Roadmap 2005  
The following new features and developments are planned for 2005:
Target Feature Description
Q1/R 1.3 New NOE assignment concept CARA will make use of the new export information available with RADAR. There will probably be a new kind of "spin peak list" associated with NOESY spectra being able to capture all important RADAR cycle assignment information (replacing the current link alias approach).
The new memory management strategy will already be implemented with this release (not only in 1.4), because I want to avoid to develop two variations of CARA in parallel.
Q2/R 1.4 Structure and other information We will expand the information model of CARA to incorporate also multiple chains, molecule families and structure information. This will ease the integration with structure calculation algorithms and also allow to develop new optimization and inference strategies incorporating the whole chain from peak picking to structure calculation.
Q3/ R 1.5 Instance based peak inference CARA will use the spins of the real neighbours for peak inference as soon as they are known. Today, peak inference is based on the current spin system (containing
real and projected spins), the generic residue spin system at positions i-1 and i+1, and the corresponding spectrum and residue types.
R 2.0
New User Interface A new dynamic user interface, consisting of NAF components glued together by Lua code. The users will be able to customize and build their own scopes glueing components together. The current scopes will be re-implemented using this new concept. This release will also make use of the new features (graphics enginge, printing, MVC) to be expected in Qt4.
R 2.1
New Workbench The new user interface concept will allow for new features like persistent window configurations, docking views etc. comparable to the Eclipse workbench (but faster and leaner than a Java implementation of course ;-) ).


Updated roadmap: GUI refactoring was kicked out in favor of the re-desing of the CARA GUI layer, which has already started in March and makes use of Qt4 beta. The new GUI will be developed in parallel to 1.4 and 1.5, but only be released in Q4. You can expect preview releases to be available in Q3.

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