "Set Assignment Candidates" selection should also influence which spins are available by "pick label" and also determine which spins are inferred in the strips.
E.g. In PolyScope i display HSQC15N in plane, 3D 15N-resolved TOCSY in strip. I pick a new system in the plane with labels D1:HN/D3:N. I set its assignment candidates to TYR,PHE,TRP,HIS. Cara simulates the ExperimentProcedure on TYR,PHE,TRP,HIS and determines that only HN,HA,HB2, and HB3 are possible. These labels are displayed as options in the "pick label" dialog window.
If I later select this system, only the spins HN,HA,HB2,HB3 are inferred and displayed (with "show inferred" turned on).
To reduce calculation time one could keep the "set model" option in the Explorer-SpinSystemType pane. Then CARA would only "infer" peaks and labels based on the selected model ResidueType.
The only problem with using an existing residue as model is that each one has its own special labels which are unique to the chosen ResidueType. A real SpinSystemType is the subset of spins and connections (topology) common to all the residues belonging to the SpinSystemType.
One could instead introduce SpinSystemTypes which include the Spins and the connections between them in the same way they appear for ResidueTypes in the repository. These definitions would also include the list of ResidueTypes which are "members" of the SpinSystemType.
An example definition in "XML" is included as attached file.
Since the Issue Tracker did not swallow my attached file properly, I include it here simply as text.
<systype name='LONG' systype='7' >
<member name='GLU'>
<member name='GLU-'>
<member name='GLN'>
<member name='LYS'>
<member name='LYS+'>
<member name='ARG'>
<member name='ARG+'>
<member name='LEU'>
<member name='MET'>
<member name='PRO'>
<group name='QB' x='0' y='0'/>
<group name='QG' x='0' y='0'/>
<atom name='N' type='N' num='1' x='0' y='1' />
<atom name='C' type='C' num='1' x='2' y='1' />
<atom name='HN' type='H' num='1' x='0' y='0' />
<atom name='HB2' type='H' num='1' x='0' y='2' group='QB'/>
<atom name='HB3' type='H' num='1' x='2' y='2' group='QB'/>
<atom name='CA' type='C' num='1' x='1' y='1' />
<atom name='CB' type='C' num='1' x='1' y='2' />
<atom name='HA' type='H' num='1' x='1' y='0' />
<atom name='O' type='O' num='1' x='2' y='0'/>
<atom name='CG' type='C' num='1' x='1' y='3' />
<atom name='HG3' type='H' num='1' x='2' y='3' group='QG'/>
<atom name='HG2' type='H' num='1' x='0' y='3' group='QG'/>
<atom name='CD' type='C' num='1' x='1' y='4' />
<atom name='OE1' type='O' num='1' x='0' y='5'/>
<atom name='HE1' type='H' num='1' x='0' y='6' />
<atom name='OE2' type='O' num='1' x='2' y='5'/>
<bond from='N' to='HN'/>
<bond from='N' to='CA'/>
<bond from='C' to='CA'/>
<bond from='C' to='O'/>
<bond from='HN' to='N'/>
<bond from='HB2' to='CB'/>
<bond from='HB3' to='CB'/>
<bond from='CA' to='N'/>
<bond from='CA' to='C'/>
<bond from='CA' to='CB'/>
<bond from='CA' to='HA'/>
<bond from='CB' to='HB2'/>
<bond from='CB' to='HB3'/>
<bond from='CB' to='CA'/>
<bond from='CB' to='CG'/>
<bond from='HA' to='CA'/>
<bond from='O' to='C'/>
<bond from='CG' to='CB'/>
<bond from='CG' to='HG3'/>
<bond from='CG' to='HG2'/>
<bond from='CG' to='CD'/>
<bond from='HG3' to='CG'/>
<bond from='HG2' to='CG'/>
<bond from='CD' to='CG'/>
<bond from='CD' to='OE1'/>
<bond from='CD' to='OE2'/>
<bond from='OE1' to='CD'/>
<bond from='OE1' to='HE1'/>
<bond from='HE1' to='OE1'/>
<bond from='OE2' to='CD'/>
I implemeted a variation of this proposal in 1.3.3. System types now have an optional list of residue type candidates (and also terminals and generic neighbors). System types still have the model reference to the residue type which is responsible for calculating the label. Tell me how this works. If possible I don't want to add another "molecule model" and avoid to mix residue types.
Cara needs still the option to work with several chains or a complex of several molecules within one project.
There are several situations that can occur:
1. Symmetric Oligomer.
there are several copies of the same molecule (or monomers) in the sample. Each copy is expected to have identical chemical shifts because of the symmetry of the oligomer.
Here the problem is that NOEs need to be represented between different monomers within the oligomer. It may be possible to work with one chain to assign triple resonance spectra, but when the user starts to assign NOEs (s)he needs to be able to specify between which monomers they occur. (Between molecule A and A, or molecule A and B etc.) Note that by symmetry if spin a in molecule A shows an NOE to spin b in molecule B, then the reverse is also true.
2. Heterooligomer.
The sample contains a complex between several different molecules of the same chaintype (i.e. they are all proteins but they have different sequences). The shifts will differ since the sequences are different.
Here it must be possible to:
- assign each spin to the correct molecule (molecule A or B).
- "Assign fragment" must consider both sequences (A and B).
- It must be possible to assign a given spin system to belong to one sequence (A) or to the other one (B). In this case "Assign fragment" must consider only the relevant sequence.
- It must be possible to assign spinlinks to either go from molecule A to B, B to A, A to A, or B to B.
3. Complex between two molecule classes
The sample contains a complex between different molecule classes (e.g. RNA and protein). Each molecule class has it's own ResidueTypes and its own Termini linkage.
It must be possible to:
- define sequences for the two molecule classes within one project.
- define different "termini" or linkages between the Residue Types in the two molecule classes.
- define which molecule spins and spin systems belong to.
- define which spins and molecules are connected by an NOE.
See the related Issue:
7 years and 11 months and 3 days old
Rename the tool "flatten spectrum" to "project spectrum"
This is the standard name for the procedure.
You can change the name of the "projected dimension" from "Dim Z (D3)" to "projected dim".
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Cara 1.3.2 MonoScope/PolyScope/HomoScope
It would be quite useful to have a menu item to change the position of a peak by manually entering the ppm positions.
One way to do this would be to have a "Edit peak" window like in NEASY, where all the properties of the peak are displayed.
7 years and 6 months old
Cara 1.3.2 MonoScope
Move peak or "mp" causes the depth position of a peak to be set to 0.0000 ppm.
This does not occur in PolyScope where peak position (yellow cross) is moved correctly.
7 years and 6 months old
cara 1.3.2 allows different spectra to have the same name within a project. This causes problems in the "select spectrum" menus. Only one of the spectra with a given name can be selected.
Either CARA should list the spectrum ID in front of the name if there is ambiguity, or, it should force the user to enter a new name when the spectrum is added to the project.
rename the experiment if you cannot access it.
NOTE: it is not always obvious to the user that this is the reason the spectrum does not appear in the menu. There are many other possibilities. This creates unneccessary troubles.
7 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
When the rotation menu is displayed in "Add spectra" (ambiguous mapping to spectrum type) The ppm range of each dimension should be displayed this can be useful to get the mapping right.
7 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
It should also include the spectrometer frequencies.
These often distinguish between different dimensions on help the user can orientation right.
e.g. HNCO:
dim lab ppm_________ SF_MHz___
D1 HN 11.0-4.90ppm 600.13MHz
D2 CO 182-172ppm__ 150.09MHz
D3 N 108-135ppm__ 60.03MHz
Cara 1.3.2 PolyScope/HomoScope/StripScope etc.
A new feature to allow selection and manipulation of groups of Spins or Systems.
This is equivalent to the selection tool proposed for Peaks:
New feature: Selection of Systems / Spins
Actions that can be performed on selected Systems
The group of selected Systems can be:
assigned a common attribute value.
assigned a certain SystemType.
assigned to assignment candidates.
unlinked from predecessor or successor.
hidden or displayed ("+" symbol is seen or not seen)
Actions that can be performed on selected Spins
The group of selected Spins can be:
shifted by a ppm value (like move spin)
shifted by a ppm value in one spectrum (like move alias)
assigned to a specific system
assigned a specific label
assigned an attribute value
hidden or displayed
assigned a color for display
Filters for selecting Systems
Selection of Systems by:
SystemNumber (e.g. 1 or 2..5)
ResidueNumber (e.g. 10..15)
ResidueType (e.g. "GLY")
SystemType (e.g. "long")
Assignment Status (assigned or unassigned)
Filters for selecting Spins
PpmRange (3.0..4.5)
Distance from Statistical Chemical Shift (in units of Dev)
Label (e.g. "HA" "HB2")
AtomType (e.g. "C" "N")
spin selection based on properties of the system should also be possible (see above)
SystemNumber (e.g. 3
ResidueNumber (e.g. 10..15 or 100..)
ResidueType ("GLU")
I include both System and Spin selection in one Issue because they are complementary and it may be sensible to combine them.
Selections should be reflected by changes in the SpinList.
It should be possible to "hide" the non-selected spins or systems from the spinlist display.
7 years and 6 months old
Cara 1.3.2 MonoScope/PolyScope/HomoScope
new feature: select peaks based on different properties.
Selected peaks can be manipulated as a group while they are selected.
e.g. of manipulation of selected group of peaks:
1. delete the selected peaks.
2. shift all selected peaks by a constant ppm.
3. change color of all selected peaks.
4. add/change attribute of all selected peaks to a value.
5. hide the peaks.
6. hide all OTHER peaks that are NOT selected.
e.g. of properties that can be used to select peaks.
1. assignment to a given residue (or residue range)
2. assignment to spin with a specific label or set of labels (e.g. "HA")
3. based on peak color or set of colors.
4. based on peak attribute.
the filters should be cummulative.
I.e. The selection can be restricted by further filters.
A simple GUI tool for selection is needed for daily use (something like "Select Peaks" in NEASY).
more complex selections could be handled later by writing LUA scripts.
Selected peaks should be distinguishable from non-selected peaks.
It would be useful to include parallel features in the PeakList which reflect the selection. In fact this may be the most logical place for the new menus which support peak selection.
E.g. selection and filtering is visible in the peaklist. It is possible to "hide" either the peaks that are included or excluded by the selection.
7 years and 6 months old
There are some confusing aspects to the current treatment of peaklists.
When a peaklist is created in MonoScope, the currently displayed spectrum is the "Owner"
The meaning of ownership is none-the-less unclear.
After creating a peaklist, I can define a batchlist. This belongs to the peaklist.
If I pick a peak while one of the "non-peaklist-owner" spectra are displayed, then this peaks "home" is in the current spectrum. Apparently this means that no alias can be created in the home spectrum. However you can also not create an alias for this peak in the "Owner-spectrum".
This seems rather schizophrenic behaviour. Either the peaklist and all it's peaks should belong to the owner spectrum, or the peaks should belong to whatever spectrum they were picked in. But not both!
In this context, a BUG should be mentioned.
If the peaklist is opened with the owner spectrum, all peaks are displayed with the "+" symbol indicating that there are no aliases defined. However if the user applies "ns" next spectrum and then "ps" previous spectrum, then then some peaks are displayed with "x" symbol indicating that aliases are defined. The peaks in question have their "home" defined in a different spectrum from the Owner spectrum.
A confusing aspect of BatchLists is that after they are defined, the Select Spectrum menu displays the Owner Spectrum two times. Once at the top of the list and once below (in the following example spectrum id='2' is the owner spectrum):
When MonoScope is initially opened, the owner spectrum is displayed and two positions are checked in the Select Spectrum Menu, the spectrum ID and name are NOT displayed in the top left corner of the SpectrumPlane:
02mM x
2:02mM x
After another spectrum is selected, the SpectrumId and name are displayed in the top left corner,and the menu looks like:
3:04mM x
It is unclear and cofusing to have the same spectrum displayed twice in this dialog.
The concept of Peakownership should be clarified:
either the peaks each have their own "home" spectrum, OR all peaks in the peaklist belong to one owner spectrum.
"home" for each peak:
If they can each have their own home, then it should be possible to determine the home of a peak easily (it should be displayed in the PeakList as a separate column) and be displayable as a LABEL with the Menu "View-Show Label").
Owner Spectrum for all Peaks in Peaklist:
If the peaklist has an owner, this should be displayed along with the peaklist name in the bottom left corner "3:PeakListName".
F.Damberger & S.Hiller
7 years and 6 months and 5 days old
Currently, PolyScope and HomoScope take the available labels for picking systems in the plane from the defined labels in the SpectrumType.
e.g. HomoScope displaying a HSQC15N: "pick new system" lists the labels H,N which are defined in dim0,dim1 of the HSQC15N SpectrumType.
In the Strip of PolyScope, the labels are taken from the generic residue or the Residue if the System is assigned.
include the labels that are obtained from peak inference on the generic residue also in the "pick new system" dialog.
E.g. if the generic residue is ASN, then "pick new system" applied in the above example would include the labels Dim0: H,HD21,HD22 Dim1: N,ND2.
7 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
The same thing occurs in StripScope.
If I define HN,N as the labels for StripScope in the HNCA SpectrumType then StripScope generates only strips corresponding to these two labels.
If I remove all labels from the HNCA SpectrumType then CARA shows me all strips generated by peak inference of the generic residue.
The labels are a leftover from SynchroScope. I am forced to keep them in the SpectrumTypes so that SynchroScope has a unique key. None of the other scopes need this unique key. moreover in the case of the HSQC13C a unique key means that only one of the anchor pair types can be displayed in SynchroScope (e.g. only HA/CA).
We have an imcompatibility between two alternative approaches to determine the labels used for generating strips. The question is whether SynchroScope is still needed and whether we need the labels for spectrumTypes? Possibly as supplementary labels to the ones generated by peak inference?
After some testing, I found out that the setting StripScope: "View-Do Pathway Simulation" influences which strips are displayed and which spins are shown in the strips.
View-Do Pathway Simulation-Strip Anchors":
Strip anchors are determined from pathway simulation. (e.g. if the pathway simulation on the GenericResidue connects HE21-NE2, then this strip is displayed.
if this option is turned off, then the strip anchors are taken from the labels defined in the SpectrumType.
View-Do Pathway Simulation-Strip Peaks":
Spins are shown in strips if they can be reached using pathway simulation.
if this option is turned off, then spins are shown in the strip if their labels appear in the strips dimension in the SpectrumType.
Consequently there is no incombatibility between labels and pathway simulation. CARA gives the user both options.
However, what CARA does not do is determine the list of labels displayed in "Pick Label" based on what will be displayed with the present settings. Thus it is possible to pick a spin which "dissapears" because the current settings for spin display do not display that spin.
CARA should always allow list labels in the "Pick Label" dialog corresponding to spins which can be displayed.
Therefore, if "View-Do Pathway Simulation-Strip Peaks" is turned on, the pathway simulation should determine the list of available labels. However, if "View-Do Pathway Simulation-Strip Peaks" is turned off, then the list of available labels should be determined from the SpectrumType.
The labels displayed in the PickNewSystem dialog should also reflect pathway simulation when this is turned on. E.g. if I "Pick New System" in PolyScope displaying a HSQC15N, then CARA should list labels which are possible via pathway simulation on the genericResidue rather than taking the labels from the SpectrumType. The only exception to this is SynchroScope which takes these labels from the SpectrumType.
Cara 1.2.3:
PolyScope, StripScope
Currently "Pick Labels" in the strip menu are determined by simulating the ExperimentProcedure on the generic ResidueType and displaying the labels of ALL spins reached in the last step.
e.g. SpectrumType =CBCAcoNH, genericResidue = GLN
The following pathways and final labels are generated:
#0001 HE21->NE2->CD->CG->(CG, CB)
#0002 HN->N->C-1->CA-1->(CB-1, CA-1)
#0003 QE2->NE2->CD->CG->(CG, CB)
#0004 HE22->NE2->CD->CG->(CG,CB)
Problem :
When I select the anchor HN-N in the plane, only pathway #0002 is relevant for "pick label" executed in the strip. Only the anchors reached from this pathway should be displayed in the "Pick Label" dialog window.
CB-1 CA-1
CARA displays the final spins for ALL the pathways.
This is not logical since one cannot reach the spins CB and CG from the anchor spin pair HN-N (which correspond to steps 1 and 2 of the SpectrumType procedure respectively). The current setup therefore allows illogical choices to be made for the picked spins and complicates the choices available in the menu.
7 years and 9 months and 13 days old
cara 1.3.1 ScriptEditor
Menu item "File-Export" has a confusing name.
To me "Export" means write to an external file (not in the repository).
However, "Export" in this case actually creates a second copy of the Script in the current repository.
I suggest therefore renaming this command to "Duplicate".
Include the same command in the CARA-explorer Terminal Pane.
7 years and 6 months and 9 days old
Please disregard the last sentence. The command "Duplicate" is already implemented in the CARA explorer Terminal Pane.
cara 1.3.1
For certain spectra, Cara returns the WARNING message "imcompatible dimension atom types in spectrum" when they are loaded.
Typically the offending dimension of these spectra is for aromatic 13C atoms [115..136ppm]
or from
carbonyl 13C atoms [171-182ppm].
The message occurs because CARA assigns an AtomType to each spectrum dimension purely based on the ppm range.
It assumes 0-10ppm = H, 10-100ppm=C, >100ppm=N.
This simplifying assumption causes a rather confusing WARNING message which is unfounded.
HNCO always have C dimension with Procedure Step Mean=175, Dev=25.
There is no reason to give a warning here. In fact the Mean and Dev values in the STEP whith Dim=D2 should overule the rule that N>100ppm. In this case, CARA should take the expected ppm range from the ExperimentProcedure. No WARNING message should occur.
The same fact applies to spectra having aromatic 13C dimensions. The Step corresponding to this dimension will always include Mean=125 Dev=25. The ppm range from mean,dev should override the rule ">100ppm"=N. No WARNING message should occur.
7 years and 6 months and 9 days old
cara 1.3.1 MonoScope
I have loaded a series of spectra into a batchlist. The first spectrum is the owner of the peaklist (ID=1).
If I pick a peak while displaying a different spectrum from the owner spectrum(e.g. ID=2), this peak behaves oddly.
For example:
If I select the peak and then try "mp" Move Peak, nothing happens. The peak does not move.
If I apply "move alias" the peak "dissapears" from the spectrum.
If I examine the peaklist, I find that this peak has alias position:-999999.000 -999999.000 in all spectra except the owner spectrum (ID=1) where it has the original position that I picked.
In addition, the peak is displayed in spectrum ID=1 with an alias symbol "x"!
If I display spectrum ID=2, and then double-click on the peaks entry in the peaklist, CARA displays the region outside of the spectrum near -999999.000 -999999.000.
The peak symbol "+" is displayed in spectrum ID=2, ID=3 etc.!
Since peaks may be picked in spectra other than the owner spectrum during the analysis of a batchlist and this causes quite severe artifacts, the bug is deemed critical (can't work with peaklists efficiently)
(A) Pick peaks very carefully so that you never have to move them
(B) Pick peaks ONLY is first spectrum. Use Move alias in all other spectra.
F.Damberger & S.Hiller
7 years and 6 months and 9 days old
cara 1.3.1 HomoScope
The following example assumes Start1.2.cara nomenclature (where amide protons are named "H", not "HN"...
1. Open [1H,1H]-COSY with HomoScope
2. "Pick New System"
3. enter labels for a glycine: HN, HA2
* The system immediately dissapears.
For users doing homonuclear assignment this bug is pretty annoying. Moreover, it is very tedious to have to pick a system which dissapears (because its structure does not match the generic residue type). And then have to find the new system in the systemList, select the system and set it to systemType GLY.
The whole process would be easier if one could set the SystemType during the "Pick New System" dialog.
* This is not an attractive behaviour, and could be avoided by including the "Set SystemType" selection-bar in the "Pick New System" dialog window.
To make the system reappear we need to select System Type GLY so the peak inference can find a peak connecting H(D1)-HA2(D2).
4. Click on the newly created system in the SystemList.
Right-click the menu "Set SystemType" and select "GLY".
** nothing happens! The peak between H-HA2 does not appear even though it is predicted by peak inference.
This is a BUG.
5. To make the expected peak appear, do the following:
"View-Show unlabeled peaks" off
"View-Show unlabeled peaks" on ->NOW the peak H-HA2 appears!
7 years and 6 months and 1 week old
If I change the residueType or set the SystemType, CARA continues to suggest the labels derived from the Generic ResidueType even though the actual residueType is known.
E.g. ResidueType is GLY.
Cara still allows only labels: H HA HB2 HB3 in extend horizontally and extend vertically.
Ironically, If give the new spin the label "?", it dissapears. If I select this spin in the SystemList and execute "Label Spin", I get the following choices:
? H HA HA2 HA3
In other words "Label Spin" uses the correct ResidueType and Extend Vert/Horiz does not!
This results again in an inefficient use case when I extend assignments in a system:
1) select system
2) move cursor onto new spin
3) execute extend horizontally
4) select the label "?" (labels are from wrong ResidueType) peak dissapears.
5) find system in SystemList and select the spin "?".
6) Select "Label Spin" and select "HA2"
7 years and 6 months and 1 week old
In cara_1.3 (but not in cara_1.2), the right-most strip panels in synchroscope shows wrong plane orientation for some user-defined spectrum type, such as HN(Dim 1)-N(Dim 2)-N(Dim 3). Instead of putting N(Dim 2) along the y-axis, cara puts N(Dim 3), thus showing the wrong orientations. This causes lost of most crosspeaks from view and inability to assign spins along Dim 2.
7 years and 6 months and 8 days old
I tried to reproduce this with a 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-TOCSY. Everything seemed to be fine (except that spins are not displayed along D2 axis. This is because no labels are defined along D2 dim of SpectrumType. Work with PolyScope instead of SynchroScope to avoid this problem).
Please indicate which SpectrumType you observe the problem with (if it is not a SpectrumType included with the template file Start1.2.cara, then attatch a copy of the SpectrumType in your reply.
How to write out a SpectrumType:
start CARA without a template.
Right-Click in SpectrumType panel of Cara-explorer and select "Import Types".
select the CARA repository file containing the SpectrumType. CLick ONLY on that one spectrumType.
In CARA-explorer select "Files-Save As" and save the repository under a new name (e.g. HNHB.cara)
attatch this file in your reply.
Viewing user defined attributes via "Edit Attribute" or "Open System Table" blocks activities in other scopes. Suggest viewing in new windows similar to "Show Alignment" scopes, or display them next to the CARA defined attributes in CARA explorer.
7 years and 6 months and 8 days old
Editing spin system attribute (user created) in synchroscope does not update the values in the main CARA GUI and other scopes. Even the system number in the attribute editing window is wrong.
7 years and 6 months and 11 days old
I can't reproduce this.
When I create an attribute for spins (I tried boolean)
I find that their values are correctly reported in all scopes and in CARA-explorer. If you are looking at the attribute of a SPIN, then the number appearing at the top of the "Edit Attribute" window is the SPIN ID number, not the SYSTEM number.
Jims reply:
The problem is with attribute for spin systems, not spins. I have been adding comments to the spin-systems during assignment. Although they are reported correctly in synchroscope, I cannot modify them within synchroscope and see the updates in the CARA explorer.
BTW, how do you display the user-created attributes in CARA explorer in the column format like the default ones.
Freds response:
Try double-clicking on the attribute in the "edit attribute" window and then making a change. This works for me. I also see the changes in the other scopes and in Cara explorer.
To see all system attributes in table format, click on Systems in Cara-explorer. Right-click on any system and select "Open Systems Table"
Jim reports that System Attributes can be alterred in SynchroScope and that the attribute values are updated correctly in other scopes when Cara 1.3 is used.
If spins and peaks are to live side-by-side the nomenclature must be consist throughout all scopes regarding commands acting on peaks vs commands acting on spins.
"mp" "move peak" should act on peaks only in every scope (not on spins)
The corresponding command for spins (inferred peaks generated by Caras peak inference) should replace the word "peak" with the word "spins".
So the command to "move peak" in PolyScope would be renamed "move spins".
To me this is a logical name which makes the user more aware of what he is doing.
For peaks we therefore have:
"mp" move peak
"dp" delete peaks
"pp" pick peak
"gp" goto peak
"sp" synch peak
For spins we have:
"ms" move spins (currently we have the command "mi" which only works in the strip)
"ds" delete spins
"ps" pick spins (conflicts with the current "ps"=prev spec (I propose the keys "+" and "-" for "next spec" and "prev spec")
"gs" goto system
"sh" synch horiz
"sv" synch vert
These commands could be used consistently in every scope, thus avoiding the cumbersome ".pp" etc which are only valid in PolyScope...
7 years and 7 months and 5 days old
It seems that some things where missed in the menus when renaming commands (possibly you only renamed the shortcuts?):
- g. in PolyScope
"move peak"
there are two "move peak" context menu items:
1) One of them is in the main menu (it is referring to move system really and should be called "move spins")
2) the second "move peak" is located in the submenu "peaks". This one has the correct name.
"move peak alias"
1) main menu "move peak alias" should be renamed "move spin aliases".
2) submenu "peaks-move peak alias" can be kept with the current name.
"label peak"
1) main menu item should be renamed "label spins"
2) submenu "peaks-label peak" can remain.
"Delete Peaks"
1) main menu item: rename to "Delete Spins"
2) submenu "peaks-delete peak" can remain.
cara 1.3
Set color code has no effect on the color of the peak symbol in MonoScope. Color of the peak symbol remains white.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
This seems to be working in 1.3.1 Demo project. Possibly I didn't have the colors set uniquely (lots of codes equaling white) when I reported this issue.
Cara 1.3
SpinList in PolyScope, HomoScope.
When I double-click on a system, the cursor is placed on the selected system in the plane. This is very useful navigation feature.
Also, double-clicking autoexpands the System. After I execute this several times, so many spins are displayed that I can nolonger see systems (or only a few) in the SpinList.
For useability - eliminate the autoexpand feature, or introduce a button in the SpinList menu "AutoExpand System On/Off".
7 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Versions cara_1.2.1_linux and upward
the following error occurs on some Linux installations when starting CARA (CARA does not start at all):
cara_1.2.1_linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Since this happens on all Bruker Spectrometer workstations where we have installed Linux RedHat, it is critical.
Why could cara live without this library up to version cara_1.2_linux?
7 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Because of the new memory management concept I had to switch to GCC 3.x (2.9.x before). This is actually a standard library and usually installed on all systems automatically. The systems mentioned might have an old Linux installation. You can separately download a current version of the C/C++ standard libraries or a minimal GCC 3.x version. This should help. Rochus
Cara 1.3 HomoScope/PolyScope
spinlinks which are displayed in the PLANE show a state of "invisible" in the Spin Link Parameters. If I change it to visible, then the spinlink parameter is "visible" in ALL spectra (it should only be changed in the current spectrum). The state of spinlink parameters "visibility" has no effect on whether the spinlink is displayed in the plane or not.
It is not possible to work with 2D NOESY spectra due to this bug. Therefore critical.
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Alternatively, If I select a spinlink whose visibility is turned on and turn OFF its visibility in the edit link parameters. The spinlink dissapears. However, if I switch to another NOESY spectrum, the spinlink is also missing there! Changing link visibility should only affect the currently displayed spectrum.
Also the spinlink symbols o-o are not displayed in the spinlink list.
Hide SpinLink should be a context menu in the plane. Currently the usecase is very inefficient.8 steps are required to make the spinlink invisible.
1) find a spinlink peak which is not visible in the spectrum.
2) select it. I execute "sh" synch horizontal.
3) expand the selected spin in the spinlist.
4) check what the spinlink partner is in the spectrum PLANE.
5) select that spinlink in the systemlist.
6) select "edit link parameters" from the systemlist context menu.
7) click on link visibility check box
8) click OK.
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Cara 1.1 and up (including Cara 1.3)
crash in MonoScope when the keys
"shift-PageDown" are pressed
(also "shift-PageUp" causes a hard crash)
This crash does not occur in cara 1.0.1
(all tests on Linux)
7 years and 7 months and 1 day old
I have the most recent version on my windows laptop and I can't seem to figure out what format the file the print preview writes is. On my linux with the 1.2 version it was postscript, but the file now seems to be jibberish.
7 years and 7 months and 3 days old
Hi Linda On Windows it depends on the printer driver you've selected. If it is a Postscript driver, the file format is Postscript. You could test that by renaming the file from .prn to .ps and double click it on Linux (or on Windows with Acrobat Distiller or GhostView installed). Postscript files can be compressed. If this doesn't work, the format was probably HPGL or something similar. Regards Rochus
cara 1.3
"sl" in MonoScope causes the plane to be reset to the first plane. I thought we already fixed this is a previous version?
since "sl" is regularly turned on and off during work with MonoScope, this can be quite frustrating.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
The assignment information for a peak is not available for peaks displayed in PolyScope.
This should be available to display in the Spectrum and in the (proposed) Peaklist. The peaklist should be able to display the assignments using "atom labels and system assignments". Spin numbers are of limited usefulness to the user.
E.g. what tells you more:
HA 32 HN 33
1102 1123
7 years and 7 months and 5 days old
Cara 1.3
PolyScope: Center to peak not active in strips
7 years and 7 months and 6 days old
Add a function to export peaklists from the showlist window in monoScope.
This would write a table format file with the columns in the same order as they appear in the list window and the rows sorted as they appear.
F.Damberger & V.Galius
7 years and 9 months and 2 days old
Ver. 1.2 MonoScope
After creating a peak alias, the symbol "x" appears to mark the alias position.
In other scopes, if I select the "x" without moving the cursor and "move alias", the alias is deleted and the peak reappears at the unaliased position with a "+" symbol.
In MonoScope, if I perform this action on an aliased peak, the alias value is set to the value of the original unaliased peak position, but the "x" symbol is not replaced by the "+" symbol.
The alias is not removed from the peaklist but remains in the project even though the peak position is identical to the original peak position.
Here is the relevant section from the repository:
<peak id='30' home='4' tag='' color='1'>
<pos spec='4' amp='0.000000' vol='0.980000' mdl='0'>
<dim pos='9.316000'/>
<dim pos='114.125999'/>
<pos spec='5' amp='11328.635742' vol='0.000000' mdl='0'>
<dim pos='9.316000'/>
<dim pos='114.125999'/>
<spin id='2604'/>
<spin id='2603'/>
Note that the peak position in spec='5' is exactly the same as the original peak position in spec='4'.
The peak in spec='5' also has a different amp from spec='4' but I don't see what this has to do with the alias position.
Workaround (quite tedious)
Edit the repository to remove the alias.
7 years and 11 months and 1 week old
In 1.2.1, the alias cannot be removed. If I select the peak at the alias position "x" and execute "move alias" nothing happens.
To be consistent with the other scopes, the aliases should be removed when I do this.
Possibly the least confusing would be to have a separate command "remove alias" for this function. It is not intuitive that if I select an alias peak and execute "move alias" that the alias will be erased.
The small spectrum overview window in the bottom left corner of a Polyscope or other scopes is not refreshed when the spectrum displayed by the scope is changed. The overview window still shows the original spectrum the scope was opened with. This is quite unsatisfying especially if you switch to a spectrum with a larger sweep width and move the display outside the limits of the previous spectrum - the overview window becomes totally useless in this case.
7 years and 10 months and 4 days old
Often the user wants to select systems by their residue assignment (instead of by their system number).
This is because the system numbers are numbered arbitrarily where as the residue numbers correspond to the sequence.
One could allow the following syntax to specificy a residue:
r# where "r" is the letter r, and "#" is a residue number.
Cara would look up the system assigned to the residue number.
In Select Strips Manually menu of StripScope:
User could then enter:
10 r2 r3 r5
to display the strips of system 10, residue r2, r3, and r5.
F.Damberger & V.Galius
7 years and 9 months and 10 days old
CARA 1.3
SynchroScope & PolyScope & StripScope
When I select a new spectrum in the strip, the ppm range remains unchanged. This is useful to compare equivalent regions of two spectra which have overlapping ranges.
It is however confusing when the strip dimensions do NOT overlap in ppm range. E.g. HNCA (30..50ppm) vs. HNCO (110..130ppm).
Change behaviour as follows:
1. If the AtomType of StripDim (D2) is different, then apply "Fit to Window" to strip.
2. If the ppm ranges do not overlap at all, then apply "Fit to Window" to the strip.
7 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
I changed the x-width on my integration model, but
the integrated volume has remained unchanged. I get the impression the int. vol. depends only on the max. amplitude (?)
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Hi Joe, "volume" is perhaps a misnomer. Actually the "volume values are a deconvoluted intensity contributed by the peak in question to the total intensity observed at the peak position.
Possibly better names would be "intensity" for the observed intensity and "amplitude" for the deconvoluted intensity due to the peak position.
When you have two peaks A and B within a linewidth of eachother, then the intensity observed at peak A contains intensity contributed from peak B and vice versa. Cara determines these contributions based on a matrix inversion.
Peaks which are alone have identical amplitude and "volume". (No other peaks intensity contributes to the observed intensity). You should therefore see that many peaks have identical amp and vol. In fact only overlapped peaks will have differences and you can use this fact to search for overlapped peaks in the peaklist (double-click on the peak and you can examine it).
The linewidths you set determine which peaks are found to overlap. A very small linewidth will result in nearly all peaks having amp=vol.
Hope this helps explain things.
Cara 1.3 PolyScope & HomoScope
Include a context menu item "Goto SpinLink". This has the effect of synchronizing the systemList with the currently selected SpinLink. I.e. the system containing the SpinLink is expanded in the SystemList AND the Spin involving the SpinLink is expanded AND the SpinLink is selected.
This requires a fixed definition of the order of a spinLink.
- e. X-axis of a spinlink defines which System and Spin is expanded. Y-axis of the spinlink defines which spinlink is selected.
7 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
It is not possible to select a subset of the objects in a table (PeakList or SpinList) either to reduce the length of the list to a particular subset which is of interest, nor is it possible to display only the peaks or inferred peaks from these objects in the spectrum. E.g. to display only the inferred peaks from a selection of HN/N spins in PolyScope, or to display only the strips whose anchors can be generated from these spins in StripScope.
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Stereoassignments of spins are indicated by a "!" preceeding the rest of the label string. The option stereospecific assignment ("stereo") should be included in the dialog window for "Label Spin" in the same area where "Draft" appears to indicate labels starting with "?". Note that "?" and "!" are mutually exclusive. Also, if a stereoassignment is made, then the other partner in the group is automatically also stereoassigned. It is logically inconsistent to have one stereopartner stereoassigned where as the other one is not.
- g. HB2 of SER2 is stereoassigned ("!HB2"). Then "HB3 of SER2 which is in the same group, should automatically be stereoassigned by CARA. Likewise, if one stereopartner is nolonger stereoassigned, then the other stereopartner must be "destereoassigned".
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
In printpreview, the peak symbols are displayed at their real chemical shifts - no symbol is displayed at the olded position. However in publication figures these peaks are generally also labeled and marked.
PrintPreview should therefore have an option to "show folded" under the menu "Spins".
7 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Cara Version under Linux.
If you try to export a peaklist from Monoscope and the peak list you are using was previously saved in the cara project under a name containing spaces or special characters, the "Export peaklist" dialogue box gives the following error:
"The protocol peaklist name up to the next character after the space
is not supported or peaklist name...
doesn't support listing directories.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Add the option to rename peaklists - this would provide a decent workaround for this bug.
You can override the name in the file save dialog box to something more appropriate. I will include a rename feature. The problems with saving file names with spaces is connected with the OS and not a CARA problem.
Suggested workaround does not work. The new command "Add to repository" is not available after the peaklist was created (it is greyed out), so there is no way to "Save as...".
You need a command like "rename peaklist" or "Duplicate peaklist" (the later would ask for a new name).
The name of the command "Save Peaklist" gives the impression that something is stored in the repository file.
We suggest renaming it to "Update Peaklist" to indicate that the file is not stored but only updated in memory (similar to the command "Update Script" in the ScriptEditor.
F.Damberger & S.Hiller
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
In 1.3 there is no command "Update Peaklist" in the Peaks Menu of MonoScope.
Two other related changes should be made for consistency:
(1) When user closes MonoScope without updating the peaklist, the dialog window still says "Do you want to Save Peaklist [Save] [Don't Save] [Cancel]
Save should be changed to Update.
(2) The command "New Peaklist" deletes the current (non-updated) peaklist without any warning message.
If there is a PeakList open which was changed since the last update, the New PeakList command should ask the user whether the current peaklist should be updated or not.
Homo/Poly/MonoScope all revert to full spectrum view when the user opens the SpinList (PeakList) with the "Show List" command "sl".
How to reproduce:
Open a 2D with any of the above scopes.
Zoom into a region of the 2D
Enter "sl".
The SpinList (PeakList) will appear and the zoom region will revert to the full spectrum.
7 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
When I peaklist is imported into CARA, it is associated with a spectrum displayed in MonoScope. CARA automatically rotates the peaklist to match the orientation of the spectrum. E.g. for a [1H,15N]-HSQC it rotates the peaklist so that the coordinates corresponding to N are associated with the indirect Y-axis of the spectrum.
This does not occur when an external peaklist is opened with = spec.openPeakList( dlg.getOpenFileName( "Select External Peaklist", "Peaklist (*.peaks)" ) )
It would be convenient if the Peaklist could be rotated to match a reference spectrum. Since LUA scripts which use external peaklists are otherwise difficult to match up to the spectra they are to be affecting.
A LUA-API command like
spec.autorotatePeakList( PeakList, Spectrum )
would be very useful.
The command would rotate the peaklist in exactly the same way that CARA would do it if I imported "PeakList" onto the selected "Spectrum".
Afterwards, the dimension order of the PeakList would match that of any peaklist imported onto the selected spectrum.
7 years and 11 months and 1 week old
When I open the script editor the first time after starting cara, the font is a format with a large spacing between letters. This is not a useful default font because it is not very compact.
There is a bug too:
1) The Font is BY APPEARANCE Courier URW 10pt.
2) However, when I open the "View-Set Font" window, the selected font is "Courier Adobe 10 pt".
3) If I click OK WITHOUT changing the font settings, then the font APPEARANCE changes. Now it is very compact and a reasonable format for editing. This is the REAL appearance of Courier Adobe.
It would be nice if the font was from the beginning really by APPEARANCE and by font setting Courier Adobe.
The first time the ScriptEditor is opened,
Select "View-Select Font" and hit OK without changing the settings. After this, the font is correct for all remaining windows.
Additional Proposal:
Store the script font in the repository, so the user can set up her preference one time and keep it that way.
7 years and 9 months and 6 days old
Include option to "rename peaklist" in Cara-explorer.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Include a TextSearch function in the Terminal Window.
It should be case-sensitive and allow repetition of the search.
(would be useful to debug the output of scripts)
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
It is not possible to tell "peak list" peaks from "inferred" peaks in PolyScope (except when inspecting exactly at the plane of the peak where their color differs:
peaklist - yellow
inferred - white
This is not really clear enough.
How about two colors for the peak type.
Intense line for (exactly in this plane)
weak line for (further away)
You will loose the queue about whether the peak is ABOVE or BELOW the current plane.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
HomoScope crashes hard when Home key is pressed or "Fit to window" is executed.
This is reminiscent of the issue
Open HomoScope (this happens everytime):
_SplitterImp::setPos invalid pane: 1
WARNING: Allocating 3425016 bytes (shouldn't happen to often)!
Execute "Fit to Window":
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
F.Damberger & S.Hiller
7 years and 7 months and 10 days old
Change this error message to something more informative:
When two peaks are at exactly the same position,
and the user executes "integrate all" in MonoScope, CARA gives the following cryptic error message:
Error in Matrix Calculation:
An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: matrix is singular
MatrixType = Crout # Rows = 927; Cols = 927
Trace: Crout(lubksb); GeneralSolv.
This is not very useful to the average user.
Cara should check for identical peak positions BEFORE it starts the matrix calculation and give an error message with appropriate feedback:
"Error: found peaks with identical positions. Matrix inversion not possible.
Use to "Peaks-Check for doubles" to find and eliminate these peaks".
Another robust option would be to use only ONE of the the doubled peaks in the matrix inversion, and then give each peak in the "doubled group" an equal amount of the resulting intensity:
e.g. if there are three degenerate peaks :
give each one the Volume/3 after the matrix inversion.
This should be solved soon, integration is important for structure calculation and the current mysterious error message is causing a lot of inquiries with the CDT.
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
"Peaks-Check for Doubles" gives the following message in message log:
Peaklist Export from HomoScope2 contains the following double positions in spectrum er23_nsy5.3D:
410 1504
704 760
The text:
"contains the following double positions in spectrum "
followed by numbers
410 1504 etc.
is confusing. It is unclear that what follows is peak numbers. It could just as well be spin Id numbers.
Change the text to:
"contains the following groups of degenerate peaks (one group per line)"
The following text should include all peaks which are degenerate on the same line.
e.g. if three peaks are at the identical position they should be listed together:
1204 504 371
Also rename the command to
"Peaks-report degenerates"
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
After zooming a region:
if I execute "sl" show spinlist" , Cara resets the displayed region in the plane to the full spectrum (like a "fit to window" command).
This is very annoying when the user has expanded to a particular region and wants to examine the spin system assignments.
occurs in
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
StripScope(2D) Cara
The option "propose spin" is not available (greyed out) in Stripscope (2D).
This option is necessary in order to make StripScope(2D) useful for the analysis of NOESY spectra.
The available set of spins are naturally all spins with AtomType of the Y-axis of the spectrum (usually "H").
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
Once a peaklist is opened in HomoScope & PolyScope, that peaklist is permanently displayed. Sometimes it interferes with the inferred peaks.
Include an option
"show peaklist" to turn ON/OFF display of the peaklist in these scopes.
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
Would like to know if we can also covert Cara to UCSF or any other formats?
7 years and 7 months and 6 days old
After opening two HomoScopes or a HomoScope and a MonoScope, I set Synch to Global Cursor+Zoom.
Now I start moving around and zooming in Scope1.
The Scope2 follows the cursor and zoom.
Now I click left and right of the cursor position in the horizontal slice of Scope1. The cursor and vertical slice of the Scope2 is updated correctly.
Bug1: The vertical slice of Scope1 is NOT updated.
Now I open a third Scope (HomoScope) and resize it but do not zoom it. I select Synch zo Cursor+Zoom in Scope3.
Now I click the position of the cursor in Scope2. The cursor in Scope3 is synchronized, however the zoom range is not transferred to Scope3. It remains in Fit to Window full range.
This is probably intended behaviour, but I think as soon as I click in a window, that windows cursor AND zoom parameters should be transferred to all other cursor+zoom synched windows.
7 years and 7 months and 9 days old
If you try to move a peak (spin) using the mp commando in a 2D spectrum opened in Homoscope in version Cara crashes hard (Segmentation fault). This bug didn't occure in previous versions and does not happen in Polyscope.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks old
I am developing a new ResidueType for reduced dim. spectra which I would like to publish on the wiki. Other users have developed "Super-residues" as generic residues which might be useful to share with others as well.
Currently the only way for people to import a ResidueType into a repository is by copy-pasting it into the repository with an editor.
It would be nice to have an import function for ResidueTypes so that users could easily share them.
Note: that "export values" does not cover the usecase I am thinking of. ResidueType includes the spins, their groups, and their topology. "export values" expects the ResidueType to exist already.
The new command "Import ResidueType" would import all the information on the ResidueType. The ResidueTypeFile (*.rtp) would contain either a single ResidueType or a collection of ResidueTypes.
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Opening PrintPreview causes Cara to crash hard.
Opening PrintPreview causes Cara to hang (no windows respond - user is forced to kill Cara)
No workaround except using earlier version:
F.Damberger & V.Gallius
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
2D StripScope:
The ghostpeaks are hard to distinguish from the spins in the spinsystem because they have the same color.
Ghostpeaks should be grey or some other color to distinguish them from the system.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
"Show ghostpeaks" is also not available in 2D StripScope.
2D StripScope(rotated): opened 2D 15N-TOCSY N along x-axis.
This possibly occurs in other StripScopes. I didn't check.
"gr" spin system or double-click on spin system in SystemList.
if the spin system has more than one possible anchor for strips, CARA crashes.
Spin System Arginine:
Spin System Asparagine:
Spin System Alanine:
"gr" and Double-click in SystemList are important to navigate in StripScope so this is pretty high urgency.
Use only forward strip "fs" and backward strip "bs" to navigate in StripScope.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
can display peaklists,
the peaks have very small "peak depth". It is possible to see the peaks intensity without seeing the peak symbol.
The peaks from a peaklist should use the same "peak depth" as that used for the inferred peaks.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Apparently, the peaks DO use the "peak depth". So that this issue can be rejected.
Include an Import/Export SpectrumType feature to allow users to share SpectrumType definitions.
external files: *.spt
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
BMRB import function still has a problem with some files.
These files define _Residue_author_seq_num numbering when the sequence is defined, but they list only _Residue_seq_num when the assignments are listed.
It is easy to tell which format, since the header for the loop lists which values are in each column.
e.g.of such a file (included as attatchement)
Sequence definition:
1 251 LEU 2 252 CYS 3 253 ARG 4 254 ILE 5 255 SER
Assignment list of same file:
1 2 CYS CA C 68.535 . 1
Note that in this file, in the assignments section, the second column lists the _Residue_seq_code and that the _Residue_author_seq_code is not listed.
Cara must therefore keep track of both codes during read-in of the sequence, and then use the appropriate code to to read in the assignments and transfer them to the correct residue assignments.
I include an example of BMRB file with this format.
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
The issue 0360 was recently resolved. A consequence of this fix is that there is nolonger a context command to remove aliases. The user is forced to search for the two spins in the spinlist in order to eliminate an alias (s)he creates in the plane. This is quite tedious.
Aliases are objects visible in the spectrum which should be removeable just like other objects (e.g. peaks, systems, spinlinks).
Please include a context menu item in the scopes "Delete aliases" which removes the aliases from the selected spin(s).
The shortcut can be "da".
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks old
Move peak does not refresh the old location of the peak.
When I move peak the old peak position is still visible along with the new one.
After iconizing and reopening PolyScope window, the old peak position vanishes.
Workaround: iconize and reopen PolyScope after every "move peak" command.
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks old
"Center to peak" is not working for peaks in Polyscope. It works for systems in the plane.
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks old
3D peaks cannot be picked in PolyScope.
The present approach with a single menu "Peaks" is ambiguous.Where am I picking the peaks? In the plane or in the Strip?
Are the peaks I pick in the plane associated with the displayed 2D spectrum (HSQC15N) or with the 3D displayed in the strip?
It would be good to have context menus for peak-picking in the plane and in the strip respectively.
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks old
Follow these steps to reproduce bugs:
1)open an HSQC15N with PolyScope
2)select 3D 15N-TOCSY in the strips
3)click on a system in the plane
4) click on a signal in the strip.
5) "3d" to switch to 3d view in the plane.
6) click on the signal in the plane corresponding to the one in the strip.
7) Peaks-Pick Peak
8) Save PeakList: PScopeTest
9) Open the Peaklist PscopeTest in the Cara-explorer (MonoScope starts)
10) Display the peaklist "sl"
11) Double-click on the one peak in the list (MonoScope jumps to the peak in the Plane display)
12) Try picking another peak above or below the one already picked.
Cara picks a peak at the correct HN and H shifts but the N shift is set equal to 0.000! The peak is not visible for this reason.
Note this bug only occurs with the peaklist derived from PolyScope in the manner described.
There is no problem with a new peaklist created directly in MonoScope.
It appears to have something to do with the dimension order.
PscopeTest has the order: HN N H
where as the MonoScope peaklist has the order: HN H N
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks old
2D spectra could be analysed in StripScope. Analysis of 2D and 3D spectra could occur at the same time in StripScope.
This feature could be an interim method to analyse homonuclear 2D spectra.
Opening a 2D with StripScope would use the spins of the direct dimension as anchors. Only one spin would be required (DIM1 anchors) instead of 2 spins as for 3D spectra (DIM1,DIM3 anchors).
The vertical axis of the strip would correspond to the vertical axis of the strip.
2D (1H,1H)-NOESY would display one strip for each spin along the direct dimension DIM1.
What happens when I switch to a 3D spectrum?
The anchors must be recalculated for the 3D spectrum since generally there will be more 3D anchor pairs than 2D anchors.
If I switch from a 3D to a 2D, I can replace every 3D strip by the 2D strip at the position of the DIM1 anchor spin (from the DIM1,DIM3 anchor pair derived from the 3D). This will result in duplication of strips sometimes but that should not be a problem.
7 years and 8 months and 8 days old
The sentence above:
"The vertical axis of the strip would correspond to the vertical axis of the strip."
should be replaced with:
"The vertical axis of the strip would correspond to the vertical axis of the 2D spectrum.";
When a sequence file containing an empty last line (just a carriage return) is imported to a project, the last amino acid is repeated in the resulting sequence.
test.seq contains the following lines:
importing this into Cara project results in a sequence:
edit the seq file to remove the empty last line.
Note that OneLetterFileToSeqFile.lua creates a seq file with an empty last line (FD will correct this).
F.Damberger & M.Roehrl
7 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
When I select one of the spectra in the batchlist (not the one associated with the peaklist), and then execute Integrate All, the coordinates of the peaks for this spectrum are all:
0 ppm, 0ppm !
If I execute "Integrate All" with the spectrum owning the peaklist displayed this problem does not occur.
There is no undo. If the user stores the repository or peaklist after this action, the coordinates of the peaks in the spectrum are always zero.
The same thing happens when I execute "Integrate BatchList". All the peaks in the spectra except the spectrum owning the peaklist have their coordinates set to zero.
Therefore it is nolonger possible to use the "integrate Batchlist" command. It is in fact a dangerous liability since all the work of positioning the peaks can be lost with a single action followed by storing the repository.
Only Workaround:
Use previous version of cara
(e.g. cara_1.2.3_linux does not show this bug)
F.Damberger & S.Hornemann
7 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Adjusting parameters in of the peak model cause cara 1.2.6 to crash without writing out a dump file.
how to reproduce:
open a 2D with Monoscope.
Pick a peak
select "show peak model"
select "adjust peak model"
Adjust "width x"
Cara crashes hard.
This needs fixing pronto.
7 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
I feel a command like the XEASY "peaks select" would be EXTREMELY useful in cara. We have tried to port peaks lists and spectra from XEASY format to CARA as indicated on the wicki pages.
If larger regions of spectra are shown together with the peak annotations, it becomes very confusing and it is also difficult to find peaks belonging to a particular spin system or amino acid type.
The "sp" command is the one that I (and others!) use most often in XEASY. I feel that this is a very important feature that plays a big practical role when using the program!
To my knowledge this feature has not been implemented in the way it is available in XEASY.
7 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
1.0RC6 new bug
1.0RC6 Synchroscope refuses to open 15N-HSQC:
"Wrong number of dimensions"
1.0RC5 Sychroscope is able to open the same 15N-HSQC.
Here is the Spectrum Entry from the repository:
<spectrum type='hsqc15N' id='1' name='hsqc15N.3D' path='/home/damberge/neasy/PBPA.spectra/hsqc15N.3D.param'>
<level pmax='85612.328125' pnoise='549.156555' nmax='-64626.554688' nnoise='-262.160400'/>
Here is the Spectrum Type definition from the Repository:
<spectrum-type name='hsqc15N'>
<dim name='HN' atom='H'>
<label tag='HN' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='N' atom='N'>
<label tag='N' off='0' final='1'/>
<step text='N' atom='N' dim='1' hops='0' rep='0'/>
<step text='HN' atom='H' dim='0' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<fld name='ExperimentType' type='Memo'>2D Double Resonance</fld>
<fld name='reference' type='Memo'>Mori S, Abeygunawardana C, Johnson MO, Zijl PCM, J Magn Reson B, 108, 94-98 (1995).</fld>
9 years old
Hi Rochus
I could not open 15N-HSQC in syncroscope with neither 1.2.4 nor 1.2.
This looks like old problem but it came again.
Does your template include unique keys for dimensions D1 and D2? (HN and N labels in the SpectrumType definition)? SynchroScope needs this to know what anchors are permitted. If this does not solve your problem, then you can work with PolyScope as a workaround.
I am able to open an HSQC15N with synchroscope in 1.2.4. Where you able to solve the problem?
After I changed with what Fred suggested, it is fine. Thank you fred.
Fred, please make sure the file you are distrubuting can do it since I have download the starting file very recently.
The next Template release will have a lot of changes (like compatibility with BMRB str files so you can setup a project by reading in the BMRB deposit and chemical shift statistics up-dated to the latest BMRB values). The Unique Labels for experiments with HN-N dimensions are included.
This has been fixed in the new template Start1.2.cara which is available at the download site of the wiki.
The BMRB stat files do not use the same atom labels as in the standard template Start1.1.cara. In addition the "dev" values read in are 1 x standard deviation. However, Start1.1.cara "dev" values are 4 x standard deviation.
Here is a suggested workaround for importing statistical chemical shifts:
Get that statistics file from BMRB. Select the entire page and copy it into a file ending in ".stat"
Use your favorite text editor to alter the stat file as follows:
Copy-paste the entries for ARG+ to an additional entry for ARG.
Do the same for
rename HH11 to HH1
eliminate HH12
eliminate HD1
eliminate HE2
You can now import the statistics using the Cara-ResidueType explorer.
RightClick-ImportValues and select the .stat file.
After importing, you will need to multiply all dev values by 4 (you can write a simple LUA script). Alternatively you can multiply the "standard deviation" column entries by 4 BEFORE you import the .stat file.
Note that BMRB does not distinguish the different tautomeric states of HIS but averages their shifts together and that my procedure as described above "clones" the average shifts into each tautomeric form. Not a big problem if you don't know the tautomeric state of your HIS at the start of your assignment project (this is normally the case).
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
I attach the original .stat data I obtained from the BMRB using copy-paste, 05-13-2001.stat, as well as the stat file after I modified it as described above for import into a repository based on the Start1.1.cara template, ForCara.stat.
I think it would probably be easier to write a custom Lua script doing the import and the translations described above. Or one could write a translater in Lua from *.stats to *.stats and use the CARA BMRB import with the translated file.
It is not possible to write a custom import Lua script because LUA API does not include commands to affect the ResidueType data (setVal).
I have reversed my strategy: I have modified the template to be consistent with BMRB (IUPAC) nomenclature. Then I can import with the standard "Import Values" menu-item in Cara-explorer. My problem: Cara will not read in the new Stats file from BMRB. It gives an error message which is incomplete (the window containing the error message is not completely drawn). I cannot therefore determine what the problem is with the file. Strangely the old file (05-13-2001.stats) included above can be imported without problems.
I attach the file which causes the error message and the beta-version for Start1.2.cara.
This strategy runs into a snag because BMRB stats files list the Standard Deviation (but Cara needs 4*SD to be stored as "dev"). After importing the data from a BMRB stats file, dev is set to 1*SD. I still need a LUA API command setVal to multiply all dev values by 4.
2 Alternatives:
Introduce a global parameter "Dev Scale". Cara would multiply the values "dev" by "Dev Scale" to get the deviation used for fragment-mapping.
Ask for "Dev Scale" during import of BMRB stats file and multiply each SD by "Dev Scale" before storing it in "dev".
This would be a one-time operation, unlike alternative 1 which is a "dynamic" "Dev Scale" which can be adjusted according to use case.
Note that alternative 1 from the above follow-up is a repeat of Issue:
There is now a LUA script available at the Cara website named LoadBmrbStats.lua which handles the difference in nomenclature between NEASY and BMRB. Just select NEASY nomenclature in the dialog.
The next step will be to introduce a cara template file which follows BMRB (IUPAC) nomenclature. This is already completed. I am just waiting for Rochus to introduce permanent "Original Template Author" fields in the next Cara version. Then I will post it to the Cara website.
There is now a LUA script which allows BMRB statistics to be read. The differences between NEASY and BMRB formats are properly handled. LoadBmrbStats.lua is available at the cara website.
There is now a template available at the CARA wiki (Start1.2.cara) which is completely compatible with BMRB nomenclature. The template includes a new version of LoadBmrbStats.lua and is updated with the latest diamagnetic protein shifts from BMRB (Jan-7-2005).
Include an option switch the strips to display DIM3/DIM2 instead of DIM1/DIM2. This should be accessible with a shortcut like "swap dimensions"="sd".
e.g. I view a 3D 15N-resolved (1H,1H)-NOESY in StripScope.
D1=HN (strip horizontal), D2=Hnoe (strip vertical), D3=N
Now I execute "sd". Afterwards StripScope displays
D1=HN, D2=Hnoe (strip vertical), D3 (strip horizontal)
7 years and 8 months and 8 days old PolyScope SystemList: option to hide links from other spectra
The SystemList becomes longer and longer because all spinlinks are in one list (the ones from different spectra - imported from structure calculation peaklists).
It also becomes very diluted in information.
When I display a given spectrum, it would be very useful to show only spinlinks in the SystemList with visi='1' in the presently loaded spectrum.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old links are not hidden, but the link icon now vanishes for hidden links. How about that?
This does not address the useability issue.
The list contains a lot of information not relevant to the displayed 3D spectrum.
The number of lines for a single system is so long that one often does not know which system is displayed without moving the scroll bar up & down.
my system 4 contains 66 lines. I cannot see the puzzle icon when I am in the middle of this list.
When I display a 3D 15N NOESY, really only HN,N (anchor pairs) and links to other H atoms need to be displayed. Everything else is irrelevant and takes up unneccessary space. Moreover when I double-click the irrelevant spins I get "not found in inferred base".
Still waiting for this. I think it would improve navigation.
Open MonoScope
Import a peaklist.
save peaklist.
close monoscope with "x" symbol in top right corner of window.
MonoScope warns:
"There are unsaved peaklists".
But the peaklist is saved already.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
This is still a problem in 1.2.3.
F.Damberger & V.Galius
There is no way to move an alias horizontlly or vertically if it was moved already once.
Move alias moves the alias to the reference position if used a second time, there is no way to make a second move!
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks old
Strange. I tried and found out, that you can move the alias several times if you stay on the chosen axis (i.e. by using cursor keys). If you then want to switch the axis, you have to use the mouse instead of the cursor keys. Otherwise the new peak position is transposed. I will fix that.
The behavior is not predictable. I experienced the most problems with spins, which have a common vertical spin, like HE21/NE2 HE22/NE2 resonances of a GLN in an HSQC spectrum. E.g. I can move them both vertically by applying "ma" to one of them but can'not move the second of them horizontally any more - they return to the previous position. Thanks for looking in it, Rochus!
Note, this is the same issue as
which is now also completed.
When I apply move alias "ma" to a system at an alias position in the plane of Polyscope, the system shifts vertically and horizontally, although I only shift the position of the cursor horinzontally.
The bug does not occur if the system is not yet aliased (i.e. symbol is a "+"). The bug does not occur with the command move peak "mp".
The bug ONLY occurs when the system is already at an alias position ("x" symbol) and ONLY if you apply "ma" in the following order:
1) select the system in the plane.
2) use the arrow keys to move the cursor horizontally
3) execute move alias "ma".
The cursor has moved both vertically and horizontally. Horizontal position usually agrees with the cursors horizontal position. The vertical shift is unexpected.
The bug also occurs if you move the cursor vertically.
In this case the system is shifted horizontally by an unwanted amount.
Apply "ma" in a different order.
Two methods possible.
Method I.
1) Place the cursor where you want the system to be
2) select the system with "shift-click"
3) execute move alias with "ma".
Method II.
1) Select the system.
2) place the cursor with shift-rightClick
3) execute move alias with "ma"
Problem with these methods.
Usually if I want to adjust only the horizontal position of a system, I first select the system and then shift the cursor with the arrow keys. The two methods described above do not guarrantee that the vertical position is the same after applying "ma" as it was before applying "ma".
This bug is not a new bug, it occured in all versions of PolyScope that I tested.
8 years and 4 months old
Cara does not refresh spectrum display in other zoom-synched windows when I change the zoom in one zoom-synched window.
open The same spectrum with two Tools-Open Spectrum instances.
Turn on synch zoom in both.
Resize them so they display side by side.
Change zoom in the first instance.
The spectrum display in the second instance is not refreshed.
Iconize and and reopen the second instance.
now the spectrum display is refreshed in instance two to show the same zoom region as instance one.
Note this problem only occurs in "Tools-Open Spectrum", not in MonoScope.
7 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
I was not able to reproduce this up to now on Windows. I will now do some tests on other platforms. It was surprising anyway that there should be a difference between free and repository based spectra.
I cannot reproduce it either in 1.2.2 or 1.2.3. It was a real effect when I posted the issue. In the tests I now performed I only saw that when I opened a felix spectrum with the tool Open Spectrum (1.2.2) and resized the second MonoScope window, that a refresh problem occured, but after that everything was ok.
The read-only fields in the Cara-Explorer have no scroll bars available. It is therefore not possible to read beyond the field windows maximum size.
This is in contrast to the editable fields. If I click into such a window, a scroll bar appears which allows me to view the entire contents.
read-only fields affected by this bug:
The other read-only fields OrigTemplateAuthor and TemplateDate usually are only one line long and so the scroll function is not critical.
7 years and 9 months and 4 days old
The standard xeasy sequence file can contain optional comments either on separate lines or following the fragment entry. (XEASY manual p.30, 1994):
# tripeptide
GLY 5 203
LYS 7 209 "-1: 203"
reading in this sequence file causes CARA to crash hard.
If the comment after LYS is removed:
# tripeptide
GLY 5 203
LYS 7 209
no crash occurs.
To provide backward compatibility with XEASY users who want to transfer their projects to CARA, this type of file should be readable. (NEASY has no problems reading this seq file).
CARA can either define an attribute for the sequence "Comment" of type "string" and add this to the project, or simply ignore it. But it shouldn't crash.
Workaround: edit sequence file to remove all comments before reading it in.
7 years and 9 months and 3 days old
Cara can't handle some star files because they include the authors numbering for the sequence (in addition to a strict numbering starting from 1)
Cara expects:
Some BMRB files have:
1 -22 GLY 2 -21 HIS 3 -20 HIS 4 -19 HIS 5 -18 HIS
Note that the names of the items in each entry of the list always occur as a header to each list (started with _loop)
In this case the header contains:
Therefore each entry consists of three items.
1) _Residue_seq_code numbered sequentially from 1,
2) _Residue_author_seq_code numbered the way the authors thought must appropriate (e.g. Prions often numbered starting from 121)
3) _Residue_label the ResidueType associated with each entry.
Cara should either:
a) recognize that item 1 in the entry is the _Residue_seq_code, ignore item 2, read item 3 (ResidueType)
b) give user the option to read either the _Residue_seq_code or the _Residue_author_seq_code for numbering the sequence.
NOTE: This Issue was originally reported in a follow-up to Issue:
which is COMPLETED.
However this problem is still not solved and therefore I create a separate issue to describe it.
7 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Note that in BMRB files which contain the "_Residue_author_seq_code" in the "sequence _loop",
the "Atom list _loop" also contains an extra field with the "_Residue_author_seq_code". This must be parsed correctly to obtain the correct numbering scheme for residue assignments.
BMRB import works nicely now.
Just one critique.It is not reading in the correct citation.
Instead, in one case it read one of the "related citations" in the section
# Cited references within the entry #
In another case, it read nothing.
It should read the section of the BMRB file with the following appearance:
# Citation for this entry #
_Saveframe_category entry_citation
NMR Assignment of the A form of the Pheromone-binding Protein of Bombyx mori
_Citation_status published
_Citation_type journal
_MEDLINE_UI_code 21140944
1 Horst Reto . .
2 Damberger Fred . .
3 Peng Guihong . .
4 Nikonova Larisa . .
5 Leal Walter S. .
6 Wuthrich Kurt . .
_Journal_abbreviation "J. Biomol. NMR"
_Journal_volume 19
_Journal_issue 1
_Page_first 79
_Page_last 80
_Year 2001
The journal citation would look like:
Horst, R, Damberger, F, Peng, G, Nikonova L, Leal WS, Wuthrich K. J. Biomol. NMR 2001 19(1):79-80.
NMR Assignment of the A form of the Pheromone-binding Protein of Bombyx mori
The bmrb file from the example given is included as attachment.
7 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
This is actually an issue of the posted BMRB file. The BMRB format has a _Citation_full section, which contains the complete citation string as the author wants it to be cited. The _Citation_title etc. attributes are redundant, i.e. enabling access to each individual detail of the citation, which is not used by CARA and harder to parse and validate (i.e. it would give me a lot of additional work to parse and unite these individual loops and sections).
After some research I found that a detail of the BMRB format was overlooked.
_Citation_full indicates a format (an entire citation in one string). It does not indicate THE entry citation. There can be from 0..N _Citation_full sections.
The entry citation is indicated by the preceding tags "save_entry_citation" followed by "_Saveframe_category entry_citation",
followed by "_Citation_full".
If there is no such entry, then the BMRB file is without entry citation and CARA should import nothing.
Below is an example:
_Saveframe_category entry_citation
Billeter, Martin, Qian, Yan-qiu, Otting, Gottfried, Muller, Martin,
Gehring, Walter, Wuthrich, Kurt,
"Determination of the Three-dimensional Structure of the Antennapedia
Homeodomain from Drosophila in Solution by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
J. Mol. Biol. 214, 183-197 (1990).
Note that the entry below is NOT the entry citation:
_Saveframe_category citation
_PubMed_ID 12522306
Herrmann T, Guntert P, Wuthrich K.
J Biomol NMR. 2002 Nov;24(3):171-89.
The Cara tool "Convert to Xeasy" sets the submatrix size to be equal to the dimension size (effectively eliminating the submatrices from the written dataset).
This submatrix definition forces programs to read the entire dataset into memory even though usually only a small section of the spectrum is used at any given time.
For a larger 3D (e.g. 1024 x 1024 x 128 ) the size of the dataset becomes prohibitive.
Neasy takes over a minute to read in such a dataset, where as with a smaller submatrix size read-in is fast.
Radar has been written to avoid using excessive memory and also relies on reasonable submatrix sizes which it reads into memory for peak-picking etc.
The conversion tool should select submatrix sizes which reduce the datablocks to a manageable size, otherwise it has only limited usefulness.
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
But nobody would read the whole spectrum into memory. Usually one only reads the plane or cube which is needed. Even if the spectrum file is not divided into submatrizes (and there are many spectrum formats without submatrizes), the reading program can still read the corresponding part of the spectrum. I heard that Radar will be extended by other file formats, so I assume this issue will be resolved that way.
param files are an Neasy format. These files should be compatible with Neasy. The choice of submatrix sizes made by the current conversion tool makes the resulting spectra (larger 3D s in particular) unusable by Xeasy. Currently Radar makes use of the submatrices to read in reasonable size planes or cubes.
I have export xeasy file from CARA using pipe format file on PC. Then, I could not read xeasy file on UNIX or LINUX even after I modified the param file.
It looks like to me byte swap problem.
It is very critical since I don't have Prosa but wish to use radar.
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Can you open the converted xeasy file on PC? Did you try saving the param file using a linux editor to get rid of the Windows line feeds? I heard from Fred that Radar has a problem reading XEASY spectra which don't have sub-matrices, which could also be the reason.
Yes, I can open the converted xeasy file on PC. I saved the param file as unix file format. However, it was not solved. As I have mentioned, it looks like byteswap problem.
What happens if you copy the pipe file to linux and do the conversion to the xeasy file there? can you then open the xeasy on Linux?
I could not use the latest version (1.2.4 or 1.2) on Linux since I got an error message ( I have no time to look that now). But I tried to do in 1.1.8. It was not successful.
The only thing works was on SGI machine.
Veniamin Galius had problems which are similar to the ones you described. He had a xeasy dataset which could be opened on Linux PC workstation but not on his laptop. contact
Cara displays peaks with a systematic error in position. The error is linearly dependent on the position in the spectrum.
To make things more concrete I give an example:
We calibrate peak A at one edge of the 15Ndim of a hsqc15N spectrum (spectrum #0001) to have a shift of 125.616ppm in Xwinnmr, Neasy, and Cara. Then we measure the position of peak B which is at the opposite edge of the 15Ndim of the same spectrum.
Results for peak B & spectrum #0001 (delta= 0.157ppm)
Xwinnmr 109.092
Neasy 109.090
Cara 108.965 (2rr spectrum)
Cara 108.961 (xeasy converted 2rr spectrum)
Cara error for peak B: -0.127ppm. (81% of delta)
This error is not due to the conversion of spectrum format (Neasy gets the correct value, and Cara shows the same position for the original Bruker spectrum and the converted Xeasy spectrum)
Therefore it is a problem with the display or internal representation of the spectrum in Cara.
A second hsqc15N (spectrum #0002) with delta= 0.043ppm has the following results for peak B:
Xwinnmr 109.096
Neasy 109.094
Cara 109.061 (2rr spectrum)
Cara 109.065 (xeasy converted 2rr spectrum)
Cara error for peak B: -0.035 (81% of delta)
The error therefore:
1) increases linearly with the distance from the calibrated peak.
2) is proportional to the digital resolution of the spectrum (called delta in Cara)
This is a serious problem. The error may seem small, but the digital resolution of 3D spectra tends to be low (spectrum #0001 was a 2D projection of a 3D 15N NOESY) and 0.157ppm is a substantial error. Since the peak positions define the chemical shifts of the spins, protonlists exported to programs like Radar or Candid will have systematic errors in the chemical shifts leading to missed or incorrect NOE assignments.
F.Damberger & D.Perez
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I carefully compared the intensity values in an HSQC15N param file with 32 samples (points) in the 15N dimension displayed with NEASY and with Cara/MonoScope.
NEASY displayed the expected number of 32 samples (points) along the 15N dim.
CARA/MonoScope displayed only 31 samples (points) along 15N dim! This may explain the deviation between the peak positions picked in MonoScope and the position of the maxima when the same spectrum is displayed in NEASY. (The size of the deviation is not the same for all peaks - rather it seems to depend on the distance from a certain point in the spectrum).
In addition, the intensities (commandline readout) for apparently indentical points do not have the same value in NEASY and in CARA/MonoScope.
In CARA the intensity values (commandline) do not change their value at the boundary between two pixels. The intensity readout appears to be offset from the pixels by half a pixel. The Contour maxima seem to agree with the intensity readout and are also offset from the pixels by half a pixel.
I include the HSQC15N with 32 points as a test spectrum. This spectrum accentuates the problems which occur in spectra with larger "res" values.
Try picking several peaks in MonoScope at different 15N shifts, export the peaklist, and then read it into NEASY displaying the same spectrum. Note how the magnitude and sign of deviations of peak positions vary depending on the 15N shift.
In MonoScope "show intensity". Now count the number of rows of pixels. There are only 31, even though res=32. Compare this to NEASY (default intensity display). Here there are 32 rows of pixels.
Did you primarily compare intensity plots or contour plots? I'm aware that intensity plots are not accurate when zoomed in. This is a known problem due to a round-off error in Qt and was already discussed earlier. I didn't fix it because only a few people seem to use intensity plots and I planned to migrate to another Qt version in near future anyway.
The problem I am trying to understand is : "why do the contours for two particular peaks have a different distance between them in ppm in NEASY and Xwinnmr compared to CARA?". One possible source of this is the fact that CARA apparently is using N-1 sample points to plot the contours instead of N sample points which are present in the spectrum.
Just try picking two peaks spaced widely apart in MonoScope and then read the peaklist onto the same spectrum displayed in NEASY. You will see that the problem is the contours.I am not sure this is related to Qt.
I checked the number of sample points in the 15N slice. There are 32. Apparently, CARA uses all the points to calculate the contours.
None-the-less, we may be able to solve the disagreement between intensity display and contours now. Only 31 points are displayed in intensity mode! If we fix this so that there are 32 points displayed, I think that contours and intensity will be back in register.
I checked the distance between sample points IN THE SLICE WINDOW in CARA and compared them to Xwinnmr and NEASY:
CARA___: 0.649 ppm
Xwinnmr: 0.623 ppm ( I measured this in two ways )
NEASY__: 0.62 ppm ( NEASY only displays to second digit )
CARA differs from NEASY and Xwinnmr.
The ratio
0.649/0.623 = 1.04
almost exactly equals the ratio
32/31 = 1.03
The distance between sample points is defined by the spectral width divided by the number of points in the FT.
The spectral width is given by 1/(distance between time measurements in time dimension):
In this spectrum, the distance between time measurements (called t1evolution) is 550 microseconds.
Spectral width = 1/550 microsec = 1818.18 Hz.
Spectral width in PPM is
1818.18 Hz / SpectrometerFreq(15N) =
1818.18 Hz / 91.1582707 MHz = 19.94533029 ppm
this value agrees with the displayed spectral width in Xwinnmr (19.9453 ppm).
Therefore the expected distance between sample points is:
19.9453 ppm / 32 sample points = 0.623 ppm.
The display of contours should be adjusted so that the distance between sample points along the slice is equal to :
spectral width / N
where N is the number of sample points.
This should make the contours in CARA agree with those in other display programs.
Second Issue (which is related):
The intensity plot displays only 31 "datacubes" although there are 32 sample points (independent of whether the Scope is zoomed or at FULL range "ww").
This should be alterred so that CARA displays one datacube centered on each sample point. The width of the datacube is equal to the distance between sample points.
This will mean that the distance between the CENTER of the first datacube (also the position of the first sample point) and the CENTER of the last datacube (last sample point) is equal to the spectral width. Consequently the distance between the BEGINNING of the first datacube and the END of the last datacube is larger than the spectral width by exactly one datacube width.
Finally N/2th sample point should have a ppm value corresponding to the reference frequency.
In the case where there is a PPMMAX, this should be the ppm value of the Nth sample point.
I checked the data in Xwinnmr and in CARA again for a spectrum with 32 points and one with 128 points.
The text in the above follow-up is correct except for the third to last paragraph "This will mean that the distance between the CENTER...".
It should read:
This will mean that the N x "the width of a datacube" = Spectral Width. And the distance between the BEGINNING of the first datacube and the END of the last datacube is exactly equal to the spectral width.
I include a second test dataset. It is processed with exactly the same number of experimental t1 values and zero-filled to 128 points before fourier-transforming the t1 dimension.
With the correct display of the spectrum, the centers of the peaks should agree between the 32pt and the 128pt spectrum. This is a good litmus test for spectrum display.
It would be useful to document the spectrum where a spin was created. This documentation would allow the user to later reconstruct how a spin was originally found. For projects involving several users this could also help. To solve problems (e.g. due to folded spin shifts, knowing the spectral width of the dimension where the spin was peaked could be very useful).
Each spin would at the time of creation have additional attributes indicating which spectrum they were picked in and in which dimension of that spectrum. One could also document in which spectrum the spins label was assigned.
7 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
I am trying to set up a new SpectrumType and stumbled on a wierd behaviour in peak inference.
The SpectrumType has no mean,dev values defined for a step.
In that step using either "show experiment path" or looking at inferred peaks in StripScope, only spins are accessible which have mean,dev defined. If they have no values for mean,dev (-,-) then they are not included in the inference even though they have the right atom type.
Is this intended?
7 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
I tried to reproduce with Start1.1.cara template. With the original HNCA I only see CA and CA-1. If I remove mean and dev (i.e. clear the fields), also CB etc. appear. Can you describes the steps to reproduce? What do you mean by spins which have mean,dev defined?
ResidueType ALA: remove CA mean and dev. Show experiment path for ResidueType ALA in SpectrumType HNCA (do not change experiment procedure).
The CA nolonger appears in the experiment path.
Maybe this is the best behaviour. However it does occur to me that we try to represent two different situations with one piece of information.
for a Spin can mean that it is not detectable (e.g a 12C is not detectable by NMR) or that it's mean is unknown but that spin is in principle detectable.
RC1.0.1.1 MonoScope
Could you include the possibility to display the assignment labels for the peaklist in the "peaklist table"?
currently I can switch between shifts and spin numbers.
I'd like to be able to display LABELS and Residue + Number.
spin number 7013
HN H70
so i'd like to display "HN" and "G" and "70"
best if sortable by any of these three elements.
The spin numbers are not so useful to me.
8 years and 7 months and 1 week old
Don't use MonoScope for ATNOS/CANDID verfication from 1.1.1.
Instead import the NOESY spectra once for each ATNOS cycle and give it a corresponding name. Then use the corresponding spectrum to import the ATNOS peak list in MonoScope. Do "Peaks/Import Links" then (without saving the peaklist). The cycle is now part of the project as spin alias and spin links specific to the given spectrum. If you look at it e.g. in PolyScope, you only see the appropriate links at their alias position. If you swich to another "cycle spectrum", the display changes accordingly.
The assignments should be displayable in the PeakList as a separate column. Each dimensions assignment in a separate set of columns: Atom, Residue Number, ResTyp.
These columns are sortable.
The data in these columns is displayable as a label in MonoScope plane.
I agree that this is the most consistent interpretation of the ATNOS/CANDID data. I.e. that each spin has a single chemical shift in a given spectrum.
However, ATNOS/CANDID picked peaks. I would also like to be able to inspect the position of the peaks that ATNOS found and their associated attributes. There should be a way of connecting ATNOS data with the CARA project data.
One option is to include with each peak, the assignment (or multiple assignments). Each assignment would contain one SpinId along each dimension.
The assignments should be displayable in the PeakList as a separate column. Each dimensions assignment in a separate set of columns: Atom, Residue Number, ResTyp.
These columns are sortable.
The data in these columns is displayable as a label in MonoScope plane.
The zoom is reset to full spectrum size each time I press sl to switch the system list on or off in Polyscope. This should not be the case.
7 years and 9 months and 3 days old
This is the same issue as:
rejected to prevent duplication.
Search through IssueTracker with search function before reporting an issue. This one can be found by entering " sl " for example.
Make the font preference selected in the script window also be effective in the terminal window.
The font is much to widely spaced to look at longer output lines and scrolling is not so convenient.
related to issue
7 years and 9 months and 4 days old
Will we be able to add LUA functions to the existing CARA tools as a menu item? I would like to access gui events in tools such as MonoScope etc.
E.g. I wrote a LUA script to plot PeakVol vs. SpectrumAttribute("Time"). I'd like to add it to the menu of Integrator in MonoScope. I want to be able to detect the currently selected peak in MonoScope and plot the PeakVol vs. Time curve for it.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
This feature is somewhere later in the pipeline. Before I will publish some NAF components to ease building interactive tools with zoom, peaks, spins, etc. Anyway automating all scopes is a big amount of work, which will take some time.
Hoping for something along the lines of:
Class WindowMenu
Window():PolyScope():Menu( "Strips"):Menu("Edit Attributes"):AddMenu( Function, Name )
This would create a new menu item in PolyScope within the "Strips" menu under the submenu "Edit Attributes" called Name which executes the function Function.
The function could be defined in a LUA script. The last command in the script would be to define the menu item with the above lua syntax.
Function could execute any number of LUA commands including user prompts etc.
Class WindowMenu should include access to the internal variables of the window where the menu item appears.
E.g. the project associated with the window should be accessible:
Proj = WindowMenu():Scope():getProject()
This would get the project from the currently active window. (The one where the user is selecting a menu item)
I'm trying to open an XEASY param file. I can open it in CARA with Tools->Open Spectrum with no problems.
In NEASY however it does not open. All i see is a black screen with the name of the spectra in the upper left corner. It does not crash though. This only happens with Windows XP. It does not happen in win98 and winME where NEASY opens the files with no problem. I have not tried in linux yet.
the version i'm using is 1.1.5
thank you so much for your time
8 years and 2 months and 9 days old
Hi Vitor
I made some tests ("Open NEASY" and "Open NEASY with Spectrum") on both Win XP and Win ME and didn't experience the problem. I also had a brief look at your param file and didn't see anything special. Did you try on more than one XP machines? Is everything else working properly on your XP machine?
hello again.
yes i did try on other xp machines and also on win2000. And as you said it works properly. The problem is apparently with my xp machine (a compaq notebook) that is working without any problem.
CARA opens the spectrum perfectly but not NEASY. I have tried to alter the graphic card definitions but nothing changed.
Do you think there is something i should try?
thank you so much for your time
best regards
Hello Vitor and Rochus,
I'm trying to open an XEASY param file too, but on a SUSE 9.1 Linux system under KDE 3.2.
I can open it in CARA with "Tools" -> "Open Spectrum" without any problems.
But in NEASY however it fails.
CARA shut down and give me the following error message:
"QImage::scanLine: Index 771 out of range"
This only happens under KDE, I tried it under GNOME (cara_1.1.5_linux) and suprisingly it works! :o)
Additionally, I tried it with an remote call on a SGI machine (cara_1.1.5_irix) and it failed with the same error message.
My System:
Toshiba Satellite 3000-100 Laptop
GeForce2 Go 16MB graphic-card
SUSE 9.1 (XFree86 Version (4.4.0 RC 2))
384 MB RAM memory
CARA Versions:
cara_1.1.5_linux / failed
cara_1.1.4.2_linux / failed
cara_1.1.5_irix / failed in a remote procedure
Best regards,
Hi again,
"But in NEASY however it fails."
If you open NEASY separtely without any spectrum and open the spectrum by the following way:
"Spectra" -> "new spectrum"
suprisingly it works too - however!
Best regards,
I could only find a correlation between the size of a plane to be displayed and the overall behaviour of CARA, but with other effects. I tried to open a 2D with 32'000 x 1'000 sample points and after that the menu didn't work anymore (and some time later it crashed). Seems that high memory use has some unpredictable effects. I will follow up this issue.
The "Save" function in the ScriptEditor is confusing. In every other window of CARA, "Save" stores the repository.
However, in the ScriptEditor, "Save" only updates the changes to the script in CARA memory. (I.e. if the user "Save"s from the ScriptEditor window and then closes CARA - he does not store the currently open script nor even the current state of the repository.
We suggest renaming the "Save" menu item in the script-editor to "Update Script". This makes clear what the function is. An additional menu item should be added "Save" which stores the repository like in all other windows.
When "Save" is executed:
If the current ScriptEditor is dirty (i.e. changes have been made to the script which were not updated) the user should be asked whether the script should be updated before storing the repository (or not).
F.Damberger & V.Galius
Lost work a number of times due to this inconsistency.
7 years and 9 months and 11 days old
1.2.3 Cara-Explorer
Duplicate Project does not copy the project attributes.
E.g. if I import a BMRB file as a project and then duplicate that project, the BMRB accession number is not copied to the duplicated project.
In contrast, other attributes ARE copied.
E.g. the attributes of spectra are faithfully copied to the duplicated project.
7 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I have two issues after converting Pipe or UCSF file formats to NEASY format with CARA.
1. Looking at the converted spectra in the NEASY slice window, the data points seem to have only a few discrete allowable values in the vertical dimension. In other words, look at the noise in the NEASY slice window and switch to "data point" view. All of the points occupy ~5-10 vertical positions.
2. The converted NEASY files are not readable by PROSA (6.0.2). The error is "Illegal entry in the parameter file: 'Permutation for w1 ............ 1'" I can change the parameter file from "1" to "2" and PROSA can read the file but then NEASY can't display it correctly. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but I wanted to use PROSA to scale the noise level and rotate a spectrum that had been converted with Pipe.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
7 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Why do you want to persistently rotate the spectrum? CARA doesn't care which rotation you display. Each dimension order should work with the same performance.
I will do some tests concerning the amplitude resolution with the x2easy conversion function. I hope not to find a round off bug. Did you also do experiments converting other formats to easy? Does it look the same?
The param file and the way these old fortran tubs are handling it is a nightmare. But remember that persistently saving a dimension order and measuring noise floor can also be done using MonoScope.
Done in 1.2.4. There was a bug which led to an uninitialized lookup table for mantissa calculation if no EASY spectrum was opened in a scope before using the generator. Since the mantissa was zero then, the resolution was lower of course. I didn't realize because I usually opened some scopes before. I now also included a feature to change the amplitude of the generated spectrum.
Point 2 was not considered yet (it's a Prosa bug anyway). I will check this later.
It is currently not possible to exclude an atom type in a
step of an "Edit Procedure". Also it is not possible to
transfer over two different atom types in the same step.
These features are needed in order to model isotope-filtered
experiments(#0001), and simultaneous 13C/15N-separated
Example#1: 2D 1H-1H NOESY where the detected 1H is NOT attached
to 15N (15N-filtered).
Example#2: 3D {13C/15N}-simultaneously resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY
I suggest the following additions to "Edit Procedures":
Option to use NOT in the atom type:
This would be used for isotope-filtering steps.
E.g. in the 2D [1H,1H]-15N-filtered NOESY:
Step 2: Target NOT N, Hops 1, Mean 118, Deviation 25, dim 1
Note: Mean and Deviation are still used to determine
which group of atoms are in the set. I.e. N atoms with Mean
values outside of the range 118+/-25 are allowed for the
transfer step.
Since we want to maintain the option to define ppm ranges
(deviation and main) for each atom type, an option to
LOGICALLY join two steps would be useful.
Join Step 2 and 3 with OR
Means that the Path for transfer can go through EITHER
Step 2 or Step 3.
For the {13C/15N}-simultaneously resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY:
Step 2: Target C, Hops 1, Mean 45, Deviation 40, dim 1
Step 3: Target N, Hops 1, Mean 118, Deviation 25, dim 1
Would allow transfers to either aliphatic C or to N.
The more primitive solution which eliminates the possibility
to define Mean and Deviation for each atom type is to use
OR in the Atom Target definition:
Step 2: Target N OR C, Hops 1, Mean -, Deviation -, dim 1
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I am adapting a 3D NOESY peaklist from one 3D spectrum to
another 3D spectrum. The anchor spins and spins linked to
the anchors have shifted.
I would like to read in seq, atomlist, 3D peaklist
and use Synchroscope to move anchor spins in the plane and
have all peaks sharing the anchor spin assignment in dim0
and dim1 moved together.
Furthermore I want to shift peak positions in the Strips
and have this affect all peaks sharing the same assignment
in the strip dimension (dim2).
Finally, I want to use StripScope and SystemScope to
assign the strips which have moved to new positions.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Do you intend to work with peak lists or to import them as alias peaks? If you want to do the latter, then the strips should move in principle with the anchor. If the plane shows another spectrum than the strips, then "move alias" has to be done for both spectra.
3 Problems in 3 scopes...
(#0001) Homoscope:
"Fit to Spectrum" turns on Autocontour.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Turn off Autocontour.
2) Set contour to a high level (so noise is not visible)
3) Zoom into a peak.
4) "Fit to Spectrum"
Note that noise is now visible.
If you check contour threshhold level - it is clear that it was changed.
If you check Autocontour option - it is now on.
If I set the contour threshhold and turn off Autocontour, this should remain turned off
and contour threshhold should be the same when I expand and "fit to Spectrum".
Note that other Scopes do not have this problem (Monoscope, Synchroscope etc.)
(#0002) Synchroscope:
Contour threshhold is not changed in Strips when Autocontour is turned on.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Start Synchroscope with an hsqc15N and 3D NOESY-_HHN
2) Turn off intensity mode in plane.
3) Turn on Autocontour in plane.
4) click on a peak.
5) CARA plots the Strip with autocontour threshhold.
Note: Strips-Autocontour is turned on.
6) Select "Strips-set contour parameters"
Note: Strips-Set contour parameters: threshhold is 400! (not the autocontour value)
7) To prove it: Hit OK after "Strips-set contour parameters"
Now a contour plot with a much lower threshhold is displayed in the strip.
8) Select "Strips-Autocontour level"
Now a contour plot with a higher threshhold is displayed in the strip
(#0003) Stripscope: After Setting Autocontour mode, threshhold=0!
Steps to reproduce:
1) Start Stripscope
2) "View-Setup Contour Parameters" threshhold=5079.17 Hit 'Cancel'
3) "View-Autocontour level" (threshhold appears to change, plot looks OK)
4) "View-Setup Contour Parameters" (threshhold=0 !!!)
5) Hit 'OK'. Contours dissapear entirely from Strip!
I did not check Systemscope for problems with contouring threshhold.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
As far as I remember pascal wanted to reset contour when going to full window (because he needs a individual threshold for every zoom). I can redo this, if everyone agrees.
I don't agree with Pascals solution.
In any case I discussed it with him.
The current implementation does not function as he wishes.
After "Fit to window" the next zoomed region should again
show the contour level chosen by the user, but CARA instead
keeps autocontour turned on.
But more important still:
you did not respond to the two other bugs I reported.
See #0002 & #0003 for problems with Synchroscope & Stripscope
I removed the "auto auto contour" in CARA 0.9.8. I will take care of the other things later.
Should Rochus include a field in the Issue Tracker where
the version of CARA is entered where a bug/feature is
For bugs at least it would be useful to know in which
version of CARA they were observed.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Bug Tracker itself seems to be full of bugs (e.g. it has problems mixing up names and email addresses). It does not offer such a field and there are also other missing things in my opinion. But - even if this seems odd - none of the alternative solutions known to me perform better! Again one of the misterys of computer science.
It doesn't seem to bee realizable on short notice. I suggest to write the CARA version where the issue is observed at the beginning of the subject line (i.e. 0.9.7: dadada).
I agree with this.
For bugs definitely write the version you were using.
Extend horizontally / propose peak produce unexpected result.
1. Pick a new system, assign it to HD2/CD
2. Extend horizontally
3. Nothing visible happens, but an invisible peak is added
4. Propose peak now proposes this invisible peak in the list
Expected behaviour: Extend horizontally adds a peak that is already assigned to same system and shares y-dimension assignment
Behaviour is confusing and may lead to multiple invisible peaks in the same position
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
Default values for propose peak are way too large.
Set these values at 0.04 for protons and 0.5 for all other atoms. This will produce a much shorter and more reasonable list.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
You can adjust the horizontal and vertical tolerance range yourself in the plane menu. Please check.
This is correct. But I am afraid that a new user will think that this function is broken since it shows so many totally unrealistic possibilities. That's why I suggest these new defaults.
Sometimes I execute 'Show contours' or 'Autocontour - off'
when the threshhold is very low and the time to draw the
contour plot (which I don't want) is veeerrrryyyy lloooonng.
This is a common problem with Bruker spectra which have high
absolute intensities.
Please introduce a 'Cancel command' or 'Escape' command to
stop such unneccessary plots. Nice would be if it were
accessible from the ESC key.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
The idea sounds nice but doesn't fit into my architecture at the moment (since I tried to avoid multi threading up to now). Is there a reasonable criterion to automatically find out, whether a contour plot would take to long to draw (e.g. number of line segments)?
Well, you tell me. It seems likely that the number of line
segments would be an indicator of the amount of time needed.
Maybe a way to reduce the chance of plotting with a very
low threshhold is to be more consistent about the standard
state of autocontour. Is it ON or OFF?
Here is the current situation:
Program: Autocontour Default
Monoscope ON
Homoscope OFF
Synchroscope OFF in plane, ON in Strip
Stripscope OFF
Systemscope OFF
"select spins"
command to select groups of spins based on different
- label in a dim X (e.g. HN HA HB2 HB3)
- label in any dim, (HN HA)
- chemical shift range in dim X, (>7.00, 7.00-8.00, <120)
- residue type assignment (ASN ASP HIS)
- residue range (4 5 6 9-12, >35, !50) where !50=NOT res 50
The option to use wildcards like
HB* for labels
HIS* for residue types
The option to use
"Starts with"
"Ends with"
The option to combine criteria with AND and OR
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
I will take care of that in future. Do you only want to "select" spins or restrict their visibility in the current window?
I want to select spins,
so that i can manipulate them with other commands.
Like adding a shift
or removing them
or assigning them to another system etc.
This feature is still missing, and currently there is no way to select groups of objects in a general way. Is it possible to generalize the idea to select any object with a given attribute?
Once selected, commands to manipulate the objects should work. E.g. change the color of peaks. move spins by a constant shift. Delete objects etc.
Still waiting for this feature in cara_1.0.1
examples of use cases:
1) I want to select all the spins of a given spin system
and then display any correlations between them expected
in the HSQC13C with homoscope.
2) I assigned a new spin and want to see all the expected
new peaks involving this spin in the various spectra.
(e.g. assigned CB, want to see HB-CB correlation in
Homoscope HSQC13C.
Currently there is no easy way to isolate the peak of
interest. If I see a HB-CB correlation in SystemScope
and want to find it in the HSQC13C, currently I have to write
down the chemical shifts and then manually move the cursor
in HomoScope to this position (Global cursor is only of
limited help since it only correlates along 1 dimension).
A selection tool might do the following:
Selects only spins from a given spin system.
Selects only two spins involved in a selected link in SystemScope.
Display only the selected spins.
Change the color of peaks involving the selected spins.
change the symbol used to display peaks involving selected spins.
Selects spins with a specific label.
Selects spins with a specific chemical shift range.
Selects correlations with offset equal to -1.
Selects spins with a given range of values for a given attribute.
Need: Sometimes it is necessary to shift a large number of spins
(or even all spins in a project).
E.g. after rereferencing a spectrum.Proposal:
Propose 2 New features:
1) "shift spins"
Command to shift the position for a group of selected
spins. (Should this also shift the aliases? - I think so)
2) "shift aliases"
Command to shift the aliases for a group of selected
EASY WAY: enter the dim (0,1 or 2) and number in ppm (0.2)
NICE WAY: graphical drag and drop to new position using
any spin in the selected set as anchor point.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
I will extend the spin list (in main window) to allow multi selections (or even select all) and apply collective operations (e.g. add offset, etc.).
"Spectrum-Select Spectrum" menu pull-down covers up the
spectrum label in the top left corner of the spectrum.
Proposed change:
List the name of the active spectrum on the top edge of the
spectrum (instead of listing the spectrum that Homoscope
was opened with).
Get rid of the spectrum label inside the spectrum region.
This is generally a bad idea because it is easy to cover
up with the menus or cursor.
I feel the same way about peaklist names in Monoscope
Find a place for them in the frame.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
There is always something covered by an open menue. But the menue can be closed very easyly ;-)
Why do you need to see the text during menue action?
I noticed afterwards that the buttons on the pull-down menu
which list the spectra show me which spectrum is displayed.
So one can live with it.
But I still think it would make sense to show the name of
the currently displayed spectrum on the top bar of the frame,
instead of showing the name of the spectrum that homoscope
was opened with.
When Center to Peak is switched On, the cursor cannot be moved with the keyboard.
Workaround: Switch off Center to peak :-)
9 years and 3 months and 5 days old
0.9.8:Polyscope "View-Show List" CRASHES CARA
writes "Segmentation fault" to terminal window.
p.s. Need to add "Polyscope" to Sections catagory of IssueTracker.
9 years and 3 months and 4 days old
MonoScope 1.0RC5
Need an option to control the peakcolors globally.
currently it is possible to change a peaks color by selecting it and then "set color".
Whats still needed:
Option to change the color of a group of peaks.
In XEASY peaklists the column controlling peakcolor defines a number for each peak.
Then the user can choose what color is assigned to each number.
This flexibility is missing in CARA.
Particularly when the colors have low contrast in the peaklist, this is a problem.
9 years and 2 weeks old
Starting with 1.0RC6 there is now a menu "Select Code Color.." in the peaklist of MonoScope.
Ok. This is good.
1) Please make it also accessible from the menu of MonoScope.
Currently, it is only available if you select View List
and then use the context menu in the list window. Logical
places would be in "view" or in "peaks".
2) What is still missing is the possibility to select these
peaks as a group. I can select peaks in the MonoScope
window. But if I want to select the peaks I have to do it
by hand.
Would a logical extension be: peak code is an attribute
of the peaks?
Then one could have a tool to select all objects with a
particular attribute.
Backward views crashes program hard.
How to cause bug:
1) Start Homoscope
2) zoom into a region
3) Select View to display the option "Backward" (but don't select it)
This is a workaround to the well know bug that key-shortcuts work only after displaying
the related menu item the first time.
4) Hit Ctrl-B once. CARA returns to unzoomed view.
5) Hit Ctrl-B second time. CARA repeats a plot of unzoomed view.
(This is already a bug - it indicates that CARA is not correctly counting the view states)
6) Hit Ctrl-B third time. CARA crashes hard. Data loss until last save occurs (therefore critical)
The bug does not occur if one uses the menu item "View-Backward"
After step 4, the option "View-Backward" is not available.
Also, you cannot force the crash by using Ctrl-B.
This option also is turned off.
Backward view shows views that were never displayed and allows View-Backward to be executed more
times than zooms made.
1) Start Monoscope
2) zoom into a region
3) use menu item "View-Backward View"
(first bug: CARA replots same view, not the unzoomed view)
4) select "View"
(second bug?: Backward View is not available but we are still in the zoomed view)
5) "Fit to Window"
6) Menu "View-"Backward View"
(third bug: the same unzoomed view is replotted )
1) Start Monoscope
2) zoom into region (zoom1)
3) zoom into an even smaller region (zoom2)
4) use menu "View-Backward"
(first bug: same view is replotted)
5) use menu "View-Backward"
(the region zoom1 is shown)
6) use menu "View-Backward"
(second bug: a zoom region is shown which was never selected!!!
7) use menu "View-Backward"
(third bug: the same zoom region as in 6 is redrawn)
8) use menu "View-Backward"
(fourth bug: region zoom1 is displayed again! - but View Backward should only work 2 times)
9) use menu "View-Backward"
(fifth bug: region zoom1 is displayed once more!)
I did not check "View-Backward" in the other applications,
but there seems to be a general problem of counting the
number of view changes and tracking the current view.
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
This is known to me already. The logic needs a redesign in all windows. But let me first finish the major use cases.
An automatic save function would be appreciated.
-User can set save interval (1-60 minutes)
-Save interval is saved between sessions.
-Name of save-file can be automatically incremented (like fimd-030818-1.cara, fimd-030818-2.cara,...)
Such an autosave-function would also be an excellent documentation tool (for ISO-9002 certification :-)
9 years and 3 months and 2 weeks old
Please alphabetize lists shown in pull-down menus:
select spectra.
These appear to be listed in a random (and changing!) order.
label spin (in the various scopes)
9 years and 3 months and 12 days old
Forgot to mention:
That "alphabetize lists" bug is for Cara version 0.9.7!
3D Integration does not work
Open a 3D, Show Model, Adjust Parameters.
The Slice for the third dimension is not adjusting as it should.
9 years and 3 months and 1 week old
What are you exactly doing and observing? I tried to reproduce it using a HNCA and a corresponding peak list. I could calibrate the peak list to the spectrum and then tune the peak model in all tree dimensions (with "show peak model" on). I then updated all amplitudes and integrated all peaks. The model an also the back calculation look reasonable in all three dimensions. I discovered a zooming problem when double clicking. Use the rubber band instead.
[2 screenshots]
Spectrum is a HNHB. As you will see on the shots, if I move the slider towards smaller ppm values, the graphical model seems to indicate larger ppm values
[2 screenshots]
Spectrum is a HNHB. As you will see on the shots, if I move the slider towards smaller ppm values, the graphical model seems to indicate larger ppm values
It appears now that the cursor is not synchronized with the model in z-dimension. It remains at 0-value
Workaround: After switching on Show Model, click once more in z-slice at the cursor position, this will update correctly.
Treatment for long-range NOEs is annoying.
Problem: it is reasonable to assign a sequential NOE as HA-1 or HN+3. However HA-17 is not user-friendly, since you need to calculate the correct offset.
Proposed solution: Add a new modifier '#', so you could say HA#102 meaning HA of system 102. I would then also include HA@39 meaning HA of Amino acid 39.
9 years and 3 months and 6 days old
Long range relations between spins are best captured with links (i.e. pairs in cara file). Links are generated when picking or proposing peaks in HomoScope and PolyScope. The new version 0.9.8 is uploading. It has powerful features for NOESY assignment with PolyScope.
Use HomoScope or PolyScope in CARA 0.9.8. You can even import spin links from old XEASY projects using peaklists (with assignments) and MonoScope (menu Peaks/Import ...).
That means CARA models long range NOEs (e.g. any kind of inter residual spin relations) using spin links (stored as pair in CARA file).
When in a Folded part of a spectrum, no slices are shown
Observed in StripScope, might also be the case in other Scopes.
Steps to reproduce:
1. StripScope, Show Folded, Show Depth
2. Scroll into folded region
3. A blue slice appears s long as you are in the unfolded part and disappears in the folded part
9 years and 3 months and 5 days old
Are you talking about StripScope or SystemScope?
Problems with spectra location:
1) Please open repositories with missing spectra.
Sometimes spectra are erased by archiving programs but
can easily be restored. Cara only complains about the
first spectrum that is missing in the list.
Then I add it and each time restart CARA to get the next
missing one.
a) Cara opens repository and ignores missing spectra.
b) Cara gives a warning message indicating that spectra
where not found.
c) Cara indicates which spectra are missing in the
maincara-spectra window.
2) Please allow user to set path pointing to spectra
After moving spectra from the spectrometer to my home
directory on workstation or laptop, CARA nolonger finds
spectra. It would be nice to just define a new global field
for the spectra location, and then use relative paths
for each spectrum.
a) User can change the path pointing to the spectra
by clicking on the path.
b) Option to set a separate global path for the spectra
different from the default directory for repository and
peaklists etc.
c) Option to use relative paths for the spectra added onto
the path defined in step (b).
e.g. spectra_directory: /files/damberge/PBP/
relative paths:
#0001 TRIPLE/HNCA.3D.param
#0002 NOESY/NOE-_HHN.3D.param
#0003 BRUKER/PBPassign1/1/pdata/1/2rr
9 years and 3 months and 5 days old
CARA now asks for an alternative path for the unknown spectra when opening a repository. User can select another path or discard the spectrum. The spectrum list now also offers a menu "Replace Spectrum" with the same effect.
Available with release 1.0rc3.
This is certainly helpful since I can now open repositories where the spectra location have changed.
However i still have a problem if a large group of spectra have been moved to a new location (e.g. 100 NH exchange spectra).I have to enter the new location of each spectrum individually.
To handle a group of spectra, I need a variable that points to the directory which all these spectra are located in.
If I move the spectra, it would then be a matter of changing the path for the directory.
See the Issue report "Solution" for suggestions on this.
CARA Crashes infrequently
Issue seems to be linked to submenus in context menus. I got 2 crashes in systemScope, once when displaying Context->Label Spin and once Context->Change Spectrum. The offending context menu remains in the foreground all the time. All opened windows stay open, and crash only later, when additional input is occuring. Even after fully crashing and closing all windows, the job stays in the task manager (and the context menu in the foreground). Reboot is required.
This is an severe problem.
9 years and 3 months and 4 days old
I think Fred's bug 0.9.8:PolyScope View-Show List CRASHES CARA! is linked to this one. If I read correctly, it's also a submenu. His symptoms seem to come from the fact that he's working on Linux.
I wasn't able to reproduce. I double clicked an anchor in the list, selected a peak in the strip and chose "Label Spin/CA-1" from the menu. Everything worked fine. Also "Select Spectrum/HNCACB" worked fine. Does it occur redularly? What other steps did you do before it happens?
Unfortunately (?) it doesn't happen everytime. I was not able to find a reproducable test case so far. However, crashes are much more frequent than in 0.9.7 or any previous version. On Friday alone, I had 3; Saturday 1.
Tuesday: 3 Crashes so far
All happen when a context menu is drawn, but there is not a special function that crashes it, as far as I can see.
I suggest that Pascal provide Rochus with his CARA files and spectra and describe exactly what type of manipulations caused the crash.
I.e. include all the steps from starting CARA until the crash
(if at all possible).
Document every case in detail
(not just "I had three crashes when starting a context menu today")
Instead write: while running SystemScope with the following spectrum (A) I caused crash by selecting spin system 130 double clicking on the link CA-HA and placing the cursor at 3.9ppm in the strip, picking a spin, selecting it and then using the context menu to try to label it HB. This is when the crash occured. The crash had the following symptoms ... and the following lines where written out to the console "..."
We need to get the cause of these crashes and i think this has first priority. Pascal encounters 1-3 crashes a day so I think it is acceptable to spend a few minutes documenting each crash in detail.
It might be easier to trace the problem if there was some type of backup procedure running in background.
Finally, to respond to Rochus comment about my crash.
I was not using a context menu. I was selecting View in the top menu bar and the selecting the submenu "show list"
Unlike Pascals CRASHES mine was completely reproducible nolonger occur in the new version
I secured all menu commands with additional exception handlers. It will be a little slower, but I hope the exception can be caught locally. When this happens, a command line message of the form "ERROR ..." is printed (on windows only visible when CARA was started from within command shell).
This is done in R for win32.
CARA crashes when deleting an aliased peak
Steps to reproduce:
1. In Project->Spins look for any aliased peak
2. Open SystemScope with the spectrum in which the peak is aliased
3. Display the strip for the aliased peak
4. Go back to Project->Spins, select Remove Alias
5. Crash
9 years and 3 months and 2 days old
'gs' = goto system
so I can quickly show the strip of a system.
9 years and 3 months and 1 day old
How should PolyScope react, when more than one of the displayed peaks has the selected system in either his x or y dimension?
'gs' only makes sense when there is a unique spin defined along x and along y axis.
first use of 'gs'
CARA opens a dialog like the one to assign a peak in Homoscope. User chooses unique spins along x and along y.
later uses of 'gs'
use the spin pair defined in the dialog to filter the possible peaks.
include a new command 'ss' (set system)
to reopen the dialog and define a new default spin pair for the 'gs' command.
Renamed spectra are not updated in Homoscope.
You have to end and restart Homoscope window.
(iconize and redraw is not enough)
How to reproduce:
1) Start Homoscope with hsqc1
2) Read a new spectrum into main-cara (like bruker rr file)
3) rename the spectrum from '2rr' to 'hsqc2']
4) name is still listed as '2rr' in 'select-spectrum' menu
of Homoscope.
end Homoscope instance.
start a new instance of Homoscope.
9 years and 3 months and 1 day old
This is a side effect of the current design, since the menu text is not a "live" object and has to be set when opening the window.
It's the same behaviour in all windows. It does only update menues when loading or deleting a spectrum. I will change that in future.
Introduce the shortcuts to Polyscope/Homoscope:
'ps' previous spectrum
'ns' next spectrum
esp useful if you alphabetize the spectrum list
make the order of the select-spectrum list defined by the order in the
CARA-Projects-spectra window.
If I click on ID in the Cara-Project-Spectra window,
the order of select-spectra is determined by the ID number.
If I click on the spectrum name in the Cara-Project-Spectra window,
the order of select-spectra is determined by the spectrum name.
9 years and 3 months old
To make it faster to continue with an ongoing project when starting CARA fresh (or to recover from a crash, and continue from the last saved CARA file)
I suggest the following new options to be added in stages
1) priority: urgent (next version if possible)
Please standardize the following settings:
autocontour ON
Intensity OFF
Center to Peak ON
Stage 2) Priority:Normal (possibly in the +2 version)
Introducing the option to save general settings for individual scopes. E.g. In StripScope List ON, 1D slices OFF
Selection Criteria STRINGENT
Stage 3) Priority:Low (+3 version)
The longterm goal would be to save the current situation with each running scope and to be able to restart CARA with the Scopes already active and in the same state. (Same spectra, contour parameters,expanded view, cursor position, etc)
9 years and 2 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Referring to our recent discussion.
I find the idea of implementing this feature (restoring state) using a script a good idea. It could be used to automate other tasks too (generally useful).
Here some suggestions:
1) A script engine.
User Starts Recording Script.
Every action taken is recorded.
User Stops recording Script.
Now he can save the script.
The script engine could record actions in the LUA language (if LUA is expanded to allow manipulation of the CARA interface).
Some needed commands:
ZoomPlane (xrange & yrange of plane are set)
ZoomStrip (zrange of strip is set)
zcursor (this one sets depth position of plane)
SelectAnchor (selects anchor pair from spin system)
SelectSpin (selects a spin in active strip)
all the short commands:
sc, si, cc, sl, sf, ac, ns, ps, zac ...
commands with arguments:
gs (the syntax is scope dependent)
Example Session:
gs 15 (goes to strip of system 15)
sw H 0.5
yrange 9.0 7.0
ycursor 7.5
cp 1.4 4000
gs 15 (selects spin system 15 from list)
SelectAnchor 15 HN N
yrange 3.0 5.0
SelectSpin 15 HA
zrange 3.0 7.0
zcursor 4.0
These comands correspond to the state of the scope.
I.e. When User executes these commands, CARA keeps them in memory for the running instance of each scope. To recreate the current scope, CARA reruns these commands when the repository is loaded.
if user executes "ac" this is stored in memory.
if user later executes "cp 1.4 4000", then "ac" is erased from memory and replaced by "cp 1.4 4000".
Shift-select in the plane should cause the spins in the
current strip to be displayed.
(Just like when I click on a system in the plane)
However no peaks are displayed in the strip.
pick the system, then move the cursor in the plane away
from the system position.
Another possibly related bug:
pick a system
pick a new spin in the strip
now the system is nolonger selected
I have to click on the system again
9 years and 2 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Polyscope (possibly other scopes too)
If I place the cursor close to a spin in a strip
(but not too close)
It is possible to pick the spin without the associated
system in the plane appearing.
I.e. the spin in the strip is selected (white box is visible)
but no symbols (no "+", no box) are visible in the plane.
If I pick closer to the spin in the strip, the symbols in
the plane appear for the associated system.
I assume this is because the cursor is placed at a position
such that a different plane is being
plotted which does not contain the system in question.
But this is a bit problematic, since the spin is picked
even though the system is not displayed.
Workaround: pick the cursor closer to the spin.
9 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
I enlarged the ranges a bit in R 1.0.5, so this should not happen (at least it didn't on Windows).
How about making this range parameter available to the user?
This could be quite useful for determining if a peak seen in the plane belongs to an already assigned system.
I could then adjust the range (depth range around current plane position) from which peaks are displayed, so that I see peaks when I see intensity.
Spectra to be processed by ATNOS need to be rotated and cut down. CARA crashes when opening these spectra with Severe Unknown Exception, if it is added to the spectrum list with Add Spectrum. Note: opening the spectrum via Tools->Open Spectrum works.
In /home/rkeller/Inbox is a ATNOS-ready 15N-Noesy named noe15n.3D.16 (It was too big to attach it to Issue Tracker).
The necessary spectrum type definition is below. It is not the standart 3D-NOESY orientation.
<spectrum-type name='atnos 3D N15-NOESY'>
<dim name='HN' atom='H'>
<label tag='HN' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='H' atom='H'/>
<dim name='N' atom='N'>
<label tag='N' off='0' final='1'/>
<step text='N' atom='N' dim='1' hops='0' rep='0'/>
<step text='HN' atom='H' dim='2' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<step text='H' atom='H' dim='0' hops='-1' rep='0'/>
Bug is critical, because CARA crashes and makes data exchange with ATNOS impossible.
9 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
more Information:
if I open the spectrum via Tools->Open Spectrum, one of the two H dimensions shows y: ?=9.431 instead of y: H=9.431 It seems to me that the dimension colour is not properly recognized as H.
Btw., it is also not possible to rotate this spectrum, the menu entry is grayed out.
Could eventually localize and hunt down the bug. The folding was set to an invalid symbol when the submatrix size had to be corrected. This happend to be the same problem as with the 2D NOESY with one dimension beeing time domain.
A patch release for win32 is available for download.
0.9.9 Phaser
Screen refresh stops working after selecting "View > Show Intensity"
How to reproduce:
1) open a spectrum with phaser.
2) select "View > Show Intensity"
The menu remains on the screen permanently
p.s. add Phaser to Section(s) catagory of CARA Issue Tracker.
the old cursor positions are not erased when the cursor moves.
Minimizing and reopening the window makes things worse.
1) reselect "View > Show Intensity". The problem dissapears.
2) First select "Show Contour", then select "Show Intensity"
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
0.9.9 Phaser
I am requesting two new features:
1) define the pivot point where first-order phase has no effect.
2) option to display multiple slices.
I also suggest a modification of the phasing interface so that
zero-order and first-order phases can be adjusted without
affecting each other (currently this is difficult)
Finally the following quickset buttons would be very useful:
Typical use case for phasing dim0 of a 2D spectrum:
Step I:
Determine the zero-order phase using a peak
at the left edge of the spectrum.
a) select a horizontal slice containing a large peak at the left edge.
b) define the position of the peak to be the pivot point
(where first-order phase has no effect)
c) adjust the zero-oder phase to make this peak absorbtive.
Step II:
Determine the first-order phase using a peak
at the right edge of the spectrum.
a) select a horizontal slice containing a large peak at the right edge.
b) adjust the first-order phase to make this peak absorbtive.
1) In this procedure, the zero-order and first-order
phases are adjusted separately. It is not helpful to have
an interface where I can't easily keep one phase fixed while
adjusting the other phase.
2) It should be possible to define the point in the spectrum
where the first-order phase has no effect (the so-called
3) It is very useful to be able to see several slices at
the same time to fine-tune phase0 and phase1.
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
I will take care of that soon. I actually wanted to avoid working with peaks in this window. Instead I will allow for multiple cursors, each connected to a slice (with add, remove feature like in HomoScope). How about that?
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. My proposal does not involve 'picking peaks'. Rather, it involves picking a point along the axis in question where phase1 has no effect (pivot), and adjusting phase0 optimally at that point. It is most useful if there is an isolated signal at this position since it is then easy to see when phase0 is adjusted so that the peak is absorbtive.
The pivot is simply the zero intercept for the first order correction. It exists no matter how you implement phasing. But it is useful to be able to place this point (and all graphical phasing routines known to me allow the pivot to be defined manually).
As for the feature to add remove slices, sounds useful!
I was showing some new members of our group how to phase adjust in XEASY. The number of steps involved bewildered them. Then I showed them Phaser. They were excited to use it instead, but gave up because the features I mention here are missing. The 2D interface made it impossible to separately adjust phase0 & phase1. They currently phase in XEASY and then do spectral analysis in CARA.
P.s. Phase0 can be cyclical (+0..+360) or (-180..+180). I.e. after arriving at the end of the range, phase0 "wraps around" to the start point.
This is not true for Phase1 which can go beyond 360deg...
So we have progress,
now it is possible to set a pivot graphically or manually.
<<2D phasing box>>
However, we are still stuck with the interface which does not
allow separate adjustment of phase0 and phase1.
It seems clever, but is not practical since I cannot easily
control my mouse movements to move only vertical (but not
horizontal) and vice versa.
How about two sliders in the box you use now for phasing?
One for phase0 and one for phase1?
<<multiple slices>>
promised but not delivered.
Would be useful . Place them parallel to one another in the
MonoScope view.
As of 1.2.3:
- Pivot is done
- Separate adjustment of Phase0 and Phase1 is possible at the top and left edge of the "phasing board"
- multislice feature is still missing
It would be quite useful to be able to write out the spectra after phase adjustment (either overwriting the original spectra or writing to a chosen format)
Since NEASY is the format used by RADAR, it would be good to have this format available in any case.
0.9.9 PrintPreview Feature
I am still frustrated about the fact that the default
framesizes are too big for the DisplayPageSizes,
so my plots are always cut at edges, and I must
manually enter values.
Suggested change. Two options
I. quick and painless.
change the default FrameSizes to 80% of the
values for the DisplayPageSize of an A4 sheet(portrait).
Width 168 mm
Height 238 mm
II. more elegant solution.
Introduce a new setting (autoscale FrameSize)
and an AutoScaleFactor.
When AutoScale FrameSize is selected
calculate the FrameSize as follows:
Width = AutoScaleFactor * DisplayPageSize(width)
Height= AutoScaleFactor * DisplayPageSize(height)
This allows the user to define a border around his/her
plot according to preference.
p.s. should PrintPreview be a "Type" in the IssueTracker?
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
I actually tried the autosize feature we discussed in R 1.0 but finally had to switch it off again because there was some strange behaviour. Be patient ;-)
0.9.9 PrintPreview: Improved ruler numbering
Ruler Numbering in PrintPreview has some problems.
1. It often starts at strange values and with too high precision
e.g. 9.61 9.71 9.81 9.91 10.01...
2. At high expansions there are too many numbers.
I previously addressed problem 2 (my suggestion was to
introduce the possibility for the user to define the number
of major divisions and minor divisions, instead of the
resolution in absolute ppm.
Here I address problem 1:
Problem 1 arises because CARA always starts the horizontal
and vertical rulers exactly at the left edge and top edges
This must be given up.
By applying the following rules, the "ugly" numbers can be
i) Do not use numbers that have a higher precision than the
minor resolution of the ruler.
e.g. If the minor resolution = 0.1 ppm
Do not write numbers like 100.00
(this implies 0.01ppm resolution)
Instead use the number 100.0
ii) Do not start numbering at a position more precise than
the precision of the major resolution.
e.g. If the major precision = 0.5 ppm
Do not start at 9.6
(this implies a resolution of 0.1 ppm)
Instead use the nearest number where NUMBER=N*0.5
In our example: N*19=9.5 is the closest number.
In general the Formula is:
where N is the integer that gives the closest value to
the starting point of the range that is in the range.
I checked this solution with some examples and the
numbering looks as good as what I see in the Journals.
Looking forward to some professional looking plots with
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Quick fix in 1.0RC3: only displays one figure after dot. I will replace all this in near future anyway.
Wow, that's done. I finally found a straight forward solution: the ruler labels are divided into 1/2, 1/5 or 1/10 times 10^n, depending on the choosen space in TWIPS between major labels. In fact these settings rarely have to be changed since to program is now intelligent enough to allways do appropriate ruler labeling.
Available with release 1.0rc4.
0.9.9 PrintPreview
ignores the setting "View > Show Low Resolution"
I.e. the PrintPreview plot is still shown at high resolution.
Observed in MonoScope,PolyScope,StripScope. probably general.
The printed spectra also ignore the Low Resolution option.
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
There is no low resolution menue in PrintPreview. Would this make sense anyway? Why would you want to reduce the resolution? Is it not enough to change the contour factor to a higher value?
No, I disagree. The plots with maximal resolution can have very jagged edges which look ugly in a plot and are not attractive to publish. I subscribe to a "what you see is what you get" policy. If I can create a certain view with Cara, I should be able to plot exactly that.
0.9.9 PrintPreview
new options:
(1) Rulers on and off
[show vertical ruler]
{show horizontal ruler]
This would allow the user to remove the ruler along X or Y
by removing the selections.
Useful for preparing spectral plots to merge.
onsider including:
(2) Numbering on/off
[show horizontal numbering]
[show vertical numbering]
to allow numbers to be included or not.
(3) StripScope StripLabels on/off
[show strip center position] (number at bottom of strip on/off)
[show strip depth position] (number at top of strip on/off)
[show strip assignment] (residue assignment at top of strip on/off)
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
0.9.9 PrintPreview
setting major or minor ruler resolution to 0 (zero)
causes CARA to freeze permanently.
Workaround: Kill CARA and restart.
I thought this might be the way to remove the minor resolution
marks but I was soooo... wrong.
Minor resolution can be "removed" by setting major resolution
equal to minor resolution. I presume that there are two lines
at each position.
consider including a feature
[show minor resolution marks] (turn minor resolution marks on/off)
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
0.9.9 Repository/Project
option to rename project.
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
0.9.9 general
indicate when cursor is in folded region:
suggested implementation
when cursor is in folded region below the lowest ppm value
in the spectrum dimension,(-1*sw) indicate this fact
on the status line
"Cursor: x: HN=8.625 y: N=91.864 (-1*sw)"
If the cursor is above the highest ppm value
"Cursor: x: HN=8.625 y: N=91.864 (+1*sw)"
If the cursor is two spectral widths above the real data
then write:
"Cursor: x: HN=8.625 y: N=91.864 (+2*sw)"
The notation (+N*sw) occurs next to the coordinate that is
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
0.9.9 Repository-Project-Spins
Clicking on the top of the shifts column in the spin list
sorts the ppm values ALPHABETICALLY. However a logical order
The same problem occurs anywhere the spinlist can be displayed
(e.g. HomoScope, PolyScope).
Now its:
How it should be:
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
0.9.9 Main-Spins list
include the attributes Home, Off, Final in the spin list.
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
You can define the attributes yourself, but it is not possible to display them as column yet. See
0.9.9 "Main-Tools-Open Spectrum"
File selection menu (File type) does not include:
(everything) *.*
(everything) *
(It IS included in both Main-Spectra-Add Spectrum and Phaser
file selection menus)
9 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Some shortcuts would come in handy:
GP Goto Peak
GT Goto System
FT Forward System
BT Backward System
9 years and 2 months and 4 days old
Show folded ... doesn't do anything in a 2D-HSQC (attached). Version 0.9.9 (Windows and Linux). The spectrum was transformed with uxnmr2xeasy, not prosa. The same spectrum, transformed with prosa, works fine.
9 years and 2 months and 3 days old
Did you check whether there is a valid folding method specified in the param file:
Folding in w1 ................. RSH or TPPI
Folding in w2 ................. RSH or TPPI
When I work with a 3D peak list (peaks_with_n_nodup.peaks)imported from xeasy in a 2D spectrum in Monoscope, the peak list is not correctly handled:
- When selecting a peak by clicking with the left mouse button, all peaks with the same horizontal chemical shift are selected.
- It is not possible to move a peak.
With a 2D peak list (peaks_with_n_nodup2d.peaks), these problems do not occur. However, it is important to be able to adjust the chemical shifts of a 3D peak list in a 2D spectrum as well.
9 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Could you please copy the spectrum and the mentioned peaklist into /home/rkeller/Inbox/Issue46.
When calibrating a spectrum with NEASY, the resulting .param file is rejected by ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA.
Reason: The lines are have Windows End-Of-Line characters. Using dos2unix fixes the problem, however this solution will not be obvious to many other users.
9 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 3 days old
ATNOS produces peaklists with a colorcode. It would be very important to be able to access this information.
Problem: The peaklist contains a color entry with a number from 1 to 6.
Proposed solution: This information should be accessible and visible in MonoScope. It should also be editable.
9 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 3 days old
A CB is shown (unfolded) at 40.57 ppm. Its folded position is given as 70.91 ppm. However, Measuring the sweep width gives (approx.) 29.447 ppm, calculating it gives 29.484 (res-1 * delta). These would give then a folded shift of approx. 70.017. There is a difference of 0.9 ppm, or two planes. It seems that the sweep width is wrongly calculated, possibily with 2*delta.
This is a severe problem, since ATNOS picks using the chemical shift grid.
9 years and 1 month and 3 weeks and 3 days old
CARA repository: Version 1.0RC2
Remove Columns removes columns of all defined attributes.
change this to "Remove Column" selected by the user.
I.e. select the column from the Main CARA window
(currently not possible in CARA, the entire line is selected)
Execute Remove column.
9 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I will do that if I find a way to identify the selected column. I could display a list of columns instead, i.e. with checkmarks, so the user could select which columns to display. How about that?
Yes this is an easy solution which would allow the user to add and delete columns with one command. Another option is described in my response to
This avoids adding an additional command to already long context menu, and allows user to place new columns at the same time (but its more complex to implement)
Repository: Version 1.0RC2
currently the individual cells of the Main CARA right window cannot be accessed by point and click. Instead the entire row is selected and then the appropriate command is selected from the context menu.
E.g. in the spectrum window:
select a spectrum (the row is highlighted)
use context menu to select "edit attribute"
a new window appears which lists the attributes.
Double-clicking each cell allows it to be edited.
Requested Feature:
Point and click the desired cell directly from the main CARA window and select "edit attribute" from the context menu to change the value (or use the shortcut double-click it edit the value).
i.e. make each cell in the main cara window selectable.
The context menu would depend on what was selected.
e.g. 1 if the Name of the spectrum is selected,
Rename Spectrum is available.
Open XScope commands are available
Remove Spectrum etc.
e.g. 2 if a user attribute is selected,
"Edit Attribute"
"Remove Column"
"Add Column"
are available
along with the shortcut double-click for "Edit Attribute"
9 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I cannot do that for the moment for technical reasons. I have to find a wordaround or build another list control.
MonoScope: Version 1.0RC
user chooses PeakCurve X-axis & Y-axis variables.
Currently, PeakCurve plots the PeakAmplitude(Y) vs SpectrumNumber(X).
Requested change:
for generating PeakCurve plots
User can choose any attribute of the PEAK for Y-axis (e.g. chemical shift of dim 0)
and any attribute of the spectrum for the X-axis (e.g. pH)
Attributes must be of type integer, float, double, Date, DateTime .
9 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
PrintPreview: Version 1.0RC2
Good: PrintPreview now remembers FrameSize, Contour Colors, Ruler Font when it is closed and reopened within one CARA session.
Bad: PrintPreview does not refresh the plot when PPMRange is changed. Workaround: iconizing and de-iconizing the PrintPreview window refreshes with the new PPMrange
Ugly: PrintPreview does not remember PPMRange after close and reopen (it resets to default values).
p.s. IssueTracker has no Section Heading for PrintPreview.
9 years and 1 month and 2 weeks and 2 days old
It is by intent that the ppm range is not remembered, because there is only one preview window which is used by all Scopes. If it would remember the ppm range, it would have to be readjusted for every print action with a high probability.
OK. Pascal & I discussed this and we agree.
It would be better to take the ppm values from the current CARA display. I.e. if I am displaying MonoScope expanded with a view: Dim0 2-3ppm, Dim1 103-110ppm, Contour level 400, Spacing 1.4, then PrintPreview takes those values.
However, it would then be necessary to store these values. I.e. The current settings for a plot in MonoScope in the repository.
'Store 2D Region'
stores ppm range for dim0 & dim1 of plane, contour mode (automatic, or manual: all the contour parameters included)
Location in repository: independent of spectrum - like a peaklist.
'Store 3D Region'
stores ppm range for dim0 & dim1 of plane, contour mode (automatic, or manual: all the contour parameters included), and position of plane in depth dimension in ppm.
Location in repository: independent of spectrum - like a peaklist.
'Store State'
stores all settings for the current Scope & Spectrum (same data that would be used by 'Back' command to track state.
Location in Repository: possibly associate with spectrum?
Done in 1.0 RC7. You can now save and load setups to files. When loading, you have the possibility to also restore ppm ranges (but you don't have to).
A couple of comments to Save Settings.
1) its nice for saving the setting of format parameters like contour linewidths, peak colors etc.
The save settings ignores the depth for 3D spectra.
I.e. if I make a plot of a region from a particular depth in a 3D, the next time I read the settings, the original depth is ignored and the current depth is used.
This forces the user towrite things down on scraps of paper.
Suggested added feature:
Use Save Settings to save all the formatting information.
Linewidths, colors, ruler resolution etc.
Include the option to save and load ppm ranges for 2D and 3D spectra.
"Save 2D region"
"Save 3D region"
These would not affect settings.
That way users can define a format and spectral regions separately.
The regions could be stored in the repository since they are only about 4 or 5 numbers.
Version 1.0RC2
include the options 'Add Column', 'Remove Column'
in all parts of repository (except 'Attribute Definitions')
currently 'Add Column' appears only in 'Spectra' part of repository.
Permit 'Add Column' & 'Remove Column' in:
9 years and 1 month and 12 days old
I'm not sure whether I want to do that with the current list controls. Maybe some lists would become overloaded. I probably should unify built in and dynamic attributes. Should the column settings be stored in the CARA file?
Overloading (see below).
Yes, I like the idea of unifying built-in and user-defined attributes. The command "delete attribute" should not work for built-in attributes.
Yes, the column settings should be stored.
Overloading problem: a proposed solution
How about using a context menu which is only active at the top of the columns?
e.g. to remove a column:
I place the cursor at the top of the column in question and then right-click. The option 'remove list' appears. Selecting the option removes the column. Note, I prefer the name 'remove column'. 'remove list' sounds like you are deleting the attributes.
e.g. to add a column:
I place the cursor at the top of a column and then right-click. The option 'add column' appears.
I select it. Then the dialog appears which allows me to select which column to add (like it currently works).
The new column appears to the left of the column where I placed the cursor. If My cursor is to the right of the last column, the new column appears at the end of the list.
Starting with 1.0rc4 there can now be opened a table view with editable attribute cells. All attributes of the object type are shown as columns. Could this be the solution to this request?
Is this still relevant? You can now open the objects in a spread sheet like editor, where you see all attributes and can change them from within the editor immediately.
The purpose of showing columns was to allow the users to sort the spectra by different catagories and decide himself what he needs to see in the Explorer Spectra window.
E.g. if I am working with a series of spectra at different pH, then it is useful to have this displayed in the explorer. The editor is useful for adding or editing values but the columns are very useful for quick checks.
Also I want to be able to turn off display of some info in the explorer like the spectrum path which takes up a lot of room and is often not of interest. This is why I suggested adding the Cara-defined attributes to the editor window. A simple check box could turn on/off column display of any attribute in the spectra explorer.
Today, I created a new Attribute associated with Spins (Boolean) to mark whether I had adjusted their position or not.
However, its hard to find out which spins I have adjusted.
If I look in Objects List I see a table of Spin Number vs. Attribute. However SpinNumber is not what I want to correlate. I have no idea what spin number 1429 is.
I would like to sort by spin system, not spin number and I want to see the Labels.
Hence my desire to see columns for attributes in the explorer panes. (At least for spins, and spectra).
Organizing Data associated with particular spins will be rather difficult until I can easily visualize the data.
(e.g. assignment flags, Splitting values, relaxation rates,
exchange rates)
CARA displays the wrong strip.
This seems only to happen for the first folded plane. The plane shown by Show Depth is displayed and positioned correctly, the chemical shift of CA is updated with the correct value. However clicking on the anchor CA/HA shows a strip that seems to be one off from the correct one. The C/H/H values shown in the status bar are correct.
I suspect this is a follow-up bug to the recently squashed bug
9 years and 1 month and 9 days old
Before I forget this, an example is Asp 36 in FimD project.
This seems again to be a though guy, hard to reproduce. I need some time for this, sorry.
I will introduce partial plane fetching (i.e. only partial lines) and take care of this issue then. There haven't been any complaints regarding to this by other people: is it reproducible in all spectra you have?
Yes, it is reproducible in all spectra. However you need the special situation as described above, with a C* shift exactly in the first point of the folded area. Try to move a shift there, and then redraw the system.
However, I haven't checked this in a recent build.
After importing a peaklist (attached) into MonoScope, the option Rotate Peaklist is grayed out. However the peaklist is wrongly oriented.
9 years and 1 month and 6 days old
Please note: peak lists can only be rotated as long they are "new", i.e. not yet saved as part of the project. But after saving the option "Map Peaklist" is possible for other than the original spectrum. I intended the following process: 1) import peaklist 2) rotate it to fit the current spectrum 3) save it.
Some peaklists (attached) generated by ATNOS cannot be read into CARA.
The problem are the multiple assignments. They begin with some empty columns, since these are identical to the first line corresponding to this peak.
While fixing this bug, it would be useful to include a mechanism that allows display of all of these assignments. Show multiple assignments ... and a Window with all possibilities (not the atom numbers, but the correct names would be perfect, i.e. HG2 131 instead of 2304).
9 years and 1 month and 6 days old
ATNOS "reuses" XEASY peaklists to transport ambiguous assignments. But this is in fact another format, not compatible to XEASY peaklists (even if it has some similarities. Thorsten promised to deliver an extensible, orthogonal file format based on XML as a replacement for all this "semi official" formats currently in use.
Hoi Rochus
die matching routine im stripscope benutzt einfach alle atome um gute successors und predecessors zu finden. man braucht unbedingt die möglichkeit das matching auf gewisse atome oder mindestens gewisse atomfarben zu beschränken.
ich hab ein hnca das ich bearbeiten will. weil ich die schon HN+-1 HN-+2 usw schon im noesy gepickt habe, lässt cara immer nur ein, zwei strips zur auswahl und findet die richtigen nicht, weil sie wegen irgend einem irrelevanten HN+1 rausgeworfen werden oder so. ganz einfach, ich muss cara sagen können, dass es nur ca und ca-1 fürs matching benutzen soll.
als workaround könnte ich show spin fits benutzen, aber dann habe ich gar nichts von all den funktionen in cara und arbeite nicht langsamer als in xeasy.
Ich wäre froh, wenn du das problem schnell beheben könntest, dann kann ich effizient weiterarbeiten...
vielen Dank und freundliche grüsse
9 years and 1 month and 3 days old
Ich kümmere mich darum. Ev. würde es genügen, das geometrische Matching durch arithmetisches zu ersetzen, so dass der Strip nicht mehr rausfliegt. Dann müsste man nicht explizit auf CA eingrenzen. Was meinst Du dazu? Ich könnte bis Freitag Mittag eine Windows-Version mit einem Workaround produzieren.
Starting from 1.0 RC3 CARA can have zero or negative spin tolerance (the latter for switching off matches for the given atom type). Strict matching can now be switched off also for selection menues, i.e. strips with one or more non fitting peaks are kept if there is at least one reasonable matching spin.
Please remember that spin tolerances have to be set for all atom types, since CARA always takes into consideration all spins of a system (also the currenly invisibles).
Plot contours look different in CARA windows and in PrintPreview windows for the same view.
1. The threshhold seems to be lower
2. The resolution of contours is higher in PrintPreview.
(The contours have many jagged edges in PrintPreview and look smoother in CARA window).
Note this is not due to "show low resolution" which was turned off during my tests.
However, "show low resolution" should also be active in PrintPreview. Please PrintPreview should be as consistent with the view in CARA as possible.
9 years and 3 weeks old
I slightly changed the way contour lines meet each other (no longer overlapping). Maybe this helps. Keep also in mind that there could be a difference between linux and windows. Did you print on windows or linux?
I did considerable changes to the Qt printing layer on Unix, which had many nasty bugs. In the end I even had to write my own text string drawing routine, since the original placed all glyphs on top when changing the resolution to TWIP. Done in 1.0RC6. Everything should now print fine. Resolution on Unix is now even better than on Windows.
1.0RC1 - 1.0RC5: StripScope:
CARA complains "HNCO not a 3D" when I try to open my HNCO using StripScope. This is strange since it is defined as a 3D in the CARA explorer window. The same HNCO can be opened with other Scopes like SynchroScope and MonoScope...
On the other hand StripScope has no trouble opening my HNCA.
It seems to be related to the HNCO spectrum definition.
If I read the HNCO in defined as an HNCA, then I can open it with StripScope.
Spectrum Type HNCO:
<spectrum-type name='HNCO'>
<dim name='HN' atom='H'>
<label tag='HN' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='C' atom='C'>
<label tag='C' off='-1' final='1'/>
<dim name='N' atom='N'>
<label tag='N' off='0' final='1'/>
<step text='C' atom='C' dim='1' hops='0' rep='0' mean='110.000000' dev='25.000000'/>
<step text='N' atom='N' dim='2' hops='2' rep='0'/>
<step text='HN' atom='H' dim='0' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<fld name='ExperimentType' type='Memo'>3D Triple Resonance</fld>
<fld name='reference' type='Memo'>Grzesiek S, Bax A, J Magn Reson, 96, 432-440 (1992).</fld>
Spectrum Type HNCA:
<spectrum-type name='HNCA'>
<dim name='HN' atom='H'>
<label tag='HN' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='CA' atom='C'>
<label tag='CA' off='-1' final='1'/>
<label tag='CA' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='N' atom='N'>
<label tag='N' off='0' final='1'/>
<step text='Ca' atom='C' dim='1' hops='0' rep='0' mean='40.000000' dev='35.000000'/>
<step text='N' atom='N' dim='2' hops='2' rep='0'/>
<step text='HN' atom='H' dim='0' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<fld name='ExperimentType' type='Memo'>3D Triple Resonance</fld>
<fld name='reference' type='Memo'>Grzesiek S, Bax A, J Magn Reson, 96, 432-440 (1992).</fld>
9 years and 12 days old
1.0RC5: CARA Explorer:
I wanted to create a project from XEASY seq file containing spin systems 'SS', so I defined a new Residue Type 'SS' containing only backbone atoms (see below). Then I tried to create the Project from sequence:
"The seq file contains assignment information. Do you want to create the corresponding spin systems?"
Now CARA is permanently occupied (WAIT symbol replaces cursor)
If I look in the Console window where I started CARA, I see the following ERROR message:
ERROR: error executing menu action ImportSeq:
Fragments don't match with assignments!
Below I include the sequence file, followed by the RESIDUE TYPE definition for 'SS'
RES TYPE definition:
<residue-type name='BBonly' short='SS' letter='X' >
<atom name='N' type='N' num='1' mean='109.910' dev='17.160' x='0' y='1' />
<atom name='C' type='C' num='1' mean='174.040' dev='7.760' x='2' y='1' />
<atom name='HN' type='H' num='1' mean='8.340' dev='2.960' x='0' y='0' />
<atom name='CA' type='C' num='1' mean='45.330' dev='5.680' x='1' y='1' />
<atom name='O' type='O' num='1' x='2' y='0'/>
<bond from='N' to='CA'/>
<bond from='N' to='HN'/>
<bond from='C' to='CA'/>
<bond from='C' to='O'/>
<bond from='HN' to='N'/>
<bond from='CA' to='N'/>
<bond from='CA' to='C'/>
<bond from='O' to='C'/>
SEQ file:
... ( i removed some lines here)
GLY 171
GLN 172
GLY 173
GLU 174
ALA 175
ALA 176
TYR 300 129
TYR 301
SS 302
SS 303
SS 304
MET 305 53
GLN 306 78
GLY 307 165
THR 308 95
SS 309
SS 310
THR 311 137
SS 312
SS 313
GLY 314 84
GLY 315 41
SER 316 167
THR 317 80
SS 318
ARG 319 138
SS 320
GLU 321 52
SS 322
ALA 323 39
SS 324
SS 325
SS 326
TYR 327 141
THR 328 9
ASP 329 92
SS 330
VAL 331 166
LEU 332 83
GLU 333 128
LYS 334 82
LYS 335 12
SS 336
PHE 337 51
TYR 338 55
SS 339
SS 340
SS 341
GLY 342 76
SS 343
SS 344
SS 345
VAL 346 45
GLY 347 54
PHE 348
SS 349
SS 350
SS 351
VAL 352 77
SS 353
SS 354
TYR 355 85
GLY 356 50
ALA 357 136
SS 358
LEU 359 164
PHE 360 40
LEU 361 13
ASP 362 56
TYR 363 43
SS 364
SS 365
TYR 366 94
SS 367
SS 368
ILE 369 93
SS 370
GLY 371 10
ALA 372 81
ILE 373 87
SS 374
ASN 375 109
SS 376
SS 377
ASN 378 33
SS 379
ASP 380 89
SS 381
GLY 382 125
SS 383
SS 384
SS 385
ALA 386 175
GLN 387 44
SS 388
ASP 389
ARG 390 169
LEU 391 79
GLN 392
LEU 393 139
LYS 394 64
GLY 395 22
GLY 396 171
SS 397
ALA 398 11
SS 399
SS 400
ASN 401 145
GLY 402 99
ASN 403 25
SS 404
GLY 405 154
ASN 406 26
ASN 407 27
HIS 408 151
GLU 409 32
SS 410
VAL 411 127
SS 412
SS 413
SS 414
SS 415
THR 416 132
SS 417
THR 418 117
GLY 419 65
GLY 420 42
VAL 421 67
SS 422
ILE 423 131
ARG 424 156
SS 425
TYR 426 63
VAL 427 110
SS 428
ILE 429
THR 430 88
GLY 431 98
THR 432 21
GLY 433 126
SS 434
SS 435
SS 436
ILE 437 153
PHE 438 170
SS 439
SS 440
SS 441
ASN 442 46
SS 443
SS 444
ILE 445 24
SS 446
GLY 447 28
SER 448 66
GLY 449 112
PHE 450 23
VAL 451 119
ASN 452 146
SS 453
SS 454
SS 455
THR 456 155
SS 457
THR 458 152
ASP 459 90
SS 460
GLU 461 134
GLU 462 68
SS 463
SS 464
SS 465
LEU 466 91
VAL 467 49
ILE 468 135
SS 469
THR 470 6
GLY 471 118
SS 472
GLN 473 172
SS 474
SS 475
SS 476
TYR 477 8
SS 478
THR 479 30
SS 480
LYS 481 113
SER 482 108
SS 483
SS 484
SS 485
SS 486
SS 487
SS 488
ALA 489 176
SS 490
SS 491
GLY 492 173
GLY 493 38
SS 494
VAL 495
SS 496
LEU 497 97
ALA 498 130
SS 499
ALA 500 150
SS 501
SS 502
GLU 503 174
SS 504
SS 505
SS 506
SS 507
SS 508
SS 509
TYR 510 48
SS 511
SS 512
SS 513
GLU 514 140
SS 515
SS 516
SS 517
SS 518
SS 519
SS 520
ASP 521 20
LYS 522
SS 523 107
SS 524
SS 525
SS 526
SS 527
SS 528
SS 529
HIS 530 31
TYR 531 168
SS 532
SS 533
SS 534
SS 535
TYR 536 111
SS 537
SS 538
SS 539
SS 540
SS 541
SS 542
SS 543
SS 544
SS 545
SS 546
SS 547
SS 548
SS 549
SS 550
SS 551
SS 552
SS 553
SS 554
SS 555
SS 556
SS 557
SS 558
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SS 560
SS 561
SS 562
SS 563
SS 564
SS 565
SS 566
SS 567
SS 568
SS 569
SS 570
SS 571
SS 572
SS 573
SS 574
SS 575
SS 576
SS 577
SS 578
SS 579
SS 580
SS 581
SS 582
SS 583
SS 584
SS 585
SS 586
SS 587
SS 588
SS 589
SS 590
SS 591
SS 592
SS 593
SS 594
SS 595
SS 596
SS 597
SS 598
SS 599
9 years and 12 days old
1.0RC6 MonoScope (Linux)
After importing two peaklists into Monoscope, when I use the command "select peaklist..." to switch from one peaklist to another, the peaks disappear. If I switch back to the first peaklist, the peaks are also missing.
If I open Monoscope from the peaklist in CARA-Explorer, then the peaks reappear.
9 years and 5 days old
I tried several times with a HSQC and a HNCA and different 2D and 3D peaklists (on 1.0 RC7), but wasn't able to reproduce the behaviour you described.
1.0RC/: Found out, it only happens with 3D peaklists imported from 2D spectra.
Try this:
1) open an hsqc15N (2D spectrum) with MonoScope
2) import a 3D peaklist (e.g. HNCO)
3) import a second 3D peaklist (e.g. HNCA)
4) select peaklist HNCO
Actually, this brings up the Issue: "What does CARA do when user imports a 3D peaklist onto a 2D?"
In 1.0RC7, it loads the peaklist without any comment. This seems to be problematic.
One option would be to ask the user to decide which dimensions of the peaklist to associate with which dimensions of the spectrum. But anyway there are problems, since these peaklists often have many peaks at the same position. The user cannot manipulate individual peaks by clicking on them in the plane.
1.0RC6 PrintPreview: After changing the ruler resolution two times, the old axis tick marks and axis are not erased.
Workaround: minimize and repopen PrintPreview window.
9 years old
One should consider whether stripwidths should not be associated with each dimension of a 3D experiment rather than being a global parameter.
This is because different experiments have different resolutions in the dimensions defining the width of a strip.
The context would determine which stripwidth parameter was changed when the command set stripwidth is executed.
9 years old
This would lead to a potential change of the displayed strip width whenever the spectrum is exchanged. Is this intended?
Yes, the idea is that the stripwidth in ppm would be defined for each spectrum and each dimension.
E.g. for the HN dimension of an HNCA it might be 0.2 ppm
where as for the HN dimension of a 3D 15N-resolved NOESY it would be 0.1 ppm.
I do not mean that the width in pixels on the screen should change.
Perhaps there should be an option also to "set global stripwidth". This would set all the individual stripwidth values to a certain value.
It could also be used as the default stripwidth for any new spectra that are opened.
I will extend the spectrum type with a "peak line width" property in each dimension (comparable to the peak model in MonoScope). The global width would then be a rather a kind of factor expanding the given line width. There would still be a global strip width in case the line width is not defined.
I would like to adapt the width to the spectrum while viewing strips (i.e. using the context-menu stripwidth in the strip window). Currently "strip width" context menu has no effect if there is a strip width defined in the spectrum type. This should be interactively changeable.
I don't know if it is a good idea to make this part of the spectrum type. Its a parameter the user adjusts to each spectrum individually (like the contour level). If its in the spectrumType then the repository library is being changed every time the user wants to expand or contract the strip width of a spectrum.
1.0RC7: Sync global cursor is a nice addition to tools.
However to really be useful it should be available in all scopes.
8 years and 12 months and 3 days old
1.0RC7: sync global cursor feature.
In many cases one moves to a specific depth in a 3D and would like the planes to be synchronized between different tools.
Therefore a feature to "sync to global depth" would be useful.
E.g. 1. Two monoscopes. If I change the depth position of the cursor, the depth in all "depth synchronized" monoscopes would change to the same value.
E.g. 2. SynchroScope & MonoScope. I change the position of the cursor in the strip of SynchroScope, and the depth in the MonoScope changes accordingly.
8 years and 12 months and 3 days old
I only implemented this feature for 2D by intent. To realize your idea I should offer another menu item called e.g. "Also sync depth". But let's wait first for the feedback of the Allain group.
OK. But to make clear, may intent was also to add a feature like "sync depth".
I watched F.Allain working on a spectrum and he was using the global cursor in combination with changing the planes to match the same ppm by manually entering the number. So I guessed that to sync depth would be an efficient alternative...
I wont offer depth synchronisation within the next six month (i.e. until there is an official project and request by Allain group).
There is a project.
I spoke to Christophe Maris recently. He will be doing protein assignment and RNA assignment very soon (within the month I expect).
He told me he will use Cara for this because he heard there is now a multicursor.I know from watching them work that comparing planes at different depth is important.
I have difficulty seeing which frame is in focus because the color and width of the focus frame is hard to see (dark blue, one pixel wide).
Please improve the EMPHASIS of this frame. I use tab key a lot to navigate between windows so the cursor does not move. But then I have difficulty to see where the focus frame is.
8 years and 12 months and 3 days old
I don't like to broaden the focus rectangle. I could take another color. Which one should I use?
Three options in my order of preference:
1) Change the color of the grey frame boundaries instead of using the focus rectangle. This way you waste no additional space for focus rectangle, and the width of the boundary will be easy to see even for colorblind people like Cesar or my PhD Advisor.
The focus rectangle appears to be one pixel wide. Would two pixels be acceptable?
3) It is hard to pick a good color since the grey boundary boxes are right next to the focus rectangle and these bound the black background of the window. Possibly a strong pink color?
The width of the frame was increased in ver. 1.0RC8 I think. It is improved. However in some windows the right edge of the focus box is missing.
See for example in StripScope:
Reference Strip & even strips OK. Strips next to Reference Strip & odd strips are missing right edge.
In some windows, box is complete, but in others they miss an edge (e.g. slice windows)...
1.0RC/: rename spectrum menu is missing from Cara Explorer.
Instead the option "Replace Spectrum" occurs twice.
This was still okay in 1.0RC6. Possibly a copy-paste error.
8 years and 12 months and 2 days old
In congested regions its important to know which contours are due to systems that are already picked. This helps reduce errors in peak picking as well as orienting the user.
Therefore CARA needs an option to display peaks from not only the active system but also from other nearby systems.
Here is a proposal:
Nonactive systems should be distinguished from active system by using a different symbol (e.g. X) or a color which is less strong.
Nonactive systems cannot be selected. E.g. in SynchroScope, only spins in the strips belonging to the system selected in the plane can be selected. E.g. in StripScope, only spins from the system defining the strip are selectable.
Definition of "nearby spins":
Ofcourse spins occuring within the displayed region (and same plane) should be displayed. The problem is depth!
My Proposal: Use the width of the strip in the depth dimension to decide. Depth can be taken from the Synchroscope StripWidth in dim2. (See my Issue on making Stripwidths not global but associated with each spectrum dimension.
8 years and 12 months and 1 day old
Is this feature mostly needed in SynchroScope and StripScope? In this two windows I have at least a tiny clue how to do it (but since it doesn't fit into the concept it will cause extensive changes). In PolyScope, HomoScope and SystemScope I don't see a fealible solution yet.
I have been working with SynchroS & StripS and see a need here, but I recall that both Pascal and Alvar were wishing for this feature while working with SystemScope. I think it is a general problem and needs a general solution.
The idea to use the strip widths seems generally applicable.
I.e. any region you display: check for systems within the range of the strip width in the depth direction.
E.g. in PolyScope the left strip is D1/D3. Show any systems within the depth of the right strip (D2/D3)(right strips strip width). And vice versa for the right strip.
Another way to look at this is that you take a three dimensional elongated cube whose dimensions are stripwidth of left strip x stripwidth of right strip x D3 range. Display any systems whose spins fall into this elongated cube.
The same strategy can be applied to SystemScope, SynchroScope.
Homoscope is a 2D tool. I don't understand why you mention it, since it can display all the systems in the plane already.
My problem is not how to decide on the ppm range in the depth to search, but that there are no "peaks" around besides the ones I'm showing on the strip. I cannot simply extend the ppm cube to find more peaks, but I have to formally extend the model search which is based on anchors and links. Just to calculate all peaks of the 3D spectrum is probably too expensive, but calculating only a needed subset by a completely unsuitable criterion (the ppm cube) is quite complex and out of my reach at the moment. I will probably try the "brute force" approach (calculate everything) anyway, but this will take a while.
I see the problem with SystemScope & PolyScope, since the Peaks are calculated based on the SpectrumType and MolecularModel. But I don't see the problem in SynchroScope & StripScope.
You just need to identify the nearby anchors to the active anchor. Draw a box in the plane around the active anchor whose sizes are given by the two StripWidths. Any anchors in the box are displayed as neighbors in the Strips.
same strategy as far as I can see, except that you need to decide the depth of each strip. If you adopt the suggestion that each Dim of each 3D has a Stripwidth, this is not a problem.
PolyScope, SystemScope:
How about restricting your search as follows:
1) First Identify the subset of systems with spins located within the regions identified along the three dimensions.
2) Then do "brute force" on the identified systems and screen the resultant peaks to see if they fit in the ppm cube.
Detail 1:
Dim1: Find all spins whose color matches that of the spectrum-dimension D1 which fit into the ppm range (this should be one of the strip width dimensions to reduce the number of spins found). Keep a list of the Systems with spins in the range.
Dim2: Starting with the Systems identified from Dim1, check all the spins from these Systems with correct Dim2-color fitting in the range of this dimension (this should be the second Stripwidth dim, to reduce a lot the number that fit)
Use this criterion to reduce the number of systems from the first Dimension.
Now you should have a very short list of spin Systems. Generate all expected peaks using SpectrumType & MolecularModel and display the ones fitting in the ppm cube.
Pascal and I discussed yet another way to display peaks from nearby systems.
1) Calculate one time all the peaks expected in a spectrum when it is displayed. Store in a list.
2) Use this list to find peaks from nearby systems in the currently displayed region.
3) If the user changes a spin or adds one, update the list to reflect this change. Usually the nearby spins will be unaffected since one works with the currently active spin system.
It might save time if only entries of the list are changed which are affected by user manipulations, rather than recalculating the list after every modification.
The nearby spins are anyway only displayed as passive objects to orient the user. (It should however be possible to display different Attributes of the nearbySystem peaks like the LABEL, or the SpinSystem, or the ResidueNumber ...)
Fit Frame to Page
The frame is cut off on the left edge for A4 portrait format.
In general the frames are very close to the edge.
Could one define a margin for the command so the frame is not getting too close to the edge of the page?
E.g. minimum 15mm distance from frame to edge of sheet. "Fit to Frame" would always adjust the Frame Size to respect this limit. If the user doesnt want to have a margin, he can set the margin to zero.
8 years and 12 months old
I never observed the cutoff on windows. In 1.0 RC8 the automatism slightly reduces the size, so it has a bit more margin. I don't like to introduce another option dialog for margin size, since users already have a dialog to explicitly set the frame size.
I noticed that there is a difference if you apply "Adjust to page" several times (e.g. pressing CTRL+HOME several times). This is due to the fact that after a size change also the with of the Y-scale changes, but this is only updated after the next redraw (which occurs after the resize). Thus do it twice and then it knows the right width.
I don't see the effect you refer to. The first ctrl-home does the job for me.
About the cutoff: I saw this with 1.0RC7 in windows XP with A4 Portrait format.
The Idea behind the margin, is to adjust one parameter one time, instead of 4 parameters every time (Frame Size). Once the margin is set, it would always be active in combination with Ctrl-Home. The idea is to have a quick way to get an acceptable plot on a page. But lets see how your new limits look...
Is there a way to have Ctrl-Home stay on everytime I start a PrintPreview or change The Papersize & Orientation? I.e. its a switch which is ON in the repository or OFF.
I guess I would call this "AutoFit". If its ON, Ctrl-Home is applied for every new plot. If its OFF, Ctrl-Home must be applied manually.
1.0RC7 PrintPreview: The axis label numbers are not centered on the ruler tick marks. This is most clear on y axis but also visible on x axis.
8 years and 12 months old
CARA does not release files that it cannot read.
This makes them unavailable to other programs for editing etc. The problem does not occur if the file is readable.
E.g. "Import peaklist" in MonoScope with wrong format.
CARA complains that it cannot read the file and nothing is displayed.
Now try to open the peaklist with another program.
It is locked and cannot be accessed until CARA program is exited.
(Reported to me by Christian Hilty & Erich Michel)
working on Windows.
8 years and 11 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
When opening a spectrum in "Tools->Open Spectrum", the spectrum is displayed with "default" orientation (whatever this is...). The spectrum cannot be rotated.
8 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
Open hsqc15N with MonoScope
Map to Type (switch HN & N mapping)
Close MonoScope
Open hsqc15N with MonoScope
Map to Type (switch HN & N mapping back)
CARA crashes hard.
8 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
1.0RC8: Christian Hilty asked if it would be possible to include a rotate spectrum function in the "Open Spectrum" Tool, to change the orientation of displayed spectra.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
I cannot influence the starting size of the window opened by canvas. (getSize controls canvas size, not window size).
I cannot force canvas to resize the plotted image with a gui event. It always stays the same size.
The printed image is tiny. I have no control of its size.
I would like similar capability to create.MyWidget.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
1.0RC8: Lua Terminal window
sometimes it stops writing text.
E.g. I use command "Check Syntax" and the text "Syntax OK" does not appear.
E.g. I have a Lua script the uses print statements, but nothing appears when I run them.
Switch to another window in explorer, and switch back to terminal window.
Now the text which was missing is displayed.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
On my PC running XP, gui.event.MouseMoved only works while I hold down the left mouse button.
If I move mouse without holding down left mouse button, no event is reported.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Join the Offset and Pair concepts
Provide a new function in the context menu in SystemScope, which takes an offsetted spin (HA+3) and converts it into a Pair (<pair lhs=... rhs=..). Furthermore it should check if the spin is present in the offsetted system.
- If yes, verify that it is inside of a tolerance, show a warning in case this fails
- If no, create this spin in the system
This function should work interactively on a single spin.
In addition, provide the (trivial) reverse function, Pair->Offset. (This function could even be used to Undo the other function, however the creation of the newly written spin would have to undone separately).
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
Print preview should contain a simple mechanism to provide a title above a spectrum. The Font should be user-selectable.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
Slicer should be completed with the following features:
- Scale Spectrum (Pick bounds, ...)
- Calibrate Spectrum
- Pick Spin
- Show Spins on/off
- Move Spin
- Move Spin Alias
- Remove Spin
- Print Preview
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
It is not yet clear how one should select the spins visible on a slice. Peak inference wouldn't do the job since the remaining number of spins would be to high to be useful. I will postpone the solution after the PhD.
A rudimentary improvement of slicescope would allow the user to send the slice from any 1D slice window of a scope to the slicescope.
E.g. click at some position of a 3D HNCA in monoscope. Right-Click in the slice window for the direct dimension and select the menu item "Send to SliceScope".
If no SliceScope is open with the atomtype of the dimension, CARA opens a new SliceScope with the 1D slice loaded.
If a SliceScope was already opened which has the same atomtype, the CARA sends the 1D slice to that SliceScope.
Each Slice in the SliceScope is selectable and scalable. The Slices can all be scaled simultaneously. By Default AutoScale is used. A selected Slice can be deleted.
PrintPreview is available.
This would already cover a lot of applications (for example preparing figures for papers and comparing 1D slices).
F.Damberger & P.Bettendorff
I am also missing the slicer! At least with the same functionality as in NEASY.
Slice in y-dimension is not shown.
I wanted to show phasing with CARA instead of XEASY in my PROSA-Seminar in the first week of January. 3D support would be nice.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
The Manual says:
Params: number (dim 1 or 2.), number (origin on canvas), ...
In reality:
Params: contourplot, number (dim 1 or 2.), number (origin on canvas), ...
The first parameter is not documented.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
In SystemScope, when double-clicking on an Anchor, the crosshairs are not moved in other windows. This would be actually the interesting thing to synchronize here, I don't care about the cursor in the strips/slices in this window.
The reverse is of course very difficult (clicking on a peak in MonoScope will find the correct System in SystemScope), but this feature is probably not very desirable anyway.
Anyway, the current behaviour in SystemScope is confusing and not very useful.
Otherwise, the Global cursor in general proves very useful (to my surprise). If the Issue tracker would have a ĉategory "Success reports" or "Positive Feedback", I would file a report for this feature :-)
8 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
I will wait with that until there is more experience by other people also. I actually didn't plan to synchronize anything in the third dimension.
It turned out to be more useful as it is currently implemented: the x-cursor is taken from the ortho plane, the y-cursor from strip and ortho. With this, one can synchronize e.g. with a HomoScope showing a spectrum with all spin systems. This way you can check, whether a given tower in ortho plane is another spin system.
Dear Rochus,
I'd like to have move peak and move alias as a schortcut, it would be great as I will have to analyse more than 50 HSQC spectra and of course move all peaks as there is always a different condition. Would be great. As an old xeasy user, I'm not yet accustumed to not having this feature, but still I wouldn't want to go back, for the good reasons of cara. I love move alias, this will help me a lot.
8 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Autocontour appears to set the maximum contour based on the
positive data only. This means that if a strip is shown with
a strong negative peak and weaker positive peaks, the
negative peak is contoured starting at a very low level and
the top contours are not shown.
The result is that negative contours do not clearly show
the shape of the intensity profile (they are cut too low)
when autocontouring is on. Many users use autocontour as
default because they are working with spectra with very
different maximum scale (e.g. bruker vs. prosa ->xeasy data).
Autoscale mode should determine the noise level using the
absolute value of the data (i.e. ignore the sign of the data
for the noise and max signal determination).
set all your spectra contour parameters manually when looking
at negative contours.
8 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Only Cara_1.0rc8_osx:
Context menu in CARA-Explorer-Spectra extends beyond the end
of the window. The items on the Task Bar at the bottom are
not selectable. This means that I cannot select the last
two or three spectra-types in the list (in my case hsqc15N).
consider redesigning this menu to be along a bar at the top
of the window instead of a context menu. This is anyway
currently somewhat nonintuitive for new users since it is
Spreading the menus along the top of the window may reduce
the length of individual selection lists...
this bug is rather critical for mac users since they cannot
load in new spectra without using a pretty inelegant
workaround (see below)
Workaround (two ugly variations):
1) delete the currently unused spectra-types so that the
context menu for load spectrum-type becomes short enough
to select the desired spectrum types.
2) create the spectrum entry directly by editing the
repository file (not so great for new users).
8 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Did you try both Darwin X11 options: whole screen and embedded? I think the problem is connected with the implementation of X11 on Mac which will certainly change (I also discovered other problems like disappearing slice windows and wrong fonts).
1) Open a 3D with MonoScope
2) Zoom into a region
3) 'New peaklist'
4) 'Show list'
The zoomed region is changed. In fact the cursor position is
set to the edge of the range in all three dimensions.
This is an annoying bug and should be fixed soon.
8 years and 11 months and 4 days old
The *.nmr spectra have a different calibration in the direct
dimension (D1:X) than unconverted spectra they were
generated from. (*.nmr is 0.05ppm higher than 3rrr bruker
spectrum in the case I examined).
It looks like the *.nmr spectra are wrong.
E.g. of Bug:
1) generate a *.nmr adaptive compression 8 bit spectrum from
a 3rrr spectrum.
2) read the 3rrr spectrum and 3rrr.nmr spectrum into cara.
3) open the 3rrr spectrum using MonoScope.
4) Create a peaklist and pick some peaks.
5) store the peaklist (test)
6) open 3rrr.nmr spectrum with MonoScope.
7) Open the stored peaklist (test)
8) Show list. Double click on one of the peaks in the list.
9) its position in the 3rrr.nmr spectrum is shifted (not on
top of the peak intensity).
This will discourage users to try the new compressed format.
Note: I compressed a 500MB file on the 900 (Linux) and it took
almost 10minutes!
Please give detailed info in the release notes on what all
these different *.nmr formats mean (adaptive compression,
symmetric etc...)
8 years and 11 months and 4 days old
CARA/NEASY cannot open xeasy.default files produced by XEASY. This seemed to work in earlier releases. It would be important for those of us that need to browse old projects.
I attached a typical xeasy.default file.
Note that legacy xeasy.default files are not platform independant. If you created it on Irix or Solaris you cannot open it on Linux. Go back to the earlier system, oben it with CARA on this platform and save it as XEP-File. Then you can open it on linux. Tell me whether this works.
When opening the spectrum (attached), only every 8th row can be clicked into, althought the full spectrum is displayed.
8 years and 10 months and 4 weeks old
Seems to be a really special case of round off error due to the very low number of samples in one dimension. Don't expect to happen often.
Actually this is a problem related to the digital resolution in the indirect dimension.
The param file contains the line:
Spectral sweep width in w1 .... 0.0001
This results in a delta = 0.000 displayed for this dimension in CARA explorer.
If you edit the param file to read:
Spectral sweep width in w1 .... 1.0000
then the problem dissapears.
I suspect that the round-off is due to a too small precision for the number representing the cursor position. This should be fixed since the accuracy of the cursor position should not depend on what the spectral width is.
In anycase the workaround is not to work with very small spectral widths.
ContextMenu to Move Cursor to Spin Ppm position selected from ViewList (StripList) window
Currently there are few methods to find a particular spins chemical shift in the various scopes.
The user is faced with the following tedious method:
ViewList: Find System and expand it with node.
Read off the ppm value of the spin in question and manually
move the cursor to this position.
Suggested new Feature:
Add three context menu items to ViewList Window.
Move X Cursor
Move Y Cursor
Move Z Cursor
These menu items would appear when right-clicking on
a spin in the spin list.
Executing Move X Cursor
moves the X-position of the cursor to the ppm value of the selected spin along the X-axis in the plane.
Executing Move Y Cursor
moves the Y-position of the cursor to the ppm value of the
selected spin along the Y axis in the plane.
Executing Move Z Cursor
moves the Z-position of the cursor to the ppm value of the
selected spin along the Z axis (of the strip)
Note: this means that the plane which is displayed is changed in this case.
The cursor positions for the other two dimensions should NOT be reset by this procedure. This is because the user will probably want to sequentially set all three dimensions to find a particular correlation
e.g. select SPIN1, move X Cursor
select SPIN2, move Y Cursor
select SPIN3, move Z Cursor.
Now the cursor position should be: SPIN1ppm, SPIN2ppm, SPIN3ppm.
The method should work in the StripList within the Scope in question (not in the SpinList of CaraExplorer since here the effects on the various scopes could be ambiguous)
Cara should complain if the Color of the selected spin does not match with that of the selected Dimension axis (or maybe the menu should be smart and leave out the menu items when the colors conflict).
8 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
I again wished for this feature in recent work.
Trying to find a plane with a specific chemical shift by
clicking on the depth cursor repeatedly (with no visible axis
scale to guide my guesses) takes a lot of time.
Most of the time I am looking for correlations to a specific
spin, so having a context menu available for the spins in
the "view list" would be logical.
A more primitive but none-the-less effective approach:
A simple command to set the cursor position along an axis.
x 7.82
y 5.23
z 130.1
to set the x, y, and z positions of the cursor.
The last command "z 130.1" would also load the new plane
(This could also work in MonoScope)
There is a Goto-Menu (also double click) in Strip-List from R 1.0.3. Didn't plan to offer separate commands for dimensions.
What I am looking for is something that acts on the cursor. A basic form of navigation.
This is for example useful when manipulating the global cursor in synch mode.
or one looking for peaks involving an unassigned spin.
(Most existing navigation features assume that you have at least two spins and they are both assigned.)
The GotoMenu in StripList is great if I am basing my search on an existing system. It goes to the X and Y coordinate of appropriate spin pair in the system.
However what if I am looking for a signal of an unassigned spin in the plane of a 3D? I need to go to the plane with that spins chemical shift.
Or what if I am looking for a crosspeak between two spins not in the same system?
This is a very simple basic function I am asking for.
Is this difficult to implement or does it clash with an important concept?
Please either one of two changes:
1) add axes scales to all the slice windows.
2) include a goto function for the x,y, and z cursor positions.
This is not completed in my opinion.
Still waiting for either a primitive or advanced feature to move cursor to a specific chemical shift.
I asked for this originally 3 months ago.
I often see people writing chemical shifts on scraps of paper & then moving the cursor to the position by repeatedly hitting the arrow keys. I am also forced to use this method because there is no alternative.
Goto-Menu does not cover my use cases (see last follow up)
How about placing a menu item in the slice windows?
Right-click "move cursor" and then enter a ppm number.
In Some types of spectra the highest peak in a slice is the diagonal peak. When AutoScale slices is ON this results in a scaling which makes the other (interesting) peaks hard to see.(Usually this is a problem for the
Information-containing axis of a 3D (e.g. TOCSY dim for 3D 15N-TOCSY, NOESY for 3D 15N-NOESY etc or any slice from a 2D)
Proposed Solution:
A new menu option for slice window:
"Ignore Diagonal Peak"
For dimensions containing a diagonal peak:
Exclude a region around the diagonal peak equal to the width of the Integrator PeakModel from consideration when AutoScaling.
Definition of dimension containing diagonal:
two dimensions have the same spin color, and
Xppm position of sliceY occurs in the range of sliceX.
Then the diagonal of sliceY is at Xppm.
8 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
This is hard to implement at the moment since a slice view only sees a 1D slice and not the whole spectrum (no notion of a diagonal). I could implement PickBounds instead, or people could start to make use of the clipping feature of the CARA spectrum format, since it doesn't seem to make sense to use 95% of the 16bit amplitude range for an unused signal (i.e. only 5-10% of the resolution for the interesting signals).
A work around would be to use 8 or 16 bit CARA spectra clipping off the unused amplitude range (usually up to 99% of the range if a water line is around).
Even if the water line is not around, in a NOESY, the diagonal peak is typically 20X to 100X larger than the crosspeaks. You just need to exclude a range around the diagonal (which is defined when you pick a strip) from consideration in the scaling function for the strips slice.
If the strip is at 7.8ppm, pass this and the range (0.05ppm) to the slice function as optional arguments.
Still an issue.
We now have a parameter to pass to the slice: The PeakWidth of the same dimension as the slice.
When "Ignore Diagonal" is activated, the autoscale function of the slice window would simply ignore any intensity occuring with the PeakWidth of the diagonal position.
Where is the diagonal?
If any of the other other dimensions defining the slice position have the same AtomType as the Slice dimension, the diagonal is the ppm value of that dimension.
e.g. In a 3D [1H,1H]-TOCSY the depth slice in PolyScope (D2) has the position (D1: H 7.80ppm, D3: N 118.0ppm)
Therefore the diagonal in the slice along D2 is at 7.80ppm.
Request of New Feature:
"Select spin"
Occasionally two spins are nearly degenerate in chemical shift. In Cara there is no easy way to pick ONE of these spins. Also the labels are difficult to read due to overlap of the text.
I try to select one of two very close spins using the cursor in the Strip window. Both spins are selected by Cara.
Suggested solution:
(Similar to the new very nice feature in PolyScope which allows the selection of single anchor pairs using "goto system" gs command)
After selection of multiple degenerate spins with the cursor, a context menu in the strip "select one spin" generates a list of the selected spins. The user can select one spin from the list and click OK.
This tool could also be used to read the Labels when they overlap. User just clicks Cancel after looking at the window.
"Select Anchor Pair"
An exactly analogous command could be used in the PLANE window to select anchor pairs when they overlap.
Both commands should also work if I use drag-selection to select a group of spins (or anchor pairs).
"Select Peak"
same thing for peaks in MonoScope
8 years and 10 months and 12 days old
To aid the user in identifying which spin is selected,
the following additional behaviour would be very useful.
User selects several spins with the cursor,
User executes "select spin"
Cara pops up the list with selected spins.
User clicks on one line in the list.
Cara highlights the selected spin in the spectrum.
(e.g. by color change or by increasing thickness of selected peak symbol and its label)
If user clicks on a different line, the corresponding spin is highlighted.
When User is sure the correct spin is selected, he clicks OK.
This would be faster than repeating the procedure several times to find the correct spin.
New in R 1.0.4 in all Scopes: If a spin or a group of spins are selected, the status line states the number of selected spins and up to five labels. If a spin cluster is clicked, the status line states the number of found spins, but only one will be selected. If you continue to click, one spin after the other within the cluster is selected and the label updated in the status bar.
Phase spectrum is now a very useful tool for phasing
(the pivot is visible) and phase0 and phase1 can be
independently be adjusted. It allows the user to phase
3D spectra directly!
There is a minor but annoying bug.
Phase0 has the wrong sign (at least relative to Bruker data)
That is after determining a correction to the phase in CARA
processing in Bruker with the changed phase (+PHASE0) results
in a phase change in the wrong direction. If I change the
phase in Bruker by -1*PHASE0 then I get the correct result.
Another minor change:
please start the PHASE0 value at 0.0 NOT at 180.0.
8 years and 10 months and 12 days old
In R 1.0.4 I simply changed sign of phase0 when drawing the slice. Try if it now works the same way like Bruker.
I checked this now.
R1.0.5. NOW has correct sign of PHASE0 for BRUKER (2rr)
incorrect sign of PHASE0 for XEASY (.param)
So Xeasy and Bruker appear to use opposite phases.
You could make phaser switch the sign of PHASE0 effects when reading in XEASY param files.
This appears to be OK, since you already restrict the name
allowed for BRUKER type files: 2rr etc.
p.s. The PHASE0 still starts at 180. But the slices show positive data (for Y-direction). Change the sign of the slices (for Y-direction), and start PHASE0 at 0 for all dimensions.
When analysing HcccoNH type spectra (C-TOCSY along sidechain), the spins are added into the wrong system, although Cara knows the magnetization pathway correctly. The spins are picked in the NH moiety of residue i, but they belong to residue i-1. Also the catalogue of available spins is not available for this analysis.
8 years and 10 months and 1 week old
As you wished I continued to extend PolyScope with the features of SynchroScope. Please check the new features of 1.0.4. You could for example create a SpinLink to the neighbor HN or simply pick an intraresidual HN-1 and let a script relocate them to the previous SpinSystem. What do you think about that?
In the Synchroscope, Contour and Intensityplot are shifted relative to each other. So, if a peak was picked in intensitymode, it is not on top of the peak in contourmode.
8 years and 10 months and 1 week old
For the user it is not possible to see the difference between a spin or an alias.
A previous answar from you was, that your model does not include this difference.
I am in the opinion, that this difference is very important. During the spectral analysis, I need to know, whether the peak I see is an alias (i.e. only in this spectrum at this position) or a peak (in all spectra, where no alias was defined, at this position).
This difference has an influence on my decisions and should therefore be visualisable. For example, why can't peaks be white and aliases be blue.
8 years and 10 months and 1 week old
In the Solaris version I experienced several crashes. The reproducible one was after starting Polyscope(rotated) on a 2D-1H-15N spectrum with 15N along x-axis and chosing the Show Neighbour Spins command from the menu. The same sequence of commands didn't cause a crash in the win32 version. I had the overall impression that the crashes arise from the deficit of resources, which Cara causes on a Sun computer. There is no urgency in solving this for me personally, as I can use the Windows version.
8 years and 10 months and 6 days old
There seems really to be a platform dependent problem in PolyScope/Export to MonoScope. I will check that.
Could not reproduce. I experienced some very rare crashes on both linux and solaris, but not windows. No idea where this comes from.
I observed the following behaviour of Cara 1.0.6 on Solaris:
Working under Stripscope crashes permanently happened after several switches between different spectra, but not always. Before a crash (after changing the spectrum) the cursor turned into an hour-glas, the program was suspended and the disk was accessed continiously. During this time I could observe a steady increase of the resident memory used by Cara (the RES number in the 'top'-display). This continuous memory leakage lasted for about 20 sec. while the program stayed suspended, and resulted in a crash, a core file was generated. There seemed to be a dependence between the allowed limit for memory mapping in the program settings and the level of memory usage at which the crash occured (and the size of the generated core file).
Bug affects 1.0.5
Start PolyScope(rotated) with hCCH-COSY (Ccosy and Cinept switched) so that the plane displays Hinept vs Cinept and the strips display Ccosy dimension.
The inferred peaks are displayed correctly on the Ccosy dimension.
After switching to another spectrum (e.g. 13Cali-NOESY)
select again CCH-COSY spectrum.
Now the Ccosy inference peaks are missing, and the strip apparently displays the Cinept dimension of the CCH-COSY spectrum.
This change of the displayed orientation is permanent.
Workaround. Restart PolyScope(rotated) with CCH-COSY.
It appears to be related to the presence of two C dimensions since the problem does not occur with 13Cali-NOESY, 15N-TOCSY etc.
8 years and 10 months and 4 days old
In PolyScope it should also be possible to delete links in the strips, not only in the plane.
8 years and 10 months and 1 day old
Since the scopes are now intelligent enough to find all intraresidual spins by themselves, the creation and display of spinlinks is only needed for NOESY spectra, i.e. the NOESY steps of a spectrumtype.
8 years and 10 months and 1 day old
If I define a link from spin 1 to spin 2,
will CARA also consider a link from spin 2 to spin 1 when it displays NOESY peaks?
I.e. if I see a link from HA of res#1 to HB of res#2 in 3D-13C-NOESY, will CARA display a link from HB of res#2 to HA of res#1?
This should be default since the spinlink corresponds to a distance in space which does not have a direction.
Defining links by NOESY peaklists:
Currently, spinlinks are created from 3D NOESY peaklists by importing them into MonoScope on the spectrum of interest,
and then executing the command: "import spinlinks".
This generates many unneccessary links like N<->HN etc.
If spinlinks are used for NOESY steps in ExperimentProcedure,
then it would be good to avoid reading in unneccessary spinlinks:
Propose new import function:
Only links between H atom and H atom are created.
If the Peaklist is corrected rotated onto the Spectrum,
then the SpectrumType can be used to identify which two dimensions are linked by a NOESY step.
(I.e. the two H atom dimensions connected by a "HOPS=-1" step).
SpinLinks should be displayable in NOESY spectra in StripScope and SystemScope.
An important feature for the assessment of spectra (selection of the correct multiplet component, measurement of scalar or dipolar couplings) is the peak distance measurement in Hertz units. It would be actually enough if the units shown in the status bar could be toggled between ppm, Hertz and points like in Neasy. (Points/pixels might be usefull for spectra calibration but are not that necessary to show).
8 years and 10 months and 1 day old
After switching between two 3D spectra in polyscope, "show spin links" causes a hard crash.
How to cause crash:
1) Open 3D 15N NOESY with Polyscope(rotated) (swap N and H dimensions)
2) Change Plane View spectrum to HSQC15N
3) Click on a system in plane.
4) Turn spin links off
5) In Strips, switch to 3D 15N TOCSY
6) Turn spin links on.
The same procedure causes a crash if you open unrotated Polyscope.
open one Polyscope for each 3D spectrum where you plan to turn spinlinks on and off.
8 years and 10 months and 1 day old
Propose Spin is an excellent tool for propogating assignments
in a NOESY.
The format is not ideal for reading the output.
Some suggested improvements:
Spacing the catogories of information into columns would help.
SpinID Shift Label SystemID Residue
13009 3.88 HB3 130 S130
8806 3.88 HA 088 Q88
0306 3.89 HA 003 E-3
7107 3.89 HA 071 G71
11806 391 HA 118 F118
SpinID Shift Label SystemID Residue
13009 3.88 HB3 130 S130
8806 3.88 HA 088 Q88
0306 3.89 HA 003 E-3
7107 3.89 HA 071 G71
11806 3.91 HA 118 F118
The order is also not optimal for a user.
Shift Label SysID Res SpinID
3.88 HB3 130 S130 13009
3.88 HA 088 Q88 8806
3.89 HA 003 E-3 0306
3.89 HA 071 G71 7107
3.91 HA 118 F118 11806
I also shorten the titles for compactness.
More elegant would be a dynamic list like in the Cara-explorer
where you can click at the top of each column to resort the list
according to the catagory selected.
8 years and 10 months old
Issue Tracker unfortunately ignored my formatting so that the examples I give are not spaced correctly.
In my examples each column of data is supposed to be aligned (including the title) for easier reading.
I select "Structured Text" in the IssueTracker options, possibly the example below will look correct.
cheers, Fred.
Shift Label SysID Res SpinID 3.88 HB3 130 S130 13009 3.88 HA 088 Q88 8806 3.89 HA 003 E-3 0306 3.89 HA 071 G71 7107 3.91 HA 118 F118 11806
No luck, IssueTracker text formatting just sucks. Sorry.
This same issue applies to the "gs" command in PolyScope which lists all anchor pairs for a given system.
Formatting would help readability
and dynamic sorting would be useful (esp. since I anticipate in a future release the distance between proposed spin and the anchor spin in the reference structure of the molecule will be listed.
Then it will be quite useful also to sort by this column.
To avoid long delays, autocontour should be on as default in all scopes,
or the contour level should be set to the autocontour level value when opening a scope.
8 years and 10 months old
Not implemented in the following Scopes:
1) Plane of SynchroScope
2) HomoScope
3) Plane of PolyScope
4) StripScope
5) SystemScope
Propose Spin ignores selected spinlinks and generates a new spin.
However sometimes the user may want to reassign an existing spin using Propose Spin.
Proposed change:
- g. I select the spinlink. Execute Propose Spin. Select a new spin from the list. The selected spinlink is changed to the new spin.
(instead of generating a new spinlink).
Note: in case a user wants to create a new spinlink very close to an old spin it should be possible to "unselect" a spinlink (shift-click) before executing "propose spin".
8 years and 10 months old
Propose doesn't create spins, but only creates a new spin link (if it didn't exist before). Note that there exists a concept of a reference tuple, i.e. propose will not extend the selected tuple (but the reference) in this case. The engine will change anyway so that links are only displayed for NOESY steps.
cara_1.0.1 - cara_1.0.5
Show Spin Path only highlights the anchor pair,
if steps using C are included in the Experiment Procedure.
E.g.1 of failure:
1) Start SystemScope with HcCH-TOCSY (experiment procedure is given at the end)
2) select HA-CA anchor.
3) execute Show Spin Path.
only the HA and CA are colored. The other H in the system are grey.
This is strange because the all the expected inferred peaks are displayed in the strip.
Is the engine which determines the inferred spins in strip, different from the one which colors the spins in the command "show spin path"?
E.g. 2. (this time "show spin path" works)
1) Start SystemScope with 3D 15N-TOCSY
2) select HN-N anchor.
3) execute Show Spin Path.
This time all expected spins are highlighted.
When fixing this, consider coloring the spins in dim 3 of the experiment differently from the anchor pair.
dim1: anchor1 red
dim2: anchor2 yellow
dim3 light blue.
if a spin occurs both as an anchor and as dim3, color it the anchor color (red or yellow resp., not blue).
Experiment Procedure for HcCH-TOCSY:
<spectrum-type name='hCCH-TOCSYali'>
<dim name='Hinept' atom='H' width='0.000000'/>
<dim name='Ccosy' atom='C' width='0.000000'/>
<dim name='Cinept' atom='C' width='0.000000'/>
<step text='Hcosy' atom='H' dim='-1' hops='0' rep='0'/>
<step text='Ccosy' atom='C' dim='1' hops='1' rep='0' mean='40.000000'
<step text='Cinept' atom='C' dim='2' hops='1' rep='1' mean='40.000000'
<step text='Hinept' atom='H' dim='0' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<spectrum type='HCcH-TOCSYali' id='6' name='HcCH TOCSY'
<level pmax='9691695.000000' pnoise='590.986328' nmax='-3475892.500000'
<map view='0' spec='1'/>
<map view='1' spec='0'/>
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
cara_1.0.5: SystemScope
1) start SystemScope and double click on an anchor-pair
2) expand region in strip.
3) double click on a new anchor.
SystemScope resets the range of the strip to full.
It should keep the range expanded to the values I set,
until I hit "ww" or "fit to screen".
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
cara 1.0.5: Cara Explorer - Spectra Pane
After calibrating a spectrum, Cara does not update the calibration values in Cara Explorer.(I,e, cal=0)
This is confusing when trying to establish whether a spectrum
was recalibrated or not.
Workaround: Save Cara repository. Close Cara. Restart Cara.
Reopen Repository.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
It is much easier to quickly select another pane (e.g. Spins) and then go back to Spectra. The dimension items are for information only at the moment and don't offer any functions. This will probably change soon.
1.0.5: new feature:
new context menu item: "remove alias"
remove alias. This removes the alias of the selected spin.
(the spin is then displayed at the original position)
if applied to a selected peak in the:
1) strip, the alias of the strip axis spin is removed.
2) plane, aliases along both axes are removed.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks old
There is also a remove alias menu in the spin list of explorer.
Yes. I see that.
Now that I can see the alias in the spectrum ("x"),
it would be very convenient to have a context menu to "remove alias" in case I want to remove it.
In the same direction;
could you add a menu item to the View options
"Show Aliases"
so I can turn on off aliases to see the difference in spin positions?
That would be great.
When the alias deviates a lot from the original spin position, this could indicate incorrect assignment. However this information is hidden to me in the spectrum (where I need it to check the agreement).
I give this one a high priority.
I still have no way to remove aliases from within the context of a spectrum.
It takes a lot of time to locate an alias in the Cara-Explorer.
1. I have to note the System Number in the Spectrum.
2. In Cara-Explorer, click on Systems & find the System.
3. Expand the system and check the spin number of the spin.
4. In Cara-Explorer, click on Systems & find the spin.
5. Click on the spin to expand it. Select the alias & erase it.
If I want to say remove aliases for both horizontal & vertical spins in a plane, this takes 10 steps.
Needless to say a context menu would be far more efficient!
I will do it like this: if you do a move alias with the cursor position identical to the current alias position, it will remove the alias instead (this can be easily accomplished with "auto center" feature).
Done in 1.0.11
You can now remove an alias by positioning the cursor on it (no problem with auto center on) and executing "move alias".
This solution is not so satisfactory.
Sometimes I adjust the alias position slightly.
When autocenter is on, if i am too close to the peak i cannot select nearby the peak (it always jumps onto the peak).
Then if i execute "move alias" the alias is removed.
It is also not intuitive. Why should the alias be removed if I have selected the alias position and execute "move alias"?
it does not work:
select a peak in strip and move alias.
select peak again & move alias (autocenter on)
nothing happens. peak remains at same location and is still an "x".
My suggestion:
add a menu "remove alias"
this gives no confusion in meaning and is easy to use.
The bug was not a bug.
I was using (I checked 3 times, but I did not source my .cshrc in the window i was running CARA from. Sorry.
p.s. still feel that it is not an entirely logical way to remove aliases.
1.0.5 Phaser starts with X PH0=180,
The slice along x-direction is inverted.
After Selecting "use X" in the phasing box,
one observes that phase0=180.
This should start at phase0=0.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks old
1.0.5 Peaks with particular attributes cannot be distinguished visually.
I want to change the appearance of peaks depending on their attribute.
e.g. I have given the spins of a peak which I moved a BOOLEAN attribute.
I would like to change their display compared to other peaks.
e.g. a different symbol. Or an option to change the LABEL format to reflect this.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks old
Some Spin Systems are composed of subsystems which are typically assigned independently and then merged once a connection is made between them in a NOESY.
e.g. Aromatic Amino acids are Spin Systems with two subsystems:
Back bone
Ring System
"Eat System" allows the spins from the ring system to be added to the backbone system once the assignment is clear.
However this is an irreversible process. What if I want to try to link the ring system to backbone system to check whether it fits and later change my mind?
"merge system" would link the ring system to the bb system temporarily. allowing the two groups to be associated but leaving the option to separate them again.
How does this work?
select target system (backbone) #0001
select system to merge (ring system) #0002
now the puzzle piece of the ring subsystem #0002 appears inside the expansion to the backbone puzzle piece #0001.
The spins of system #0002 are considered as part of system #0001.
Peak inference, anchor generation in SystemScope etc function as if all the spins belonged to system #0001.
simply select the puzzle piece of system #0002 and execute unmerge.
it is now a separate system again.
This also avoids problems of ambiguity when both systems contain spins with the same label and allows them to be neatly separated again during "unmerge".
The spin of the parent system is used and that of the subsystem is ignored.
8 years and 9 months and 4 weeks old
The "eat system" feature can be reversed by Undo, but this is probably not what you wanted.
I saw the undo.
Its fine if I want to undo soon after I eat.
Sometimes a linkage of ring system to backbone becomes suspicious only at the stage of structure determination. I may have to swap entire ring systems.
The point is that the spins which were assigned to be part of the spin system should remain a group even within the larger spin system.
Still seems like a logical idea. It documents what was assigned together.
Once the user was satisfied with an assignment (s)he could select the parent system and use eat system to eat the child (if you don't find that too gruesome).
After "eat system", the puzzle piece for the "eaten" system remains in the list. However this system nolonger exists.
the show list needs a refresh.
workaround: exit PolyScope, and start a fresh instance of PolyScope.
This may also be a problem in other Scopes with the puzzle list. I didn't check it.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
PolyScope displays unlabeled peaks (?/?)
and peaks which share the labels inferred from the generic residue type.
(e.g. for 15N 3D NOESY with LYS as generic residue)
HN/N and QZ/NZ are displayed.
However HE/NE (from ARG) or HD21/ND2 (from ASN) are not displayed if the System is not assigned to ARG or ASN on the sequence.
Polyscope needs to have the option to display peaks with any label pattern possible from the ResidueType library and the SpectrumType.
e.g "show unassigned systems"
This would include both unlabeled peaks and peaks whose labels can be linked in one of the residue types.
e.g. in 3D 15N NOESY plane this would be:
HN/N backbone
HD21/HD2 HD22/HD2 Asn sidechain
HE21/NE2 HE22/NE2 Gln sidechain
HE NE QH1/NH1 QH2/NH2 Arg sidechain
HE1 NE1 Trp sidechain
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Temporary work-around 1: define or re-use a SystemType, define its model as ARG or ASN, and assign it to the SpinSystems in question. CARA will then take the ResidueType of the SystemType, not the generic one.
Work-around 2: Design a "hyper-amino-acid" incorporating all bonds of all expected patterns and use it as the generic ResidueType (instead of an official amino acid).
To expand the capability of Cara to simulate also the CccoNH family of spectra which correlate the sidechain of the i-1 residue with the N-H of residue i:
Currently, Cara can simulate based on the GenericResidueType the expected correlations in CBCAcoNH, HNCACB & HNCA, but it has problems with longer sidechain experiments like CccoNH.
As soon as two residues i-1 and i in a fragment are aligned on the sequence, the ResidueType of res i-1 can be used to simulate the expected peaks for residue i in the CccoNH by replacing the GenericResidueType with ResidueType(i-1).
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
There is a work-around possible by changing the "view" from i and i-1 to i+1 and i. Take a script which copies the HN/N of i+1 to local HN+1/N+1 and then treat the TOCSY tower as local. Should work in principle.
I experienced a handful of crashes working with this version of Cara (say once every day or two working on a regular basis)
It has crashed when exiting a scope occasionally by using the x button in top right corner.
Also once while switching on/off some widgets like the half-puzzle nodes in PolyScope Show list.
Details below:
close StripScope window with x into right corner:
Box Warning: calling allocate before request
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
close SystemScope window with x in right top corner
(possibly I hit the resize button before hand):
Warning: creating scale with sample count 0 [these created during display
Warning: creating scale with sample count 0 of strips in SystemScope]
Warning: creating scale with sample count 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
157.420u 22.480s 2:07:02.66 2.3% 0+0k 0+0io 36256pf+0w
clicking on halfpuzzle piece in PolyScope several times.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
I have been working a lot on Linux.
Will give it a try on Windows...
Cara crashes without warning when reading in Spectra with Spectra formats that are abnormal.
It should rather give a warning and ask the user to enter the values to use (or warn the user and set default values)
This is not an acceptable problem. Hard crashes could occur anytime a user reads in a deviant format spectrum and destroy work done since the last save.
The Example Below was generated by Prosa after FT transforming only one dimension of a 2D experiment to see how the raw data look (a common check during processing)
Version ....................... 1
Number of dimensions .......... 2
16 or 8 bit file type ......... 16
Spectrometer frequency in w1 .. 750.1340
Spectrometer frequency in w2 .. 750.1340
Spectral sweep width in w1 .... 0.0000
Spectral sweep width in w2 .... 14.0031
Maximum chemical shift in w1 .. 11.7020
Maximum chemical shift in w2 .. 11.7020
Size of spectrum in w1 ........ 120
Size of spectrum in w2 ........ 1024
Submatrix size in w1 .......... 15
Submatrix size in w2 .......... 128
Permutation for w1 ............ 2
Permutation for w2 ............ 1
Folding in w1 ................. RSH
Folding in w2 ................. RSH
Type of spectrum .............. ?
Since the spectral width is 0, presumeably CARA is doing division by zero, but this should be checked.
CARA can simply set this value to 10.0 and give a warning to the user.
That way he can still look at the raw data files without risking dataloss.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
1.0.5 StripScope.
StripScope opened with hCCH-COSY experiment using HA-CA anchors displays CA-1 and CB-1 spins although these are not accessible from the SpectrumType and ResidueTypes.
The 3D 15N TOCSY does not display HN+1 and HA-1 spins so it is not simply the display of "neighbor spins" that is the problem. It is specifically ?C-1 type spins that are the problem.
Possibly this is related to Issue 0118?
The SpectrumType definition for the hCCH-COSY is given below (note that all the peaks are correctly inferred in SystemScope using this definition):
<spectrum-type name='hCCH-COSYali'>
<dim name='Hinept' atom='H' width='0.000000'>
<label tag='HA' off='0' final='1'/>
<dim name='Ccosy' atom='C' width='0.000000'/>
<dim name='Cinept' atom='C' width='0.000000'>
<label tag='CA' off='0' final='1'/>
<step text='Hcosy' atom='H' dim='-1' hops='0' rep='0'/>
<step text='Ccosy' atom='C' dim='1' hops='1' rep='0' mean='40.000000' dev='35.000000'/>
<step text='Cinept' atom='C' dim='2' hops='1' rep='0' mean='40.000000' dev='35.000000'/>
<step text='Hinept' atom='H' dim='0' hops='1' rep='0'/>
<fld name='ExperimentType' type='Memo'>3D Double Resonance</fld>
<fld name='reference' type='Memo'>Gehring K, Ekiel I, J Magn Reson, 135, 185-193 (1998).</fld>
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
StripScope up to now completely infers its peaks from the spin label declaration of the spectrum type. I will probably have to write a "PolyStripScope" anyway within the next six month.
When selecting a strip containing negative intensity (folded) resonances in StripScope as the reference strip with "Hold Reference" (my case: N15-3D-NOESY) no reference lineshape is shown in the slice window to the left. (Probably a problem of scaling).
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Label Settings currently has 15 different settings. Many of these correspond to combinations of different information type.
1) Spin Numbers
2) System Numbers
3) Spin and System Numbers
To add flexibility while reducing the number of menu items, I suggest the following modification:
Allow each information type to be separately turned ON/OFF.
Item (3) above would look like:
Spin Numbers x
System Numbers x
The total list would look like:
[x] [y] [z]: system number
[x] [y] [z]: spin number
[x] [y] [z]: label
[x] [y] [z]: offset
[x] [y] [z]: residue
each check box [ ] controls what information is
shown along a given axis. More than one check box
can be selected.
I only recommend this change IF it is possible to
store the settings for a particular scope. Otherwise
it would be too time consuming to set these every time
a new scope is started.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
This is not that simple, since there is a layout, order and spacing issue. I started to allow strips to have independant label formats in PolyScope. The Z dimension is available in no pane (only 2D panes are used).
layout order spacing of what?
The menu to set up labels?
Or the labels themselves?
What issues are a problem? perhaps we can find a solution....
In Stripscope, the general nomenclature is "Predecessor" and "Successor". When I want to link two strips, I have to enter a "left" and a "right" system. I suggest these should also be called "Predecessor" and "Successor".
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Sometimes, the "link to reference" function does not work, because of ambiguous directions. One has then to enter then systems to be linked by hand.
A "link to reference as successor" and a "link to reference as predecessor" function could replaces the current state and would be easy to use and unambiguous.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
At least in StripScope, when I switch from a spectrum A, where I have entered the contour base level of e.g. 400, to spectrum B, the contours are also plotted with base level 400. If then, for example, I change it to 2000, which is the right value for spectrum B, and then I switch back to spectrum A, it is displayed with level 2000, although 400 would be approproiate.
I suggest, that every spectrum is globally associated with a base level, which the user can enter. In all scopes, the spectrum is displayed by default using these values.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Storing the default contour level with each spectrum would be extremely helpful, especially for slow machines, where you can go for a lunch, once a spectrum with a really low contour level is drawn unintentially.
I wont change the plane-strip-sync but you can now create 2D projections of HNCA using Explorer/Tools/Flatten Spectrum.
That was the wrong issue, sorry.
I introduced AG and ZAG in PolyScope. Please try it and tell me whether it would solve your problem in StripScope.
During the process of assigning, it is sometimes desirable to change the system numbers. I would like to have a function, which allows the user to change the number of a system to any free number. Of course the links to other systems are updated correspondingly.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
When working with synchroscope, and a strip is displayed for a given system, it is taken on the cursor position in the 2D plane. If in the 2D spectrum and the 3D spectrum, the chemical shifts of the system are different, because of the use of aliases, the peaks in the strip are not centered, but shifted.
It would be convenient, if the strips are taken at the position, where the selected peak has its position in the 3D-spectrum.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Im not sure yet how this should be done. Maybe it would be better to render a flattened HNCA instead of an HSQC in the plane, so the peaks are at the right place. If I would allow the strip to have coordinate position than the one selected in the plane, this would at least lead to a contradictive situation if the user clicks next to the system peak (not selecting it).
I have been working with "flattened HNCA" in the plane with success. [In NMR nomenclature we call it 13C-projected HNCA].
Cara could include a function to generate projected spectra: The referencing and axes would be associated.
I.e. if I change "cal" for HN dimension of 13C-projected HNCA, then "cal" for HN of HNCA changes to the same value.
This would simplify referencing 3D spectra.
Also the projected spectra would be an easy way to find peaks in the plane (when the system has a large alias offset compared to the HSQC).
When sorting for successors/predecessors, cara sorts the entries alphabetical, not numerical, e.g. the sorted list is 1, 10, 11, 100, 2, 20, 21, 3, etc.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
When exporting a .prot list, Cara simply writes out all entries from all systems. During the assignment procedure it is often necessary to give spins special names, like T35, ?HB, HB_or_HG, DHPC, H2O, etc. These should not be exported into the .prot list, i.e. Cara should filter the entries and write out only legal possibilities. These are all the atoms, which a certain residue has.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
The function "Delete System" leads to a program crash, if a StripScope window is open.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
From version 1.0.6 CARA crashes frequently when picking spins and systems. This happens in SystemScope as well as in PolyScope (probably also in others). Crashes are frequent (almost every spin that is picked), but not universal.
Today (friday) it crashed about 10 times.
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
In strip scope, it is possible to switch on and off "Strict strip matching". A small button shows, whether it is actually switched on or off.
There are three possibilities to switch it: One in the upper bar, the second in the left table and the third in the menu after right click on a strip.
At least the third possibility seems not to be connencted to the other two, i.e. it can be displayed as switched "off" in the top menu , but "on" in the strip menu.
This seems to be a bug (?).
8 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
cara crashes, when I try to delete a spin from the list displayed in Systemscope. Deleting works in other Scopes. Crashes are reproducible. (tried 5 times)
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
RC1.0.6 Cara Explorer
The first time I use "calibrate spectrum" on one spectrum it works, but the second time I use it on the same spectrum the peak lists are shifted by a large amount (not correctly calibrated). After that, if I reset the calibration to the original value, nothing changes in the display
(After each change, I open a new Instance of HomoScope).
Workaround: Don't calibrate more than once.
If you must calibrate again, do it by editing the repository.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
RC1.0.6 PolyScope (other scopes?)
Use Case:
I place cursor
I Shift select system
I execute "move peak"
I want to see if the system matches to resonances observed at
the new location.
Unfortunately after step (3), the spins of the system are nolonger displayed in the strip window. I have to do step (4):
(4) reselect the system again in the plane.
This is tedious, since I selected the system once already,
and it is natural that I want to see the spins in the strip
window to check whether the contours at the new location
match the positions of the expected spins.
Probable Cause:
This may be a problem with updating the strip window after
the "move peak" command.
Originally the spins belonging to the system are outside
of the region displayed by the strip window. After "move peak" they are within the region, but CARA does not update
this to the display.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Use Case:
I am trying to find the correct location for a system in the
plane by matching the tower appearing in the strip window
to the expected ppm positions of spins in the selected spin
Current Use Case:
(1) Place cursor in plane on a signal which might match.
(2) Shift Select System in Plane.
(3) Execute "mp"
(4) Check whether the spins positions in strip match the signals appearing in the strip.
(5) if not use "undo".
Proposed new function "system frequency line":
Option to indicate the position of spins from the selected system as horizontal lines in the strip window with labels at the edge (like in the Orthogonal view of SystemScope)
(No crosses would appear).
New Use Case (with "system frequency line" turned on):
(1) select system in plane
(2) execute "system frequency line": frequency lines of spins belonging to system appear in strip.
(3) click at location in plane with signal.
(4) Check whether the frequency lines in strip match the signals appearing in the strip.
(5) if not, click at a new location
(the time savings comes when you have to compare several
alternatives since only step (5) must be repeated for each
alternative. The frequency lines are continuously displayed until a new system is selected.
(6) when match is good, execute "mp". The selected system moves to the current cursor location in the plane.
(7) if search is ended, turn off "system frequency lines"
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
I would prefer to introduce a new option, which always draws the peaks in the middle of the strip. Now they they can get off center when walking around on the plane. How about that?
OK. I thought this would be confusing since a cross indicates that both vertical and horizontal position are defined. Thats why I suggested to display it with a "frequency line".
Currently I have to select the system in question and then use the shift-arrow keys to navigate to the signal of interest.
This does not work as soon as the peak is outside of the strip width (then it doesn't appear at all).
Its also very slow to navigate to the location in question using the cursors. (I am forced to do this since if i click at the location of interest in the plane, the system is nolonger selected).
I give this one a high priority since I am doing it a lot
right now.
RC1.0.6: Cara Explorer SpectrumReadIn
During SpectrumReadIn Cara uses a simple rule based on ppm ranges to decide what the nucleus of an axis could be:
H: 0-10ppm
(possibly I got the ranges wrong, but I am talking about the general algorithm)
Caro: ~110-130ppm
CO: ~165-180ppm
Nsidechain: 130-250ppm
This rule frequently fails to ID the axes correctly.
However, Cara has more information to base this decision on.
(1) It knows the absolute frequency in chemical shift of each axis. e.g. f1:750.1335279 MHz and F2:76.0189822 MH.
(2) It knows what nuclei are expected from the SpectrumType. e.g. HSQC15N: D1: H, D2: N.
(3) often it knows what ppm range is expected for each dimension. e.g. for HACACO:
H: none, CA: 56 +- 12ppm, CO: 175 +- 20ppm.
If two dimensions have the same nucleus type (like here) then the ppm range can be used to determine the mapping.
If this fails, the user must decide the mapping.
(1) alone is not enough to ID the nucleus. However if Cara had a table of magnetogyric ratios, it could use info in (2) to determine what nucleus is along each axis.
e.g. 1: HSQC15N (simple example)
(a) Frequencies 750.1335279MHz and 76.0189822MHz are given by spectrum parameters.
(b) H and N are expected from SpectrumType
(c) magnetogyric constants:
M(H): 26.7522128
M(N): -2.71261804 (note for our purposes the sign is unimportant)
ratio of M(H)/M(N) = -9.8621374
ratio of F1 / F2 = 750.1335279/76.0189822 = 9.86771338
Therefore the dimensions can be unambiguously identified:
F1 -> H
F2 -> N.
e.g. 2. HNCO (easy 3D example)
(a) frequencies given in param file:
Spectrometer frequency in w1 .. 50.683701
Spectrometer frequency in w2 .. 125.779999
Spectrometer frequency in w3 .. 500.131989
(b) H, N, and C are expected from SpectrumType
(c) magnetogyric constants:
M(1H) = 26.7522128
M(15N) = -2.71261804
M(13C) = 6.728284
ratio of F2/F1 = 125.779999/50.683701 = 2.4816656345
ratio of F3/F1 = 500.131989/50.683701 = 9.8677087308
ratio of F3/F2 = 500.131989/125.77999 = 3.9762444646
ratio of M(H)/M(N) = 26.7522128/-2.71261804 = -9.862137759
ratio of M(H)/M(C) = 26.7522128/6.728284 = 3.976082579
ratio of M(C)/M(N) = 6.728284/-2.71261804 = -2.4803654
Matching the ratios:
F2/F1 = M(C)/M(N)
F3/F1 = M(H)/M(N)
F3/F2 = M(H)/M(C)
we have:
F2 -> C, F1 -> N (from the first line)
F3 -> H, F1 -> N (from the second line)
F3 -> H, F2 -> C (from the third line)
Note that the results from the different ratios form a self-consistent set (this is a good check that the IDs
are all correct)
Final Result:
F1 -> N
F2 -> C
F3 -> H
for magnetogyric ratios see:
e.g. 1H
Click on H in periodic table.
In left column at bottom click on NMR
In the column for 1H(spin 1/2) the magnetogyric ratio is:
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
CARA makes use of the attribute "Identifier for dimension w1 ... ?" in XEASY param files. The first letter is used as atom type. Unfortunately I don't know yet which field of a Bruker spectrum could be used (or misused) for this purpose.
The CARA spectrum format saves the atom type with its dimension info. Starting from 1.0.6 the converter even allows to explicitly set the atom type in the rotate dialog.
Any hints according to the Bruker format are wellcome.
I. generate Spinlinks from UPL file.
SpinLinks have a strong relation to Upper Distance Limits (UPLs) used by DYANA and related programs for structure calculation.
It would be nice to generate SpinLinks directly from a UPL file. (Currently only possible with peaklists)
UPL File Format:
1 SER HA 1 SER HB3 2.40 #peak 1 #SUP 1.00
1 SER HA 1 SER HB2 3.01 #peak 6 #SUP 1.00
3 GLU- HA 3 GLU- HB2 2.85 #peak 13 #SUP 4.97
3 GLU- HA 3 GLU- HG3 3.98 #peak 14 #SUP 4.31
Note that each UPL associates two H nuclei defined by their labels in the structure and assigns a max distance in Aengstroms.
The spinlinks could display their contraint distance in Cara next to the peak "+" with a command "view constraints".
II. generate Spinlinks from Structure
A logical extension would be to allow spinlinks to be generated from a structure (or family of structures).
read in structure(s).
"generate spinlinks from structure"
Cara asks for upper distance limit to generate a spinlink.
User enters a value like 7.0.
Cara asks for label filter for start atom (if any)
User enters "HN"
Cara asks for label filter for finish atom (if any)
User enters "HN"
Cara generates spinlinks for all "HN" atom pairs that are less than 7.0 Aengstroms apart in the structure.
Note that the structure can be used for other things.
"propose peak" can filter the results to display only atoms
within a defined distance of the anchor atom.
This would be highly useful during the refinement stage
of a traditional structure calculation, or to search for additional assignments based on the structure even in an automated structure determination.
(e.g. Methionine CH3 groups).
e.g of Structure file format from PDB:
(note, all pdb files include a header)
ATOM 6 OG SER A 1 11.207 21.501 15.265 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 7 H SER A 1 10.994 24.185 14.110 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 8 HA SER A 1 10.466 22.122 12.862 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 9 1HB SER A 1 9.397 22.382 15.702 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 10 2HB SER A 1 9.333 20.859 14.815 1.00 0.00 H
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Several points to note:
1) Pascal is rewriting all RADAR formats right now, so we can expect to get a reasonable, XML based file with all interesting information in it, without beeing forced to write a custom parser for each file.
2) Right now everything needed is already there to implement it using CARA/Lua. The UPL-File could be read by Lua. The script would then create the SpinLinks and give them whatever information you need as attributes. Even the structure data could be saved within CARA using the Record object.
3) My development capacity doesn't allow at the moment to extend the peak inference to real NOESY simulation. I will certainly have a look at it in a few month. But even this could probably be solved with a Lua script.
I have written a LUA script "UplsToSpinLinks.lua" which creates spinlinks for each UPL that is read and makes them visible in a selected 3D NOESY spectrum. Other aspects of this Issue are not addressed.
Since PDB is a standard database format, and structures are the final object of most assignment projects, it would make sense if CARA could:
A) read in the standard PDB structure format.
B) store it in a standard structure record accessible by Cara tools like Propose-Spin and Lua.
The advantages of these two proposed features are independent of any developments in RADAR. A structure can be useful to aid assignment of homologous proteins or in cases where a crystal structure is available.
Some additional data available in the Bruker pdata directory.
Max & Min intensity values (could accelerate read-in):
##$YMAX_p= 22128551
##$YMIN_p= -694510
##$YMAX_p= 22128551
##$YMIN_p= -694510
The data in procs and proc2s are consistent (redundant)
##$YMAX_p= 4803197
##$YMIN_p= -20614570
proc2s & proc3s contain same values (redundant)
title info:
contains text for the spectrum in question. Usually a short title.
This could be read into an attribute "title" associated with
the spectrum during readin.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Two questions:
1) is YMAX_p/YMIN_p automatically set by Bruker-Software to contain reliable, correct values, or do I have to expect this fields to also contain zero or wrong data?
2) is there no field containing a dimension name? The spectrum title itself is not particularly interesting.
I can't tell you whether the data is wrong or not,
you will have to try it out.
I checked 20 processed datasets and found no examples where there are zeros:
If you find zeros, you could still do your own check.
=====================YMAX values========================
10/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 413538958
11/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 400750013
12/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 289804978
13/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 447629369
14/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 108265940
14/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 63260476
14/pdata/23/procs:##$YMAX_p= 445248408
15/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 338625989
15/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 131644310
15/pdata/23/procs:##$YMAX_p= 3655464
16/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 166588317
16/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 767613
16/pdata/2/procs:##$YMAX_p= 118818081
16/pdata/3/procs:##$YMAX_p= 166525289
17/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 43154801
17/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 4915193
17/pdata/23/procs:##$YMAX_p= 155605796
18/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 454767405
19/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 161798633
19/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 21780553
19/pdata/23/procs:##$YMAX_p= 350602166
1/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 400018266
20/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 277622278
20/pdata/2/procs:##$YMAX_p= 250055458
2/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 335472808
3/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 443292069
4000/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 302610163
4/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 524388865
5/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 464030821
6/pdata/13/procs:##$YMAX_p= 196651415
6/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 74117801
6/pdata/23/procs:##$YMAX_p= 392016927
7/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 333691270
8/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 293518171
9/pdata/1/procs:##$YMAX_p= 311923948
================================YMIN values==============
10/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -2819099
11/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -5332393
12/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -198562667
13/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -21947143
14/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -267661670
14/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -305719418
14/pdata/23/procs:##$YMIN_p= -284935280
15/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -215017630
15/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -492915186
15/pdata/23/procs:##$YMIN_p= -3296209
16/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -337833167
16/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -644305
16/pdata/2/procs:##$YMIN_p= -317808295
16/pdata/3/procs:##$YMIN_p= -320786816
17/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -373241497
17/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -705618
17/pdata/23/procs:##$YMIN_p= -395398049
18/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -64218102
19/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -277944614
19/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -282102296
19/pdata/23/procs:##$YMIN_p= -266379599
1/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -1910842
20/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -531356971
20/pdata/2/procs:##$YMIN_p= -502820449
2/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -406724
3/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -1535154
4000/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -433402761
4/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -145648482
5/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -84586598
6/pdata/13/procs:##$YMIN_p= -186643624
6/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -298553564
6/pdata/23/procs:##$YMIN_p= -408887035
7/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -415140
8/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -1212844
9/pdata/1/procs:##$YMIN_p= -421893
The experiment directory:
spectrumname/1/ contains files
within these files the nuclei of each dimension for an N-dimensional experiment are defined.
##$NUC1= <1H>
##$NUC2= <13C>
##$NUC3= <15N>
Also the spectrometer base frequencies for these dimensions are defined:
##$BF1= 750.13
##$BF2= 188.620339
##$BF3= 76.010013
Within the processing directory containing the 3rrr files,
the files:
contain the base frequencies of each axis.
##$SF= 750.13
##$SF= 76.010013
##$SF= 750.13
(example taken from 3D 15N-resolved NOESY)
Therefore a straightforward way to determine the correct
nucleus for a given dimension is:
1)read the nuclei NUC in the acqus files
2)read the associated base frequencies BF for these nuclei in the same acqus file.
3) for each procs file match the value of SF to one of the base frequencies determined in step 2.
This method only works for intact Bruker datasets, not for
isolated pdata directories. This means Cara would have to be aware of file directory structure.
I could not find a label for dimension axes in the Bruker files, but perhaps someone knows better...
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Very good. The problem is now that these things are not in the same directory and it is quite dangerous to base an algorithm on such floating implementation details. Why don't we simply require a user to copy the NUC fields to the corresponding procs files? I already use the SF fields to convert from Hz to PPM.
I don't think users want to edit procs files which are generated by xwinnmr software. Could also be dangerous.
How about giving the user the information you have on read in?
Anyway it takes a good 10-20s to read in a 3D, so the user can spend a few more seconds mapping the spectrum type.
The information I mean:
in xwinnmr a 3D contains dimensions 1,2, and 3.
The dimensions have associated frequencies which you read from the procs files (SF for dim 1, 2, 3).
finally you give the ppm ranges for dim 1, 2, 3.
All of this in columns:
Bruker Input
1 2 3 dim
76 188 750.13 MHz
108-135 32-60 4.7-12.0 ppm
Then you display the info from the spectrum type in rows:
Dim D2 D3 D1
Atom C N H
ppm 5-75 (this is Mean-Dev - Mean + Dev)
label Ca N HN (info in the comment line)
User clicks in the boxes on the grid (like for rotate options) to define the relationship between Spectrum and SpectrumType.
I think the user can get this right usually on the first try.
You can store the comment labels in the NMR format spectrum files so these don't need to be defined on read-in.
You could still allow Cara to try to get the mapping right (initial marked grid positions) so that the user just clicks OK for routine spectra like:
HSQC15N, HNCA and the like.
please consider the atom types and ppm ranges if available for a dimension in any improvements of the existing algorithm.
This should avoid bad guesses in some cases with "unusual" C ppm ranges like for HNCO.
R 1.0.7 allows for ##$NUC attributes in the usual procs, proc2s, etc. See release notes and try whether the changed bruker files are still readable by XWINNMR.
When I read in an HNCO with
$NUC1=<1H>, $NUC2=<13C>, $NUC3=<15N>
in the procs, proc2s and proc3s files
I still get a rotate text for bruker dim2:
Shouldn't these labels now read C(C)?
After read in I see C(N). What is the point of the label in parenthesis? Can one leave it out?
Moreover please include the chemical shift ranges for each dimension so I have enough info to decide how to rotate when two dimensions have the same NUC.
RC1.0.6 PolyScope (other scopes too?)
When I click on a peak, Cara gives information on the command line about the peak. However this information is identical to the information defined by "View-Show Labels" option.
E.g. if in "View-Show Labels" I select "main system number",
then when I click on a peak in the plane, I get only the system number info on the command line.
The command line should give the maximum amount of information on the selected peak.
e.g. click on peak:
HN/N Q71 (if assigned)
H: 1222/N: 1223 System: 131 (if unassigned)
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
RC1.0.6 Cara Explorer
features to manipulate Spinlinks.
Cara Explorer Displays SpinLinks Node in the Project tree.
Spinlinks are listed:
include PLEASE the assignment of spins (when present)
I do not work with spin numbers (hard to remember).
Spinlink Number lhs rhs (sys.# and label of lhs) (sys # and label of rhs) (atom type lhs) (atom type rhs):
1232 2322 2334 25 HN 25 N H N
sortable by each catagory in list as usual.
select spin links involving only one system.
(e.g. Sys# 3: any spinlink including atoms from this
system are listed)
delete spin link
remove all displayed spinlinks
import & export spinlink function would be nice.
special commands to clean up spinlink lists:
delete spinlinks between atom types X and Y. (e.g. H & N)
delete spinlinks within residues
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
I will add a new spin link category to the Explorer, where some of these requests will be implemented. In any case most of the requests could be implemented by Lua (e.g. with a custom list window with menus for all this functions).
Done in 1.0.8 except for the following points, which should be done using Lua.
remove all displayed spinlinks
import & export spinlink function would be nice.
special commands to clean up spinlink lists:
delete spinlinks between atom types X and Y. (e.g. H & N)
delete spinlinks within residues
RC1.0.6. PolyScope
Some peaks are possibly not written out by function
"export strip peaklist" for 3D.
I am using PolyScope(rotated) or PolyScope opened with HSQC15N and then select 3D 15N NOESY-HSQC.
I am missing a large number of peaks that are displayed in PolyScope (some are spinlinks, some inferred peaks)
The Imported Peaklist (to generate spinlinks) contains 270 peaks. The Exported Peaklist generated from Strips in PolyScope contains only 165 peaks.
I have checked individual peaks and they are not displayed.
(I.e. I see them in polyscope, but when I read the generated list in and examine with MonoScope they are not present).
As a final test, in a second instance of Cara I created a new project in the same way as with the first instance. Then I generated Spinlinks with the exported peaklist from strips in polyscope from the first instance of Cara. Now the peaks are visible again. Could this have something to do with display of peaks in MonoScope?
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
I will have to exchange the whole spin inference engine because of anyway. I suppose the problem will automatically vanish.
RC1.0.6 Spinlink
Use Case:
sometimes user may want to compare the result of different sets of Spinlinks on the expected NOESY peaks.
E.g. Structure refinement (compare old Spinlinks to new SpinLinks).
It would be useful to keep spinlinks in lists and allow the user to associate a given spinlink list with a project.
(a context menu item to switch between spinlink lists within polyscope would be useful)
otherwise I need functions to remove a list and import a list easily from Cara-explorer.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
RC1.0.6 allow depth range for display of peaks to be set by user.
In 3D spectra, Cara decides what range +- the current plane position it displays a peak.
It would be nice to have this hidden parameter available to the user.
Peaks in 3D spectra have a certain "thickness" which means that intensity for a peak is visible even when not in the peaks plane.
In some cases no peak symbol "+" is displayed. It would be nice to adjust the depth range for display of peaks to make the "+" visible when the intensity is visible.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
Done in 1.0.10. CARA now allows to set "peak width" for each individual spectrum (persistently). This width is used as strip width and also as "plane thickness".
plane thickness needs to be independent of strip width.
AutoContour seems to calculate the ContourLevel new for each region displayed. Some problems with this:
1) repeated "ac" after "ww" do not give the same result.
see below.
2) autocontour with a 3D region after showing a 2D gives a very low contour level (much to low to identify peaks - i.e. the plane is filled with contours)
To reproduce the variable autocontour results:
1) open polyscope with a 2D. Hit "ac". Then write down the contour level that Cara determines ("cp"). (e.g. 1849)
2) select the 3d in the strips menu.
3) click on a peak in the 2D.
4) click on a spin in the 3D strip.
5) switch to 3D display "3D".
Here Problem #0002 is evident. The contour value (75) is much too low for the 3D.
6) try to use "ww". This also does not work.
7) switch back to the 2D with "3D". "cp" level is still 1849.
8) "ac" is turned off??. repeat "ac". level still 1849.
9) zoom in and apply "ac". now contour level is on at 4095.
Sorry, in the end I cannot explain the behaviour. It is quite complex.
Sometimes I see that autocontour changes the display but the value of "cp" level is unchanged. Sometimes when I switch from full view "ww" to zoom and back to full view autocontour is turned off.
Instead i describe what i would find most useful:
It is confusing to have the level change between different zoomed regions of the same spectrum. I see a peak in one zoom and in the next one its missing.
It would be best to have a fixed level for each spectrum
which can be adjusted by the user. This level should be used in every display of the same spectrum so that results are consistent.
autocontour can be used on a one time basis to adjust the contour of a spectrum which is displayed for the first time.
(I.e. Cara can do this in background - setting the contour level once and then turning off).
It may be useful to have a sensitivity parameter which allows you to multiply the contour level of all spectra by some value in order to see weak peaks but which is reversible. (I.e. I might set it to 0.5 to look for a weak signal, but then reset it to 1.0 when done).
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I tried also working with "ag" and "zag" but this is not related to the complicated behaviour of autocontour during zooming and switching between different spectra.
"ag" and "zag" could be used for the "sensitivity parameter" which I mention in point (III) of my Issue.
Done in 1.0.8
The contour level is no longer influenced by auto contour. The threshold is now associated with the spectrum and thus has global effect.
Contour level is still not acting on individual spectra but is effecting all spectra.
1) each spectrum has its own contour level.
2) these levels are kept permanently.
When I switch from spectrum A to spectrum B,
the spectrum B is plotted at the same level as spectrum A was. If I hit "cp" the value of spectrum B is displayed in the dialog and after I hit OK the spectrum is replotted with the contour level of spectrum B.
There seems to be an update problem (contour level is not
read from spectrum B when I switch to it with "fs/bs" or "select spectrum" menu.
(I was working in StripScope)
RC1.0.7. PolyScope.
Use Case:
I have two or three systems overlapping in the plane.
In the strip I always see only the spins from one system.
To try to determine which signals belong to which system,
I have to click on each system in the plane and try to remember where I saw spins for the other systems.
Feature Request:
1) Within the stripwidth ranges along D1 and D3, make a box around the system in the plane.
2) determine what other systems are in the box.
3) calculate the expected spins which would be observed in the strip if these systems where selected.
4) display the spins from these systems as "ghost peaks" in the strip window (ghost means - they are grey and cannot be selected).
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.0.7. SpinSystemList. PolyScope, StripScope, HomoScope.
The PseudoAtoms should be placed together with their AtomTypes in the sorting of spins.
e.g. currently:
QB (this should be listed together with other H atoms):
QB (the logical location)
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.0.7 SpinList
rename the command "delete" to "delete spin"
otherwise this leads to confusion.
I expanded a spins node to display its spinlinks.
I selected a spinlink.
I executed the command "delete" thinking the highlighted item
(the spinlink) would be deleted.
However the spin was deleted!
Undo did not work.
Either the "delete" command should be context-dependent
so that it deletes:
1) a system when a system is selected
2) a spin when a spin is selected
3) a spinlink when a spinlink is selected.
or it should be renamed to "delete spin" to make clear its function is on the spin even when a spinlink is selected for that spin.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I prefer the context-dep option.
I would like to manipulate the spinlist (incl. spinlinks)
directly from PolyScope. Deleting a spinlink with the spectrum visible would be quite useful.
This issue can be removed. Since it was a misunderstanding on my part. all these features work as expected.
RC1.0.7 PolyScope.
With the plane in fit to screen mode ("ww"), the cursor is not placed accurately by a call to "gs".
zoom into region near selection.
repeat "gs" selection.
how to reproduce bug:
1) I select an anchor in polyscope while HSQC13C plane is at full scale ("gs 9" select HA-CA of sys.9)
2) I zoom in to the anchor. The anchor is selected, but the cursor is centered on a neighboring systems anchor:
(HA-CA of sys.69). The strip also shows the data for this anchor position (not the data of the chosen anchor)
3) I reapply "gs 9" select HA-CA of sys.9. Now the cursor is correctly centered.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks old
RC1.0.7. Cara-Explorer SpinList
disconnect residue assignment into res.type &
sometimes I want to sort spinlist by the residue type (e.g. I am looking for all Valines)
This is not currently possible. I can only sort by residue ass. number.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks old
Would it be possible to include this feature also in the spinlist in PolyScope? I.e. split assignment into RESIDUE & ASSIGNMENT NUMBER?
RC1.0.7 Cara-explorer-Spinlist
feature request:
"and select" (to select among the existing subset of spins)
"or select" (to add the selection to the existing subset)
include these select tools in each column of spinlist.
I can do a lot with these simple tools without the need for complex parser.
e.g. if I want to get both HB2 and HB3 of ASP
I apply a "and select" "ASP" in the ResidueType column, and two "or select" "HB2" and then "HB3" in the label column.
8 years and 9 months and 2 weeks old
This does not work as I describe.
An "or" select must all labels in the "or" list.
So it needs something somewhat more complex (as you explained to me).
However, it would be nice to add the following to select options:
1)make selections on each column heading with an exact match
2)allow selection to be applied onto the subset listed (not the entire list of spins)
"ps" previous spectrum
"ns" next spectrum
are not available in PolyScope.
either for active Plane state
or for active strip state.
8 years and 9 months and 11 days old
The grey border lines which indicate the border to the folded region are not displayed in the strips.
horizontal lines for border along strip dimension D2
also useful:
vertical lines for border along D1 or D3 horizontal axis would be useful on the rare occasion when the folding border occurs along a strip.
8 years and 9 months and 11 days old
Did you notice that the status line displays the tile number in brackets (together with the PPM positions). Tile 0 is the original. A value of -1, 1, -2, 2 signifies that you are one or two sweep widths away. I will implement an explicit border around tile 0 in a later version.
Hi. Yes this is a workaround. ofcourse when i work with stripscope i don't always see this (i am picking rapidly) and don't notice that what i see is two copies of the same region (e.g. when switching from HNCACB to HNCA).
The grey line would be an efficient cue.
Could one introduce an option to scale the strips to the unfolded region for each spectrum when its loaded?
I still feel that a grey horizontal line to indicate the border to the folded region would be a quick visual queue.
The tile region is certainly precise, but when I work I do not constantly read the status line.
Also - I previously suggested a new option:
"View-Auto Fit to Window" so that when a new spectrum is loaded, Fit to Window is applied automatically.
RC1.0.7 All Scopes (possibly start with polyscope)
feature: display folded peak positions in original region
Looking at the original region of a spectrum, one does not realize that signals with no "+" symbol (crosspeak) might be
picked in the folded region.
It would be nice to have a feature "show folded positions"
which displays a "o" in the original spectrum region at the folded position.
I.e. if the peak was picked outside the original spectrum region say at position SW + x, then with "show folded positions" activated, cara also shows a symbol "o" at position x within the original spectrum.
Note that the symbol must be distinct from the "+" for an unfolded peak. It should be possible to determine where the actual peak position is by clicking on the peak with a "o" symbol.
One possibility:
A nice symbol would be a cross with and arrow hat in the direction of the real unfolded signal.
e.g. if the real signal is above the actually measured spectrum, the cross "+" would have an arrow hat "^" on top.
If the unfolded signal was to the left of measured spectrum the cross would have an arrow "<" on the left.
8 years and 9 months and 11 days old
RC1.0.7 pull down menus not alphabetically ordered.
SpinSystemType: Set Model Menu (RESIDUE TYPES)
Label Peak Menu (LABELS) in HomoScope & PolyScope
Set SystemType Menu (SpinSystemTypes) in HomoScope & PolyScope
8 years and 9 months and 10 days old
option to display the assignments in the strip (instead of the spin system number).
When looking at fragments that are assigned, it is sometimes slow to look in the spin-list to find the assignment of each displayed strip.
E.g. if I know its Gly10 I don't expect a CB, or if I see the CB at 60ppm but the Strip is labeled Ser10 then I know its OK.
But searching in the spin-list (esp. for long fragments) can take some time.
8 years and 9 months and 10 days old
There are still a lot of dimension parameters which confuse because they often have the same name but seem to mean different things.
If I look in the Cara-explorer after reading a spectrum I have for example in an aromatic HSQC:
Dim. D1 (D1) H (H) H
Dim. D2 (D2) C (N) N
The seems like a lot of parameters to describe a 2D which moreover have redundant names. What are D1, (D1), H, (H) and H for example.
This presumeably comes from LABELs given to dimensions, Atom Types, order of dimensions in original spectrum, order in relation to spectrum type, presumed atom type etc...
However it seems like this can be simplified by an umabiguous assignment to spectrumType at the timepoint when the spectrum is read in.
This would be helped by providing the user with all the information that Cara has at read-in and allowing the user to verify or adjust the assignment.
e.g. chemical shift range, NUC of spectrum dimension, order in spectrum file, LABEL if available
The crossproduct of this with the SpectrumType should be shown in the usual rotate dialog:
spectrum Type would display: dim (e.g. D1), atom type (e.g. H), and Comment (e.g. HN)
I think in most cases the user could get the right assignment. In one or two cases (hCCH-COSY, HcCH-TOCSY) there might be an ambiguity which could be corrected by opening the opening the spectrum in monoscope and using the rotate dialog to swap the axes in question.
8 years and 9 months and 5 days old
"Propose peak" now displays the neat columns which are
apparently sortable by each column heading.
However except for "Fit" catagory this does not appear to
produce correct results.
sort by System: does not sort by ResidueType nor by SystemNumber.
sort by spin: possibly this sorts by spin number but the label
is displayed. Change it to sort by label (rename column to "Label")
sort by shift: does not sort correctly (floating point values)
Is this sorting by the difference in shift from the cursor position?)
shift should sort by the ppm value of the spin.
You can include another column which displays the difference in chemical shift
|DeltaShift| (or replace shift by |DeltaShift|)
sort by fit: this works, but with surprising results.
Why after a sort by fit is the correct spin lower on the list
than other spins with similar fit values?
is fit only calculated to one digit after the decimal?
I.e. 1.0 & 1.0 rather than 1.00 & 0.98 ?
Is fit related to the distance from the correct value?
Then DeltaShift may be a better one to display.
8 years and 9 months and 4 days old
With the function Flatten, it is possible to create 2D projections (2Dflat) of 3D spectra.
These flattened spectra are usually used together with the 3D they were generated from (3Dparent). The can be used to solve a number of problems related to varying positions of spins in different spectra (spin aliases) and calibration of 2D vs. 3D spectra.
3D which is used to generate a flattened 2D.
2D generated from 3Dparent by flattening.
2D (such as hsqc15N) used in plane of SynchroScope to peak-pick spins in 3Dparent.
Most common uses of 2Dflat spectra:
1) calibrate 3D vs. 2Danchors
2) find positions of anchors when they shift a lot in 3Dparent compared to 2Danchors. E.g. use 2Dflat instead of 2Danchors to find anchor positions.
3) In SynchroScope the grey line in the strip will be centered on th signals from 3Dparent if 2Dflat is used in the plane. (Sometimes no signal is visible in the strip because the anchor in 2Danchor is shifted too much compared to 3Dparent).
These use cases would be simplified if certain parameters where synchronized between the related dimensions of 2Dflat and 3Dparent.
New Feature:
option to associate 2Dflat with 3Dparent.
this synchronizes:
"cal" of associated dimensions.
"spin aliases"
additional useful feature:
2Dflat inherits SpectrumType of 3Dparent:
-the "flattened" dimension is turned off
-the remaining dimensions are mapped accordingly.
When a given 3Dparent is displayed in the strip of SynchroScope, the associated 2Dflat is displayed in the plane (instead of 2Danchors) in 2D mode.
8 years and 9 months and 3 days old
RC1.0.8 SynchroScope bug.
When working in SynchroScope with several Triple Resonance spectra.
In 3D mode:
after switching to a new 3D in the Strip window,
the plane is not updated to display the same 3D, but continues to display the old 3D.
execute "3D" mode two times after changing 3D in the strip.
Now the plane displays the same 3D as the Strips.
This is pretty annoying since one switches the displayed 3D constantly in the peak-picking stage of a project.
This Issue is based on a currently active project of Erich Michel (so its urgency is high).
8 years and 9 months and 3 days old
Edit Attribute of Spin System
creates attributes associated with a spin in the system and not with the system itself.
It announces "editing attribute of system N" where N is actually the number of a spin in the system.
The attribute is found in the SpinList in Cara-explorer and in the Scopes associated with the spin N but not in the Attributes associated with the Systems.
Cara-explorer Systems does not include a Open Object Table.
8 years and 9 months and 3 days old
Done in 1.0.9
I could not reproduce the behaviour you reported. Whenever I select a spin system, it shows the right editor version. Did you select a spin by chance?
Anyway I extended the system pane of the explorer by an object table.
I believe we were selecting systems in the plane of SynchroScope or PolyScope.
There are some inconsistencies here.
In SynchroScope, I am moving and picking systems in the plane.
If I select such a system in the plane, I should also be editing its attribute.
When I select the menu item "edit attribute"
I see "Editing attributes of system 11304"
But I selected system 113.
I don't see the attribute catagories defined for Spin Systems (rather seeing those for Spins).
If I look for the attribute i defined for this spin System i find it in the Spin List associated with the spin in the direct dimension.
These problems do not occur in PolyScope where all the possibilities are available (edit attr of vertical spin, horizontal spin, vertical sys, horizontal sys).
RC1.0.8 on Linux
Printing Bug: AdobeFonts with PrintPreview not spaced correctly.
If the title font is changed in PrintPreview, then for most of the Adobe Fonts the spacing of the characters in the printed file is not correct (but in PrintPreview it looks ok).
We checked this with Adobe Illustrator.
The individual characters have the correct font, but they are not recognized as belonging to a text object. Each one is a separate single character object.
In other words the problem is not because the font type is not recognized.
All non-adobe fonts appear ok.
The following Adobe Fonts have the problem:
Times [Adobe]
New Century Schoolbook [Adobe]
Symbol [Adobe]
Times [Adobe]
The following Adobe Fonts do not have the problem:
Courier [Adobe]
Helvetica [Adobe]
The problem does not appear to affect Windows Version,
but there are no Adobe fonts available in the Font List.
8 years and 9 months and 2 days old
RC1.0.8 StripScope
Feature Request:
possibility to hold more than one strip.
The additional strips are useful for filling gaps.
The reference Commands can still only refer to the first strip.
The other held strips can be held or released by using the context menu "hold strip" in the strip in question.
Several people have described this wish to me in their projects and I have also seen the need in my work.
8 years and 8 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Do you mean that the selection should for one part contain the query result and for the other part a manual selection (i.e. not like "hold reference", simply as a fixed part of the selection). How should strips be ordered then?
I need more detailed specification of your requirement. See my last note.
It would work like this.
1) Left strip is reference strip.
2) The next strips are manually selected (and "held" - so they don't dissapear when I make a query)
3) The next strips would contain the query results.
i) "Hold Reference" would select the reference strip.
ii) "Hold Strip" is a context menu available in each strip (except the reference strip).
- If I execute "Hold Strip", the strip is placed in the lane next to the reference strip.
- If I repeat this command with another strip, it is placed in the lane next to the last "held strip".
- If I repeat this command on the Held strip it is "released" and dissapears. The gap is filled by the remaining strips.
When I execute a query, the reference strip & held strips are always kept, and the query results are shown in the lanes to their right.
If I apply the command "forward strips", "backward strips"
This applies only to the query strips. The reference strip and the held strips are always displayed at their fixed lane positions.
It would be good to distinguish between the "held strips" and the query strips visually.
Put a box around the Strip Identifier at the bottom of the strips that are "held".
RC1.0.8 PolyScope/HomoScope
Feature Request: the possibility to Hide a SpinLink in a particular NOESY spectrum.
Since SpinLinks from NOESY spectra essentially are equivalent to constraints, its important to be able to Hide a SpinLink in a particular NOESY spectrum if it is not observed in that NOESY.
If a SpinLink is hidden, then when the Peaklist is exported,
the peaks generated from these SpinLinks should also be excluded (unless Show Hidden is selected).
S.Hiller & F. Damberger
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Alias peaks are still indistinguishable from normal peaks in MonoScope. Should appear as "x".
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Forward Plane & Backward Plane should be included as Context menu items.
All commands which are available as short cut should also be accessible from the menu interface.
S.Hiller & F.Damberger
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Measure Noise Function.
Measure Noise is executed. Then a Region is selected with click-drag.
1. The average intensity is calculated for the region: I(ave)
2. The average of [(I(x,y)-I(ave))^˛] is calculated: S^˛(ave)
3. Noise = squareroot[S^˛(ave)]
Noise level is outputed to command line.
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
some definitions:
I(x,y) is the value at a sample point. x ranges over XRANGE selected. y ranges over YRANGE selected.
I(ave) = Sum over all sample points of I(x,y) / N
N = number of sample points
S^˛(ave)=Sum over all sample points of [(I(x,y)-I(ave))^˛]/N
Noise = squareroot of S^˛(ave)
See the View menu of MonoScope. The amplitude calculation item which was already available before now shows also a line for the noise value
RC1.0.8 HomoScope:
When two peaks are overlapped, it is not possible to select only one peak (for example to afterwards use the command "move peak")
In PolyScope one can select one peak and each click cycles through all peaks under the cursor.
This feature is missing in PolyScope.
Posssibly also in the other scopes?
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I implemented the cycle-feature in all scopes, but this only works with plain clicks (i.e. without shift). We found out that Linux swallows the ALT key, which would prevent a deselect when placing the cursor. As a work-around first click on the peak to select (i.e. as many times until the right one is selected) and then move the cursor using the cursor keys (press SHIFT for large steps).
some operations are quite time-consuming because there is no way to select a group of objects in the Cara-explorer.
E.g. I want to delete a group of spins (say 50). I am forced to execute delete spin 50 times.
If they can be ordered so that they occur sequentially, it would be nice to be able to use Shift-select to delete the all together.
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
When I eat system all the duplicated systems must be manually removed from the system to eat.
new feature:
If duplicate spins are within a tolerence range:
then they are automatically removed.
Or aliases can be created for the spectrum where the duplicate spins where picked.
and then they are removed.
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
I don't like the function to automatically take decisions based on an arbitrary tolerance value. Instead I should display a list of conflicting spins and let the user decide. But for the moment you could implement this feature yourself using a Lua script.
Yes I thought of this option too.
Cara would display a list of identical spins and their shifts & let the user select which one to keep.
the command "forward plane"/fp is very nice and useful to look through 3D spectra. It is programmed well and function nicely. The only problem is, that it appears nowhere in the menus of polyscope. So, if the user does not know, that it exists, he can not use it.
I would suggest to place it either in the menu, which opens after a right click or in one of the menus at the top.
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
The new feature, that aliases are displayed as an x, in difference to peaks, which are a + is really great. However, it seems not to be working in Monoscope. Would you please introduce it there, too ?
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
The concept of a spin link, is a very nice approach for the evaluation of NOESY spectra. However, I see a problem, which could be overcome with a proposed new function "Hide spin link":
If you observe an NOE between a C-attached proton and a N-attached proton in the 15N-resolved NOESY and you create a spin link between the two protons, then the spin link is automaticly displayed also in the 13C-resolved NOESY at the corresponding position. It might, however, well be possible, that the peak is not observed in the 13C-spectrum.
The user should be able to store this information. I thus suggest a function "Hide spin link" which would make the inferred peak vanish, but keep it in the other spectrum and also store this information, so that when you export data, like peak lists, it is considered.
8 years and 8 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
This is the same as
I completely redesigned the peak inference engine during the last three weeks. I will release a new PolyScope version using it soon. SpinLinks are then only inferred for the NOESY procedure steps (using pathsimulation for the remaining dimensions). I plan to also implement the "hide peak" feature as in 1.0.4.
RC1.0.9: Show Ghost Peaks in PolyScope2
When I select a system in the plane & then move the cursor away from it, the peaks of the selected system turns grey after some distance.
This makes the system hard to see in crowded regions.
The selected system should stay white independent of the position of the cursor in the plane.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
When the peaks of the selected system turn grey in the strip, they are nolonger selectable.
This is especially a problem with aliased systems since the spins in the strip are not selectable when the aliased system is selected in the plane.
RC1.0.9: PolyScope2 feature: color depth queue for ghost peaks
depth queuing
visual queues which are used to indicate whether a displayed ghost peak is above or below the current plane (in ppm)
Current method of depth queuing:
A small dot above label indicates that the ghost peaks plane is at higher ppm than the current plane.
A small dot below label indicates that the ghost peaks plane is at lower ppm than the current plane.
This is rather hard to distinquish at a glance.
It becomes esp. hard in crowded regions.
Change the depth queueing to a color code.
This has advantages:
1) the depth-queue is intuitive and quick to see.
2) peaks belonging to same system have same color.
1) color-blind people could have problems.
2) uses colors which might be needed for other tasks in coding peaks.
Workaround for disadvantages:
Give user option of using color depth queue or symbolic depth queue (with dot or arrow as is done now).
1) peaks below the current plane are coded magenta.
2) peaks above the current plane are coded cyan.
(both colors are intense and have good contrast to the red & green contours on black background)
3) the color intensity is scaled down with increasing distance from the current plane (ppm)
I.e. a linear scale starting at cyan & mixing more black as the distance increases. Peaks with maximum distance are nearly black.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
I will produce a version with a different color (additional to the small rectangle). The problem with cyan and magenta is their brightness. The intensity decay with increasing PPM distance will probably only work for three to four steps.
RC1.0.9: shortcut
"fp" & "bp" is used so frequently in repetition that
an even faster shortcut would be most welcome which does not require the user to hit two positions on the keyboard everytime.
"fp" "fp" "fp" "fp"
is a frequently used method to rapidly scan through planes.
The user wants to keep his/her eyes on the screen, but if he mistypes "fp" once, then he is slowed down.
Proposal (new shortcuts):
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
SynchroScope, PolyScope:
1) Start with HSQC.
2) select a 3D in the strips window (HNCA)
3) select a system in plane.
4) I select a spin in a strip.
Now I see two traces in the 1D windows.
Green trace: HSQC.
cyan trace: HNCA.
This is good.
5) I switch to "3D" in the plane.
6) I select the same system.
Now I see one trace in the 1D windows.
Green trace: HSQC.
The 1D trace from the 3D is not displayed even though the 3D is displayed in the Plane-pane.
This is not logical to me.
If anything it should display only the cyan trace from the HNCA.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Exporting an Integration Table with 1 spectrum in batch list results in a table with no amplitudes.
With 2 spectra in batch list, two rows are generated containing the amplitudes.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
RC1.0.9: PolyScope (& PolyScope2)
Hard crash caused by entering the command "li".
How to cause crash:
(1) Start PolyScope with HSQC
(2) Select Spectrum HNCA
(3) Pick System in plane.
(4) Pick Spin in Strip.
(5) Enter command "li".
The crash is hard. No error messages.
written to terminal:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The Crash does not occur with SynchroScope.
You can enter the label as expected here.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Jim Masse tells me that using the projected spins (CB-1 & CA-1) in addition to the Intra-system spins (e.g. CB, CA) increases the accuracy of fragment alignment.
Currently there is the option "use neighbors" in "align fragment" window to include CB-1 & CA-1 of the 1st residue in the fragment. But no option to use the remaining projected spins.
Suggested implementation:
(1) rename "use neighbors" to "use projected spins in termini"
(2) introduce a new option "use projected spins"
This option includes the shifts of the projected spins in the algorithm to align fragments.
if the CB-1 & CA-1 of residue 3 are picked, then the algorithm align fragments will include a term which compares the shift of CB-1 in residue 3 to the library value for CB in residue 2. (& same for CA-1).
This will allow fragments to be mapped considering the shifts of projected spins (e.g. cases where CB-1 of residue 3 is picked, but CB of residue 2 is not) will still consider the shift of this CB in the mapping.
Inconsistencies in the positions of CB for residue 2 & CB-1 of residue 3 are also penalized in this scheme (as they should be).
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
As a work-around this can be achieved by a Lua script which copies the missing -1 spins. Or did I get this wrong?
Yes, but this is impractical since I am mapping these fragments and may change my mind.
The spin created by your algorithm could carry an "origin" attribute with the system number it came from. You could then extend the algorithm to first delete all spins with an origin attribute other than the number of the current neighbor.
RC1.0.9: SynchroScope, Polyscope
Useability/feature request
When I click a position in the Strip, the traces for the 3D appear in the 1D panes.
If I move the cursor in the plane these traces dissapear.
I'd like to see these 1D traces from the 3D even when I move the 2D cursor.
This is because seeing the traces simultaneously is a handy way to calibrate the spectrum.
When the peaks from the two traces are shifted with respect to eachother, it indicates that the two spectra are miscalibrated with respect to eachother.
Proposed Method to calibrate 3D:
(1) click on a peak in the strip.
--- the 1D traces from the 3D appear in cyan.
--- the maximum is shifted with respect to the green traces.
(2) move cursor in plane to maximum of cyan traces using arrow keys
--- currently impossible because cyan traces dissapear as soon as i move cursor in plane with arrow keys.
(3) select peak in 2D at maximum of contours in 2D.
(4) select "Plane-Calibrate".
(5) now the maxima of the traces should overlap.
--- currently impossible because cyan traces dissapear
An even more elegant way to calibrate:
After the 1D traces appear for the 3D.
(1) User ctrl-click-drags in the 1D pane.
--- The cyan trace is shifted with the drag (the green trace does not move)
--- When the user releases the mouse button,
Cara calibrates the 3D to match the new position of the cyan trace!
This has the great advantage of being fast and independent of the picking of peaks.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
I'm not sure whether there is a misunderstanding but there is a "Hide 3D Slices" option in the View menu which for me seem to do exactly what you want.
RC1.0.9: PolyScope, SynchroScope
Cannot SHIFT-select one peak when two are overlapped.
E.g. I place the cursor where I want to move the peak.
I try to SHIFT-select the peak (two are overlapping)
I execute "move peak".
CARA: not available in this state.
It is much more efficient to move peaks longer distances
with this method rather than with alternative (workaround):
(1) select peak with normal click.
(2) use multiple arrow key hits to move cursor to correct position.
(3) execute "move peak"
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
What you want is actually already possible: you select the peak with a click, the press the ALT key and click to the place you want it to move. Unfortunately Linux swallows away the ALT key (it works on Windows). I will implement a SHIFT+right click gesture to move the cursor without deselecting or (if you prefer) to select a single peak.
Selecting single peaks works already. I just click on overlapped peak and each click selects one of the peaks.
So I prefer:
SHIFT+"right click" to move cursor without deselecting peaks.
Hi Rochus
In the fragment alignment window, I usually get many possible alignments. It would be nice to be able somehow mark the algnments that I can rule out, so that they don't appeat next time at the top of the list and I have to go through them again.
Possible solution: right klick on alignment - option "drop" or "rule out". alignment is marked graphically and moved to the bottom of the list. Important: the program must remember this at the next start.
Thanks a lot!
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Alvar Fred & Rochus discussed how to implement this.
Since the "show alignment" window is calculated each time it is executed and the fragments are not stored (calculated dynamically) the best solution is to exclude systems from being at a defined sequence position.
If I want to exclude a fragment with System#10 aligned to Residue ALA22, User can force CARA to eliminate alignments with System#10 assigned to ALA22.
It should be possible to turn this filter on and off.
When the filter is turned off, it may be convenient to indicate these "drop residues" in the alignment window as a symbol in the residue box (like the black square used to indicate that the residue is already assigned.
Also, it would be most convenient to be able to "drop residue" directly in the show alignment window.
Hi Rochus
This issue is related to the "drop possible alignmens" issue
I would also like to mark graphically within the list of fits in strip scope the fits that I can rule out to be right. they should also been given a low priority when I display them.
Possible Example: right click on a system - select any of the show fits, successors predecessors... - one gets the normal display (until here everithing normal). Then one should be able to right click either on the strip or on the puzzle piece in the left window and have the option "drop" or "rule out". the puzzle piece turn grey and is moved to the bottom of the list. alternatively the user could give a very low value to the fit and rank it this way.
The next time I do any of the "show xxx" these "dropped" systems should only appear as last possibilities. maybe the color of the spinsys. number in the strip could also be grey for these systems. The program shoul remember it at the next start.
When thinking about this I see that its not a very trivial thing, I don't want to fill you up with work, I just want to communicate my ideas on how to improve the program.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Rochus
In strip scope it would be useful if the program saves the countours individually for the different spectra.
If I'm working with one spectrum at c-level 500 and jump to the other spectrum, it is shown also with 500. Then I have to change it to eg 200. back to the first spectrum and the countour levels are way to low.
Thank you
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Are you working with the most recent version? I thought that I implemented this some versions ago, but I will check again.
Hi Rochus
In the Strip scope, If one has more than the displayable strips one jumps from one page to the next. It would be very nice to have a ruler at the bottom of the window to jump stripwise to the left or to the right
Many thanks
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
How about a command like "nn" or "pp" to step only a single strip to the right or left (alternative to fs/bs, which remain available). Or is there a better mnemonic?
A related feature that would be nice:
overlap number
When I jump to the next page with "fs" I cannot check the connectivity between the last strip of page 1 and the first strip of page 2.
A nice fix: A parameter which allows the number of overlapping strips from one page to the next to be set.
E.g. If i set overlap number=1 then the last strip of page 1 will appear as the first strip of page 2.
RC1.0.9: SystemScope Feature to switch between spectra.
Currently if I open SystemScope with a particular spectrum, then only that spectrum is available in the "Select Spectrum" menu (or spectra with identical ATOM types in all three dimensions).
E.g. of problem:
I open hCCH-COSY.
only hCCH-COSY is available.
HcCH-TOCSY is not available. I have to open a second SystemScope with this spectrum.
Actually any spectrum with the same ATOM type in dimension D1 is needed to do assignments.
3D 15N-resolved TOCSY
If I switch between the spectra, the anchors can reflect that spectrums ExperimentProcedure.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
RC1.0.9.1: feature
A parameter "PeakRange" stored with the spectrum.
It controls the "thickness" of ppm values to which the ghost peaks are displayed.
Each dimension of a 3D has a PeakRange.
e.g. PeakRange = 0.1 ppm in Hnoe dimension of 3D 15N NOESY.
I view the plane with Hnoe = 4.70ppm.
Therefore ghostpeaks with Hnoe position 4.65-4.75ppm are displayed.
How to set the PeakRanges (Two possible implementations):
PeakRange is set in a context menu for each dimension.
E.g. SynchroScope:
PeakRange for Hnoe (z dim) is set in plane.
PeakRange for N (y dim) is set in left strip.
PeakRange for HN (x dim) is set in right strip.
alternative graphic approach to setting PeakRange using the cursor box.
E.g. SynchroScope:
PeakRange for HN & N (x dim & y dim) is set in plane
-- simply click-drag around a peak in the plane while displaying the 3D & then execute "set PeakRanges".
The PeakRange(x dim) and PeakRange(y dim) are taken directly from the last dimensions of the box (x range & y range)
PeakRange for HN & Hnoe (x dim & z dim) is set in the left strip.
-- simply click-drag around a peak in the strip.
The PeakRange (x dim) and PeakRange (z dim) are taken directly from the last dimensions of the box (x range & y range)
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
In the case that click-drag is implemented,
the dialog displayed with "set PeakRange" could display the values obtained from the cursor-box and allow the user to edit them or click OK.
StripWidths are nolonger adjustable when they are defined in the SpectrumType.
However I'd like to adjust these parameters on the fly while working in a scope.
On the other hand I'd also like to store them so that each spectrum has its strip width (e.g when i switch spectra).
default values (when they are not defined) could be taken from the spectrum type, or if not included there from some defined set of values.
(e.g. 15 x res of spectrum dim)
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
RC1.0.9.1: PolyScope2 (but not PolyScope)
A change in PolyScope2 with respect to PolyScope.
Is this change intended?
When I turn off "show unlabeled spins", all unlabeled spins dissapear in both the plane & the strip (unless i am showing a 3D NOESY)
PolyScope (original):
When I turn off "show unlabeled spins", all unlabeled spins dissapear in the plane, but they continue to be displayed in the strip (for both 3D NOESYs & 3D TOCSYs)
This is a problem since the unlabeled spins are most often not attached to the anchor nucleus, but should appear in the TOCSY step since I can reach any spin in the system.
When "unlabeled spins" is off:
not attached to anchor = don't show in plane
can be reached in ExpProcedure = show in strip
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Currently cursor can only move vertically in strips.
It would be useful if cursor could also move horizontally.
1) move peak (the attached anchor spin would also change position - like in the plane in PolyScope)
Move peak is one of the most frequent commands used.
Currently to adjust the other dimensions, user has to select spin in plane & move up/down & left/right or open a second rotated scope.
This is often nonintuitive since the direction of movement is not the same in plane & in strip (e.g vertical vs horzontal).
Also due to extensive overlap in the plane it is not obvious where the peak should be moved. In the strip, however it is often clear since the third dimension affords less overlap.
2) calibration.
same advantages as for move peak.
1) a second cursor line appears (vertical).
2) strip anchors still determines the position of the strip.
3) "move spin" only moves the displayed attached-spins vertically.
4) "calibrate from spin" calibrates only the strip axis (same as "calibrate strip" now)
5) "move peak" moves both the anchor spin & the selected spin (anchor-spin moves horizontally, attached-spin moves vertically. A movement adjusts the strip-anchor & so the strip position changes (replot strip at new position)
6) "calibration from peak" acts on both the vertical & horizontal axis (like when "calibrate from system" is used in plane of polyscope).
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
RC1.0.9.1: PolyScope(1&2) "LabelSpin" dialog window is too small on Linux version.
The window does to adjust the vertical dimension so that all labels are displayed.
Since the vertical scroll is very small, many users do not notice that there are additional lines in the window.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Should read:
The window does NOT adjust the vertical dimension so that all labels are displayed.
RC1.0.9.1 PolyScope2
How to reproduce:
1) pick spin in strip. (spin has no label, but has a system ID)
2) execute "undo"
The spin remains but has no label & no system.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I can select the spin.
If I try to execute "delete spins"
CARA: "cannot delete spins not belonging to this project".
If I know switch to CARA explorer window and select the
"Spins" explorer pane,
CARA crashes hard.
Last lines to terminal before crash:
QLayout "unnamed" added to QDialog "", which already had a layout.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This should be switched to CRITICAL (hard crash problem)
This issue is far-reaching in its consequences and to make clear what I mean, I first make three definitions.
Projected Spin.
A spin with a non-zero offset (e.g. CB-1).
Source System.
The system where a projected spin was picked.
Target System.
The projected spin refers to a spin in the target system.
I pick a spin A with label CB-1 in the CBCAcoNH strip of system 1 (the source system).
System 2 is the predecessor of system 1.
Therefore it is the target system of spin A.
From this it is deduced that the shift of spin A (CB-1) in system 1 refers to the spin B (CB) in system 2.
The label CB-1 is used to match the shift of spin A in system 1 (CB-1) to the shift of spin B in system 2 (CB).
However, after the two systems are linked sys.2->sys.1,
the information of spin A (CB-1) is ignored.
This is not a problem if the spin B (CB) is visible in some spectrum and picked before the system-linking stage of assignment.
However sometimes the CB is not seen. The information from spin A (CB-1) is then ignored in the fragment alignment stage of assignment and not visible in sys.2 during sidechain assignment with SystemScope.
copy projected spins into target system when the target system is linked into a fragment including the source system.
E.g. sys.1 contains spin A (CB-1). sys.2 contains NO spin with label "CB".
When I link sys.2 -> sys.1, spin A is copied as a new spin, spin B (CB) into sys.1.
This will allow fragments including sys.1 & sys.2 to use the information from the spin A (CB-1) in fragment alignment in the form of spin B (CB).
To make the procedure reversible, the spin B must be marked as being derived from the link from sys.2->sys.1
If this link is removed, then spin B must be removed from sys.2.
In a way a projected spin can be used to create a spin in the target spin "by reference" to the projected spin when the link is created connecting the two in a fragment. As soon as the fragment is broken the reference is removed.
Priority Reasons
I give this Urgency High not because it must happen soon, but because I think it is an important part of the model which is not yet included.
Currently the user must manually create the spins in the target systems, but this is a tedious method of testing hypotheses for linking systems into fragments which are then aligned. It should be an efficient and general procedure since the info can be deduced from the model.
8 years and 8 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Copy/paste is rather inconsistent on Linux.
Esp. for longer scripts it can be an annoying method.
How about including import/export LUA script functions in the terminal window?
Please also include an option "Save as" in the ScriptEditor.
8 years and 8 months and 1 week old
I'm still missing the "Save As" feature in ScriptEditor window.
After I edit the script, I often decide I want to save under a new name, but now I am stuck.
Open a texteditor from the shell.
Copy-Paste into texteditor.
close ScriptEditor without saving.
Paste into new ScriptEditor window.
Turning off Peak Inference allows user to see only spin-links in the Strips of NOESY spectra.
This is quite useful in the NOESY crosspeak assignment stage of a structure determination, since I nonger need to see all spins in the system, but rather am interested in seeing only spin-links (in fact the "-1" inferred peaks in the strip distract and make it difficult to see the real peals)
Turing off the inferred peaks however results in the dissapearance of all the peaks in the plane, making navigation in this mode impossible.
Feature Request:
Three options
Turn off the "-1" peaks in the strips, but leave on the inferred peaks in the plane.
Include an option to turn on/off inference in the strip.
Replace the "-1" step of NOESY peak inference with the following:
Incl. spin-links between Atoms in the ResidueTypes which correspond to the short distances observed within Residues independent of the 3D structure of the protein (Wuthrich et al)
8 years and 8 months and 1 week old
same as short cut for plane "ll"
8 years and 8 months and 1 week old
Calibration independent of peaks:
place cursor where you want the maximum (cyan trace) to be shifted to.
place the mouse arrow on the current maximum (green trace).
Select context menu "quick calibrate".
8 years and 8 months and 6 days old
When I export strip peaklist to monoscope,
all the labels in the resulting peaklist are "N" + ResidueId
I would like to labels to reflect my choice for the "Show Labels" command in the strip menu.
8 years and 8 months and 5 days old
To remove aliases within the spin list, the alias value must be set equal to the spins value.
This is not entirely logical. I expect most users would expect that if (s)he sets the alias to the spin value, the alias remains and happens to be equal to the spins value.
After removing the alias in this fashion, the alias dissapears from the spinlist, but the "x" symbol remain in the strips. This is NOT because one of the spins in the anchor has an alias defined! (This I checked - also, I see strips with one spin having a "+" symbol and one having a "x" symbol before and after removing the alias.
something is not working here.
Suggested modification:
introduce an explicit menu item "remove alias" in the spin-list.
remove a function removeAlias() into CALUA.
Please see also the related issues previously reported asking for a context menu to remove alias for a selected peak.
"remove peak alias" would remove all aliases belonging to a selected peak.
"remove spin alias" would remove only the alias of selected spin in the strip.
8 years and 8 months and 4 days old
modification (2) above should read:
"introduce a function removeAlias() into CALUA.
There is no selection tool for spins.
Actually the problem could be addressed by programming LUA scripts to select a set of spins. (This allows quite complex selections to be made).
However there is no way to affect the CARA interface with these selections.
1) include the possibility to define the spins/systems shown in the spinlist.
I.e. a CARA function or accessible CARA variable which defines which spins are displayed in the spinlist.
This would allow the user to select a subset of spins or systems which he wants to analyse or modify.
He could inspect the spins before executing the commands to modify them.
include a new menu item to select all the spins in the displayed spinlist.
"select spinlist"
allow the user to define the color (or symbol) of peaks originating from doubles or tuples of this set of spins separately from other spins.
8 years and 8 months and 4 days old
Do I understand this correct: you would like to implement custom filters in Lua to decide which spins are displayed in the spin lists (or even on the planes and strips)?
I am looking for a solution to the problem of spin selection.
For a number of LUA scripts where I want to manipulate a set of spins I use the following strategy.
A Block of code which filters the spins and assigns them to a table if they match the criteria.
A second Block of code which manipulates all the spins in the table.
It occured to me that this could be a solution to our spin-selection dilemma.
If you give the LUA API access to the table of spins (or systems?) used to generate the SpinList then the user could custom configure it.
Commands could be executed on this table of spins.
remove them all.
assign all of them an attribute.
display their strips.
The possibilities once a selection tool is available are many. PolyScope2
The wrong labels are exported to Peaklist when "export strippeaklist" is executed.
e.g. I display the label "CA 43" in strip (Label + Residue No.)
I get "N 43" in Exported PeakList displayed in MonoScope.
This problem does not occur in original PolyScope.
8 years and 8 months and 4 days old
Slicer refuses to open a correct Bruker 1D.
Error Message: ...Invalid submatrix size ...
Possible cause: Slicer seems to expect $XDIM in complex points, however they are given in real points.
Workaround: Change this line:
##$XDIM= 8192
##$XDIM= 4096
8 years and 8 months and 3 days old
A new shortcut "gr" and menu item in SpinList: "goto residue".
After sometime working with assigned systems I think in terms of residue number not the (arbitrary) system numbers.
The command would simply call the "gs" command for the system corresponding to the residue in question.
E.g. if I enter "gr 3" CARA determines that system 123 is assigned to residue 3 and executes "gs 123".
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
"Show orthogonal" always resets the spectral range to the default values along the horizontal axis.
This is not convenient when the user has shifted to the folded region using Ctrl-click-drag.
E.g. when I start on HA-CA and select HB2 in strip and execute "Show orthogonal", the CB frequency line is not visible because its folded. So a drag spectrum into folded region.
Now I select HB3 and repeat "Show orthogonal". CARA resets the X-axis to the unfolded region. I have to again drag spectrum to folded region.
I move to HG2, the same thing happens.
HG3, same etc.
It would be convenient if the horizontal ppm range of the orthogonal plane would be persistent as long as the strip anchor is not changed.
"ww" could be used to "Fit Window".
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
Project Spins (CB-1) represent information about neighbor systems. As soon as the neighbor is known (e.g. predecessor is linked) additional information is available (the chemical shift of CB for predecessor).
CARA ignores this information.
E.g. even though the CB shift is available, it is ignored when the command "align fragment" is executed.
Also the CB shift is not available for peak inference. I.e. the model which CARA presents to the user is incomplete.
everytime the user links a system with its predecessor, (s)he must create spins in the predecessor systems and label them for every spin with offset of -1 in the system (unless the corresponding spins already exist). When (s)he unlinks the systems the spins must be removed again.
During the fragment-building phase of an assignment this can be a very tedious workaround.
E.g. Project with HNCA and CBCA(co)NH. The information from CB-1 of CBCAcoNH is hard to use even though it potentially contains a lot of useful info on ResidueType.
E.g. Project with HNCA, CBCAcoNH, HNCACB & hCCcoNH. Sidechain C-1 spins are hard to use.
When a Link is made between system 1 and system 2, the projected spins of system 2 with offset -1 are copied into system 1 as spins with same label & offset 0 (unless the spin with same label already exists in system 1). Their origin as spins deduced from the system-link is recorded as an attribute of the spin indicating that the spin was derived from linking the two systems into a fragment.
This attribute is the basis for the undo function.
If a link is removed such that the two systems are nolonger in the same fragment, then the spins with the attribute indicating the system-link are also removed.
Note this model is generalizable to offsets other than -1.
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
Peak inference currently works within the ResidueType of the active System and simulates the pathway extending into neighbor systems by using the Generic Residue and the *Set Terminals*.
The peaks corresponding to spins in the neighbor system are displayed if a spin is found in the active system with the offset corresponding to the neighbor position.
E.g. If a spin with label CB-1 is available in the active system and the pathway extends to CB of the generic residue, then CB-1 is displayed in the CBCAcoNH strip of the active system.
If however the CB-1 was never picked in the active system, but the predecessor was linked (and contains a CB) no peak is displayed in the CBCAcoNH strip of the active system even though this peak can be inferred from the information available.
This is again a situation where CARA does not model straightforward consequences of the available data.
A number of problems with this:
1) User may miss important available information.
2) User may miss incosistency in model because expected peaks (that CARA could infer) are not shown and so the missing crosspeaks are not taken as evidence of a problem.
3) User is forced to pick peaks which are redundant (since they could be derived from previously obtained info).
4) Inconsistency can be introduced due to this redundancy (e.g. moving CB without moving CB-1).
Proposal to extend pathway simulation to neighbor systems:
1) When a link to the predecessor is present, the pathway simulation could be extended into the ResidueType of that predecessor (if assigned - otherwise use generic residue).
2) The spins reached in the ResidueType of the predecessor should be compared to the available spins in predecessor system (instance level). Peaks inference is extended to these spins.
Aligned Fragment:
CBCAcoNH SpectrumType
Pathway extends from Val HN-N through *set terminal* C to CA and CB of Ala.
HN (Val)
N (Val)
CA (Ala)
CB (Ala)
Instance level:
take HN & N ppm from Val4.
take CA & CB ppm from Ala3.
peak inference:
D1: HN
D3: N
D2: CA
Label: HN V4/CA A3
D1: HN
D3: N
D2: CB
Label: HN V4/CB A3
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
Seems to be a double of (sent on 05:03 in the morning ;-) ).
RC1.0.10.1 SystemScope2
I miss the frequency lines in SystemScope2 (available in SystemScope1).
They are an excellent way to screen for the TOCSY towers in the orthogonal plane.
I refer to the deep yellow horizontal lines for the spin positions in the strip, and the white vertical lines indicating the spin positions along the orthogonal axis.
Option to turn them on/off in View menu :
"Show Frequency Lines" (shortcut "fl")
To keep the screen from getting too busy, the labels for the spins should dissapear when they are on.
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
I can reintroduce the horizontal dark yellow lines, but I definitely replaced the vertical "spin lines" by real cross-peaks (becaues of compatibility to the ghost-peaks).
Since the active system has a special status, i don't see the need to make the label format identical (compatibility).
In fact the vertical line is a very effective queue for filtering the tower of interest out of the background of many other peaks.
Another point: the labeling format generates unnneeded redundancy and overlap in the Full View.
In a TOCSY tower I see CD1, CD1, CD1, CD1, CD1 for each of the peaks belonging to the system. A single vertical line with a label at the bottom of the line is much more efficient.
On the other hand, for detail work...
If I zoom in then the overlap is reduced and I may need the labels to sort things out.
I'd really like to have both options.
Two "View" options for plane:
1) Vertical Frequency line & no labels (just crosses)
2) No Frequency line but with labels.
option "show labels" in SystemScope to adjust label format.
prefereably separate for the strip and the orthogonal plane.
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
SystemScope command to goto system "gs"
Currently I have to use the menu bar to select the system. This can be slow, esp. if system has a high number.
Introduce a shortcut "gs" which switches system number.
E.g. "gs 10" changes to system 10.
In addition, if I am looking for a residue (not a system) then its even slower since the list in the pull-down menu is not ordered by residue number.
Introduce also here the shortcut "gr" which switches to the residue.
E.g. "gr 5" changes to system assigned to residue 5.
If there is no assignment to res. 5. CARA says "res.5 not assigned yet".
8 years and 8 months and 2 days old
Strip Label format "Main Label and Sys" gives different results depending on the scope.
E.g. opening 3D 15N NOESY gives the following results for different scopes in the Strips
"HA 27", "HA 29", "HB 29", "HG13 29"
"HN 27", "HN 29", "HN 29", "HN 29"
"HN 27", "HN 29", "HN 29", "HN 29"
The format used in PolyScope2 is actually very useful. Unfortunately it is only available in PolyScope2!
It should be available everywhere with a different name which is everywhere consistent.
Proposal for nomenclature:
"D2 label"
means the label along D2 dimension(strip dimension)
"D1 label"
means the label along x axis of plane.
"D3 label"
means the label along y axis of plane (strip depth)
Generally I think the label options need to be reformed, many are not useful and also have unclear names.
Proposal for label format options:
2 level solution for maximal efficieny and flexibility:
1) decide which "fixed label formats" will be kept & throw out the rest.
2) allow user to compose additional label formats from individual elements.
e.g. "D1 label", "D2 label", "D3 label", "", "".
see the related Issue:
In any case please introduce the PolyScope "D2" format into all scopes. I need to see the label of the spins along the Strip axis (not the anchor axes)!
8 years and 8 months old
PrintPreview labels are not 100% consistent with the label formats of PolyScope. It seems that when "Main Label" or "Main Spin Number" are selected, PrintPreview uses a different spin than the other Scopes.
E.g. Label format 8 "Main Label & System"
QD1 122 (PolyScope)
CD1 122 (PrintPreview) ***
QD1 122 (SystemScope)
QD1 122 (StripScope)
Review of Label Formats (different behaviour marked by ***)
"Main System Number" shows:
"122" (all Scopes)
"Main Sys. & Res Number" shows:
"I122" (all Scopes)
"Main Spin Number" shows:
"12218" (PolyScope)
"12219" (PrintPreview) ***
"12218" (SystemScope)
"12218" (StripScope)
"Main Tag" shows:
"QD1" (PolyScope)
"CD1" (PrintPreview) ***
"QD1" (SystemScope)
"QD1" (StripScope)
"Main Tag & Offset" same as "Main Tag"
what is the difference actually?
"Main Label" same as "Main Tag"
Is there a difference?
"Main Number and Label"
Same as "Main Number" + "Main Label"
"Main Label & System"
Same as "Main Label" + "Main System"
see start.
"Main Label & Sys/Res" shows:
"QD1 122" (PolyScope)
"CD1 122" (PrintPreview) ***
"QD1 122" (SystemScope)
"QD1 122" (StripScope)
"Labels with Residue" show:
"QD1/CD1 I122" (all Scopes)
"Labels with System" shows:
"QD1/CD1 122" (all Scopes)
"Labels with System or Residue" shows:
"QD1/CD1 I122" (all Scopes)
"Label or Num. with Sys. or Res." shows:
"QD1/CD1 I122" (all Scopes)
for an unassigned peak in D1:
"13640/CA 157 (all Scopes)
"Spin Numbers" shows:
12218/12219 (all Scopes)
"System Numbers" shows:
"122/122" (all Scopes)
"Spin & System Numbers" shows:
Same as "Spin Numbers" + System Numbers" (all Scopes)
RC 1.0.11 StripScope2:
I select a system in the SpinList.
I execute "show fragment".
No fragment is found. The strips remain empty. (all systems i tried have this problem)
In StripScope1 this works for the same system.
8 years and 8 months old
Interesting additional behaviour
If I execute "Show All Successors" and immediately afterwards (with the same system) execute "show fragment", then I get a fragment (strips contain data).
If I then select the same (or another) system and repeat "show fragment" no fragment is found (strips are empty)
Have you also tried the selection context menu within the strip?
If I execute "Select Strips" with each of the options i get the following:
1. Manually: 3 4 5
I get strip 3, strip 4, strip 4, strip 5, strip 5
That seems strange already.
2. All:
Seems to really give all strips but in a random order (not according to either system number or residue number)
3. Unpicked Strips (whats this?)
Shows nothing.
4. Unlinked Strips
Shows me only the C-terminal strip (sys. 142)
this System is linked to a predecessor system (141).
5. Fragments
Shows the fragment in question.
I can cause a crash with the following sequence of commands:
1) execute "Show fragment" from the SpinList window. (CARA displays empty strips)
2) execute "Select Strips-Fragments" from context menu of strip.
CARA crashes hard with the following output to console:
cara_1.0.11_linux: StripQuery2.cpp:141: void Spec::StripQuery2::query(Spec::StripQuery2::Query): Assertion `false' failed.
It would be very useful to have the chemical shift ranges for each assigned atom in the SystemScope upper window.
They could be in the same row as each assigned atom.
e.g.for ARG 46 I would see:
These could be color coded to indicate large deviations from the average (in the same way is used for "align fragment".
Use Case
Often when the user tries to find what is unusual about a given residues assignment, it takes a lot of time. I still see a lot of people using pieces of paper displaying average chemical shift ranges.
After a "assign fragment" attempt often a particular residue seems to be at fault (shows a bad alignment score). A quick look in the SystemScope would efficiently locate unusual chemical shifts.
8 years and 8 months old
RC 1.0.11 StripScope2
working with a 3D 13C NOESY.
crashes when I select 4 spins and execute
If I select only 3 spins and execute same command, there is no crash.
8 years and 8 months old
There is no place in CARA-explorer to get information on the type of compression and other information relevant for .nmr files.
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Include an option to turn the ghostpeak labels ON and OFF.
This will reduce overlap of label text in cases where it is a problem.
Default: ghostpeak labels OFF.
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
RC1.0.11.1 SystemScope2
include vertical lines for spin positions in orthoplane.
They can be yellow (like the horizontal frequency lines)and non-selectable.
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
After "show vertical cursor" is activated,
I can move the cursor in the strip horizontally.
However i cannot "move peak" as in PolyScope.
I only can "move spin".
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
Done in R 1.1. Whenever Show Vertical Cursor is enabled, move peak and move peak alias also consider the horizontal dimension.
This does not work if I try to move the peak corresponding to the anchor.
e.g. HcCH-TOCSY in SystemScope:
I turn on vertical cursor.
I load HA-CA anchor.
I select the HA peak
I move cursor horizontally.
I select "Move Spin".
Nothing happens.
P.S. This should really be called "Move Spins" since two spins are selected, or "Move Peak" if you want to follow the nomenclature used in PolyScope.
RC1.0.11.1 SystemScope2
"show spin path" is grey (not available in SystemScope2)
Please keep this feature.
Its very handy to be able to see the structure of the amino acid in context with the SystemScope analysis.
Even if you will postpone the spin path simulation to a later time, do keep the possibility to display the amino acid here.
8 years and 7 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
OK, aminoacid display is available but path simulation is not yet there.
RC1.0.11 SynchroScope & PolyScope & PolyScope2
Hard Crash:
Open HSQC15N with SynchroScope, PolyScope or PolyScope2
Hit the "Home" key.
-> hard crash
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
RC1.0.11.1 SystemScope2
Option to display a different spectrum in the orthoplane and in the strip plane.
Currently I have to play tricks like creating "fictional" spins so that I can observe the spin system found in one spectrum type in the strips of SystemScope.
e.g. create "N" . This allows me to see the strip N-HN in an 15N 3D NOESY and pick the HN, use "show orthogonal" to find the real location.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
There is no menu item to "set tolerence" in SystemScope
although "Propose Spin" is available.
In the orthoplane, "Propose orthospin" is available, but
also no "set tolerence".
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
A selection tool to control which anchors are displayed in StripScope2.
Use Cases:
During Backbone assignment, I want only to see a subset of the possible anchors.
E.g. 15N-based experiments:
HN-N anchors only.
Currently, StripScope2 displays also sidechain anchors:
HE21-NE2, HE22-NE2, HD21-ND2, HD22-ND2, HE1-NE1 etc.
Although this can be useful at later stages of assignment i want to exclude them at early stages.
(Also for the purpose of making StripPlots this must be controllable)
A selection tool which allows one to define which anchors are included (excluded).
The selection tool could start out rather primitive (just an option to exclude sidechains) and be later expanded to allow more sophisticated selections.
Primitive:(Urgency HIGH)
- Exclude side chains checkbox
Basic: (Urgency NORMAL)
- A panel with all possible anchors for displayed spectrum.
(like the display at bottom of SystemScope)
User can select desired anchors (non-selected ones are excluded)
Advanced: (Urgency LOW)
- Possibility to write scripts in LUA which define the set of anchors
- Possibility to select anchors on the Instance-Level.
e.g. all anchors of Residues 10, 11, and 12.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
PolyScope(rotated) & PolyScope2(rotated)
changes the orientation of the rotated spectrum after applying Select Spectrum to another spectrum in the Strip Window.
How to cause bug:
1) open an hCCH with PolyScope(rotated) and switch the two C axes.
2) switch to the HSQC13C in the plane.
3) Note that the Strip axes has Ccosy peaks.
4) select spectrum in strip to 13C NOESY.
5) select spectrum in strip back to hCCH.
Now the strip axis is Cinept. I nolonger see any inferred peaks.
Use each PolyScope(rotated) for only one spectrum (never use "Select Spectrum" in the Strip)
I am forced to use PolyScope(rotated) for this spectrum because CARA does not orient it correctly upon read in.
And I cannot change the orientation by using "Map to Type" in MonoScope. I see a change in appearance on the spectrum in MonoScope, but when I check the spectrum in PolyScope, the Strip axis is still Cinept (not Ccosy).
Note: I reported this bug once before, but apparently its not solved yet.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
RC1.0.11.1 StripScope2
StripScope orders the strips by SystemNumber (not ResidueNumber)
This is a problem if I want to display a StripPlot and is confusing for verifying assignments.
Probably order by ResidueNumber should be standard
with an option to order by StripNumber.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
If you select "show fragment", then the order should correspond to the residue number. It might be disabled if the label set of the HN/N dimensions of the spectrum type is not unique.
This is true, however if I "show fragment", only the strips in the current fragment are selected.
This means if I "goto residue" outside of the range of residues for the current fragment, I get the message:
"System not known or not part of current selection".
This in spite of the fact that "gr" displays an anchor selection dialog if there is more than one anchor.
I think it makes sense to be able to order all the strips from assigned residues sequentially and to place unassigned strips at the end of the list.
Use case:
This is the natural order to display the strips and allows searches "gr" and "gs" to be used effectively.
Otherwise I am forced to use "show fragment" before each search in a new fragment.
Also, if I am looking for signals connecting two adjacent fragments, I have to select all the strips manually, whereas if all strips could be displayed in order of residue assignment this could be done very efficiently (simply "gr N" where N is ending residue of 1st fragment).
RC1.0.11.1 Linux
CARA crashes hard after executing "sf" in PolyScope.
(PolyScope2 does not have the problem)
How to cause bug:
1) open HSQC13C with PolyScope
2) select spectrum: 13Cali-NOESY in strip
3) type "sf".
This does not work every time.
Another (intermittant = not every time) crash:
Do steps 1 to 3 above.
Then start selecting systems in the plane.
After a couple of selections, CARA crashes hard.
"Set Mapping Threshhold" is 200M (200000000)
I have 9 3D spectra loaded.
total memory for the 3Ds (ls -l on Linux)
use PolyScope2.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks old
This happens quite frequently in one cara file (described above, call it test1.cara).
However another cara file (test2.cara) with other spectra (possibly less total data size) has no instability in PolyScope. Even when I read in the SAME 13Cali NOESY that causes the crashes in test1.cara, this does not cause a crash in test2.cara.
I need more info to read in Spectra, Peaklists etc.
CARA should do what I say when I select the orientation.
I still have the impression that it ignores my input for
spectra like hCCH (where both Carbon dimensions are aromatic: hence ppm range 110-130ppm)
Useful info to include for each dimension:
1) max & min Chemical shift in ppm for all peaks
2) Atom Labels if available
1) max & min chemical shift in ppm
2) Atom Labels if available
3) Spectrometer Frequency if available.
4) Order of dimension (e.g. on Bruker 3,2 & 1)
Target dimensions should also display this info:
E.g. if I am reading in a Peaklist onto a spectrum,
the target dimensions are those of the displayed spectrum.
The info listed in spectra above should be displayed.
Map to Type
Include the following info from the SpectrumType:
1) Labels from SpectrumType
2) Atom Type
3) D1, D2, or D3 (orientation in CARA)
4) Mean & Deviation if available.
8 years and 7 months and 3 weeks old
Currently the correct orientation of peaklists, spectra onto type, etc. is still done by trial and error since the info which Cara has available on reading in files is not available to the user.
Actually this is a feature request for ATNOS, however it directly relates to the use of CARA for structure refinement.
ATNOS should be able to read and peak-pick .nmr files.
Otherwise you will not be able to convince users to switch to the .nmr file format.
This is because the peak(spin) positions are finely adjusted during the assignment process. The user wants to use exactly the same NOESY spectrum for assignment & structure calculation.
User will not start with .nmr format if he/she later has to switch to .param or bruker format.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
RC1.0.11.1 StripScope2
1) Open 13Cali-NOESY with StripScope2
2) Select a signal in strip of HB2/CB anchor for Res1.
3) "Propose Spin" suggests HN of Res2. Select it.
CARA creates a spinlink from HN Res.2 -> CB Res.1
I expected a spinlink HN Res.2 -> HB2 Res.1
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
When "Propose Spin" is executed, CARA should create spinlinks between spins connected by HOPS=-1 in the ExperimentProcedure.
This maintains consistency between the NOESY step (HOPS=-1) and the SpinLinks which are displayed.
E.g. for 15N 3D NOESY:
Step1 HOPS=0, ATOM=N, Dim=D3
Step2 HOPS=1, ATOM=H, Dim=D1
Step3 HOPS=-1, ATOM=H, Dim=D2
Since Step3 has HOPS=-1, Spinlinks are created between spins selected in Dim=D1 and Dim=D2 (i.e. between two H ATOMS)
RC1.0.11.1 PolyScope2:
The inferred peaks in Strip are not updated after a "move peak" in the plane of PolyScope2.
How to generate bug 1:
1) Open HSQC13C with PolyScope2
2) Select Spectrum 3D 13C NOESY in the Strip pane.
3) Select a system in the plane.
4) Place the cursor at a new position in the plane.
5) Shift-select a different system (system2) in plane.
6) "Move Peak".
The inferred peaks of system2 are not displayed in the strip.
click at another location with cursor.
again select system2.
Now the inferred peaks appear in the strip.
The same bug occurs if you select system2 and the use shift-right click to place the cursor.
How to generate the bug 2:
After opening HSQC13C with PolyScope2, and selecting the 3D.
1) select system2 in plane.
2) shift right-click at a new location in plane.
(the inferred spins from system2 dissapear in the strip)
3) "move peak"
The inferred spins DO NOT appear in the strip window.
click next to system2 and reselect it again.
NOW the inferred spins from system2 appear in the strip.
This is bothersome since I may be trying different locations for a system and each time after a "move peak" i have to again deselect and reselect the system.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
RC1.0.11.1 linux
"Replace Spectrum" introduces inconsistent calibration values into repository.
How to generate bug:
1) Read in a spectrum (e.g. HSQC15N)
2) Open in PolyScope2 and calibrate it.
3) "replace spectrum" and reload the same HSQC15N.
4) Reopen it with PolyScope2.
The calibration nolonger fits (even though exactly the same
spectrum was read in).
5) recalibrate the spectrum again.
6) Store the repository and close CARA
7) Start CARA and open the repository.
8) Open the HSQC15N with PolyScope2.
Now the calibration is wrong (even though it was correct when the repository was stored!)
If I reload the same spectrum, the calibration values should give the same ppm range as before the reload (since the spectrum file is unchanged).
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.0.11.1 PrintPreview
Please include the label formats available in HomoScope/PolyScope also in PrintPreview.
see also last Issue.
8 years and 7 months and 2 weeks old
To make it easier to find the correct CARA window,
include a menu to switch between the open windows.
This could be located in each window.
Each menu entry corresponds to one open window
alphabetizing the list would be desirable.
See the last issue for the naming convention.
8 years and 7 months and 13 days old
PolyScope2 (possibly other scopes with PLANE & STRIP view)
When I change to the 3D in PolyScope PLANE, it is displayed with the contour level of the 2D spectrum (HSQC15N) NOT the contour level of the 3D.
When I change the contour level with PLANE menu while displaying the 3D, the contour level for the 2D is changed (not that of the 3D).
Proposed change:
CARA should use the contour level associated for the spectrum to display contours of that spectrum. It should adjust contour level for the currently displayed spectrum.
Use Case:
If I open HSQC15N with PolyScope2 and then select the 3D 15N NOESY in the strips,
HSQC15N should be displayed with its CP level in plane.
3D 15N NOESY should be displayed with its CP level in strip.
(This is currently the way CARA works)
If I switch to the 3D in the plane "3D", then CARA should display the plane of the 3D with the contour level of the 3D 15N NOESY (i.e. the same level as for the strips)
The set contour parameter command for PLANE should affect the contour level of the currently displayed spectrum.
e.g. If i display the 3D 15N NOESY in the PLANE, the set contour command for PLANE should affect the 3D (both the PLANE and the STRIP contours should be updated).
8 years and 7 months and 12 days old
RC1.0.11.1 SystemScope2
Include the ATOM TYPE in a separate column for each spin in the spin window.
This is to avoid confusion when a newly picked spin is not given a label
(e.g. C and H can both occur in the range 0-10 ppm)
8 years and 7 months and 12 days old
Please place this in a separate column which is sortable.
Current approach makes it difficult to find the info and prevents the very useful sort option.
RC1.0.11.1 PolyScope2 etc...
The signals which are folded also result in intensity but the crosspeaks due to these folded signals are not displayed in CARA.
Use Cases:
This results in problems in late stages of the assignment when the user is looking for unpicked systems. He does not realize that the system he picks is folded in the 3D and actually already picked.
allow the positions of folded peaks to be displayed in spectra.
8 years and 7 months and 12 days old
I'd be happy to discuss the next time you are at the ETH.
RC1.0.11.1 &
CARA-explorer Tools-Flatten Spectrum
I flattened two 3D 13C NOESYs (aromatic & aliphatic)
Flattened along 1H(D1) & 13C(D2).
All 3D spectra are Bruker format.
Both flattened spectra show artifacts in the baseline (looks like too few bits) for 16bit uncompressed format.
Flattened spectra with 32bit format look OK.
I see this problem both with Linux RC1.0.11.1 & Windows RC1.0.11.2)
Here the flattened D1(1H)-D2(15N) spectrum looks identical whether I flatten with 16bit(uncompressed) or 32bit.
8 years and 7 months and 9 days old
We have to further discuss this. The artefacts are probably due to the large unused amplitude part of the water line. Did you apply clipping?
No I did not apply clipping.
If 16bit is a nonlossy representation of bruker data,
why do i see differences between 32bit & 16bit .nmr flattened spectra?
Possibly related bug:
For these flattened spectra
When I "View-Detect Maximum Amplitudes" with the FULL spectrum displayed I get different numbers for:
"Maxima of whole spectrum"
e.g. Max=19593 Min=-12279
"Maxima & Noise of selected plane area"
e.g. Max=2754117 Min=-1988105
In fact The numbers reported for "Maxima of whole Spectrum" in these flattened spectra are identical to the "Maxima of whole Spectrum" reported for the parent (unflattened) 3D spectrum.
This seems to be an error in the stored parameters of the .nmr file for flattened spectra.
In the last follow-up i made an error in the max,min values.
For the example given, the Max,Min values for "Maxima & Noise of selected plane area" and "Maxima of whole spectrum" should be swapped.
I prepared a 16bit(clipped) flattened spectrum of the 3D 13Cali NOESY using the Max,Min values from "selected plane area" (Max=19593 Min=-12279).
The resulting flattened spectrum looks identical to the 32bit spectrum.
Therefore the bug lies in the "Maxima of whole spectrum" which are incorrectly taken directly from the 3D rather than from the flattened 2D. Consequently, the defaultfor Max,Min used for 16bit(compressed) are not appropriate.
Also I assume you rescale the sample intensities for flattened spectra also in 16bit(uncompressed) format. The rescaling multiplier should be based on the Max,Min values for the flattened 2D, NOT the Max,Min values from the 3D.
In the last follow-up
I mention "16bit(compressed)" in the second to last paragraph. This is an error. I wanted to refer to "16bit(clipped)".
RC1.1 SystemScope
ghost peak labels are not displayed in Orthoplane of SystemScope.
Turning ON "View-Show Ghost Labels" has no affect on ghostpeak labeles in Orthoplane
8 years and 7 months and 9 days old
This seems to be a misunderstanding. Because of a former issue I separated the label format menus for the strip and the ortho planes. You also suggested to not show ortho labels by default. If you now want the ortho ghosts to show labels, you have to 1) select a label format from the Orthogonal menu and 2) enable Show Ghost Labels.
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope
Currently the anchors are determined in StripScope at the time
when the Spectrum is chosen to open with StripScope.
This means that when I switch to a spectrum with different anchors (e.g. from HNCA to HCCH-COSY) that I get illogical anchor locations for the new spectrum.
It would be more useful if StripScope generated anchors for each spectrum separately. That way I can switch between spectra in the list and inspect appropriate anchor strips.
I see the possibility to display the strip from one spectrum as reference and then "fit selected spins" in another spectrum (this would show the strips with matching spins in the second spectrum).
8 years and 7 months and 1 week old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope
Add the possibility to "Replace Strip" in Reference Strip position (Held Strip)
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope, PolyScope, SystemScope
In SystemScope ghostlabels can be turned on/off.
currently all peaks for the selected system are displayed WITH LABELS.
E.g. If the Strip from a HB2/CB anchor is displayed and the anchor HB3/CB is nearby, the labels for HB3/CB are also displayed.
The problem is that the labels from peaks of the HB3/CB anchor overlap those of the peaks from the active anchor: HB2/CB. This makes all labels hard to read.
1) Display only labels from the active anchor in the strip.
E.g. in the example above, only peaks from HB2/CB are labeled.
2) Peaks from non active anchors of the system (e.g. HB3/CB) are unlabeled (but with selectable WHITE "+" symbols).
3) If the "show ghost labels" option is turned on then also the labels for other anchors of the active system are displayed.
E.g. in example, labels for peaks from HB3/CB are displayed.
4) The same change should be made for all the other Scopes with strips: StripScope, PolyScope.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Proposed Feature:
Columns for SystemList in PolyScope to display attributes
Add Column to SystemList to display attributes.
E.g. Attributes of the System, Spins, SpinLinks.
This would be useful to allow display of information imported from structure calculation programs etc.
Implementation Proposal:
Best if I can customize this. I.e. I decide which info I want to display in columns of SystemList and these values are stored in repository.
E.g. I want to see SystemNumber, Spin, Shift, and a user-defined attribute.
But I don't want to see SpinNumber, SystemType.
This would allow me to make the SystemWindow more compact and contain only the information I need for the current application.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 SystemScope
CARA crashes when the command "rl" is entered without an argument.
How to generate Crash:
1) Open 13Cali NOESY with SystemScope
2) select a residue (e.g. "gr 5")
3) Enter "sr"
4) Hit <RETURN>
Cara crashes with no warning messages.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope
When I start StripScope with a 13Cali NOESY selected, the strips are empty.
The default should be changed to "PathWay Simulation-Strip Anchors"
so that the Strips are not empty at the start.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope
It is not possible to select any system as a strip if the anchors are not selected.
If I "Fit All Strips" I cannot execute the command "gs 123"
CARA gives me the "Select SpinTuple Window" and I select a Tuple.
CARA complains: "System not known or not part of current selection"
This is an inefficient way to find out that the System I entered (123) is not in the selected set of anchors.
If the selected System is not in the list of anchors, why ask me for an anchor in the first place?
On the other hand, if some anchors in the system are not in the list, why let me select them? Instead CARA could turn those anchors grey or leave them out of the list in the Select SpinTuple Dialog.
In someway there must be a summary of the selected systems available.
E.g. If the SystemList could reflect the set of available selected systems this would be useful
1) Only the selected Systems could be displayed in the SystemList.
2) Only the selected Spins involved in anchors of the list could be available when a System node is expanded.
e.g. if HA-CA anchor of system 123 is not in the selection, these spins could be shown in grey (or missing) in the SystemList expansion of System 123.
3) To return to all Systems, user applies "Select Strips-All Strips" or Ctrl-A.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope
When I switch from originally opened Spectrum to another spectrum I see nonsense strips (i.e. strips with anchors which make no sense for the spectrum in question).
e.g. switch from 3D 13Cali NOESY (H-C anchors) to 3D 15N NOESY (H-N) anchors.
In the following cases its probably more sensisble to generate a new anchor set for the spectrum in question:
If I switch to a spectrum with different AtomType for one or both anchor dimensions.
e.g. H-C to H-N anchors (different atomtypes for D3)
If there is no overlap of the anchor set (even if the AtomTypes match in both anchor dimensions)
e.g. only HA-CA anchors (spectrum 1) to only HB-CB anchors (spectrum 2)
If some anchors are missing for spectrum 2 which were present in spectrum 1, leave the strip empty.
e.g. HA-CA anchor for System123 occurs in Spectrum1 but not in spectrum2.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 Label info on status line is incomplete
e.g. StripScope, SystemScope
When a peak is selected on the command line, the same information as given in the LABEL format is echoed on the status line.
CARA should display complete information on the peak in question.
e.g. I use LABEL format "main spin".
When I click on a peak I obtain only the "main spin" number.
I do not get complete info ( residue or system number and Label assignments, spin numbers):
HN N8 / HA K8 / N R8 (803 / 705 / 804 )
Similar usability problems with other scopes.
Since this info is hard to read when using the long label formats (due to overlap of text) its important to be able to get it efficiently by clicking on the peaks.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
Currently when I click on an assigned peak in a strip I get:
5312:HG2/5306:HA/53:M53. This format is compact but difficult to read.
I suggest the following format:
M53 HG2/CG / M53 HA (5312/5311 / 5306)
This clearly separates the spins in the anchor pair from the Spin in the strip and indicates the assignment to residues. Also the Spin IDs are separately shown. Since they are often not of interest.
If any information is missing, it can be indicated by a "?":
res:? HG2/CG / res:? label:? (5312/5311 / 5306)
For Systems in the plane it would work analogously:
M53 HG2/CG (5312/5311)
Import Links from peaklist should be rewritten to generate only sensible links between H atoms.
1) only for peaklists with exactly two dimensiosn with AtomType="H"
2) allow user to decide whether to include links between H atoms within same System.
See the attached LUA script for a working example.
8 years and 7 months and 4 days old
RC1.1.0.1 after creating a new spin in one scope (e.g. StripScope), this spin does not appear in the SystemList of other open scopes and is not available.
1) I created an N spin and HN spin for system 167 in StripScope
2) I switch to an open instance of PolyScope.
I try "gs 167".
It is not available.
I check the SystemList: HN & N are not displayed in system 167.
Close and reopen all scopes everytime you create a new spin.
8 years and 7 months and 3 days old
I have not been able to reproduce this bug. It must have been some special circumstance that caused it.
I tried to reproduce this in 1.1.2. No luck. :-)
RC1.1.0.1 Update Template option
Features to update a template are desirable (to help fix problems with out-of-date templates)
Library Update & Replace
This would update or replace entire library
(so that e.g. N-term & C-term & generic residue would be corrected) - see below for definition of Update & Replace.
ResidueType Update & Replace:
option to read in the ResidueType definition from a cara file.
This would allow residueTypes to be updated.
update would replace the residueType definition with identical names.
replace would delete the old residueTypes and replace them with the new ones.
SpectrumType Update & Replace:
same thing as for residueTypes.
If the SpectrumType name matches, the old one is replaced by the new one.
all the old SpectrumTypes are erased and replaced by the new ones.
If a SpectrumType is used in a project, there must be an Error message. "Cannot replace SpectrumType X due to Spectrum Y in Project Z.
Spin System Types:
same options Update & Replace.
alternatively, or in addition, individual SpectrumTypes & ResidueTypes could be replaced with "Replace" commands while selecting the SpectrumType or ResidueType in question.
8 years and 7 months and 3 days old
RC1.1.0.1 StripScope: not all anchors shown with large no. of Labels.
We observed that when the number of labels is large in the strip dimension of an ExperimentProcedure not all anchor strips are displayed by StripScope.
When the labels are removed, all anchors are found.
8 years and 7 months and 2 days old
Could you send me a template where this effect occurs?
I have not seen this recently.
I have a NOESY ExpProc with 22 labels defined in the strip dimension (D2). MonoScope: returns to first plane with "ww" & "sl"
When I display a particular plane and then execute "ww" or "sl", MonoScope changes the Z-cursor position & displays the first plane.
This is an annoying bug when I zoom to inspect a peak and then execute "ww". Now I nolonger see the peak and am in the first plane. (Therefore Urgency HIGH)
Note "Fit to Window" has the same effect.
8 years and 7 months and 2 days old MonoScope double-click on peaklist does not center on peak
When I double-click on a peak in the PeakList, sometimes the cursor is not centered exactly on the peak position in the spectrum. (Center to peak was on).
(The cursor is not exactly on the "+" symbol).
This should always place exactly on + (even if center to peak is off)
8 years and 7 months and 2 days old AutoContour should act on DISPLAYED spectrum in PolyScope
The command "ac" is nolonger available in the "3D" mode of contour.
I am forced to use "zac". However I think it is clear that when I apply "ac" it acts on the displayed spectrum (not on the 2D spectrum loaded with PolyScope).
I think its more logical to keep "ac" acting on the PLANE even if the displayed data is from a 3D rather than have it act on the 2D which is not visible in 3D mode.
Otherwise I have to remember everytime that 3D is on and now I should use "zac" instead of "ac" (the command "ac" is practically a reflex for me).
8 years and 7 months and 2 days old
RC1.1.1 StripScope: Fit to assigned in ViewStrips menu
Include a new option in View Strips menu:
"Fit all to intras"
This would fit all spins in the reference strip to the intra-residue spins (the ones which have a final label and an offset = 0)
Spins with "?" only or offset not equal to zero are ignored.
8 years and 7 months old
RC1.1.1 StripScope-PrintPreview: Links-Add Link does not work
PrintPreview nolonger draws lines at the correct positions when "Links-Add Link" is used.
Randomly positioned horizontal lines are displayed and NO vertical lines are shown.
Use version 1.0rc8 which correctly displays the links in PrintPreview.
Follow these steps:
1) Download Version 1.0rc8 from
2) Make a copy of your Cara repository.
oldrepository.cara -> newrepository_1.0rc8.cara
3) Edit the repository "newrepository_1.0rc8.cara"
and remove the two lines containing the tag "library" and store the file.
4) Now open "newrepository_1.0rc8.cara" with cara_1.0rc8 and proceed as usual to create a PrintPreview plot of your plot with the links displayed.
8 years and 6 months and 4 weeks old
RC1.1.1 MonoScope: Integration ignores folded signals
When integrating a 3D 13Cali NOESY, I found that Integration ignored all peaks whose 13C shift was outside of the spectral range in the 13C dimension.
In fact, MonoScope should integrate these signals at their folded position (since this is where their intensity overlaps non-folded signals)
Otherwise, there will be no benefit of separating the intensity coming from overlapping peaks with the integration algorithm.
This feature is needed to use MonoScope integrated peaklists for structure calculations. The peaklists are folded anyway when they are loaded into DYANA.
Note that it may be of advantage to know that all peaks coming from a folded signal have opposite sign to the unfolded signals in the design of the integration algorithm
8 years and 6 months and 4 weeks old
1.1.1 PolyScope: no Force Label, no ? available in Label Peak
1) I open 3D C13ali NOESY in PolyScope (1H,1H plane)
2) SpectrumType defines D1=HA,D3=CA.
3) I pick a new system in the plane.
- It is given a label "HA" in the D1 dim.
4) I select the system & execute "Label Peak"
- I cannot change the label in D1 dim to "?" (not available)
- No option to force label.
- No option to display labels along depth dim D3.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
This label lists are editable. Just type into the edit part of the list whatever you like. Label and Force are included into the same dialog.
cal value in spectrum-explorer: increase significant digits to 3
In the Cara Spectrum-Explorer for "cal", please increase the number of significant digits to 3.
Often I want to compare the calibrations of different spectra to eachother.
Select each spectrum in turn and execute "calibrate spectrum". Write down the present values and "Cancel".
Repeat for each spectrum you want to compare.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
Please increase the precision of the number in ppm to three digits for the Shift-click-drag distance measurement in spectra.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.1.1.1 Shortcuts should be available independent of which pane has the focus in a window.
"ww" should always "Fit to Window", even if the focus is on the SystemList.
currently the commands are ignored if the focus is not in the spectrum.
This is inefficient:
Use Case:
PolyScope with a color-coded SystemList:
1) double-click on a link in SystemList
- the link is highlighted in the spectrum
- I want to expand to full view
2) "ww"
- nothing happens because the focus is in SystemList pane
3) I must click in the spectrum or hit tab several times
- now focus is in spectrum, but the spinlink is nolonger highlighted
4) "ww"
- Fit to window occurs.
5) I double-click the link again in SystemList to re-highlight it.
In the SystemList window no text can be written to the status line.
numbers are treated as a search for system number but text is ignored.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Done in 1.1.2
You still can't enter commands when the focus is on the list (since the keys are consumed to locate systems), but I now put the focus to the plane if you double click or goto a system. Because of this, you can then enter ww.
Can you also introduce this focus switch for a double-click on a peak in MonoScope?
Spinlinks are visible in spectra where their visi attribute is zero (visi='0')
I import spinlinks from a 3D 13Cali NOESY (ID=2) peaklist and select the option "Hide other links" selected.
In the resulting Repository the spinlinks look like:
<pair lhs='9318' rhs='9316'>
<inst spec='0' rate='0.000000' code='0' visi='0'/>
<inst spec='2' rate='0.000000' code='1' visi='1'/>
However I also see the spinlink in the 3D 13Caro NOESY (ID=0).
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.1.1.2 PolyScope
I click on a peak in a 3D spectrum
execute Propose Peak
The window displays 3 lists of spins, one for each dimension.
When I click at the top of some columns, the list is not ordered correctly.
Click on Fit: correctly sorted
1st click) High to Low
2nd click) Low to High
Click on Shift :
1st click) nothing happens
2nd click) sorted by Fit, high to low
3rd click) nothing happens
4th click) sorted by Fit, low to high etc.
Actually I expect it to sort by Shift (not Fit).
Click on Spin : (actually Label is displayed)
1st click) sorted by Fit, high to low
2nd click) sorted by Fit, low to high
Actually I expect it to sort alphabetically by Label.
Click on Sys: (Residue assignments are displayed)
1st click) sorted by Label (Spin column) A to Z
2nd click) sorted by Label (Spin column) Z to A
Actually I expect it to sort by residue number (followed by Systems which are not assigned sorted by System number)
Use the Spin column button to sort by label
No workaround for sorting by residue & sort by Shift.
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
To save space, it would be useful to hide the slice panes in PolyScope, (or be able to independently resize the slice pane for depth)
8 years and 6 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Hidden Spinlinks visi='0' are still present in the display (the "+" symbols are not shown but they influence the cursor via "center to peak")
When I click near a hidden spinlink (with show hidden links OFF) the center to peak function acts on the cursor. This means that these spinlinks are still present.
Any other functions which are influenced by spinlinks are probably also still acting on these hidden links (possibly also peak selection, move and delete).
with hidden spinlinks off, the spinlinks with visi='0' should have no effect. It should be as if they are not there at all.
8 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
After importing spinlinks (Hide other links) into a 3D (ID 2),
when I display another 3D (ID 3) in PolyScope,
some inferred peaks are missing for the 3D (ID 3).
The missing inferred peaks reappear if I turn off "Show SpinLinks" option. (But dissapear again if "Show SpinLinks" is ON).
The missing inferred peaks all have a corresponding spinlink visible only for 3D (ID 2).
e.g. If there is a spinlink HA I29 - HN I29 visible only in 3D (ID 2). Then the inferred peak HA I29/HN I29 is not visible in the 3D (ID 3).
Actually only the spinlinks should be IGNORED for 3D (ID 2) when calculating the displayed spinlinks.
This should have no effect on visibility of inferred peaks.
8 years and 6 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
Note: If I load spinlinks for 3D (ID 2), then the missing inferred peaks are not noticed as long as intraresidue spinlinks are included during the Import SpinLinks command.
This is because I see peaks at the inferred positions also for intrares peaks (they are actually spinlinks).
There is no change to this bug in the linux version of
This bug appears to be fixed in linux version
RC PolyScope: couple SystemList with Strip spectrum not Plane spectrum
Currently the SystemList shown corresponds to the displayed spectrum in the plane pane.
This means that when I navigate using the HSQC, I do not see the spinlinks in the systemList.
It would be more convenient if I saw the SystemList associated with the Strip Spectrum.
Then I could display the HSQC for navigation and still use the SystemList to move around the 3D.
Use Case.
HSQC in Plane
3D 15N NOESY in Strip
SystemList displays the spinlinks from the 3D 15N NOESY.
If I double-click on a SpinLink, Cara moves the cursor in the plane to the correct HN-N position. And moves the cursor in the strip to the correct SpinLink position.
8 years and 6 months and 11 days old
RC1.1.1.4 PolyScope (possibly other scopes)
Some peaks are not displayed in white even when I am in the plane where the 3D peak is located.
They remain magenta throughout a scan in the depth position
They remain cyan throughout a scan in th depth position.
It seems like in every case these peaks are close to other peaks in the depth dimension which are connected to the same anchor.
These other peaks display in white when the depth position matches their chemical shift.
8 years and 6 months and 11 days old
Some tests reveal:
This only occurs when peaks are very close to eachother in the depth dimension, or when the peak depth parameter is very large.
RC1.1.1.4 Hidden SpinLinks in the SystemList can be double-clicked. This results in an empty tuple list.
To options for a better solution:
Do not open the tuple window and send a message to the status line (spinlink hidden in this spectrum)
Send the message "Spinlink hidden in this spectrum" and
Open the "Set Link Parameters" Window.
8 years and 6 months and 11 days old
RC1.1.1.4 Move the color code box from Predecessor column to the SpinLink symbol. This symbol does not need to be clearly readable like other columns containing text.
When I expand the spinlinks, I always see the spinlink symbol. This would be compact and not obstruct anything.
Also I don't have to move the Pred column to left everytime I open the SystemList.
8 years and 6 months and 11 days old
this is not changed in 1.1.2.
The color is still in the PRED column.
RC1.1.1.4 Lua: peak:getAmp() actually gets Volume NOT Amplitude
When I execute the LUA API command:
it returns the value for Volume (not Amplitude)
peak:getVol() appears to be okay.
8 years and 6 months and 10 days old
RC1.1.1.4 MonoScope
When I double-click on a peak in the peaklist,
the X- and Y- and Z- cursor positions are positioned at the peak.
At the same time the X- and Y- slice pane range is shifted so that the cursor is visible.
However the Z- slice panes ppm range is not shifted so that the cursor is visible. It stays zoomed to the same ppm values as before the double-click.
Shifting the Z-slice panes ppm range is desirable so that the profile of the peak is visible in all three dimensions (e.g. for checking the peak model during integration set-up)
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
RC1.1.1.4 Slice pane
Introduce an option to display individual sample points in the slice panes instead of a line connecting the sample points.
It would be helpful to understand the behavior of integrator and also to get an idea of the raw data (resolution & intensity values).
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
RC1.1.1.4 MonoScope
Peaks in nearby planes to the current plane are displayed (e.g. cyan when above current plane, magenta when below current plane)
The concept is similar to ghostpeaks, but here you already have a peaklist.
When the peaks are within the "peak width" of the current plane, they are displayed.
Or another option:
Use the PeakModel "Width Z" to decide whether peaks are displayed. If they are within Width Z of the current plane, then display them.
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
That's a new story. This needs a redesign of the peak selection and rendering pipeline (like I did for inferred peaks).
The peaks can be selectable. That doesn't matter so much here. The point is to be able to display peaks in planes near the currently displayed one.
Color is useful for depth queueing.
RC1.1.1.4 PolyScope -> MonoScope "Export Strip Peaks"
When I open HSQC15N with PolyScope and then switch Strip spectrum to a 3D (3D 15N NOESY):
If I "Export Strip Peaks to MonoScope"
MonoScope opens with the 3D.
Most peaks have overlapping labels from all the peaks in the tower.
I.e. I click on a peak: "9 peaks found, one selected".
It appears that all peaks in the tower are included under each label.
This happens even though the peaks are located in far away planes.
found 9 peaks:
HN30-HA30...???(far away)
Open the 3D directly with PolyScope (not the 2D HSQC first)
Then the peaklist written out does not generate overlapping labels.
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
RC1.1.1.4 PolyScope: "Set link params" ignores input if 2D is displayed
If I open HSQC15N with PolyScope, then switch to 3D 15N NOESY in Strip.
Any changes I make to spin link parameters from the SystemList
are not shown in the strip.
E.g. If I select a spinlink in the SystemLink and use "Set Link Params" to turn off "visible" status, the peak from that SpinLink remains visible in the Strip.
It only dissapears when I switch to 3D in the plane.
Always display 3D in the plane, to see the correct spinlinks in the Strip.
This Issue is related to
8 years and 6 months and 9 days old
CRASH from StripScope: display some empty strips and change the lane count: then open PrintPreview.
This causes a hard crash.
How to cause Crash:
1) Open StripScope.
(Default is 5 strips shown)
2) Select Strips Manually (4 systems)
--StripScope displays 4 strips with systems & 1 empty strip
3) Open PrintPreview (this works - close PrintPreview again)
4) Now change the lane count to 6.
5) Open Print Preview again (Cara crashes hard)
The crash does not occur if you set the lane count to 4 in step 4).
The crash also occurs if you display a fragment at the end of the sequence (so empty strips are displayed) and then change the lane count before opening PrintPreview - UNLESS after decreasing the lane count no empty strips are displayed.
8 years and 6 months and 1 week old
In the StripScope it is useful to individually scale the strips contour level with "Autocontour" so that weak systems are visible.
This option appears to be missing in PrintPreview.
It seems only to permit "Set contour parameter" mode.
Introduce both "Autocontour" and the parameter "AG".
It would be easiest to take it directly from the parent window "Autocontour" state and "AG" parameter value.
However the user could nolonger change this setting or parameter with this solution...
8 years and 6 months and 1 week old
Option to Display Edit Attributes in SystemList/as PeakLabel
Currently the Attributes created by the user are not really useful within the CARA graphical interface. (Certainly they could be used effectively for some LUA scripts).
The problem is that the Attributes cannot be displayed anywhere (accept for the Object Table where they are not so effective)
Use Cases:
I define an Attribute for Spins with problems that I want to keep track of.
I cannot display this information in any of the scopes, or in the SystemList.
Useful to have
Optional Label Format which displays the Attribute Value next to the crosspeak symbol.
E.g. true/false for a binary.
Option to display a column in the SystemList with the Values of an attribute. Include expand all (like in PolyScope) and the possibility to sort by the attribute value.
8 years and 6 months and 1 week old
Would you want to display only one or a combination of different attributes per cross-peak? Would the attribute replace the label?
I was thinking to display one attribute and to replace the label with the attribute.
The idea was to keep things uncluttered an legible.
Yes, one could have a submenu in the "show labels" menu:
"attribute", within that submenu, all attributes for spins would be displayed. There could also be one for the Systems.
RC1.1.2.1 Global Zoom should have precedence over global cursor repositioning.
Occasionally when I place the global cursor, the zoom regions do not correspond even though global zoom is activated.
This is presumeably because global cursor is placed after global zoom is adjusted, and the centering function (to shift the displayed region so that the cursor is visible) is applied.
This should be inactivated for windows where global zoom is synchronized.
8 years and 6 months and 4 days old
Since the Anchor-list (query) is created fresh after each spectrum selection, there is no reason in principle why the "Select Spectrum" menu should not include all 3D spectra.
(currently only 3D spectra are displayed which share the same anchor-set as the starting spectrum)
This would allow comparison of strips from spectra with different anchor-sets by using "Hold reference Spectrum".
Proposed Use Case:
I select 3D 13C NOESY and select the HA-CA anchor strip of System 1 as reference strip.
Then I execute "Hold reference Spectrum".
Now I use "select spectrum" to switch to the 3D 15N NOESY for the comparison strips.
I can thus compare strips from 3D 13C NOESY (reference strip) with those of 3D 15N NOESY (comparison strips)
8 years and 6 months and 4 days old
it's not possible to pick peaks in the strips and therefore also not possible to propose the peaks
8 years and 6 months and 1 day old
RC LUA API Painter Function causes crash by restarting before the first paint job is completed.
This occurs when many contours are drawn and so painter is not finished when the second paint command is given.
Error message sent to Terminal after hard crash:
QPainter::begin: Painter is already active.
You must end() the painter before a second begin()
ASSERT: "d_this->d_painter" in Canvas.cpp (379)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Please see the LUA script:
at the CALUA page of wiki:
To test:
plot a 2D spectrum at low contour level.
Wait a few seconds.
This should be enough to cause a crash.
But sometimes moving the cursor across the screen or rezooming generates a crash.
The crash only occurs below a given contour threshhold. Above this CARA is stable.
8 years and 6 months and 1 day old
Since the LUA API Manual is not up-to-date, (maybe it will always be behind developments) it would be very useful to have a function integrated into each Object which lists the available functions (and their output value(s)).
E.g. cara:ListFunctions()
would return a list of all functions available in the object project.
It could be returned as a table or simply as text sent to the Terminal window:
Within each function there could be a function "ListParams"
getProject():ListParams() would return the parameters for "getProject":
[projectname] -> text
8 years and 5 months and 4 weeks old
the example is for repository not project. Should read:
"would return a list of all functions available in the object cara."
You can get at least a list of functions (without parameter and return types) by using the template objects, e.g. there is an object called "Repository" which is nothing but a Lua table (pointing to external functions). Use the table iterator functions to get a list of all table fields.
in NOESY spectra
Show inferred peaks displays all H spins in the strip belonging to the spin system.
Show unlabeled (strip menu) has no effect on whether spins with "?" labels are displayed or not.
Show unlabeled (strip menu) does effect which peaks are exported to a strip peaklist.
Show unlabeled (plane menu) causes the display of the cross product of all H and Caro spins in an HSQC13Caro in the plane. I thought that these are the anchors which are used to decide which strips give rise to peaks in the "export strip peaklist" command. This is not the case. Show unlabeled (plane menu) has NO effect on what strip peaks are written out. This is decided by "show unlabeled" (strip menu) which has NO effect on the display of peaks in the strips.
I find this rather confusing.
To me a "what you see is what you get" behaviour for export of strippeaklists would be logical.
1) Turning ON show unlabeled (strip menu) causes unlabeled spins to be displayed in the strips. Turning it OFF, turns off display of unlabeled spins in the strip.
2) The anchors are determined from the peaks observed in the plane. (this means if I turn off "show unlabeled" in the plane menu, then only labeled anchor pairs will give rise to peaks).
3) The spins observed in the strips give rise to peaks in the strippeaklist. (this means if i turn off "show unlabeled" in the strip menu, then only peaks will be generated that combine the anchors with labeled spins).
I don't know if this scenerio will work for all spectrumTypes but certainly it would work for those which start with an HSQC step (e.g. N->HN hops=1).
The reason I suggest it, is that the user can easily survey the peaks displayed in the plane & check the peaks shown in the strips and so he is assured that what he sees is what he gets.
8 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
RC1.1.2.2 PolyScope
after changing the generic residue, the inferred peaks are not updated in the running PolyScope instance.
After switching generic residue from LEU to HIS, the expected HIS anchors HE1/CE1 do not appear. If I pick a system and then label it HE1/CE1, the peak dissapears.
Cara is still working from the old generic residue (LEU) which has no HE1/CE1 anchor pair.
Select Plane-"show unlabeled" ON and then OFF again.
Now the expected anchor pair of HIS HE1/CE1 is displayed correctly.
8 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Same problem when the SystemType is changed or set.
PolyScope does not update the anchor list to reflect this.
workaround is turn ON/OFF show unlabeled.
Short cuts to synchronize SystemList/PeakList w/ selected System/Peak
"ss" synchronize system. Selects the system puzzle piece of the selected peaks system in the SystemList
"sp" synchronize peak. Selects the peak entry of the selected peak in the PeakList
8 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
This issue is resolved in Cara 1.2.3.
PolyScope now has two new commands:
After selecting a system in the plane:
"sh" selects the corresponding spin along the horizontal axis in the SpinList.
"sv" selects the corresponding spin along the vertical axis in the SpinList.
MonoScope has a new command:
After selecting a peak in the plane:
"sp" selects the corresponding peak in the PeakList.
Some work with PeakLists is still necessary (for example during peak integration and inport/export with structure calculation programs)
It would therefore be very helpful to be able to access more information about individual peaks, such as:
- peak number
assignment info
- residue number
- label of spin
for each dimension of the peak.
This information should be displayable as text next to the peak symbol "+" and as columns in the PeakList.
A checkbox dialog to select which information should be displayed next to the peak would be very useful.
However, even just the label format options like in other scopes would be useful.
e.g. if all three dimension res/sys num + label where displayed:
"HN 3/N 3/HA 4"
In the case where the spin number is given and spin has no label: "? 3"
In the case where no assignment is available:
This way peaklists returned from structure calculation programs could also be inspected directly (the assignments come from the proton list given as input to the structure calculation program and this proton list is derived from the project itself.
8 years and 5 months and 3 weeks and 3 days old
When Show Unlabeled is turned off, Pick New System should function like "Pick Label" so that the spin does not dissapear as soon as it is picked.
Show Unlabeled should be off as default. It leads to confusing inferred peaks in the plane.
8 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Extend Vertical and Extend Horizontal should ask for a label if "Show unlabeled" is turned off.
Current behaviour is confusing since the newly picked peak is not displayed when "Show unlabeled" is off.
8 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
For Strip-plots of sidechain systems, it would be useful to be able to include the anchor labels at the bottom of the strip (like they appear in the StripScope strips)
8 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
RC1.1.2.2 PrintPreview
Sequential connectivity (currently available)
PrintPreview can draw "links" between adjacent systems. This represents the sequential connectivity.
The algorithm works within each strip independently.
e.g. if I draw "CA" links
A horizontal line is drawn starting from each CA and going to the right edge of the strip.
A horizontal line is drawn starting from each CA-1 and going to the left edge of the strip.
A vertical line is drawn connecting CA and CA-1 within each strip.
Intraresidual connectivity (feature request)
If I display a sidechain system, I would like to draw lines connecting spins with the same label horizontally and lines connecting the spins with different labels vertically.
The algorithm would have to be aware of what is located in the neighboring strips.
e.g. If I draw connectivity for a Serine system from a hCCH-COSY.
The anchors of the strips in this system are:
The strips contain the following spins:
strip 1 HA/CA: CA, CB
strip 2 HB2/CB: CA, CB
strip 3 HB3/CB: CA, CB
Draw connectivity algorithm:
1) draws a vertical line between CA and CB in each strip.
2) draws a horizontal line from CA in strip 1 to right edge.
(because strip 2 contains a CA)
3) draws a horizontal line from CA in strip 2 to left edge (because strip 1 contains a CA)
4) draws a horizontal line from CA in strip 2 to right edge (because strip 3 contains a CA)
5) draws a horizontal line from CA in strip 3 to left edge (because strip 2 contains a CA).
The same procedure would be applied to all the other labels in the strips (e.g. CB in this case).
Note that this is not the same as the "draw sequential connectivity" (which is currently named "add link").
Because "draw sequential connectivity always draws a line only in one direction (to left for CA-1 and to right for CA).
8 years and 5 months and 2 weeks and 3 days old
in the LUA API, the command
Project:setLinkParams( SpinLink, Spectrum | nil, rating, code )
ignores the parameters 'rating' and 'visibility'.
I.e. after setting 'rating', 'code', and 'visibility' to new values with this function, only 'code' is changed.
8 years and 5 months and 9 days old
This appears to be fixed in version
It would be useful to have commands
SpinLink:setCode( number [code] )
SpinLink:setRating( number [rating] )
SpinLink:setVisi( Spectrum, boolean [visibility] )
So I am not forced to read in and write out all parameters every time I want to change just one.
Cara crashes occasionally during "SD" set depth command.
Occured as follows:
Window appears displaying old SD value.
Enter a new value into keyboard.
Hit RETURN key.
CARA pauses for a few seconds, then crashes hard.
8 years and 5 months and 1 week old
I could not reproduce this (tried only on Windows). PolyScope "hide 3D slices" does not refresh the 3D slice window.
Some part of the slice dissapears but the rest remains.
click somewhere in the Plane at the location of the Plane Cursor.
or refresh the window (e.g. by iconizing and reexpanding)
8 years and 5 months and 1 week old
RC1.1.2.4 PolyScope "Edit Attributes" is missing the options
"Horizontal Spin"
"Vertical Spin"
"Horizontal System"
"Vertical System"
in the Strip Menu & Strip context menu.
"Edit Attribute" is available which only allows editing of the spins attribute.
Also True for:
8 years and 5 months and 6 days old
RC1.1.2.4 PrintPreview
Useability Suggestion:
Switching from Portrait to Landscape in PrintPreview could also switch the orientation of "Paper Format" to "Landscape".
Took me some time to realize that the reason PrintPreview was writing out postscript files with the left and right edges cut off was because the Paper Format remained "Portrait" although the View option in PrintPreview was set to Landscape.
8 years and 5 months and 5 days old
At least on Windows the paper format is appropriately changed. Seems also to be a Linux problem. PrintPreview
Print to File creates Postscript with some problems.
Landscape Format Postscript files of PrintPreview plots which are opened with AdobeIllustrator have the Labels and Ruler Numbers rotated by 90 deg. in orientation relative to the Spectrum.
This problem is new. It did not occur in the version of Cara used by D.Perez in March to prepare a StripShow. (Version not known, but it must be one of the March versions or earlier).
This problem is not observed if the Postscript file is opened with PostScript Previewer program Ghostview.
Convert the Postscript file to PDF format using Adobe Distiller and then open the PDF in AdobeIllustrator.
8 years and 5 months and 4 days old
Could be a Linux problem. Did you also try on Windows?
RC1.1.2.4 All Scopes.
When "Show Unlabeled" is turned off, then
when Pick Spin or Pick Label is used to create an unlabeled spin, CARA creates TWO spins at the same chemical shift.
Tested and observed in PolyScope & StripScope.
turn on "Show Unlabeled" if you want to create unlabeled spins wit "pick spin" and "pick label".
8 years and 4 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
RC StripScope
Sort anchors alphabetically by D1 label within a System in StripScope.
LEU system:
This corresponds to the order seen in the SystemList.
Note that the "Select Spin-Tuple Dialog" (e.g. when using "gr" in PolyScope) also shows a non-systematic ordering. This should also be ordered in the same way.
8 years and 4 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
It is possible to "pick spin" with "show inferred" off in PolyScope Strip.
This means that a spin is picked but not displayed.
A somewhat confusing behaviour.
This option could be turned off if "show inferred" is off.
However this makes the following common USE CASE" quite inefficient.
Picking "?" peaks in NOESY strips for structure calculation with DYANA/CANDID (without the transposed peak appearing).
To pick a NOESY peak in PolyScope without the corresponding transposed peak appearing in the spectrum, the following strategy is used:
1) pick a spin (spin A) in the strip at the position of the NOE peak.
2) "propose spin" and select the spin A.
It is efficient to have "show inferred" off, since in this mode, only peaks are displayed which should be exported as a NOESY peaklist.
If I have to turn on "show inferred" everytime I want to pick a spin, then create a spinlink to it, then turn off "show inferred" to see only the spinlinks, this will quickly become frustrating.
Improve useability (two options)
Option I. (elegant version)
1) "Pick Spin" is only available when "show inferred" is on, and picks a spin with label "?". (Currently it is redundant to "Pick Label")
2) "Pick Label" is always available and does not include the label "?" in its list.
3) Introduce a new command in the context menu of StripScope
which creates a new spin with label "?" in the selected system and a spinlink between it and the anchor spin "Create Spin+Link"
This takes care of the above Use Case nicely.
The user leaves "show inferred" off/"show spinlinks" on.
The picked peak is visible because a spinlink is created between it and the anchor spin.
Option II. (Simpler alternative):
If the user creates a spin which is not displayed (because an option is set so that it is not shown) then report this in the status line
"New Spin 19053 created, but not shown because of View settings".
8 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Cara crashed hard during
turning off "strips-show unlabeled" in polyscope.
Segmentation fault /home/damberge/CARA/EXE/cara_1.1.3_linux
sorry, this happens intermittantly. I can't describe the conditions to reproduce it.
8 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
I cannot reproduce this with linux version 1.1.6.
(it was intermittant in linux 1.1.3)
Export of strip peaklist from PolyScope generates peaks which are not displayed in the strips when "show unlabeled" is ON, "show inferred" is OFF, and "show spinlinks" is ON.
Peaklists exported from PolyScope should be "what you see is what you get".
The most common settings for exporting strip peaklists from NOESY spectra are
"strips-show inferred" OFF
"strips-show spinlinks" ON
With these settings the "strips-show unlabeled" ON does not affect the display of any spinlinks in the strip. However additional peaks are exported to monoscope when it is ON.
Theses peaks are apparently derived from "show inferred ON" + "show unlabeled ON" but they do not belong in the exported peak lists since "strips-show inferred" is OFF!
It may be logical to change the behaviour of "show unlabeled" so that it effects the display of spinlinks to unlabeled spins.
if "strips-show spinlinks" is ON,
turning "strips-show unlabeled" OFF, causes spinlinks to unlabeled spins to NOT be displayed in the strip AND to NOT be exported to peaklists.
turning "strips-show unlabeled" ON causes spinlinks to unlabeled spins to be displayed in the strip AND to be exported to peaklists.
8 years and 4 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
The width of the middle strip window in SyncroScope can't be changed by zooming in with shift+ctrl+left-mouse click.
It only works for the right strip window.
Cara release
8 years and 4 months and 13 days old
Hi Juergen
The visible width of the strip is changed by the command "Set Peak Width.." and the Width Factor (set by WF). Zooming into a strip only affects the "free" dimension (i.e. Y in SynchroScope). But there is still an open issue according the peak width in SynchroScope, which will be fixed in the next release. Workaround is to set the width in StripScope (which indirectly also affects SynchroScope) or to work with PolyScope (which is essentially a super set of SynchroScope).
RC1.1.3 PolyScope
A new navigation feature to quickly find the anchor to a given spin from the Strip Spin.
Double-click on a Spin in the Strip:
PolyScope moves the plane cursor onto the anchor pair involving the selected Spin and loads the corresponding Strip.
I opened HSQC13C with PolyScope. Selected 3D 13C NOESY in the Strip window.
I have selected the anchor pair M53 HA/CA in the HSQC13C plane.
Now I double-click the HG2 spin of M53 in the strip.
PolyScope moves the cursor in the plane onto the anchor pair HG2/CG and loads the strip from this anchor.
This would be extremely efficient to navigate through the 3D. Currently, the user has to scroll down to the system M53 in the SystemList, expand the System of M53, and double-click on the anchor spin HG2. Or the user has to type in "gr 53" and select the corresponding anchor pair and hit OK.
8 years and 4 months and 12 days old
RC1.1.3 PolyScope/StripScope/SystemScope
option to draw a frequency line at the position of the cursor in the strip (horizontally). This frequency line would be persistent. Until erased by the user. It could be thin and light yellow.
I.e. if the user changed to another system, the strip would still display the frequency line at this position. An arbitrary number of frequency lines could be drawn.
"fl" draw frequency line at position of cursor in strip.
"el" erase frequency line at position of the cursor (within a tolerance range).
If two lines are found within the tolerence, the nearest one is erased.
This could be very useful for distinguishing NOEs to water from other things, or for looking for strips which have NOEs to a particular set of chemical shifts.
It would be particularly useful to be able to give the lines a color or a label, but this can wait.
8 years and 4 months and 12 days old
RC1.1.3 Terminal Window. Widen the script names window.
In the Terminal Pane of Cara-explorer, the panel for ScriptNames is not wide enough to read long script names.
Either make the Panel width adjustable, allow scrolling, or increase the width so long names can be read.
Also please make the Rename function keep the text from the original name. This way if I have a Script:
and want to rename it to
I don't have to type in the entire name again.
8 years and 4 months and 11 days old
The window is scrollable (Ijust noticed), but it would still be useful if the width were adjustable.
I get the following error in trying to start CARA in Fedora core 1:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any hope?
8 years and 4 months and 10 days old
Hi Linda
The library you mentioned is usually installed together with the operating system. The only case known to me where it was missing was a previous Solaris version. You can solve the problem by either copy the corresponding library (compiled for your os/processor) to the shared library directory or install gcc (gnu C compiler) with a version >= 2.9.5. Hope this helps.
See also the page Is the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to the correct directory?
Thank you Rochus,
It was the first issue. Somehow I left the library out in the installation. All is set now and Cara is doing well.
RC1.1.4 PolyScope Overlay Layers
currently each layer spectrum has separately adjustable contour parameters (or autogain value AG).
In some use cases it would be useful to synchronize these values for all spectra loaded into a layer.
if "Synch layer contours" is on then changing the contour parameters of one layer would change the contour parameters of all other spectra in the remaining layers to the same values.
if "Synch layer autogain" is ON then changing the "AG" value would change the autogain value for all other spectra in the remaining layers to the same value.
e.g. "AG 3" would change autogain value to 3 for all spectra loaded into a layer.
8 years and 4 months and 1 week old
Done in
There are three new commands:
CF..Contour Factor (float, [layer|"*"] )
CT..Contour Threshold (float, [layer|"*"] )
CO..Contour Option ( "+"|"-"|"*", [layer|"*"] )
The "*" means "all layers". If you leafe out the second param, a dialog box opens where you can select the layer.
AG..Auto Gain was changed to accept an optional second parameter (as above).
CT switches AutoContour off, AG switches it on, the other commands have no influence.
RC1.1.4 PrintPreview
Introduce an option to transfer the overlay layer colors to the PrintPreview instance from the same Scope.
after spending some time setting up the overlay colors for a series of spectra, I start PrintPreview to create a nice figure.
Now I have to repeat the whole procedure since PrintPreview does not take the colors from the Parent Scope.
It would be nice to have an menu item
"View-Get Contour Colors fr/Scope"
which transfers the current contour colors from the Scope.
(In the sense of what you see is what you get)
8 years and 4 months and 1 week old
We discussed this.
You indicated that its feasible to transfer the colors at the timepoint when PrintPreview is started. They can also be written out to a .set file.
It is easy to go from a Ppm value to an index value
Buffer:getIndex( PpmValue )
however there is no function to do the reverse:
Buffer:getPpm( IndexValue )
Could you introduce such a function?
8 years and 4 months and 6 days old
RC1.1.4.1 Cara-Explorer Spin-pane
if i sort from low to high ppm values, cara sorts negative values to bottom of list, but these should occur at the top of the list. This is an old problem, not yet solved
(i can't remember what issue number, but its in the tracker somewhere)
8 years and 4 months and 5 days old
Export Anchor PeakList to MonoScope not possible.
I cannot export an anchor Peaklist to MonoScope from PolyScope.
I would also like to be able to export all anchor peaklists from a batch of spectra to monoscope with aliases defined for each spectrum.
Current Use Case:
After positioning all systems in Plane of PolyScope, I want to export the data to MonoScope for integration in batch mode.
I cannot do the integration in PolyScope, and am forced to recontruct the aliases in peaks within MonoScope.
I must export the anchor peaklist manually for each spectrum , then open MonoScope with the first spectrum, and then switch to each spectrum in the batch, each time importing the corresponding peaklist as aliases.
8 years and 4 months old
Actually even this strategy does not work.
After opening the spectrum 1 with MonoScope,
I create a batchlist with the remaining spectra.
I load the peaklist for spectrum 1.
The batchlist dissapears and only one spectrum can be selected.
If I redefine the batchlist, and switch to spectrum 2, then read in the corresponding peaklist 2 I have the same problem.
MonoScope works with a single peaklist and batchlist. Each peak has alias positions in the individual spectra.
However there is no way to directly transfer spin aliases from a set of 2D spectra in PolyScope to the alias positions for the corresponding peaks in a batchlist of the same spectra opened with Monoscope.
Either it should be possible to export a batch of spectra with their peak aliases defined to monoscope, or it should be possible to integrate directly in PolyScope. In the later case, the question is where to store the amplitudes?
Currently, 1D spectra cannot be read into Cara without modifying the parameter XDIM in the procs file. This seems to have nothing to do with the actual datasize. The following considerations may allow the problem to be eliminated.
Bruker allows Spectral regions to be cut out of the total spectrum during processing.
The total number of datapoints is FTSIZE.(e.g. 4096). After cutting the region of interest out, only the region corresponding to datapoints 128 to 512 might remain. The cut region is specified by the two parameters STSR (starting sample point counting from left) and STSI (the total number of consecutive datapoints kept).
E.g. if I apply an FT with 4096 sample points and then use STSR = 128 and STSI = 384, then I will keep the sample points 128 to 512 of the originally transformed data.
To get the right referencing for 1D Bruker data, the following parameters must be extracted from the procs file in the subdirectory containing the 1r and 1i files:
the number of points in the original spectrum after FT.
The starting position in sample points for the final spectrum.
The width of the spectrum in sample points in the final spectrum.
E.g. If FTSIZE = 4096, there where 4096 sample points in the original spectrum after FT.
If STSR = 100, the first sample point in the spectrum after "cutting out" the region of interest was the 100th.
If STSI = 1024, the spectrum after cutting is 1024 points wide and the last sample point is 100+1024.
Additional important parameters to correctly determine the ppm (or Hz) scale:
SW_p = the range of the cut spectrum in Hz.
If SW_p = 325 Hz, then the range of the cut (final) spectrum is 325 Hz.
SF = the frequency of the spectrometer.
If SF = 500.13, then the spectrometer is 500.13 MHz.
This means that the range of the cut spectrum in Ppm can be calculated as follows:
SW_p / SF = width of ppm range.
Ppm value of first sample point in cut spectrum must be calculated from the parameter
OFFSET = Ppm value of first sample point in the original uncut spectrum.
if OFFSET = 12.75, then the first sample point after the FT is at 12.75ppm.
The distance in ppm between consecutive sample points is:
STSI / ( SW_p / SF )
Therefore the Ppm value of the first sample point after cutting the spectrum is:
OFFSET - STSR * ( STSI/ ( SW_p / SF ) )
With these parameters, the 1D can therefore be properly scaled in ppm:
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
Its unclear to me why Cara can handle cut spectra that are multidimensional (e.g. 2D and 3D spectra; 2rr & 3rrr files) but cannot read in 1D files. The cutting is done in the same way and documented in the procs files with the same format.
After reading extensively in the Processing Reference Manual I conclude that submatrices are only used for 2D and higher dimensional spectra but not for 1D data. Why the parameter is still included in the procs file is not clear. It appears to have no meaning.
It seems that the relevant parameter to determine the number of datapoints is STSI and that the data are NOT written in a submatrix format, but rather in a sequential foramt.
After reading extensively in the Processing Reference Manual I conclude that submatrices are only used for 2D and higher dimensional spectra but not for 1D data. Why the parameter is still included in the procs file is not clear. It appears to have no meaning.
It seems that the relevant parameter to determine the number of datapoints is STSI and that the 1D data are NOT written in a submatrix format, but rather in a sequential format.
RC1.1.4.1 PolyScope (possibly other scopes?)
If I set any of the Folding values to "NO" in the NEASY param file, Cara crashes as soon as i display a folded part of the spectrum.
I set folding = "NO" so that I don't get confused about folded data which is not expected. E.g. usually in the direct dimension, there is no folding due to the digital filter on modern spectrometers. When I display a folded region in such a dimension, I don't want to see signals in the folded part of that dimension.
Autocontour averages over the entire displayed spectral region even if a large part is folded region and no contours are displayed there.
If show folded is OFF, then Cara lowers the threshhold because the folded part of the display has an average intensity of ZERO). Consequently, the real data is shown with a much too low threshold.
Please do not use the folded region to scale the threshhold for autocontour when there is no folded intensity displayed (e.g. when "show folded" is OFF, or when the Folding parameter = "NO").
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Text to screen during the CRASH:
cara_1.1.4.1_linux: Buffer.cpp:383: void Spec::Buffer::insert(const Spec::Buffer &, const Root::Cube &): Assertion `buf.getDimCount() == wo.size()' failed.
Abort (core dumped)
I propose the use of labels in spectrum files to uniquely map the spectrum onto its type.
Currently, only the first letter of the dimension labels are used to help map to spectrum type.
the dimension IDs are read in as H,H, and C.
This still leaves ambiguity about the mapping of the two H dimensions. Which one is the Hnoe dimension, and therefore belongs along the strip axis?
In XEASY format the labels are stored in the param file with the key "Identifier for dimension...".
If my param file looks like:
Identifier for dimension w1 ... Hinept
Identifier for dimension w2 ... Cinept
Identifier for dimension w3 ... Htocsy
Then Hinept, Cinept, and Htocsy appear in the Cara-Spectrum Explorer under the column "ID".
However, Cara gets the orientation wrong. The TOCSY axis in a HCcH-TOCSY is the direct dimension. This has the highest resolution and so Cara guesses that it should be along D1. But the TOCSY dimension should be along D2.
If Cara would try to map the entire ID onto the corresponding axis Labels in the spectrum type, then the mapping would be unique and Cara would get the orientation right if the user properly edited the param file.
The same thing could be done in the procs files for Bruker Data.
Here one could either introduce a new parameter into the procs files
##$DIMID= <Htocsy>
or use the currently defined NUC parameter to hold the label:
##$NUC= <Htocsy>
I don't know if these modifications to the procs files can create any problems for the Xwinnmr program, so maybe it would be more intelligent to have a separate file located in the experiment directory titled "caraparams"
with contents like
<dim params='procs' nuc='H' name='Htocsy'>
<dim params='proc2s' nuc='C' name='Cinept'>
<dim params='proc3s' nuc='H' name='Hinept'>
Here the relationship between the Bruker params and the expected name and nucleus type are clearly stated in XML format.
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
The "projected" spins of the preceding residue are not displayed in spectra like CBCA(CO)NH, H(CCO)NH, (H)C(CO)NH etc..
If the preceding residue has been assigned, the program should automatically display these shifts instead of CB-1, CA-1...
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
RC1.1.4.1 SliceScope
new option: Synch to Global Zoom.
If Synch to Global Zoom is on, the X-dim range is synchronized with X-dim for all other "Global-Zoom"-synched scopes.
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks old
RC1.1.4.2 SliceScope
calibration of 1D spectra:
Make two methods available:
1) Calibrate To Value
Place cursor in spectrum at desired position.
- Context-Menu (Calibrate-To Value)
This sets the Ppm value at the cursor position to a value defined by the user in a dialog box (default value = 0)
This is the typical method to calibrate against a reference substance with a known chemical shift (usually defined as 0)
2) Calibration vs Spin
- Context-Menu (Calibrate-To Spin)
This sets the Ppm value of the cursor position to be equal to that of the selected spin.
Place cursor at the position where the Spins signal appears in the 1D spectrum.
Select "Calibrate - To Spin"
enter the Spins ID number in the dialog box.
(In the future, it would be nice to be able to display a selected group of spins positions in the spectrum* and then select one these spin positions to calibrate (same procedure as for nD spectra).
* possibly a vertical line along the bottom of the window with a label for the spin below it - analog to the "+" symbol used to display spin position in 2D spectra.
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks old
RC1.1.4.2 SliceScope
This is a Proposal for how to display Spins effectively in SliceScope.
Displaying ALL 1H spins on a 1D spectrum would cause too much overlap (thousands of spins in a typical Protein)
Therefore a method to Select a smaller group of Spins would be a useful. These could be displayed without too much overlap.
A simple method would be to add Spins from the SpinList to a new object "SpinGroup". The object could be selected for display in the place of individual spins.
E.g. In the SliceScope Menu "View" add a Submenu: "Show SpinGroup".
The user enters the name of (or selects from a list) the SpinGroup.
SpinGroups could be defined by a new menu item in the SpinList window: "Create SpinGroup".
To add Spins to the SpinGroup, the user would click on the relevant Spin in the SpinList and Select the new context menu in the SpinList window: "Add to SpinGroup"
(a dialog menu with the available SpinGroups would be displayed and the user chooses one).
A more primitive list entry method:
In the SpinList pane add context menu item "Edit SpinGroup".
1) The User gets a dialog where he selects one of the SpinGroups.
2) The user sees a list of Spins in the SpinGroup and can add a new member(menu "Add Spin") (just typing in the SpinID).
Display of Spins on a 1D spectrum.
A vertical line appears below the spectrum at the position of the Spin. Below the line the label is displayed.
These labels (or the vertical lines) can be made selectable in the same way that the "+" symbols in nD spectra are selectable.
Then all of the usual options can be included. (Move Spin, Move Alias, Calibrate to Spin, Delete Spin etc.)
8 years and 3 months and 3 weeks old
At the moment I'm using PolyScope, with "Show list" enabled, to pick the spin systems of my protein.
If I want to delete a whole system I used the "Delete" option in the right mouse button context menu.
The result is that the system gets deleted without renumbering the upfollowing systems.
So I tried the "Eat system" option to see if there is a difference.
But after executing this command I get the following error message: "One of the spins in the source system is not acceptable by the target system!"?
8 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
Hi Jürgen
A spin system automatically gets its ID from CARA. This ID will never change during the life cycle of the system. There is no way yet to change this ID (i.e. the use case is not obvious) besides to do the change directly in the CARA file (which might be dangerous).
The "eat system" feature is used to merge the "system to eat" into the selected system. You will usually do this with "systems" you found in a HSQC which later turn out to be the side chains of an already existing system. Since CARA demands systems to contain unique spin labels, you first have to remove double spin labels from the "system to eat" (i.e. double HN/N) bevore eating.
Hope this helps.
An old related issue.
Usually the System to be Eaten was identified based on the match of some spin labels and their chemical shifts.
E.g. HD21 & HD22 in a NOESY strip and in the HSQC ND2/HD21 and ND2/HD22 correlations. Therefore in almost all situations where "Eat System" is used, the user is forced to manually remove the Spins from one of the Systems. This is tedious. How about including a dialog which displays the duplicated spins and asking the user whether the duplicated spins from the eaten system should be removed. This would save some work.
Selection dialog for eat system still pending as of 1.2.3.
In StripScope after assigning spin systems to a residue, the labels and little crosses for the i-1 (e.g. CA-1) peaks disappear. Is there a way to display them even for the assigned residues?
8 years and 3 months and 2 weeks and 6 days old
They should not disappear. Which View settings did you use? You should certainly enable "Show inferred".
View settings are as follows, activated (in StripScope View Menue) are:
Auto Contour Level
Show Neighbour Spins
Show Spin Links
Show Infered Peaks
Show Ghost Peaks
Show Rulers
Center to Peak
Select Strips > All Strips
Do Pathway Simulation > Strip Peaks
Show Labels > Main Label & Sys./Resi.
Actually this issue is referring to the fact that Cara does not infer the spin positions from neighbor systems at the instance level of the sequence and residue (rather it uses residuetype and generic residue).
Therefore much information must be duplicated in the spin list and Cara does not automatically show the correct inferred peaks for spectra like CC(CO)NH. You have to trick it by creating duplicate spins, redefining the SpectrumType to end at N+1,HN+1.
These are not very elegant workarounds:
1) You have to duplicate spins (projected spins) for every newly created spin manually (it is not dynamic like other aspects of peak inference).
2) If you delete the link between the spin systems, the projected spins do not dissapear but remain as fossils (a consequence of the static approach with projected spins).
This issue comes up again and again from different users. As long as Cara does not infer the peaks when a sequential link is made on the instance level, the problem will persist. PolyScope
Spinlinks are not visible in strip.
If I try to assign them, Cara says the link exists.
If I check the visibility with "Set Link Params", the visibility is on. If I reselect the visibility checkbox, then the SpinLink is displayed in the strip.
8 years and 3 months and 6 days old
What happens if you - instead of reselecting visibility checkbox - reselect another and then the same spin system again or select another spectrum?
The spinlink is not displayed after these manipulations. Interestingly, the spinlink symbol o-o is displayed in the spinlist.
Cara has only one file pointer. This creates problems for Unix, Linux users since they place files in different locations.
E.g. Spectra are in one directory.
Lua scripts in another directory.
Cara repositories in another directory.
This is often a sensible division, since Lua scripts may be in a general location accessible to different users.
Spectra take up a lot of space and are often on partitions which are less frequently backed up etc.
Cara has only one location where it looks for files.
This is problematic if different file types are in different locations.
E.g. if I load a lua script, and then try to save the repository, cara says the repository is not available, and I have to select the location of the directory with repository all over again.
It would be nice to have the possibility to use several pointers for different file types in different locations.
8 years and 3 months and 6 days old
The Issue Urgency should be changed to "High". Unfortunately, IssueTracker does not allow for the possibility to change the Urgency of an Issue!
Still wishing for this.
I suppose that most Linux and Unix users are also inconvenienced. And anyone working in a university/corporate environment where data files are stored in different locations from the repository and lua files.
Get the Default settings from the parent Scope
- spectral range
- label format
There is no way to get the default settings for a PrintPreview from the parent scope. This makes "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" work with PrintPreview impossible (it always gets the Settings from the values set by the user).
WYSIWYG is however a very efficient way to set up a plot.
Some potential ways to achieve this:
option in PrintPreview "WYSIWYG"
With this option turned on, any new PrintPreview that is opened gets the Label format, Ppm range from the Scope.
8 years and 3 months and 3 days old
PrintPreview from StripScope:
include the option to set the Ppm range in PrintPreview for Strip Plots.
Ofcourse only the range along the Y-axis would be adjustable.
X-axis range being fixed.
8 years and 3 months and 3 days old
allow "Set Ppm range" for Strips in PrintPreview. PrintPreview:
The constant scale option:
When I change the Ppm range the scale of the plot is unchanged. I.e. the width of a 1ppm line on the resulting plot is the same as before the change.
This means that the size of the plot would be adjusted in points to reflect the new Ppm range.
This would be very useful for creating plots of adjacent regions for publications.
8 years and 3 months and 3 days old
The difference between "constant scale option" and the use of "Ctrl-Click-Drag" in the PrintPreview is that in the "constant scale option" the new region does not have to have the same size as the old region (where as for Ctrl-Click-Drag this is the case - the ppm range does not change).
"constant scale option ensures that the ppm per TWIP is constant! Therefore changing the Ppm range necessarily changes the size of the plot region.
The above follow-up has an error:
The last line should read:
"constant scale option" ensures that the ppm per mm is constant."
The mm can be adjusted with "set frame size".
Currently it is tedious to adjust a plot to have the same ppm/mm scale. I have to calculate the scaling factor manually for both dimensions. Then calculate the change in the frame size manually for both dimensions.
The feature would make it easier to paste together adjacent plot regions with constant scale. PrintPreview:
The label lines going from the spin label to the peak are not always desirable.
Please include an option to turn these lines on/off.
"Show Label line"
8 years and 3 months and 3 days old
Allow the "Set Ppm Range" dialog for Strips in PrintPreview.
Wrong Issue.
For this one, the following follow-up:
When I "set Label Angle", i see a line from the label to the spin. Please include an option to turn the display of this line on and off. PrintPreview:
When I set the Ruler Font size to < 7 (e.g. size 4) Helvetica,
there is no change in the displayed PrintPreview window (even after I refresh the screen), however when I print to file, I see very small fonts (apparrently size 4).
Additional strange behaviour,
When I open the "Set Ruler Font" dialog again,
the FontSize is still given as 7, even though
the printer is obviously printing size 4.
I am happy to be able to print the small fonts, but it would be nice if the PrintPreview display also showed size 4 fonts. Moreover, not seeing the actually set size in the "Set Ruler Font" dialog is confusing.
8 years and 3 months and 2 days old Cara-Explorer ResidueTypes
Please expand the "Rename Type" dialog available in the context menu when viewing ResidueTypes in the Cara-Explorer to allow also the "Short" name and "Letter" abbreviation for a ResidueType to be edited.
The K+, R+, E-, D-, H+ result in long abbreviations in the Labels. I'd like to redefine them to be: K,R,E,D,H to reduce overlap of labels. (Also the + and - symbols are often not displayed in routine applications).
I don't know if Cara insists that all Letter abbreviations are unique
(e.g. maybe CARA does not allow the following name, short, letter combination for ResidueTypes:
but it would certainly help the present situation if I could define them with the same Letter abbreviations.
8 years and 3 months and 2 days old
In the above Issue, the example with ARG and ARG+ should read:
Note that in this case both ResidueTypes have the same one letter abbreviation "R".
In some situations spin labels are positioned so that they are cut off making them hard or impossible to read.
I am talking about systematic problems (e.g. all Labels are cut off at the right edge in StripScope because they are positioned to the right of the "+" symbol).
This can be avoided by introducing a "Label Offset" into the Scopes similar to the label offset in PrintPreview as well as a "Label Angle". Alternatively, there could be a vertical and a horizontal offset. It may be easier to adjust than the current approach with Offset and Angle.
Note: The Systematic Problems occur most often in StripScope, because of the shape of the Strips. So maybe it would be easiest to adjust the vertical and horizontal position of the labels in units of "Peak width" since these are the natural units of the Strips (independent of PPM range).
Finally the center of the label should be used to define the position, not the left edge (or first letter). Otherwise long labels (e.g. HG21 K+112) are cutoff while short labels (HN L8) are not.
8 years and 3 months and 2 days old PrintPreview
crosses "+" are not displayed at the peaks/spin positions in PrintPreview. Please add an option to "Show Spin Symbol"
to turn ON/OFF the display of "+" symbol.
Note: in PrintPreview I don't see a reason to display alias symbols "x" for aliased spins. But others may see it differently.
Actually I am for the solution of allowing Alias display to be turned ON/OFF in both Scopes and in PrintPreview, but thats another story.
8 years and 3 months and 2 days old
"+" appears when label offset = 0.
What if I want labels with offset position, no "Spin line", and "+" symbol at spin position?
This is currently not possible.
I have to manually remove all spin lines using Illustr. or the like. very tedious. PrintPreview
When I execute PrintPreview a second time, sometimes the color of the frame changes.
Workaround: read the .set file in again, or reset Frame Line Color.
8 years and 3 months and 2 days old
Folding parameters for spectra (RSH, TPPI...) cannot be set within CARA. They are defined in the spectrum file (XEASY: .param)
However sometimes I would like to change these values from a running instance of CARA.
Current workaround: Edit the param file and "replace spectrum"
in CARA-Spectrum-Explorer.
This workaround does not work for Bruker spectra because there is no parameter used by CARA to defined the folding.
The Bruker Parameter MC2 can take on values 0-5 representing
However, it cannot be set to a value indicating that no folding should occur. Bruker recognizes only the numbers 0-5.
Thus it is not possible to control the folding behaviour for bruker spectra.
For this reason I support the following solution:
each dimension of a spectrum has a folding parameter which can be set by the user.
8 years and 3 months old PrintPreview:
PrintPreview ignores the setting of "show folded".
It ALWAYS displays folded peaks independent of the folding setting.
PrintPreview should display folded peaks only if "Show folded"
is turned ON.
8 years and 3 months old
CARA doesn't save the repository properly. After having created a new repository from template (Start1.1.cara), directly saving the repository results in a file of only 16.5k (see attachment), it appears that cara does not write out the repository completely. Moreover, the linux version (in contrast to the windows-version) crashes by trying to write the repository.
Reloading the written, 16.5k file results in an parsing error.
CARA, however, works fine.
8 years and 2 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Hi Thomas, I could reproduce it. Sorry for inconvenience. If possible, stay on You can expect a fix for next week.
PS: from which group are you?
thanks for NEASY which does not present the "pseudocolor problem as XEASY. However some useful commands have disappeared such as "zg"(zoom geometry) and "ud"(up down mode). Is there any chance to get them in NEASY?
I greatly appreciate cara!
Thanks to the team
8 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 5 days old
Hi Adrien, thanks for your praise which we appreciate. Since NEASY is just a partial emulation of XEASY, not all commands are supported. I made the decicions according to a survey at our group in 2000. Only the more important commands survived. The purpose of NEASY is just to be backward compatible and give users an incentive to use CARA. All my energy goes into the new concepts and it is therefore unlikely that I will extend NEASY.
Thanks for your response concerning NEASY future.
I have a second question concerning CARA: I can select the labels of all inferred peaks, of all spin links or both of them.
How can I select in homosope the labels corresponding to one (or several) residue as with the command "sp" of NEASY-XEASY?
last question: when RADAR will be available?
'Merci beaucoup'
RC1.1.4.3 SliceScope
The following actions ALWAYS cause a hard crash of CARA with the following error message to the console:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
How to cause crash:
1) Start SliceScope with a 1D.
2) Right-click to open the context window.
3) Without selecting an option, click in the SliceScope window.
The third action might typically be done, if the user changes his/her mind and wants to cancel the context menu.
The user is in far a hard shock. Cara crashes without warning.
8 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 4 days old
I should say that the crash only occurs if step (3) is done as follows:
click with the left mouse button in the spectrum display part of the SliceScope window.
No crash occurs if one clicks with the right mouse button in the spectrum display.
No crash occurs if one clicks with the left mouse button on the menu bar at top.
Additional CRASH action:
1) Select any menu item from the top menu bar with a left mouse click. Now the submenus should be visible.
2) click with the left mouse button anywhere else in the display EXCEPT on one of the submenu items.
CARA crashes hard.
In homoscope, I can only select the labels corresponding to inferred peaks ot to spin links. I would like select the labels corresponding to one (or several)residue or to a family of residue as with the command 'sp' of NESY-XEASY. Is it in your future plan to offer this possibility?
Second question: when RADAR will be available to external users?
8 years and 2 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
We plan to offer a possibility to only show a subset of the spins in any Scope. The user can define, store and select these subsets. The user will be able to create custom subsets by a Lua script. Since I'm quite busy at the moment implementing other features, this will take a few month.
A selection tool is one of the major tools which is still missing. It is possible to write LUA scripts to select spins or systems, but there is no way to see what is selected in the spectra or to show it in the spinlist. Also, selection of spins is such a common procedure that in many cases it would be inefficient to have to write a LUA script to do it.
Something simple like "sp" is needed to select e.g. all HN spins, or all Alanines etc. These selections should be visible in the spectra and in the spinlist. It should be possible to manipulate the selected objects. (E.g. delete system, spin, add attribute etc.)
Hi guys,
What is the intended method for peak picking/centering when using CARA? There is no automated peak centering feature as far as I can tell, such as a three-point interpolation across the top of peaks (as found in software such as Sparky). Is the general idea to use the slice windows for the centering of every individual peak in a 3D spectrum? Also, is there a way of picking more than one system at a time (like the in-phase peak pick used in XEASY)?
8 years and 2 months and 4 days old
Hi Haydyn,
there is currently no automated peak centering implemented, assuming that you mean that when you pick a new peak the position of the "+" is automatically adjusted to be at the locl maximum by 3-point interpolation. The intended method of peak-picking with Cara is to adjust the peak position by looking at the slice windows (or centering by eye on the contour).
There is an option under View menu "Center to Peak". This has the effect that when you click near a peak symbol "+", the cursor is adjusted to be exactly on the center of the symbol. But I think this is not what you are asking about.
Finally regarding "In-phase peak-picking" in NEASY.
There is no automated routine for peak-picking in Cara.
In the process of resonance assignment using Cara, "picking a peak" actually picks a system (which means two spins like N and HN in an HSQC15N). The idea is to use SynchroScope or PolyScope to simultaneously pick spins in the third "strip" dimension. If you are picking an HNCA and HNCACB, e.g. you need to pick both CA, CA-1, CB, CB-1 spins. Automated peak-picking "brute-force" would not save you much time therefore since you still must go back and pick and label all the spins in the third dimension.
if necessary you can write a peak-picker script using LUA, Cara's scripting language. Cara has available LUA commands to access the raw data of a spectrum and to create any objects (such as peaks or spins) that you wish. See the LUA scripts page:
esp. the script GetSliceFrom1D.lua
for an example of how to access the data.
Fred Damberger
When using the stripscope for backbone assignment, CARA (1.1.8) consistently crashes when attempting to pick a new spin ("PI"). Everything seems to work fine when using the "Pick spin" option from the pull-down menu, but typing "PI" has crashed the program every time.
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
I have the same problem in PolyScope (Ver.
When I try to pick a peak in the Strip window using "pi", CARA crashes hard.
Introduce option to move/copy spectra between projects.
E.g. In project1 I have a 3D 15N-resolved NOESY.
I would like to "copy" it into project2 so that it appears in that projects spectra list.
Currently I am forced to load the spectrum again. For 3D's this takes about a minute and is unnecessary since the same intensity scale values are determined which are already stored elsewhere in the project.
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
Introduce the possibility to Calibrate Strips in StripScope (this would only affect the vertical axis dimension).
Found under "Strips-Calibrate"
7 years and 11 months and 4 weeks old
BMRB import does not work for all the files I have downloaded from the PDB (I abbreviated the file to contain only the sequence definition and the chemical shift assignment loops before reading it in).
The problem is due to the definition NAME for two columns in the chemical shift assignment loop.
Cara expects:
BMRB files look like:
Line 1 should read "_Atom_shift_assign_ID" not "_Chem_shift_list_number".
Line 8 should read "_Chem_shift_ambiguity_code" not
Edit these two lines to change the names to what CARA expects.
Note that it would be best if CARA could also read the entire BMRB .str file and find the relevant information (chemical shift and sequence).
The star files are located at
I attach an example Star file (BmPBPA)
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Was the "_Chem_shift_list_number" an error in my examples (I have four BMRB entries which look like this) or is there more than one valid alternative?
I checked a half dozen bmrb.str files (early and recent entries). All of them use "_Atom_shift_assign_ID".
I do not know where you are getting your BMRB files, but they do not appear to be standard format.
The format using "_Chem_shift_list_number" and "_Chem_shift_ambiguity_type" comes from DYANA.
To export data from DYANA to BMRB format the following commands are executed:
dyana> read dyanalib
dyana> read seq PBPA
dyana> read prot PBPA
dyana> translate on
dyana> bmrblist PBPA
dyana> quit
This writes out a file "PBPA.bmrb" which has the loop definition:
It seems that DYANA/CYANA should be updated to reflect the nmr-star format, but it would probably be best for the time being if CARA accepts both formats.
BMRB import does not work for all the files I have downloaded from the BMRB (I abbreviated the file to contain only the sequence definition and the chemical shift assignment loops before reading it in).
The problem is due to the definition NAME for two columns in the chemical shift assignment loop.
Cara expects:
BMRB files look like:
Line 1 should read "_Atom_shift_assign_ID" not "_Chem_shift_list_number".
Line 8 should read "_Chem_shift_ambiguity_code" not
Edit these two lines to change the names to what CARA expects.
Note that it would be best if CARA could also read the entire BMRB .str file and find the relevant information (chemical shift and sequence).
The star files are located at
I attach an example Star file (for BmPBPA)
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
Cara can't handle some star files because they include the authors numbering for the sequence (in addition to a strict numbering starting from 1)
Cara expects:
Some BMRB files have:
1 -22 GLY 2 -21 HIS 3 -20 HIS 4 -19 HIS 5 -18 HIS
Note that the names of the items in each entry of the list always occur as a header to each list (started with _loop)
In this case the header contains:
Therefore each entry consists of three items.
1) _Residue_seq_code numbered sequentially from 1,
2) _Residue_author_seq_code numbered the way the authors thought must appropriate (e.g. Prions often numbered starting from 121)
3) _Residue_label the ResidueType associated with each entry.
Cara should either:
a) recognize that item 1 in the entry is the _Residue_seq_code, ignore item 2, read item 3 (ResidueType)
b) give user the option to read either the _Residue_seq_code or the _Residue_author_seq_code for numbering the sequence.
Chemical shifts statistics are collected at the BioMagResBank and regularly updated. It would be nice to have an import function to update the shifts used in a CARA repository. To do this, CARA will have to be able to read the format BMRB uses to store this data.
I attach a file which shows the current statistics from BMRB.
A typical line looks like:
ALA HA H 4641 1.92 6.31 4.27 0.42
The data are ordered as follows:
ResidueType, Label, AtomType, Number of Entries used, Minimum Shift observed, Maximum Shift observed, Average Shift, Standard Deviation
To import this data into an existing repository, the ResidueType and Label names must match.
Please see the Issue
which describes differences between BMRB and CARA nomenclature for Atoms within residues.
Currently it is possible to export and import the statistics for individual ResidueTypes from a repository. It would be useful to import and export all ResidueTypes at once (or possibly select the ones to export).
BMRB import for all residues in a statistics file would be desirable.
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 6 days old
The cursor starts at the left edge of the ppm range for dimension D1. However all additional dimensions D2, D3, D4... start with a ppm value of 0.00.
The cursor should also start at the left edge of the ppm range for these dimensions.
E.g. when I open a 3D HNCA with MonoScope and execute "View-Goto"
Dim X(H). 0.000 [11.6820 - 4.6810 ppm]
Dim Y(C). 0.000 [70.6630 - 40.5397 ppm]
Dim Z(N)..130.6 [130.6390 - 103.2308 ppm]
I see no data because Dim X = 0 and Dim Y = 0.
The same problem occurs with 4D experiments.
It might be desirable to include a button in the Goto dialog to "center" the cursor. With this button selected, the default starting value for the cursor would be the center of each ppm range. This way the user would always see some data when (s)he starts a new MonoScope window.
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 1 day old
Import from stat files imports the values in column "standard deviation" to be the value of "dev" in the ResidueTypes.
The standard template "Start1.1.cara" contains values for "dev" which are the standard deviations multiplied by 4. I manually calculated these at the time.
BMRB standard deviation = 0.44 ppm
Start1.1.cara dev = 1.76 ppm
This is to cover the typical range of values observed statistically.
At this point I propose a change in the way "dev" is interpreted.
The value "dev" could be made equal to the standard deviation from the BMRB (this seems the most natural assumption a user would make when (s)he sees the entry "dev" in the ResidueType window.
There would be no need to change the way stat files are imported.
An additional parameter which multiplies the "dev" value to determine the actual range used by Cara for the fuzzy logic decision: "is the spin in the range expected".
Call the new parameter DevFactor in analogy with "WidthFactor" for strip width.
The standard value for this parameter is 4. This would cause Cara to continue to work as it did before with the deviations read in from a BMRB stat file.
7 years and 11 months and 3 weeks old
Starting from 1.2.3 you can run a script changing the values using ResidueType:setValue (or as before Project:setValue). But keep in mind that a change to the ResidueType has an influence to all projects which might not be what you want. That's why I only allowed project scoped changes before. For the same reason I don't like to have a global parameter which changes the interpretation of values.
With uxnmr-to-xeasy you convert 2rr files into x.3D.16 and x.3D.param files. With CARA you can do the same conversion but you obtain x.16 and x.param files.
Neasy cannot read these files when you type "ns" because the expected file type is x.3D.param. This could be corrected by suppression of " .3D" at the bottom of the "NEASY file open window".
A second remark: to obtain the 2D spectrum in the right order, you have to invert the permutation number for w1 and w2 in the "param file". Otherwise your spectrum will appear inverted.
best regards, Adrien
7 years and 11 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
Please use version 1.2, where the first problem is corrected. With the second point you have to take care that it is not enough to just flip w1 and w2, but each of the other dimension parameters has also to be flipped, otherwise you get a wrong ppm and resolution mapping.
Add a keyboard shortcut "ma" for "move alias" like in all the other scopes.
7 years and 11 months and 1 week old
Ver.1.2 MonoScope
"Integrator-Show Peak Curve" cannot handle negative peaks.
I don't see any signal line for the curve.
The range of the intensity should be used to determine the range of the plot. A line at zero intensity in grey should indicate the horizontal axis.
7 years and 11 months and 1 week old
My newyears wish number 1:
Synch depth (or option to turn on/off synch for each of the 3 dimensions independently).
Synch depth would force all MonoScopes to sychronize the depth cursor position.
Use Cases:
- comparing two spectra (e.g. two different processing variants)
- looking for related peaks in two spectra
- intensity variations in two 3D NOESYs with different mixing time.
Currently the workaround is to select "View-Goto" and enter manually the shift that I have noted down from the other spectrum. This is tedious and often defeats the purpose.
7 years and 11 months and 5 days old
New Years wish number 2.
Ver.1.2 general
Allow different file classes to have different default directories. We are not all working with Windows, and we don't all like to put every file into a single directory (or we don't have the choice).
*.peaks, *.seq, *.prot
*.rel *.bmrb, *.str
Bruker files have a multiple subdirectory structure and cannot be placed in the same directory with *.cara etc.
Moreover backup systems often require that automatically generated data (such as spectra and structures) are in a different location from manually generated data (such as a repository).
It is inconvenient to have to everytime navigate through the directories in order to "save" the repository (this should be easy to do and almost reflexive).
7 years and 11 months and 5 days old
This is the same issue as
It is a frequent and annoying problem with CARA users on Linux, Unix, or cases where more than one user is working with the same files (like LUA scripts, spectra).
Because it is a repetition of the previous issue I reject it (even though I wrote it)
However, due to the frequency of the problem which lowers productivity and the fact that it causes the user to be lax in backing up his project (because it is so tedious to do), I increase the priority of the Issue #0373 to high.
There are some experiments which give the number of "similar neighbors" attached to a given spin.
This information could be included in the CARA model to support assignment.
CT-13Cali-HSQC where JCC one-bond coupling has evolved for 1/2J.
In this experiment
Every 1H-13Cali signal has a sign which is determined by the number of 13Cali neighbors of the 13Cali in question.
O or 2 13Cali attached: Sign +
1 or 3 13Cali attached: Sign -
Note that only neighbors with the same "range" are counted,
where as other 13C neighbors such as 13C(carbonyl) or 13C(aromatic) are not.
Suggested Implementation:
Add an additional parameter for each step "CT". When this is selected, the experiment includes a Constant-Time "CT" step which causes the sign to change depending on the number of attached similar neighbors.
Include new "neighbor" parameters which record the number of neighbors with particular properties:
<spin id='23' ...>
<neighbor id='1' neighborAtomType='C' neighborRange=5-75 neighborNumber='Even'>
means there are an even number of 13C spins attached to the spin in question with ppm range 5-75.
The range is obtained from the SpectrumType "mean" and "dev".
The expected sign of a peak is determined by multiplying the sign factors (-1)^neighborNumber of the spins together. The sign could be represented by two different symbols or two different colors.
When I pick a spin with the CT-13Cali-HSQC displayed, the sign of the signal is used to set the neighbor parameters.
The available labels are then restricted to only spins with the correct number of neighbors. E.g. If the signal has a negative sign "CA" and "CG" of "GLU" appear, but "CB" does not because "CB" has two 13Cali neighbors in "GLU".
7 years and 11 months and 3 days old
In some spectra, the sign of the folded signals are different from the unfolded signals (in some dimensions)
Signals on the edge of such a spectrum dimension change sign and are distorted. (Intensity is hard to determine) This is because on one side of the border the signal is positive, and on the other side it is negative.
Include a parameter for each spectral dimension which determines whether the signals change sign at the border or not. This will avoid the distortion.
E.g. If the "flip" parameter is ON, at every border the sign changes. E.g. At the border between the original spectral region and the first folded region, the signals change sign. At the next border (2*sw) they change sign again. If "flip" is OFF this does not occur.
Note that this behavior is independent of the parameter "fold" so you cannot simply take it up into the "fold" parameter. "Fold" determines whether the signals Alias or Fold into the spectrum, not what sign they have when folded/aliased.
7 years and 11 months and 3 days old
"View Goto..." exists currently only in MonoScope.
It would be useful to have the equivalent commands in other scopes.
In HomoScope it could work exactly like in MonoScope.
However for the other scopes another approach would be better:
Each Slice window should have its own local context menu "goto" or better still a small text subwindow within the slice window where the current chemical shift of the cursor is displayed. The user could then change the cursor position by entering a new number.
Each Plane can also have a context menu "Goto...". This would work like the already existing one in MonoScope except that it would be available as a right-click context menu from the mouse.
In StripScope, the slice window would have a "Goto..." context menu.
7 years and 11 months and 1 day old
After importing a peaklist from NEASY (attached, both the one “accepted” in HomoScope and the one “not”) into MonoScope and saving the peaklist, only sometimes the peaklist was loaded in HomoScope.
Should I somehow change the peaklist format in NEASY so that it is further “accepted” in Cara for Homoscope? I could not find any difference between the processing form of both (the accepted and the not accepted form) of the peaklists.
7 years and 10 months and 4 weeks and 1 day old
I am not completely clear on what you mean by "accepted in HomoScope".
Cara provides the facility to import peaklists for backwards compatibility to NEASY and to communicate with other programs using peaklists like CANDID within DYANA. A peaklist can ONLY be imported from MonoScope. Sometimes the peaklist is imported with the incorrect orientation with respect to the displayed spectrum in MonoScope. In such a case you may not see any peaks displayed in the spectral region. If you display the peaklist with "sl" and double-click on a peak in the list, CARA should place the cursor on a real peak in the spectrum display. You can correct the dimension order by using the "Peaks-Rotate PeakList" menu item in MonoScope or you can help CARA get the orientation right by giving the Spectrum the same names for dimension identifier "Identifier for dimension w1 ... N" in the XEASY "param" file, as the dimension names which appear at the top of the peaklist "#INAME 1 N".
Peaklists for MonoScope / Peak Inference for other Scopes
HomoScope does not display the contents of a PeakList. HomoScope and all other Scopes besides MonoScope use an algorithm called "peak inference" to predict the positions of crosspeaks based on the assigned chemical shifts in the SpinList. For example if you display an HSQC15N with HomoScope, CARA will display a peak when a system exists which contains two spins with labels "HN" and "N".
Therefore the peaks you see in MonoScope correspond to peak positions, whereas the peaks you see in all other Scopes (like HomoScope) correspond to pairs or triples of spin positions. You will not see any peaks in HomoScope if no spins are assigned in the project. You cannot "import peaks into HomoScope".
Import Alias Shifts
There is one thing you can do with peaklists that influences the position of inferred peaks in HomoScope and relatives: In MonoScope you can "Peaks-Import Alias Shifts". This will create alias positions for spins in the spectrum which is currently displayed by MonoScope using their chemical shifts in the currently loaded peaklist. It means that the spin chemical shifts used to calculate inferred peaks are different for this spectrum than for all other spectra. For assignment projects this is not advised since it uncouples the spin position in this spectrum from their position in the remaining spectra of the project.
However, it can be useful in other types of projects like a series of spectra measured during a titration. If you are switching from NEASY to CARA, and have such a project, importing alias positions from a series of peaklists for each spectrum might be quite handy.
I hope this helps you solve your problems with importing peaklists. F.Damberger
MonoScope (CARA 1.2)
If I Select "Peaks-Update Amplitudes" without having a peaklist loaded, then CARA crashes hard.
It may seem illogical to do this but new users are often trying things you might not expect. It is frustrating to them to have CARA crash and this bug should be eliminated.
CARA should give an error message: "No Peaklist is available" instead of crashing.
F.Damberger & S. Hornemann
7 years and 10 months and 4 weeks old
This problem does not occur in 1.2.1.
This error occurs only in 1.2.1a3 (not 1.2). I only tested it for the Linux version. It also only occurs for one spectrum located in one location, but not when I put the same spectrum in a different location (this is a workaround)
Error on reading in Repository / Incorrect Spectrum Path parsing
gives the following error:
Cannot open parameter file:
Note that this path is incorrect. The "D" just before "procs" does not belong there and I don't know where Cara 1.2.1a3_linux is getting it.
I hit the [Discard] Button.
Error occurs again:
(the error is repeated with exactly the same spectrum because this spectrum occurs in two different projects. I hit [Discard] a second time.
Aside on separate Issue:
This means that Cara is loading some spectra several times - it seems to me that you could save some time by reprogramming CARA to load each spectrum only once even if it occurs in several projects)
The interesting result:
After discarding this one spectrum from both projects, Cara opens the repository. When I check for this spectrum, in the two projects, it is missing from project 1, but it is present in the project 2!
In project 2, the location has been correctly parsed from the repository:
Moreover, Cara can open this spectrum and display it without any problems.
This error does not occur in cara_1.2_linux. In the 1.2 version, no error occurs during opening of the repository and the spectrum appears with the correct path in both projects.
Additional related Error in cara_1.2.1a3_linux:
When I try to add the spectrum to the project 1, Cara gives me exactly the same error message as when it was loading the repository:
Error adding 2rr: Cannot open parameter file:
This error occurs for all projects.
Strangely I am able to Add other datasets to projects without encountering the error. I am even able to add the "problem" dataset if I copy it to another location.
I tried to "induce" the error by creating a dataset with an exceptionally long path:
but Cara had no trouble adding this spectrum and displaying it.
Therefore, the problem has something to do with the path not the content of the directory but it is not the length of the path that is the problem.
All very mysterious...
Relevant section of Repository (order of projects as it appears in repository)
<spectrum type='hsqc13Cali' id='49' name='NEWHSQC13C' path='/home/damberge/EDT/EDTRecombined/HSQC13C/HSQC13Cnew/14/pdata/1/2rr'>
<level pmax='3245772.250000' pnoise='13758.400391' nmax='-302406.343750' nnoise='-3654.329590' thres='1758.400024'/>
<cal dim='0' off='0.088519' width='0.000000'/>
<cal dim='1' off='6.235562' width='0.000000'/>
<spectrum type='hsqc13Cali' id='2' name='HSQC13CNEW' path='/home/damberge/EDT/EDTRecombined/HSQC13C/HSQC13Cnew/14/pdata/1/2rr'>
<level pmax='3245772.250000' pnoise='13758.400391' nmax='-302406.343750' nnoise='-3654.329590' thres='13758.400391'/>
<cal dim='0' off='0.089000' width='0.000000'/>
<cal dim='1' off='6.236000' width='0.000000'/>
7 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Hard Crash: Only in Version 1.2.1a3
PolyScope, HomoScope
How to reproduce crash:
1) Open HSQC15N with PolyScope and select 3D spectrum in Strip.
2) Display the SpinList Pane (e.g. with "sl")
3) SpinList Pane: Expand a system by clicking on the puzzle piece.
4) SpinList Pane: Expand any spin with a SpinLinks by clicking on the arrowbox.
This will cause the crash.
Notice that before CARA crashes, it expands the Spin and shows flag symbols for the linked spins
It does not display the SpinLink symbols!
In CARA 1.2 the SpinLink symbol "o-o" is displayed and no crash occurs. It is also possible to navigate in the 3D in CARA 1.2 which is ofcourse impossible in CARA 1.2.1a3.
This Bug is critical (it prevents many important tasks and should be given priority in developing 1.2.1a3.)
Use CARA 1.2.
7 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Crash can also be caused in the Cara-Explorer System Pane:
Select the System Pane.
Expand a System by clicking on its puzzle piece.
Expand a spin in the system to display the SpinLinks.
After a few seconds a crash occurs:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This crash still occurs in version 1.2.1a4_linux
I only tried it in Cara-Explorer System Pane (expanded a spin to show its links).
Version affected: 1.2.1a3
PolyScope, HomoScope, SynchroScope (probably all)
That status line where text appears when the user types a keyboard shortcut has some buffer problems.
If I enter text which is not a command then problems start.
I cannot erase all the text (only the first character is erased by the "delete" key.
If I click in the spectrum the text on the status line dissapears, however
If I try to enter a new command only the first letter that I enter appears.
The keyboard shortcuts are thus effectively blocked.
Close the Scope and start a new Scope instance.
Urgency is high because keyboard shortcuts are used frequently and are often much more efficient than using the menu.
7 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Version: 1.2.1a3
SystemScope, StripScope, HomoScope
How to cause crash in SystemScope:
1) Open a 3D with SystemScope.
2) Select a System and double-click an anchor.
3) Orthogonal-Set Tolerence: change to something e.g. 1.0
Nothing happens
4) Now click in either the Slice or Strip Window.
5) Orthogonal-Set Tolerence: change to something e.g. 0.5
After you hit Return,
CARA crashes hard.
How to cause crash in StripScope:
1) open a 3D with StripScope
2) "Strips-Set Spin Tolerence": Change to something e.g. 0.04
Nothing happens
3) Click in the Strip or slice window.
4) "Strips-Set Spin Tolerence": Change to something e.g. 0.05
After Clicking OK, CARA crashes hard.
How to cause crash in HomoScope
1) open 2D with HomoScope
2) Picking-Set Vertical Tolerence: change to some value
Nothing happens
3) Click in spectrum window
4) Picking-Set Vertical Tolerence: change to some value
After several seconds, CARA crashes hard.
PolyScope does not crash when I "Strips-Set Spin Tolerence".
7 years and 10 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
Still occurs for SystemScope in version 1.2.1a4_linux
I did not test it in other scopes.
This problem appears to be solved in 1.2.1.
I have tried to make a project file by reading a brmb file. However, cara was running forever. I would be really grateful to have an instruction for doing it.
Thank you.
7 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 2 days old
Seems to only occur in the 1.2.1 alpha release. I will take care of it. Please use release 1.2 to do the import.
Hi Rochus
I got a problem with folded spectra which were processed in nmrPipe. Cara seems to be not able to handle it.
Thank you always.
7 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and 1 day old
I have solved the problem after looking the issue which was submitted by Fred. Thanks
During the assignment procedure, I have picked all the NH peaks, and also the CA and CB. Now I started picking peaks form th HNCO and HBHACONH, but CARA reads the peaks as C-1 and does not automatically read to the sequence for the complete backbone assignment.
How do I make CARA to read the CO values according to the sequence?
similarly for the side chain assigments, what modifications has to be done, so that CARA takes the values automatically as we pick the peaks?
awating for your response
thanking you
7 years and 10 months and 3 days old
Hi Sridhar
The path simulation and peak inference of the current versions of CARA bases on the concept of "projected spins", i.e. spins belonging to the prospected neighbour spin systems, recognizable by the -1 (or whatever) offset. The inference according to the effective neighbour spin systems is a planned feature (see our roadmap). Up to then please use the corresponding Lua scripts available in the Wiki which transfer original to prospected spins an vice versa.
An example for the HNCO:
You picked the C-1 peaks for each H-N system of an HNCO. This means that each system has a spin with label "C-1" in it. E.g. If the system "10" is in a strip fragment and the sequential predecessor system (i-1) is known (say system "22"), and system 22 does not contain the spin "C" (the CO spin), you may want to copy the spin "C-1" of system 10 to a new spin "C" of system 22. This really only makes sense if you have assigned the fragment in the sequence. You can run the script "CopyProjectedSpinsToOriginalSystem.lua"; included as attachment (I hope).
Use the settings "C-1" for the spin label, and "-1" for the offset.
The workaround LUA script is now available on the WIKI at
Spurious peaks (which have coordinates from far appart in the spectrum) appear at unexpected positions when zooming "very close" into a spectrum e. g. in homoscope. Probably a problem of some rounding operations in the spectrum engine. The spurious peaks can not be selected.
7 years and 10 months and 1 day old
In a 15N resolved 2D NOESY, where one dimension is 15N and the other is 1Hnoe I could not get the H-H spin links shown by CARA. I tried different experiment procedure definitions. The real magnetization path is: (H)->N->(H)-NOE-H. Unobserved chemical shifts are in brackets.
7 years and 10 months and 1 day old
Could you send me your *.cara file? I will have a look at your spectrum type.
This should work:
N(D2)-(hops1)-H-(hops -1)-H(D1)
This is a problem with the way CARA determines which peaks to display based on spinlinks.
Cara apparently is simply taking the two spins involved in the spinlink and showing a peak in the spectrum at their respective coordinates. Therefore Veniamin only sees peaks in his 2D 15N-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY if he creates a spinlink from an N(D2) to an H(D1).
This is not really pathway simulation.
What Cara should do :
ExperimentProcedure N(D2)-(hops=1)->H-(hops=-1)->H(D1)
Do a pathway simulation starting at all N spins and determine the set of all H spins that are one bond away (hops=1)
Starting from this set of H spins, look in the spinlink list for all spinlinks connecting this set of H spins to any other spins (hops=-1)
First set includes : N spin 1034
(hops=1 to H spins)
Second set includes H spin 1035
(hops=-1 to H spins)
Spinlink list includes the following spinlink:
H 1035 - H 1044
Third set includes H spin 1044
Cara displays a peak at the coordinates
D2: N 1034
D1: H 1044
Would it be possible to have version 1.2 for SGI Irix 6.5, too?
7 years and 10 months old
Please include ESC option for terminal window to interrupt a running script.
I am loosing a lot of time while programming a larger LUA script because I have nested loops which write out too much text. (It takes very long to write it all out and usually the buffer fills so that CARA becomes unusable). Then I loose the changes I made to the script and have to start over.
7 years and 9 months and 4 weeks old
The function <export easy spectrum> (in Monoscope) doesn't work properly:
1. The dimensions are in the wrong order in the easy format (that's the minor problem).
2. Most of the peaks have exactly identical peak intensities in the easy format (that really sucks...). That's probably due to a over compression of the spectrum.
7 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 4 days old
This appears to be the same problem as described in the issue:
(That data exported to XEASY format have too few discrete intensity values).
I experience a hard crash every time in releases 1.2.x, if I click in the spin list in any of the scopes on a spin's arrow symbol to expand the list of spin links attached to it. My repository file is attached. You will need any 2D spectrum for testing.
7 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
After some extensive testing I found a condition which causes the crash.
Only if the Spin has two spinlinks does a crash occur.
If there is only one spinlink it does not occur.
How to cause crash:
Take any project with NO spinlinks.
Display the spinlist.
Select a spin.
Create a spinlink.
Expand it (nothing happens)
Close the spinlink again.
Select the same spin
Create a second spinlink.
Expand the spinlinks (CARA crashes hard)
This is a show-stopper for Veniamin and anyone else working with spinlinks using 1.2.2.
Felix files can be read in 1.2.2.
However, the standard extension ".mat" which Felix gives the spectrum files is not recognized.
You have to rename them to have a file extension ".felix"
Unfortunately Felix does not let you change the extension for spectrum files. Windows also makes it difficult or impossible. The workaround for this which is tedious: Copy the file to a unix or linux machine and change the extension there and then copy it back to windows machine.
Proposed solution:
Simplest: Change the extension for felix files to ".mat"
Elegant: Introduce a translation table from format to file-extension. This would be available for editing under the "Cara-Explorer-Settings". It affects the Open Spectrum dialog. The user selects the format (e.g. Felix) and the selection window displays the files matching the corresponding file-extensions.
The translation-table is simply a table of Formats and the corresponding file extensions which is stored in the repository. E.g.:
This Issue is high priority since it makes it easy for Felix users to start working with Cara.
7 years and 9 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
Couldn't get matchResidue call to work properly in Lua. Seems to return an integer. Manual says it should return a table. Maybe I'm not using it properly. Also, I could use a description of the methodology to score a fragment (use of weighting factors, etc.) I need this info to complete automated assignment program. Is there a matchFragment subroutine that I can access?
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 2 days old
The function officially returns five values: the fitness value, the number of contributing spins, the number of zero spins, flag "excluded" and flag "assigned" (not as a table). Unfortunately I told Lua there are only three return values, so you probably see only the last three, sorry. I will fix that in 1.0RC9.
I defined EditProcedure for a 3D 15N NOESY as follows:
Hnoe D2 HOPS=0
This resulted in no observed peaks in StripScope
(e.g. diagonal peaks: HN-HN-N were missing)
However, if I reversed the order of the procedure, the peaks were visible:
Hnoe D1 HOPS=-1
To me this assymetric result is unexpected. In fact it is wrong, if one proposes such an experiment, the result is the same using NMR spectrometer, but CARA shows no peaks for one case, whereas they are visible in the other.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
This is the expected behaviour, since the -1 is a "joker" to bypass the molecule-query for the given step but using all concretely available spins of the corresponding atom type. Because the query is executed at residue type and not residue level, the -1 cannot render a result. You therefore cannot use -1 as an intermediary process step. Set the hop-count to a very large number instead (i.e. 999).
Seems to be clear now. In 1.0.4 I also added a new constraint rule stating that the dimensions referenced by a procedure step must have the same atom type as the step. This was not checked before an allowed people to define spectrum types with contradictionary dimension and procedure definitions which led to confusion in rotating and mapping spectra.
When displaying Intensity and Contour Plots of the same spectrum, the intensity plot seems to be shifted downward by half a delta. I noticed the bug in MonoScope. It can be best noticed in spectra with a low resolution in w2, i.e. a large distance between rows.
The slices are also aligned with Contours, not the Intensity. This is probably intended.
Geri noticed this bug and declared it highly important and so on. It would probably be important to fix it ASAP.
8 years and 11 months and 3 weeks and 5 days old
This is already known (since 3 years). I tried to fix it but yet without success. I stopped the investigations because a repair would cause very much work and nobody seems to use intensity plots than for overview (where the problem doesn't occur). The problem seems to be in the image library of Qt which does a round off error when scaling (I have to scale the image when zooming into the spectrum). The problem increases with the zoom factor.
This doesn't seem to be important since there where no complaints within the last three years (I mentioned the problem in an earlier readme file). The problem is only visible when zooming intensity plots, but nobody would do this because one cannot recognize anything. I will take care of this problem later when there is time left. It will be necessary to replace the bitmap engine, because this is a round off problem of Qt when zooming.