Rochus Keller, Christy Rani R Grace, Roland
(2006): Fast multidimensional NMR
spectroscopy by spin-state selective
off-resonance decoupling (SITAR).
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.
2006 Jul 6;44(S1):196-205.
James E Masse, Rochus Keller, Konstantin
Pervushin (2006): SideLink: Automated
side-chain assignment of biopolymers from
NMR data by
simulated logic.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 2006
Jul;181(1):45-67. Epub 2006 Apr 24.
Masse, James & Keller, Rochus (2005):
AutoLink: Automated sequential resonance
assignment of biopolymers from NMR data by
simulated logic
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 174
(2005) 133-151. Received 12 October 2004.
Revised 15 December 2004.
Keller, Rochus
(2004/2005): Optimizing the Process of Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Analysis and
Computer Aided Resonance Assignment
dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich)
for the degree of Doctor of Natural
Sciences. Diss. ETH Nr. 15947. The online version can be
downloaded from
Keller, Rochus (2004): The Computer Aided
Resonance Assignment Tutorial
ISBN 3-85600-112-3, first edition. The online
version can be downloaded from
Keller, R.,
Güntert, P. & Wüthrich, K. (2004):
Integrator, a new Algorithm for Automated
NMR Peak Integration
Keller, R.,
Bettendorff, P., Damberger, F. & Wüthrich,
K. (2004): Simulation of Magnetization
Pathways and Peak Inference in the new NMR
Resonance Assignment Package CARA
Poster Presentation at the 5. D-BIOL
Symposium Davos 2004. Download from
Rochus (2003): The CARA/Lua Programmers
Internal document NMR.014, DATONAL AG.
Download from
Keller, R. &
Wüthrich, K. (2002): A New Software for the
Analysis of Protein NMR Spectra
Poster Presentation at the 4.
D-BIOL Symposium Davos 2002.
Download from
here. |